Challenges and Benefits of Blended Learning in Higher Education
Educational leadership, Blended learning, Higher educationAbstract
This exploratory study researched the effectiveness of a graduate level blended learning course on the development of teachers, and educational leaders in Kazakhstan studying a Masters of Science in Educational Leadership at Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education (NUGSE) in Kazakhstan. All of the student participants in this course were invited to participate in a survey and an interview. The findings include an analysis of the pedagogical practices which promote educational leadership skills among students via blended learning courses as well as the challenges both faculty and students faced during this course. Finally, the paper makes recommendations for policy and practice in relation to enhancing effectiveness of blended learning courses in higher education. It may be of particular interest to schools in the early stages of implementing blended learning.References
Namyssova, G., Tussupbekova, G., Helmer, J., Malone, K., Afzal, M., & Jonbekova. D. (2019). Challenges and benefits of blended learning in higher education. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 2(1), 22-31.
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