Metastasis and relapse account for the great majority of cancer-related deaths. Most metastatic l... more Metastasis and relapse account for the great majority of cancer-related deaths. Most metastatic lesions are micro metastases that have the capacity to remain in a non-dividing state called “dormancy” for months or even years. Commonly used anticancer drugs generally target actively dividing cancer cells. Therefore, cancer cells that remain in a dormant state evade conventional therapies and contribute to cancer recurrence. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cancer dormancy are not fully understood. Recent studies indicate that a major cellular stress response mechanism, autophagy, plays an important role in the adaptation, survival and reactivation of dormant cells. In this review article, we will summarize accumulating knowledge about cellular and molecular mechanisms of cancer dormancy, and discuss the role and importance of autophagy in this context.
Multidisipliner bir alan olan adli bilimler, adaletin toplum ve toplumu olusturan bireyler arasin... more Multidisipliner bir alan olan adli bilimler, adaletin toplum ve toplumu olusturan bireyler arasinda esit olarak saglanabilirligine hizmet eden saglik, fen ve sosyal bilimler gibi egitsel, teknolojik ve pozitif bilimler toplulugunu kapsar. Bu bilimsel alanda teorik ve uygulamanin birbirleriyle ortusen ve ortusmeyen bircok noktasi bulunmaktadir. Teorik bilgilerin havada ucustugu cagimizda bu bilgilerin adli bilimlerin uygulama alanina yansimasi cok onemlidir. Adli tip, hukuk, psikoloji, sosyal hizmet, cocuk gelisimi, kriminoloji, antropoloji, ogretmenlik, medya, polis ve jandarma gibi guvenlik birimlerini de iceren toplumun cok genis bir alaninda birlikte calismaya ve uretmeye gereksinim bulunuyor. Egitim ve ogretimin en onemli parcasini deneyimlerimiz ve uygulama alanlari yani “olgu temelli” yaklasim belirliyor. Olgu, bilgiyi dogru kullanim, gelisim ve degisimin temeli olma yaninda egitim ve ogretimin ayrilmaz bir parcasidir. Bu paradigma ile elinizde tutugunuz “Olgularla Adli Tip & Adli Bilimler” kitabinin tip fakultesi ogrencileri, adli tip asistanlari, adli tip uzmanlari, adli bilimlerin farkli alanlarinda lisans, yuksek lisans ve doktora ogrencileri basta olmak uzere tip, hukuk, psikoloji, dis hekimligi, kriminoloji, sosyal hizmet, antropolojigibi cok cesitli adli bilimler alaninda calisanlara en son guncel literatur bilgileri yaninda olgularla yeni perspektifler de kazandiracagi kanisindayim. Kitabin okuyucuya multidisipliner bir yaklasim yaninda evrensel etik ilkelere de bagli bir adli tip/adli bilimler yaklasimi kazandirmasini diliyorum. Kitabin yaziminda katkilari olan bolum yazari hocalarimiza, meslektaslarimiza, asistanlarimiza, ogrencilerimize ve destek ve katkilari icin Akademisyen Yayinevi sahibi Yasin Dilmen’e sonsuz tesekkur ediyorum. Bilimselligin ve liyakatin gelecegin adli bilimlerini insa etmede tek gercek oldugu bilinciyle kitabin alanimizin bilimsel niteligini daha da yukseklere tasinmasina aracilik etmesi dilegiyle… Prof. Dr. Halis DOKGOZ Mersin, 2020
Aortic aneurysms has an important role in sudden death incidents and it is a known fact that fist... more Aortic aneurysms has an important role in sudden death incidents and it is a known fact that fistulas affect homeostasis. In this study, autopsy findings of a 74-year-old female found dead at home have been presented. In the autopsy, 7x6x3cm mural thrombi on the ascending and arcus aorta, 1000cc coagulated blood in the stomach and a fistula between the aortic aneurysm and the esophagus were found. Histopathological examination confirmed the fistula. The cases of bleeding into the stomach from an aortoesophageal fistula were understood to be quite rare during the relevant literature review. A forensic medical publication on this topic has not been able to be found in our country. The case has been presented with crime scene investigation, autopsy and microscopic examination findings and the elements that need attention during autopsy together with the mechanism of death have been tried to be explained.
Macroautophagy (autophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved recycling and stress response mechanism... more Macroautophagy (autophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved recycling and stress response mechanism. Active at basal levels in eukaryotes, autophagy is upregulated under stress providing cells with building blocks such as amino acids. A lysosome-integrated sensor system composed of RRAG GTPases and MTOR complex 1 (MTORC1) regulates lysosome biogenesis and autophagy in response to amino acid availability. Stress-mediated inhibition of MTORC1 results in the dephosphorylation and nuclear translocation of the TFE/MITF family of transcriptional factors, and triggers an autophagy- and lysosomal-related gene transcription program. The role of family members TFEB and TFE3 have been studied in detail, but the importance of MITF proteins in autophagy regulation is not clear so far. Here we introduce for the first time a specific role for MITF in autophagy control that involves upregulation of MIR211. We show that, under stress conditions including starvation and MTOR inhibition, a MITF-MIR211 a...
Although cardiac injury is known to be the leading cause of death in electrocution, the different... more Although cardiac injury is known to be the leading cause of death in electrocution, the differential diagnosis can be challenging in forensic practice since the exact mechanism is poorly understood and there is lack of reliable markers. Thus, death due to electrocution may be classified as a negative autopsy. The serum levels of and myocardial immunostaining loss for cardiac troponins and heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) are highly sensitive and specific biomarkers of ischemic myocardial damage and may have a diagnostic value in determining the myocardial injury or the cause of death due to electrocution. Due to this reason, a rat model is prepared to investigate these issues. Thirty-two Wistar albino female rats were included and randomly divided into four groups of eight subjects. Group A was the control group, and Group B, C, and D were exposed to electrical current of 110 volt (V), 220 V, and 600 V, respectively. Blood samples and the hearts were collected from the rats for biochemical and immunostaining analyses. It is found that increased serum H-FABP levels were significantly associated with the higher voltage immediately after electrocution. However, serum cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels did not show significant changes associated with the higher voltage in the early period of electrocution. As for histopathological examinations, the only significant difference in myocardial immunostaining loss was for H-FABP in Group B. Serum H-FABP levels may have a diagnostic value in the early postmortem period immediately after electrocution. Besides, it seems that serum H-FABP levels may be a better indicator than those of cTnI to reflect the myocardial damage in the early period of the electrocution.
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) should be considered as a cause of the acute corona... more Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) should be considered as a cause of the acute coronary syndrome in young patients with few apparent risk factors for coronary artery disease, in females in the peripartum period, and in patients who are at a higher risk for this condition. SCAD can also present as sudden death and cardiogenic shock. Several mechanisms have been described in the pathophysiology of this condition. Urgent coronary angiography is indicated if SCAD is suspected. Percutaneous coronary artery stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting are the main treatment strategies.
Aralık 2019 tarihinde Çin’in Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkan, yeni tip bir Korona virus olan SARS-Cov... more Aralık 2019 tarihinde Çin’in Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkan, yeni tip bir Korona virus olan SARS-Cov2’nin etkeni olduğu hastalık (COVID-19), tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan bir pandemi ile insanlık tarihine damgasını vurmuş görünmektedir. Korona virus ailesinin en yeni üyesi olan SARS-CoV-2 gerek viral patogenezi, gerekse doku düzeyinde gösterdiği değişiklikler açısından özellikle SARS-CoV ile benzerlik gösterse de yepyeni bir hastalık tablosu ortaya koymaktadır. Virüsün sahip olduğu patojeniteyi kavrayabilmenin ilk koşulu virüsün hareket ettiği ve hasar verdiği yolakları takip etmekten geçer. Basit bir ateş ve öksürük olarak başlayan bir durum, şok, multiorgan yetmezliği ve hatta en beklenmedik vakalarda bile ölüme sebep olabilir. Böylesine bulaşıcı, ölümcül ve genele yayılmış bir zorluk ile karşılaşıldığı taktirde, eldeki bütü imkanlar en iyi şekilde değerlendirilmelidir. COVID-19 isimli hastalığın durumunda ise bu çabalar birikmiş bir hale gelerek, evrensel bir şekle bürünmüştü...
Kardiyomiyopatiler kalp kas›n›n nedeni bilinmeyen hasta- l›klar›d›r. Primer miyokardial kardiyomi... more Kardiyomiyopatiler kalp kas›n›n nedeni bilinmeyen hasta- l›klar›d›r. Primer miyokardial kardiyomiyopatiler bafll›ca dila- te, hipertrofik, restriktif, obliteratif ve ARVC alt gruplar›ndan oluflmaktad›r. Çal›flman›n amac›, genç eriflkin ani ölüm olgula- r›nda çok s›k olmayan bu patolojinin makroskopik ve mikros- kopik özelliklerini tan›mlamakt›r. 2003-2006 y›llar› aras›nda Adli T›p Kurumu Morg ‹htisas Da- iresi'nde otopsileri yap›lan 5'i erkek, 6's› kad›n olan yafl aral›¤› 15-35
Metastasis and relapse account for the great majority of cancer-related deaths. Most metastatic l... more Metastasis and relapse account for the great majority of cancer-related deaths. Most metastatic lesions are micro metastases that have the capacity to remain in a non-dividing state called “dormancy” for months or even years. Commonly used anticancer drugs generally target actively dividing cancer cells. Therefore, cancer cells that remain in a dormant state evade conventional therapies and contribute to cancer recurrence. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cancer dormancy are not fully understood. Recent studies indicate that a major cellular stress response mechanism, autophagy, plays an important role in the adaptation, survival and reactivation of dormant cells. In this review article, we will summarize accumulating knowledge about cellular and molecular mechanisms of cancer dormancy, and discuss the role and importance of autophagy in this context.
Multidisipliner bir alan olan adli bilimler, adaletin toplum ve toplumu olusturan bireyler arasin... more Multidisipliner bir alan olan adli bilimler, adaletin toplum ve toplumu olusturan bireyler arasinda esit olarak saglanabilirligine hizmet eden saglik, fen ve sosyal bilimler gibi egitsel, teknolojik ve pozitif bilimler toplulugunu kapsar. Bu bilimsel alanda teorik ve uygulamanin birbirleriyle ortusen ve ortusmeyen bircok noktasi bulunmaktadir. Teorik bilgilerin havada ucustugu cagimizda bu bilgilerin adli bilimlerin uygulama alanina yansimasi cok onemlidir. Adli tip, hukuk, psikoloji, sosyal hizmet, cocuk gelisimi, kriminoloji, antropoloji, ogretmenlik, medya, polis ve jandarma gibi guvenlik birimlerini de iceren toplumun cok genis bir alaninda birlikte calismaya ve uretmeye gereksinim bulunuyor. Egitim ve ogretimin en onemli parcasini deneyimlerimiz ve uygulama alanlari yani “olgu temelli” yaklasim belirliyor. Olgu, bilgiyi dogru kullanim, gelisim ve degisimin temeli olma yaninda egitim ve ogretimin ayrilmaz bir parcasidir. Bu paradigma ile elinizde tutugunuz “Olgularla Adli Tip & Adli Bilimler” kitabinin tip fakultesi ogrencileri, adli tip asistanlari, adli tip uzmanlari, adli bilimlerin farkli alanlarinda lisans, yuksek lisans ve doktora ogrencileri basta olmak uzere tip, hukuk, psikoloji, dis hekimligi, kriminoloji, sosyal hizmet, antropolojigibi cok cesitli adli bilimler alaninda calisanlara en son guncel literatur bilgileri yaninda olgularla yeni perspektifler de kazandiracagi kanisindayim. Kitabin okuyucuya multidisipliner bir yaklasim yaninda evrensel etik ilkelere de bagli bir adli tip/adli bilimler yaklasimi kazandirmasini diliyorum. Kitabin yaziminda katkilari olan bolum yazari hocalarimiza, meslektaslarimiza, asistanlarimiza, ogrencilerimize ve destek ve katkilari icin Akademisyen Yayinevi sahibi Yasin Dilmen’e sonsuz tesekkur ediyorum. Bilimselligin ve liyakatin gelecegin adli bilimlerini insa etmede tek gercek oldugu bilinciyle kitabin alanimizin bilimsel niteligini daha da yukseklere tasinmasina aracilik etmesi dilegiyle… Prof. Dr. Halis DOKGOZ Mersin, 2020
Aortic aneurysms has an important role in sudden death incidents and it is a known fact that fist... more Aortic aneurysms has an important role in sudden death incidents and it is a known fact that fistulas affect homeostasis. In this study, autopsy findings of a 74-year-old female found dead at home have been presented. In the autopsy, 7x6x3cm mural thrombi on the ascending and arcus aorta, 1000cc coagulated blood in the stomach and a fistula between the aortic aneurysm and the esophagus were found. Histopathological examination confirmed the fistula. The cases of bleeding into the stomach from an aortoesophageal fistula were understood to be quite rare during the relevant literature review. A forensic medical publication on this topic has not been able to be found in our country. The case has been presented with crime scene investigation, autopsy and microscopic examination findings and the elements that need attention during autopsy together with the mechanism of death have been tried to be explained.
Macroautophagy (autophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved recycling and stress response mechanism... more Macroautophagy (autophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved recycling and stress response mechanism. Active at basal levels in eukaryotes, autophagy is upregulated under stress providing cells with building blocks such as amino acids. A lysosome-integrated sensor system composed of RRAG GTPases and MTOR complex 1 (MTORC1) regulates lysosome biogenesis and autophagy in response to amino acid availability. Stress-mediated inhibition of MTORC1 results in the dephosphorylation and nuclear translocation of the TFE/MITF family of transcriptional factors, and triggers an autophagy- and lysosomal-related gene transcription program. The role of family members TFEB and TFE3 have been studied in detail, but the importance of MITF proteins in autophagy regulation is not clear so far. Here we introduce for the first time a specific role for MITF in autophagy control that involves upregulation of MIR211. We show that, under stress conditions including starvation and MTOR inhibition, a MITF-MIR211 a...
Although cardiac injury is known to be the leading cause of death in electrocution, the different... more Although cardiac injury is known to be the leading cause of death in electrocution, the differential diagnosis can be challenging in forensic practice since the exact mechanism is poorly understood and there is lack of reliable markers. Thus, death due to electrocution may be classified as a negative autopsy. The serum levels of and myocardial immunostaining loss for cardiac troponins and heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) are highly sensitive and specific biomarkers of ischemic myocardial damage and may have a diagnostic value in determining the myocardial injury or the cause of death due to electrocution. Due to this reason, a rat model is prepared to investigate these issues. Thirty-two Wistar albino female rats were included and randomly divided into four groups of eight subjects. Group A was the control group, and Group B, C, and D were exposed to electrical current of 110 volt (V), 220 V, and 600 V, respectively. Blood samples and the hearts were collected from the rats for biochemical and immunostaining analyses. It is found that increased serum H-FABP levels were significantly associated with the higher voltage immediately after electrocution. However, serum cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels did not show significant changes associated with the higher voltage in the early period of electrocution. As for histopathological examinations, the only significant difference in myocardial immunostaining loss was for H-FABP in Group B. Serum H-FABP levels may have a diagnostic value in the early postmortem period immediately after electrocution. Besides, it seems that serum H-FABP levels may be a better indicator than those of cTnI to reflect the myocardial damage in the early period of the electrocution.
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) should be considered as a cause of the acute corona... more Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) should be considered as a cause of the acute coronary syndrome in young patients with few apparent risk factors for coronary artery disease, in females in the peripartum period, and in patients who are at a higher risk for this condition. SCAD can also present as sudden death and cardiogenic shock. Several mechanisms have been described in the pathophysiology of this condition. Urgent coronary angiography is indicated if SCAD is suspected. Percutaneous coronary artery stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting are the main treatment strategies.
Aralık 2019 tarihinde Çin’in Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkan, yeni tip bir Korona virus olan SARS-Cov... more Aralık 2019 tarihinde Çin’in Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkan, yeni tip bir Korona virus olan SARS-Cov2’nin etkeni olduğu hastalık (COVID-19), tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan bir pandemi ile insanlık tarihine damgasını vurmuş görünmektedir. Korona virus ailesinin en yeni üyesi olan SARS-CoV-2 gerek viral patogenezi, gerekse doku düzeyinde gösterdiği değişiklikler açısından özellikle SARS-CoV ile benzerlik gösterse de yepyeni bir hastalık tablosu ortaya koymaktadır. Virüsün sahip olduğu patojeniteyi kavrayabilmenin ilk koşulu virüsün hareket ettiği ve hasar verdiği yolakları takip etmekten geçer. Basit bir ateş ve öksürük olarak başlayan bir durum, şok, multiorgan yetmezliği ve hatta en beklenmedik vakalarda bile ölüme sebep olabilir. Böylesine bulaşıcı, ölümcül ve genele yayılmış bir zorluk ile karşılaşıldığı taktirde, eldeki bütü imkanlar en iyi şekilde değerlendirilmelidir. COVID-19 isimli hastalığın durumunda ise bu çabalar birikmiş bir hale gelerek, evrensel bir şekle bürünmüştü...
Kardiyomiyopatiler kalp kas›n›n nedeni bilinmeyen hasta- l›klar›d›r. Primer miyokardial kardiyomi... more Kardiyomiyopatiler kalp kas›n›n nedeni bilinmeyen hasta- l›klar›d›r. Primer miyokardial kardiyomiyopatiler bafll›ca dila- te, hipertrofik, restriktif, obliteratif ve ARVC alt gruplar›ndan oluflmaktad›r. Çal›flman›n amac›, genç eriflkin ani ölüm olgula- r›nda çok s›k olmayan bu patolojinin makroskopik ve mikros- kopik özelliklerini tan›mlamakt›r. 2003-2006 y›llar› aras›nda Adli T›p Kurumu Morg ‹htisas Da- iresi'nde otopsileri yap›lan 5'i erkek, 6's› kad›n olan yafl aral›¤› 15-35
Papers by Arzu Akçay