A study of759histologically verified cancersofthenasal cavity (287cases), paranasal sinuses (179c... more A study of759histologically verified cancersofthenasal cavity (287cases), paranasal sinuses (179cases), andnasopharynx (293cases) and2465cancercontrols diagnosed inDenmark between 1'970 and1982 was conducted toinvestigate theimportance ofoccupational exposureto formaldehyde. Information onjobhistory for casesandcontrols was derived from anational data linkage systemandexposuretoformaldehyde andwooddust was assessed byindustrial hygienists unawareofthecase-control status ofthepatients. Theexposureratesforformaldehyde among male andfemale controls were4-2%and0I%,respectively. After properadjustment forcontemporary wooddust exposure,relative risks of2*3(95%CI= 0-9-5-8) for squamous cell carcinoma and2-2 (95%CI= 0-7-7-2) foradenocarcinoma ofthenasal cavity andparanasal sinuses weredetected among men whohave everbeenexposed toformaldehyde intheir jobcompared withthose never exposed. Theintroduction ofa 10year latency period didnotchangetheriskestimates substantially. Itwas considered...
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik), 2016
Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to inn... more Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to innovate and develop their business further. Because it’s an ICT based business which is supported by the existence of internet, this kind of business starts to become borderless. As a result, the distributions of the products start to become unlimited. The conveniences offered by these advancements invite more ICT based product developers. The positive impact as a result of that such as more new jobs, easier way to access the markets, and also cheaper production cost with guaranteed profits. In addition to that, this of course also becomes an added value to the country because it increases Network Readiness Index and nation’s income from taxes. This research aims to analyze startup’s growth, in addition to its relation with related actors such as government, private sectors, and universities. Analysis on every actor will emphasize on their contribution to startup developments in Daerah Ist...
Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang konflik pembangunan PT. Semen Indonesia di Rembang. Terdapat p... more Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang konflik pembangunan PT. Semen Indonesia di Rembang. Terdapat perbedaan orientasi antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah daerah dan PT. Semen Indonesia. Pemerintah daerah dan PT. Semen Indonesia lebih berorientasi pada ekonomi sedangkan masyarakat lebih berorientasi terhadap pelestarian lingkungan. Perbedaan orientasi itu membuat perempuan di Pegunungan Kendeng Utara yang disebut sebagai Kartini Kendeng melalui gerakan sosial baru Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng (JMPPK) melakukan advokasi penolakan pabrik semen. Aksi protes yang dilakukan Kartini Kendeng melalui JMPPK sukses mengubah isu penolakan yang awalnya menjadi isu regional menjadi isu nasional. Ada yang menarik dari gerakan advokasi Kartini Kendeng melalui JMPPK yakni dilakukan oleh perempuan, menggunakan cara damai, dan melakukan aksi yang penuh dengan arti simbol. Perempuan berani melawan karena mengambil spirit ekologi feminisme untuk mempertahankan ketahanan pangan. Advokasi y...
Indonesia ranks 23rd as the most COVID-19 confirmed cases in the world. DKI Jakarta and East Java... more Indonesia ranks 23rd as the most COVID-19 confirmed cases in the world. DKI Jakarta and East Java provinces have the highest cases in Indonesia. However, data on the transmission of COVID-19 in both provinces were not further analyzed regarding vulnerability between genders. This research attempted to compare the differences in the gender distribution of COVID-19 cases by analyzing data from COVID-19 DKI Jakarta and East Java Task Force Information Center and various biological, medical, and socio-cultural studies to understand risk of women being exposed to COVID-19. The results of this research revealed that both provinces had a higher number of confirmed patients under surveillance (PDP), people under surveillance (ODP), and death cases in men than that of women. In DKI Jakarta, the number of recovered cases in men was higher than that of women, but in East Java it was not significantly different. Based on literature reviews, women were more resilience in manifestations of COVID-...
Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat tatanan perekonomian dan sosial berubah, nyatanya berdampak negatif... more Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat tatanan perekonomian dan sosial berubah, nyatanya berdampak negatif bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Kelompok masyarakat yang rentan dalam situasi ini salah satunya adalah perempuan. Angka Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) di berbagai belahan dunia meningkat, mayoritas dilakukan suami kepada istri. Akar masalah KDRT sebenarnya adalah timpangnya relasi kuasa antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang disebabkan oleh tertanamnya norma maskulinitas. Kondisi itu diperparah dengan pembatasan aktivitas ke luar rumah yang membuat beban psikologis bertambah. Di berbagai negara, langkah responsif sudah dilakukan untuk menanggapi naiknya angka KDRT di tengah pandemi. Namun, bagaimana kesiapan pemerintah Indonesia merespon naiknya angka KDRT di masa pandemi?
Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to inn... more Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to innovate and develop their business further. Because it’s an ICT based business which is supported by the existence of internet, this kind of business starts to become borderless. As a result, the distributions of the products start to become unlimited. The conveniences offered by these advancements invite more ICT based product developers. The positive impact as a result of that such as more new jobs, easier way to access the markets, and also cheaper production cost with guaranteed profits. In addition to that, this of course also becomes an added value to the country because it increases Network Readiness Index and nation’s income from taxes. This research aims to analyze startup’s growth, in addition to its relation with related actors such as government, private sectors, and universities. Analysis on every actor will emphasize on their contribution to startup developments in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta directly or indirectly. In conclusion, there will be an illustration about how big the contributions and how close the actors are between startups and the three actors.
Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat manusia terbatasi mobilitasnya diprediksikan akan membuat masalah ke... more Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat manusia terbatasi mobilitasnya diprediksikan akan membuat masalah kependudukan baru setelah wabah, angka kehamilan dan kelahiran meningkat. Hal itu disebabkan oleh menurunnya pemasangan alat kontrasepsi. Di Indonesia terjadi 50% penurunan angka pemasangan alat kontrasepsi selama pandemi. Faktor penyebabnya menurut penulis setidaknya karena dua hal : 1) Masyarakat lebih was-was untuk mengakses layanan alat kontrasepsi di luar rumah karena khawatir tertular Covid19; atau 2) Tutupnya layanan kesehatan penyedia alat kontrasepsi.
Problem perekonomian perempuan selama Covid-19 semakin meningkat. Jika sebelum pandemi perempuan ... more Problem perekonomian perempuan selama Covid-19 semakin meningkat. Jika sebelum pandemi perempuan sudah mendapat kesulitan mengakses pekerjaan, saat ini kesulitan mereka lebih kompleks: Mulai dari pendataan yang tidak rapi sehingga banyak perempuan tidak mendapat bantuan, PHK selama covid-19 yang dialami perempuan hingga sulitnya mencari kerja di saat Covid-19. Esai ini akan membahas apa saja masalah perekonomian perempuan khususnya perempuan kepala keluarga selama Covid-19 dan jalan keluarnya.
A study of759histologically verified cancersofthenasal cavity (287cases), paranasal sinuses (179c... more A study of759histologically verified cancersofthenasal cavity (287cases), paranasal sinuses (179cases), andnasopharynx (293cases) and2465cancercontrols diagnosed inDenmark between 1'970 and1982 was conducted toinvestigate theimportance ofoccupational exposureto formaldehyde. Information onjobhistory for casesandcontrols was derived from anational data linkage systemandexposuretoformaldehyde andwooddust was assessed byindustrial hygienists unawareofthecase-control status ofthepatients. Theexposureratesforformaldehyde among male andfemale controls were4-2%and0I%,respectively. After properadjustment forcontemporary wooddust exposure,relative risks of2*3(95%CI= 0-9-5-8) for squamous cell carcinoma and2-2 (95%CI= 0-7-7-2) foradenocarcinoma ofthenasal cavity andparanasal sinuses weredetected among men whohave everbeenexposed toformaldehyde intheir jobcompared withthose never exposed. Theintroduction ofa 10year latency period didnotchangetheriskestimates substantially. Itwas considered...
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik), 2016
Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to inn... more Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to innovate and develop their business further. Because it’s an ICT based business which is supported by the existence of internet, this kind of business starts to become borderless. As a result, the distributions of the products start to become unlimited. The conveniences offered by these advancements invite more ICT based product developers. The positive impact as a result of that such as more new jobs, easier way to access the markets, and also cheaper production cost with guaranteed profits. In addition to that, this of course also becomes an added value to the country because it increases Network Readiness Index and nation’s income from taxes. This research aims to analyze startup’s growth, in addition to its relation with related actors such as government, private sectors, and universities. Analysis on every actor will emphasize on their contribution to startup developments in Daerah Ist...
Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang konflik pembangunan PT. Semen Indonesia di Rembang. Terdapat p... more Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang konflik pembangunan PT. Semen Indonesia di Rembang. Terdapat perbedaan orientasi antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah daerah dan PT. Semen Indonesia. Pemerintah daerah dan PT. Semen Indonesia lebih berorientasi pada ekonomi sedangkan masyarakat lebih berorientasi terhadap pelestarian lingkungan. Perbedaan orientasi itu membuat perempuan di Pegunungan Kendeng Utara yang disebut sebagai Kartini Kendeng melalui gerakan sosial baru Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng (JMPPK) melakukan advokasi penolakan pabrik semen. Aksi protes yang dilakukan Kartini Kendeng melalui JMPPK sukses mengubah isu penolakan yang awalnya menjadi isu regional menjadi isu nasional. Ada yang menarik dari gerakan advokasi Kartini Kendeng melalui JMPPK yakni dilakukan oleh perempuan, menggunakan cara damai, dan melakukan aksi yang penuh dengan arti simbol. Perempuan berani melawan karena mengambil spirit ekologi feminisme untuk mempertahankan ketahanan pangan. Advokasi y...
Indonesia ranks 23rd as the most COVID-19 confirmed cases in the world. DKI Jakarta and East Java... more Indonesia ranks 23rd as the most COVID-19 confirmed cases in the world. DKI Jakarta and East Java provinces have the highest cases in Indonesia. However, data on the transmission of COVID-19 in both provinces were not further analyzed regarding vulnerability between genders. This research attempted to compare the differences in the gender distribution of COVID-19 cases by analyzing data from COVID-19 DKI Jakarta and East Java Task Force Information Center and various biological, medical, and socio-cultural studies to understand risk of women being exposed to COVID-19. The results of this research revealed that both provinces had a higher number of confirmed patients under surveillance (PDP), people under surveillance (ODP), and death cases in men than that of women. In DKI Jakarta, the number of recovered cases in men was higher than that of women, but in East Java it was not significantly different. Based on literature reviews, women were more resilience in manifestations of COVID-...
Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat tatanan perekonomian dan sosial berubah, nyatanya berdampak negatif... more Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat tatanan perekonomian dan sosial berubah, nyatanya berdampak negatif bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Kelompok masyarakat yang rentan dalam situasi ini salah satunya adalah perempuan. Angka Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) di berbagai belahan dunia meningkat, mayoritas dilakukan suami kepada istri. Akar masalah KDRT sebenarnya adalah timpangnya relasi kuasa antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang disebabkan oleh tertanamnya norma maskulinitas. Kondisi itu diperparah dengan pembatasan aktivitas ke luar rumah yang membuat beban psikologis bertambah. Di berbagai negara, langkah responsif sudah dilakukan untuk menanggapi naiknya angka KDRT di tengah pandemi. Namun, bagaimana kesiapan pemerintah Indonesia merespon naiknya angka KDRT di masa pandemi?
Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to inn... more Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to innovate and develop their business further. Because it’s an ICT based business which is supported by the existence of internet, this kind of business starts to become borderless. As a result, the distributions of the products start to become unlimited. The conveniences offered by these advancements invite more ICT based product developers. The positive impact as a result of that such as more new jobs, easier way to access the markets, and also cheaper production cost with guaranteed profits. In addition to that, this of course also becomes an added value to the country because it increases Network Readiness Index and nation’s income from taxes. This research aims to analyze startup’s growth, in addition to its relation with related actors such as government, private sectors, and universities. Analysis on every actor will emphasize on their contribution to startup developments in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta directly or indirectly. In conclusion, there will be an illustration about how big the contributions and how close the actors are between startups and the three actors.
Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat manusia terbatasi mobilitasnya diprediksikan akan membuat masalah ke... more Pandemi Covid19 yang membuat manusia terbatasi mobilitasnya diprediksikan akan membuat masalah kependudukan baru setelah wabah, angka kehamilan dan kelahiran meningkat. Hal itu disebabkan oleh menurunnya pemasangan alat kontrasepsi. Di Indonesia terjadi 50% penurunan angka pemasangan alat kontrasepsi selama pandemi. Faktor penyebabnya menurut penulis setidaknya karena dua hal : 1) Masyarakat lebih was-was untuk mengakses layanan alat kontrasepsi di luar rumah karena khawatir tertular Covid19; atau 2) Tutupnya layanan kesehatan penyedia alat kontrasepsi.
Problem perekonomian perempuan selama Covid-19 semakin meningkat. Jika sebelum pandemi perempuan ... more Problem perekonomian perempuan selama Covid-19 semakin meningkat. Jika sebelum pandemi perempuan sudah mendapat kesulitan mengakses pekerjaan, saat ini kesulitan mereka lebih kompleks: Mulai dari pendataan yang tidak rapi sehingga banyak perempuan tidak mendapat bantuan, PHK selama covid-19 yang dialami perempuan hingga sulitnya mencari kerja di saat Covid-19. Esai ini akan membahas apa saja masalah perekonomian perempuan khususnya perempuan kepala keluarga selama Covid-19 dan jalan keluarnya.
Papers by Ashilly Achidsti
existence of internet, this kind of business starts to become borderless. As a result, the distributions of the products start to become unlimited. The conveniences offered by these advancements invite more ICT based product developers. The positive impact as a result of that such as more new jobs, easier way to access the markets, and also cheaper production cost with guaranteed profits. In addition to that, this of course also becomes an added value to the country because it increases Network Readiness Index and nation’s income from taxes. This research aims to analyze startup’s growth, in addition to its relation with related actors such as government, private sectors, and universities. Analysis on every actor will emphasize on their contribution to startup developments in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta directly or indirectly. In conclusion, there will be an illustration about how big the contributions and how close the
actors are between startups and the three actors.
existence of internet, this kind of business starts to become borderless. As a result, the distributions of the products start to become unlimited. The conveniences offered by these advancements invite more ICT based product developers. The positive impact as a result of that such as more new jobs, easier way to access the markets, and also cheaper production cost with guaranteed profits. In addition to that, this of course also becomes an added value to the country because it increases Network Readiness Index and nation’s income from taxes. This research aims to analyze startup’s growth, in addition to its relation with related actors such as government, private sectors, and universities. Analysis on every actor will emphasize on their contribution to startup developments in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta directly or indirectly. In conclusion, there will be an illustration about how big the contributions and how close the
actors are between startups and the three actors.