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Curriculum Vitae

Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Practice, Faculty Member
NILADRI CHAKRABORTI Plot Number 1365/3, Unit-4 Sastri Nagar, Bhubaneswar -751001 Mobile: +91- 9438014198 E-mail: niladri.chak76@ gmail.com Skype : niladri.pappun PROFILE SYNOPSIS  WASH expert with more than 12 years’ experience of working with national and international NGOs viz. Population Foundation of India, Water For People, CARE,   corporates like Medica Synergy Pvt. Ltd and IPE Global Ltd. Designed and managed large scale WASH projects in different geo hydrological regions and rural, peri-urban and urban set up Experienced in Technical Assistance(TA) project to departments like Housing & Urban Development( for implementation NUHM), Rural Development( for SBM- Rural); Health      & Family Welfare(NRHM & NUHM) ; from various states Having successful track record of developing program implementation plan for health and WASH for States and City Extensive experience in slum mapping, listing, household survey , vulnerability assessment and city mapping (GIS) Played key role in city demonstration ( at Bhubaneswar) and up scaling of best practices ( at Rourkela) under USAID supported Health of The Urban Poor Program(HUP) Equipped with project documentation skills including report for donors, Govt, presentations, poster presentation ,photography Worked extensively in states like West Bengal, Tripura, Sikkim, Bihar and Odisha FUNCTIONAL AREAS OVER THE YEARS WASH- project planning, management and evaluation   Guiding, coordination and managing teams of multidisciplinary and socio-technical background for implementing WASH program in different geo hydrological regions Facilitated development of City urban health and WASH plan for Bhubaneswar city Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com [1]          Facilitating installation of new water sources and renovation of defunct water sources (hand pump, sanitary well) at West Bengal and Odisha in both urban and rural areas Facilitating installation of surface water treatment plant in different hydrological regions. Facilitating construction of rain water harvesting structure at schools in rural and peri urban areas Intensive water quality monitoring and surveillance in rural and urban communities and schools by leveraging support from PHE laboratory or using JalaTara field test kit Mapping of water sources with Akvo FLOW to track service level bench mark Promotion of safe water handling (from collection to storage) and point of use (PoU) treatment at community level. Community capacity building on WASH at emergency as per SPHERE hand book. Technical assistance to Health & Family Welfare department for developing training manual on PoU for its frontline worker under National Urban Health Mission Led the Sanitary Survey of drinking water sources and syndromic surveillance for water borne and water based vector borne diseases in urban slums for Public Health      Engineering Department and Municipal Corporation Hospital, Bhubaneswar WASH facility assessment at urban anganwadi centers Facilitating formation of 172 women peer groups in slums and their capacity building on WASH. Led the establishment of linkages between those women peer groups and PHE so that defunct water sources at slum level can be repaired by calling toll free help line of PHE Intensive promotion of lifesaving hygiene practices viz. hand washing in five critical times and menstruation hygiene among urban and rural community using various media Led the formation of Ward Kalyan Samity(WKS) – a ward level forum where service providers from health, WASH and nutrition and service seekers can interact directly and  plan for their respective ward Capacity building of various stakeholders including community, civil societies, Mahila Argya Samity, ULBs, health front line workers, junior engineers from district water   sanitation mission, staff of development partners on various aspects of WASH Collaboration with different govt. departments, development partners for substantial leveraging of resources Technical support to Sachh Bharat Mission (Rural) in demand generation for toilet construction and usage through Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach in the state of Odisha Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 2  Facilitating installation of arsenic , fluoride, iron removal filters in community and schools with technical support from Bengal Engineering and Science University   ,Shibpur(BESUS) in different districts of West Bengal Facilitating establishment of community /school driven operation and maintenance system of arsenic/ fluoride filters Facilitating capacity building of Jalabandhu (Water mechanics) in remote rural areas for regular maintenance of India mark II, Tara direct action pump, Force lift pump and     succession pump. Facilitating installation of small scale pipe water supply in collaboration with Pradan, IIT Kharagpur and Gram Vikas Facilitating rehabilitation of WASH services at islands of Sundarban post Aila cyclone in 2009 Facilitating development of compendium of toilet design suitable for different part of Odisha for Odisha State Water Sanitation Mission Facilitating improvement of supply chain management in the arena of sanitation through establishment of local SHG/ cooperative owned and managed “sani-mart” at West      Bengal and Odisha Facilitating installation of various models of toilets including eco-san as a basket of choice based on different socio-economy, culture and ground water table. Facilitating sanitation as business model through WSHG groups Facilitation of school WASH in around 250 schools(2008-2011) leveraging resources from Total Sanitation Campaign(TSC), Sarva Sikshya Abiyan Facilitation of development of framework for domestic solid and liquid waste disposal for rural Odisha for Odisha Sate Water Sanitation Mission Dissemination of best practices of WASH at states and national forum Urban Health –city demonstration and scaling up      Mapping of the civil society organizations, which are working in the Health, WaterSanitation and Nutrition sectors in the City Capacity building of NGO partners to improve health of the urban poor Facilitation slum mapping, listing and periodical household survey on RMNCH+A and WASH indicators Facilitating formation of women peer groups in slums and their capacity building on maternal and child health, nutrition Mother and child tracking through partner NGOs for intensifying ANC and PNC checkups, breast feeding , immunization, birth spacing and supplementary nutrition Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 3     Promotion of health and its two determinants nutrition and WASH through various IEC/ BCC events. Evidence generation though various study and documentation of best practices Capacity building of various stakeholders on urban health Handholding support to City Program Management Unit (CPMU) of Rourkela City in community process, UHND micro-plan preparation, capacity development of City Health Society; development of GIS based urban health map ; vulnerability assessment of the slums Health Program implementation Plan (PIP)     Facilitated PIP development for the state of Sikkim under National Rural Health Mission for the year 2008-2009 Facilitated PIP development for Nalanda district, Bihar under National Rural Health Mission for the year 2008-2009 Facilitated development of ICDS IV program implementation plan for 15 high burden districts of Bihar , 2008-2009 Support State NUHM Cell , Odisha in developing PIP (2014-2015), Various guidelines, training module, ToR etc. for smoother rolling out of NUHM Disease Control Program      Managing information system to support community based DOTS program Monthly progress report preparation and submission to donor Comparative statement preparation of various district on case detection and cure rate Conducting cross- sectional studies to know case detection, treatment compliance, relapse case and causal factors associated with them Preparing case studies, anecdotes and presenting them in different forums. Bio-medical waste management    Capacity building of Medical Officers and front line health workers on Bio-Medical waste management in the states of Tripura and district Hospital, Puri, Odisha Conducting baseline study (Infrastructure and waste audit, Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Assessment. Preparing comprehensive plan of implementation for bio-medical waste management Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 4 DETAILED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Organization IPE GLOBAL Ltd Sector WASH Duration Designation November 2015State Program June 2016 Coordinator-WASH Project: Orissa Health Sector Nutrition Plan - WASH Program, supported by DFID , UK Responsibilities:  Extending techno-managerial support to different district team in WASH intervention  Partnership management  Support in M & E through web based MIS system  Program Documentation  Capacity building of the program team Organization Population Foundation of India Sector Duration Designation Urban February 2012NGO-CBO Coordinator Health & September 2015 WASH Project: Health of the Urban Poor program(HUP) supported by USAID Responsibilities:  Mapping of the civil society organizations, which are working in the Health, WaterSanitation and Nutrition sectors in the City  Understand the work of the NGO and scope of their project  Extending supportive supervision to team of each NGO  Monitor and Evaluate the performance of NGO’s partners on regular basis  Create long term growth plan with the NGOs for their Organization development and improving sector specific outcome indicators  Capacity building of NGO partners to improve health of the urban poor  Evidence generation though various study and documentation of best practices Organization Sector Duration Designation Water for PeopleWASH September2008Senior Programme India January2012 Officer Project: Community and School Based Integrated Water , Sanitation and Hygiene(WASH) Program Responsibilities:    Support the Water For People – India NGO partners in developing and strengthening quality programme in alignment with Water For People Global and India strategy and approach to ensure the reduction of water and sanitation related diseases and realization of water and sanitation rights and entitlement. Extend managerial support to down line programme officers Ensure effective implementation of planned programmes and monitor efficient Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 5     utilization of financials. Develop the capacities of Water For People – India partner’s NGO staffs in identified areas through training along with internal and external resource agencies. Responsible for fund management, project proposal development and getting approvals, project implementation, participate in financial program audits, coordinate program implementation/review meeting between country office and partners. Represent, facilitate and network for advocacy on water, sanitation and hygiene in appropriate forums. Contribute to develop policies, guidelines, technical notes to improve the program quality. . Organization Sector Public Health Medica Synergie Pvt. Ltd. Duration Designation June2007August2008 Associate Consultant ( Public Health) Project: Comprehensive Bio-Medical waste Management system for the state of Tripura for seventy four PHCs Responsibilities:  Capacity building of Medical Officers and Staff Nurses on Bio-Medical waste management  Conducting baseline study (Infrastructure and waste audit, Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Assessment. Project: Preparation of State Programme Implementation Plan(SPIP) on Integrated Child Development Services –IV in Bihar in collaboration with UNICEF Responsibilities  Participate district level consultations and closely interact with Technical Support Team, to record plans for capacity building, IEC development and requirements  and planning for monitoring and evaluation in respective districts and projects. Co-ordinate with other stake holders and developmental partners such as health, education, Public Health Engineering Department, Social Welfare, professional  bodies and NGOs from related fields, for their contribution in the ICDS-IV. Preparation of draft district plans Project: Decentralized Planning Under National Rural Health Mission(NRHM) for the State Sikkim and Nalanda district of Bihar Responsibilities  Coordinate the work in the district, which includes visit to the field for training Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 6  workshop(District Core Group Trainings and Workshop at each level) Ensure that the Sub-Divisional Coordinators (SDCs) within the Sub divisions complete their assigned tasks as per the TOR given to them and complete the assigned the specific tasks on time. Shall visit and monitor activities of the SDCs     as and when required and guide the deployed at the assigned district Quality checks for all of data collected from Villages and Health Facilities within the Block with a proper checklist Validation of the data collected from various levels. Develop draft District Action Plan Facilitate district core group to endorse t in a meeting held with district core Organization CARE West Bengal Sector Duration August2006May2007 Public Health Designation Documentation Officer Project: Community Based DOTS Responsibilities:  Provide critical inputs to Project Manager on ongoing programme implementation.   Develop and maintain a comprehensive information base to support the documentation efforts by the program at the state level. Prepare evidence-based documentation outputs for dissemination with internal and external audience Organization Development Research Communication & Services Center(DRCSC) Kolkata Sector Duration Designation Livelihood November2004August2006 Filed Organizer Project: Sustainable Agriculture Network(SAN)— A project on food and livelihood security Responsibilities:   Extending techno-managerial support to partners and small group of farmers at different agro climatic zone Primary & Secondary Documentation Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 7 Organization Agrani Sangha & Pathagar , Purba Medinipur Sector Livelihood Duration March2004October2004 Designation Trainee Social Worker Project: Sustainable Agriculture Network(SAN)— A project on food and livelihood security   Mobilizing SHG groups MIS and documentation TRAININGS & WORKSHOPS        Attended eight modular trainings on Mapping Listing; Maternal Health; Child Health; Nutrition and Growth Monitoring; Family Planning; Urban WASH; PRA and Communicable and Non Communicable diseases under Health of the Urban Poor Program(HUP) organized by Population Foundation of India , Supported by USAID Two days’ International Workshop on Sustainable Water Management jointly organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur and University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with UNICEF and Water For People. Three days’ refresher training on Integrated Water, Sanitation & Hygiene implementation and management at WASH institute., Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu 3rd Annual Forum of Water Community organized by Solution Exchange, UNICEF and Arghyam from 28-30October2009 at Hotel Hindustan International , Kolkata Environment Partnership Summit 2009 , Technical Workshop on Arsenic jointly organized by Department of Environment, Indian Chamber of Commerce and Geological Survey of India Three day training programme organized by Water For People in association with WASH Institute, Kokadaikanal. One day Workshop organized by Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission on Ground Water Aquifer Treatment - A World Bank Project Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 8 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION University/ Institution Utkal University School of Environmental Science International Institute for Population Sciences(IIPS) , Sikkim Manipal University Period 2014 Qualifications Completed pre-PhD course work. 2012 Masters of Population Sciences (MPS) 2002 IGNOU University of North Bengal WBCHSE WBBSE 1999 1998 1995 1993 Masters of Science.(Ecology & Environment) Certificate In Disaster Management Bachelor of Science (.Physics Honors) Higher Secondary(+2) Madhyamik (10th) COMPUTER SKILLS  Honors Diploma in Web centric Computing from NIIT in 2002  Proficient in MS office, Internet, Epi-Info, SPSS; ArcView GIS 3.2; SatScan, FLOW PUBLICATIONS 1. Knowledge Attitude and Practice Survey on Water Sanitation and Hygiene in Kandi, Murshidabad, West Bengal , IIPS, Mumbai 2. Sanitary Survey of Public Drinking Water Sources- A study for assessing the potential contamination risk associated with & likelihood of bacteriological contamination of public drinking water sources located in slums of Bhubaneswar 3. Trade off between coverage and safety of pipe water supply in urban slumsEvidence from Bhubaneswar city. 4. Identification of vulnerable pockets in terms of Water borne and water based vector borne diseases in Bhubaneswar slums using SatScan & GIS 5. Implications of Climate Change on Urban Water System, UGC sponsored state level seminar on “Global Worming: An Alarming Question for Future Survival” Dec 20-21, 2014 LANGUAGE SKILLS English : Full professional proficiency Hindi : Professional working proficiency Bengali : Native or bilingual proficiency Odia : Limited working proficiency Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 9 PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth : 31/12/1976 Nationality : Indian Marital Status : Married REFERANCES 1. Er. Anindya Kr. Sarkar Team Leader, State Level Technical Cell Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI),OUHM-AWAAS, H&UD Dept., Govt. of Odisha . Contact: 09810406234 Email: anindyaksarkar@gmail.com 2. Ms Rajashi Mukherjee Advisor at Akvo, Asia Hub, Contact: 09831260738 Email: rajashim@gmail.com 3. Mr. Partha Roy Coordinator –Urban New borne case Save The Children -Odisha Contact: 09439863395 Email: royparth@gmail.com NILADRI CHAKRABORT 10/07/2016 Niladri Chakraborti|9438014198|niladri.chak76@gmail.com 10