In this article, we present the use of micron-sized lipid domains, patterned onto planar substrat... more In this article, we present the use of micron-sized lipid domains, patterned onto planar substrates and within microfluidic channels, to assay the binding of bacterial toxins via total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. The lipid domains were patterned using a polymer lift-off technique and consisted of ganglioside-populated distearoylphosphatidylcholine:cholesterol supported lipid bilayers (SLBs). Lipid patterns were formed on the substrates by vesicle fusion followed by polymer lift-off, which revealed micron-sized SLBs containing either ganglioside GT1b or GM1. The ganglioside-populated SLB arrays were then exposed to either cholera toxin B subunit or tetanus toxin C fragment. Binding was assayed on planar substrates by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy down to 100 pM concentration for cholera toxin subunit B and 10 nM for tetanus toxin fragment C. Apparent binding constants extracted from three different models applied to the binding curves suggest that binding of a protein to a lipid-based receptor is influenced by the microenvironment of the SLB and the substrate on which the bilayer is formed. Patterning of SLBs inside microfluidic channels also allowed the preparation of lipid domains with different compositions on a single device. Arrays within microfluidic channels were used to achieve segregation and selective binding from a binary mixture of the toxin fragments in one device. The binding and segregation within the microfluidic channels was assayed with epifluorescence as proof of concept. We propose that the method used for patterning the lipid microarrays on planar substrates and within microfluidic channels can be easily adapted to proteins or nucleic acids and can be used for biosensor applications and cell stimulation assays under different flow conditions.
A new method for on-chip sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of ... more A new method for on-chip sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of proteins is reported. Miniaturization of SDS-PAGE has attracted significant attention because it offers rapid analysis times, excellent resolution, high throughput, and the potential for integration and automation, as compared to conventional counterparts. The presented on-chip SDS-PAGE technique employed photolithographically patterned, cross-linked gels fabricated in situ in <20 min. The effects of sieving gel composition on the migration properties of fluorescently labeled protein standards (ranging in molecular weight from 14.2 to 66 kDa) were quantified, as was the ability of the gels to function as a sieving matrix for biologically relevant species. Ferguson analysis was employed to calculate retardation coefficients and free solution mobilities. In conjunction with fluorescence imaging, the on-chip SDS-PAGE separation mechanism was evaluated in terms of separation performance indexes, as well as limiting behaviors (i.e., free solution mobility, exclusion characteristics). The photolithographically fabricated gels employed for on-chip SDS-PAGE allowed rapid (<30 s) separations of proteins in short separation lengths (4 mm) with efficiencies as high as 4.41 x 10(5) plates/m. The on-chip SDS-PAGE separations were approximately 100 times faster than conventional slab gel SDS-PAGE (60 min) and occurred in a fraction of the separation length required by slab gels. The migration behavior of protein standards correlated well with molecular weight and allowed molecular weight determination for interleukin-2, fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, and tetanus toxin C-fragment.
Efficient and rapid separation of minute levels of amino acids and bioactive peptides is of signi... more Efficient and rapid separation of minute levels of amino acids and bioactive peptides is of significant importance in the emerging field of proteomics as well as in the clinical and pharmaceutical arena. We have developed novel UV-initiated acrylate-based porous polymer monoliths as stationary phases for capillary-and chip-electrochromatography of cationic, anionic, and neutral amino acids and peptides, followed by absorbance or laser-induced fluorescence detection. The rigid monoliths are cast-to-shape and are tunable for charge and hydrophobicity. For separations at low pH, monoliths containing quaternary amine moieties were used to achieve high electroosmotic flow, and for high pH separations monoliths with acidic sulfonic acid groups were employed. Efficient and reproducible separations of phenylthiohydantoin-labeled amino acids, native peptides, and amino acids and peptides labeled with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) were achieved using both negatively-and positively-charged polymer monoliths in capillaries. Separation efficiencies in the range of 65 000-371 000 plates / m were obtained with capillary electrochromatography. Buffer composition and the degree of column hydrophobicity were studied systematically to optimize separations. The monoliths were also cast in the microchannels of glass chips and electrochromatographic separation followed by laser-induced fluorescence detection of three NDA-labeled bioactive peptides was obtained.
By integrating photopolymerized cross-linked polyacrylamide gels within a microfluidic device, we... more By integrating photopolymerized cross-linked polyacrylamide gels within a microfluidic device, we have developed a microanalytical platform for performing electrophoresisbased immunoassays. The microfluidic immunoassays are performed by gel electrophoretic separation and quantitation of bound and unbound antibody or antigen. To retain biological activity of proteins and maintain intact immune complexes, nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis conditions were investigated. Both direct (noncompetitive) and competitive immunoassay formats are demonstrated in microchips. A direct immunoassay was developed for detection of tetanus antibodies in buffer as well as diluted serum samples. After an off-chip incubation step, the immunoassay was completed in less than 3 min and the sigmoidal dose-response curve spanned an antibody concentration range from 0.17 to 260 nM. The minimum detectable antibody concentration was 0.68 nM. A competitive immunoassay was also developed for tetanus toxin C-fragment by allowing unlabeled and fluorescently labeled tetanus toxin C-fragment compete to bind to a limited fixed concentration of tetanus antibody. The immunoassay technique described in this work shows promise as a component of an integrated microfluidic device amenable to automation and relevant to development of clinical diagnostic devices.
This paper presents a novel device for the dielectrophoretic manipulation of particles and cells.... more This paper presents a novel device for the dielectrophoretic manipulation of particles and cells. A two-level isotropic etch of a glass substrate was used to create threedimensional ridge-like structures in micrometer-sized channels. Due to the insulating properties of glass, locally patterned regions of nonuniform electric field form near the ridges when a dc field is applied along the channel. The ridges are designed using the method of faceted prisms, such that substantially uniform fields are produced on each side of the faceted interfaces that form each ridge. The dielectrophoretic force that results from the electric field gradient near the ridges is used to affect particle motion parallel to the ridges in the absence of a bulk pressure-driven flow. Trapping and deflection of particles and continuous concentration and separation of Bacillus subtilis from a two-component sample mixture are demonstrated. The flow of B. subtilis is restricted to a selected channel of a planar, multichannel device as a result of negative dielectrophoresis arising from the presence of the insulating ridges when the applied electric field exceeds a threshold of 30 V/mm. Dielectrophoresis has a negligible impact on 200-nm-diameter polystyrene particles under the same conditions. New and improved techniques to characterize and sort microscopic-sized particles and cells are in high demand for a wide range of applications in areas such as biomedical research, clinical diagnostics, and environmental analysis. During sample preparation, trapping of particles facilitates automation of labor-intensive procedures such as filtration, washing, and labeling. During sample analysis, the ability to direct particles selectively down a specific channel to an appropriate assay is useful. Also, during analysis, trapping of particles in specific regions of a chip concentrates the particles, potentially enhancing reaction times, reducing reagent volumes, and improving detection limits. Having the ability to support both sample preparation and analysis, dielectrophoresis (DEP) 1 is an effective way to trap, manipulate, and separate a variety of particles such as ores, 2 clays, 3 bacteria, 4,5 yeast cells, 6,7 large DNA strands, 8 mammalian cells, 9,10 blood cells, 10-12 cancer cells, 12-16 malaria-infected blood cells, 17919 CD 34 stem cells, 20,21 viruses, 22-24 and latex particles. 25-27 DEP is the movement of polarizable and conductive particles toward or away from regions of high electric field intensity in nonuniform electric fields. 27 When particles approach a field gradient, they experience a selective force owing to DEP that is proportional to the particle volume and the difference in complex conductivity of the particle and the fluid. 28 Depending on the relative magnitude of the particle conductivity and that of the fluid, the DEP force can act to drive particles toward regions of either high electric field strength or low electric field strengthstypes
Laser-patterning of nanoporous membranes at the junction of a cross channel in a microchip is use... more Laser-patterning of nanoporous membranes at the junction of a cross channel in a microchip is used to integrate protein concentration with an electrokinetic injection scheme. Upon application of voltage, linear electrophoretic concentration of charged proteins is achieved at the membrane surface because buffer ions can easily pass through the membrane while proteins larger than the molecular weight cutoff of the membrane (>5700) are retained. Simple buffer systems can be used, and the concentration results constitute outward evidence that the uniformity of buffer ion concentration is maintained throughout the process. Local and spatially averaged concentration are increased by 4 and 2 orders of magnitude, respectively, upon injection with moderate voltages (70-150 V) and concentration times (100 s). The degree of concentration is limited only by the solubility limit of the proteins. The porous polymer membrane can be used repeatedly as long as care is taken to avoid protein precipitation.
Gangliosides, glycosphingolipids present in the membranes of neuronal and other cells, are natura... more Gangliosides, glycosphingolipids present in the membranes of neuronal and other cells, are natural receptors for a number of bacterial toxins and viruses whose sensitive detection is of interest in clinical medicine as well as in biological warfare or terrorism incidents. Liposomes containing gangliosides mimic cells that are invaded by bacterial toxins and can be used as sensitive probes for detecting these toxins. We discuss detection of three bacterial toxins-tetanus, botulinum, and cholera toxins using ganglioside-bearing liposomes. Tetanus and botulinum toxins selectively bind gangliosides of the G1b series, namely, GT1b, GD1b, and GQ1b; and cholera toxin binds GM1 very specifically. Unilamellar liposomes containing GT1b or GM1 as one of the constituent lipids were prepared by extrusion through polycarbonate membranes. To impart signal generation capability to these liposomes, fluorophore-labeled lipids were incorporated in the bilayer of liposomes. The fluorescent liposomes, containing both a marker (rhodamine) and a receptor (GT1b or GM1) in the bilayer, were used in sandwich fluoroimmunoassays for tetanus, botulinum, and cholera toxins and as low as 1 nM of each toxin could be detected. The apparent dissociation constants of liposome-toxin complexes were in 10(-8) M range, indicating strong binding. This is the first report on detection of tetanus and botulinum toxins based on specific recognition by gangliosides. The fluorescent liposomes are attractive as immunoreagents for another reason as well--they provide enormous signal amplification for each binding event as each liposome contains up to 22,000 rhodamine molecules. The present approach using receptors incorporated in bilayers of liposomes offers a unique solution to employ water-insoluble receptors, such as glycolipids and membrane proteins, for sensitive detection of toxins and other clinically important biomolecules.
Seeding and autocatalytic reduction of platinum salts in aqueous surfactant solution using ascorb... more Seeding and autocatalytic reduction of platinum salts in aqueous surfactant solution using ascorbic acid as the reductant leads to remarkable dendritic metal nanostructures. In micellar surfactant solutions, spherical dendritic metal nanostructures are obtained, and the smallest of these nanodendrites resemble assemblies of joined nanoparticles and the nanodendrites are single crystals. With liposomes as the template, dendritic platinum sheets in the form of thin circular disks or solid foamlike nanomaterials can be made. Synthetic control over the morphology of these nanodendrites, nanosheets, and nanostructured foams is realized by using a tin-porphyrin photocatalyst to conveniently and effectively produce a large initial population of catalytic growth centers. The concentration of seed particles determines the ultimate average size and uniformity of these novel two-and three-dimensional platinum nanostructures.
The potential of integration of functions in microfluidic chips is demonstrated by implementing o... more The potential of integration of functions in microfluidic chips is demonstrated by implementing on-chip preconcentration of proteins prior to on-chip protein sizing by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Two polymeric elements-a thin (approximately 50 microm) size exclusion membrane for preconcentration and a longer (approximately cm) porous monolith for protein sizing-were fabricated in situ using photopolymerization. Contiguous placement of the two polymeric elements in the channels of a microchip enabled simple and zero dead volume integration of the preconcentration with SDS-PAGE. The size exclusion membrane was polymerized in the injection channel using a shaped laser beam, and the sizing monolith was cast by photolithography using a mask and UV lamp. Proteins injected electrophoretically were trapped on the upstream side of the size exclusion membrane (MW cutoff approximately 10 kDa) and eluted off the membrane by reversing the electric field. Subsequently, the concentrated proteins were separated in a cross-linked polyacrylamide monolith that was patterned contiguous to the size exclusion membrane. The extent of protein preconcentration is easily tuned by varying the voltage during injection or by controlling the sample volume loaded. Electric fields applied across the nanoporous membrane resulted in a concentration polarization effect evidenced by decreasing current over time and irreproducible migration of proteins during sizing. To minimize the concentration polarization effect, sieving gels were polymerized only on the separation side of the membrane, and an alternate electrical current path was employed, bypassing the membrane, for most of the elution and separation steps. Electrophoretically sweeping a fixed sample volume against the membrane yields preconcentration factors that are independent of protein mobility. The volume sweeping method also avoids biased protein loading from concentration polarization and sample matrix variations. Mobilities of the concentrated proteins were log-linear with respect to molecular weight, demonstrating the suitability of this approach for protein sizing. Proteins were concentrated rapidly (<5 min) over 1000-fold followed by high-resolution separation in the sieving monolith. Proteins with concentrations as low as 50 fM were detectable with 30 min of preconcentration time. The integrated preconcentration-sizing approach facilitates analysis of low-abundant proteins that cannot be otherwise detected. Moreover, the integrated preconcentration-analysis approach employing in situ formation of photopatterned polymeric elements provides a generic, inexpensive, and versatile method to integrate functions at chip level and can be extended to lowering of detection limits for other applications such as DNA analysis and clinical diagnostics.
An ultrasensitive method for the detection of the cholera toxin (CT) using electrochemical or mic... more An ultrasensitive method for the detection of the cholera toxin (CT) using electrochemical or microgravimetric quartz crystal microbalance transduction means is described. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and GM1-functionalized liposomes act as catalytic recognition labels for the amplified detection of the cholera toxin based on highly specific recognition of CT by the ganglioside GM1. The sensing interface consists of monoclonal antibody against the B subunit of CT that is linked to protein G, assembled as a monolayer on an Au electrode or an Au/ quartz crystal. The CT is detected by a "sandwich-type" assay on the electronic transducers, where the toxin is first bound to the anti-CT-Ab and then to the HRP-GM1ganglioside-functionalized liposome. The enzyme-labeled liposome mediates the oxidation of 4-chloronaphthol (2) in the presence of H 2 O 2 to form the insoluble product 3 on the electrode support or the Au/quartz crystal. The biocatalytic precipitation of 3 provides the amplification route for the detection of the CT. Formation of the insulating film of 3 on the electrode increases the interfacial electron-transfer resistance, R et , or enhances the electrode resistance, R′, parameters that are quantitatively derived by Faradaic impedance measurements and chronopotentiometric analyses, respectively. Similarly, the precipitate 3 formed on the Au/quartz crystal results in a mass increase on the transducer that is reflected by a decrease in the resonance frequency of the crystal. The methods allow the detection of the CT with an unprecedented sensitivity that corresponds to 1.0 × 10 -13 M.
A microfabricated glass chip containing fluidic channels filled with polymer monolith has been de... more A microfabricated glass chip containing fluidic channels filled with polymer monolith has been developed for reversed-phase electrochromatography. Acrylate-based porous polymer monoliths were cast in the channels by photopolymerization to serve as a robust and uniform stationary phase. UV light-initiated polymerization allows for patterning of polymer stationary phase in the microchip, analogous to photolithography, using a mask and a UV lamp for optimal design of injection, separation, and detection manifolds. The monoliths are cast in situ in less than 10 min, are very reproducible with respect to separation characteristics, and allow easy manipulation of separation parameters such as charge, hydrophobicity, and pore size. Moreover, the solvent used to cast the polymer enables electroosmotic flow, allowing the separation channel to be conditioned without need for high-pressure pumps. The microchip was used for separation of bioactive peptides and amino acids labeled with a fluorogenic dye (naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde) followed by laser-induced fluorescence detection using a Kr+ ion laser. The microchip-based separations were fast (six peptides in 45 s), efficient (up to 600,000 plates/m), and outperformed the capillary-based separations in both speed and efficiency. We have also developed a method for complete removal of polymer from the channels by thermal incineration to regenerate the glass chips.
Liposomes labeled with biotin and the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) are used as a probe to ... more Liposomes labeled with biotin and the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) are used as a probe to amplify the sensing of antigen-antibody interactions or oligonucleotide-DNA binding. The HRP-biocatalyzed oxidation of 4-chloro-1-naphthol (1) in the presence of H 2 O 2 , and the precipitation of the insoluble product 2 on electrode supports, are used as an amplification route for the sensing processes. The anti-dinitrophenyl antibody (DNP-Ab) is sensed by a dinitrophenyl-L-cysteine antigen monolayer associated with an Au electrode. A biotinylated anti-IgG-antibody (Fc-specific) is linked to the antigen-DNP-Ab complex, and the biotin-labeled HRP-liposomes associate with the assembly through an avidin bridge. The biocatalyzed precipitation of 2 on the electrode increases the electron-transfer resistances at the electrode-solution interface or the electrode resistance itself. The binding events of the different proteins on the electrode and the biocatalyzed precipitation of 2 on the conductive support are followed by Faradaic impedance spectroscopy or constant-current chronopotentiometry. DNP-Ab concentrations as low as 1 × 10 -11 g‚mL -1 can be detected by this method. The labeled liposomes were also used for the amplified detection of DNA 3. The oligonucleotide 4, complementary to a part of the target DNA 3 that is a model nucleic acid sequence for the Tay-Sachs genetic disorder, is assembled on an Au electrode. Hybridization of the analyte 3 followed by the association of the biotintagged oligonucleotide 5 yields a three-component doublestranded assembly. Sensing of the analyte 3 is amplified by the association of avidin, the labeled liposomes, and the subsequent biocatalyzed precipitation of 2 on the electrodes. The DNA 3 is detected with a sensitivity that corresponds to 6.5 × 10 -13 M. Faradaic impedance spectroscopy and chronopotentiometry were employed to follow the stepwise assembly of the systems and the electronic transduction of the detection of the analyte DNA 3.
Porous silica materials made by low-temperature sol−gel process are promising host matrixes for e... more Porous silica materials made by low-temperature sol−gel process are promising host matrixes for encapsulation of biomolecules. To date, researchers have focused on sol−gel routes using alkoxides such as tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) for ...
Dielectrophoresis (DEP), a nonlinear electrokinetic transport mechanism, can be used to concentra... more Dielectrophoresis (DEP), a nonlinear electrokinetic transport mechanism, can be used to concentrate and sort cells, viruses, and particles. To date, microfabricated DEP-based devices have typically used embedded metal electrodes to apply spatially nonuniform, time-varying (AC) electric fields. We have developed an alternative method in which arrays of insulating posts in a channel of a microchip produce the spatially nonuniform fields needed for DEP. Electrodes may be located remotely, allowing operation of the device down to zero frequency (DC) without excessive problems of electrolysis. Applying a sufficiently large electric field across an insulating-post array produces two flow regimes through a competition between electrokinetic flow (combined electrophoresis and electroosmosis) and dielectrophoresis. "Streaming DEP" is observed when DEP dominates diffusion but is overcome by electrokinetic flow. Particles concentrated by DEP forces in areas of electric field extrema travel electrokinetically down the array in flowing streams. In an array of posts, dielectrophoretic forcing within repeated rows adds coherently to produce flowing streams of highly concentrated and rarefied particles. We demonstrate that this reinforcement is a strong function of alignment of the array with respect to the applied electric field and that the particle concentrations can be "enhanced" or "depleted" along columns of posts, enabling a novel class of continuous-flow, selective particle filter/concentrator devices. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of streaming dielectrophoresis. The second regime is "trapping DEP," in which DEP forces dominate over both diffusion and electrokinetic flow, reversibly immobilizing particles on the insulating posts, enabling inexpensive and embedded batch filter/concentrator devices. Devices can be biased electrically to manipulate particles selectively by varying the field strength to vary the relative magnitudes of electrokinetic flow and DEP. Post shapes are contoured easily to control electric field gradients and, hence, DEP behavior. Simple simulations based on similitude of fluid flow and electric field that solve the Laplace equation to obtain fluid velocity have also been developed to predict the dielectrophoretic behavior in an array of posts. These simulations are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations and provide insight into electrokinetic behavior to enable design of dielectrophoretic concentrators and sorters.
Improved surgical techniques have contributed to a better outcome in kidney transplantation, and ... more Improved surgical techniques have contributed to a better outcome in kidney transplantation, and graft failure secondary to technical complications is unusual. We describe a surgical complication secondary to a rare and unexpected vascular anomaly in a pediatric renal transplant that resulted in considerable morbidity. Our patient had a persistent sciatic artery as a dominant source of blood supply to the lower limb. Ligation of this vessel during anastomosis with the transplant kidney vasculature led to severe ischemic damage to the leg. This vascular malformation, if undetected, can lead to serious complications. We present a review of the literature regarding this malformation and its management with regard to renal transplantation.
In this article, we present the use of micron-sized lipid domains, patterned onto planar substrat... more In this article, we present the use of micron-sized lipid domains, patterned onto planar substrates and within microfluidic channels, to assay the binding of bacterial toxins via total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. The lipid domains were patterned using a polymer lift-off technique and consisted of ganglioside-populated distearoylphosphatidylcholine:cholesterol supported lipid bilayers (SLBs). Lipid patterns were formed on the substrates by vesicle fusion followed by polymer lift-off, which revealed micron-sized SLBs containing either ganglioside GT1b or GM1. The ganglioside-populated SLB arrays were then exposed to either cholera toxin B subunit or tetanus toxin C fragment. Binding was assayed on planar substrates by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy down to 100 pM concentration for cholera toxin subunit B and 10 nM for tetanus toxin fragment C. Apparent binding constants extracted from three different models applied to the binding curves suggest that binding of a protein to a lipid-based receptor is influenced by the microenvironment of the SLB and the substrate on which the bilayer is formed. Patterning of SLBs inside microfluidic channels also allowed the preparation of lipid domains with different compositions on a single device. Arrays within microfluidic channels were used to achieve segregation and selective binding from a binary mixture of the toxin fragments in one device. The binding and segregation within the microfluidic channels was assayed with epifluorescence as proof of concept. We propose that the method used for patterning the lipid microarrays on planar substrates and within microfluidic channels can be easily adapted to proteins or nucleic acids and can be used for biosensor applications and cell stimulation assays under different flow conditions.
A new method for on-chip sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of ... more A new method for on-chip sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of proteins is reported. Miniaturization of SDS-PAGE has attracted significant attention because it offers rapid analysis times, excellent resolution, high throughput, and the potential for integration and automation, as compared to conventional counterparts. The presented on-chip SDS-PAGE technique employed photolithographically patterned, cross-linked gels fabricated in situ in <20 min. The effects of sieving gel composition on the migration properties of fluorescently labeled protein standards (ranging in molecular weight from 14.2 to 66 kDa) were quantified, as was the ability of the gels to function as a sieving matrix for biologically relevant species. Ferguson analysis was employed to calculate retardation coefficients and free solution mobilities. In conjunction with fluorescence imaging, the on-chip SDS-PAGE separation mechanism was evaluated in terms of separation performance indexes, as well as limiting behaviors (i.e., free solution mobility, exclusion characteristics). The photolithographically fabricated gels employed for on-chip SDS-PAGE allowed rapid (<30 s) separations of proteins in short separation lengths (4 mm) with efficiencies as high as 4.41 x 10(5) plates/m. The on-chip SDS-PAGE separations were approximately 100 times faster than conventional slab gel SDS-PAGE (60 min) and occurred in a fraction of the separation length required by slab gels. The migration behavior of protein standards correlated well with molecular weight and allowed molecular weight determination for interleukin-2, fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, and tetanus toxin C-fragment.
Efficient and rapid separation of minute levels of amino acids and bioactive peptides is of signi... more Efficient and rapid separation of minute levels of amino acids and bioactive peptides is of significant importance in the emerging field of proteomics as well as in the clinical and pharmaceutical arena. We have developed novel UV-initiated acrylate-based porous polymer monoliths as stationary phases for capillary-and chip-electrochromatography of cationic, anionic, and neutral amino acids and peptides, followed by absorbance or laser-induced fluorescence detection. The rigid monoliths are cast-to-shape and are tunable for charge and hydrophobicity. For separations at low pH, monoliths containing quaternary amine moieties were used to achieve high electroosmotic flow, and for high pH separations monoliths with acidic sulfonic acid groups were employed. Efficient and reproducible separations of phenylthiohydantoin-labeled amino acids, native peptides, and amino acids and peptides labeled with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) were achieved using both negatively-and positively-charged polymer monoliths in capillaries. Separation efficiencies in the range of 65 000-371 000 plates / m were obtained with capillary electrochromatography. Buffer composition and the degree of column hydrophobicity were studied systematically to optimize separations. The monoliths were also cast in the microchannels of glass chips and electrochromatographic separation followed by laser-induced fluorescence detection of three NDA-labeled bioactive peptides was obtained.
By integrating photopolymerized cross-linked polyacrylamide gels within a microfluidic device, we... more By integrating photopolymerized cross-linked polyacrylamide gels within a microfluidic device, we have developed a microanalytical platform for performing electrophoresisbased immunoassays. The microfluidic immunoassays are performed by gel electrophoretic separation and quantitation of bound and unbound antibody or antigen. To retain biological activity of proteins and maintain intact immune complexes, nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis conditions were investigated. Both direct (noncompetitive) and competitive immunoassay formats are demonstrated in microchips. A direct immunoassay was developed for detection of tetanus antibodies in buffer as well as diluted serum samples. After an off-chip incubation step, the immunoassay was completed in less than 3 min and the sigmoidal dose-response curve spanned an antibody concentration range from 0.17 to 260 nM. The minimum detectable antibody concentration was 0.68 nM. A competitive immunoassay was also developed for tetanus toxin C-fragment by allowing unlabeled and fluorescently labeled tetanus toxin C-fragment compete to bind to a limited fixed concentration of tetanus antibody. The immunoassay technique described in this work shows promise as a component of an integrated microfluidic device amenable to automation and relevant to development of clinical diagnostic devices.
This paper presents a novel device for the dielectrophoretic manipulation of particles and cells.... more This paper presents a novel device for the dielectrophoretic manipulation of particles and cells. A two-level isotropic etch of a glass substrate was used to create threedimensional ridge-like structures in micrometer-sized channels. Due to the insulating properties of glass, locally patterned regions of nonuniform electric field form near the ridges when a dc field is applied along the channel. The ridges are designed using the method of faceted prisms, such that substantially uniform fields are produced on each side of the faceted interfaces that form each ridge. The dielectrophoretic force that results from the electric field gradient near the ridges is used to affect particle motion parallel to the ridges in the absence of a bulk pressure-driven flow. Trapping and deflection of particles and continuous concentration and separation of Bacillus subtilis from a two-component sample mixture are demonstrated. The flow of B. subtilis is restricted to a selected channel of a planar, multichannel device as a result of negative dielectrophoresis arising from the presence of the insulating ridges when the applied electric field exceeds a threshold of 30 V/mm. Dielectrophoresis has a negligible impact on 200-nm-diameter polystyrene particles under the same conditions. New and improved techniques to characterize and sort microscopic-sized particles and cells are in high demand for a wide range of applications in areas such as biomedical research, clinical diagnostics, and environmental analysis. During sample preparation, trapping of particles facilitates automation of labor-intensive procedures such as filtration, washing, and labeling. During sample analysis, the ability to direct particles selectively down a specific channel to an appropriate assay is useful. Also, during analysis, trapping of particles in specific regions of a chip concentrates the particles, potentially enhancing reaction times, reducing reagent volumes, and improving detection limits. Having the ability to support both sample preparation and analysis, dielectrophoresis (DEP) 1 is an effective way to trap, manipulate, and separate a variety of particles such as ores, 2 clays, 3 bacteria, 4,5 yeast cells, 6,7 large DNA strands, 8 mammalian cells, 9,10 blood cells, 10-12 cancer cells, 12-16 malaria-infected blood cells, 17919 CD 34 stem cells, 20,21 viruses, 22-24 and latex particles. 25-27 DEP is the movement of polarizable and conductive particles toward or away from regions of high electric field intensity in nonuniform electric fields. 27 When particles approach a field gradient, they experience a selective force owing to DEP that is proportional to the particle volume and the difference in complex conductivity of the particle and the fluid. 28 Depending on the relative magnitude of the particle conductivity and that of the fluid, the DEP force can act to drive particles toward regions of either high electric field strength or low electric field strengthstypes
Laser-patterning of nanoporous membranes at the junction of a cross channel in a microchip is use... more Laser-patterning of nanoporous membranes at the junction of a cross channel in a microchip is used to integrate protein concentration with an electrokinetic injection scheme. Upon application of voltage, linear electrophoretic concentration of charged proteins is achieved at the membrane surface because buffer ions can easily pass through the membrane while proteins larger than the molecular weight cutoff of the membrane (>5700) are retained. Simple buffer systems can be used, and the concentration results constitute outward evidence that the uniformity of buffer ion concentration is maintained throughout the process. Local and spatially averaged concentration are increased by 4 and 2 orders of magnitude, respectively, upon injection with moderate voltages (70-150 V) and concentration times (100 s). The degree of concentration is limited only by the solubility limit of the proteins. The porous polymer membrane can be used repeatedly as long as care is taken to avoid protein precipitation.
Gangliosides, glycosphingolipids present in the membranes of neuronal and other cells, are natura... more Gangliosides, glycosphingolipids present in the membranes of neuronal and other cells, are natural receptors for a number of bacterial toxins and viruses whose sensitive detection is of interest in clinical medicine as well as in biological warfare or terrorism incidents. Liposomes containing gangliosides mimic cells that are invaded by bacterial toxins and can be used as sensitive probes for detecting these toxins. We discuss detection of three bacterial toxins-tetanus, botulinum, and cholera toxins using ganglioside-bearing liposomes. Tetanus and botulinum toxins selectively bind gangliosides of the G1b series, namely, GT1b, GD1b, and GQ1b; and cholera toxin binds GM1 very specifically. Unilamellar liposomes containing GT1b or GM1 as one of the constituent lipids were prepared by extrusion through polycarbonate membranes. To impart signal generation capability to these liposomes, fluorophore-labeled lipids were incorporated in the bilayer of liposomes. The fluorescent liposomes, containing both a marker (rhodamine) and a receptor (GT1b or GM1) in the bilayer, were used in sandwich fluoroimmunoassays for tetanus, botulinum, and cholera toxins and as low as 1 nM of each toxin could be detected. The apparent dissociation constants of liposome-toxin complexes were in 10(-8) M range, indicating strong binding. This is the first report on detection of tetanus and botulinum toxins based on specific recognition by gangliosides. The fluorescent liposomes are attractive as immunoreagents for another reason as well--they provide enormous signal amplification for each binding event as each liposome contains up to 22,000 rhodamine molecules. The present approach using receptors incorporated in bilayers of liposomes offers a unique solution to employ water-insoluble receptors, such as glycolipids and membrane proteins, for sensitive detection of toxins and other clinically important biomolecules.
Seeding and autocatalytic reduction of platinum salts in aqueous surfactant solution using ascorb... more Seeding and autocatalytic reduction of platinum salts in aqueous surfactant solution using ascorbic acid as the reductant leads to remarkable dendritic metal nanostructures. In micellar surfactant solutions, spherical dendritic metal nanostructures are obtained, and the smallest of these nanodendrites resemble assemblies of joined nanoparticles and the nanodendrites are single crystals. With liposomes as the template, dendritic platinum sheets in the form of thin circular disks or solid foamlike nanomaterials can be made. Synthetic control over the morphology of these nanodendrites, nanosheets, and nanostructured foams is realized by using a tin-porphyrin photocatalyst to conveniently and effectively produce a large initial population of catalytic growth centers. The concentration of seed particles determines the ultimate average size and uniformity of these novel two-and three-dimensional platinum nanostructures.
The potential of integration of functions in microfluidic chips is demonstrated by implementing o... more The potential of integration of functions in microfluidic chips is demonstrated by implementing on-chip preconcentration of proteins prior to on-chip protein sizing by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Two polymeric elements-a thin (approximately 50 microm) size exclusion membrane for preconcentration and a longer (approximately cm) porous monolith for protein sizing-were fabricated in situ using photopolymerization. Contiguous placement of the two polymeric elements in the channels of a microchip enabled simple and zero dead volume integration of the preconcentration with SDS-PAGE. The size exclusion membrane was polymerized in the injection channel using a shaped laser beam, and the sizing monolith was cast by photolithography using a mask and UV lamp. Proteins injected electrophoretically were trapped on the upstream side of the size exclusion membrane (MW cutoff approximately 10 kDa) and eluted off the membrane by reversing the electric field. Subsequently, the concentrated proteins were separated in a cross-linked polyacrylamide monolith that was patterned contiguous to the size exclusion membrane. The extent of protein preconcentration is easily tuned by varying the voltage during injection or by controlling the sample volume loaded. Electric fields applied across the nanoporous membrane resulted in a concentration polarization effect evidenced by decreasing current over time and irreproducible migration of proteins during sizing. To minimize the concentration polarization effect, sieving gels were polymerized only on the separation side of the membrane, and an alternate electrical current path was employed, bypassing the membrane, for most of the elution and separation steps. Electrophoretically sweeping a fixed sample volume against the membrane yields preconcentration factors that are independent of protein mobility. The volume sweeping method also avoids biased protein loading from concentration polarization and sample matrix variations. Mobilities of the concentrated proteins were log-linear with respect to molecular weight, demonstrating the suitability of this approach for protein sizing. Proteins were concentrated rapidly (<5 min) over 1000-fold followed by high-resolution separation in the sieving monolith. Proteins with concentrations as low as 50 fM were detectable with 30 min of preconcentration time. The integrated preconcentration-sizing approach facilitates analysis of low-abundant proteins that cannot be otherwise detected. Moreover, the integrated preconcentration-analysis approach employing in situ formation of photopatterned polymeric elements provides a generic, inexpensive, and versatile method to integrate functions at chip level and can be extended to lowering of detection limits for other applications such as DNA analysis and clinical diagnostics.
An ultrasensitive method for the detection of the cholera toxin (CT) using electrochemical or mic... more An ultrasensitive method for the detection of the cholera toxin (CT) using electrochemical or microgravimetric quartz crystal microbalance transduction means is described. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and GM1-functionalized liposomes act as catalytic recognition labels for the amplified detection of the cholera toxin based on highly specific recognition of CT by the ganglioside GM1. The sensing interface consists of monoclonal antibody against the B subunit of CT that is linked to protein G, assembled as a monolayer on an Au electrode or an Au/ quartz crystal. The CT is detected by a "sandwich-type" assay on the electronic transducers, where the toxin is first bound to the anti-CT-Ab and then to the HRP-GM1ganglioside-functionalized liposome. The enzyme-labeled liposome mediates the oxidation of 4-chloronaphthol (2) in the presence of H 2 O 2 to form the insoluble product 3 on the electrode support or the Au/quartz crystal. The biocatalytic precipitation of 3 provides the amplification route for the detection of the CT. Formation of the insulating film of 3 on the electrode increases the interfacial electron-transfer resistance, R et , or enhances the electrode resistance, R′, parameters that are quantitatively derived by Faradaic impedance measurements and chronopotentiometric analyses, respectively. Similarly, the precipitate 3 formed on the Au/quartz crystal results in a mass increase on the transducer that is reflected by a decrease in the resonance frequency of the crystal. The methods allow the detection of the CT with an unprecedented sensitivity that corresponds to 1.0 × 10 -13 M.
A microfabricated glass chip containing fluidic channels filled with polymer monolith has been de... more A microfabricated glass chip containing fluidic channels filled with polymer monolith has been developed for reversed-phase electrochromatography. Acrylate-based porous polymer monoliths were cast in the channels by photopolymerization to serve as a robust and uniform stationary phase. UV light-initiated polymerization allows for patterning of polymer stationary phase in the microchip, analogous to photolithography, using a mask and a UV lamp for optimal design of injection, separation, and detection manifolds. The monoliths are cast in situ in less than 10 min, are very reproducible with respect to separation characteristics, and allow easy manipulation of separation parameters such as charge, hydrophobicity, and pore size. Moreover, the solvent used to cast the polymer enables electroosmotic flow, allowing the separation channel to be conditioned without need for high-pressure pumps. The microchip was used for separation of bioactive peptides and amino acids labeled with a fluorogenic dye (naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde) followed by laser-induced fluorescence detection using a Kr+ ion laser. The microchip-based separations were fast (six peptides in 45 s), efficient (up to 600,000 plates/m), and outperformed the capillary-based separations in both speed and efficiency. We have also developed a method for complete removal of polymer from the channels by thermal incineration to regenerate the glass chips.
Liposomes labeled with biotin and the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) are used as a probe to ... more Liposomes labeled with biotin and the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) are used as a probe to amplify the sensing of antigen-antibody interactions or oligonucleotide-DNA binding. The HRP-biocatalyzed oxidation of 4-chloro-1-naphthol (1) in the presence of H 2 O 2 , and the precipitation of the insoluble product 2 on electrode supports, are used as an amplification route for the sensing processes. The anti-dinitrophenyl antibody (DNP-Ab) is sensed by a dinitrophenyl-L-cysteine antigen monolayer associated with an Au electrode. A biotinylated anti-IgG-antibody (Fc-specific) is linked to the antigen-DNP-Ab complex, and the biotin-labeled HRP-liposomes associate with the assembly through an avidin bridge. The biocatalyzed precipitation of 2 on the electrode increases the electron-transfer resistances at the electrode-solution interface or the electrode resistance itself. The binding events of the different proteins on the electrode and the biocatalyzed precipitation of 2 on the conductive support are followed by Faradaic impedance spectroscopy or constant-current chronopotentiometry. DNP-Ab concentrations as low as 1 × 10 -11 g‚mL -1 can be detected by this method. The labeled liposomes were also used for the amplified detection of DNA 3. The oligonucleotide 4, complementary to a part of the target DNA 3 that is a model nucleic acid sequence for the Tay-Sachs genetic disorder, is assembled on an Au electrode. Hybridization of the analyte 3 followed by the association of the biotintagged oligonucleotide 5 yields a three-component doublestranded assembly. Sensing of the analyte 3 is amplified by the association of avidin, the labeled liposomes, and the subsequent biocatalyzed precipitation of 2 on the electrodes. The DNA 3 is detected with a sensitivity that corresponds to 6.5 × 10 -13 M. Faradaic impedance spectroscopy and chronopotentiometry were employed to follow the stepwise assembly of the systems and the electronic transduction of the detection of the analyte DNA 3.
Porous silica materials made by low-temperature sol−gel process are promising host matrixes for e... more Porous silica materials made by low-temperature sol−gel process are promising host matrixes for encapsulation of biomolecules. To date, researchers have focused on sol−gel routes using alkoxides such as tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) for ...
Dielectrophoresis (DEP), a nonlinear electrokinetic transport mechanism, can be used to concentra... more Dielectrophoresis (DEP), a nonlinear electrokinetic transport mechanism, can be used to concentrate and sort cells, viruses, and particles. To date, microfabricated DEP-based devices have typically used embedded metal electrodes to apply spatially nonuniform, time-varying (AC) electric fields. We have developed an alternative method in which arrays of insulating posts in a channel of a microchip produce the spatially nonuniform fields needed for DEP. Electrodes may be located remotely, allowing operation of the device down to zero frequency (DC) without excessive problems of electrolysis. Applying a sufficiently large electric field across an insulating-post array produces two flow regimes through a competition between electrokinetic flow (combined electrophoresis and electroosmosis) and dielectrophoresis. "Streaming DEP" is observed when DEP dominates diffusion but is overcome by electrokinetic flow. Particles concentrated by DEP forces in areas of electric field extrema travel electrokinetically down the array in flowing streams. In an array of posts, dielectrophoretic forcing within repeated rows adds coherently to produce flowing streams of highly concentrated and rarefied particles. We demonstrate that this reinforcement is a strong function of alignment of the array with respect to the applied electric field and that the particle concentrations can be "enhanced" or "depleted" along columns of posts, enabling a novel class of continuous-flow, selective particle filter/concentrator devices. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of streaming dielectrophoresis. The second regime is "trapping DEP," in which DEP forces dominate over both diffusion and electrokinetic flow, reversibly immobilizing particles on the insulating posts, enabling inexpensive and embedded batch filter/concentrator devices. Devices can be biased electrically to manipulate particles selectively by varying the field strength to vary the relative magnitudes of electrokinetic flow and DEP. Post shapes are contoured easily to control electric field gradients and, hence, DEP behavior. Simple simulations based on similitude of fluid flow and electric field that solve the Laplace equation to obtain fluid velocity have also been developed to predict the dielectrophoretic behavior in an array of posts. These simulations are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations and provide insight into electrokinetic behavior to enable design of dielectrophoretic concentrators and sorters.
Improved surgical techniques have contributed to a better outcome in kidney transplantation, and ... more Improved surgical techniques have contributed to a better outcome in kidney transplantation, and graft failure secondary to technical complications is unusual. We describe a surgical complication secondary to a rare and unexpected vascular anomaly in a pediatric renal transplant that resulted in considerable morbidity. Our patient had a persistent sciatic artery as a dominant source of blood supply to the lower limb. Ligation of this vessel during anastomosis with the transplant kidney vasculature led to severe ischemic damage to the leg. This vascular malformation, if undetected, can lead to serious complications. We present a review of the literature regarding this malformation and its management with regard to renal transplantation.
Papers by Anup Singh