Rule-based Scientific Workflows -Workflows are formalized by arbitrary combination of ontologies,... more Rule-based Scientific Workflows -Workflows are formalized by arbitrary combination of ontologies, conditional decision logic implemented in terms of derivation rules, and event-driven reaction logic implemented by reactions rules
Our Chemical e-Science Information Cloud (ChemCloud) - a Semantic Web based eScience infrastructu... more Our Chemical e-Science Information Cloud (ChemCloud) - a Semantic Web based eScience infrastructure - integrates and automates a multitude of databases, tools and services in the domain of chemistry, pharmacy and bio-chemistry available at the Fachinformationszentrum Chemie (FIZ Chemie), at the Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB), and on the public Web. Based on the approach of the W3C Linked Open Data initiative and the W3C Semantic Web technologies for ontologies and rules it semantically links and integrates knowledge from our W3C HCLS knowledge base hosted at the FUB, our multi-domain knowledge base DBpedia (Deutschland) implemented at FUB, which is extracted from Wikipedia (De) providing a public semantic resource for chemistry, and our well-established databases at FIZ Chemie such as ChemInform for organic reaction data, InfoTherm the leading source for thermophysical data, Chemisches Zentralblatt, the complete chemistry knowledge from 1830 to 1969, and ChemgaPedia the largest and most frequented e-Learning platform for Chemistry and related sciences in German language.
Currently negotiation covers a huge and unstructured domain of negotiation-and coordination proto... more Currently negotiation covers a huge and unstructured domain of negotiation-and coordination protocols 1 and associated strategies. Researchers and practitioners like system engineers have almost no support in discussing protocol solutions to frequently occurring negotiation problems and in designing and implementing successful protocols and associated negotiation media. Negotiation engineering remains a laborious trial and error process. We propose a novel approach to the description of negotiation and coordination protocols that is based on the idea of design patterns. Design patterns have been used successfully in recent years in the software engineering community in order to share knowledge about the structural and behavioural properties of software and to communicate object-oriented design solutions . In this article we introduce a descriptive, semi-formal design pattern language for negotiation and decentralized coordination protocol solutions. The Negotiation Pattern Language (NPL) uses a combination of narrative human readable descriptions, formal models like Role Activity Diagrams (RAD) and machine-processable XML mark-up. This underpins tool-based cataloguing and publishing of patterns in a machine-readable, semi-formal pattern definition language and supports engineers to understand and apply these patterns. We have collected and described a first set of well-known and successful negotiation and coordination protocols and published them in a web based Design Pattern Library (DPL). The patterns are written from the point of view of a system engineer, but draw on the results of other disciplines such as social choice theory, mechanism design theory or group decision and negotiation theory. This should initiate a community effort, whereas the DPL might be used to gather and share knowledge about protocol designs. We contribute to an interdisciplinary and efficient communication process about design solutions for various negotiation and coordination problems and support system engineers in their design decisions.
Responder is a framework for specifying virtual organizations as semantic multiagent systems that... more Responder is a framework for specifying virtual organizations as semantic multiagent systems that support collaborative teams. It provides the infrastructure for rule-based collaboration between the distributed members of such a virtual organization. Human members of an organization are assisted by (semi-)autonomous rule-based agents, which use Semantic Web rules to describe aspects of their owners' derivation and reaction logic. To implement different distributed system/agent toplogies with their negotiation/coordination mechanisms Rule Responder instantiations employ three core classes of agents -Organizational Agents (OA), Personal Agents (PAs), and External Agents (EAs). The OA represents goals and strategies shared by its virtual organization as a whole, using a rulebase that describes its policies, regulations, opportunities, etc. Each PA assists a group or person of the organization, semi-autonomously acting on their behalf by using a local knowledge base of rules defined by the entity. EAs can communicate with the virtual organization by sending messages to the public interfaces of the OA. EAs can be human users using, e.g., Web forms or can be automated services/tools sending messages via the multitude of transport protocols of the underlying enterprise service bus (ESB) middleware. The agents employ ontologies in their knowledge bases to represent semantic domain vocabularies, normative pragmatics and pragmatic context of conversations and actions, as well as the organizational semiotics.
Declarative programming using rules has advantages in certain application domains and has been su... more Declarative programming using rules has advantages in certain application domains and has been successfully applied in many real world software projects. Besides building rule-based applications, rule concepts also provide a proven basis for the development of higher-level architectures, which enrich the existing production rule metaphor with further abstractions. One especially interesting application domain for this technology is the behavior specification of autonomous software agents, because rule bases help fulfilling key characteristics of agents such as reactivity and proactivity. In this chapter it will be detailed, which motivations promote the usage of rule bases for agent behavior control and what kinds of approaches exist. Concretely, these approaches will be explained in the context of four existing agent architectures (pure rulebased, AOP, Soar, BDI) and their implementations (Rule Responder, Agent-0 and successors, Soar, and Jadex). In particular, it will be emphasized in which respect these agent architectures make use of rules and with what mechanisms they extend the base functionality. Finally, the approaches will be generalized by summarizing their core assumptions and extension mechanisms and possible further application domains besides agent architectures will be presented.
This paper describes the inductive logic programming (ILP) features of Prova, a state-of-art dist... more This paper describes the inductive logic programming (ILP) features of Prova, a state-of-art distributed Semantic Web and Life Science inference service system and architecture for multi-relational data mining of complex Life Science phenomena such as complex biological relationships. The proposed novel design artifact implements typical ILP inference formalisms for rule-based generalization and specialization and combines them with expressive logic-based formalisms such as scoped meta-data based reasoning and typed logic in order to constrain the search space and the level of generality of relevant background knowledge. The tight integration of declarative rule-based programming with object-oriented programming (Java) allows outsourcing of computation intensive functionalities such as aggregations and data selections to highly optimized procedural code and query languages such as SQL, XQuery, OWL2Prova RDF, SPARQL. Parallel processing of ILP tasks is supported by a distributed service-oriented and event-driven middleware where several Prova rule engine instances are deployed on the Web as distributed inference services having access to modular data sources and distributed web-based resources. As a result our approach preserves the high expressiveness and flexibility of ILP for multi-relational data mining and attempts to overcome well-known computational and logical problems of ILP when facing very large and scattered heterogenous amounts of data with complex relationships published on the (Semantic) Web.
The Semantic Web as an evolution of the World Wide Web allows its users to share content over the... more The Semantic Web as an evolution of the World Wide Web allows its users to share content over the boundaries of applications and web sites. However, current web-based systems for the controlled distribution of private information require the presence of information on centralized systems. A potential risk for the user is the central system operator which has full access to all stored information. Moreover, if a malicious user gets unauthorized access to the operator's management rights, the information stored by all users is exposed. In this paper, we demonstrate our alternative approach of a distributed address book, where users can store their information on a system under their own control. A special focus in our implementation was on the usability, in particular for the complex rule generation and processing chain, so that any user familiar with social network software is able to formulate access policies.
Rule-based Scientific Workflows -Workflows are formalized by arbitrary combination of ontologies,... more Rule-based Scientific Workflows -Workflows are formalized by arbitrary combination of ontologies, conditional decision logic implemented in terms of derivation rules, and event-driven reaction logic implemented by reactions rules
Our Chemical e-Science Information Cloud (ChemCloud) - a Semantic Web based eScience infrastructu... more Our Chemical e-Science Information Cloud (ChemCloud) - a Semantic Web based eScience infrastructure - integrates and automates a multitude of databases, tools and services in the domain of chemistry, pharmacy and bio-chemistry available at the Fachinformationszentrum Chemie (FIZ Chemie), at the Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB), and on the public Web. Based on the approach of the W3C Linked Open Data initiative and the W3C Semantic Web technologies for ontologies and rules it semantically links and integrates knowledge from our W3C HCLS knowledge base hosted at the FUB, our multi-domain knowledge base DBpedia (Deutschland) implemented at FUB, which is extracted from Wikipedia (De) providing a public semantic resource for chemistry, and our well-established databases at FIZ Chemie such as ChemInform for organic reaction data, InfoTherm the leading source for thermophysical data, Chemisches Zentralblatt, the complete chemistry knowledge from 1830 to 1969, and ChemgaPedia the largest and most frequented e-Learning platform for Chemistry and related sciences in German language.
Currently negotiation covers a huge and unstructured domain of negotiation-and coordination proto... more Currently negotiation covers a huge and unstructured domain of negotiation-and coordination protocols 1 and associated strategies. Researchers and practitioners like system engineers have almost no support in discussing protocol solutions to frequently occurring negotiation problems and in designing and implementing successful protocols and associated negotiation media. Negotiation engineering remains a laborious trial and error process. We propose a novel approach to the description of negotiation and coordination protocols that is based on the idea of design patterns. Design patterns have been used successfully in recent years in the software engineering community in order to share knowledge about the structural and behavioural properties of software and to communicate object-oriented design solutions . In this article we introduce a descriptive, semi-formal design pattern language for negotiation and decentralized coordination protocol solutions. The Negotiation Pattern Language (NPL) uses a combination of narrative human readable descriptions, formal models like Role Activity Diagrams (RAD) and machine-processable XML mark-up. This underpins tool-based cataloguing and publishing of patterns in a machine-readable, semi-formal pattern definition language and supports engineers to understand and apply these patterns. We have collected and described a first set of well-known and successful negotiation and coordination protocols and published them in a web based Design Pattern Library (DPL). The patterns are written from the point of view of a system engineer, but draw on the results of other disciplines such as social choice theory, mechanism design theory or group decision and negotiation theory. This should initiate a community effort, whereas the DPL might be used to gather and share knowledge about protocol designs. We contribute to an interdisciplinary and efficient communication process about design solutions for various negotiation and coordination problems and support system engineers in their design decisions.
Responder is a framework for specifying virtual organizations as semantic multiagent systems that... more Responder is a framework for specifying virtual organizations as semantic multiagent systems that support collaborative teams. It provides the infrastructure for rule-based collaboration between the distributed members of such a virtual organization. Human members of an organization are assisted by (semi-)autonomous rule-based agents, which use Semantic Web rules to describe aspects of their owners' derivation and reaction logic. To implement different distributed system/agent toplogies with their negotiation/coordination mechanisms Rule Responder instantiations employ three core classes of agents -Organizational Agents (OA), Personal Agents (PAs), and External Agents (EAs). The OA represents goals and strategies shared by its virtual organization as a whole, using a rulebase that describes its policies, regulations, opportunities, etc. Each PA assists a group or person of the organization, semi-autonomously acting on their behalf by using a local knowledge base of rules defined by the entity. EAs can communicate with the virtual organization by sending messages to the public interfaces of the OA. EAs can be human users using, e.g., Web forms or can be automated services/tools sending messages via the multitude of transport protocols of the underlying enterprise service bus (ESB) middleware. The agents employ ontologies in their knowledge bases to represent semantic domain vocabularies, normative pragmatics and pragmatic context of conversations and actions, as well as the organizational semiotics.
Declarative programming using rules has advantages in certain application domains and has been su... more Declarative programming using rules has advantages in certain application domains and has been successfully applied in many real world software projects. Besides building rule-based applications, rule concepts also provide a proven basis for the development of higher-level architectures, which enrich the existing production rule metaphor with further abstractions. One especially interesting application domain for this technology is the behavior specification of autonomous software agents, because rule bases help fulfilling key characteristics of agents such as reactivity and proactivity. In this chapter it will be detailed, which motivations promote the usage of rule bases for agent behavior control and what kinds of approaches exist. Concretely, these approaches will be explained in the context of four existing agent architectures (pure rulebased, AOP, Soar, BDI) and their implementations (Rule Responder, Agent-0 and successors, Soar, and Jadex). In particular, it will be emphasized in which respect these agent architectures make use of rules and with what mechanisms they extend the base functionality. Finally, the approaches will be generalized by summarizing their core assumptions and extension mechanisms and possible further application domains besides agent architectures will be presented.
This paper describes the inductive logic programming (ILP) features of Prova, a state-of-art dist... more This paper describes the inductive logic programming (ILP) features of Prova, a state-of-art distributed Semantic Web and Life Science inference service system and architecture for multi-relational data mining of complex Life Science phenomena such as complex biological relationships. The proposed novel design artifact implements typical ILP inference formalisms for rule-based generalization and specialization and combines them with expressive logic-based formalisms such as scoped meta-data based reasoning and typed logic in order to constrain the search space and the level of generality of relevant background knowledge. The tight integration of declarative rule-based programming with object-oriented programming (Java) allows outsourcing of computation intensive functionalities such as aggregations and data selections to highly optimized procedural code and query languages such as SQL, XQuery, OWL2Prova RDF, SPARQL. Parallel processing of ILP tasks is supported by a distributed service-oriented and event-driven middleware where several Prova rule engine instances are deployed on the Web as distributed inference services having access to modular data sources and distributed web-based resources. As a result our approach preserves the high expressiveness and flexibility of ILP for multi-relational data mining and attempts to overcome well-known computational and logical problems of ILP when facing very large and scattered heterogenous amounts of data with complex relationships published on the (Semantic) Web.
The Semantic Web as an evolution of the World Wide Web allows its users to share content over the... more The Semantic Web as an evolution of the World Wide Web allows its users to share content over the boundaries of applications and web sites. However, current web-based systems for the controlled distribution of private information require the presence of information on centralized systems. A potential risk for the user is the central system operator which has full access to all stored information. Moreover, if a malicious user gets unauthorized access to the operator's management rights, the information stored by all users is exposed. In this paper, we demonstrate our alternative approach of a distributed address book, where users can store their information on a system under their own control. A special focus in our implementation was on the usability, in particular for the complex rule generation and processing chain, so that any user familiar with social network software is able to formulate access policies.
Papers by Adrian Paschke