— The 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano has resulted in fatalities, injuries, suffering and psychol... more — The 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano has resulted in fatalities, injuries, suffering and psychological distress on the people who live in the surrounding area. Information on detailed population distribution, post of the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano is required as a form of risk management activities and efforts for disaster prevention and minimizes loss of lives in the future. Dasymetric mapping is one method of thematic mapping which produce a region based spatial information in more detail. Landsat 8 LDCM images were used as input data in extracting information of settlement area using Index-based Built-up Index (IBI) approach. Estimation of the spatial population distribution is generated by a combination of extraction yield settlement area with population census data using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The results showed that the use of IBI approach describes the condition of settlement areas with an accuracy rate of 84 % against the reference data. Error ...
Abstrak: Dampak dari lahan kritis adalah penurunan kualitas tanah, disamping penurunan fungsi kon... more Abstrak: Dampak dari lahan kritis adalah penurunan kualitas tanah, disamping penurunan fungsi konservasi, produksi, dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan memetakan lahan kritis, mengkaji keterkaitan sebaran lahan kritis pada pola ruang dan membuat arahan rehabilitasi dalam pengembangan wilayah di Kabupaten Kendal. Pemilihan parameter penyebab terjadinya lahan kritis berdasarkan parameter P. 4/V-Set/2013 dan paremeter modifikasi, kemudian dilakukan pengolahan data tabular dan analisis SIG. Luas lahan kritis yang dihasilkan pada parameter P. 4/V-Set/2013 dan paremeter modifikasi berturut-turut adalah 19.535,96 ha dan 34.317,87 ha. Rehabilitasi lahan dilakukan melalui kegiatan konservasi vegetatif (reboisasi, penghijauan dan pengkayaan jenis tanaman) dan konservasi sipil teknis untuk mencegah erosi dan sedimentasi (pembuatan bangunan dam pengendali, dam penahan, terasering, saluran pembuangan air, sumur resapan, embung, rorak,...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Banda Aceh City is the center of government and economic activity of Aceh Province. Designated as... more Banda Aceh City is the center of government and economic activity of Aceh Province. Designated as central city of Aceh Province, Banda aceh often faces a problem of not considering the population growth and land availability. This research is based on the increasing need of land caused by population growth, while the potential land for development continues to decrease. The land capability analysis aims to assess the level of land capability for development based on physical aspects so that land use can be carried out optimally and sustainably. The physical aspects of land capability are then called land capability unit. From the nine units analyzed, mostly represent high land capability class, except drainage and natural disaster unit. The results of the land capability analysis dividing Banda Aceh City into two classes. Class D or area with high development capability takes the widest part or 4,394 Ha (74.4%) and the rest 1,508 Ha (25.6%) is Class C or moderate development capabil...
The tangkuban parahu volcano (2084 m) is a nested strato-cone which developed in the caldera of t... more The tangkuban parahu volcano (2084 m) is a nested strato-cone which developed in the caldera of the sunda volcano in west java (indonesia). It is situated 17 km north of bandung, a city with 2. 5 millions inhabitants in 1995. Sunda-tangkuban parahu is an andesitic volcano belonging to the medium and high alkaline series and is the sole active volcano in the quaternaire volcanic chain, the so-called sunda complex. The geomorphological evolution of this region is marked by the subsidence of the sunda complex, the debris avalanches along the axis of the sunda complex, the plinian/ignimbritic eruptions of sunda-tangkuban parahu, and the reactivation of the west part of the lembang fault. The first event (0. 51-0. 105 ma) formed the basin and the fault scarps of lembang in the south of the complex, but it folded and thrusted up the northern footslopes, forming the mountain, the basin and the broken fold scarps of tambakan. The second event (between 0. 51 and 0. 105 ma, but after the subs...
Perubahan garis pantai dapat terjadi karena faktor alam atau campur tangan manusia seperti perkem... more Perubahan garis pantai dapat terjadi karena faktor alam atau campur tangan manusia seperti perkembangan delta atau reklamasi pantai, Dalam beberapa kasus, perubahan garis pantai dapat membentuk lahan baru yang disebut delta atau lahan timbul. Lahan baru yang terjadi di Delta Cipunagara terus mengalami penambahan seluas 138,9 ha (1962-1972); 757,3 ha (1972-1990) dan 623,0 ha (1990-2008) dengan laju masing-masing sebesar 13,9 ha/tahun, 42,1 ha/tahun dan 34,6 ha/tahun. Penggunaan lahan di lahan baru didominasi oleh tambak sebesar 26,0% (1972); 50,0% (1990) dan 67,8% (2008). Saat ini, lahan baru di Delta Cipunegara dikelola oleh masyarakat setempat dengan seijin kepala desa, yang diujudkan dalam bentuk Surat Izin Mengelola (SIM). Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan lahan baru belum jelas secara yuridis, sehingga dapat menjadi pemicu konflik. Oleh karena itu, kepastian kepemilikan lahan baru perlu segera ditangani oleh pemerintah untuk meminimumkan konflik sosial di masa datang. Kata ...
Sumatra island is located at conjunction point of Indo-Australia Plate and Eurasia Plate which mo... more Sumatra island is located at conjunction point of Indo-Australia Plate and Eurasia Plate which move continuesly throughout year. This movement provokes many natural disasters and one is landslide. This research aims: 1) to learn geophology condition of Agam District, and 2) to map landslie vulnerable and hazard area at Agam District. The methods used are (1) using SRTM to understand and map of geomorphology area, and (2) multicritera evaluation using weight and score system. The research results show that geomorphology of Agam Districr is very complex. The western area is coastal plain area, the eastern are is hilly and mountanoues area, at its located at Bukit Barisan Mountain Rigdes. The vulnerability data show that 54,3% areas belong to no vulnerabity status, 14,9% low vulnerability, 12,2% medium vulnerability, and 18,6% high vulnerability. Landslide hazard data shows that 51,3% belongs to no hazard, 14,9% low hazard, 20,2% medium hazard, and 13,6% high hazard. Category of medium...
Gejala perubahan penggunaan lahan dapat memicu terjadinya erosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk m... more Gejala perubahan penggunaan lahan dapat memicu terjadinya erosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab utama erosi parit (gully erosion) di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah pohon keputusan dengan parameter NDVI, lereng (kemiringan, kelengkungan, arah), dan elevasi. Citra Landsat 8 digunakan untuk analisis NDVI dan data SRTM untuk analisis lereng dan elevasi. Jumlah titik pengamatan lapangan (84 titik) ditentukan dari variasi satuan lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 67 titik satuan lahan ditemukan erosi parit yang tersebar di bentanglahan Dataran Tengah (4 titik), bentanglahan Gunungapi Lawu (7 titik), bentanglahan Gunungapi Wilis (27 titik), dan bentanglahan Pegunungan Selatan (29 titik). Berdasarkan klasifikasi erosi parit dari Zachar (1982) yang mempertimbangkan aspek kedalaman dan lebar parit, maka erosi parit yang ada tergolong ke dalam kelas A (1 titik), B (40 titik), C (15 titik), D (7 titik), E (4 titik). Hasil kla...
ABSTRAK Salak merupakan gunung api strato tipe A aktif di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sejak letusan pada... more ABSTRAK Salak merupakan gunung api strato tipe A aktif di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sejak letusan pada tahun 1938 sampai sekarang, gunung api ini jarang menunjukkan aktivitas yang signifikan, namun gunung api ini masih berbahaya bagi daerah sekitarnya. Salah satu bahaya vulkanik Salak yang sangat penting adalah bahaya lahar, karena curah hujan tahunan relatif tinggi, dan sebagian besar wilayah di sekitar lembah sungai di daerah distal terdapat pemukiman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi geomorfologi Gunung api Salak, serta menilai bahaya lahar menggunakan pendekatan morfometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sungai Cikuluwung memiliki tingkat bahaya lahar tertinggi (84,74 %), apalagi sungai terhubung langsung ke kawah aktif, yaitu Kawah Ratu. Karena kawah terletak di bagian lereng yang lebih rendah, maka lahar bisa mengalir menuju daerah distal dengan lebih cepat dari puncak, sehingga pengelolaan daerah distal di sekitar lembah Sungai Cikuluwung (terut...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021
This study aims to detect flooded rice paddies in Indonesia using remotely sensed data from a rel... more This study aims to detect flooded rice paddies in Indonesia using remotely sensed data from a relatively extensive flood that occurred in the Tegalluar area of Bojongsoang in the spring of 2018, which was observed by the Sentinel-1 and PlanetScope satellites. We propose an automatic thresholding method for the detection of flooded areas in rice paddy fields using Sentinel-1 C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data acquisitions from before and during flooding. The flood-detection accuracy was verified using visible and near-infrared images acquired by the PlanetScope satellites. The proposed method showed that the VV (transmit V and receive V polarizations) data outperformed the VH (transmit V and receive H polarizations) data in terms of correlation ratio and discriminant accuracy. The overall classification accuracy of the nonflooded and flooded areas reached 84.7% with the VV data and 80.6% with the VH data, including the error that resulted from the time difference in the data ...
Lava is one of main volcanic properties exposed during the eruption. Lava jlows have different ch... more Lava is one of main volcanic properties exposed during the eruption. Lava jlows have different characteristics on their age and morphology which affect their use as a natural resource. Mostly lava jlows are identified in situ or using the remote sensing especially multispectral and hyperspectral data. However, the cloud-cover in ;f"opical areas has been persistent. Therefore, a study by means ofSAR sensor is required as a complementary 1001 to previous schemes. With the availability offully polarized SAR dataset, it is expected that the data could . e assessed to identify various lava jlows in tropical area. The research aims to study combinations of SAR Signals as an aid for identifying the type of volcanic lava jlows. In addition, we are interested to assess polarimetric signatures of each object associated with their morphology using PALSAR data. Backscattering ::oefficients were observed on each lava jlow using 3 linear polarizations, HN. VVand VH The research was ocated in...
Remote sensing technology has been employed extensively for food crops mapping and monitoring. De... more Remote sensing technology has been employed extensively for food crops mapping and monitoring. Despi~e its widespread utilization, analyses have been limited to single set of data. Rice monitoring, ideally, requires time series data and therefore needs high revisit satellite configuration. Nonetheless, very limited research has been dedicated to time series data. This paper presents a study on the use of MODIS time series data for understanding various stages of rice growth in Subang Regency. Two widely-recognized vegetation indices were compared, namely Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). It is shown that 8-day temporal compositing scheme was unable to provide a proper dataset for this application. This suggests that detailed rice growth could be monitored solely in dry season.
Tanggamus Regency has great mining resources potential of 152 831 928 tons. In order to contribut... more Tanggamus Regency has great mining resources potential of 152 831 928 tons. In order to contribute maximally to the local economy with well-preserved environment then the mining management should be wise. This research aims to analyze the role of the mining sector to the regional economy, analyzing the change of land use 2000-2015, as well as preparing the development plan direction of mining area in Tanggamus Regency. The methods used in this study include analysis of input output with aggregation and RAS, satellite image classification, and overlapping map techniques The mining sector has high value of forward linkages which demonstrate the ability of the mining sector in driving the sector in the future to grow, but the mining sector has low value of backward linkages, hence the driving force of the upstream sectors also low. Changes in land use in Tanggamus District from 2000 to 2015 are dynamics. The most changing land is agricultural land turned into developed land of 5 168 ha...
GunungapiKelud merupakan gunungapi aktif yang sering melahirkan aliran lahar. Dalam sejarahnya al... more GunungapiKelud merupakan gunungapi aktif yang sering melahirkan aliran lahar. Dalam sejarahnya aliran lahar Kelud sering membawa korban. Lahar hasil letusan Kelud tahun 1990 telah menelan korban 33 orang dan menimbulkan banyak kerusakan sehingga upaya mitigasi ke depan sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pemetaan bentuklahan dan analisis morfometri bentuklahan untuk pemodelan bahaya aliran lahar Gunungapi Kelud di Kabupaten Kediri. Metode interpretasi visual terhadap citra SRTM digunakan untuk pemetaan bentuklahan, sedangkan untuk bahaya lahar digunakan analisis geomorfologi (morfometri) dengan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Kediri didominasi oleh bentuklahan dataran fluvio-vulkanik Gunungapi Kelud, sedangkan bentuklahan terkecil adalah perbukitan vulkanik. Citra SRTM resolusi 90 m cukup baik digunakan untuk identifikasi bentuklahan maupun informasi morfometri. Dengan asumsi persebaran piroklastik menyebar merat...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Dec 31, 2019
Some important government programs, such as Sustainable Agriculture Food Protection, in its imple... more Some important government programs, such as Sustainable Agriculture Food Protection, in its implementation need to be supported by tenure status of paddy field map. High resolution satellite imagery is data source that can be used for mapping of that data. The rice is a staple food for Indonesian people, however the conversion of paddy field into built-up area increase due to population growth and economic activity. This study aims to map the tenure status of paddy field and rice farming. Mapping of the tenure status is based on paddy fields parcel resulting from visual interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery and field verification. The tenure status of paddy fields were obtained from fieldwork with the census method on each parcel. Analysis of rice farming was assessed based on the area and tenure status of paddy fields. The results showed that the mapping accuracy of the parcel number was 96.72%. The spatial pattern of parcel based on owner and sharecropping categories show all have cluster patterns (NNI <1). Rice farming of paddy managed by owner or sharecropping are both still feasible (R/C ratio> 1) and the highest profit is >2 hectare, but those managed by owner is more profitable (R2 = 0.71).
— The 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano has resulted in fatalities, injuries, suffering and psychol... more — The 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano has resulted in fatalities, injuries, suffering and psychological distress on the people who live in the surrounding area. Information on detailed population distribution, post of the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano is required as a form of risk management activities and efforts for disaster prevention and minimizes loss of lives in the future. Dasymetric mapping is one method of thematic mapping which produce a region based spatial information in more detail. Landsat 8 LDCM images were used as input data in extracting information of settlement area using Index-based Built-up Index (IBI) approach. Estimation of the spatial population distribution is generated by a combination of extraction yield settlement area with population census data using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The results showed that the use of IBI approach describes the condition of settlement areas with an accuracy rate of 84 % against the reference data. Error ...
Abstrak: Dampak dari lahan kritis adalah penurunan kualitas tanah, disamping penurunan fungsi kon... more Abstrak: Dampak dari lahan kritis adalah penurunan kualitas tanah, disamping penurunan fungsi konservasi, produksi, dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan memetakan lahan kritis, mengkaji keterkaitan sebaran lahan kritis pada pola ruang dan membuat arahan rehabilitasi dalam pengembangan wilayah di Kabupaten Kendal. Pemilihan parameter penyebab terjadinya lahan kritis berdasarkan parameter P. 4/V-Set/2013 dan paremeter modifikasi, kemudian dilakukan pengolahan data tabular dan analisis SIG. Luas lahan kritis yang dihasilkan pada parameter P. 4/V-Set/2013 dan paremeter modifikasi berturut-turut adalah 19.535,96 ha dan 34.317,87 ha. Rehabilitasi lahan dilakukan melalui kegiatan konservasi vegetatif (reboisasi, penghijauan dan pengkayaan jenis tanaman) dan konservasi sipil teknis untuk mencegah erosi dan sedimentasi (pembuatan bangunan dam pengendali, dam penahan, terasering, saluran pembuangan air, sumur resapan, embung, rorak,...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Banda Aceh City is the center of government and economic activity of Aceh Province. Designated as... more Banda Aceh City is the center of government and economic activity of Aceh Province. Designated as central city of Aceh Province, Banda aceh often faces a problem of not considering the population growth and land availability. This research is based on the increasing need of land caused by population growth, while the potential land for development continues to decrease. The land capability analysis aims to assess the level of land capability for development based on physical aspects so that land use can be carried out optimally and sustainably. The physical aspects of land capability are then called land capability unit. From the nine units analyzed, mostly represent high land capability class, except drainage and natural disaster unit. The results of the land capability analysis dividing Banda Aceh City into two classes. Class D or area with high development capability takes the widest part or 4,394 Ha (74.4%) and the rest 1,508 Ha (25.6%) is Class C or moderate development capabil...
The tangkuban parahu volcano (2084 m) is a nested strato-cone which developed in the caldera of t... more The tangkuban parahu volcano (2084 m) is a nested strato-cone which developed in the caldera of the sunda volcano in west java (indonesia). It is situated 17 km north of bandung, a city with 2. 5 millions inhabitants in 1995. Sunda-tangkuban parahu is an andesitic volcano belonging to the medium and high alkaline series and is the sole active volcano in the quaternaire volcanic chain, the so-called sunda complex. The geomorphological evolution of this region is marked by the subsidence of the sunda complex, the debris avalanches along the axis of the sunda complex, the plinian/ignimbritic eruptions of sunda-tangkuban parahu, and the reactivation of the west part of the lembang fault. The first event (0. 51-0. 105 ma) formed the basin and the fault scarps of lembang in the south of the complex, but it folded and thrusted up the northern footslopes, forming the mountain, the basin and the broken fold scarps of tambakan. The second event (between 0. 51 and 0. 105 ma, but after the subs...
Perubahan garis pantai dapat terjadi karena faktor alam atau campur tangan manusia seperti perkem... more Perubahan garis pantai dapat terjadi karena faktor alam atau campur tangan manusia seperti perkembangan delta atau reklamasi pantai, Dalam beberapa kasus, perubahan garis pantai dapat membentuk lahan baru yang disebut delta atau lahan timbul. Lahan baru yang terjadi di Delta Cipunagara terus mengalami penambahan seluas 138,9 ha (1962-1972); 757,3 ha (1972-1990) dan 623,0 ha (1990-2008) dengan laju masing-masing sebesar 13,9 ha/tahun, 42,1 ha/tahun dan 34,6 ha/tahun. Penggunaan lahan di lahan baru didominasi oleh tambak sebesar 26,0% (1972); 50,0% (1990) dan 67,8% (2008). Saat ini, lahan baru di Delta Cipunegara dikelola oleh masyarakat setempat dengan seijin kepala desa, yang diujudkan dalam bentuk Surat Izin Mengelola (SIM). Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan lahan baru belum jelas secara yuridis, sehingga dapat menjadi pemicu konflik. Oleh karena itu, kepastian kepemilikan lahan baru perlu segera ditangani oleh pemerintah untuk meminimumkan konflik sosial di masa datang. Kata ...
Sumatra island is located at conjunction point of Indo-Australia Plate and Eurasia Plate which mo... more Sumatra island is located at conjunction point of Indo-Australia Plate and Eurasia Plate which move continuesly throughout year. This movement provokes many natural disasters and one is landslide. This research aims: 1) to learn geophology condition of Agam District, and 2) to map landslie vulnerable and hazard area at Agam District. The methods used are (1) using SRTM to understand and map of geomorphology area, and (2) multicritera evaluation using weight and score system. The research results show that geomorphology of Agam Districr is very complex. The western area is coastal plain area, the eastern are is hilly and mountanoues area, at its located at Bukit Barisan Mountain Rigdes. The vulnerability data show that 54,3% areas belong to no vulnerabity status, 14,9% low vulnerability, 12,2% medium vulnerability, and 18,6% high vulnerability. Landslide hazard data shows that 51,3% belongs to no hazard, 14,9% low hazard, 20,2% medium hazard, and 13,6% high hazard. Category of medium...
Gejala perubahan penggunaan lahan dapat memicu terjadinya erosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk m... more Gejala perubahan penggunaan lahan dapat memicu terjadinya erosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab utama erosi parit (gully erosion) di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah pohon keputusan dengan parameter NDVI, lereng (kemiringan, kelengkungan, arah), dan elevasi. Citra Landsat 8 digunakan untuk analisis NDVI dan data SRTM untuk analisis lereng dan elevasi. Jumlah titik pengamatan lapangan (84 titik) ditentukan dari variasi satuan lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 67 titik satuan lahan ditemukan erosi parit yang tersebar di bentanglahan Dataran Tengah (4 titik), bentanglahan Gunungapi Lawu (7 titik), bentanglahan Gunungapi Wilis (27 titik), dan bentanglahan Pegunungan Selatan (29 titik). Berdasarkan klasifikasi erosi parit dari Zachar (1982) yang mempertimbangkan aspek kedalaman dan lebar parit, maka erosi parit yang ada tergolong ke dalam kelas A (1 titik), B (40 titik), C (15 titik), D (7 titik), E (4 titik). Hasil kla...
ABSTRAK Salak merupakan gunung api strato tipe A aktif di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sejak letusan pada... more ABSTRAK Salak merupakan gunung api strato tipe A aktif di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sejak letusan pada tahun 1938 sampai sekarang, gunung api ini jarang menunjukkan aktivitas yang signifikan, namun gunung api ini masih berbahaya bagi daerah sekitarnya. Salah satu bahaya vulkanik Salak yang sangat penting adalah bahaya lahar, karena curah hujan tahunan relatif tinggi, dan sebagian besar wilayah di sekitar lembah sungai di daerah distal terdapat pemukiman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi geomorfologi Gunung api Salak, serta menilai bahaya lahar menggunakan pendekatan morfometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sungai Cikuluwung memiliki tingkat bahaya lahar tertinggi (84,74 %), apalagi sungai terhubung langsung ke kawah aktif, yaitu Kawah Ratu. Karena kawah terletak di bagian lereng yang lebih rendah, maka lahar bisa mengalir menuju daerah distal dengan lebih cepat dari puncak, sehingga pengelolaan daerah distal di sekitar lembah Sungai Cikuluwung (terut...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021
This study aims to detect flooded rice paddies in Indonesia using remotely sensed data from a rel... more This study aims to detect flooded rice paddies in Indonesia using remotely sensed data from a relatively extensive flood that occurred in the Tegalluar area of Bojongsoang in the spring of 2018, which was observed by the Sentinel-1 and PlanetScope satellites. We propose an automatic thresholding method for the detection of flooded areas in rice paddy fields using Sentinel-1 C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data acquisitions from before and during flooding. The flood-detection accuracy was verified using visible and near-infrared images acquired by the PlanetScope satellites. The proposed method showed that the VV (transmit V and receive V polarizations) data outperformed the VH (transmit V and receive H polarizations) data in terms of correlation ratio and discriminant accuracy. The overall classification accuracy of the nonflooded and flooded areas reached 84.7% with the VV data and 80.6% with the VH data, including the error that resulted from the time difference in the data ...
Lava is one of main volcanic properties exposed during the eruption. Lava jlows have different ch... more Lava is one of main volcanic properties exposed during the eruption. Lava jlows have different characteristics on their age and morphology which affect their use as a natural resource. Mostly lava jlows are identified in situ or using the remote sensing especially multispectral and hyperspectral data. However, the cloud-cover in ;f"opical areas has been persistent. Therefore, a study by means ofSAR sensor is required as a complementary 1001 to previous schemes. With the availability offully polarized SAR dataset, it is expected that the data could . e assessed to identify various lava jlows in tropical area. The research aims to study combinations of SAR Signals as an aid for identifying the type of volcanic lava jlows. In addition, we are interested to assess polarimetric signatures of each object associated with their morphology using PALSAR data. Backscattering ::oefficients were observed on each lava jlow using 3 linear polarizations, HN. VVand VH The research was ocated in...
Remote sensing technology has been employed extensively for food crops mapping and monitoring. De... more Remote sensing technology has been employed extensively for food crops mapping and monitoring. Despi~e its widespread utilization, analyses have been limited to single set of data. Rice monitoring, ideally, requires time series data and therefore needs high revisit satellite configuration. Nonetheless, very limited research has been dedicated to time series data. This paper presents a study on the use of MODIS time series data for understanding various stages of rice growth in Subang Regency. Two widely-recognized vegetation indices were compared, namely Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). It is shown that 8-day temporal compositing scheme was unable to provide a proper dataset for this application. This suggests that detailed rice growth could be monitored solely in dry season.
Tanggamus Regency has great mining resources potential of 152 831 928 tons. In order to contribut... more Tanggamus Regency has great mining resources potential of 152 831 928 tons. In order to contribute maximally to the local economy with well-preserved environment then the mining management should be wise. This research aims to analyze the role of the mining sector to the regional economy, analyzing the change of land use 2000-2015, as well as preparing the development plan direction of mining area in Tanggamus Regency. The methods used in this study include analysis of input output with aggregation and RAS, satellite image classification, and overlapping map techniques The mining sector has high value of forward linkages which demonstrate the ability of the mining sector in driving the sector in the future to grow, but the mining sector has low value of backward linkages, hence the driving force of the upstream sectors also low. Changes in land use in Tanggamus District from 2000 to 2015 are dynamics. The most changing land is agricultural land turned into developed land of 5 168 ha...
GunungapiKelud merupakan gunungapi aktif yang sering melahirkan aliran lahar. Dalam sejarahnya al... more GunungapiKelud merupakan gunungapi aktif yang sering melahirkan aliran lahar. Dalam sejarahnya aliran lahar Kelud sering membawa korban. Lahar hasil letusan Kelud tahun 1990 telah menelan korban 33 orang dan menimbulkan banyak kerusakan sehingga upaya mitigasi ke depan sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pemetaan bentuklahan dan analisis morfometri bentuklahan untuk pemodelan bahaya aliran lahar Gunungapi Kelud di Kabupaten Kediri. Metode interpretasi visual terhadap citra SRTM digunakan untuk pemetaan bentuklahan, sedangkan untuk bahaya lahar digunakan analisis geomorfologi (morfometri) dengan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Kediri didominasi oleh bentuklahan dataran fluvio-vulkanik Gunungapi Kelud, sedangkan bentuklahan terkecil adalah perbukitan vulkanik. Citra SRTM resolusi 90 m cukup baik digunakan untuk identifikasi bentuklahan maupun informasi morfometri. Dengan asumsi persebaran piroklastik menyebar merat...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Dec 31, 2019
Some important government programs, such as Sustainable Agriculture Food Protection, in its imple... more Some important government programs, such as Sustainable Agriculture Food Protection, in its implementation need to be supported by tenure status of paddy field map. High resolution satellite imagery is data source that can be used for mapping of that data. The rice is a staple food for Indonesian people, however the conversion of paddy field into built-up area increase due to population growth and economic activity. This study aims to map the tenure status of paddy field and rice farming. Mapping of the tenure status is based on paddy fields parcel resulting from visual interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery and field verification. The tenure status of paddy fields were obtained from fieldwork with the census method on each parcel. Analysis of rice farming was assessed based on the area and tenure status of paddy fields. The results showed that the mapping accuracy of the parcel number was 96.72%. The spatial pattern of parcel based on owner and sharecropping categories show all have cluster patterns (NNI <1). Rice farming of paddy managed by owner or sharecropping are both still feasible (R/C ratio> 1) and the highest profit is >2 hectare, but those managed by owner is more profitable (R2 = 0.71).
Papers by Boedi Tjahjono