This article provides an explanation and disclosure of the implementation of the Transferring Fun... more This article provides an explanation and disclosure of the implementation of the Transferring Function (ruislagh) of waqf land that is not in accordance with the laws and regulations. Looking back at the philosophical aspects of Islamic law by using the maqashid sharia perspective. The method used is a qualitative method using a normative juridical approach. This paper examines the principles, concepts of waqf law, legal provisions for management and transfer of waqf land functions. On the maqashid sharia perspective, the exchange of waqf property can be done as long as it met the benefits and basic needs are fulfilled through the choice of transferring function. Public cemeteries, public roads, the provision and expansion of educational facilities, and other forms of designation, in the context of Islamic law are seen as objects that are the main needs of the community. So that in order to fulfill basic needs and achieve maqashid sharia, the exchange of waqf property (ruislagh) c...
Journal of Education and Instruction (JOEAI), 2019
The purpose of this study was to look at innovations in learning Islamic Education (PAI) at Prof.... more The purpose of this study was to look at innovations in learning Islamic Education (PAI) at Prof. University. Dr. Hazairin, SH Bengkulu based on information technology in order to facilitate the learning process of PAI. The research method used is a qualitative method. Primary data is taken from interviews and observations, and secondary data is taken from documentation. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative techniques. The results of the study found two themes, first, the policy of Islamic religious education courses in Unihaz refers to the law on higher education which confirms the existence of religious education courses. Secondly, innovations made in the learning of information technology-based Islamic education are; 1) Instructed using online journals or internet media as a source of searching for assignments, 2) Tasks made in the form of videos, 3) Division of tasks and Collection of tasks via e-mail and WhatsApp. In conclusion, the Religious Education Course is a nationa...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019
Nazhir is one of the elements that must be fulfilled in the implementation of waqf. The existance... more Nazhir is one of the elements that must be fulfilled in the implementation of waqf. The existance of nashir is also one of the uniqueness of another form of management of Islamic Philantropic funds, namely zakat. Nazhir’s role is to manage and empower waqf objects so that the existance of waqf objects can provide and bring benefits in a sustainable manner of the benefit of the general public (ummah). The results of the development of waqf that are managed professionally and by Nazhir who is trustworthy (amanah) and professional, and by the BWI Institute will bring benefits and for the public, both in the form of designating a development of mosque / musholla facilities, Islamic educational institutions, Islamic hospital development, or for the benefit of other people's economic empowerment assistance. This paper provides an overview of how the concept of the mandatory sector is seen in the formation and appointment of Nazhir Legal Entities in terms of managing waqf assets. The V...
DIDAKTIKA TAUHIDI: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka merupakan kebijakan program pemerintah yang memberikan hak belajar... more Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka merupakan kebijakan program pemerintah yang memberikan hak belajar tiga semester kepada mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia di luar program studi. Program tersebut diberikan oleh Pemerintah melalui perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia dengan tujuan peningkatan mutu pembelajaran sekaligus kemampuan lulusan dalam mengabdikan ilmunya di masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis efektivitas pelaksanaan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pembelajaran dan lulusan di lingkungan perguruan tinggi serta mengetahui hambatan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaannya bagi program studi yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam melaksanakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif serta metode empiris dengan observasi dan wawancara terhadap berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan di lingkungan kampus yang telah melaksanakan Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Penelitian ini menem...
This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment ... more This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment of waqf objects in the Legal District of Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The aim is to increase Nazir's professionalism in increasing the productivity of waqf assets to be able to provide maximum benefits to the general public (ummah) in a sustainable manner. In Bogor district, there are waqf assets in the form of land totaling 5,686 locations within land areas of 4,433,860 M2. With such a large number of waqf assets, if managed professionally, the waqf will certainly be able to bring the sustainability of the Ummah economy, especially the sustainability of education for the younger generation. However, as this study found, only a few Nazhirs in the Bogor Regency area who have begun to develop productive waqf assets. The majority of Nazirs still use the old pattern which is not conducive to the development of the productivity of waqf property. Therefore it is necessary to optimi...
Police often accused of protecting its members who violate the code of conduct, this is caused by... more Police often accused of protecting its members who violate the code of conduct, this is caused by the severity of the punishment, giving rise to a negative outlook on society. Paminal as one among the elements in the body the police had a role in helping the enforcement of the code of conduct of the police. It is caused by the presence of police members who violate the code of conduct in the field. The method used in this research is the method of juridical sociological (empirical), namely the law as a symptom of society, as a social institution or patterned behavior. This approach is known as empirical legal research or sociological research, which is used to find out about the Enforcement Authority Paminal In Bogor Police Discipline in the city.
Many countries including Indonesia have concerned about the increase of drug trafficking. Current... more Many countries including Indonesia have concerned about the increase of drug trafficking. Currently Indonesia has been in the situation where there is an “Emergency on Drugs Trafficking”. Lot of efforts to solve and prevent the growth of drug trafficking has been done to save young generation. Criminal Acts on Drugs which have been spread out need to be cut off because the drug trafficking has happened nationally and even has crossed international boundaries. The Aims of this research are to identify and analyses necessary actions to prevent and solve the drug trafficking. Then, to find an ultimate solution in handling arising obstacles within such prevention and eradication of drug trafficking in Indonesia. This research uses a juridical normative approach method which reviews theories, concepts, legal principals, and prevailing rules and regulations. Moreover, it also applies an empirical approach as supporting study to gain more factual data.In conclusion, illegal drug traffickin...
ABSTRAK Perkawinan yang sah adalah perkawinan yang memenuhi syarat dan rukun. Salah satu rukun pe... more ABSTRAK Perkawinan yang sah adalah perkawinan yang memenuhi syarat dan rukun. Salah satu rukun perkawinan adalah adanya wali nikah yang mengijabkannya. Wali yang dimaksud adalah wali nasab (sedarah). Hal tersebut berlaku bagi semua anak perempuan yang ingin melangsungkan perkawinan termasuk anak angkat. Dalam suatu keadaan tertentu dimasyarakat, wali nikah dari anak angkat tersebut tidak diketahui orang tua kandungnya. Oleh karena itu untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kejelasan siapa yang berhak menjadi wali nikah, maka perlu adanya upaya hukum yang merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Adapun metode-metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan secara Yuridis Normatif, artinya menerangkan secara objek atau terperinci suatu data, kemudian mengananalisisnya berdasarkan teori hukum serta perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian. Hak perwalian anak angkat bagi wali hanya terbatas pada hak untuk mengasuh, hak untuk mendidik, untuk memeliharanya. Adapun hak perwalian te...
Importance of law development Indonesia especially about law of labor will bring a positive issue... more Importance of law development Indonesia especially about law of labor will bring a positive issue for industriaI people. Industry as a one of economic center should have regulation to resolve conflict happens within production process. This research is to know the solution of industrial relation conflict which is done by labor union, based on Law No. 2 of 2004 about Industrial Relation Dispute Settlement, to advocate dispute The method for this research is by using normative empirical approach towards Laws and regulation, or literatures and field study to one of the private companies in Kabupaten Bogor. Conclusion of this research is that procedures to settle the dispute of industrial relation done by labor union in accordance with Law No 21 Tahun 2004 are: 1) Bipartite negotiation. 2) Authorized institution of manpower (mediation, conciliation, and (arbitration). 3). Industrial Relation Courts
In the Decree of the Chief of Police No. Pol Skep / 37 / I / 2005 dated January 31, 2005 on Guide... more In the Decree of the Chief of Police No. Pol Skep / 37 / I / 2005 dated January 31, 2005 on Guidelines for Environmental Security Intelligence at the Indonesian Police, stated that security intelligence is intelligence that is implemented in carrying out the principal task of the police to bring internal security. Implementation of the activities and operations of security intelligence is to early prevention, early detection and implementation of early warning in accordance with the vision and mission of the security intelligence. Throughout 2014 the number of drug cases occurring among drug cases increased from 108 cases to 168 cases or by 55.6 percent. The objectives to be achieved in this thesis are: 1) To determine and analyze the role of Unit Intelkam in combating drug abuse in the city of Bogor by the Decree of the Chief of Police No. Skep / 37 / I / 2005. 2) To know and analyze the obstacles encountered Intelkam Force in combating drug abuse in the city of Bogor, and 3) To kn...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (a) memberikan analisis mengenai kesadaran hukum masyara... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (a) memberikan analisis mengenai kesadaran hukum masyarakat (para prinsipal) terhadap mediasi dalam penyelesaian perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Bogor; (b) mengetahui bagaimana implementasi Hakam dalam mediasi pada penyelesaian perkara perceraian berdasarkan PERMA Nomor 01 Tahun 2008. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kesadaran hukum masyarakat terhadap lembaga mediasi dinilai cukup baik. Kesadaran tersebut tergantung kepada kepentingan mereka terhadap pengadilan agama. Lembaga mediasi bukan merupakan satu-satunya penentu terhadap tercapainya kesepakatan damai dalam berperkara. Upaya hakim dalam mengimplementasikan hakam guna membantu menekan angka perceraian sudah maksimal. Hakam hanya diterapkan pada kasus perceraian dimana syiqaq benar-benar muncul sebagai alasan perceraian. Adapun mediasi lebih ditekankan pada penyelesaian permasalahan yang bersifat materi (meskipun juga dalam bidang perceraiannya) sehingga penerapan hakam dilakukan ha...
This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowermen... more This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment of waqf objects in the Legal District of Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The aim is to increase Nazir' s professionalism in increasing the productivity of waqf assets to be able to provide maximum benefits to the general public (ummah) in a sustainable manner. In Bogor district, there are waqf assets in the form of land totaling 5,686 locations within land areas of 4,433,860 M2. With such a large number of waqf assets, if managed professionally, the waqf will certainly be able to bring the sustainability of the Ummah economy, especially the sustainability of education for the younger generation. However, as this study found, only a few Nazhirs in the Bogor Regency area who have begun to develop productive waqf assets. The majority of Nazirs still use the old pattern which is not conducive to the development of the productivity of waqf property. Therefore it is necessary to op...
As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that ... more As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that Muslims in Indonesia are developing through this worship. However, what if the waqf is in the form of a mosque, Islamic school, and grave (3M’s waqf). It is an unusual thing in the contemporary Islamic tradition, but its existence persists. Meanwhile, 'Urf as one of the legal propositions in establishing Islamic law has known the concept and has been practised for generations in suburban areas where most of the population is Muslim. This tradition is then accommodated in Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning endowment, which contains land endowment and endowment organiser (nazhir). This paper examines the tradition of endowment in Indonesian society to benefit mosques, Islamic schools, and graves. By using the historical and analytical-conceptual approaches, this paper will analyse waqf in these three forms. The results of this study can be taken into consideration by stakeholders in deve...
A legal marriage is the process of marriage which qualifies the requirements and pillars stipulat... more A legal marriage is the process of marriage which qualifies the requirements and pillars stipulated by law. However, the appearance of consenting marital guardian (wali) of marriage is among the pillars of legitimate (rukun) marriage. Accordingly, guardian as mentioned here is a relative guardian. This stipulation is applied to daughters including adopted daughters who intentionally going to perform marriage. In particular condition in the society, sometimes, a marital guardian of adopted daughters is untraceable. Therefore, in order to examine and analyze the legitimate person to be guardian of marriage, an appropriate legal remedy that becomes the purpose of this research is needed. The methodology applied in the research is juridical normative approach whereby objectively explaining particular data followed by an analysis based on legal theory and related statutes of research objects. However, the custodial right of adopted child is only restricted to the right of custody, nurtur...
This article provides an explanation and disclosure of the implementation of the Transferring Fun... more This article provides an explanation and disclosure of the implementation of the Transferring Function (ruislagh) of waqf land that is not in accordance with the laws and regulations. Looking back at the philosophical aspects of Islamic law by using the maqashid sharia perspective. The method used is a qualitative method using a normative juridical approach. This paper examines the principles, concepts of waqf law, legal provisions for management and transfer of waqf land functions. On the maqashid sharia perspective, the exchange of waqf property can be done as long as it met the benefits and basic needs are fulfilled through the choice of transferring function. Public cemeteries, public roads, the provision and expansion of educational facilities, and other forms of designation, in the context of Islamic law are seen as objects that are the main needs of the community. So that in order to fulfill basic needs and achieve maqashid sharia, the exchange of waqf property (ruislagh) c...
Journal of Education and Instruction (JOEAI), 2019
The purpose of this study was to look at innovations in learning Islamic Education (PAI) at Prof.... more The purpose of this study was to look at innovations in learning Islamic Education (PAI) at Prof. University. Dr. Hazairin, SH Bengkulu based on information technology in order to facilitate the learning process of PAI. The research method used is a qualitative method. Primary data is taken from interviews and observations, and secondary data is taken from documentation. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative techniques. The results of the study found two themes, first, the policy of Islamic religious education courses in Unihaz refers to the law on higher education which confirms the existence of religious education courses. Secondly, innovations made in the learning of information technology-based Islamic education are; 1) Instructed using online journals or internet media as a source of searching for assignments, 2) Tasks made in the form of videos, 3) Division of tasks and Collection of tasks via e-mail and WhatsApp. In conclusion, the Religious Education Course is a nationa...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019
Nazhir is one of the elements that must be fulfilled in the implementation of waqf. The existance... more Nazhir is one of the elements that must be fulfilled in the implementation of waqf. The existance of nashir is also one of the uniqueness of another form of management of Islamic Philantropic funds, namely zakat. Nazhir’s role is to manage and empower waqf objects so that the existance of waqf objects can provide and bring benefits in a sustainable manner of the benefit of the general public (ummah). The results of the development of waqf that are managed professionally and by Nazhir who is trustworthy (amanah) and professional, and by the BWI Institute will bring benefits and for the public, both in the form of designating a development of mosque / musholla facilities, Islamic educational institutions, Islamic hospital development, or for the benefit of other people's economic empowerment assistance. This paper provides an overview of how the concept of the mandatory sector is seen in the formation and appointment of Nazhir Legal Entities in terms of managing waqf assets. The V...
DIDAKTIKA TAUHIDI: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka merupakan kebijakan program pemerintah yang memberikan hak belajar... more Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka merupakan kebijakan program pemerintah yang memberikan hak belajar tiga semester kepada mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia di luar program studi. Program tersebut diberikan oleh Pemerintah melalui perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia dengan tujuan peningkatan mutu pembelajaran sekaligus kemampuan lulusan dalam mengabdikan ilmunya di masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis efektivitas pelaksanaan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pembelajaran dan lulusan di lingkungan perguruan tinggi serta mengetahui hambatan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaannya bagi program studi yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam melaksanakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif serta metode empiris dengan observasi dan wawancara terhadap berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan di lingkungan kampus yang telah melaksanakan Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Penelitian ini menem...
This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment ... more This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment of waqf objects in the Legal District of Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The aim is to increase Nazir's professionalism in increasing the productivity of waqf assets to be able to provide maximum benefits to the general public (ummah) in a sustainable manner. In Bogor district, there are waqf assets in the form of land totaling 5,686 locations within land areas of 4,433,860 M2. With such a large number of waqf assets, if managed professionally, the waqf will certainly be able to bring the sustainability of the Ummah economy, especially the sustainability of education for the younger generation. However, as this study found, only a few Nazhirs in the Bogor Regency area who have begun to develop productive waqf assets. The majority of Nazirs still use the old pattern which is not conducive to the development of the productivity of waqf property. Therefore it is necessary to optimi...
Police often accused of protecting its members who violate the code of conduct, this is caused by... more Police often accused of protecting its members who violate the code of conduct, this is caused by the severity of the punishment, giving rise to a negative outlook on society. Paminal as one among the elements in the body the police had a role in helping the enforcement of the code of conduct of the police. It is caused by the presence of police members who violate the code of conduct in the field. The method used in this research is the method of juridical sociological (empirical), namely the law as a symptom of society, as a social institution or patterned behavior. This approach is known as empirical legal research or sociological research, which is used to find out about the Enforcement Authority Paminal In Bogor Police Discipline in the city.
Many countries including Indonesia have concerned about the increase of drug trafficking. Current... more Many countries including Indonesia have concerned about the increase of drug trafficking. Currently Indonesia has been in the situation where there is an “Emergency on Drugs Trafficking”. Lot of efforts to solve and prevent the growth of drug trafficking has been done to save young generation. Criminal Acts on Drugs which have been spread out need to be cut off because the drug trafficking has happened nationally and even has crossed international boundaries. The Aims of this research are to identify and analyses necessary actions to prevent and solve the drug trafficking. Then, to find an ultimate solution in handling arising obstacles within such prevention and eradication of drug trafficking in Indonesia. This research uses a juridical normative approach method which reviews theories, concepts, legal principals, and prevailing rules and regulations. Moreover, it also applies an empirical approach as supporting study to gain more factual data.In conclusion, illegal drug traffickin...
ABSTRAK Perkawinan yang sah adalah perkawinan yang memenuhi syarat dan rukun. Salah satu rukun pe... more ABSTRAK Perkawinan yang sah adalah perkawinan yang memenuhi syarat dan rukun. Salah satu rukun perkawinan adalah adanya wali nikah yang mengijabkannya. Wali yang dimaksud adalah wali nasab (sedarah). Hal tersebut berlaku bagi semua anak perempuan yang ingin melangsungkan perkawinan termasuk anak angkat. Dalam suatu keadaan tertentu dimasyarakat, wali nikah dari anak angkat tersebut tidak diketahui orang tua kandungnya. Oleh karena itu untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kejelasan siapa yang berhak menjadi wali nikah, maka perlu adanya upaya hukum yang merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Adapun metode-metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan secara Yuridis Normatif, artinya menerangkan secara objek atau terperinci suatu data, kemudian mengananalisisnya berdasarkan teori hukum serta perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian. Hak perwalian anak angkat bagi wali hanya terbatas pada hak untuk mengasuh, hak untuk mendidik, untuk memeliharanya. Adapun hak perwalian te...
Importance of law development Indonesia especially about law of labor will bring a positive issue... more Importance of law development Indonesia especially about law of labor will bring a positive issue for industriaI people. Industry as a one of economic center should have regulation to resolve conflict happens within production process. This research is to know the solution of industrial relation conflict which is done by labor union, based on Law No. 2 of 2004 about Industrial Relation Dispute Settlement, to advocate dispute The method for this research is by using normative empirical approach towards Laws and regulation, or literatures and field study to one of the private companies in Kabupaten Bogor. Conclusion of this research is that procedures to settle the dispute of industrial relation done by labor union in accordance with Law No 21 Tahun 2004 are: 1) Bipartite negotiation. 2) Authorized institution of manpower (mediation, conciliation, and (arbitration). 3). Industrial Relation Courts
In the Decree of the Chief of Police No. Pol Skep / 37 / I / 2005 dated January 31, 2005 on Guide... more In the Decree of the Chief of Police No. Pol Skep / 37 / I / 2005 dated January 31, 2005 on Guidelines for Environmental Security Intelligence at the Indonesian Police, stated that security intelligence is intelligence that is implemented in carrying out the principal task of the police to bring internal security. Implementation of the activities and operations of security intelligence is to early prevention, early detection and implementation of early warning in accordance with the vision and mission of the security intelligence. Throughout 2014 the number of drug cases occurring among drug cases increased from 108 cases to 168 cases or by 55.6 percent. The objectives to be achieved in this thesis are: 1) To determine and analyze the role of Unit Intelkam in combating drug abuse in the city of Bogor by the Decree of the Chief of Police No. Skep / 37 / I / 2005. 2) To know and analyze the obstacles encountered Intelkam Force in combating drug abuse in the city of Bogor, and 3) To kn...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (a) memberikan analisis mengenai kesadaran hukum masyara... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (a) memberikan analisis mengenai kesadaran hukum masyarakat (para prinsipal) terhadap mediasi dalam penyelesaian perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Bogor; (b) mengetahui bagaimana implementasi Hakam dalam mediasi pada penyelesaian perkara perceraian berdasarkan PERMA Nomor 01 Tahun 2008. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kesadaran hukum masyarakat terhadap lembaga mediasi dinilai cukup baik. Kesadaran tersebut tergantung kepada kepentingan mereka terhadap pengadilan agama. Lembaga mediasi bukan merupakan satu-satunya penentu terhadap tercapainya kesepakatan damai dalam berperkara. Upaya hakim dalam mengimplementasikan hakam guna membantu menekan angka perceraian sudah maksimal. Hakam hanya diterapkan pada kasus perceraian dimana syiqaq benar-benar muncul sebagai alasan perceraian. Adapun mediasi lebih ditekankan pada penyelesaian permasalahan yang bersifat materi (meskipun juga dalam bidang perceraiannya) sehingga penerapan hakam dilakukan ha...
This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowermen... more This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment of waqf objects in the Legal District of Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The aim is to increase Nazir' s professionalism in increasing the productivity of waqf assets to be able to provide maximum benefits to the general public (ummah) in a sustainable manner. In Bogor district, there are waqf assets in the form of land totaling 5,686 locations within land areas of 4,433,860 M2. With such a large number of waqf assets, if managed professionally, the waqf will certainly be able to bring the sustainability of the Ummah economy, especially the sustainability of education for the younger generation. However, as this study found, only a few Nazhirs in the Bogor Regency area who have begun to develop productive waqf assets. The majority of Nazirs still use the old pattern which is not conducive to the development of the productivity of waqf property. Therefore it is necessary to op...
As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that ... more As a tradition that has been practised for a long time, waqf or endowment is clear evidence that Muslims in Indonesia are developing through this worship. However, what if the waqf is in the form of a mosque, Islamic school, and grave (3M’s waqf). It is an unusual thing in the contemporary Islamic tradition, but its existence persists. Meanwhile, 'Urf as one of the legal propositions in establishing Islamic law has known the concept and has been practised for generations in suburban areas where most of the population is Muslim. This tradition is then accommodated in Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning endowment, which contains land endowment and endowment organiser (nazhir). This paper examines the tradition of endowment in Indonesian society to benefit mosques, Islamic schools, and graves. By using the historical and analytical-conceptual approaches, this paper will analyse waqf in these three forms. The results of this study can be taken into consideration by stakeholders in deve...
A legal marriage is the process of marriage which qualifies the requirements and pillars stipulat... more A legal marriage is the process of marriage which qualifies the requirements and pillars stipulated by law. However, the appearance of consenting marital guardian (wali) of marriage is among the pillars of legitimate (rukun) marriage. Accordingly, guardian as mentioned here is a relative guardian. This stipulation is applied to daughters including adopted daughters who intentionally going to perform marriage. In particular condition in the society, sometimes, a marital guardian of adopted daughters is untraceable. Therefore, in order to examine and analyze the legitimate person to be guardian of marriage, an appropriate legal remedy that becomes the purpose of this research is needed. The methodology applied in the research is juridical normative approach whereby objectively explaining particular data followed by an analysis based on legal theory and related statutes of research objects. However, the custodial right of adopted child is only restricted to the right of custody, nurtur...
Papers by Ani Yumarni