71.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 23-27 Nisan 2018, AnkaraSon yıllarda iklim değişikliğine bağlı su k... more 71.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 23-27 Nisan 2018, AnkaraSon yıllarda iklim değişikliğine bağlı su kullanımının artması ve buna ek olarak aşırı nüfus artışı, yeraltısuyu kullanımını arttırmakta ve su kaynaklarını tehdit etmektedir. Su kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması için barajlar ve yapay göller inşa edilmekte, ancak bu yapıların geniş yüzey alanlarında çok fazla buharlaşma görülmektedir. Dolayısı ile yeraltı suyunun, buharlaşma kayıplarının yaşanmadığı direkt yağış ile beslenen yapay beslenmesi önem kazanmaktadır. Yapay beslenme, havzalardaki suyu fazla buharlaşmadan korur ve su kaynaklarının potansiyelini artırıp, sürdürülebilirliğini sağlar. Bu çalışma kapsamında nümerik metotlar kullanılarak, Alaşehir (Manisa) havzasında alüvyon akiferin beslenmesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye’nin batısında yer alan ve ülkenin %2’sini oluşturan Gediz Havzası, önemli bir yeraltı suyu potansiyelinin olduğu ve kullanıldığı alan konumundadır.TUBITAK project number of 115Y06
The issue of groundwater recharge has gained importance in countries where there is not enough wa... more The issue of groundwater recharge has gained importance in countries where there is not enough water supply to the aquifer. However, groundwater recharge is a difficult parameter to determine. This difficulty stems from factors such as the location of the area to be studied, time, cost, and hydrological data. Numerical, isotope, and chemical approaches are used in groundwater recharge investigations. Numerical and chemical approaches are more costly and time-consuming than chemical approaches. This study aims to ascertain alluvial aquifer recharge in Alaşehir (Manisa) sub-basin using chemical approaches (Chloride Mass Balance Method) and its applicability. For this purpose, research wells were drilled at 25 different points in the alluvial aquifer, water sampling was done in wet and dry periods, and rainwater water samples were collected. Groundwater recharge was calculated by using chemical approaches from the chloride concentrations of the water samples collected. An annual average of 74.84 mm of recharge was found in the Alaşehir sub-basin. This value corresponds to 16.38% of annual rainfall. At the same time, it was examined the groundwater and geothermal mixing mechanism to demonstrate the applicability of the Chloride Mass Balance Method. It was concluded that geothermal fluid in Alaşehir sub-basin mixed with groundwater at a rate of 17%.
Remote sensing and GIS applications, image processing, environmental monitoring and assessment, I... more Remote sensing and GIS applications, image processing, environmental monitoring and assessment, InSAR applications, digital terrain analysis, image interpretation of water bodies, photo-geology (image interpretation of geomorphology & structural-geology & tectonics), digital mapping systems and digital map production.
Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural ... more Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural disasters are coastal inundation in response to sea-level rise, and/or river flooding caused by heavy rain falls, additionally earthquakes and, etc. In terms of natural hazards, one of the most sensitive and culturally significant areas in Turkey is the Hatay province in the east Mediterranean region. The Hatay province is located on such a region which is not only vulnerable to coastal inundation and river flooding, but also is a tectonically and seismically sensitive area. In this study, for taking conservation measures against the natural hazards beforehand and decision-making on any future land-planning; a digital terrain model and a 3D fly-through model of the Hatay province were generated; then quantitatively and/or qualitatively interpreted by employing the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital elevation model. Besides, stream drainage patterns, lineaments and structural–geolo...
... Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications , New York: John Wiley and Sons. View all refer... more ... Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications , New York: John Wiley and Sons. View all references, El Sheimy et al. 20058. El Sheimy, N., Valeo, C. and Habib, A. 2005. Digital Terrain Modeling: Acquisition, Manipulation and Applications , Boston, MA: Artech House. ...
Unprecedented rates of changes in land use/cover (LULC) on the local and regional scales lead to ... more Unprecedented rates of changes in land use/cover (LULC) on the local and regional scales lead to alterations of global biogeochemical cycles, and loss of productive ecosystems and biodiversity. Driving forces behind LULC changes mainly include rapid growth rates of population and consumption, lack of valuation of ecological services, poverty, ignorance of biophysical limitations, and use of ecologically incompatible technologies. One of the major ecological tragedies of the commons in the province of Hatay is the case of the loss of the Amik Lake, which reveals the urgent need for adoption of sustainable and adaptive ecosystem management strategies if escalating land use conflicts are to be avoided and environmental degradation is to be reversed in the Amik plain of the southeastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. In the 1940s, the Amik lake was started to be discharged into the Orontes river by a large-scale campaign launched to increase the area of croplands. The study quantified LULC changes and explored constraints and opportunities for future LULCs in the study area. Land use/cover changes were detected from a time series of satellite images of Landsat-MSS in 1972, Landsat-5 TM in 1987, and Landsat-7 ETM+ in 2000 using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). The study revealed that the increase in croplands between 1972 and 1987 took place at the expense of the irreversible losses of the Amik lake and its related wetlands of over 53 km 2 used to provide vital ecosystem goods and services for the region. In the period of 1972 to 2000, croplands, settlements, and evergreen forests increased by 174%, 106%, and 14%, respectively, in parallel to the decreases in shrublands-orchards, and bareground. The increase in settlements occurred mostly to the detriment of croplands. The prospects for halting environmental degradation and destruction, rehabilitating damaged ecosystems, and developing sustainable ecosystem management practices need to be dealt with in light of the institutional and economic constraints facing Turkey.
The vulnerability of low-lying coastal areas in Turkey to inundation was quantified based on the ... more The vulnerability of low-lying coastal areas in Turkey to inundation was quantified based on the sea-level rise scenarios of 1, 2, and 3 m by 2205. Through digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM), the extent and ...
While Turkey's province of Edirne represents one of the country's most significant cultural herit... more While Turkey's province of Edirne represents one of the country's most significant cultural heritage areas because it lies in the basins of the Meric and Ergene rivers, this very valuable region is highly susceptible to flooding during heavy rain falls. It becomes particularly vulnerable when neighboring Bulgaria responds to its own threats of heavy rain or snowfall by opening its floodgates of its dams on the River Meric, which flows through the Edirne province. Therefore, for years, the Edirne province has experienced severe floods that are eroding its fertile alluvial agricultural floodplains. An environmental plan based on a determination of the vulnerability levels of the province's flood hazard risk areas is required if action is taken to alleviate this problem. The objective of this study is to acquire geo-information from the remotely sensed data and to interpret the flood hazard risk levels of the area's settlements and agricultural floodplains. In this study, the spatial distribution of the flood hazard risk areas in the Edirne province is determined using not only the Advanced Space-Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer digital elevation model data of the Edirne province to create maps that illustrate the digital terrain model and the 3D fly-through dynamic model of the study region but also the Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus multi-spectral image data set to create land use and land cover types of the study region. The maps exhibit landform characteristics, floodplain topography, and stream drainages. Analysis and interpretation of the maps demonstrate that the areas most susceptible to flooding are Enez, which lies at the northern coastal area of the Aegean Sea and agricultural areas, and the settlements on the Meric River floodplains of Ipsala, Meric, Edirne, and Uzunkopru, listed in decreasing order, respectively.
The study presents a new methodology to quantify spatiotemporal dynamics of climate change vulner... more The study presents a new methodology to quantify spatiotemporal dynamics of climate change vulnerability at a regional scale adopting a new conceptual model of vulnerability as a function of climate change impacts, ecological stability, and socioeconomic stability. Spatiotemporal trends of equally weighted proxy variables for the three vulnerability components were generated to develop a composite climate change vulnerability index (CCVI) for a Mediterranean region of Turkey combining Landsat time series data, digital elevation model (DEM)-derived data, ordinary kriging, and geographical information system. Climate change impact was based on spatiotemporal trends of August land surface temperature (LST) between 1987 and 2016. Ecological stability was based on DEM, slope, aspect, and spatiotemporal trends of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), while socioeconomic stability was quantified as a function of spatiotemporal trends of land cover, population density, per capita gross domestic product, and illiteracy. The zones ranked on the five classes of no-to-extreme vulnerability were identified where highly and moderately vulnerable lands covered 0.02% (12 km(2)) and 11.8% (6374 km(2)) of the study region, respectively, mostly occurring in the interior central part. The adoption of this composite CCVI approach is expected to lead to spatiotemporally dynamic policy recommendations towards sustainability and tailor preventive and mitigative measures to locally specific characteristics of coupled ecological-socioeconomic systems.
Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural ... more Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural disasters are coastal inundation in response to sea-level rise, and/or river flooding caused by heavy rain falls, additionally earthquakes and, etc. In terms of natural hazards, one of the most sensitive and culturally significant areas in Turkey is the Hatay province in the east Mediterranean region. The Hatay province is located on such a region which is not only vulnerable to coastal inundation and river flooding, but also is a tectonically and seismically sensitive area. In this study, for taking conservation measures against the natural hazards beforehand and decision-making on any future land-planning; a digital terrain model and a 3D fly-through model of the Hatay province were generated; then quantitatively and/ or qualitatively interpreted by employing the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital elevation model. Besides, stream drainage patterns, lineaments and structural-geological features were extracted for natural hazard risk interpretation of settlements and their relationships among the landscape characteristics were exhibited by combining tectonic information previously confirmed. Regarding the sea-level rise, the coastal inundation risk map indicates that the most vulnerable areas are: coastlines of Iskenderun, Arsuz, Payas and Samandag, respectively. By/after analyzing the digital terrain of the study region and stream drainage patterns, the Karasu Valley Zone, where the Amik plain, settlements of Antakya, Iskenderun, Arsuz, Payas and Samandag with their flood plains have the most flooding risk in decreasing order, respectively when a heavy raining occurs. Finally, analysis of tectonics has revealed that Antakya, Iskenderun, Hassa, Kirikhan, Samandag, Payas, Arsuz, Altinozu, Kumlu and Hacipasa regions have the most sensitivity to earthquake disaster in the study region. Keywords Digital terrain analysis Á Structural geology Á Natural hazard risk interpretation Á Coastal flood risk Á River flood risk Á Earthquake risk Á Hatay-Turkey
Kutahya Province is a significant cultural heritage area of Turkey; it is susceptible to flooding... more Kutahya Province is a significant cultural heritage area of Turkey; it is susceptible to flooding when sudden heavy rain falls and is located in a high-risk earthquake region. The objective of this study was to acquire geo-information from Kutahya Province and interpret the risk levels to the population from floods and earthquakes. In this study, the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission Reflection Digital Elevation Model of Kutahya Province was used to create maps that illustrate the digital terrain model and the 3D fly-through dynamic model of the study region. The maps exhibit landform characteristics, fault zones, earthquake locations, thermal locations, stream drainages and water-flow accumulation areas. From the interpretation of the maps, the results revealed that the most susceptible areas to flooding are the settlements and agricultural plains of Kutahya, Altintas, and Simav, in decreasing order. Gediz,
... 2.2 Stream drainage patterns Geomorphologists dealing with remote sensing applications have s... more ... 2.2 Stream drainage patterns Geomorphologists dealing with remote sensing applications have studied stream drainage patterns and their relationships to terrain conditions. ... Because of erosion and deformation, older volcanic terrains lack these distinctive features. ...
Recently, due to the excessive raining, some land and houses have been seen under water and faced... more Recently, due to the excessive raining, some land and houses have been seen under water and faced with flood disaster. In order to prevent this catastrophe, taking measures beforehand is so important. For this reason, in order to help with planning while land arrangements in urban and ru- ral areas are done, hydrologically analyzing the DEMs produced from the satellite images belong- ing to that region, locations of flooded areas are de- termined when excessive raining occurs. Therefore, in this study, DEM analysis is involved, as well. As software, RiverTools, a Geographic Information System, which analyzes digital elevation models (DEMs) was used. With RiverTools, all images be- longing to DEMs can be processed and its hydro- logic surface can be analyzed. In other words, all satellite images related to DEMs can be processed. As data, the DEM belonging to Cumberland basin in Kentucky State, USA was experimentally used and analyzed. Flooded areas were determined when water level re...
71.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 23-27 Nisan 2018, AnkaraSon yıllarda iklim değişikliğine bağlı su k... more 71.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 23-27 Nisan 2018, AnkaraSon yıllarda iklim değişikliğine bağlı su kullanımının artması ve buna ek olarak aşırı nüfus artışı, yeraltısuyu kullanımını arttırmakta ve su kaynaklarını tehdit etmektedir. Su kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması için barajlar ve yapay göller inşa edilmekte, ancak bu yapıların geniş yüzey alanlarında çok fazla buharlaşma görülmektedir. Dolayısı ile yeraltı suyunun, buharlaşma kayıplarının yaşanmadığı direkt yağış ile beslenen yapay beslenmesi önem kazanmaktadır. Yapay beslenme, havzalardaki suyu fazla buharlaşmadan korur ve su kaynaklarının potansiyelini artırıp, sürdürülebilirliğini sağlar. Bu çalışma kapsamında nümerik metotlar kullanılarak, Alaşehir (Manisa) havzasında alüvyon akiferin beslenmesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye’nin batısında yer alan ve ülkenin %2’sini oluşturan Gediz Havzası, önemli bir yeraltı suyu potansiyelinin olduğu ve kullanıldığı alan konumundadır.TUBITAK project number of 115Y06
The issue of groundwater recharge has gained importance in countries where there is not enough wa... more The issue of groundwater recharge has gained importance in countries where there is not enough water supply to the aquifer. However, groundwater recharge is a difficult parameter to determine. This difficulty stems from factors such as the location of the area to be studied, time, cost, and hydrological data. Numerical, isotope, and chemical approaches are used in groundwater recharge investigations. Numerical and chemical approaches are more costly and time-consuming than chemical approaches. This study aims to ascertain alluvial aquifer recharge in Alaşehir (Manisa) sub-basin using chemical approaches (Chloride Mass Balance Method) and its applicability. For this purpose, research wells were drilled at 25 different points in the alluvial aquifer, water sampling was done in wet and dry periods, and rainwater water samples were collected. Groundwater recharge was calculated by using chemical approaches from the chloride concentrations of the water samples collected. An annual average of 74.84 mm of recharge was found in the Alaşehir sub-basin. This value corresponds to 16.38% of annual rainfall. At the same time, it was examined the groundwater and geothermal mixing mechanism to demonstrate the applicability of the Chloride Mass Balance Method. It was concluded that geothermal fluid in Alaşehir sub-basin mixed with groundwater at a rate of 17%.
Remote sensing and GIS applications, image processing, environmental monitoring and assessment, I... more Remote sensing and GIS applications, image processing, environmental monitoring and assessment, InSAR applications, digital terrain analysis, image interpretation of water bodies, photo-geology (image interpretation of geomorphology & structural-geology & tectonics), digital mapping systems and digital map production.
Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural ... more Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural disasters are coastal inundation in response to sea-level rise, and/or river flooding caused by heavy rain falls, additionally earthquakes and, etc. In terms of natural hazards, one of the most sensitive and culturally significant areas in Turkey is the Hatay province in the east Mediterranean region. The Hatay province is located on such a region which is not only vulnerable to coastal inundation and river flooding, but also is a tectonically and seismically sensitive area. In this study, for taking conservation measures against the natural hazards beforehand and decision-making on any future land-planning; a digital terrain model and a 3D fly-through model of the Hatay province were generated; then quantitatively and/or qualitatively interpreted by employing the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital elevation model. Besides, stream drainage patterns, lineaments and structural–geolo...
... Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications , New York: John Wiley and Sons. View all refer... more ... Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications , New York: John Wiley and Sons. View all references, El Sheimy et al. 20058. El Sheimy, N., Valeo, C. and Habib, A. 2005. Digital Terrain Modeling: Acquisition, Manipulation and Applications , Boston, MA: Artech House. ...
Unprecedented rates of changes in land use/cover (LULC) on the local and regional scales lead to ... more Unprecedented rates of changes in land use/cover (LULC) on the local and regional scales lead to alterations of global biogeochemical cycles, and loss of productive ecosystems and biodiversity. Driving forces behind LULC changes mainly include rapid growth rates of population and consumption, lack of valuation of ecological services, poverty, ignorance of biophysical limitations, and use of ecologically incompatible technologies. One of the major ecological tragedies of the commons in the province of Hatay is the case of the loss of the Amik Lake, which reveals the urgent need for adoption of sustainable and adaptive ecosystem management strategies if escalating land use conflicts are to be avoided and environmental degradation is to be reversed in the Amik plain of the southeastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. In the 1940s, the Amik lake was started to be discharged into the Orontes river by a large-scale campaign launched to increase the area of croplands. The study quantified LULC changes and explored constraints and opportunities for future LULCs in the study area. Land use/cover changes were detected from a time series of satellite images of Landsat-MSS in 1972, Landsat-5 TM in 1987, and Landsat-7 ETM+ in 2000 using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). The study revealed that the increase in croplands between 1972 and 1987 took place at the expense of the irreversible losses of the Amik lake and its related wetlands of over 53 km 2 used to provide vital ecosystem goods and services for the region. In the period of 1972 to 2000, croplands, settlements, and evergreen forests increased by 174%, 106%, and 14%, respectively, in parallel to the decreases in shrublands-orchards, and bareground. The increase in settlements occurred mostly to the detriment of croplands. The prospects for halting environmental degradation and destruction, rehabilitating damaged ecosystems, and developing sustainable ecosystem management practices need to be dealt with in light of the institutional and economic constraints facing Turkey.
The vulnerability of low-lying coastal areas in Turkey to inundation was quantified based on the ... more The vulnerability of low-lying coastal areas in Turkey to inundation was quantified based on the sea-level rise scenarios of 1, 2, and 3 m by 2205. Through digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM), the extent and ...
While Turkey's province of Edirne represents one of the country's most significant cultural herit... more While Turkey's province of Edirne represents one of the country's most significant cultural heritage areas because it lies in the basins of the Meric and Ergene rivers, this very valuable region is highly susceptible to flooding during heavy rain falls. It becomes particularly vulnerable when neighboring Bulgaria responds to its own threats of heavy rain or snowfall by opening its floodgates of its dams on the River Meric, which flows through the Edirne province. Therefore, for years, the Edirne province has experienced severe floods that are eroding its fertile alluvial agricultural floodplains. An environmental plan based on a determination of the vulnerability levels of the province's flood hazard risk areas is required if action is taken to alleviate this problem. The objective of this study is to acquire geo-information from the remotely sensed data and to interpret the flood hazard risk levels of the area's settlements and agricultural floodplains. In this study, the spatial distribution of the flood hazard risk areas in the Edirne province is determined using not only the Advanced Space-Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer digital elevation model data of the Edirne province to create maps that illustrate the digital terrain model and the 3D fly-through dynamic model of the study region but also the Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus multi-spectral image data set to create land use and land cover types of the study region. The maps exhibit landform characteristics, floodplain topography, and stream drainages. Analysis and interpretation of the maps demonstrate that the areas most susceptible to flooding are Enez, which lies at the northern coastal area of the Aegean Sea and agricultural areas, and the settlements on the Meric River floodplains of Ipsala, Meric, Edirne, and Uzunkopru, listed in decreasing order, respectively.
The study presents a new methodology to quantify spatiotemporal dynamics of climate change vulner... more The study presents a new methodology to quantify spatiotemporal dynamics of climate change vulnerability at a regional scale adopting a new conceptual model of vulnerability as a function of climate change impacts, ecological stability, and socioeconomic stability. Spatiotemporal trends of equally weighted proxy variables for the three vulnerability components were generated to develop a composite climate change vulnerability index (CCVI) for a Mediterranean region of Turkey combining Landsat time series data, digital elevation model (DEM)-derived data, ordinary kriging, and geographical information system. Climate change impact was based on spatiotemporal trends of August land surface temperature (LST) between 1987 and 2016. Ecological stability was based on DEM, slope, aspect, and spatiotemporal trends of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), while socioeconomic stability was quantified as a function of spatiotemporal trends of land cover, population density, per capita gross domestic product, and illiteracy. The zones ranked on the five classes of no-to-extreme vulnerability were identified where highly and moderately vulnerable lands covered 0.02% (12 km(2)) and 11.8% (6374 km(2)) of the study region, respectively, mostly occurring in the interior central part. The adoption of this composite CCVI approach is expected to lead to spatiotemporally dynamic policy recommendations towards sustainability and tailor preventive and mitigative measures to locally specific characteristics of coupled ecological-socioeconomic systems.
Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural ... more Many scientists have recently alarmed natural hazards due to global climate change. Such natural disasters are coastal inundation in response to sea-level rise, and/or river flooding caused by heavy rain falls, additionally earthquakes and, etc. In terms of natural hazards, one of the most sensitive and culturally significant areas in Turkey is the Hatay province in the east Mediterranean region. The Hatay province is located on such a region which is not only vulnerable to coastal inundation and river flooding, but also is a tectonically and seismically sensitive area. In this study, for taking conservation measures against the natural hazards beforehand and decision-making on any future land-planning; a digital terrain model and a 3D fly-through model of the Hatay province were generated; then quantitatively and/ or qualitatively interpreted by employing the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital elevation model. Besides, stream drainage patterns, lineaments and structural-geological features were extracted for natural hazard risk interpretation of settlements and their relationships among the landscape characteristics were exhibited by combining tectonic information previously confirmed. Regarding the sea-level rise, the coastal inundation risk map indicates that the most vulnerable areas are: coastlines of Iskenderun, Arsuz, Payas and Samandag, respectively. By/after analyzing the digital terrain of the study region and stream drainage patterns, the Karasu Valley Zone, where the Amik plain, settlements of Antakya, Iskenderun, Arsuz, Payas and Samandag with their flood plains have the most flooding risk in decreasing order, respectively when a heavy raining occurs. Finally, analysis of tectonics has revealed that Antakya, Iskenderun, Hassa, Kirikhan, Samandag, Payas, Arsuz, Altinozu, Kumlu and Hacipasa regions have the most sensitivity to earthquake disaster in the study region. Keywords Digital terrain analysis Á Structural geology Á Natural hazard risk interpretation Á Coastal flood risk Á River flood risk Á Earthquake risk Á Hatay-Turkey
Kutahya Province is a significant cultural heritage area of Turkey; it is susceptible to flooding... more Kutahya Province is a significant cultural heritage area of Turkey; it is susceptible to flooding when sudden heavy rain falls and is located in a high-risk earthquake region. The objective of this study was to acquire geo-information from Kutahya Province and interpret the risk levels to the population from floods and earthquakes. In this study, the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission Reflection Digital Elevation Model of Kutahya Province was used to create maps that illustrate the digital terrain model and the 3D fly-through dynamic model of the study region. The maps exhibit landform characteristics, fault zones, earthquake locations, thermal locations, stream drainages and water-flow accumulation areas. From the interpretation of the maps, the results revealed that the most susceptible areas to flooding are the settlements and agricultural plains of Kutahya, Altintas, and Simav, in decreasing order. Gediz,
... 2.2 Stream drainage patterns Geomorphologists dealing with remote sensing applications have s... more ... 2.2 Stream drainage patterns Geomorphologists dealing with remote sensing applications have studied stream drainage patterns and their relationships to terrain conditions. ... Because of erosion and deformation, older volcanic terrains lack these distinctive features. ...
Recently, due to the excessive raining, some land and houses have been seen under water and faced... more Recently, due to the excessive raining, some land and houses have been seen under water and faced with flood disaster. In order to prevent this catastrophe, taking measures beforehand is so important. For this reason, in order to help with planning while land arrangements in urban and ru- ral areas are done, hydrologically analyzing the DEMs produced from the satellite images belong- ing to that region, locations of flooded areas are de- termined when excessive raining occurs. Therefore, in this study, DEM analysis is involved, as well. As software, RiverTools, a Geographic Information System, which analyzes digital elevation models (DEMs) was used. With RiverTools, all images be- longing to DEMs can be processed and its hydro- logic surface can be analyzed. In other words, all satellite images related to DEMs can be processed. As data, the DEM belonging to Cumberland basin in Kentucky State, USA was experimentally used and analyzed. Flooded areas were determined when water level re...
Papers by Ali Demirkesen