Arnaldo Marcone
Arnaldo Marcone- educated Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa/Pisa University 1973/77
Post-graduate studies: Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (1978-1981)
Since 1.11.2008 full professor of Roman History in the University Roma Tre
Research abroad:
1)Cologne: Institut fuer Altertumskunde, guest of Prof. Werner Eck (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Scholarship: October 1986-September 1987; August-October 1988/1989/1990/1991);
2) Cambridge (Churchill College) guest of Mr. Charles Whittaker: May-June 1993 (C.N.R. scholarship);
3)Trier: Fachbereich Alte Geschichte, guest of prof. Heinz Heinen (march 1997: Alexander von Humoldt-Stiftung scholarship).
4) London: King's College, guest of dr. Dominic Rathbone (Spring 1997);
5) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres (Genève), 4-22 August 1997.
6) Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study (Princeton), Fall 2002
Regular contributor of the journals "Athenaeum" and "Rivista Storica Italiana".
Main resarch-fields in the last years:
1)Economic and Social History of the Ancient World;
2) the Late Roman Empire;
3) the modern Historiography on the Ancient World and particularly the modern Historiography on the Economic and Social History of the Ancient World, first of all M. Rostovtzeff.
He was member of the scientif committee of the Exhibiton "Costantino 313 d.C. (Milano- Palazzo Reale 25 October 2012- 17 March 2013)
and of the Editorial Board of the three volumes Constantinian Encyclopaedia (Treccani, Rome 2013).
Published works (some titles among the most recent ones)
1) Pagano e cristiano. Vita e mito di Costantino, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2002, pp. 219.
2) (con I. Andorlini) Medicina, Medico e società nel mondo antico, Le Monnier, Firenze 2004, pp. 260
3) Di Tarda Antichità. Scritti scelti, Le Monnier, Firenze 2008, pp. 257,
4) Sul Mondo Antico. Scritti scelti di storia della storiografia moderna, La Monnier, Firenze, 2009, pp. 298.
5)(con F. Carlà) Economia e finanza a Roma, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 288.
He is member of the editorials boards of the folliwing journals:
1. Les Etudes Classiques;
2. Historia;
3. Rivista Storica Italiana;
4. Koinonia;
5. Hormos;
6. Rivista di Storia dell'Agricoltura
He isi corresponding member of the German Archaological Institute (Berlin).
AWARDS: Anassilaos Special Prize for Ancient History Salvatore Calderone in Reggio Calabria 10.11.2012
Post-graduate studies: Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (1978-1981)
Since 1.11.2008 full professor of Roman History in the University Roma Tre
Research abroad:
1)Cologne: Institut fuer Altertumskunde, guest of Prof. Werner Eck (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Scholarship: October 1986-September 1987; August-October 1988/1989/1990/1991);
2) Cambridge (Churchill College) guest of Mr. Charles Whittaker: May-June 1993 (C.N.R. scholarship);
3)Trier: Fachbereich Alte Geschichte, guest of prof. Heinz Heinen (march 1997: Alexander von Humoldt-Stiftung scholarship).
4) London: King's College, guest of dr. Dominic Rathbone (Spring 1997);
5) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres (Genève), 4-22 August 1997.
6) Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study (Princeton), Fall 2002
Regular contributor of the journals "Athenaeum" and "Rivista Storica Italiana".
Main resarch-fields in the last years:
1)Economic and Social History of the Ancient World;
2) the Late Roman Empire;
3) the modern Historiography on the Ancient World and particularly the modern Historiography on the Economic and Social History of the Ancient World, first of all M. Rostovtzeff.
He was member of the scientif committee of the Exhibiton "Costantino 313 d.C. (Milano- Palazzo Reale 25 October 2012- 17 March 2013)
and of the Editorial Board of the three volumes Constantinian Encyclopaedia (Treccani, Rome 2013).
Published works (some titles among the most recent ones)
1) Pagano e cristiano. Vita e mito di Costantino, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2002, pp. 219.
2) (con I. Andorlini) Medicina, Medico e società nel mondo antico, Le Monnier, Firenze 2004, pp. 260
3) Di Tarda Antichità. Scritti scelti, Le Monnier, Firenze 2008, pp. 257,
4) Sul Mondo Antico. Scritti scelti di storia della storiografia moderna, La Monnier, Firenze, 2009, pp. 298.
5)(con F. Carlà) Economia e finanza a Roma, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 288.
He is member of the editorials boards of the folliwing journals:
1. Les Etudes Classiques;
2. Historia;
3. Rivista Storica Italiana;
4. Koinonia;
5. Hormos;
6. Rivista di Storia dell'Agricoltura
He isi corresponding member of the German Archaological Institute (Berlin).
AWARDS: Anassilaos Special Prize for Ancient History Salvatore Calderone in Reggio Calabria 10.11.2012
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Papers by Arnaldo Marcone