El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar zonas propensas a la ocurrencia de aluviones e... more El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar zonas propensas a la ocurrencia de aluviones en la cuenca del río Jáchal (provincia de San Juan, Argentina). La cuenca del río Jáchal abarca una superficie de ~29.000 km 2 y un perímetro de ~2.400 km, mientras que el río homónimo se extiende por ~570 km. Es una cuenca de 7° orden, según la clasificación de Strahler, y debido a su extensión regional en este trabajo se subdivide en cuatro subcuencas a partir del 6° orden. Se analizaron, además, diversas características morfométricas de la cuenca y se calcularon algunos parámetros básicos y derivados. Estos cálculos son la base para predecir en forma aproximada el comportamiento de la cuenca ante la presencia de fuertes precipitaciones, lo que se traduce en importantes volúmenes de agua con caudales máximos capaces de generar aluviones significativos. La cuenca posee un carácter torrencial, por lo que ante precipitaciones intensas las condiciones del terreno contribuirían a incrementar el flujo de los ríos principales. Se realizó un inventario de depósitos aluvionales en la zona y se evaluó su relación con las variables condicionantes del terreno. En las zonas de confluencia, los afluentes muestran mayor vigorosidad en sus crecidas que el colector principal, lo que propicia la generación de aluviones. Las zonas más propensas a ser afectadas corresponden a terrenos poco rugosos con pendientes de hasta 15°, concentrados en zonas con bajo contenido de humedad, ubicadas en media ladera y bajada pedemontana orientadas al este, así como zonas bajas de llanuras de inundación y confluencia de tributarios sobre el lecho de los ríos principales. Centros poblados y rutas provinciales y nacionales podrían verse afectadas en caso de eventos aluvionales en la zona.
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, Apr 27, 2022
A morphotectonic characterization of the Talacasto River basin, located in the area of Precordill... more A morphotectonic characterization of the Talacasto River basin, located in the area of Precordillera Central, province of San Juan, Argentine, is presented to identify the main morphotectonic expressions of the relief, for the contribution to the regional seismotectonic characterization. A 12.5 meters' high resolution digital elevation model is used. The Talacasto River basin is defined under the Strahler criteria, into seven subbasins of fourth order. In this way, the necessary data for the characterization of their basic and derived parameters, longitudinal profiles of the main courses and knickpoints were obtained. The results indicate that the indices substantially differ from one sub-basin to another. The influence of Quaternary tectonic activity for the region is inferred from these results and analyzed individually river patterns, being the sub-basins located in the west of the study area the most affected.
Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina, 2019
This work analyzes various morphometric characteristics of river basins in order to evaluate debr... more This work analyzes various morphometric characteristics of river basins in order to evaluate debris flood or flash flood hazards. The chosen area includes a section of National Route 150 up to the International Border Pass to Chile, access to the future international tunnel of Agua Negra, between Argentina and Chile in a sector of the Western and Central Pre-Andean. One of the most important tools in hydrological analysis is the morphometric survey of a river basin, which allows establishing evaluation parameters on the behavior of the hydrological system of the river basin areas. Geographical information system (GIS) has emerged as an efficient tool in delineation of drainage pattern and ground water potential and its planning. A total of 122 river basins were identified and delineated, but only 3 (those of larger surface area) were selected for morphometric analysis and as a suitable case to evaluate the potential magnitude of flash floods in relation to their associated hazard level in the region. In addition, a peak discharge analysis was performed to predict approximately the behavior of the river basin in the presence of a series of theoretical rainstorms that may generate unusual runoff volumes that make up such flash floods. This study, when properly combined with geomorphology and geology analyses, helps to elaborate a primary hydrological diagnosis to predict the approximate behavior of the river basin at the time of heavy rainstorms.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar zonas propensas a la ocurrencia de aluviones e... more El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar zonas propensas a la ocurrencia de aluviones en la cuenca del río Jáchal (provincia de San Juan, Argentina). La cuenca del río Jáchal abarca una superficie de ~29.000 km 2 y un perímetro de ~2.400 km, mientras que el río homónimo se extiende por ~570 km. Es una cuenca de 7° orden, según la clasificación de Strahler, y debido a su extensión regional en este trabajo se subdivide en cuatro subcuencas a partir del 6° orden. Se analizaron, además, diversas características morfométricas de la cuenca y se calcularon algunos parámetros básicos y derivados. Estos cálculos son la base para predecir en forma aproximada el comportamiento de la cuenca ante la presencia de fuertes precipitaciones, lo que se traduce en importantes volúmenes de agua con caudales máximos capaces de generar aluviones significativos. La cuenca posee un carácter torrencial, por lo que ante precipitaciones intensas las condiciones del terreno contribuirían a incrementar el flujo de los ríos principales. Se realizó un inventario de depósitos aluvionales en la zona y se evaluó su relación con las variables condicionantes del terreno. En las zonas de confluencia, los afluentes muestran mayor vigorosidad en sus crecidas que el colector principal, lo que propicia la generación de aluviones. Las zonas más propensas a ser afectadas corresponden a terrenos poco rugosos con pendientes de hasta 15°, concentrados en zonas con bajo contenido de humedad, ubicadas en media ladera y bajada pedemontana orientadas al este, así como zonas bajas de llanuras de inundación y confluencia de tributarios sobre el lecho de los ríos principales. Centros poblados y rutas provinciales y nacionales podrían verse afectadas en caso de eventos aluvionales en la zona.
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, Apr 27, 2022
A morphotectonic characterization of the Talacasto River basin, located in the area of Precordill... more A morphotectonic characterization of the Talacasto River basin, located in the area of Precordillera Central, province of San Juan, Argentine, is presented to identify the main morphotectonic expressions of the relief, for the contribution to the regional seismotectonic characterization. A 12.5 meters' high resolution digital elevation model is used. The Talacasto River basin is defined under the Strahler criteria, into seven subbasins of fourth order. In this way, the necessary data for the characterization of their basic and derived parameters, longitudinal profiles of the main courses and knickpoints were obtained. The results indicate that the indices substantially differ from one sub-basin to another. The influence of Quaternary tectonic activity for the region is inferred from these results and analyzed individually river patterns, being the sub-basins located in the west of the study area the most affected.
Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina, 2019
This work analyzes various morphometric characteristics of river basins in order to evaluate debr... more This work analyzes various morphometric characteristics of river basins in order to evaluate debris flood or flash flood hazards. The chosen area includes a section of National Route 150 up to the International Border Pass to Chile, access to the future international tunnel of Agua Negra, between Argentina and Chile in a sector of the Western and Central Pre-Andean. One of the most important tools in hydrological analysis is the morphometric survey of a river basin, which allows establishing evaluation parameters on the behavior of the hydrological system of the river basin areas. Geographical information system (GIS) has emerged as an efficient tool in delineation of drainage pattern and ground water potential and its planning. A total of 122 river basins were identified and delineated, but only 3 (those of larger surface area) were selected for morphometric analysis and as a suitable case to evaluate the potential magnitude of flash floods in relation to their associated hazard level in the region. In addition, a peak discharge analysis was performed to predict approximately the behavior of the river basin in the presence of a series of theoretical rainstorms that may generate unusual runoff volumes that make up such flash floods. This study, when properly combined with geomorphology and geology analyses, helps to elaborate a primary hydrological diagnosis to predict the approximate behavior of the river basin at the time of heavy rainstorms.
Papers by Carla Ginesta Torcivia