1. What is IJVR?

2. What is the scope of IJVR?

3. Is IJVR peer reviewed?

4. What are your publishing criteria?

5. What type of articles does IJVR publish?

6. Does the journal have article submission charges?

7. What are your publication charges?

8. Who holds copyright on IJVR articles?

9. How do I submit my article?

10. How quickly will I know the decision on my article?

11. What formats does publish in?

1. What is IJVR?

The International Journal of Virtual Reality (IJVR) is a peer-reviewed research journal dedicated to the publication of new research and methodology in the realm of Virtual Reality. We aim to cover technical and human concerns linked to augmented and virtual reality technologies. The journal has been published since 1995 when virtual reality was still in its infancy. Since its creation, IJVR has frequently published major issues on hot topics for immersive technologies and its uses. IJVR solicits contributions describing original research results, applications, and experience in all fields of immersive technologies.


2. What is the scope of IJVR?

IJVR is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research, reviews, perspectives in the areas of immersive technologies and their uses: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, globally called “XR”.

International Journal of Virtual Reality solicits contributions describing original research results, applications, and experience in all fields of “X Reality” (XR). Papers may come from any area of XR activity, from academia or industry. IJVR seeks contributions addressing, for example:

  • Health,
  • Human Centered Experience,
  • Design & Creativity,
  • Industry 4.0,
  • New technology & Cross technology.


3. Is IJVR peer reviewed?

The International Journal of Virtual Reality is a peer-reviewed research journal. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees under a peer review process. During the peer review process, reviewers remain anonymous, as the associate editor and the authors as well (« double blind » peer reviewing principle). We put great efforts in providing rapids and rigorous reviews in an aim of two month. A revised manuscript should be re-submitted within two months of the decision. It will usually be returned to the original referees for evaluation.


4. What are are your publishing criteria?

A rigorous review process ensures that authors meet the highest standards of experimental design, data analysis and reporting and establishes that articles published in IJVR are reliable. The other criteria are as follows:

  • Scientific contribution to the field under consideration,
  • Originality,
  • Methodological quality of the work,
  • Level of English: imperatively proofreading by a native speaker,
  • Clear and synthetic presentation.


5. What type of articles does IJVR publish?

IJVR accepts research papers which present primary and unpublished studies, with a maximum word count of 8,000. Although some literature reviews have been published in the past and still recently, this category of article is no longer our main focus. However, the editorial board reserves the right to consider articles that would provide a comprehensive overview of an emerging topic of great importance and clear interest to the community.


6.Does the journal have article submission charges?

IJVR have no submission charges.


7. What are your publication charges?

IJVR have no publication charges.


8. Who holds copyright on IJVR articles?

Copyright on any article in IJVR is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction provided the original work is properly cited (see Open Access Policy section).


9. How do I submit my article?

You can submit your manuscript using the button Submit Research after reviewing our How to submit a manuscript and Author guidelines sections.


10. How quickly will I know the decision on my article?

We are committed to providing authors with a rapid and constructive review process, with a goal of giving the first decisions within eight weeks


11. What formats does IJVR publish in?

Articles published will be available in formats: HTML, XML, PDF.
