Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement... more Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement control as a result of injury to the developing brain. As a result of impairment in postural and movement control, children with CP usually have problems in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL). This makes them dependent on help from their caregivers. Thus, for effective rehabilitation of children with CP, active participation of their caregivers is important. This study seeks to explore the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of children with CP in Kano, Nigeria. Methods: The study design used was qualitative in-depth interview. The participants were caregivers of children with CP at Hasiya Bayero Paediatric Specialists Hospital, Kano. The caregivers were interviewed face-to-face, and their responses were audio-recorded with a tape recorder, supplemented with note taking. The data generated was analyzed using constant comparative analysis. Results: Forty young caregivers (mean age, 27.17 ± 4.46 years) participated in the study. They expressed encouragement from the therapist managing the child, family support, empathy, improvement in the conditions of other children with CP, cooperation of the child during home programs family support and improvement in the child's condition as factors that facilitate their active participation in the rehabilitation of the children. However, they mentioned occupation, financial resources and the number of children the caregiver has are the barriers to their active participation in the rehabilitation of the children. Conclusions: Both the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of children with CP need to be recognized in order to help caregivers reinforce or overcome them respectively. In addition, economically sustainable and accessible rehabilitation services are needed for all children with CP. Similarly, sharing caregiving rehabilitation tasks amongst family members could facilitate caregiver active participation.
Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences
This study attempted to investigate the effectiveness of the interest rate channel in the transmi... more This study attempted to investigate the effectiveness of the interest rate channel in the transmission of monetary policy by employing a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model using sign restriction. It used a set of policy and non-policy macroeconomic variables based on monthly data spanning the period 2007 and 2020. The structural impulse response functions provided evidence to support the use of the MPR as a signaling rate for domestic interest rates but was, however, found to be ineffective in stabilizing prices or increasing output. Furthermore, results from the variance decomposition of the non-policy variables found the effect of exchange rate innovations to be more significant in explaining variations in the price level. The study, therefore, concludes that the effectiveness of the policy rate in stabilizing prices is dampened by shocks prevalent from the external sector. Given the importance of international trade, the study recommends aggressive exchange rate manage...
Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 2022
This study investigates the Ricardian Equivalence (RET) in theory and practice particularly as it... more This study investigates the Ricardian Equivalence (RET) in theory and practice particularly as it relates to Nigeria economy. The study employed Autoregressive Distributed Lagged (ARDL) model to establish both the long-run and short-run relationship between deficit financing and consumption. The study found no strong evidence to reject the Ricardian Equivalence using data from Nigeria economy contrary to most literatures reviewing RET in Nigeria. Specifically, the study found that deficit financing variables like debt, tax revenue, and government expenditure have significant impact on consumption when the strict assumption of RET is not introduced in the model but became insignificant when ratio of tax revenue to changes in debt is introduced in the model. The study therefore concludes that Ricardian Equivalence is valid in the case of Nigeria when strict assumption of RET is maintained but insignificant when the major assumption of RET is relaxed or when deficit finance variables e...
BackgroundCerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement c... more BackgroundCerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement control as a result of injury to the developing brain. As a result of impairment in postural and movement control, children with CP usually have problems in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL). This makes them dependent on help from their caregivers. Thus, for effective rehabilitation of children with CP, active participation of their caregivers is important. This study seeks to explore the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of children with CP in Kano, Nigeria.MethodsThe study design used was qualitative in-depth interview. The participants were caregivers of children with CP at Hasiya Bayero Paediatric Specialists Hospital, Kano. The caregivers were interviewed face-to-face, and their responses were audio-recorded with a tape recorder, supplemented with note taking. The data generated was analyzed using constant comparative an...
Background Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture, attribu... more Background Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture, attributed to non-progressive disturbance that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain. The condition results in long term disability in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL). Thus, it most times required active participation of the caregivers of the children affected in their rehabilitation. The aim of the study is to explore the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of these children. Materials and Methods The study design used was qualitative interview. The participants consisted of caregivers of children with CP attending Hasiya Bayero Paediatric Specialists Hospital, Kano. The caregivers were sampled and interviewed by one of the researchers until theoretical saturation was attained. A note taker wrote down and recorded responses of the participants using a tape recorder. The data generated from the interview was then transcr...
Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 2017
Depression and mood disorders often develop after dermatological conditions which could be primar... more Depression and mood disorders often develop after dermatological conditions which could be primary or secondary to dermatological pathology. The oxidative and psychological stress cause physiological changes in the body. Shift in the methylation pathway, elevated cortisol, lowered neurotransmitter levels and lowered immune system allow infection to penetrate the body and lead to anxiety and depression. Here, a case report of a 20 year old male patient is presented to show how infectious skin lesions, unresponsive to the usual treatment plan, were treated after using a multipronged approach of addressing systemic infection of Escherichia coli, elevated cortisol levels and nutritional imbalances.
The eyes are an important component of facial aesthetics. They are in the center of an anatomical... more The eyes are an important component of facial aesthetics. They are in the center of an anatomical area of the face very important for rejuvenation procedures, the so‐called “periorbital region.” The appearance of the eyes therefore decisively influences the perception of the aesthetics and aging of the entire face. In juvenile age, the skin of the periocular area is elastic and tonic, without sun damage; the eyebrow is full, well defined, and not descending; there is a clear and visible fold of the upper eyelid, with minimal dermatochalasis; the lower eyelid is tense and well positioned. The aim of this preliminary study is to define a protocol for the use of plasma technology in the treatment of aging signs of the periorbital region. The protocol is aimed to provide predictable, constant, and safe results.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
AIM: Evaluation the effect of intralesional corticosteroid injection on keloid, at the National H... more AIM: Evaluation the effect of intralesional corticosteroid injection on keloid, at the National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology from 1/2009 to 12/2009. METHODS: A group of 65 patients with keloid were randomly assigned into three groups. In the studied group, 33 patients were intralesionally injected 7.5 mg/1 cm2 of TCA. In the control group, TAC 32 patients were intralesionally injected 15 mg/1 cm2 of TCA. The result was evaluated basing on the criteria of Henderson (1998) and El-Tonsy (1996). RESULTS: In comparison between 2 groups, good to excellent improvement in the studied group was statistically higher than the control group (90.7% versus 68.7%; p < 0.05). After each injection, the thickness of the scar was reduced 1.24 ± 0.53 mm in the studied group and 0.81 ± 0.39 mm in the control group. The disappearance of pain and itching after treatment were 86.6% and 95.5% in the studied group and 78.1% and 80% in the control group (p > 0.05). Ulceration, acne and trou...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
OBJECTIVES: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Alex Trivantage laser wavelength 755... more OBJECTIVES: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Alex Trivantage laser wavelength 755 nm (ATL) in the treatment of freckles at Hanoi Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology, Vietnam. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A group of 30 patients with freckles were treated by ATL (Alex Trivantage-Candela Co America) with spots size 3 mm, wavelength 755 mm, and energy 5-6 j/cm2. All the patients were treated 2 times with 4-weeks interval. The results were evaluated at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after treatment. The colour of the lesions was evaluated by using Von-Luchan’s chromatic scale and Visia® complex analysis system. Brown spot index (BSI) was calculated by the VISA complexion analysis system devices. The data was analysed by SPSS 16.0. RESULTS: After 2 times of treatment, the lesion colour of all of the patients had been improved. The good and very good levels of improvement were noted in 63.3% of patients; there was 26.7% of them had partial improvement. Brown spots index was significantly ...
Thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) is the most common paediatric midline neck lesion. It is rare in th... more Thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) is the most common paediatric midline neck lesion. It is rare in the adult population. Metaplastic change is mostly associated with the adult variant. We report the first ever cases of thyroglossal duct cyst in the adult as seen in our region, with a review of literature. Case Report 1 .A 42-year old man, presented with a painless anterior neck swelling of more than3months’ duration. Neck examination revealed a midline 4cm x 6cm cyst below the hyoid bone, which moved on deglutition and on protrusion of the tongue. Thyroid function test was within normal values. Histology of the excised cyst (Sistrunk’s operation) confirmed thyroglossal cyst. Case Report 2 . A 20-year old female student presented with a midline neck swelling of 5years’ duration. Examination showed a 3cm x 4cm cystic non-tender midline anterior neck mass that moved on deglutition and on tongue protrusion. Thyroid function test showed a slight elevation in levels of T3 and T4. A neck ultra...
Background: Ventilatory function indices [forced vital capacity (FVC), expiratory volume in 1 (FE... more Background: Ventilatory function indices [forced vital capacity (FVC), expiratory volume in 1 (FEV1), and FEV1/FVC] are a function of the basic anthropometric parameters (weight and height). Cigarette smoking is an important confounder in the relationship between ventilatory function indices and basic anthropometric parameters. Aim: To determine the relationship between anthropometric parameters and ventilatory function among male adult cigarette smokers. Materials and Methods: This is a community-based cross-sectional study incorporating 200 male participants (150 cigarette smokers and 50 non-smokers) who met inclusion criteria using stratified random sampling technique. Participants were drawn from local governments that constituted Sokoto metropolis. Subsequently, participants had a questionnaire adapted from European Community Respiratory Health Survey administered to collect demographic, clinical and cigarette smoking data. Ventilatory function test was performed using Clement Clarke One Flow Spirometer, version 1.3 Revision 0 (Clement Clarke International, Edinburgh, UK). The highest value of each ventilatory function indices (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC) was chosen for analysis. Data were summarized, and statistical tests were applied using the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 19 (IBM SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Result: The majority of study participants among cigarette smokers and control were young, single and had a form of formal education. There was no significant difference in the mean of anthropometric indices [weight, height, body mass index (BMI)] of participants (cigarette smokers) and control (non-cigarette smokers). Twenty-nine (58%) non-cigarette smokers were overweight/obese as against 35 (23.3%) participants among cigarette smokers observed to be equally overweight/obese. Mean values of the ventilatory function indices except FVC were low among study participants as compared with control. Furthermore, the mean FEV1/FVC between participants (75.60 ± 7.53) and control (82.48 ± 6.11) was statistically significant (P = 0.001). A significant correlation between anthropometric parameters (height and BMI) and ventilatory function indices (FEV1 and FVC) was observed among study participants and control. Conclusion: Ventilatory function indices are associated with anthropometric parameters among cigarette smokers. Although, BMI did not significantly affect decline in ventilatory function indices among cigarette smokers, an inverse relationship was observed between them.
Background: Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for airflow limitation in addition to its ot... more Background: Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for airflow limitation in addition to its other multi-systemic deleterious effects. Peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurement offers an opportunity to assess ventilatory function abnormalities in cigarette smokers.Objective: The objective of this study is to determine ventilatory function using peak expiratory flow rate among adult male cigarette smokers in comparison with matched predicted value.Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study among 150 current cigarette smokers aged 18-60years that were consecutively sampled in Sokoto metropolis. Peak expiratory flow was measured using Mini Wright’s Peak Flow Meter and adapted questionnaire was used to record all measurements and relevant data. Comparison was made between the measured and predicted peak expiratory flow rate.Result: A total of 150 male subjects who were predominantly below the age of 40years (76%) with mean age of 34.27±8.91years participated in this study. The mean pac...
Internationalisation of business is not limited solely to large and multinational corporations al... more Internationalisation of business is not limited solely to large and multinational corporations alone, today the business world has witnessed many case scenarios where Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (SMEs) are predominantly gaining a wave and spaces at the international market. The growing share in the developed and even in the developing economy explains their s t r o n g p a r t i c i p a t i o n t o t h e internationalisation. The aim of this paper is to examine how small and medium-sized enterprises internationalise by using innovative approach to their product development, and how this influences their internationalisation process. The focus therefore is on obtaining better understanding of the role of innovation for the SMEs as a driver for their participation at the international market environment. The paper adopts a literature survey where extant literatures are reviewed with a view to gaining an insight into the role of innovation in the internationalization process. The...
A Coal mining site at Odagbo in north central Nigeria was investigated to detect possible hidden ... more A Coal mining site at Odagbo in north central Nigeria was investigated to detect possible hidden subsurface voids created due to mining activities and to further suggest areas prone to subsidence. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) is a technique that has proven effective in detecting and mapping hidden mine workings. It is based on conceptual resistivity model that explores resistivity contrast between the subsurface voids and surrounding host materials and also characterizes the voids with higher or lower resistivity as either empty or in-filled voids than the host. The survey was carried out with Terrameter SAS 4000 and ES 464 electrode selector equipment adopting dipole-dipole electrode configuration at electrode spacing of 5 m to acquire data along three parallel profiles laid at equal interval 40 m in the study area. The acquired datas were processed and inverted with RES2DINV algorithm software. From the results, it shows air-filled cavities are found in the top-layers of e...
Tuberculosis remains a major global public health problem despite the modest infectious disease c... more Tuberculosis remains a major global public health problem despite the modest infectious disease control efforts. Timely and accurate diagnosis is pivotal to the reduction in tuberculosis related morbidity and mortality. In addition, drug resistant form of tuberculosis is a serious threat to the efforts at tuberculosis control and eradication. Hence; there is the need for efficient methods of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection diagnosis and treatment. There are major advances in the laboratory diagnostic methods for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis which seeks to complement or replace the existing conventional methods in a view to reduction in under-diagnosis and improved infectious disease management. Chest computer tomographies, Cephid GeneXpert, Line probe are some of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis diagnostic advances while chest x-ray, sputum microscopy/culture represent some of the conventional methods of evaluation of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and its m...
Pseudo null curves were studied by some geometers in both Euclidean and Minkowski spaces, but som... more Pseudo null curves were studied by some geometers in both Euclidean and Minkowski spaces, but some special characters of the curve are not considered. In this paper, we study weak AW (k) – type and AW (k) – type pseudo null curve in Minkowski 3-space E 1 3 [E_1^3 . We define helix and slant helix according to Bishop frame in E 1 3 [E_1^3 . Furthermore, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the slant helix and helix in Minkowski 3-space are obtained.
Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement... more Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement control as a result of injury to the developing brain. As a result of impairment in postural and movement control, children with CP usually have problems in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL). This makes them dependent on help from their caregivers. Thus, for effective rehabilitation of children with CP, active participation of their caregivers is important. This study seeks to explore the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of children with CP in Kano, Nigeria. Methods: The study design used was qualitative in-depth interview. The participants were caregivers of children with CP at Hasiya Bayero Paediatric Specialists Hospital, Kano. The caregivers were interviewed face-to-face, and their responses were audio-recorded with a tape recorder, supplemented with note taking. The data generated was analyzed using constant comparative analysis. Results: Forty young caregivers (mean age, 27.17 ± 4.46 years) participated in the study. They expressed encouragement from the therapist managing the child, family support, empathy, improvement in the conditions of other children with CP, cooperation of the child during home programs family support and improvement in the child's condition as factors that facilitate their active participation in the rehabilitation of the children. However, they mentioned occupation, financial resources and the number of children the caregiver has are the barriers to their active participation in the rehabilitation of the children. Conclusions: Both the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of children with CP need to be recognized in order to help caregivers reinforce or overcome them respectively. In addition, economically sustainable and accessible rehabilitation services are needed for all children with CP. Similarly, sharing caregiving rehabilitation tasks amongst family members could facilitate caregiver active participation.
Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences
This study attempted to investigate the effectiveness of the interest rate channel in the transmi... more This study attempted to investigate the effectiveness of the interest rate channel in the transmission of monetary policy by employing a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model using sign restriction. It used a set of policy and non-policy macroeconomic variables based on monthly data spanning the period 2007 and 2020. The structural impulse response functions provided evidence to support the use of the MPR as a signaling rate for domestic interest rates but was, however, found to be ineffective in stabilizing prices or increasing output. Furthermore, results from the variance decomposition of the non-policy variables found the effect of exchange rate innovations to be more significant in explaining variations in the price level. The study, therefore, concludes that the effectiveness of the policy rate in stabilizing prices is dampened by shocks prevalent from the external sector. Given the importance of international trade, the study recommends aggressive exchange rate manage...
Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 2022
This study investigates the Ricardian Equivalence (RET) in theory and practice particularly as it... more This study investigates the Ricardian Equivalence (RET) in theory and practice particularly as it relates to Nigeria economy. The study employed Autoregressive Distributed Lagged (ARDL) model to establish both the long-run and short-run relationship between deficit financing and consumption. The study found no strong evidence to reject the Ricardian Equivalence using data from Nigeria economy contrary to most literatures reviewing RET in Nigeria. Specifically, the study found that deficit financing variables like debt, tax revenue, and government expenditure have significant impact on consumption when the strict assumption of RET is not introduced in the model but became insignificant when ratio of tax revenue to changes in debt is introduced in the model. The study therefore concludes that Ricardian Equivalence is valid in the case of Nigeria when strict assumption of RET is maintained but insignificant when the major assumption of RET is relaxed or when deficit finance variables e...
BackgroundCerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement c... more BackgroundCerebral Palsy (CP) refers to the permanent disorders involving postural and movement control as a result of injury to the developing brain. As a result of impairment in postural and movement control, children with CP usually have problems in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL). This makes them dependent on help from their caregivers. Thus, for effective rehabilitation of children with CP, active participation of their caregivers is important. This study seeks to explore the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of children with CP in Kano, Nigeria.MethodsThe study design used was qualitative in-depth interview. The participants were caregivers of children with CP at Hasiya Bayero Paediatric Specialists Hospital, Kano. The caregivers were interviewed face-to-face, and their responses were audio-recorded with a tape recorder, supplemented with note taking. The data generated was analyzed using constant comparative an...
Background Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture, attribu... more Background Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture, attributed to non-progressive disturbance that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain. The condition results in long term disability in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL). Thus, it most times required active participation of the caregivers of the children affected in their rehabilitation. The aim of the study is to explore the facilitators and barriers of active participation of caregivers in the rehabilitation of these children. Materials and Methods The study design used was qualitative interview. The participants consisted of caregivers of children with CP attending Hasiya Bayero Paediatric Specialists Hospital, Kano. The caregivers were sampled and interviewed by one of the researchers until theoretical saturation was attained. A note taker wrote down and recorded responses of the participants using a tape recorder. The data generated from the interview was then transcr...
Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 2017
Depression and mood disorders often develop after dermatological conditions which could be primar... more Depression and mood disorders often develop after dermatological conditions which could be primary or secondary to dermatological pathology. The oxidative and psychological stress cause physiological changes in the body. Shift in the methylation pathway, elevated cortisol, lowered neurotransmitter levels and lowered immune system allow infection to penetrate the body and lead to anxiety and depression. Here, a case report of a 20 year old male patient is presented to show how infectious skin lesions, unresponsive to the usual treatment plan, were treated after using a multipronged approach of addressing systemic infection of Escherichia coli, elevated cortisol levels and nutritional imbalances.
The eyes are an important component of facial aesthetics. They are in the center of an anatomical... more The eyes are an important component of facial aesthetics. They are in the center of an anatomical area of the face very important for rejuvenation procedures, the so‐called “periorbital region.” The appearance of the eyes therefore decisively influences the perception of the aesthetics and aging of the entire face. In juvenile age, the skin of the periocular area is elastic and tonic, without sun damage; the eyebrow is full, well defined, and not descending; there is a clear and visible fold of the upper eyelid, with minimal dermatochalasis; the lower eyelid is tense and well positioned. The aim of this preliminary study is to define a protocol for the use of plasma technology in the treatment of aging signs of the periorbital region. The protocol is aimed to provide predictable, constant, and safe results.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
AIM: Evaluation the effect of intralesional corticosteroid injection on keloid, at the National H... more AIM: Evaluation the effect of intralesional corticosteroid injection on keloid, at the National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology from 1/2009 to 12/2009. METHODS: A group of 65 patients with keloid were randomly assigned into three groups. In the studied group, 33 patients were intralesionally injected 7.5 mg/1 cm2 of TCA. In the control group, TAC 32 patients were intralesionally injected 15 mg/1 cm2 of TCA. The result was evaluated basing on the criteria of Henderson (1998) and El-Tonsy (1996). RESULTS: In comparison between 2 groups, good to excellent improvement in the studied group was statistically higher than the control group (90.7% versus 68.7%; p < 0.05). After each injection, the thickness of the scar was reduced 1.24 ± 0.53 mm in the studied group and 0.81 ± 0.39 mm in the control group. The disappearance of pain and itching after treatment were 86.6% and 95.5% in the studied group and 78.1% and 80% in the control group (p > 0.05). Ulceration, acne and trou...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
OBJECTIVES: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Alex Trivantage laser wavelength 755... more OBJECTIVES: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Alex Trivantage laser wavelength 755 nm (ATL) in the treatment of freckles at Hanoi Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology, Vietnam. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A group of 30 patients with freckles were treated by ATL (Alex Trivantage-Candela Co America) with spots size 3 mm, wavelength 755 mm, and energy 5-6 j/cm2. All the patients were treated 2 times with 4-weeks interval. The results were evaluated at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after treatment. The colour of the lesions was evaluated by using Von-Luchan’s chromatic scale and Visia® complex analysis system. Brown spot index (BSI) was calculated by the VISA complexion analysis system devices. The data was analysed by SPSS 16.0. RESULTS: After 2 times of treatment, the lesion colour of all of the patients had been improved. The good and very good levels of improvement were noted in 63.3% of patients; there was 26.7% of them had partial improvement. Brown spots index was significantly ...
Thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) is the most common paediatric midline neck lesion. It is rare in th... more Thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) is the most common paediatric midline neck lesion. It is rare in the adult population. Metaplastic change is mostly associated with the adult variant. We report the first ever cases of thyroglossal duct cyst in the adult as seen in our region, with a review of literature. Case Report 1 .A 42-year old man, presented with a painless anterior neck swelling of more than3months’ duration. Neck examination revealed a midline 4cm x 6cm cyst below the hyoid bone, which moved on deglutition and on protrusion of the tongue. Thyroid function test was within normal values. Histology of the excised cyst (Sistrunk’s operation) confirmed thyroglossal cyst. Case Report 2 . A 20-year old female student presented with a midline neck swelling of 5years’ duration. Examination showed a 3cm x 4cm cystic non-tender midline anterior neck mass that moved on deglutition and on tongue protrusion. Thyroid function test showed a slight elevation in levels of T3 and T4. A neck ultra...
Background: Ventilatory function indices [forced vital capacity (FVC), expiratory volume in 1 (FE... more Background: Ventilatory function indices [forced vital capacity (FVC), expiratory volume in 1 (FEV1), and FEV1/FVC] are a function of the basic anthropometric parameters (weight and height). Cigarette smoking is an important confounder in the relationship between ventilatory function indices and basic anthropometric parameters. Aim: To determine the relationship between anthropometric parameters and ventilatory function among male adult cigarette smokers. Materials and Methods: This is a community-based cross-sectional study incorporating 200 male participants (150 cigarette smokers and 50 non-smokers) who met inclusion criteria using stratified random sampling technique. Participants were drawn from local governments that constituted Sokoto metropolis. Subsequently, participants had a questionnaire adapted from European Community Respiratory Health Survey administered to collect demographic, clinical and cigarette smoking data. Ventilatory function test was performed using Clement Clarke One Flow Spirometer, version 1.3 Revision 0 (Clement Clarke International, Edinburgh, UK). The highest value of each ventilatory function indices (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC) was chosen for analysis. Data were summarized, and statistical tests were applied using the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 19 (IBM SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Result: The majority of study participants among cigarette smokers and control were young, single and had a form of formal education. There was no significant difference in the mean of anthropometric indices [weight, height, body mass index (BMI)] of participants (cigarette smokers) and control (non-cigarette smokers). Twenty-nine (58%) non-cigarette smokers were overweight/obese as against 35 (23.3%) participants among cigarette smokers observed to be equally overweight/obese. Mean values of the ventilatory function indices except FVC were low among study participants as compared with control. Furthermore, the mean FEV1/FVC between participants (75.60 ± 7.53) and control (82.48 ± 6.11) was statistically significant (P = 0.001). A significant correlation between anthropometric parameters (height and BMI) and ventilatory function indices (FEV1 and FVC) was observed among study participants and control. Conclusion: Ventilatory function indices are associated with anthropometric parameters among cigarette smokers. Although, BMI did not significantly affect decline in ventilatory function indices among cigarette smokers, an inverse relationship was observed between them.
Background: Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for airflow limitation in addition to its ot... more Background: Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for airflow limitation in addition to its other multi-systemic deleterious effects. Peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurement offers an opportunity to assess ventilatory function abnormalities in cigarette smokers.Objective: The objective of this study is to determine ventilatory function using peak expiratory flow rate among adult male cigarette smokers in comparison with matched predicted value.Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study among 150 current cigarette smokers aged 18-60years that were consecutively sampled in Sokoto metropolis. Peak expiratory flow was measured using Mini Wright’s Peak Flow Meter and adapted questionnaire was used to record all measurements and relevant data. Comparison was made between the measured and predicted peak expiratory flow rate.Result: A total of 150 male subjects who were predominantly below the age of 40years (76%) with mean age of 34.27±8.91years participated in this study. The mean pac...
Internationalisation of business is not limited solely to large and multinational corporations al... more Internationalisation of business is not limited solely to large and multinational corporations alone, today the business world has witnessed many case scenarios where Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (SMEs) are predominantly gaining a wave and spaces at the international market. The growing share in the developed and even in the developing economy explains their s t r o n g p a r t i c i p a t i o n t o t h e internationalisation. The aim of this paper is to examine how small and medium-sized enterprises internationalise by using innovative approach to their product development, and how this influences their internationalisation process. The focus therefore is on obtaining better understanding of the role of innovation for the SMEs as a driver for their participation at the international market environment. The paper adopts a literature survey where extant literatures are reviewed with a view to gaining an insight into the role of innovation in the internationalization process. The...
A Coal mining site at Odagbo in north central Nigeria was investigated to detect possible hidden ... more A Coal mining site at Odagbo in north central Nigeria was investigated to detect possible hidden subsurface voids created due to mining activities and to further suggest areas prone to subsidence. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) is a technique that has proven effective in detecting and mapping hidden mine workings. It is based on conceptual resistivity model that explores resistivity contrast between the subsurface voids and surrounding host materials and also characterizes the voids with higher or lower resistivity as either empty or in-filled voids than the host. The survey was carried out with Terrameter SAS 4000 and ES 464 electrode selector equipment adopting dipole-dipole electrode configuration at electrode spacing of 5 m to acquire data along three parallel profiles laid at equal interval 40 m in the study area. The acquired datas were processed and inverted with RES2DINV algorithm software. From the results, it shows air-filled cavities are found in the top-layers of e...
Tuberculosis remains a major global public health problem despite the modest infectious disease c... more Tuberculosis remains a major global public health problem despite the modest infectious disease control efforts. Timely and accurate diagnosis is pivotal to the reduction in tuberculosis related morbidity and mortality. In addition, drug resistant form of tuberculosis is a serious threat to the efforts at tuberculosis control and eradication. Hence; there is the need for efficient methods of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection diagnosis and treatment. There are major advances in the laboratory diagnostic methods for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis which seeks to complement or replace the existing conventional methods in a view to reduction in under-diagnosis and improved infectious disease management. Chest computer tomographies, Cephid GeneXpert, Line probe are some of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis diagnostic advances while chest x-ray, sputum microscopy/culture represent some of the conventional methods of evaluation of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and its m...
Pseudo null curves were studied by some geometers in both Euclidean and Minkowski spaces, but som... more Pseudo null curves were studied by some geometers in both Euclidean and Minkowski spaces, but some special characters of the curve are not considered. In this paper, we study weak AW (k) – type and AW (k) – type pseudo null curve in Minkowski 3-space E 1 3 [E_1^3 . We define helix and slant helix according to Bishop frame in E 1 3 [E_1^3 . Furthermore, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the slant helix and helix in Minkowski 3-space are obtained.
Papers by Auwal Isah