Globalisation has made the world today competing with unlimited network. In these circumstances, ... more Globalisation has made the world today competing with unlimited network. In these circumstances, it change the capability of the employees where employees must prepare themselves with a lot of additional value so organisations can gain advantage from their competencies. Apart from that, substantially due to compatibility factors that emerge and unobservable qualities not revealed in job applications, racial discrimination for graduate hiring in Malaysia occurs. Before that, Malaysian perspective a bit different from other countries where a lot of races such as Malays, Chinese and Indian as the most high population living in same countries with harmonies and peacefully. Event though Malays were classified as majority, in this article we classified them as bumi-putra and non-bumiputra. Towards of this subject, the competition between Malays and Chinese in hiring is highly rated with specific and detailed. These matter occurs when the unfairness in some portion that not been handled well and the problem grows bigger till both parties were effected. I try to relate human Resource Management (HRM) aspects in my review. Before I jumped to the main point of article, What is race discrimination? Racial discrimination happen when an individual is treated differently based upon their actual or perceived race. It also may be happen from skin colour. This small part may reflect to the big part of article where employer biases towards their staff occurs. Race is obviously a sensitive subject in Malaysia if we want to talk in negative ways. There is a lot of subjective and anecdotal evidence but hardly we publics were not exposed much to give out the big hit of news where races discrimination for graduate hiring happen in Malaysia. In HRM, any organisational culture in which wrongdoing were not acceptable. On top of that, human rights were totally being take care of HRM department or legal authorities (if company size is smaller and do not have budget to make HRM department, usually in Malaysia) with the right of equal treatment and protect person including applying a job, recruitment, training, promotions and etc. It's align with the meaning of human resource itself that managing human. The second question that may appears from journal is do employers in Malaysia discriminate by race? Again, the answer is both yes and no. The studies conducted shows a lot of possibility it might happen whether from political aspect to the cultural. This question raised typically impassioned to certain individual that highly emotional from both opposing ends. From the research, they also found that only Malay-owned companies did not practice discrimination and can accept any candidate either Malay or Chinese, where the rate of recalling the graduate applicants from Chinese are 4.8% and 5.8% for the Malay graduates. This shows no answer of racial discrimination while for foreign companies, the research stated yes. In hiring, you usually apply for a job for which you have experience and excellent qualification but shockingly you were not being accepted because some of the company's valued and long-time clients are not comfortable and 'like' dealing with 'Malay' and preferred Chinese that usually more
Recently, declining of Malaysian economies literally hits by factors such as oil prices, PEST mac... more Recently, declining of Malaysian economies literally hits by factors such as oil prices, PEST macroeconomics conditions and others. Its effects most can be seen in oil and gas industry, mining and some SME’s sector. Unemployment is universally recognised as not something people will look up for and economists and academics make clear statement and well research on how unemployment convincingly will cause dead of loss variety and variability in volatility of economy natural level that worse cast scenario enhance offsetting gains that everyone have to bear.
Corporate governance is a set of structures, processes, policies and laws that affecting the way ... more Corporate governance is a set of structures, processes, policies and laws that affecting the way a corporation directed, administered or controlled to achieve maximum performance in the interest of all stakeholders. In more broadly meaning, it refers to the mechanisms, relations, procedures and act of wisdom by which corporations are identified distribution of rights and corporate affairs towards sustainability and consciousness. According to Wikipedia, the other definitions of corporate governance is a system of law and approaches to internal and external to monitor agency risks and it can relate to corporate finance based on globalise ethical world. Corporate governance consists of five main principles which is rights and equitable, interests of other stakeholders, role and responsibilities of the board, integrity and ethical behaviour and lastly disclosure and transparency.
In the essence of economical distributions, people tend to mistakenly rendered it were easy to co... more In the essence of economical distributions, people tend to mistakenly rendered it were easy to collectively collects information and change to it to the useful data. What lead to societal pressure during event was largely due to financial absorbtion that causing economic downturn. What 1 million can give to the rich was not the same with one billion which can be categorize as title of millionaire and billionaire but derivication of having the actual money can be adamant to the people. Economic derivative largely impact the deprivation by having the total effrcts to the person's sight of value.
Lucratively, economical distribution is important to the household as it was thr same important to the businesses. It can't be jeorpardize to rush and can't be hedge to late. The same mistake during financial crisis 1998, most country failed to adapt the system which changes because of industrial revolunization. Take a look at Nokia who struggle and few of other big companies who still delibaretly thundered by crisis. The same with the evolution of Mcdonalds that causing management buying lands that helping it triggered the volume of new sector of entreprenurial evolvement and rapid evolution.
In some sense, economical distribution should be adjust before promises were made and analyse because people tend tp forget while smarts knowing they will rely on the lies and mould it, as long as adaption does not require too much nonsense truth.
Austerity can be defined as set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budg... more Austerity can be defined as set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budget deficits through spending cuts, tax increases, or combination of both. Austerity as a whole bringing up the concept of measuring attempts to significantly curtail government spending in an effort to control public-sector debt, particularly when a nation is in jeopardy of defaulting on its bonds
Penyemaian semangat patriotik sangat penting dalam konteksnya. Malaysia sentiasa seiring dengan p... more Penyemaian semangat patriotik sangat penting dalam konteksnya. Malaysia sentiasa seiring dengan persaudaraan yang hebat dan dengan persaudaraan itu, kita mampu membentuk jiwa insan yang inginkan keutuhan ekonomi, kesinambungan kehebatan generasi dari kepatuhan Hang Tuah hingga kepahlawanan Tok Gajah malah kita mempunyai ceritera sendiri seperti Sarjan Hassan lakonan Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee dan Leftenen Adnan yang mungkin sahaja mitos. Mungkin juga benteng kebal Bukit Kepong dan sesuci Mahsuri yang kita perlukan tetapi, dalam benak arus perintis melahirkan negara stabil seperti mana negara China dan Amerika Syarikat mungkin agak membimbangkan kerana banyak aspek di negara kita yang terlalu ekstrim dalam berpolitik dan dalam masa yang sama, soal ketirisan yang dipersoalkan tidak kira mana-mana individu. Lihat sahaja Timur Tengah yang sedang berantakan dek kerana perang saudara, campur tangan kuasa luar, ketamakan, kekayaan, perebutan kuasa dan sumber semulajadi yang begitu hebat di sana. Jika tidak kerana ada individu yang sanggup menjual negara dalam berbagai-bagai cara, tidak akan berlaku kemusnahan sedemikian. Dalam menghadapi era globalisasi yang semakin mencabar dan moden, jelas negara Malaysia dipersoalkan adakah kita mampu dan berupaya untuk keluar dari kepompong pesimistik, budaya berlagak dan terlalu birokrasi dalam sesuatu perkara. Tamsil yang sama ialah bagaimana negara Malaysia yang merupakan negara berbilang kaum dengan Agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi dan Sultan sebagai ketua negara, barisan perdana menteri yang mentadbir negara berusaha untuk menyatukan, membina, mendidik dan berinteraksi dengan kemampuan rakyat dari berbagai-bagai segi membina sebuah negara yang 'Takkan Malaysia hilang di dunia' secara optimistik. Ini ialah antonim dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang di mana dikatakan rasuah berleluasa, projek diberi pada kroni sahaja dan rasis sewenang-wenangnya. Tetapi, ini bukan lah masalah yang sebenar yang tidak ada pada negara paling maju dan aman sekalipun. Saya tertarik dengan ucapan Mufti Perlis, Sahibus Samahah Dato' Dr. Asri Zainul Abidin, yang ada menulis jika kuasa ekonomi dan harta digunakan dengan cara yang betul, memang banyak maruah dan harga diri yang dapat dibela. Bagaimana kita menetapkan ketetapan umum untuk menilai sejauh mana rakyat ingin keluar dari kepompong ketahyulan atau adakah kita ingin pergi lebih jauh mencontohi sofistikasi tanpa sempadan? Sudah tentu kedua-duanya bukan penyelesaian tetapi kesederhanaan di mana rakyat diutamakan dan negara diperharumi dan berkembang dengan agung masih menjadi obejktif utama dalam kepimipinan. Walau berbeza pendapat sekalipun, kita perlu menyatakan keazaman kerajaan negara seperti Skim Latihan 1Malaysia, Bantuan Sara Hidup dan banyak insentif lain. Tidak kurang juga kerajaan negeri yang betul-betul mengambil berat atas rakyatnya dengan berbagai-bagai skim juga yang diperkenalkan. Iktibar yang kita mungkin boleh ambil daripada peristiwa hijrah Rasulullah SAW ke Madinah di mana ketika ekonomi Madinah dikuasai Yahudi Yatrib di mana air adalah sangat penting untuk miniman dan tanaman di sana. Maka sahabat dan menantu Nabi SAW, Sayyidina Uthman membeli telaga air milik seorang Yahudi walau pada mulanya indvidu tersebut tidak mahu menjualnya. Kebijaksanaan Sayyidna Uthman kerana individu tersebut mahu mengenakan umat Islam dengan mengenakan harga yang amat mahal dan terpaksa berkongsi telaga tersebut walaupun sudah membelinya tetapi Yahudi tersebut menerima balasan apabila telaganya tidak mendapat
The studies implied on the relative effects of different frequencies of feedback that can influen... more The studies implied on the relative effects of different frequencies of feedback that can influences work performance of employees’ because they were human being with feelings, emotions, intuitions and fatigue has should be dealt with gentle, motivation, and psychology . I quote that how important feedback can probably attributed to several features such as simplicity, low cost and flexibility. The continuance commitment that organisation always hope should be align with their objective and goals that not just assume as vision but also act to achieve for it. It means the system in companies also must be good. The structure, environment, accommodation and staff moods also need to be very good. Imagine one staff is having too high ego and it disturb everything in work process, it will cause high effects of synchronises in the organisations and disruptive improvements of any staff that wanted to be good.
is a Scholar in Residence for Al-Furqaan Fondation and responsible for all activities and materia... more is a Scholar in Residence for Al-Furqaan Fondation and responsible for all activities and material relating to communicating the Message of the Qur'an to Muslims and non-Muslims. In this videos , the speaker said the masturbation is do by most people in the world but if they think logically , the speaker explained that the masturbate will have a side effects in term of psychologically and physically. Physically means the part of your body will feel lazy and psychologically means your part of mind will lack of self esteem. The brain will be effected same as if someone watching porn. Masturbation also will effect your 'private part' cannot worked well when you having sex with your wife together. It will effect your performance. As the result , you will have an ashamed and disappointed with yourself. Other than that , it will be wasting time that generally cause you to think negative. People ask the speaker the way to stop masturbation and they feel regret every time they did. Sheikh Omar suggested that they need to think the consequences and effect of doing that and how the effect can be prevented. The strong touch and roughness towards 'private part' also will effect your health because of the hyper stimulation can cause barren. It is also not a natural process of someone getting out their sperms because they can effected by ill and sickness. The studies showed if your have the addiction to the masturbation , you will have impotency. Masturbation also will cause barren. Besides that the masturbate tend to have premature ejaculation that will cause private part vein weak and cause you tiring. Sheikh Omar compared to the smoking and how to stop addiction to the smoking. It can be stopped easily if someone understand the effect towards another person. This video also explained that we must strive ourself towards the desire to do this because it will lead us to hell. Quran says we must preserve our 'secret' parts. In addition , Muslims were encourage to end the masturbate and all the sparks inside the body through marriage. Marriage can save yourself from small zina and big zina. Apart from that , it can prevent ourselves to be in the hell regardless we will be encouraged by Shaytaan to go into it. Shaytaan will never stop ask and seduce us to the temptation of the world that lead to the hell. Shaytaan also the one who seduce Adam A.S and Hawa remove from heaven. In my perspective From the articles of "22 Harmful Effects of Masturbation" , Masturbation being a noxious habit is practiced by many people all over the world and it corrupts the life of most of the youngsters nowadays than any other problem they face. Some of them are given wrong information by their friends and are encouraged to masturbate as though they do. The less knowledge about sex and the addicting capacity of the masturbation stands as a valuable reason for this growing habit among the youngsters. They assume masturbation as good for their sexual health and penis enlargement. We are provided with a good hormonal system that governs the enlargement and other activities regarding development of the sex organs. Some of the youngsters spread wrong information that it is needed for life without fail and some others want to do as it addicts. We are controlled by three factors such as Emotional factor, Hormonal factor and Environmental factor .
The classical approach how to imply and infer behavioural decision under different circumstances... more The classical approach how to imply and infer behavioural decision under different circumstances can be influenced by evaluate and observe. Generally, its viewed tacit assumption as underlying the normative view that decisions are and will made solely on rational grounds. According to this view, non-cognitive factors such as emotions, motivations, or moral considerations should have no impact on the decision process unless they can be transformed and justified by rational means. Both casual observations as well as growing empirical evidence suggest that such an assumption is incompatible with any tenable descriptive theory. Indeed, the role of affection in shaping preferences and judgments has recently received growing attention as is also reflected in many of the following articles and commentaries.
Globalisation has made the world today competing with unlimited network. In these circumstances, ... more Globalisation has made the world today competing with unlimited network. In these circumstances, it change the capability of the employees where employees must prepare themselves with a lot of additional value so organisations can gain advantage from their competencies. Apart from that, substantially due to compatibility factors that emerge and unobservable qualities not revealed in job applications, racial discrimination for graduate hiring in Malaysia occurs. Before that, Malaysian perspective a bit different from other countries where a lot of races such as Malays, Chinese and Indian as the most high population living in same countries with harmonies and peacefully. Event though Malays were classified as majority, in this article we classified them as bumi-putra and non-bumiputra. Towards of this subject, the competition between Malays and Chinese in hiring is highly rated with specific and detailed. These matter occurs when the unfairness in some portion that not been handled well and the problem grows bigger till both parties were effected. I try to relate human Resource Management (HRM) aspects in my review. Before I jumped to the main point of article, What is race discrimination? Racial discrimination happen when an individual is treated differently based upon their actual or perceived race. It also may be happen from skin colour. This small part may reflect to the big part of article where employer biases towards their staff occurs. Race is obviously a sensitive subject in Malaysia if we want to talk in negative ways. There is a lot of subjective and anecdotal evidence but hardly we publics were not exposed much to give out the big hit of news where races discrimination for graduate hiring happen in Malaysia. In HRM, any organisational culture in which wrongdoing were not acceptable. On top of that, human rights were totally being take care of HRM department or legal authorities (if company size is smaller and do not have budget to make HRM department, usually in Malaysia) with the right of equal treatment and protect person including applying a job, recruitment, training, promotions and etc. It's align with the meaning of human resource itself that managing human. The second question that may appears from journal is do employers in Malaysia discriminate by race? Again, the answer is both yes and no. The studies conducted shows a lot of possibility it might happen whether from political aspect to the cultural. This question raised typically impassioned to certain individual that highly emotional from both opposing ends. From the research, they also found that only Malay-owned companies did not practice discrimination and can accept any candidate either Malay or Chinese, where the rate of recalling the graduate applicants from Chinese are 4.8% and 5.8% for the Malay graduates. This shows no answer of racial discrimination while for foreign companies, the research stated yes. In hiring, you usually apply for a job for which you have experience and excellent qualification but shockingly you were not being accepted because some of the company's valued and long-time clients are not comfortable and 'like' dealing with 'Malay' and preferred Chinese that usually more
Recently, declining of Malaysian economies literally hits by factors such as oil prices, PEST mac... more Recently, declining of Malaysian economies literally hits by factors such as oil prices, PEST macroeconomics conditions and others. Its effects most can be seen in oil and gas industry, mining and some SME’s sector. Unemployment is universally recognised as not something people will look up for and economists and academics make clear statement and well research on how unemployment convincingly will cause dead of loss variety and variability in volatility of economy natural level that worse cast scenario enhance offsetting gains that everyone have to bear.
Corporate governance is a set of structures, processes, policies and laws that affecting the way ... more Corporate governance is a set of structures, processes, policies and laws that affecting the way a corporation directed, administered or controlled to achieve maximum performance in the interest of all stakeholders. In more broadly meaning, it refers to the mechanisms, relations, procedures and act of wisdom by which corporations are identified distribution of rights and corporate affairs towards sustainability and consciousness. According to Wikipedia, the other definitions of corporate governance is a system of law and approaches to internal and external to monitor agency risks and it can relate to corporate finance based on globalise ethical world. Corporate governance consists of five main principles which is rights and equitable, interests of other stakeholders, role and responsibilities of the board, integrity and ethical behaviour and lastly disclosure and transparency.
In the essence of economical distributions, people tend to mistakenly rendered it were easy to co... more In the essence of economical distributions, people tend to mistakenly rendered it were easy to collectively collects information and change to it to the useful data. What lead to societal pressure during event was largely due to financial absorbtion that causing economic downturn. What 1 million can give to the rich was not the same with one billion which can be categorize as title of millionaire and billionaire but derivication of having the actual money can be adamant to the people. Economic derivative largely impact the deprivation by having the total effrcts to the person's sight of value.
Lucratively, economical distribution is important to the household as it was thr same important to the businesses. It can't be jeorpardize to rush and can't be hedge to late. The same mistake during financial crisis 1998, most country failed to adapt the system which changes because of industrial revolunization. Take a look at Nokia who struggle and few of other big companies who still delibaretly thundered by crisis. The same with the evolution of Mcdonalds that causing management buying lands that helping it triggered the volume of new sector of entreprenurial evolvement and rapid evolution.
In some sense, economical distribution should be adjust before promises were made and analyse because people tend tp forget while smarts knowing they will rely on the lies and mould it, as long as adaption does not require too much nonsense truth.
Austerity can be defined as set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budg... more Austerity can be defined as set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budget deficits through spending cuts, tax increases, or combination of both. Austerity as a whole bringing up the concept of measuring attempts to significantly curtail government spending in an effort to control public-sector debt, particularly when a nation is in jeopardy of defaulting on its bonds
Penyemaian semangat patriotik sangat penting dalam konteksnya. Malaysia sentiasa seiring dengan p... more Penyemaian semangat patriotik sangat penting dalam konteksnya. Malaysia sentiasa seiring dengan persaudaraan yang hebat dan dengan persaudaraan itu, kita mampu membentuk jiwa insan yang inginkan keutuhan ekonomi, kesinambungan kehebatan generasi dari kepatuhan Hang Tuah hingga kepahlawanan Tok Gajah malah kita mempunyai ceritera sendiri seperti Sarjan Hassan lakonan Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee dan Leftenen Adnan yang mungkin sahaja mitos. Mungkin juga benteng kebal Bukit Kepong dan sesuci Mahsuri yang kita perlukan tetapi, dalam benak arus perintis melahirkan negara stabil seperti mana negara China dan Amerika Syarikat mungkin agak membimbangkan kerana banyak aspek di negara kita yang terlalu ekstrim dalam berpolitik dan dalam masa yang sama, soal ketirisan yang dipersoalkan tidak kira mana-mana individu. Lihat sahaja Timur Tengah yang sedang berantakan dek kerana perang saudara, campur tangan kuasa luar, ketamakan, kekayaan, perebutan kuasa dan sumber semulajadi yang begitu hebat di sana. Jika tidak kerana ada individu yang sanggup menjual negara dalam berbagai-bagai cara, tidak akan berlaku kemusnahan sedemikian. Dalam menghadapi era globalisasi yang semakin mencabar dan moden, jelas negara Malaysia dipersoalkan adakah kita mampu dan berupaya untuk keluar dari kepompong pesimistik, budaya berlagak dan terlalu birokrasi dalam sesuatu perkara. Tamsil yang sama ialah bagaimana negara Malaysia yang merupakan negara berbilang kaum dengan Agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi dan Sultan sebagai ketua negara, barisan perdana menteri yang mentadbir negara berusaha untuk menyatukan, membina, mendidik dan berinteraksi dengan kemampuan rakyat dari berbagai-bagai segi membina sebuah negara yang 'Takkan Malaysia hilang di dunia' secara optimistik. Ini ialah antonim dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang di mana dikatakan rasuah berleluasa, projek diberi pada kroni sahaja dan rasis sewenang-wenangnya. Tetapi, ini bukan lah masalah yang sebenar yang tidak ada pada negara paling maju dan aman sekalipun. Saya tertarik dengan ucapan Mufti Perlis, Sahibus Samahah Dato' Dr. Asri Zainul Abidin, yang ada menulis jika kuasa ekonomi dan harta digunakan dengan cara yang betul, memang banyak maruah dan harga diri yang dapat dibela. Bagaimana kita menetapkan ketetapan umum untuk menilai sejauh mana rakyat ingin keluar dari kepompong ketahyulan atau adakah kita ingin pergi lebih jauh mencontohi sofistikasi tanpa sempadan? Sudah tentu kedua-duanya bukan penyelesaian tetapi kesederhanaan di mana rakyat diutamakan dan negara diperharumi dan berkembang dengan agung masih menjadi obejktif utama dalam kepimipinan. Walau berbeza pendapat sekalipun, kita perlu menyatakan keazaman kerajaan negara seperti Skim Latihan 1Malaysia, Bantuan Sara Hidup dan banyak insentif lain. Tidak kurang juga kerajaan negeri yang betul-betul mengambil berat atas rakyatnya dengan berbagai-bagai skim juga yang diperkenalkan. Iktibar yang kita mungkin boleh ambil daripada peristiwa hijrah Rasulullah SAW ke Madinah di mana ketika ekonomi Madinah dikuasai Yahudi Yatrib di mana air adalah sangat penting untuk miniman dan tanaman di sana. Maka sahabat dan menantu Nabi SAW, Sayyidina Uthman membeli telaga air milik seorang Yahudi walau pada mulanya indvidu tersebut tidak mahu menjualnya. Kebijaksanaan Sayyidna Uthman kerana individu tersebut mahu mengenakan umat Islam dengan mengenakan harga yang amat mahal dan terpaksa berkongsi telaga tersebut walaupun sudah membelinya tetapi Yahudi tersebut menerima balasan apabila telaganya tidak mendapat
The studies implied on the relative effects of different frequencies of feedback that can influen... more The studies implied on the relative effects of different frequencies of feedback that can influences work performance of employees’ because they were human being with feelings, emotions, intuitions and fatigue has should be dealt with gentle, motivation, and psychology . I quote that how important feedback can probably attributed to several features such as simplicity, low cost and flexibility. The continuance commitment that organisation always hope should be align with their objective and goals that not just assume as vision but also act to achieve for it. It means the system in companies also must be good. The structure, environment, accommodation and staff moods also need to be very good. Imagine one staff is having too high ego and it disturb everything in work process, it will cause high effects of synchronises in the organisations and disruptive improvements of any staff that wanted to be good.
is a Scholar in Residence for Al-Furqaan Fondation and responsible for all activities and materia... more is a Scholar in Residence for Al-Furqaan Fondation and responsible for all activities and material relating to communicating the Message of the Qur'an to Muslims and non-Muslims. In this videos , the speaker said the masturbation is do by most people in the world but if they think logically , the speaker explained that the masturbate will have a side effects in term of psychologically and physically. Physically means the part of your body will feel lazy and psychologically means your part of mind will lack of self esteem. The brain will be effected same as if someone watching porn. Masturbation also will effect your 'private part' cannot worked well when you having sex with your wife together. It will effect your performance. As the result , you will have an ashamed and disappointed with yourself. Other than that , it will be wasting time that generally cause you to think negative. People ask the speaker the way to stop masturbation and they feel regret every time they did. Sheikh Omar suggested that they need to think the consequences and effect of doing that and how the effect can be prevented. The strong touch and roughness towards 'private part' also will effect your health because of the hyper stimulation can cause barren. It is also not a natural process of someone getting out their sperms because they can effected by ill and sickness. The studies showed if your have the addiction to the masturbation , you will have impotency. Masturbation also will cause barren. Besides that the masturbate tend to have premature ejaculation that will cause private part vein weak and cause you tiring. Sheikh Omar compared to the smoking and how to stop addiction to the smoking. It can be stopped easily if someone understand the effect towards another person. This video also explained that we must strive ourself towards the desire to do this because it will lead us to hell. Quran says we must preserve our 'secret' parts. In addition , Muslims were encourage to end the masturbate and all the sparks inside the body through marriage. Marriage can save yourself from small zina and big zina. Apart from that , it can prevent ourselves to be in the hell regardless we will be encouraged by Shaytaan to go into it. Shaytaan will never stop ask and seduce us to the temptation of the world that lead to the hell. Shaytaan also the one who seduce Adam A.S and Hawa remove from heaven. In my perspective From the articles of "22 Harmful Effects of Masturbation" , Masturbation being a noxious habit is practiced by many people all over the world and it corrupts the life of most of the youngsters nowadays than any other problem they face. Some of them are given wrong information by their friends and are encouraged to masturbate as though they do. The less knowledge about sex and the addicting capacity of the masturbation stands as a valuable reason for this growing habit among the youngsters. They assume masturbation as good for their sexual health and penis enlargement. We are provided with a good hormonal system that governs the enlargement and other activities regarding development of the sex organs. Some of the youngsters spread wrong information that it is needed for life without fail and some others want to do as it addicts. We are controlled by three factors such as Emotional factor, Hormonal factor and Environmental factor .
The classical approach how to imply and infer behavioural decision under different circumstances... more The classical approach how to imply and infer behavioural decision under different circumstances can be influenced by evaluate and observe. Generally, its viewed tacit assumption as underlying the normative view that decisions are and will made solely on rational grounds. According to this view, non-cognitive factors such as emotions, motivations, or moral considerations should have no impact on the decision process unless they can be transformed and justified by rational means. Both casual observations as well as growing empirical evidence suggest that such an assumption is incompatible with any tenable descriptive theory. Indeed, the role of affection in shaping preferences and judgments has recently received growing attention as is also reflected in many of the following articles and commentaries.
Papers by khairul azhar
Drafts by khairul azhar
Lucratively, economical distribution is important to the household as it was thr same important to the businesses. It can't be jeorpardize to rush and can't be hedge to late. The same mistake during financial crisis 1998, most country failed to adapt the system which changes because of industrial revolunization. Take a look at Nokia who struggle and few of other big companies who still delibaretly thundered by crisis. The same with the evolution of Mcdonalds that causing management buying lands that helping it triggered the volume of new sector of entreprenurial evolvement and rapid evolution.
In some sense, economical distribution should be adjust before promises were made and analyse because people tend tp forget while smarts knowing they will rely on the lies and mould it, as long as adaption does not require too much nonsense truth.
Book Reviews by khairul azhar
Talks by khairul azhar
Lucratively, economical distribution is important to the household as it was thr same important to the businesses. It can't be jeorpardize to rush and can't be hedge to late. The same mistake during financial crisis 1998, most country failed to adapt the system which changes because of industrial revolunization. Take a look at Nokia who struggle and few of other big companies who still delibaretly thundered by crisis. The same with the evolution of Mcdonalds that causing management buying lands that helping it triggered the volume of new sector of entreprenurial evolvement and rapid evolution.
In some sense, economical distribution should be adjust before promises were made and analyse because people tend tp forget while smarts knowing they will rely on the lies and mould it, as long as adaption does not require too much nonsense truth.