Informasi mengenai variabilitas fenotipik pada populasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-ja... more Informasi mengenai variabilitas fenotipik pada populasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung sangat diperlukan dalam proses seleksi terutama untuk menentukan genotip kedelai yang diprioritaskan pada generasi selanjutnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh genotip-genotip kedelai unggul dari sejumlah populasi hasil persilangan generasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen tanpa rancangan tata ruang. Bahan yang digunakan yaitu 24 genotip kedelai F2 memiliki potensi berdaya hasil tinggi pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabilitas fenotipik karakter yang diamati pada kedelai generasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung umumnya menunjukkan luas, kecuali pada karakter jumlah biji per tanaman. Karakter bobot biji pertanaman dan bobot 100 biji per tanaman memiliki variabilitas fenotip bervariasi antara luas dan sempit. Seleksi tanaman kedelai dengan metode pedig...
Mangosteen fruit is one of typical fruit and pledge Indonesia. The export demand of mangosteen fr... more Mangosteen fruit is one of typical fruit and pledge Indonesia. The export demand of mangosteen fruit is always increasing every year. The increasing of mangosteen fruit production is very important to support export demand global and domestic markets. The strategies of development mangosteen fruit are essential and should be focused on increasing planting area, production and productivity of mangosteen fruit, to build mangosteen orchard SOP bases; to form mangosteen agribusiness region; to improve the competitiveness of Indonesian mangosteen products with other countries; to improve and simplify the mangosteen exports to foreign countries; to improve the investment in the area of agribusiness at Indnesia mangosteen; to improve the welfare of mangosteen farmers and establish and strengthen institutions at the level of farmer groups and farmer groups combined with legal formal. To implement of these strategies can be developed three methods, namely clonalization, colonization, and con...
Salah satu metode pemuliaan untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik adalah induksi mutasi dengan mut... more Salah satu metode pemuliaan untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik adalah induksi mutasi dengan mutagen kirnia EMS (etil metan suifonat) dan mutagen fisik sinar gamma. Penelitian pada tahun berjalan adalah studi sitologi dan flowsitometri pada mutaii-mutan potensial akibat mutagen EMS dan sinar gamma. Deteksi Mutasi dapat dilakukan meIalui Uji Sitologi data FIowsitometri.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklarifikasi perubaban akibat mutagen dan kandungan DNA yang terjacli pada dua genotip manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) anal Purwakarta dan Pandeglang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2013 Januari 2014 di Laboratorium Genetika Tumbuhan dan Laboratorium Morfologi, Anatomi, dan Sitologi Tumbuhan LIPI Cibinong. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Observasi dengan analisis deskriptif. Genotip matiggis yang digunakan berasal dari Purwakarta dan Pandeglang yang masing-masing diberi perlakuan EMS 0%, 0,05%, 0,1%, 0,15%, dan 0,2% dan sinar gamma 0 Gy, 5...
Diversifikasi pangan lokal merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengantisipasi krisis pangan akibat p... more Diversifikasi pangan lokal merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengantisipasi krisis pangan akibat pertambahan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia setiap tahun. Produksi dan pengembangan jawawut di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah karena terbatas oleh ketersediaan lahan. Tumpangsari merupakan praktek pertanian berkelanjutan dan alternatif dalam pengembangan jawawut di Indonesia. Namun, sistem tanam tumpangsari dapat menyebabkan kompetisi antar tanaman. Strategi untuk mengurangi tingkat kompetisi antar tanaman dapat dilakukan dengan penanaman dua jenis tanaman yang mempunyai morfologi, perakaran dan umur panen yang berbeda. Budidaya jawawut dan ubi jalar tidak membutuhkan irigasi. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, jawawut dan ubi jalar dapat dibudidayakan secara tumpangsari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakter agromorfologi yang memberikan kontribusi yang nyata terhadap keragaman 23 genotip jawawut yang ditanam secara tumpangsari dengan ubi jalar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ...
The aims of research was to determine the adlay milling degree which resulted cooked adlay with l... more The aims of research was to determine the adlay milling degree which resulted cooked adlay with low Glycemic Index (GI) and high in Satiety Index. The result was compared with IR64 rice variety; The research treatments were three degrees of milling i.e. (1) local traditional milling (still contain aleuron layer) that added seven percent bran (mesocarp) which same as bran proportion in its origin, to produce whole grain; (2) local traditional milling that result the grain with still contain aleuron layer; and (3) milling with abration machine to produce polished grain. The grain which resulted by three degrees of milling were analyzed nutrition contain i.e moisture, crude fat, protein, ash and dietary fiber. The grain that resulted were cooked like rice. Proportion grain : water was 1 : 1,5 (v/v) as usually used in rice cooking. The product were analyzed its GI and Satiety Index. These treatments were compared with IR64 rice variety. Acording to research results were (1) degree of mi...
Hanjeli merupakan tanaman pangan yang memiliki kandungan karbohidrat dan lemak tinggi digunakan s... more Hanjeli merupakan tanaman pangan yang memiliki kandungan karbohidrat dan lemak tinggi digunakan sebagai sumber bahan pangan alternatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan plasma nutfah tanaman hanjeli (Coix lacryma-job L.) yang tersebar di daerah Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian dilakukan dalam bentuk survey di Kabupaten Indramayu, Purwakarta, Sumedang, Ciancur dan Bandung. Koleksi plasma nutfah hanjeli diseleksi berdasarkan karakter morfologi, kandungan lemak dan produk olahan tepung hanjeli. Dari hasil penelitian di 5 (lima) kabupaten tersebut telah diperoleh 41 plasma nutfah hanjeli yang ditemukan secara liar dan telah dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat. Keragaman genetik 41 plasma nutfah hanjeli 0,39 (39 persen) berdasarkan karakter morfologi in situ dan dikelompokan menjadi dua kelompok utama. Penampilan fenotipik karakter kualitatif dan kuantitatif plasma nutfah hanjeli in situ yang lebih baik adalah Acc 1, Acc 2, Acc 4, Acc 5, Acc 6, Acc 6, Acc 11, Acc 13, Acc 21, Acc 22, Acc...
Assessment and utilization of diversity in plant genetic resources is very important to improve o... more Assessment and utilization of diversity in plant genetic resources is very important to improve of plant species. A mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) seed mangosteen was formed obligate apomicts process. Genetic diversity of mangosteen was developed by using SSR mar kers. An inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)supression-PCR technique established to SSR marker of plant spesies. DNA library construction was used restriction enzyme blunt end Rsa I and adaptor (consist of 48mer: 5 ′-GTAATACGACTCACTATAGGG CACGCGT GGTCGACGGCCCGGGCTGGT-3′ and 8-mer with the 3′-end capped by an amino residue: 5′-ACCAGCCC-NH2-3′). Primer designed by using compound SSR (AC)10; (TC)6(AC)5 or (AC)6(AG)5 and an adaptor primer AP2 and nested PCR using AP1 primers. The PCR product integrated into the plasmid PGEMT Easy Vector System and competence cell Escherichia coli (strain DH5α) and sequence. Eight sequence from sample #G17 with SSR compound (AC)10, (TC)6(AG)5 and (AC)6(AG)5 produced two primer pairs. An int...
The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity ... more The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity of mangosteed nodular callus. Nodular calli derived from a leaf as explants and cultured on MS medium containing combination of 2.2 A‚µM benzilaminopurin (BAP) and 2.27 A‚µM tidiazuron (TDZ). Nodular calli were irradiated with 0 (control) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 Gy doses of gamma irradiation. After the irradiation, the calli were generated on woody plant medium (WPM), supplemented with 1.39 A‚µM polyvinilpirolidon (PVP), 8 g.l -1 agar, 30 g.l -1 sucrose and 2.2 A‚µM BAP concentration. Results showed that the irradiation influence the plant regeneration. Response dose of 50% (RD) that could promote the nodular calli of shoot formation was the 25 Gy while that of the shoot number per nodular calli was the 21 Gy. The shoot number irradiated with total dose 5 Gy (9.1 shoot) was higher than that of 0 Gy (8.6 shoot). Key words: plant regeneration, irradiation gamma rays, mangosteen
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Chrysanthemum is an ornamental crop with high economic value and consistently received hight dema... more Chrysanthemum is an ornamental crop with high economic value and consistently received hight demand attributed to its amazing beautifulness. However, white rust disease has drastically suppressed the growth and production of chrysanthemum. The purpose of this study was to obtain genetic and phenotypic diversity characters of peroxidase (pod), polyphenol oxidase (ppo), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (pal) and their resistant component of enzymes activity. The eksperiment was conducted using a randomized block design. The treatments consisted of 37 mutants and 11 genotypes chrysanthemum parents with two replications. Observations were made for pod, ppo and pal enzyme activities. Results showed pod, ppo, and pal enzyme activities had narrow genetic and phenotypic variabilities. Further, chrysanthemum mutant obtained enzyme activities is better than the best control, namely 18.30.068, 10.10.010, 1.30.038, 20.35.056, 18.20.112, 18.25.079, 9.35.162, 18.20.089 and 16.35.086 genotypes. Pod, pp...
... Warid Ali Qosim2), R. Poerwanto3), GA Wattimena3), dan Witjaksono4) ... dalam : (1) penapisan... more ... Warid Ali Qosim2), R. Poerwanto3), GA Wattimena3), dan Witjaksono4) ... dalam : (1) penapisan plasma nutfah, (2) estimasi diversitas genetik, (3) identifikasi strain dan proteksi varietas tanaman, (4) introgresi dan pi-ramidisasi gen, (5) pengembangan galur murni dan hibrida ...
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 2013
The paper has been deleted due to plagiarismThe original paper is published in Thai Journal of Ag... more The paper has been deleted due to plagiarismThe original paper is published in Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 2009, 42 (1): 7-12 (
Self-Incomatibility (SI) is one of phenomena important on the fertile flower, but the inhibition ... more Self-Incomatibility (SI) is one of phenomena important on the fertile flower, but the inhibition occurs in the fertilization process, so SI caused outcrossing. The aim of this study is reveal the mechanism of self-incomatibility gametophytic and sporophytic and its application in plant breeding. The type of self-incompatibility isdivided into heteromorphic and homomorphic. Type of SI heteromorphic cause a different flower structures, whereas SI homomorphic cause interaction with a single S-locus multialelic between pollen and pistil during the process of pollination and fertilization. SI heteromorphic is divided into gametophytic and sporophytic. SI gametophytic is controlled by the haploid S-alleles in the pollen. The pollen tube inhibited and degraded by the activity of RNase enzymes, while SI sporophytic is controlled by the genotype S alleles in sporophytic tissue. The mechanism of SI sporophytic, growth of pollen tube was been inhibited by coordination SLG (S-Locus Glycoprotein...
The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity ... more The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity of mangosteed nodular callus. Nodular calli derived from a leaf as explants and cultured on MS medium containing combination of 2.2 µM benzilaminopurin (BAP) and 2.27 µM tidiazuron (TDZ). Nodular calli were irradiated with 0 (control) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 Gy doses of gamma irradiation. After the irradiation, the calli were generated on woody plant medium (WPM), supplemented with 1.39 µM polyvinilpirolidon (PVP), 8 g.l-1 agar, 30 g.l-1 sucrose and 2.2 µM BAP concentration. Results showed that the irradiation influence the plant regeneration. Response dose of 50% (RD) that could promote the nodular calli of shoot formation was the 25 Gy while that of the shoot number per nodular calli was the 21 Gy. The shoot number irradiated with total dose 5 Gy (9.1 shoot) was higher than that of 0 Gy (8.6 shoot).
In the past decade, Indonesian interest towards sweet corn has increased. This condition creates ... more In the past decade, Indonesian interest towards sweet corn has increased. This condition creates a wide market opportunity for sweet corn. However, sweet corn cultivation in Indonesia is often constrained by low soil fertility. One of the essential nutrients needed by sweet corn is nitrogen. Nitrogen can be obtained from inorganic fertilizers such as Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) fertilizer. This research aimed to determine the effect and the best dosage of Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) in increasing N-total, N uptake, and yield of Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) of Talenta variety on Jatinangor Inceptisol. This experiment was conducted at the research field of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor from July to October 2020. The experimental design used in this research was Randomized Block Design (RDB), which consisted of nine treatments with 1 control treatment (without fertiliz...
Informasi mengenai variabilitas fenotipik pada populasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-ja... more Informasi mengenai variabilitas fenotipik pada populasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung sangat diperlukan dalam proses seleksi terutama untuk menentukan genotip kedelai yang diprioritaskan pada generasi selanjutnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh genotip-genotip kedelai unggul dari sejumlah populasi hasil persilangan generasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen tanpa rancangan tata ruang. Bahan yang digunakan yaitu 24 genotip kedelai F2 memiliki potensi berdaya hasil tinggi pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabilitas fenotipik karakter yang diamati pada kedelai generasi F2 pada pertanaman tumpangsari kedelai-jagung umumnya menunjukkan luas, kecuali pada karakter jumlah biji per tanaman. Karakter bobot biji pertanaman dan bobot 100 biji per tanaman memiliki variabilitas fenotip bervariasi antara luas dan sempit. Seleksi tanaman kedelai dengan metode pedig...
Mangosteen fruit is one of typical fruit and pledge Indonesia. The export demand of mangosteen fr... more Mangosteen fruit is one of typical fruit and pledge Indonesia. The export demand of mangosteen fruit is always increasing every year. The increasing of mangosteen fruit production is very important to support export demand global and domestic markets. The strategies of development mangosteen fruit are essential and should be focused on increasing planting area, production and productivity of mangosteen fruit, to build mangosteen orchard SOP bases; to form mangosteen agribusiness region; to improve the competitiveness of Indonesian mangosteen products with other countries; to improve and simplify the mangosteen exports to foreign countries; to improve the investment in the area of agribusiness at Indnesia mangosteen; to improve the welfare of mangosteen farmers and establish and strengthen institutions at the level of farmer groups and farmer groups combined with legal formal. To implement of these strategies can be developed three methods, namely clonalization, colonization, and con...
Salah satu metode pemuliaan untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik adalah induksi mutasi dengan mut... more Salah satu metode pemuliaan untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik adalah induksi mutasi dengan mutagen kirnia EMS (etil metan suifonat) dan mutagen fisik sinar gamma. Penelitian pada tahun berjalan adalah studi sitologi dan flowsitometri pada mutaii-mutan potensial akibat mutagen EMS dan sinar gamma. Deteksi Mutasi dapat dilakukan meIalui Uji Sitologi data FIowsitometri.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklarifikasi perubaban akibat mutagen dan kandungan DNA yang terjacli pada dua genotip manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) anal Purwakarta dan Pandeglang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2013 Januari 2014 di Laboratorium Genetika Tumbuhan dan Laboratorium Morfologi, Anatomi, dan Sitologi Tumbuhan LIPI Cibinong. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Observasi dengan analisis deskriptif. Genotip matiggis yang digunakan berasal dari Purwakarta dan Pandeglang yang masing-masing diberi perlakuan EMS 0%, 0,05%, 0,1%, 0,15%, dan 0,2% dan sinar gamma 0 Gy, 5...
Diversifikasi pangan lokal merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengantisipasi krisis pangan akibat p... more Diversifikasi pangan lokal merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengantisipasi krisis pangan akibat pertambahan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia setiap tahun. Produksi dan pengembangan jawawut di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah karena terbatas oleh ketersediaan lahan. Tumpangsari merupakan praktek pertanian berkelanjutan dan alternatif dalam pengembangan jawawut di Indonesia. Namun, sistem tanam tumpangsari dapat menyebabkan kompetisi antar tanaman. Strategi untuk mengurangi tingkat kompetisi antar tanaman dapat dilakukan dengan penanaman dua jenis tanaman yang mempunyai morfologi, perakaran dan umur panen yang berbeda. Budidaya jawawut dan ubi jalar tidak membutuhkan irigasi. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, jawawut dan ubi jalar dapat dibudidayakan secara tumpangsari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakter agromorfologi yang memberikan kontribusi yang nyata terhadap keragaman 23 genotip jawawut yang ditanam secara tumpangsari dengan ubi jalar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ...
The aims of research was to determine the adlay milling degree which resulted cooked adlay with l... more The aims of research was to determine the adlay milling degree which resulted cooked adlay with low Glycemic Index (GI) and high in Satiety Index. The result was compared with IR64 rice variety; The research treatments were three degrees of milling i.e. (1) local traditional milling (still contain aleuron layer) that added seven percent bran (mesocarp) which same as bran proportion in its origin, to produce whole grain; (2) local traditional milling that result the grain with still contain aleuron layer; and (3) milling with abration machine to produce polished grain. The grain which resulted by three degrees of milling were analyzed nutrition contain i.e moisture, crude fat, protein, ash and dietary fiber. The grain that resulted were cooked like rice. Proportion grain : water was 1 : 1,5 (v/v) as usually used in rice cooking. The product were analyzed its GI and Satiety Index. These treatments were compared with IR64 rice variety. Acording to research results were (1) degree of mi...
Hanjeli merupakan tanaman pangan yang memiliki kandungan karbohidrat dan lemak tinggi digunakan s... more Hanjeli merupakan tanaman pangan yang memiliki kandungan karbohidrat dan lemak tinggi digunakan sebagai sumber bahan pangan alternatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan plasma nutfah tanaman hanjeli (Coix lacryma-job L.) yang tersebar di daerah Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian dilakukan dalam bentuk survey di Kabupaten Indramayu, Purwakarta, Sumedang, Ciancur dan Bandung. Koleksi plasma nutfah hanjeli diseleksi berdasarkan karakter morfologi, kandungan lemak dan produk olahan tepung hanjeli. Dari hasil penelitian di 5 (lima) kabupaten tersebut telah diperoleh 41 plasma nutfah hanjeli yang ditemukan secara liar dan telah dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat. Keragaman genetik 41 plasma nutfah hanjeli 0,39 (39 persen) berdasarkan karakter morfologi in situ dan dikelompokan menjadi dua kelompok utama. Penampilan fenotipik karakter kualitatif dan kuantitatif plasma nutfah hanjeli in situ yang lebih baik adalah Acc 1, Acc 2, Acc 4, Acc 5, Acc 6, Acc 6, Acc 11, Acc 13, Acc 21, Acc 22, Acc...
Assessment and utilization of diversity in plant genetic resources is very important to improve o... more Assessment and utilization of diversity in plant genetic resources is very important to improve of plant species. A mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) seed mangosteen was formed obligate apomicts process. Genetic diversity of mangosteen was developed by using SSR mar kers. An inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)supression-PCR technique established to SSR marker of plant spesies. DNA library construction was used restriction enzyme blunt end Rsa I and adaptor (consist of 48mer: 5 ′-GTAATACGACTCACTATAGGG CACGCGT GGTCGACGGCCCGGGCTGGT-3′ and 8-mer with the 3′-end capped by an amino residue: 5′-ACCAGCCC-NH2-3′). Primer designed by using compound SSR (AC)10; (TC)6(AC)5 or (AC)6(AG)5 and an adaptor primer AP2 and nested PCR using AP1 primers. The PCR product integrated into the plasmid PGEMT Easy Vector System and competence cell Escherichia coli (strain DH5α) and sequence. Eight sequence from sample #G17 with SSR compound (AC)10, (TC)6(AG)5 and (AC)6(AG)5 produced two primer pairs. An int...
The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity ... more The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity of mangosteed nodular callus. Nodular calli derived from a leaf as explants and cultured on MS medium containing combination of 2.2 A‚µM benzilaminopurin (BAP) and 2.27 A‚µM tidiazuron (TDZ). Nodular calli were irradiated with 0 (control) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 Gy doses of gamma irradiation. After the irradiation, the calli were generated on woody plant medium (WPM), supplemented with 1.39 A‚µM polyvinilpirolidon (PVP), 8 g.l -1 agar, 30 g.l -1 sucrose and 2.2 A‚µM BAP concentration. Results showed that the irradiation influence the plant regeneration. Response dose of 50% (RD) that could promote the nodular calli of shoot formation was the 25 Gy while that of the shoot number per nodular calli was the 21 Gy. The shoot number irradiated with total dose 5 Gy (9.1 shoot) was higher than that of 0 Gy (8.6 shoot). Key words: plant regeneration, irradiation gamma rays, mangosteen
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Chrysanthemum is an ornamental crop with high economic value and consistently received hight dema... more Chrysanthemum is an ornamental crop with high economic value and consistently received hight demand attributed to its amazing beautifulness. However, white rust disease has drastically suppressed the growth and production of chrysanthemum. The purpose of this study was to obtain genetic and phenotypic diversity characters of peroxidase (pod), polyphenol oxidase (ppo), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (pal) and their resistant component of enzymes activity. The eksperiment was conducted using a randomized block design. The treatments consisted of 37 mutants and 11 genotypes chrysanthemum parents with two replications. Observations were made for pod, ppo and pal enzyme activities. Results showed pod, ppo, and pal enzyme activities had narrow genetic and phenotypic variabilities. Further, chrysanthemum mutant obtained enzyme activities is better than the best control, namely 18.30.068, 10.10.010, 1.30.038, 20.35.056, 18.20.112, 18.25.079, 9.35.162, 18.20.089 and 16.35.086 genotypes. Pod, pp...
... Warid Ali Qosim2), R. Poerwanto3), GA Wattimena3), dan Witjaksono4) ... dalam : (1) penapisan... more ... Warid Ali Qosim2), R. Poerwanto3), GA Wattimena3), dan Witjaksono4) ... dalam : (1) penapisan plasma nutfah, (2) estimasi diversitas genetik, (3) identifikasi strain dan proteksi varietas tanaman, (4) introgresi dan pi-ramidisasi gen, (5) pengembangan galur murni dan hibrida ...
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 2013
The paper has been deleted due to plagiarismThe original paper is published in Thai Journal of Ag... more The paper has been deleted due to plagiarismThe original paper is published in Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 2009, 42 (1): 7-12 (
Self-Incomatibility (SI) is one of phenomena important on the fertile flower, but the inhibition ... more Self-Incomatibility (SI) is one of phenomena important on the fertile flower, but the inhibition occurs in the fertilization process, so SI caused outcrossing. The aim of this study is reveal the mechanism of self-incomatibility gametophytic and sporophytic and its application in plant breeding. The type of self-incompatibility isdivided into heteromorphic and homomorphic. Type of SI heteromorphic cause a different flower structures, whereas SI homomorphic cause interaction with a single S-locus multialelic between pollen and pistil during the process of pollination and fertilization. SI heteromorphic is divided into gametophytic and sporophytic. SI gametophytic is controlled by the haploid S-alleles in the pollen. The pollen tube inhibited and degraded by the activity of RNase enzymes, while SI sporophytic is controlled by the genotype S alleles in sporophytic tissue. The mechanism of SI sporophytic, growth of pollen tube was been inhibited by coordination SLG (S-Locus Glycoprotein...
The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity ... more The research was conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on regeneration capacity of mangosteed nodular callus. Nodular calli derived from a leaf as explants and cultured on MS medium containing combination of 2.2 µM benzilaminopurin (BAP) and 2.27 µM tidiazuron (TDZ). Nodular calli were irradiated with 0 (control) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 Gy doses of gamma irradiation. After the irradiation, the calli were generated on woody plant medium (WPM), supplemented with 1.39 µM polyvinilpirolidon (PVP), 8 g.l-1 agar, 30 g.l-1 sucrose and 2.2 µM BAP concentration. Results showed that the irradiation influence the plant regeneration. Response dose of 50% (RD) that could promote the nodular calli of shoot formation was the 25 Gy while that of the shoot number per nodular calli was the 21 Gy. The shoot number irradiated with total dose 5 Gy (9.1 shoot) was higher than that of 0 Gy (8.6 shoot).
In the past decade, Indonesian interest towards sweet corn has increased. This condition creates ... more In the past decade, Indonesian interest towards sweet corn has increased. This condition creates a wide market opportunity for sweet corn. However, sweet corn cultivation in Indonesia is often constrained by low soil fertility. One of the essential nutrients needed by sweet corn is nitrogen. Nitrogen can be obtained from inorganic fertilizers such as Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) fertilizer. This research aimed to determine the effect and the best dosage of Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) in increasing N-total, N uptake, and yield of Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) of Talenta variety on Jatinangor Inceptisol. This experiment was conducted at the research field of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor from July to October 2020. The experimental design used in this research was Randomized Block Design (RDB), which consisted of nine treatments with 1 control treatment (without fertiliz...
Papers by Warid Ali Qosim