A short Type-A behaviour pattern scale was tested on 3,221 Finnish state employees (65% men, mean... more A short Type-A behaviour pattern scale was tested on 3,221 Finnish state employees (65% men, mean age 38.7 years, and 22% with at least college-level vocational education). The Type-A sum score varied with age, sex and work status, but not with basic education. Respondents were further assigned to two extreme groups according to the Type-A sum score: the Type A's in the highest and -B's in the lowest quartile. Of those aged 40 years or more (n = 1,460), the persons with the Type-A behaviour pattern reported typical severe angina pectoris symptoms more frequently than the Type B's. There were no differences, however, in the frequency of typical mild angina pectoris symptoms between the Type A's and B's. The Type-A and -B men differed significantly in the frequency of a previous severe chest pain attack suggesting a possible myocardial infarction.
The results of three weeks' treatment for low back pain were studied in 88 patients at a reha... more The results of three weeks' treatment for low back pain were studied in 88 patients at a rehabilitation centre and in 63 outpatients. All the patients were male, and between 54 and 63 years of age. Physical measurements of spinal function were made before and two months after treatment; a questionnaire on back-pain symptoms was filled in before treatment and 2, 6 and 12 months after treatment. A back-pain index based on the replies to the questionnaires was used for evaluating the effects of the treatment. The average results showed that the effects of the treatment lasted six months but disappeared almost completely within a year. The material studied revealed no substantial difference between the results of the rehabilitation centre and outpatient treatment according to the physical measurements or the pain index.
Kuntoutus [Rehabilitation] 26, 4, 20 - 32. Valtioneuvoston kuntoutusselontekoon (2002) sisältynei... more Kuntoutus [Rehabilitation] 26, 4, 20 - 32. Valtioneuvoston kuntoutusselontekoon (2002) sisältyneistä kuntoutuksen kehittämislinjauksista yksi liittyi kuntoutuksen tutkimukseen ja sen tuottamien tietojen hyödyntämiseen. Siinä edellytettiin myös kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen kehittämisohjelman laatimista. Kuntoutusasiain neuvottelukunnan koordinoimassa kehittämisohjelmassa luodaan katsaus kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen kehittämistarpeisiin. Siinä tehdään myös ehdotuksia toimenpiteistä, joilla voidaan varmistaa kuntoutuksen tutkimusosaaminen, parantaa kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen koordinaatiota ja tiedonvälitystä sekä lisätä tutkimuksen ja käytännön yhteistyötä. Ohjelmassa otetaan myös kantaa siihen, mitkä tutkimusaiheet kuntoutuksen eri osa-alueilla ovat tällä hetkellä erityisen keskeisiä. Tässä artikkelissa luodaan katsaus kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen kehittämisohjelman pääkohtiin.
The final report of the study on the functioning of vocational rehabilitation within the earnings... more The final report of the study on the functioning of vocational rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension scheme compares the situations before and after the rehabilitation reform of 2004, as well as examines the operation and evaluates the outcome of the rehabilitation system. The data consist of a mail survey as well as document and register data for persons who applied for rehabilitation in 2003–05. Both grants and rejections were included. The register data enabled a follow-up of the applicants until the end of the year 2009. The report includes separate articles on the changes to the rehabilitation system, the eligibility criteria and situation of the rejected applicants, the motivation of the rehabilitees, the timing, progress and effectiveness of the rehabilitation process, and the predictive factors of a successful rehabilitation outcome. According to the results, rehabilitation rejections were more common among women, younger applicants and those with an unemploymen...
Abstract. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland arranges medical rehabilitation for people ... more Abstract. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland arranges medical rehabilitation for people with severe disabilities. The study aimed to find out what kind of expectations persons with disabilities had of their medical rehabilitation, what were their experiences on the outcomes of rehabilitation and what factors were associated with subjective outcomes. The study group was chosen using stratified sampling from among rehabilitation clients. The data was gathered using a questionnaire survey. The number of respondents was 769 (53 % of the sample). Based on factor analysis, three outcome variables were formed. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the life situation variables and the service characteristics that were associated with the perceived outcomes. Perceived outcomes were closely connected to the correspondence between one's wishes and the planning of rehabilitation, its meaningfulness and one's enthusiasm to take part in the rehabilitation. The results...
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 2013
ABSTRACT In rehabilitative psychotherapy, the goal is to support and improve the person&#... more ABSTRACT In rehabilitative psychotherapy, the goal is to support and improve the person's working and studying capacity and to secure his/her staying in or entering the workforce. In this qualitative study, the aim was to describe the changes students experienced in their studying ability and the advancement of their studies as a result of the therapy process. The results of this study showed many kinds of positive changes in the psychological resources and studying ability of students participating in psychotherapy. The results also show that when psychotherapy is arranged with the aim to support the study process, good connections between psychotherapy, study tutoring and career guidance are needed.
Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine, 1978
The aims of the project were to assess the quantity and quality of subjective need for rehabilita... more The aims of the project were to assess the quantity and quality of subjective need for rehabilitation among the employees of the City of Helsinki, and to make, through team evaluation, recommendations concerning rehabilitation measures that would improve individual situations. On the basis of questionnaire responses it was assessed that about 15% of the hourly-paid and 8% of the monthly-paid employees (10% of all the employees) need immediate medical, vocational or social measures. On the basis of the team evaluation, it was assessed that rehabilitation measures would be needed by 11-12% of the employees. The problems and methods of the study are discussed.
Psychiatric family rehabilitation for children, adolescents and their families was introduced by ... more Psychiatric family rehabilitation for children, adolescents and their families was introduced by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution as a development effort in multidisciplinary rehabilitation. A total of 1,514 participants took part in this rehabilitation during 2005–2008. The children were a heterogeneous group in age and diagnosis. The University of Lapland and the Rehabilitation Foundation carried out an external evaluation of these rehabilitation projects. This evaluation was to describe the target group, to determine what sort of changes took place in the children’s situations through the rehabilitation intervention, to see whether the children and their parents saw themselves as having gained support from rehabilitation, and to determine what factors predicted positive changes or a perception of having gained. Data were collected by questionnaires from the family rehabilitation projects and from the participating children and parents at the beginning and at the end of th...
Työhön liittyvien psykososiaalisten tekijöiden vaikutuksesta terveyteen on runsaasti tutkimustiet... more Työhön liittyvien psykososiaalisten tekijöiden vaikutuksesta terveyteen on runsaasti tutkimustietoa. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme työhön ja työn hallintaan liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyttä psyykkisiin rasittuneisuusoireisiin sekä edelleen terveyteen, työkykyyn, kuntoutuksen tarpeeseen ja kuntoutukseen osallistumiseen psyykkisesti oirehtivilla ja oireettomilla palkansaajilla. Aineistona on vuoden 2003 työolotutkimuksen 20-64-vuotias palkansaajaväestö. Psyykkisiä rasittuneisuusoireita oli aineiston joka kolmannella naisella ja joka viidennellä miehellä. Oireilu oli yhteydessä heikentyneeseen terveyteen, lisääntyneisiin sairauspoissaoloihin ja työkyvyn heikentymiseen. Työkyvyn heikentyminen oli yhteydessä psyykkisesti oirehtivien lisääntyneeseen kuntoutustarpeeseen. Hyvä esimiestoiminta, avoin ja keskusteleva ilmapiiri, syrjinnän ja ristiriitojen puuttuminen, töiden hyvä organisointi, hyvät mahdollisuudet työajan hallintaan sekä mahdollisuudet edetä, kehittyä ja kouluttautua uralla o...
Commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and initiated by the Advisory B... more Commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and initiated by the Advisory Board for Rehabilitation, the project utilised existing studies to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation among some important target groups. The focus was on the forms of rehabilitation given to large groups of people, especially the baby-boom generation, and on rehabilitation targeted at general social and health problems in this group. Effectiveness was assessed concerning the early rehabilitation of employed people, vocational rehabilitation, rehabilitation of long-term unemployed, rehabilitation of people with musculoskeletal disorders, neurological rehabilitation, rehabilitation of substance abusers, psychiatric rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the elderly. In addition, the economic effectiveness of rehabilitation was assessed. Assessment was made by experts proficient in research in the field. Assessments of effectiveness was based on international literature reviews and Fi...
English abstract. Both humanitarian and utilitarian grounds are usually used in justifying the re... more English abstract. Both humanitarian and utilitarian grounds are usually used in justifying the realization of rehabilitation activities in different societies. In this study, rehabilitation is analyzed and evaluated from different viewpoints and theoretical frameworks. The analysis is based on sociological and psychological research on health and illness, the disabled and disadvanteged, personal mastery and empowerment as well as research, statistics and documents on rehabilitation. The study is mainly explorative. The general aim is to propose a synthesis of conceptual and empirical models or frameworks relevant to rehabilitation. The subtasks are: 1) to analyze different models of illness and disablement and to outline the qualifications of the disablement model relevant to rehabilitation; 2) to analyze the conceptions of mastery, control, autonomy and empowerment from the viewpoint of rehabilitation; 3) to analyze the allocation of rehabilitation measures on the basis of rehabili...
Kuntoutuksen monitieteisen ja-alaisen tutkimuksen piirissä tarvitaan yhteisiä foorumeita, joissa ... more Kuntoutuksen monitieteisen ja-alaisen tutkimuksen piirissä tarvitaan yhteisiä foorumeita, joissa on mahdol-lista käydä kuntoutuksen tutkimusta ja sen menetelmiä koskevaa keskustelua yli tiede- ja ammattirajojen. Kun-toutusalan tutkimusta toteuttavat suuret ja pienemmät organisaatiot – mm. Eläketurvakeskus, Kela, Kuntoutus-säätiö, Stakes, VKK-kuntoutus ja Verve – ovat yhdessä tai erikseen järjestäneet kuntoutusalan tutkimusta kä-sitteleviä seminaareja jo usean vuoden ajan. Pari vuotta sitten Kuntoutuksen tutkimus- ja kehittämisyhdistyksen tieteellinen jaosto otti tehtäväkseen huolehtia siitä, että keskustelu kuntoutuksen monitieteisestä tutkimuksesta tiivistyy. Yhdistyksen järjestämä toinen valtakunnalli-nen kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen seminaari toukokuussa 2007 järjestettiin yhteistyössä Lapin yliopiston ja Lapin sairaanhoitopiirin kanssa. Tutkimusseminaari on osa kaksipäiväistä kokonaisuutta, jonka otsikkona on ”Kun-toutus ja elämänlaatu”. Kuntoutus on laaja tutkimusalue, jota voidaan...
Järvikoski A, Takala E-P, Juvonen-Posti P, Härkäpää K. The concept of work ability in the researc... more Järvikoski A, Takala E-P, Juvonen-Posti P, Härkäpää K. The concept of work ability in the research and practice of rehabilitation. Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Social security and health reports 13, 2018. 86 pp. ISBN 978-952-284056-1 (pdf). The concept of work ability varies and different concepts obviously affect the implementation of rehabilitation. The aim of this review was to systematically analyze how the concepts of work ability have been used in the scientific literature and guidelines of rehabilitation. Data were retrieved systematically in Finnish and international databases for the period of 2000–2016. The results are reported in three sections. First, we describe previous reviews that have discussed the concepts and theories related to work ability. Secondly, we review the methods developed to evaluate work ability and the underlying frameworks. The third section offers the content analysis of the literature, where we identified eight different models of work...
Sopeutumisvalmennuksen tavoitteena on tukea kuntoutujaa vamman tai pitkäaikaisen sairauden hallin... more Sopeutumisvalmennuksen tavoitteena on tukea kuntoutujaa vamman tai pitkäaikaisen sairauden hallinnassa ja tarjota mahdollisuus vertaistukeen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sopeutumisvalmennuksen koettuja hyötyjä sekä terveydentilassa, toimintakyvyssä, hallinnan tunteessa ja valtaistumisessa tapahtuneita muutoksia ja niihin yhteydessä olevia kontekstitekijöitä. Tutkimukseen osallistui syöpää, fibromyalgiaa ja tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavia kuntoutujia, jotka vastasivat ennen kurssin alkua lomakekyselyyn (n = 377) ja puoli vuotta kurssin päättymisen jälkeen seurantakyselyyn (n = 303). Kuntoutujista 58 % ilmoitti saaneensa valmennuksesta erittäin tai melko paljon hyötyä arjessa selviytymiseen: diabetesta sairastavat useammin kuin muut. Hyötykokemukset olivat epävakaassa elämäntilanteessa olevilla muita kuntoutujia harvinaisempia. Terveyteen liittyvä valtaistuminen oli vahvistunut kaikissa kuntoutujaryhmissä, erityisesti tiedollisen hallinnan osalta. Tutkimuksessa ei ollut vert...
A short Type-A behaviour pattern scale was tested on 3,221 Finnish state employees (65% men, mean... more A short Type-A behaviour pattern scale was tested on 3,221 Finnish state employees (65% men, mean age 38.7 years, and 22% with at least college-level vocational education). The Type-A sum score varied with age, sex and work status, but not with basic education. Respondents were further assigned to two extreme groups according to the Type-A sum score: the Type A's in the highest and -B's in the lowest quartile. Of those aged 40 years or more (n = 1,460), the persons with the Type-A behaviour pattern reported typical severe angina pectoris symptoms more frequently than the Type B's. There were no differences, however, in the frequency of typical mild angina pectoris symptoms between the Type A's and B's. The Type-A and -B men differed significantly in the frequency of a previous severe chest pain attack suggesting a possible myocardial infarction.
The results of three weeks' treatment for low back pain were studied in 88 patients at a reha... more The results of three weeks' treatment for low back pain were studied in 88 patients at a rehabilitation centre and in 63 outpatients. All the patients were male, and between 54 and 63 years of age. Physical measurements of spinal function were made before and two months after treatment; a questionnaire on back-pain symptoms was filled in before treatment and 2, 6 and 12 months after treatment. A back-pain index based on the replies to the questionnaires was used for evaluating the effects of the treatment. The average results showed that the effects of the treatment lasted six months but disappeared almost completely within a year. The material studied revealed no substantial difference between the results of the rehabilitation centre and outpatient treatment according to the physical measurements or the pain index.
Kuntoutus [Rehabilitation] 26, 4, 20 - 32. Valtioneuvoston kuntoutusselontekoon (2002) sisältynei... more Kuntoutus [Rehabilitation] 26, 4, 20 - 32. Valtioneuvoston kuntoutusselontekoon (2002) sisältyneistä kuntoutuksen kehittämislinjauksista yksi liittyi kuntoutuksen tutkimukseen ja sen tuottamien tietojen hyödyntämiseen. Siinä edellytettiin myös kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen kehittämisohjelman laatimista. Kuntoutusasiain neuvottelukunnan koordinoimassa kehittämisohjelmassa luodaan katsaus kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen kehittämistarpeisiin. Siinä tehdään myös ehdotuksia toimenpiteistä, joilla voidaan varmistaa kuntoutuksen tutkimusosaaminen, parantaa kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen koordinaatiota ja tiedonvälitystä sekä lisätä tutkimuksen ja käytännön yhteistyötä. Ohjelmassa otetaan myös kantaa siihen, mitkä tutkimusaiheet kuntoutuksen eri osa-alueilla ovat tällä hetkellä erityisen keskeisiä. Tässä artikkelissa luodaan katsaus kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen kehittämisohjelman pääkohtiin.
The final report of the study on the functioning of vocational rehabilitation within the earnings... more The final report of the study on the functioning of vocational rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension scheme compares the situations before and after the rehabilitation reform of 2004, as well as examines the operation and evaluates the outcome of the rehabilitation system. The data consist of a mail survey as well as document and register data for persons who applied for rehabilitation in 2003–05. Both grants and rejections were included. The register data enabled a follow-up of the applicants until the end of the year 2009. The report includes separate articles on the changes to the rehabilitation system, the eligibility criteria and situation of the rejected applicants, the motivation of the rehabilitees, the timing, progress and effectiveness of the rehabilitation process, and the predictive factors of a successful rehabilitation outcome. According to the results, rehabilitation rejections were more common among women, younger applicants and those with an unemploymen...
Abstract. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland arranges medical rehabilitation for people ... more Abstract. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland arranges medical rehabilitation for people with severe disabilities. The study aimed to find out what kind of expectations persons with disabilities had of their medical rehabilitation, what were their experiences on the outcomes of rehabilitation and what factors were associated with subjective outcomes. The study group was chosen using stratified sampling from among rehabilitation clients. The data was gathered using a questionnaire survey. The number of respondents was 769 (53 % of the sample). Based on factor analysis, three outcome variables were formed. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the life situation variables and the service characteristics that were associated with the perceived outcomes. Perceived outcomes were closely connected to the correspondence between one's wishes and the planning of rehabilitation, its meaningfulness and one's enthusiasm to take part in the rehabilitation. The results...
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 2013
ABSTRACT In rehabilitative psychotherapy, the goal is to support and improve the person&#... more ABSTRACT In rehabilitative psychotherapy, the goal is to support and improve the person's working and studying capacity and to secure his/her staying in or entering the workforce. In this qualitative study, the aim was to describe the changes students experienced in their studying ability and the advancement of their studies as a result of the therapy process. The results of this study showed many kinds of positive changes in the psychological resources and studying ability of students participating in psychotherapy. The results also show that when psychotherapy is arranged with the aim to support the study process, good connections between psychotherapy, study tutoring and career guidance are needed.
Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine, 1978
The aims of the project were to assess the quantity and quality of subjective need for rehabilita... more The aims of the project were to assess the quantity and quality of subjective need for rehabilitation among the employees of the City of Helsinki, and to make, through team evaluation, recommendations concerning rehabilitation measures that would improve individual situations. On the basis of questionnaire responses it was assessed that about 15% of the hourly-paid and 8% of the monthly-paid employees (10% of all the employees) need immediate medical, vocational or social measures. On the basis of the team evaluation, it was assessed that rehabilitation measures would be needed by 11-12% of the employees. The problems and methods of the study are discussed.
Psychiatric family rehabilitation for children, adolescents and their families was introduced by ... more Psychiatric family rehabilitation for children, adolescents and their families was introduced by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution as a development effort in multidisciplinary rehabilitation. A total of 1,514 participants took part in this rehabilitation during 2005–2008. The children were a heterogeneous group in age and diagnosis. The University of Lapland and the Rehabilitation Foundation carried out an external evaluation of these rehabilitation projects. This evaluation was to describe the target group, to determine what sort of changes took place in the children’s situations through the rehabilitation intervention, to see whether the children and their parents saw themselves as having gained support from rehabilitation, and to determine what factors predicted positive changes or a perception of having gained. Data were collected by questionnaires from the family rehabilitation projects and from the participating children and parents at the beginning and at the end of th...
Työhön liittyvien psykososiaalisten tekijöiden vaikutuksesta terveyteen on runsaasti tutkimustiet... more Työhön liittyvien psykososiaalisten tekijöiden vaikutuksesta terveyteen on runsaasti tutkimustietoa. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme työhön ja työn hallintaan liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyttä psyykkisiin rasittuneisuusoireisiin sekä edelleen terveyteen, työkykyyn, kuntoutuksen tarpeeseen ja kuntoutukseen osallistumiseen psyykkisesti oirehtivilla ja oireettomilla palkansaajilla. Aineistona on vuoden 2003 työolotutkimuksen 20-64-vuotias palkansaajaväestö. Psyykkisiä rasittuneisuusoireita oli aineiston joka kolmannella naisella ja joka viidennellä miehellä. Oireilu oli yhteydessä heikentyneeseen terveyteen, lisääntyneisiin sairauspoissaoloihin ja työkyvyn heikentymiseen. Työkyvyn heikentyminen oli yhteydessä psyykkisesti oirehtivien lisääntyneeseen kuntoutustarpeeseen. Hyvä esimiestoiminta, avoin ja keskusteleva ilmapiiri, syrjinnän ja ristiriitojen puuttuminen, töiden hyvä organisointi, hyvät mahdollisuudet työajan hallintaan sekä mahdollisuudet edetä, kehittyä ja kouluttautua uralla o...
Commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and initiated by the Advisory B... more Commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and initiated by the Advisory Board for Rehabilitation, the project utilised existing studies to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation among some important target groups. The focus was on the forms of rehabilitation given to large groups of people, especially the baby-boom generation, and on rehabilitation targeted at general social and health problems in this group. Effectiveness was assessed concerning the early rehabilitation of employed people, vocational rehabilitation, rehabilitation of long-term unemployed, rehabilitation of people with musculoskeletal disorders, neurological rehabilitation, rehabilitation of substance abusers, psychiatric rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the elderly. In addition, the economic effectiveness of rehabilitation was assessed. Assessment was made by experts proficient in research in the field. Assessments of effectiveness was based on international literature reviews and Fi...
English abstract. Both humanitarian and utilitarian grounds are usually used in justifying the re... more English abstract. Both humanitarian and utilitarian grounds are usually used in justifying the realization of rehabilitation activities in different societies. In this study, rehabilitation is analyzed and evaluated from different viewpoints and theoretical frameworks. The analysis is based on sociological and psychological research on health and illness, the disabled and disadvanteged, personal mastery and empowerment as well as research, statistics and documents on rehabilitation. The study is mainly explorative. The general aim is to propose a synthesis of conceptual and empirical models or frameworks relevant to rehabilitation. The subtasks are: 1) to analyze different models of illness and disablement and to outline the qualifications of the disablement model relevant to rehabilitation; 2) to analyze the conceptions of mastery, control, autonomy and empowerment from the viewpoint of rehabilitation; 3) to analyze the allocation of rehabilitation measures on the basis of rehabili...
Kuntoutuksen monitieteisen ja-alaisen tutkimuksen piirissä tarvitaan yhteisiä foorumeita, joissa ... more Kuntoutuksen monitieteisen ja-alaisen tutkimuksen piirissä tarvitaan yhteisiä foorumeita, joissa on mahdol-lista käydä kuntoutuksen tutkimusta ja sen menetelmiä koskevaa keskustelua yli tiede- ja ammattirajojen. Kun-toutusalan tutkimusta toteuttavat suuret ja pienemmät organisaatiot – mm. Eläketurvakeskus, Kela, Kuntoutus-säätiö, Stakes, VKK-kuntoutus ja Verve – ovat yhdessä tai erikseen järjestäneet kuntoutusalan tutkimusta kä-sitteleviä seminaareja jo usean vuoden ajan. Pari vuotta sitten Kuntoutuksen tutkimus- ja kehittämisyhdistyksen tieteellinen jaosto otti tehtäväkseen huolehtia siitä, että keskustelu kuntoutuksen monitieteisestä tutkimuksesta tiivistyy. Yhdistyksen järjestämä toinen valtakunnalli-nen kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen seminaari toukokuussa 2007 järjestettiin yhteistyössä Lapin yliopiston ja Lapin sairaanhoitopiirin kanssa. Tutkimusseminaari on osa kaksipäiväistä kokonaisuutta, jonka otsikkona on ”Kun-toutus ja elämänlaatu”. Kuntoutus on laaja tutkimusalue, jota voidaan...
Järvikoski A, Takala E-P, Juvonen-Posti P, Härkäpää K. The concept of work ability in the researc... more Järvikoski A, Takala E-P, Juvonen-Posti P, Härkäpää K. The concept of work ability in the research and practice of rehabilitation. Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Social security and health reports 13, 2018. 86 pp. ISBN 978-952-284056-1 (pdf). The concept of work ability varies and different concepts obviously affect the implementation of rehabilitation. The aim of this review was to systematically analyze how the concepts of work ability have been used in the scientific literature and guidelines of rehabilitation. Data were retrieved systematically in Finnish and international databases for the period of 2000–2016. The results are reported in three sections. First, we describe previous reviews that have discussed the concepts and theories related to work ability. Secondly, we review the methods developed to evaluate work ability and the underlying frameworks. The third section offers the content analysis of the literature, where we identified eight different models of work...
Sopeutumisvalmennuksen tavoitteena on tukea kuntoutujaa vamman tai pitkäaikaisen sairauden hallin... more Sopeutumisvalmennuksen tavoitteena on tukea kuntoutujaa vamman tai pitkäaikaisen sairauden hallinnassa ja tarjota mahdollisuus vertaistukeen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sopeutumisvalmennuksen koettuja hyötyjä sekä terveydentilassa, toimintakyvyssä, hallinnan tunteessa ja valtaistumisessa tapahtuneita muutoksia ja niihin yhteydessä olevia kontekstitekijöitä. Tutkimukseen osallistui syöpää, fibromyalgiaa ja tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavia kuntoutujia, jotka vastasivat ennen kurssin alkua lomakekyselyyn (n = 377) ja puoli vuotta kurssin päättymisen jälkeen seurantakyselyyn (n = 303). Kuntoutujista 58 % ilmoitti saaneensa valmennuksesta erittäin tai melko paljon hyötyä arjessa selviytymiseen: diabetesta sairastavat useammin kuin muut. Hyötykokemukset olivat epävakaassa elämäntilanteessa olevilla muita kuntoutujia harvinaisempia. Terveyteen liittyvä valtaistuminen oli vahvistunut kaikissa kuntoutujaryhmissä, erityisesti tiedollisen hallinnan osalta. Tutkimuksessa ei ollut vert...
Papers by Aila Järvikoski