In 1906 the Argentinian author Leopoldo Lugones published Las fuerzas extranas. In this collectio... more In 1906 the Argentinian author Leopoldo Lugones published Las fuerzas extranas. In this collection of short stories Lugones places his interests in spiritism and science at the service of fiction and modernist prose. Lugones furthermore embraces aesthetically the theosophic doctrine envisaging a quest for absolute perfection through a process of renewal and reincarnation of the individual; it is within this framework that a number of apocalyptic episodes found in Las fuerzas extranas are to be interpreted, pointing as they do in an intertextual game to specific Biblical passages which illustrate the theosophic stand of the author.
Il Capitale Culturale: Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 2020
Il mate e un infuso che si ricava dalle foglie essiccate e triturate dell’arbusto Ilex paraguensi... more Il mate e un infuso che si ricava dalle foglie essiccate e triturate dell’arbusto Ilex paraguensis (o paraguayensis ) secondo la classificazione scientifica assegnagli nel 1822 dal botanico francese Auguste de Sainte Hilaire. Conosciuta gia in epoca pre-colombina, la bevanda era inizialmente diffusa presso gli indios guarani, popolazione dell’attuale Paraguay, ma poi si e propagata in altri territori della America Latina: Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru e alcune zone del sud del Brasile e del Cile. Il mate ha proprieta nutritive, toniche, diuretiche ed energetiche e per tali ragioni, secondo i suoi miti d’origine, sarebbe stato donato agli indios dagli dei. In ambito rioplatense, il mate e ancora oggi molto diffuso, ed e diventato una bevanda carica di significati che rinviano all’identita, alla meditazione, all’integrazione, oppure ad aspetti della vita quotidiana. Il saggio, utilizzando prevalentemente fonti letterarie o delle arti visuali, traccia una storia del mate da “rito d...
As a result of the “Racial Acts” of 1938, many Italian Jews chose to leave Italy between 1939 and... more As a result of the “Racial Acts” of 1938, many Italian Jews chose to leave Italy between 1939 and 1942. Most of them were academics, managers, entrepreneurs, diplomats, merchants and career officers, emigrating towards Switzerland, England, Australia, United States, India, Palestine or in Latin American countries. The new political situation led Argentina of the late ‘30s to promote new and more restrictive laws on immigration. This article is an account on how Italian Jews were able to overcome Argentinian legislation on immigration, providing follow-ups on their successful careers and activities in their respective professions and jobs.
Although the iconography of the Mexican Revolution witnesses the active presence of women (genera... more Although the iconography of the Mexican Revolution witnesses the active presence of women (generally defined soldaderas), historiography has long ignored their role and functions and even today there are not many studies dedicated to them. On the contrary, the literature has reported their existence since Los de abajo (1915) by Mariano Azuela up to the works of Elena Poniatowska, author of a classic text of testimonial literature (Hasta no verte Jesus mio, 1969), as well as editor of two collections of images (Las soldaderas, 1997 and La Adelita, 2006, in collaboration with Fernando Robles). The essay aims to analyze the importance of the participation of the soldaderas in the Mexican Revolution through the modes of representation that can be identified in the fiction on the subject, with incursions in painting, photography, cinema and theater.
Well known Hispanist and Hispano-America’s scholar, Lore Terracini (1925-1995), daughter of the m... more Well known Hispanist and Hispano-America’s scholar, Lore Terracini (1925-1995), daughter of the mathematician Alessandro and nephew of the linguist Benvenuto Aron, lived in Argentina, more precisely in Tucumán, from 1939 to 1947. Her family, Israelite, had been forced to leave Italy because of the Racist Laws promulgated by Mussolini in 1938. In Tucumán, her father and her uncle got assignments at University, where they have been able to establish an intellectual atmosphere of high-level criticism. Their openness to exchange and meeting between different cultures influenced also their sons and daughters, marking them throughout their lifetime. Lore Terracini, in her autobiographical texts, points out that this cultural predisposition led to a process of integration, enough to feel belonging to a double motherland, the Italian and the Argentinian, without forgetting, especially in the last years of her life, the Jewish identity.
In 1906 the Argentinian author Leopoldo Lugones published Las fuerzas extranas. In this collectio... more In 1906 the Argentinian author Leopoldo Lugones published Las fuerzas extranas. In this collection of short stories Lugones places his interests in spiritism and science at the service of fiction and modernist prose. Lugones furthermore embraces aesthetically the theosophic doctrine envisaging a quest for absolute perfection through a process of renewal and reincarnation of the individual; it is within this framework that a number of apocalyptic episodes found in Las fuerzas extranas are to be interpreted, pointing as they do in an intertextual game to specific Biblical passages which illustrate the theosophic stand of the author.
Il Capitale Culturale: Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 2020
Il mate e un infuso che si ricava dalle foglie essiccate e triturate dell’arbusto Ilex paraguensi... more Il mate e un infuso che si ricava dalle foglie essiccate e triturate dell’arbusto Ilex paraguensis (o paraguayensis ) secondo la classificazione scientifica assegnagli nel 1822 dal botanico francese Auguste de Sainte Hilaire. Conosciuta gia in epoca pre-colombina, la bevanda era inizialmente diffusa presso gli indios guarani, popolazione dell’attuale Paraguay, ma poi si e propagata in altri territori della America Latina: Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru e alcune zone del sud del Brasile e del Cile. Il mate ha proprieta nutritive, toniche, diuretiche ed energetiche e per tali ragioni, secondo i suoi miti d’origine, sarebbe stato donato agli indios dagli dei. In ambito rioplatense, il mate e ancora oggi molto diffuso, ed e diventato una bevanda carica di significati che rinviano all’identita, alla meditazione, all’integrazione, oppure ad aspetti della vita quotidiana. Il saggio, utilizzando prevalentemente fonti letterarie o delle arti visuali, traccia una storia del mate da “rito d...
As a result of the “Racial Acts” of 1938, many Italian Jews chose to leave Italy between 1939 and... more As a result of the “Racial Acts” of 1938, many Italian Jews chose to leave Italy between 1939 and 1942. Most of them were academics, managers, entrepreneurs, diplomats, merchants and career officers, emigrating towards Switzerland, England, Australia, United States, India, Palestine or in Latin American countries. The new political situation led Argentina of the late ‘30s to promote new and more restrictive laws on immigration. This article is an account on how Italian Jews were able to overcome Argentinian legislation on immigration, providing follow-ups on their successful careers and activities in their respective professions and jobs.
Although the iconography of the Mexican Revolution witnesses the active presence of women (genera... more Although the iconography of the Mexican Revolution witnesses the active presence of women (generally defined soldaderas), historiography has long ignored their role and functions and even today there are not many studies dedicated to them. On the contrary, the literature has reported their existence since Los de abajo (1915) by Mariano Azuela up to the works of Elena Poniatowska, author of a classic text of testimonial literature (Hasta no verte Jesus mio, 1969), as well as editor of two collections of images (Las soldaderas, 1997 and La Adelita, 2006, in collaboration with Fernando Robles). The essay aims to analyze the importance of the participation of the soldaderas in the Mexican Revolution through the modes of representation that can be identified in the fiction on the subject, with incursions in painting, photography, cinema and theater.
Well known Hispanist and Hispano-America’s scholar, Lore Terracini (1925-1995), daughter of the m... more Well known Hispanist and Hispano-America’s scholar, Lore Terracini (1925-1995), daughter of the mathematician Alessandro and nephew of the linguist Benvenuto Aron, lived in Argentina, more precisely in Tucumán, from 1939 to 1947. Her family, Israelite, had been forced to leave Italy because of the Racist Laws promulgated by Mussolini in 1938. In Tucumán, her father and her uncle got assignments at University, where they have been able to establish an intellectual atmosphere of high-level criticism. Their openness to exchange and meeting between different cultures influenced also their sons and daughters, marking them throughout their lifetime. Lore Terracini, in her autobiographical texts, points out that this cultural predisposition led to a process of integration, enough to feel belonging to a double motherland, the Italian and the Argentinian, without forgetting, especially in the last years of her life, the Jewish identity.
Papers by Camilla Cattarulla