Metode interogasi belum populer diterapkan untuk penguataan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam penulisa... more Metode interogasi belum populer diterapkan untuk penguataan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam penulisan akademik (academic writing). Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji metode interogasi dalam penguatan keterampilan penulisan akademik mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode research and development. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa tercapai 359 artikel mahasiswa dalam publikasi di jurnal ilmiah sepanjang tahun 2020-2021 melalui metode interogasi dengan menggunakan pedoman formal pendidikan tinggi secara sentral. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah metode interogasi teruji membentuk kesadaran bersama yang memusatkan pedoman formal dalam posisi netral untuk menginterogasi penulisan akademik mahasiswa, dimana hal ini bukan saja mencipta penguatan keterampilan melainkan juga mewujudkan atmosfer yang berorientasi peningkatan kualitas
Cardiac arrhythmia has been defined as one of the abnormal heart rhythm symptoms, which is a comm... more Cardiac arrhythmia has been defined as one of the abnormal heart rhythm symptoms, which is a common problem dealt with by cardiologists. Zebrafish were established as a powerful animal model with a transparent body that enables optical observation to analyze cardiac morphology and cardiac rhythm regularity. Currently, research has observed heart-related parameters in zebrafish, which used different approaches, such as starting from the use of fluorescent transgenic zebrafish, different software, and different observation methods. In this study, we developed an innovative approach by using the OpenCV library to measure zebrafish larvae heart rate and rhythm. The program is designed in Python, with the feature of multiprocessing for simultaneous region-of-interest (ROI) detection, covering both the atrium and ventricle regions in the video, and was designed to be simple and user-friendly, having utility even for users who are unfamiliar with Python. Results were validated with our pre...
Metode interogasi belum populer diterapkan untuk penguataan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam penulisa... more Metode interogasi belum populer diterapkan untuk penguataan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam penulisan akademik (academic writing). Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji metode interogasi dalam penguatan keterampilan penulisan akademik mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode research and development. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa tercapai 359 artikel mahasiswa dalam publikasi di jurnal ilmiah sepanjang tahun 2020-2021 melalui metode interogasi dengan menggunakan pedoman formal pendidikan tinggi secara sentral. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah metode interogasi teruji membentuk kesadaran bersama yang memusatkan pedoman formal dalam posisi netral untuk menginterogasi penulisan akademik mahasiswa, dimana hal ini bukan saja mencipta penguatan keterampilan melainkan juga mewujudkan atmosfer yang berorientasi peningkatan kualitas
Cardiac arrhythmia has been defined as one of the abnormal heart rhythm symptoms, which is a comm... more Cardiac arrhythmia has been defined as one of the abnormal heart rhythm symptoms, which is a common problem dealt with by cardiologists. Zebrafish were established as a powerful animal model with a transparent body that enables optical observation to analyze cardiac morphology and cardiac rhythm regularity. Currently, research has observed heart-related parameters in zebrafish, which used different approaches, such as starting from the use of fluorescent transgenic zebrafish, different software, and different observation methods. In this study, we developed an innovative approach by using the OpenCV library to measure zebrafish larvae heart rate and rhythm. The program is designed in Python, with the feature of multiprocessing for simultaneous region-of-interest (ROI) detection, covering both the atrium and ventricle regions in the video, and was designed to be simple and user-friendly, having utility even for users who are unfamiliar with Python. Results were validated with our pre...
Papers by Adi Lingga Kurnia