Peer review process

All manuscripts submitted to IJVR are peer-reviewed according to the following procedure.

Initial review

The editors-in-chief evaluate each manuscript to determine if its topic and content is suitable for consideration by IJVR. Manuscripts that do not meet minimum criteria (see Aims & scope and Author guidelines sections) are returned to the authors within one week of receipt.

Peer review

Manuscripts that pass the initial review are assigned to an associate editor, who selects one or two referees based on their expertise in that particular field (one if the associate editor accepts to serve as a reviewer). As such, each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees under a peer review process. During the peer review process, reviewers remain anonymous, as the associate editor and the authors as well (« double blind » peer reviewing principle). After collecting the referees' reports, the associate editor makes a recommendation on the acceptability of the manuscript to the editors-in-chief.


Based on the referees' comments and the associate editor's recommendation, the editors-in-chief make a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript and communicates to the authors the decision, along with referees' reports. The final decision can be Accept submission, Revisions required, Resubmit for review, or Decline submission. A revised manuscript should be re-submitted within two months of the decision. It will usually be returned to the original referees for evaluation.