One of the main challenges of using marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) sounding for ... more One of the main challenges of using marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) sounding for hydrocarbon detection has been a relatively low-resolution and restricted depth penetration. In addition, the use of CSEM in shallow waters has been perceived as ...
Phase diagrams for various tilt instabilities, as well as phase diagrams for possible coexistence... more Phase diagrams for various tilt instabilities, as well as phase diagrams for possible coexistence of vortex lines with different orientations in a tilted magnetic field of anisotropic type-II superconductors, are mapped out and compared within anisotropic London theory. ...
Previously three oncogene transgenic zebrafish lines with inducible expression of xmrk, kras or M... more Previously three oncogene transgenic zebrafish lines with inducible expression of xmrk, kras or Myc in the liver have been generated and these transgenic lines develop oncogene-addicted liver tumors upon chemical induction. In the current study, comparative transcriptomic approaches were used to examine the correlation of the three induced transgenic liver cancers with human liver cancers. RNA profiles from the three zebrafish tumors indicated relatively small overlaps of significantly deregulated genes and biological pathways. Nevertheless, the three transgenic tumor signatures all showed significant correlation with advanced or very advanced human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Interestingly, molecular signature from each oncogene-induced zebrafish liver tumor correlated with only a small subset of human HCC samples (24-29%) and there were conserved up-regulated pathways between the zebrafish and correlated human HCC subgroup. The three zebrafish liver cancer models together represented nearly half (47.2%) of human HCCs while some human HCCs showed significant correlation with more than one signature defined from the three oncogene-addicted zebrafish tumors. In contrast, commonly deregulated genes (21 up and 16 down) in the three zebrafish tumor models generally showed accordant deregulation in the majority of human HCCs, suggesting that these genes might be more consistently deregulated in a broad range of human HCCs with different molecular mechanisms and thus serve as common diagnosis markers and therapeutic targets. Thus, these transgenic zebrafish models with well-defined oncogene-induced tumors are valuable tools for molecular classification of human HCCs and for understanding of molecular drivers in hepatocarcinogenesis in each human HCC subgroup.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is currently one of the top lethal cancers with an increasing tren... more Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is currently one of the top lethal cancers with an increasing trend. Deregulation of MYC in HCC is frequently detected and always correlated with poor prognosis. As the zebrafish genome contains two differentially expressed zebrafish myc orthologs, myca and mycb, it remains unclear about the oncogenicity of the two zebrafish myc genes. In the present study, we developed two transgenic zebrafish lines to overexpress myca and mycb respectively in the liver using a mifepristone-inducible system and found that both myc genes were oncogenic. Moreover, the transgenic expression of myca in hepatocytes caused robust liver tumors with several distinct phenotypes of variable severity.~5% of myca transgenic fish developing multinodular HCC with cirrhosis after 8 months of induced myca expression. Apoptosis was also observed with myca expression; introduction of homozygous tp53 -/mutation into the myca transgenic fish reduced apoptosis and accelerated tumor progression. The malignant status of hepatocytes was dependent on continued expression of myca; withdrawal of the mifepristone inducer resulted in a rapid regression of liver tumors, and the tumor regression occurred even in the tp53 -/mutation background. Thus, our data demonstrated the robust oncogenicity of zebrafish myca and the requirement of sustained Myc overexpression for maintenance of the liver tumor phenotype in this transgenic model. Furthermore, tumor regression is independent of the function of Tp53.
... 1, June 2003, Asia Research Institute Editorial Committee Maz... more ... 1, June 2003, Asia Research Institute Editorial Committee Maznah Binti Mohamad - Editor Anjali Gera Roy Gregory K. Clancey Peter Wolfgang Marolt Tim Bunnell Venni Venkata Krishna Zaide Joyce Valerie Yeo ...
Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 1 Long Memory Conditional ... more Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 1 Long Memory Conditional Volatility and Asset Allocation Richard DF Harrisa University of Exeter Anh Nguyenb University of Exeter Paper No 11/01 May 2011 Abstract ...
Introduction Gastrointestinal lymphomas may arise as a component of systemic disease with GI invo... more Introduction Gastrointestinal lymphomas may arise as a component of systemic disease with GI involvement or primary neoplasm. The diagnosis of primary GI lymphoma requires the lack of peripheral or mediastinal lymphadenopathy, normal white blood cell count, and differential on the peripheral blood smear; tumor involvement must be predominantly in the GI tract, and no evidence of liver or spleen involvement. The small bowel accounts for approximately 9% of the GI lymphomas. Case report We describe a first case of primary small bowel Hodgkin’s lymphoma syncytial variant nodular sclerosing type. A 28-year-old man with history of long-term use of immuno-suppressive agent and steroid presents with partial obstructing abdominal-mass-causing anemia and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. The patient underwent colonoscopy because of progressive microcytic anemia. Colonoscopy revealed non-specific polyps that were non-bleeding. The patient continued to have symptoms of abdominal cramping and twitching sensation that led to serial of small bowel radiology studies which showed multiple filling defects and a partial small bowel obstruction. The patient underwent small bowel resection, which showed Hodgkin’s lymphoma syncytial variant type of nodular sclerosing. Conclusion This presentation is uncommon and, so far, there are less than ten cases reported with syncytial variant (SV) type of nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NSHD). All of which have presentation above the diaphragm and, to our knowledge, this represents the first case that primary SV type of NSHD originated from the small intestine.
For the site-specific prescription of fertilizer topdressing in rice cultivation, a non-destructi... more For the site-specific prescription of fertilizer topdressing in rice cultivation, a non-destructive diagnosis of the rice growth and nutrition status is necessary. Three experiments were done to develop and test a model using canopy reflectance for the nondestructive diagnosis of plant growth and N status in rice. Two experiments for model development were conducted, one in 2000 and another in 2003 in Suwon, Korea, including two rice varieties and four nitrogen (N) rates in 2000 and four rice varieties and 10 N treatments in 2003. Hyperspectral canopy reflectance (300-1,100 nm) data recorded at various growth stages before heading were used to develop a partial least squares regression (PLS) model to calculate plant biomass and N nutrition status. The 342 observations were split for model calibration (75%) and validation (25%). The PLS model was then tested to calculate within-field statistical variation of four crop variables: shoot dry weight (SDW), shoot N concentration (SN), shoot N density (SND) and N nutrition index (NNI) using measured canopy reflectance data from a field of 6,500 m 2 in 2004. Results showed that PLS regression using logarithm reflectance had better performance than both the PLS and multiple stepwise linear regression (MSLR) models using original reflectance data to calculate the four plant variables in year 2000 and 2003. It produced values with an acceptable model coefficient of determination (R 2 ) and relative error of calculation (REC). The model R 2 and REC ranged from .83 to .89 and 13.4% to 22.8% for calibration, and .76 to .87 and 14.0% to 24.4% for validation, respectively. The PLS regression model R 2 was reduced in the test data of year 2004 but the root mean square error of calculation (RMSEC) was smaller, suggesting that the PLS regression model using 123 canopy reflectance data could be a promising method to calculate within-field spatial variation of rice crop growth and N status.
We study a general model for non-gaussian 1/f noise based on an infinite range quantum Ising spin... more We study a general model for non-gaussian 1/f noise based on an infinite range quantum Ising spin system in the paramagnetic state, or equivalently, interacting two-level classical fluctuators. We identify a dilatation interaction term in the dynamics which survives the thermodynamic limit and circumvents the central limit theorem to produce non-gaussian noise even when the equilibrium distribution is that of non-interacting spins. The resulting second spectrum ('noise of the noise') itself has a universal 1/f form which we analyze within a dynamical mean field approximation.
An innovative quick-closing probe system was designed, built, and tested for measuring the local ... more An innovative quick-closing probe system was designed, built, and tested for measuring the local particulate phase density of gas-particle suspensions. Experiments with glass beads and powder coals were conducted in a horizontal channel with an aspect ratio of 11 to 1, and also in a 0·25 m I.D. bench-scale vortex chamber. Results of particle density distributions in these two systems indicated
The stoichiometric solubility constant of eitelite (NaMgo.sC03 + 2H + ~_ Na* + 05Mg 2 § + COz(g) ... more The stoichiometric solubility constant of eitelite (NaMgo.sC03 + 2H + ~_ Na* + 05Mg 2 § + COz(g) + 1t20, log */(ps0 = 14.67+0.03 was determined at I= 3 m (tool kg "1) (NaCl04) and 25~ The stability of magnesium (hydrogen-)earbonato complexes in this ionic medium was explicitely taken into account. Consequently, trace activity coefficients of free ionic species, calculated from the Pitzer model with ion-interaction parameters from the literature, were sufficient for an evaluation of the thermodynamic solubility constants and Gibbs energies of formation for eitelite (-1039.88 +_ 0.60), magnesite (-1033.60 + 0.40), hydromagnesite (-1174.30 + 0,50), nesquehonite (--1724.67 +_ 0.40), and brucite (-835.90 + 0.80 kJ-mort). The increasing solubilities of nesquehonite and eitelite at higher sodium carbonate molalities were explained by invoking a magnesium dicarbonato complex (Mg z+ + 2C0Z3 -~_~ Mg(CO3)Z2 -, log 62 = 3.90+0.08). A set of ion-interaction parameters was obtained from solubility and dissociation constants for carbonic acid in 1 to 35m NaCl04 media (0FICO~ ,cao4 = 0.081, 0c03Z-,ao~ -= 0.071, VNa +, HCO3, ca04 = --0.019, VN~, +, co32-, ao~-= --0.006, ~cao-~, coz = -0.076) which reproduce these constants to 0.02 units in log K. The following Pitzer parameters are consistent with the previously studied formation of magnesium (hydrogen-)carbonato complexes in 3m NaCl04 (~ggg2+ nco~-, cao4 = -0.36, Lcao'~co3 = 0.081). The model and Gibbs functions of solid phases derived here reproduce original solubility data (-log [H+], [MgZ+]toO measured in perchlorate medium within experimental uncertainty.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Seeds and aerial parts of Peganum harmala L. are widely used in A... more Ethnopharmacological relevance: Seeds and aerial parts of Peganum harmala L. are widely used in Algeria as anti-inflammatory remedies. Evaluation of Peganum harmala total alkaloids extracts and pure βcarboline compounds as an anti-inflammatory treatment by the inhibition of an enzyme key of inflammatory, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and HPLC quantification of the alkaloids from the different parts of plant. Materials and methods: MPO inhibition was tested using taurine chloramine test. The inhibition of LDL oxidation induced by MPO was carried out. The molecular docking analysis of Peganum harmala alkaloids on MPO was performed using the Glide XP docking protocol and scoring function and the redox potential of alkaloids was determined using an Epsilon potentiostat. The concentration of harmala alkaloids was determined using HPLC analysis.
We develop a method that combines data mining and first principles calculation to guide the desig... more We develop a method that combines data mining and first principles calculation to guide the designing of distorted cubane Mn(4 +) Mn 3 (3+) single molecule magnets. The essential idea of the method is a process consisting of sparse regressions and cross-validation for analyzing calculated data of the materials. The method allows us to demonstrate that the exchange coupling between Mn(4 +) and Mn(3 +) ions can be predicted from the electronegativities of constituent ligands and the structural features of the molecule by a linear regression model with high accuracy. The relations between the structural features and magnetic properties of the materials are quantitatively and consistently evaluated and presented by a graph. We also discuss the properties of the materials and guide the material design basing on the obtained results.
One of the main challenges of using marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) sounding for ... more One of the main challenges of using marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) sounding for hydrocarbon detection has been a relatively low-resolution and restricted depth penetration. In addition, the use of CSEM in shallow waters has been perceived as ...
Phase diagrams for various tilt instabilities, as well as phase diagrams for possible coexistence... more Phase diagrams for various tilt instabilities, as well as phase diagrams for possible coexistence of vortex lines with different orientations in a tilted magnetic field of anisotropic type-II superconductors, are mapped out and compared within anisotropic London theory. ...
Previously three oncogene transgenic zebrafish lines with inducible expression of xmrk, kras or M... more Previously three oncogene transgenic zebrafish lines with inducible expression of xmrk, kras or Myc in the liver have been generated and these transgenic lines develop oncogene-addicted liver tumors upon chemical induction. In the current study, comparative transcriptomic approaches were used to examine the correlation of the three induced transgenic liver cancers with human liver cancers. RNA profiles from the three zebrafish tumors indicated relatively small overlaps of significantly deregulated genes and biological pathways. Nevertheless, the three transgenic tumor signatures all showed significant correlation with advanced or very advanced human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Interestingly, molecular signature from each oncogene-induced zebrafish liver tumor correlated with only a small subset of human HCC samples (24-29%) and there were conserved up-regulated pathways between the zebrafish and correlated human HCC subgroup. The three zebrafish liver cancer models together represented nearly half (47.2%) of human HCCs while some human HCCs showed significant correlation with more than one signature defined from the three oncogene-addicted zebrafish tumors. In contrast, commonly deregulated genes (21 up and 16 down) in the three zebrafish tumor models generally showed accordant deregulation in the majority of human HCCs, suggesting that these genes might be more consistently deregulated in a broad range of human HCCs with different molecular mechanisms and thus serve as common diagnosis markers and therapeutic targets. Thus, these transgenic zebrafish models with well-defined oncogene-induced tumors are valuable tools for molecular classification of human HCCs and for understanding of molecular drivers in hepatocarcinogenesis in each human HCC subgroup.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is currently one of the top lethal cancers with an increasing tren... more Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is currently one of the top lethal cancers with an increasing trend. Deregulation of MYC in HCC is frequently detected and always correlated with poor prognosis. As the zebrafish genome contains two differentially expressed zebrafish myc orthologs, myca and mycb, it remains unclear about the oncogenicity of the two zebrafish myc genes. In the present study, we developed two transgenic zebrafish lines to overexpress myca and mycb respectively in the liver using a mifepristone-inducible system and found that both myc genes were oncogenic. Moreover, the transgenic expression of myca in hepatocytes caused robust liver tumors with several distinct phenotypes of variable severity.~5% of myca transgenic fish developing multinodular HCC with cirrhosis after 8 months of induced myca expression. Apoptosis was also observed with myca expression; introduction of homozygous tp53 -/mutation into the myca transgenic fish reduced apoptosis and accelerated tumor progression. The malignant status of hepatocytes was dependent on continued expression of myca; withdrawal of the mifepristone inducer resulted in a rapid regression of liver tumors, and the tumor regression occurred even in the tp53 -/mutation background. Thus, our data demonstrated the robust oncogenicity of zebrafish myca and the requirement of sustained Myc overexpression for maintenance of the liver tumor phenotype in this transgenic model. Furthermore, tumor regression is independent of the function of Tp53.
... 1, June 2003, Asia Research Institute Editorial Committee Maz... more ... 1, June 2003, Asia Research Institute Editorial Committee Maznah Binti Mohamad - Editor Anjali Gera Roy Gregory K. Clancey Peter Wolfgang Marolt Tim Bunnell Venni Venkata Krishna Zaide Joyce Valerie Yeo ...
Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 1 Long Memory Conditional ... more Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 1 Long Memory Conditional Volatility and Asset Allocation Richard DF Harrisa University of Exeter Anh Nguyenb University of Exeter Paper No 11/01 May 2011 Abstract ...
Introduction Gastrointestinal lymphomas may arise as a component of systemic disease with GI invo... more Introduction Gastrointestinal lymphomas may arise as a component of systemic disease with GI involvement or primary neoplasm. The diagnosis of primary GI lymphoma requires the lack of peripheral or mediastinal lymphadenopathy, normal white blood cell count, and differential on the peripheral blood smear; tumor involvement must be predominantly in the GI tract, and no evidence of liver or spleen involvement. The small bowel accounts for approximately 9% of the GI lymphomas. Case report We describe a first case of primary small bowel Hodgkin’s lymphoma syncytial variant nodular sclerosing type. A 28-year-old man with history of long-term use of immuno-suppressive agent and steroid presents with partial obstructing abdominal-mass-causing anemia and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. The patient underwent colonoscopy because of progressive microcytic anemia. Colonoscopy revealed non-specific polyps that were non-bleeding. The patient continued to have symptoms of abdominal cramping and twitching sensation that led to serial of small bowel radiology studies which showed multiple filling defects and a partial small bowel obstruction. The patient underwent small bowel resection, which showed Hodgkin’s lymphoma syncytial variant type of nodular sclerosing. Conclusion This presentation is uncommon and, so far, there are less than ten cases reported with syncytial variant (SV) type of nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NSHD). All of which have presentation above the diaphragm and, to our knowledge, this represents the first case that primary SV type of NSHD originated from the small intestine.
For the site-specific prescription of fertilizer topdressing in rice cultivation, a non-destructi... more For the site-specific prescription of fertilizer topdressing in rice cultivation, a non-destructive diagnosis of the rice growth and nutrition status is necessary. Three experiments were done to develop and test a model using canopy reflectance for the nondestructive diagnosis of plant growth and N status in rice. Two experiments for model development were conducted, one in 2000 and another in 2003 in Suwon, Korea, including two rice varieties and four nitrogen (N) rates in 2000 and four rice varieties and 10 N treatments in 2003. Hyperspectral canopy reflectance (300-1,100 nm) data recorded at various growth stages before heading were used to develop a partial least squares regression (PLS) model to calculate plant biomass and N nutrition status. The 342 observations were split for model calibration (75%) and validation (25%). The PLS model was then tested to calculate within-field statistical variation of four crop variables: shoot dry weight (SDW), shoot N concentration (SN), shoot N density (SND) and N nutrition index (NNI) using measured canopy reflectance data from a field of 6,500 m 2 in 2004. Results showed that PLS regression using logarithm reflectance had better performance than both the PLS and multiple stepwise linear regression (MSLR) models using original reflectance data to calculate the four plant variables in year 2000 and 2003. It produced values with an acceptable model coefficient of determination (R 2 ) and relative error of calculation (REC). The model R 2 and REC ranged from .83 to .89 and 13.4% to 22.8% for calibration, and .76 to .87 and 14.0% to 24.4% for validation, respectively. The PLS regression model R 2 was reduced in the test data of year 2004 but the root mean square error of calculation (RMSEC) was smaller, suggesting that the PLS regression model using 123 canopy reflectance data could be a promising method to calculate within-field spatial variation of rice crop growth and N status.
We study a general model for non-gaussian 1/f noise based on an infinite range quantum Ising spin... more We study a general model for non-gaussian 1/f noise based on an infinite range quantum Ising spin system in the paramagnetic state, or equivalently, interacting two-level classical fluctuators. We identify a dilatation interaction term in the dynamics which survives the thermodynamic limit and circumvents the central limit theorem to produce non-gaussian noise even when the equilibrium distribution is that of non-interacting spins. The resulting second spectrum ('noise of the noise') itself has a universal 1/f form which we analyze within a dynamical mean field approximation.
An innovative quick-closing probe system was designed, built, and tested for measuring the local ... more An innovative quick-closing probe system was designed, built, and tested for measuring the local particulate phase density of gas-particle suspensions. Experiments with glass beads and powder coals were conducted in a horizontal channel with an aspect ratio of 11 to 1, and also in a 0·25 m I.D. bench-scale vortex chamber. Results of particle density distributions in these two systems indicated
The stoichiometric solubility constant of eitelite (NaMgo.sC03 + 2H + ~_ Na* + 05Mg 2 § + COz(g) ... more The stoichiometric solubility constant of eitelite (NaMgo.sC03 + 2H + ~_ Na* + 05Mg 2 § + COz(g) + 1t20, log */(ps0 = 14.67+0.03 was determined at I= 3 m (tool kg "1) (NaCl04) and 25~ The stability of magnesium (hydrogen-)earbonato complexes in this ionic medium was explicitely taken into account. Consequently, trace activity coefficients of free ionic species, calculated from the Pitzer model with ion-interaction parameters from the literature, were sufficient for an evaluation of the thermodynamic solubility constants and Gibbs energies of formation for eitelite (-1039.88 +_ 0.60), magnesite (-1033.60 + 0.40), hydromagnesite (-1174.30 + 0,50), nesquehonite (--1724.67 +_ 0.40), and brucite (-835.90 + 0.80 kJ-mort). The increasing solubilities of nesquehonite and eitelite at higher sodium carbonate molalities were explained by invoking a magnesium dicarbonato complex (Mg z+ + 2C0Z3 -~_~ Mg(CO3)Z2 -, log 62 = 3.90+0.08). A set of ion-interaction parameters was obtained from solubility and dissociation constants for carbonic acid in 1 to 35m NaCl04 media (0FICO~ ,cao4 = 0.081, 0c03Z-,ao~ -= 0.071, VNa +, HCO3, ca04 = --0.019, VN~, +, co32-, ao~-= --0.006, ~cao-~, coz = -0.076) which reproduce these constants to 0.02 units in log K. The following Pitzer parameters are consistent with the previously studied formation of magnesium (hydrogen-)carbonato complexes in 3m NaCl04 (~ggg2+ nco~-, cao4 = -0.36, Lcao'~co3 = 0.081). The model and Gibbs functions of solid phases derived here reproduce original solubility data (-log [H+], [MgZ+]toO measured in perchlorate medium within experimental uncertainty.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Seeds and aerial parts of Peganum harmala L. are widely used in A... more Ethnopharmacological relevance: Seeds and aerial parts of Peganum harmala L. are widely used in Algeria as anti-inflammatory remedies. Evaluation of Peganum harmala total alkaloids extracts and pure βcarboline compounds as an anti-inflammatory treatment by the inhibition of an enzyme key of inflammatory, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and HPLC quantification of the alkaloids from the different parts of plant. Materials and methods: MPO inhibition was tested using taurine chloramine test. The inhibition of LDL oxidation induced by MPO was carried out. The molecular docking analysis of Peganum harmala alkaloids on MPO was performed using the Glide XP docking protocol and scoring function and the redox potential of alkaloids was determined using an Epsilon potentiostat. The concentration of harmala alkaloids was determined using HPLC analysis.
We develop a method that combines data mining and first principles calculation to guide the desig... more We develop a method that combines data mining and first principles calculation to guide the designing of distorted cubane Mn(4 +) Mn 3 (3+) single molecule magnets. The essential idea of the method is a process consisting of sparse regressions and cross-validation for analyzing calculated data of the materials. The method allows us to demonstrate that the exchange coupling between Mn(4 +) and Mn(3 +) ions can be predicted from the electronegativities of constituent ligands and the structural features of the molecule by a linear regression model with high accuracy. The relations between the structural features and magnetic properties of the materials are quantitatively and consistently evaluated and presented by a graph. We also discuss the properties of the materials and guide the material design basing on the obtained results.
Papers by Anh Nguyen