Dr Che Azlan Taib is a Doctor of Philosophy in Quality Management from the Northern University of Malaysia (Universiti Utara Malaysia-UUM). Currently, he is the Director of Disaster Management at UUM. He also becomes a Head of Course Coordinator for Quality Management System (QMS: ISO 9000). He teaches Quality Management, Quality Management System, Strategic Management, and Research Methodology. In 2016 he received the Best Academic Award and Best Research Principal Researcher from School of Technology Management and Logistics.In the respect of research activities, he has been a Head of Research in several research projects. For example the Head of Knowledge Transfer Program Research, Because of his vast experience and high commitment, he was appointed as a Research Fellow for the Technology
Penawar Industries Sdn Bhd (Penawar), founded by Haji Shuib Mohd Isa (Hj Shuib) in Kedah as an SM... more Penawar Industries Sdn Bhd (Penawar), founded by Haji Shuib Mohd Isa (Hj Shuib) in Kedah as an SME, had been manufacturing the healthcare and cosmetic products under the brand name of ROJAM since 1992. During the past several years, Penawar had been struggling in sustaining the market share.The annual sales have started to drop significantly since 2001.On top of that, in 2008, the marketing manager who was very productive left the company due to family reason.Hj Shuib failed to find a new marketing manager who could replace the previous one with enough skills and high productivity.This added further headache to Hj Shuib.The company’s sales dropped to more than 80% in 2010 as compared with the peak year in 1998.The business result was getting bad and bad in a year by year which became worse in 2015. Hj Shuib finally took some crucial actions for sustainability of the company he founded.One of such key actions was to assign Hajah Rodina Shuib, the finance director and one of his daugh...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Private Institution of Higher Education Institutions (PvIHEs) in Malaysia is facing stiff competi... more Private Institution of Higher Education Institutions (PvIHEs) in Malaysia is facing stiff competition from local and international institutions that offers various programmes. The sustainability of PvIHEs is highly depending on several factors such as programmes offered, teaching and learning facilities, location, conducive environment, teaching staff and etc. The focus of this paper was to review the literature review of sustaining competitive advantage factors for PvIHEs. Furthermore in order to discover the technology capability perception of people on sustaining competitive advantage, an application of Theory of Planned Behaviour is applied. The Theory of Planned Behaviour was used by various researchers in various setting. The literature review of this study discloses the previous scholar on the related areas in sustaining competitive advantage, Theory of Planned Behavior and the perception of technology capability of a private higher education institution.
Globalisation of markets, the knowledge economy, e-business and introduction of new technologies ... more Globalisation of markets, the knowledge economy, e-business and introduction of new technologies pose new challenges to all organisations irrespective of their size and sector for sustaining their competitiveness. In this scenario successful implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) by firms can give them an edge over their competitors. It's in line with the report of Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), AMT in processing technology has widened the usage of local raw materials, expanding the range of products and increasing the investment absorbing capacity in the food industry. Most of the previous researches are conducted in measuring the impact AMT and organisation performance and limited research considering the impact towards sustainability. It was also noted the finding from previous researched are inconclusive between AMT and organisational performance. Hence, this study attempt to investigate the relationship between the AMT and organisati...
There are several types of library such as academic library, corporate library, government librar... more There are several types of library such as academic library, corporate library, government library, private library, school library, special library and public library. A public library is a library that is open to the public and generally funded by taxes of the municipal, state or federal level (New World Encyclopedia, 2015). The New World Encyclopedia also addressed that public library typically is lending library, allowing users to borrow books and other materials. It also has a non-circulating reference collection, and usually focuses on popular material such as fiction and movies, as well as educational and nonfiction materials of interest to the general public. Standing as a public library, Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kedah or Kedah Public Library (PPAK) is a part of the largest network of community organizations that are committed to improving the life outcomes for communities. PPAK received the mandate from the state government to serve the general information for public ne...
The most recent of increasing product failure among the automotive industry has encouraged the co... more The most recent of increasing product failure among the automotive industry has encouraged the companies to implement quality tools such as design failure mode effects analysis (DFMEA) to prevent its defects from occurring, and transferred to the customer.The aims DFMEA to satisfy customer and stakeholders.Therefore, the using quality tools in automotive company such as DFMEA of new product development and customer approach matrix (CAM) are rarely present.This study to address the case study regarding DFMEA and CAM of new product development of automotive company in Malaysia.Thus, the outcome of this case study contributes to the enhancement of quality tools such as DFMEA and CAM in the automotive sector.The methodological approach adopted in this paper is a case study at an automotive company in Malaysia.Data were gathered from various sources. The study is limited to a single case study, several parts of new model are chosen which considers of new product development of vehicles. ...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2017
Preventive Maintenance (PM) is one of the key approaches towards realizing the goal of organizati... more Preventive Maintenance (PM) is one of the key approaches towards realizing the goal of organization performance. Hence, it is extensively applied and become an important aspect in the manufacturing sectors. PM plays a pivotal role to avoid potential stoppages and disruptions of equipment from occurring in daily operations. PM utilizes total employee involvement in the maintenance activities to avoid potential disruptions, breakdowns, stoppages, and failures. Despite the sector contribution to the Malaysia economy for which the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) makes up 95% of the total manufacturers, preventive maintenance practices remain relatively lacking. In the highly competitive manufacturing industries, the ability and reliability of equipment is very important in order to achieve desired manufacturing performance. However, empirical evidence on the potential impact of PM practices towards manufacturing performance remains limited and indecisive. For Small Medium Enterprises (S...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2017
Maintenance has become an important aspect in the manufacturing environment. There are a number o... more Maintenance has become an important aspect in the manufacturing environment. There are a number of new technology and advancement in the manufacturing industry which can improve daily operations and production. In order to ensure smooth daily operations, the aspect of maintenance must be given a priority. A quality-oriented preventive maintenance practices such as preventive maintenance team, preventive maintenance strategy and planned maintenance can help to avoid any potential stoppages and disruptions of equipment from occurring in their daily operations. Preventive maintenance (PM), utilises total employee involvement in the maintenance activities. Operators and all employees should be actively involved in a maintenance programme that enable to avoid any disruptions, breakdowns, stoppages, failures, and so forth in order to improve manufacturing performance. Therefore, in the highly competitive manufacturing industries, the ability and reliability of equipment that well-maintain...
Today’s in an environment that is becoming increasingly global and challenging, the small and med... more Today’s in an environment that is becoming increasingly global and challenging, the small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) in Malaysia face new challenges with competitive, especially for strengthening the capacity and capability to enhance the performance of processing and production of high-quality products. This goal is one of the contribution through the use of a such quality tools likes statistical process control (SPC). SPC is a management tool techniques to control and improve processes in the production industry, but studies on the use of the SPC by the food industry in Malaysia is limited. The use of SPC such as control charts and analysis of process capability (Cp) enable food manufacturers to make decisions and improve quality of products produced to product defect, improve processes, ensure the reliability of the products and thus increase customer satisfaction. A survey was developed based on preliminary study for application of the SPC in the food industry involving in ...
Kajian empirikal ini bertujuan mengkaji dan membentuk konstruk tambahan yang boleh digunapakai ba... more Kajian empirikal ini bertujuan mengkaji dan membentuk konstruk tambahan yang boleh digunapakai bagi menambahbaik model pengukuran pencapaian prestasi Inatitusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT). Kajian-kajian mengenai pencapaian IPT telah banyak dijalanklan dan pelbagai model telah dikeluarkan, namun masih terdapat jurang-jurang yang boleh ditambahbahbaik, khususnya dengan mengambilkira perkhidmatan sokongan di IPT. Bagi tujuan tersebut satu kajian emprikal telah dijalankan di Kolej Penginapan Pelajar (DPP) SME Bank, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Seramai 300 responden telah terlibat bagi menjawab soal selidik yang merangkumi 51 soalan daripada 5 dimensi berbeza. Mereka terdiri daripada lelaki dan perempuan;, Melayu, Cina dan India; pelajar dari semester 1 hingga semester akhir dan terdiri dari pelbagai program pengajian. Ujian kobolehpercayaan telah dilakukan bagi mengesahkan instrumen tersebut berdasarkan kepada 3 kriteria utama iaitu nilai Coefficient Alpha (CA), Corrected Item-Total Corr...
As one of the national vision 2020’s implementation programs, the establishment of a national Qua... more As one of the national vision 2020’s implementation programs, the establishment of a national Quality Assurance system focusing on the quality of the programs offered in terms of the general criteria of the structure and process of higher education is timely. In relating to the program, this paper aims to explore the efforts and other issues associated with the development and implementation of quality assurance in higher education due to its role as a service organization, which is required to enhance their quality of services. One of the important pillars determining the quality of higher-education service delivery is the library’s quality management system. By using 46 public universities ’ libraries as the main sample, this study tested three hypotheses that are related to the nature of quality management practices by individual construct, as well as by aggregation value, and to what extent the difference to the numbers of staff and the type of organization will influence the qu...
Sejak sekian lama diperdebatkan berkenaan kualiti perkhidmatan.Namun sukar ditemui buku-buku berk... more Sejak sekian lama diperdebatkan berkenaan kualiti perkhidmatan.Namun sukar ditemui buku-buku berkenaan pengurusan kualiti yang membincangkan model dan peranan perpustakaan akademik dalam menyokong institusi pendidikan.Oleh itu buku ini ditulis hasil penelitian dan kajian penulis yang agak lama berkenaan pengurusan perpustakaan akademik.Buku ini dimasukkan beberapa model pengurusan kualiti yang berguna kepada sesebuah perpustakaan, khususnya kepada perpustakaan akademik. Seperti model Pengurusan Kualiti ISO 9001, Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award (MBNQA) dan The European Quality Award (EFQA). Dari segi aplikasi, buku ini amat baik dijadikan sumber rujukan kepada pegawai perpustakaan kerana ianya turut menghuraikan bagaimana pengurusan kualiti dalam senario perpustakaan sebagai sumber maklumat. Buku ini turut mengenengahkan falsafah-falsafah kualiti. Malahan bagi melengkapkan falsafah-falsafah kualiti tersebut, buku ini juga menghuraikan berkenaan anugerah-anugerah kualiti, ter...
In globally competitive manufacturing industry, the success of new product development has become... more In globally competitive manufacturing industry, the success of new product development has become more decisive an organization’s business performance. The organization needs to plan strategies to reduce defects by implementing various quality programs (Mitra, 2016) since many organizations still encounter product quality issues involving product recall, the escalation of warranty claims costs and product failures.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2016
Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Total Quality Management (TQM) are interrelated quality practic... more Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Total Quality Management (TQM) are interrelated quality practices toward achieving better quality performance. For Bangladesh Ready-Made Garments had grown significantly over the last decades in every term but unfortunately quality of locally produced goods is still an issue. Total quality management (TQM) is increasingly being adopted by garments companies as an initiative to solve quality problems and to meet the needs of the final customer. However, TQM should incorporate the integrated quality management activities of members in the supply chain. This supply chain context is especially salient in the quality assurance of Bangladesh RMG sector. Therefore, this paper aims to delineate the supply chain management issues in TQM practices to gain the sustainability in Bangladesh RMG sector where HRM (Human Resource Management) play the mediating role. As, it is notable to mention that in case of Bangladesh RMG sector most of the existing literature g...
There are ample established evidences on leadership as a critical success factors of TQM implemen... more There are ample established evidences on leadership as a critical success factors of TQM implementation and as mentioned by many authors is leadership, communication is proven to be the key skill for leaders. With the right communication skills being practiced by leaders, the team members or subordinates will be motivated to support and achieve the organization’s target. In addition, their commitment and cooperation will enhance the quality and productivity of the organization. Based on the findings from in-depth interviews conducted with 14 managers in various position, whom are from five manufacturing organizations in Malaysia, two of which are local organizations, two eastern and one representing western organization. The study concluded that, there is one main practice of communication applied by all organization, which is regulative function of communication practices. The second most practices is management function and followed by integrative-task oriented function. And, in m...
Kerangka Transformasi Perkhidmatan Awam (KTPA) dibangun berdasarkan prinsip dan landasan keutuhan... more Kerangka Transformasi Perkhidmatan Awam (KTPA) dibangun berdasarkan prinsip dan landasan keutuhan tadbir urus, patriotisme yang tinggi, nilai-nilai murni, etika korporat dan integriti, eko-sistem dan persekitaran perkhidmatan awam yang hamoni, terangkurn, pelbagai serta kemajuan sains dan teknologi.KTPA ini didokong oleh lirna Teras Strategik (TS) perkhidmatan awam iaitu medaya upaya bakat, merekayasa organisasi, merakyat penyampaian perkhidmatan, merangkum dan sepunya, dan membudaya nilai.Justeru agensi kerajaan mempunyai tanggundawab besar bagi mrealisasikan hasrat tersebut dan satu instrumen komprehensif wajar dibentuk.Sehubungan itu kajian ini membentangkan asas pembentukan kerangka persediaan pembuatan keputusan dan pembentukan strategik organisasi ke arah pencapaian transformasi tersebut.Tujuh dimensi dari model 7s Mckinsey telah digunakan untuk memahami kekuatan-kelemahan organisasi.Data dikumpul melalui soal selidii yang diadaptasi dari model 7s Mckinsey yang mempunyai 44 bi...
Based on the frequently unanticipated occurrences of natural landslide disaster across Malaysia, ... more Based on the frequently unanticipated occurrences of natural landslide disaster across Malaysia, it can be seen that Malaysia is still not fully prepared for occurrences of natural landslide disaster. The lack of predictive and warning systems for the disaster in the country is creating panic and apprehension among citizens alongside with both economic and property losses. The general objectives of this research are: to identify the meteorological factors that cause landslide natural disaster occurrences in Malaysia and to suggest a predictive model for landslide disaster occurrence in Malaysia. This research therefore explored modelling disasters occurrences in order to predict, warn, and prevent huge impact of landslide disasters in Penang, Malaysia. This research shall make use of past literatures and data from Malaysian Meteorological department considering climatic parameters such as daily mean temperature and daily rainfall only. Data mining and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2018
Perbadanan Perpustakaan Negeri Kedah (PPAK) was established in 1961. To determine whether the lib... more Perbadanan Perpustakaan Negeri Kedah (PPAK) was established in 1961. To determine whether the library is providing a good service has occupied the attention of PPAK management for many years. Thus, the library user survey has been conducted during the past few years. However, the study unable to place the correct position of library services. In order to determine in greater detail how the users perceived the various services offered by the PPAK, KANO model instrument was used. To achieve this objective, a set of questionnaire was prepared consisting of 50 items, and distributed to 500 respondents. Among these questionnaires, the valid numbers only 265 or 53%. Two hundred and thirty five was rejected because of filled out incompletely. At the first stage, the data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science Package (SPSS). Then, the second stage Microsoft excel was employed to categorize the Kano’s classification. The seven dimensions quality (easy to access, service...
The aim of this study is to determine the mediating role of the institute reputation between inst... more The aim of this study is to determine the mediating role of the institute reputation between institute social responsibility and student loyalty. The present study uses a multi-stage sampling technique, which first creates four clusters; including Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, and Lahore, and picks one cluster; namely Lahore, randomly for the purpose of the study. Second, proportionate sampling technique is used to calculate the proportionate values of every individual educational institute. Finally, systematic sampling is used to compute the sampling interval k th number of individual universities. Data are collected from the provincial capital city of Punjab province (Lahore) and a total of 511 questionnaires are distributed among postgraduate students under business education discipline of private HEIs, 206 questionnaires are excluded from the sample due to some missing and misleading values, and final analysis is run by using SmartPLS 3.2.8 on 345 questionnaires. Findings elucidate that institutes social responsibility did not have any direct relationship with student loyalty. However, institute social responsibility has indirect relationship with student loyalty thru the mediating variable of institute reputation. Institute reputation also has a significant and positive influence on student loyalty.
Penawar Industries Sdn Bhd (Penawar), founded by Haji Shuib Mohd Isa (Hj Shuib) in Kedah as an SM... more Penawar Industries Sdn Bhd (Penawar), founded by Haji Shuib Mohd Isa (Hj Shuib) in Kedah as an SME, had been manufacturing the healthcare and cosmetic products under the brand name of ROJAM since 1992. During the past several years, Penawar had been struggling in sustaining the market share.The annual sales have started to drop significantly since 2001.On top of that, in 2008, the marketing manager who was very productive left the company due to family reason.Hj Shuib failed to find a new marketing manager who could replace the previous one with enough skills and high productivity.This added further headache to Hj Shuib.The company’s sales dropped to more than 80% in 2010 as compared with the peak year in 1998.The business result was getting bad and bad in a year by year which became worse in 2015. Hj Shuib finally took some crucial actions for sustainability of the company he founded.One of such key actions was to assign Hajah Rodina Shuib, the finance director and one of his daugh...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Private Institution of Higher Education Institutions (PvIHEs) in Malaysia is facing stiff competi... more Private Institution of Higher Education Institutions (PvIHEs) in Malaysia is facing stiff competition from local and international institutions that offers various programmes. The sustainability of PvIHEs is highly depending on several factors such as programmes offered, teaching and learning facilities, location, conducive environment, teaching staff and etc. The focus of this paper was to review the literature review of sustaining competitive advantage factors for PvIHEs. Furthermore in order to discover the technology capability perception of people on sustaining competitive advantage, an application of Theory of Planned Behaviour is applied. The Theory of Planned Behaviour was used by various researchers in various setting. The literature review of this study discloses the previous scholar on the related areas in sustaining competitive advantage, Theory of Planned Behavior and the perception of technology capability of a private higher education institution.
Globalisation of markets, the knowledge economy, e-business and introduction of new technologies ... more Globalisation of markets, the knowledge economy, e-business and introduction of new technologies pose new challenges to all organisations irrespective of their size and sector for sustaining their competitiveness. In this scenario successful implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) by firms can give them an edge over their competitors. It's in line with the report of Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), AMT in processing technology has widened the usage of local raw materials, expanding the range of products and increasing the investment absorbing capacity in the food industry. Most of the previous researches are conducted in measuring the impact AMT and organisation performance and limited research considering the impact towards sustainability. It was also noted the finding from previous researched are inconclusive between AMT and organisational performance. Hence, this study attempt to investigate the relationship between the AMT and organisati...
There are several types of library such as academic library, corporate library, government librar... more There are several types of library such as academic library, corporate library, government library, private library, school library, special library and public library. A public library is a library that is open to the public and generally funded by taxes of the municipal, state or federal level (New World Encyclopedia, 2015). The New World Encyclopedia also addressed that public library typically is lending library, allowing users to borrow books and other materials. It also has a non-circulating reference collection, and usually focuses on popular material such as fiction and movies, as well as educational and nonfiction materials of interest to the general public. Standing as a public library, Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kedah or Kedah Public Library (PPAK) is a part of the largest network of community organizations that are committed to improving the life outcomes for communities. PPAK received the mandate from the state government to serve the general information for public ne...
The most recent of increasing product failure among the automotive industry has encouraged the co... more The most recent of increasing product failure among the automotive industry has encouraged the companies to implement quality tools such as design failure mode effects analysis (DFMEA) to prevent its defects from occurring, and transferred to the customer.The aims DFMEA to satisfy customer and stakeholders.Therefore, the using quality tools in automotive company such as DFMEA of new product development and customer approach matrix (CAM) are rarely present.This study to address the case study regarding DFMEA and CAM of new product development of automotive company in Malaysia.Thus, the outcome of this case study contributes to the enhancement of quality tools such as DFMEA and CAM in the automotive sector.The methodological approach adopted in this paper is a case study at an automotive company in Malaysia.Data were gathered from various sources. The study is limited to a single case study, several parts of new model are chosen which considers of new product development of vehicles. ...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2017
Preventive Maintenance (PM) is one of the key approaches towards realizing the goal of organizati... more Preventive Maintenance (PM) is one of the key approaches towards realizing the goal of organization performance. Hence, it is extensively applied and become an important aspect in the manufacturing sectors. PM plays a pivotal role to avoid potential stoppages and disruptions of equipment from occurring in daily operations. PM utilizes total employee involvement in the maintenance activities to avoid potential disruptions, breakdowns, stoppages, and failures. Despite the sector contribution to the Malaysia economy for which the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) makes up 95% of the total manufacturers, preventive maintenance practices remain relatively lacking. In the highly competitive manufacturing industries, the ability and reliability of equipment is very important in order to achieve desired manufacturing performance. However, empirical evidence on the potential impact of PM practices towards manufacturing performance remains limited and indecisive. For Small Medium Enterprises (S...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2017
Maintenance has become an important aspect in the manufacturing environment. There are a number o... more Maintenance has become an important aspect in the manufacturing environment. There are a number of new technology and advancement in the manufacturing industry which can improve daily operations and production. In order to ensure smooth daily operations, the aspect of maintenance must be given a priority. A quality-oriented preventive maintenance practices such as preventive maintenance team, preventive maintenance strategy and planned maintenance can help to avoid any potential stoppages and disruptions of equipment from occurring in their daily operations. Preventive maintenance (PM), utilises total employee involvement in the maintenance activities. Operators and all employees should be actively involved in a maintenance programme that enable to avoid any disruptions, breakdowns, stoppages, failures, and so forth in order to improve manufacturing performance. Therefore, in the highly competitive manufacturing industries, the ability and reliability of equipment that well-maintain...
Today’s in an environment that is becoming increasingly global and challenging, the small and med... more Today’s in an environment that is becoming increasingly global and challenging, the small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) in Malaysia face new challenges with competitive, especially for strengthening the capacity and capability to enhance the performance of processing and production of high-quality products. This goal is one of the contribution through the use of a such quality tools likes statistical process control (SPC). SPC is a management tool techniques to control and improve processes in the production industry, but studies on the use of the SPC by the food industry in Malaysia is limited. The use of SPC such as control charts and analysis of process capability (Cp) enable food manufacturers to make decisions and improve quality of products produced to product defect, improve processes, ensure the reliability of the products and thus increase customer satisfaction. A survey was developed based on preliminary study for application of the SPC in the food industry involving in ...
Kajian empirikal ini bertujuan mengkaji dan membentuk konstruk tambahan yang boleh digunapakai ba... more Kajian empirikal ini bertujuan mengkaji dan membentuk konstruk tambahan yang boleh digunapakai bagi menambahbaik model pengukuran pencapaian prestasi Inatitusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT). Kajian-kajian mengenai pencapaian IPT telah banyak dijalanklan dan pelbagai model telah dikeluarkan, namun masih terdapat jurang-jurang yang boleh ditambahbahbaik, khususnya dengan mengambilkira perkhidmatan sokongan di IPT. Bagi tujuan tersebut satu kajian emprikal telah dijalankan di Kolej Penginapan Pelajar (DPP) SME Bank, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Seramai 300 responden telah terlibat bagi menjawab soal selidik yang merangkumi 51 soalan daripada 5 dimensi berbeza. Mereka terdiri daripada lelaki dan perempuan;, Melayu, Cina dan India; pelajar dari semester 1 hingga semester akhir dan terdiri dari pelbagai program pengajian. Ujian kobolehpercayaan telah dilakukan bagi mengesahkan instrumen tersebut berdasarkan kepada 3 kriteria utama iaitu nilai Coefficient Alpha (CA), Corrected Item-Total Corr...
As one of the national vision 2020’s implementation programs, the establishment of a national Qua... more As one of the national vision 2020’s implementation programs, the establishment of a national Quality Assurance system focusing on the quality of the programs offered in terms of the general criteria of the structure and process of higher education is timely. In relating to the program, this paper aims to explore the efforts and other issues associated with the development and implementation of quality assurance in higher education due to its role as a service organization, which is required to enhance their quality of services. One of the important pillars determining the quality of higher-education service delivery is the library’s quality management system. By using 46 public universities ’ libraries as the main sample, this study tested three hypotheses that are related to the nature of quality management practices by individual construct, as well as by aggregation value, and to what extent the difference to the numbers of staff and the type of organization will influence the qu...
Sejak sekian lama diperdebatkan berkenaan kualiti perkhidmatan.Namun sukar ditemui buku-buku berk... more Sejak sekian lama diperdebatkan berkenaan kualiti perkhidmatan.Namun sukar ditemui buku-buku berkenaan pengurusan kualiti yang membincangkan model dan peranan perpustakaan akademik dalam menyokong institusi pendidikan.Oleh itu buku ini ditulis hasil penelitian dan kajian penulis yang agak lama berkenaan pengurusan perpustakaan akademik.Buku ini dimasukkan beberapa model pengurusan kualiti yang berguna kepada sesebuah perpustakaan, khususnya kepada perpustakaan akademik. Seperti model Pengurusan Kualiti ISO 9001, Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award (MBNQA) dan The European Quality Award (EFQA). Dari segi aplikasi, buku ini amat baik dijadikan sumber rujukan kepada pegawai perpustakaan kerana ianya turut menghuraikan bagaimana pengurusan kualiti dalam senario perpustakaan sebagai sumber maklumat. Buku ini turut mengenengahkan falsafah-falsafah kualiti. Malahan bagi melengkapkan falsafah-falsafah kualiti tersebut, buku ini juga menghuraikan berkenaan anugerah-anugerah kualiti, ter...
In globally competitive manufacturing industry, the success of new product development has become... more In globally competitive manufacturing industry, the success of new product development has become more decisive an organization’s business performance. The organization needs to plan strategies to reduce defects by implementing various quality programs (Mitra, 2016) since many organizations still encounter product quality issues involving product recall, the escalation of warranty claims costs and product failures.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2016
Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Total Quality Management (TQM) are interrelated quality practic... more Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Total Quality Management (TQM) are interrelated quality practices toward achieving better quality performance. For Bangladesh Ready-Made Garments had grown significantly over the last decades in every term but unfortunately quality of locally produced goods is still an issue. Total quality management (TQM) is increasingly being adopted by garments companies as an initiative to solve quality problems and to meet the needs of the final customer. However, TQM should incorporate the integrated quality management activities of members in the supply chain. This supply chain context is especially salient in the quality assurance of Bangladesh RMG sector. Therefore, this paper aims to delineate the supply chain management issues in TQM practices to gain the sustainability in Bangladesh RMG sector where HRM (Human Resource Management) play the mediating role. As, it is notable to mention that in case of Bangladesh RMG sector most of the existing literature g...
There are ample established evidences on leadership as a critical success factors of TQM implemen... more There are ample established evidences on leadership as a critical success factors of TQM implementation and as mentioned by many authors is leadership, communication is proven to be the key skill for leaders. With the right communication skills being practiced by leaders, the team members or subordinates will be motivated to support and achieve the organization’s target. In addition, their commitment and cooperation will enhance the quality and productivity of the organization. Based on the findings from in-depth interviews conducted with 14 managers in various position, whom are from five manufacturing organizations in Malaysia, two of which are local organizations, two eastern and one representing western organization. The study concluded that, there is one main practice of communication applied by all organization, which is regulative function of communication practices. The second most practices is management function and followed by integrative-task oriented function. And, in m...
Kerangka Transformasi Perkhidmatan Awam (KTPA) dibangun berdasarkan prinsip dan landasan keutuhan... more Kerangka Transformasi Perkhidmatan Awam (KTPA) dibangun berdasarkan prinsip dan landasan keutuhan tadbir urus, patriotisme yang tinggi, nilai-nilai murni, etika korporat dan integriti, eko-sistem dan persekitaran perkhidmatan awam yang hamoni, terangkurn, pelbagai serta kemajuan sains dan teknologi.KTPA ini didokong oleh lirna Teras Strategik (TS) perkhidmatan awam iaitu medaya upaya bakat, merekayasa organisasi, merakyat penyampaian perkhidmatan, merangkum dan sepunya, dan membudaya nilai.Justeru agensi kerajaan mempunyai tanggundawab besar bagi mrealisasikan hasrat tersebut dan satu instrumen komprehensif wajar dibentuk.Sehubungan itu kajian ini membentangkan asas pembentukan kerangka persediaan pembuatan keputusan dan pembentukan strategik organisasi ke arah pencapaian transformasi tersebut.Tujuh dimensi dari model 7s Mckinsey telah digunakan untuk memahami kekuatan-kelemahan organisasi.Data dikumpul melalui soal selidii yang diadaptasi dari model 7s Mckinsey yang mempunyai 44 bi...
Based on the frequently unanticipated occurrences of natural landslide disaster across Malaysia, ... more Based on the frequently unanticipated occurrences of natural landslide disaster across Malaysia, it can be seen that Malaysia is still not fully prepared for occurrences of natural landslide disaster. The lack of predictive and warning systems for the disaster in the country is creating panic and apprehension among citizens alongside with both economic and property losses. The general objectives of this research are: to identify the meteorological factors that cause landslide natural disaster occurrences in Malaysia and to suggest a predictive model for landslide disaster occurrence in Malaysia. This research therefore explored modelling disasters occurrences in order to predict, warn, and prevent huge impact of landslide disasters in Penang, Malaysia. This research shall make use of past literatures and data from Malaysian Meteorological department considering climatic parameters such as daily mean temperature and daily rainfall only. Data mining and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2018
Perbadanan Perpustakaan Negeri Kedah (PPAK) was established in 1961. To determine whether the lib... more Perbadanan Perpustakaan Negeri Kedah (PPAK) was established in 1961. To determine whether the library is providing a good service has occupied the attention of PPAK management for many years. Thus, the library user survey has been conducted during the past few years. However, the study unable to place the correct position of library services. In order to determine in greater detail how the users perceived the various services offered by the PPAK, KANO model instrument was used. To achieve this objective, a set of questionnaire was prepared consisting of 50 items, and distributed to 500 respondents. Among these questionnaires, the valid numbers only 265 or 53%. Two hundred and thirty five was rejected because of filled out incompletely. At the first stage, the data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science Package (SPSS). Then, the second stage Microsoft excel was employed to categorize the Kano’s classification. The seven dimensions quality (easy to access, service...
The aim of this study is to determine the mediating role of the institute reputation between inst... more The aim of this study is to determine the mediating role of the institute reputation between institute social responsibility and student loyalty. The present study uses a multi-stage sampling technique, which first creates four clusters; including Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, and Lahore, and picks one cluster; namely Lahore, randomly for the purpose of the study. Second, proportionate sampling technique is used to calculate the proportionate values of every individual educational institute. Finally, systematic sampling is used to compute the sampling interval k th number of individual universities. Data are collected from the provincial capital city of Punjab province (Lahore) and a total of 511 questionnaires are distributed among postgraduate students under business education discipline of private HEIs, 206 questionnaires are excluded from the sample due to some missing and misleading values, and final analysis is run by using SmartPLS 3.2.8 on 345 questionnaires. Findings elucidate that institutes social responsibility did not have any direct relationship with student loyalty. However, institute social responsibility has indirect relationship with student loyalty thru the mediating variable of institute reputation. Institute reputation also has a significant and positive influence on student loyalty.
Papers by Che Taib