Educational praxis incorporating intercultural wisdom, transdisciplinary cooperation, and nature-... more Educational praxis incorporating intercultural wisdom, transdisciplinary cooperation, and nature-culture dialogues can arguably contribute to the UN’s education for sustainable development (ESD) and ameliorate current social-ecological challenges. This article elucidates how 14 Norwegian pupils aged 11–13 reflect on their experiences and feelings in meditation in nature (MiN) – an intercultural ecopedagogical praxis grounded on two corresponding philosophical ecopedagogies: Daoism and Arne Naess’ ecosophy. The pupils participated in MiN as part of outdoor education in a local environment and provided reflections through semi-structured focus group interviews. By engaging in MiN and embracing the concept of active nonaction, the pupils’ reflections on experiences and feelings reveal meaningful human-nature interactions and aesthetic embodiments in/with nature. MiN is proposed as one ontological-epistemologically holistic, ecocentric, and aesthetic-affective ecopedagogical praxis that can potentially complement (post)critical and posthuman ecopedagogies and contribute to the reconfiguration of outdoor education and physical education for teaching and learning social-ecological, all-inclusive sustainable development.
I artikkelen drøfter vi hvordan erfarne kroppsøvingslærere som er under spesialistutdanning, refl... more I artikkelen drøfter vi hvordan erfarne kroppsøvingslærere som er under spesialistutdanning, reflekterer rundt egen profesjonsutøvelse. Artikkelen er en kvalitativ dokumentanalyse med utgangspunkt i pedagogiske credorefleksjoner skrevet av lærerspesialiststudentene. Vi tolker frem dette materialet i lys av Axel Honneths anerkjennelsesteori. Et hovedfunn i studien er at informantene først og fremst vektlegger elevperspektivet når de gir uttrykk for tankene de har om sin egen profesjonsutøvelse i kroppsøvingsfaget. De utdyper sitt elevperspektiv til å omfatte både den betingelsesløse formen for anerkjennelse, kjærlighet, og den sosiale anerkjennelsen, som vektlegger utviklingen av elevenes evner og anlegg. Når det gjelder kjærlighetsdimensjonen, skriver de om hvor viktig det er at de som kroppsøvingslærere tilstreber å se elevene og legger til rette for et trygt og inkluderende læringsmiljø. Når det gjelder den sosiale anerkjennelsen, er det elevenes mestring i faget som fremheves. Fu...
Artikkelen tematiserer hvilke natursyn fem lærerstudenter fremmer på bakgrunn av egne erfaringer ... more Artikkelen tematiserer hvilke natursyn fem lærerstudenter fremmer på bakgrunn av egne erfaringer med opphold i naturen i oppvekst og tidligere skolegang. Drøftelsen tar utgangspunkt i et gjennomført refleksjonsnotat i tilknytning til et forskningsseminar på masternivå i regi av en norsk høgskole. Funnene drøftes i lys av matrisen The Nature in Culture Matrix. Artikkelen formidler at studentene, i vår studie, har vokst opp med et natursyn som er antroposentrisk og feirende; menneskesentrert og det idylliske og vakre med natur dominerer.The article discusses which view of nature five students express, according to their stay in nature in early childhood, leisure time and schooling. The discussion is based on a survey conducted as a part of a master's degree at a Norwegian university college. The findings are discussed in light of the matrix The Nature in Culture Matrix, a coordinate system with the extremes anthropocentric, ecocentric, celebrating and problematic nature vision. Th...
Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning, 2019
The topic of the present article is observed teaching practice in Physical Education in a Norwegi... more The topic of the present article is observed teaching practice in Physical Education in a Norwegian context. The research question is: What characterizes Physical Education sessions, in the form of lesson signatures? The term lesson signature is used to refer to an aggregate number of observed and completed education sessions that are intended to reveal specific “outer” patterns. The empirical data on which the article is based was obtained from the project Kvalitet i opplæringa (KIO) in primary and secondary school. Momentary time sampling was used as the observation method, and an observation form with fixed categories was employed. The signatures generally show that the teaching sessions are divided into professional time (75 %) and non-professional time (25 %). The students are actually physically active for between 15-35 minutes, which is just under half of the session. The signature also reveals that the teaching is characterized by teacher-centered, full-class teaching and instruction.Utbildning och Lärande. Tidskrift.</p
Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great impor... more Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great importance in order to promote children’s health. This study investigated and compared the PA levels of sixth-grade pupils, 11–12 years of age, in two Nordic schools, during both school and leisure time by combining pedometer measures with activity diary records. Pupils from Norway (n= 44) and Iceland (n=37) wore pedometers for seven consecutive days and kept an activity diary for the first two days. After pupils’ PA had been registered for one week using a pedometer, no significant differences in pedometer step counts were found. Nor were there significant differences in the pedometer step counts between weekdays and weekends. But when looking only at the group of pupils reporting to meet the standard of at least 60 minutes PA and 12,000 pedometer step counts per day for girls and 15,000 for boys, results revealed that there were a higher percentage of Norwegian pupils in this group. However...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Background A recent dialogue in the field of play, learn, and teach outdoors (referred to as “PLa... more Background A recent dialogue in the field of play, learn, and teach outdoors (referred to as “PLaTO” hereafter) demonstrated the need for developing harmonized and consensus-based terminology, taxonomy, and ontology for PLaTO. This is important as the field evolves and diversifies in its approaches, contents, and contexts over time and in different countries, cultures, and settings. Within this paper, we report the systematic and iterative processes undertaken to achieve this objective, which has built on the creation of the global PLaTO-Network (PLaTO-Net). Methods This project comprised of four major methodological phases. First, a systematic scoping review was conducted to identify common terms and definitions used pertaining to PLaTO. Second, based on the results of the scoping review, a draft set of key terms, taxonomy, and ontology were developed, and shared with PLaTO members, who provided feedback via four rounds of consultation. Third, PLaTO terminology, taxonomy, and ontol...
Ecocritical Perspectives on Children's Texts and Cultures, 2018
Children’s understanding of the relationship between humans and the rest of nature is important. ... more Children’s understanding of the relationship between humans and the rest of nature is important. Meeting young children in natural landscapes, Hallas and Heggen in this chapter carried out dialogue-based interviews focusing on children’s relationship with the area, and their general concepts of nature. Analysing the children’s statements with the aid of the NatCul Matrix, their statements were found to be distributed between anthropocentric, ecocentric, celebrating and problematizing views. In contrast to earlier research, children aged five to seven years show ecocentric understandings of the relationships between humans and nature. Implications for further research are highlighted at the end of the chapter.
The lesson study (LS) model, which originated in Japan, has become popular all over the world. Th... more The lesson study (LS) model, which originated in Japan, has become popular all over the world. This article will highlight some of the challenges encountered when the LS model was picked up and introduced in a local school context in a Norwegian municipality. The article views this process in the light of research on LS-model transfer into local contexts in various countries, and considers the impact modes of collaboration have on the implementation of a borrowed idea. The aim has been to reflect upon the challenges encountered in transforming a global idea into local practice. A four-stage composite-process model has provided the framework for this personal reflection: stage 1: cross-national attraction; stage 2: decision-making; stage 3: implementation; and stage 4: internalisation. The article argues that the LS model may undergo a transformation from an idea that is global, into a practice that is glocal.
Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i at bærekraftig utvikling er vedtatt som tverrfaglig tema i norsk sk... more Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i at bærekraftig utvikling er vedtatt som tverrfaglig tema i norsk skole (grunnopplæringen) og i de femårige grunnskolelærer-utdanningene. Som lærerutdannere og skoleforskere tilknyttet forskergruppen Nature in Children’s Literature and Culture, ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL), er vi opptatt av miljødebatten og oppfatninger av natur i planverkene for de femårige grunnskolelærerutdanningene i fagene kroppsøving og mat og helse. De nasjonale studieplanene for 2017–18 og emneplaner fra fem UH-institusjoner utgjør vårt empiriske materiale. Vi har identifisert ord og begrep om miljødebatten og natur med analyseverktøyet NVivo. Funnene viser at ordene klima, menneske, naturen, ressurs og ute er lite brukt i planene, men selve meningskonteksten ordene står i kan tolkes som en noe menneskesentrert måte å forstå naturen på, et antroposentrisk syn. Ordene bærekraft og friluftsliv forekommer flere ganger i planene og representerer både et antroposentrisk syn og en...
I artikkelen diskuteres 8 anmeldelser av Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Edda i 2017. Artikkelen e... more I artikkelen diskuteres 8 anmeldelser av Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Edda i 2017. Artikkelen er utviklet kollektivt, på grunnlag av en felles interesse for myter og fortellinger, forankret i forskergruppen «Mytologi, eventyr og forteljing i danning og didaktikk» ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL). Forfatterne av artikkelen er forskere og lærerutdannere på ulike fagfelt. Det konkrete utgangspunktet er Robert Wilsons Edda-oppsetning, og anmeldelsene av den. Vår intensjon er å bidra til styrking av lærerstudentens kunst- og kulturkompetanse gjennom eksemplifisering av hvordan teateranmeldelser kan tas i bruk i undervisningssammenheng. Gjennom en hermeneutisk og didaktisk tilnærming, i lys av forfatternes ulike faglige ståsteder, drøfter vi hvordan man kan bruke anmeldelser som fagtekster. Selv om artikkelen relaterer seg til en spesiell oppsetning, kan den likevel benyttes som en eksemplarisk modell for hvordan lærerutdannere kan anvende teateranmeldelser i ulike fag – og kanskje i n...
In the fields of school reform and teacher development, certain ‘globally travelling ideas’ have ... more In the fields of school reform and teacher development, certain ‘globally travelling ideas’ have become significant. This article reports on a study of a small sample of Norwegian teachers trying out the Lesson Study (LS) idea that aimed to explore what happens when globally travelling reform ideas are enacted in local contexts. Specifically, the study considered the groups’ analyses of their jointly planned and videotaped research lessons. Our research question is: What do the teachers talk about when they are asked to collaborate in their analysis of their jointly planned research lesson; and what does this reveal about the pre-existing norms of collaboration? The themes the teachers are discussing, are: (I) pupils’ task completion, (II) pupils’ behaviour, (III) teachers’ performance and (IV) the pupils and they themselves as professionals. In this study, it became evident that the participants’ lack of experience in collaboration or in using the LS had an impact on the analysis o...
Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great impor... more Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great importance in order to promote children’s health. This study investigated and compared the PA levels of sixth-grade pupils, 11–12 years of age, in two Nordic schools, during both school and leisure time by combining pedometer measures with activity diary records. Pupils from Norway (n= 44) and Iceland (n=37) wore pedometers for seven consecutive days and kept an activity diary for the first two days. After pupils’ PA had been registered for one week using a pedometer, no significant differences in pedometer step counts were found. Nor were there significant differences in the pedometer step counts between weekdays and weekends. But when looking only at the group of pupils reporting to meet the standard of at least 60 minutes PA and 12,000 pedometer step counts per day for girls and 15,000 for boys, results revealed that there were a higher percentage of Norwegian pupils in this group. However...
Artikkelen rapporterer fra en oversiktsstudie av empirisk forskning på skolefaget kroppsøving i p... more Artikkelen rapporterer fra en oversiktsstudie av empirisk forskning på skolefaget kroppsøving i perioden 2010–2019. Hovedmålet er å kartlegge hvilke tema forskningen har belyst, samt om – og eventuelt hvordan – forskningstemaene er innrettet mot anvendelse i kroppsøving i grunnopplæringen. Analyse av 116 publikasjoner avdekket fire grupper av forskningstema: læring i faget, undervisning i faget, forskning om faget og andre forskningstema med relevans for kroppsøving. Studiene innenfor de tre første gruppene undersøker tema med innretning mot anvendelse i kroppsøving. Forskning på læring i faget har undersøkt læringsprosesser, motivasjonsforhold og fysisk utvikling, og teoretiske perspektiv innen psykologi og fysiologi dominerer. Forskning på undervisning i faget og om faget er tydelig innrettet mot anvendelse i praksisfeltet, og er oftest studert fra utdanningsvitenskapelige perspektiv. Studier innen andre forskningstema med relevans for kroppsøving undersøker andre samfunnsfenomen ...
Educational praxis incorporating intercultural wisdom, transdisciplinary cooperation, and nature-... more Educational praxis incorporating intercultural wisdom, transdisciplinary cooperation, and nature-culture dialogues can arguably contribute to the UN’s education for sustainable development (ESD) and ameliorate current social-ecological challenges. This article elucidates how 14 Norwegian pupils aged 11–13 reflect on their experiences and feelings in meditation in nature (MiN) – an intercultural ecopedagogical praxis grounded on two corresponding philosophical ecopedagogies: Daoism and Arne Naess’ ecosophy. The pupils participated in MiN as part of outdoor education in a local environment and provided reflections through semi-structured focus group interviews. By engaging in MiN and embracing the concept of active nonaction, the pupils’ reflections on experiences and feelings reveal meaningful human-nature interactions and aesthetic embodiments in/with nature. MiN is proposed as one ontological-epistemologically holistic, ecocentric, and aesthetic-affective ecopedagogical praxis that can potentially complement (post)critical and posthuman ecopedagogies and contribute to the reconfiguration of outdoor education and physical education for teaching and learning social-ecological, all-inclusive sustainable development.
I artikkelen drøfter vi hvordan erfarne kroppsøvingslærere som er under spesialistutdanning, refl... more I artikkelen drøfter vi hvordan erfarne kroppsøvingslærere som er under spesialistutdanning, reflekterer rundt egen profesjonsutøvelse. Artikkelen er en kvalitativ dokumentanalyse med utgangspunkt i pedagogiske credorefleksjoner skrevet av lærerspesialiststudentene. Vi tolker frem dette materialet i lys av Axel Honneths anerkjennelsesteori. Et hovedfunn i studien er at informantene først og fremst vektlegger elevperspektivet når de gir uttrykk for tankene de har om sin egen profesjonsutøvelse i kroppsøvingsfaget. De utdyper sitt elevperspektiv til å omfatte både den betingelsesløse formen for anerkjennelse, kjærlighet, og den sosiale anerkjennelsen, som vektlegger utviklingen av elevenes evner og anlegg. Når det gjelder kjærlighetsdimensjonen, skriver de om hvor viktig det er at de som kroppsøvingslærere tilstreber å se elevene og legger til rette for et trygt og inkluderende læringsmiljø. Når det gjelder den sosiale anerkjennelsen, er det elevenes mestring i faget som fremheves. Fu...
Artikkelen tematiserer hvilke natursyn fem lærerstudenter fremmer på bakgrunn av egne erfaringer ... more Artikkelen tematiserer hvilke natursyn fem lærerstudenter fremmer på bakgrunn av egne erfaringer med opphold i naturen i oppvekst og tidligere skolegang. Drøftelsen tar utgangspunkt i et gjennomført refleksjonsnotat i tilknytning til et forskningsseminar på masternivå i regi av en norsk høgskole. Funnene drøftes i lys av matrisen The Nature in Culture Matrix. Artikkelen formidler at studentene, i vår studie, har vokst opp med et natursyn som er antroposentrisk og feirende; menneskesentrert og det idylliske og vakre med natur dominerer.The article discusses which view of nature five students express, according to their stay in nature in early childhood, leisure time and schooling. The discussion is based on a survey conducted as a part of a master's degree at a Norwegian university college. The findings are discussed in light of the matrix The Nature in Culture Matrix, a coordinate system with the extremes anthropocentric, ecocentric, celebrating and problematic nature vision. Th...
Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning, 2019
The topic of the present article is observed teaching practice in Physical Education in a Norwegi... more The topic of the present article is observed teaching practice in Physical Education in a Norwegian context. The research question is: What characterizes Physical Education sessions, in the form of lesson signatures? The term lesson signature is used to refer to an aggregate number of observed and completed education sessions that are intended to reveal specific “outer” patterns. The empirical data on which the article is based was obtained from the project Kvalitet i opplæringa (KIO) in primary and secondary school. Momentary time sampling was used as the observation method, and an observation form with fixed categories was employed. The signatures generally show that the teaching sessions are divided into professional time (75 %) and non-professional time (25 %). The students are actually physically active for between 15-35 minutes, which is just under half of the session. The signature also reveals that the teaching is characterized by teacher-centered, full-class teaching and instruction.Utbildning och Lärande. Tidskrift.</p
Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great impor... more Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great importance in order to promote children’s health. This study investigated and compared the PA levels of sixth-grade pupils, 11–12 years of age, in two Nordic schools, during both school and leisure time by combining pedometer measures with activity diary records. Pupils from Norway (n= 44) and Iceland (n=37) wore pedometers for seven consecutive days and kept an activity diary for the first two days. After pupils’ PA had been registered for one week using a pedometer, no significant differences in pedometer step counts were found. Nor were there significant differences in the pedometer step counts between weekdays and weekends. But when looking only at the group of pupils reporting to meet the standard of at least 60 minutes PA and 12,000 pedometer step counts per day for girls and 15,000 for boys, results revealed that there were a higher percentage of Norwegian pupils in this group. However...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Background A recent dialogue in the field of play, learn, and teach outdoors (referred to as “PLa... more Background A recent dialogue in the field of play, learn, and teach outdoors (referred to as “PLaTO” hereafter) demonstrated the need for developing harmonized and consensus-based terminology, taxonomy, and ontology for PLaTO. This is important as the field evolves and diversifies in its approaches, contents, and contexts over time and in different countries, cultures, and settings. Within this paper, we report the systematic and iterative processes undertaken to achieve this objective, which has built on the creation of the global PLaTO-Network (PLaTO-Net). Methods This project comprised of four major methodological phases. First, a systematic scoping review was conducted to identify common terms and definitions used pertaining to PLaTO. Second, based on the results of the scoping review, a draft set of key terms, taxonomy, and ontology were developed, and shared with PLaTO members, who provided feedback via four rounds of consultation. Third, PLaTO terminology, taxonomy, and ontol...
Ecocritical Perspectives on Children's Texts and Cultures, 2018
Children’s understanding of the relationship between humans and the rest of nature is important. ... more Children’s understanding of the relationship between humans and the rest of nature is important. Meeting young children in natural landscapes, Hallas and Heggen in this chapter carried out dialogue-based interviews focusing on children’s relationship with the area, and their general concepts of nature. Analysing the children’s statements with the aid of the NatCul Matrix, their statements were found to be distributed between anthropocentric, ecocentric, celebrating and problematizing views. In contrast to earlier research, children aged five to seven years show ecocentric understandings of the relationships between humans and nature. Implications for further research are highlighted at the end of the chapter.
The lesson study (LS) model, which originated in Japan, has become popular all over the world. Th... more The lesson study (LS) model, which originated in Japan, has become popular all over the world. This article will highlight some of the challenges encountered when the LS model was picked up and introduced in a local school context in a Norwegian municipality. The article views this process in the light of research on LS-model transfer into local contexts in various countries, and considers the impact modes of collaboration have on the implementation of a borrowed idea. The aim has been to reflect upon the challenges encountered in transforming a global idea into local practice. A four-stage composite-process model has provided the framework for this personal reflection: stage 1: cross-national attraction; stage 2: decision-making; stage 3: implementation; and stage 4: internalisation. The article argues that the LS model may undergo a transformation from an idea that is global, into a practice that is glocal.
Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i at bærekraftig utvikling er vedtatt som tverrfaglig tema i norsk sk... more Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i at bærekraftig utvikling er vedtatt som tverrfaglig tema i norsk skole (grunnopplæringen) og i de femårige grunnskolelærer-utdanningene. Som lærerutdannere og skoleforskere tilknyttet forskergruppen Nature in Children’s Literature and Culture, ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL), er vi opptatt av miljødebatten og oppfatninger av natur i planverkene for de femårige grunnskolelærerutdanningene i fagene kroppsøving og mat og helse. De nasjonale studieplanene for 2017–18 og emneplaner fra fem UH-institusjoner utgjør vårt empiriske materiale. Vi har identifisert ord og begrep om miljødebatten og natur med analyseverktøyet NVivo. Funnene viser at ordene klima, menneske, naturen, ressurs og ute er lite brukt i planene, men selve meningskonteksten ordene står i kan tolkes som en noe menneskesentrert måte å forstå naturen på, et antroposentrisk syn. Ordene bærekraft og friluftsliv forekommer flere ganger i planene og representerer både et antroposentrisk syn og en...
I artikkelen diskuteres 8 anmeldelser av Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Edda i 2017. Artikkelen e... more I artikkelen diskuteres 8 anmeldelser av Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Edda i 2017. Artikkelen er utviklet kollektivt, på grunnlag av en felles interesse for myter og fortellinger, forankret i forskergruppen «Mytologi, eventyr og forteljing i danning og didaktikk» ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL). Forfatterne av artikkelen er forskere og lærerutdannere på ulike fagfelt. Det konkrete utgangspunktet er Robert Wilsons Edda-oppsetning, og anmeldelsene av den. Vår intensjon er å bidra til styrking av lærerstudentens kunst- og kulturkompetanse gjennom eksemplifisering av hvordan teateranmeldelser kan tas i bruk i undervisningssammenheng. Gjennom en hermeneutisk og didaktisk tilnærming, i lys av forfatternes ulike faglige ståsteder, drøfter vi hvordan man kan bruke anmeldelser som fagtekster. Selv om artikkelen relaterer seg til en spesiell oppsetning, kan den likevel benyttes som en eksemplarisk modell for hvordan lærerutdannere kan anvende teateranmeldelser i ulike fag – og kanskje i n...
In the fields of school reform and teacher development, certain ‘globally travelling ideas’ have ... more In the fields of school reform and teacher development, certain ‘globally travelling ideas’ have become significant. This article reports on a study of a small sample of Norwegian teachers trying out the Lesson Study (LS) idea that aimed to explore what happens when globally travelling reform ideas are enacted in local contexts. Specifically, the study considered the groups’ analyses of their jointly planned and videotaped research lessons. Our research question is: What do the teachers talk about when they are asked to collaborate in their analysis of their jointly planned research lesson; and what does this reveal about the pre-existing norms of collaboration? The themes the teachers are discussing, are: (I) pupils’ task completion, (II) pupils’ behaviour, (III) teachers’ performance and (IV) the pupils and they themselves as professionals. In this study, it became evident that the participants’ lack of experience in collaboration or in using the LS had an impact on the analysis o...
Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great impor... more Detailed knowledge about physical activity (PA) in both school and leisure time is of great importance in order to promote children’s health. This study investigated and compared the PA levels of sixth-grade pupils, 11–12 years of age, in two Nordic schools, during both school and leisure time by combining pedometer measures with activity diary records. Pupils from Norway (n= 44) and Iceland (n=37) wore pedometers for seven consecutive days and kept an activity diary for the first two days. After pupils’ PA had been registered for one week using a pedometer, no significant differences in pedometer step counts were found. Nor were there significant differences in the pedometer step counts between weekdays and weekends. But when looking only at the group of pupils reporting to meet the standard of at least 60 minutes PA and 12,000 pedometer step counts per day for girls and 15,000 for boys, results revealed that there were a higher percentage of Norwegian pupils in this group. However...
Artikkelen rapporterer fra en oversiktsstudie av empirisk forskning på skolefaget kroppsøving i p... more Artikkelen rapporterer fra en oversiktsstudie av empirisk forskning på skolefaget kroppsøving i perioden 2010–2019. Hovedmålet er å kartlegge hvilke tema forskningen har belyst, samt om – og eventuelt hvordan – forskningstemaene er innrettet mot anvendelse i kroppsøving i grunnopplæringen. Analyse av 116 publikasjoner avdekket fire grupper av forskningstema: læring i faget, undervisning i faget, forskning om faget og andre forskningstema med relevans for kroppsøving. Studiene innenfor de tre første gruppene undersøker tema med innretning mot anvendelse i kroppsøving. Forskning på læring i faget har undersøkt læringsprosesser, motivasjonsforhold og fysisk utvikling, og teoretiske perspektiv innen psykologi og fysiologi dominerer. Forskning på undervisning i faget og om faget er tydelig innrettet mot anvendelse i praksisfeltet, og er oftest studert fra utdanningsvitenskapelige perspektiv. Studier innen andre forskningstema med relevans for kroppsøving undersøker andre samfunnsfenomen ...
Papers by Bjørg Oddrun Hallås