Bei 24 Kuhen mit leichtgradigen Rusterholz-Sohlenge-schwuren wurde unter kontrollierten Bedingung... more Bei 24 Kuhen mit leichtgradigen Rusterholz-Sohlenge-schwuren wurde unter kontrollierten Bedingungen uber ei-nen Zeitraum von 50 Tagen der Heilungsverlauf uberpruft. Wahrend der Heilungsphase kam es bei 14 Tieren zu einer mikroskopisch sichtbaren Verbesserung der Hornstruktur (Gruppe A). Bei 10 Tieren konnte keine Verbesserung und zum Teil sogar eine Verschlechterung der Hornqualitat nachgewiesen werden (Gruppe B). Die Resultate der blut-chemischen Untersuchungen am Tag 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 und 50 wurden zwischen Gruppe A und B verglichen. Die durchschnittlichen Serumenzymaktivitaten der GLDH, ALT, AP, γ -GT und LDH lagen bei den Kuhen der Gruppe B zu jedem Messpunkt hoher als bei den Tieren der Gruppe A. Bei der AP und der GLDH war der Unterschied signifikant. Die Tiere mit einer Verschlechterung der Hornqualitat (Gruppe B) zeigten durchschnittlich signifikant niedrigere Vitamin-A-Konzentrationen als diejenigen mit einer Verbes-serung (Gruppe A). Die Ergebnisse bestatigen den bekann-ten Einfluss von Vitamin A auf die Wundheilung. Der unter-schiedliche Verlauf der zur Diagnose von Parenchymscha-den der Leber verwendeten Enzyme GLDH, ALT, AP, γ -GT und LDH weist darauf hin, dass eine subklinische Ein-schrankung der Leberfunktion bei Kuhen zu einer Beein-trachtigung der Heilung von Sohlengeschwuren beitragen kann.
Sole ulcers are the most frequently encountered lesion in lame cattle. They are of growing concer... more Sole ulcers are the most frequently encountered lesion in lame cattle. They are of growing concern to the dairy industry since the incidence of ulcers is increasing. Ulcers cause financial losses, the animal's wellbeing is disturbed to a high degree and they harm the image of the industry in general. Biomechanic factors and laminitis are of particular significance in the pathogenesis of the sole ulcer. The development of sole contusions and ulcers is assumed to occur in 3 phases (Sinking theory). In the first phase there is a general disturbance in the vascular system of the corium. The second phase follows when the structures that suspend the claw bone within the horn shoe give way. The locus minoris resistentiae has yet to be identified. The claw bone sinks and causes various lesions when it pinches the underlying sole or heel corium. The third phase begins when haemorrhages become visible on the horn surface of the sole or when the sole ulcerates; socalled third phase lesions. The relationship between the development of sole ulcers and anatomical structures such as the claw bone's tuberculum flexorium or the fat bodies under the bone are unclear. Epidemiological studies have shown that sole ulcers have a high rate of recurrence. The healing processes and the factors that influence them have hitherto not been studied.
The mural suspensory apparatus of third phalanx and its supportive heel cushion were examined in ... more The mural suspensory apparatus of third phalanx and its supportive heel cushion were examined in 19 cows with an ulcer at the 'typical' site (Rusterholz ulcer) to gain information on the pathogenesis of sole and heel ulcers. The claws of 17 healthy controls were used for comparison. The left hind claws, frozen at -20 degrees C, were sectioned in one longitudinal and four transverse planes with a band saw. The thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, the corium and the extent of displacement of the third phalanx were measured at defined sites on these sections. In addition, the suspensory apparatus, the tissue layer connecting the third phalanx to the dorsal wall of the horn capsule, was examined histologically. There was a direct relationship between the displacement of the third phalanx and ulceration of the sole or heel; in all the ulcerated claws the third phalanx had dropped and the corium and the subcutis under the bone were thinner than in the controls. The supportive cushions of the cows with ulcers contained less fat tissue. There was no histological evidence of damage to the epidermis or the corioepidermal junction in the ulcerated claws nor were the lamellae elongated. Similarly, there were no morphological changes in the connective tissue layer, the submural dermis.
A four months pregnant, four‐year‐old Brown Swiss cow with mandibular fractures of the right hori... more A four months pregnant, four‐year‐old Brown Swiss cow with mandibular fractures of the right horizontal ramus and the symphysis was treated surgically with a new pinless external fixator. Healing was complicated by the sequestration of bone at the fracture site. After the sequestrum had been removed a radiographic examination revealed that the fracture had healed completely.
Bei 24 Kuhen mit leichtgradigen Rusterholz-Sohlenge-schwuren wurde unter kontrollierten Bedingung... more Bei 24 Kuhen mit leichtgradigen Rusterholz-Sohlenge-schwuren wurde unter kontrollierten Bedingungen uber ei-nen Zeitraum von 50 Tagen der Heilungsverlauf uberpruft. Wahrend der Heilungsphase kam es bei 14 Tieren zu einer mikroskopisch sichtbaren Verbesserung der Hornstruktur (Gruppe A). Bei 10 Tieren konnte keine Verbesserung und zum Teil sogar eine Verschlechterung der Hornqualitat nachgewiesen werden (Gruppe B). Die Resultate der blut-chemischen Untersuchungen am Tag 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 und 50 wurden zwischen Gruppe A und B verglichen. Die durchschnittlichen Serumenzymaktivitaten der GLDH, ALT, AP, γ -GT und LDH lagen bei den Kuhen der Gruppe B zu jedem Messpunkt hoher als bei den Tieren der Gruppe A. Bei der AP und der GLDH war der Unterschied signifikant. Die Tiere mit einer Verschlechterung der Hornqualitat (Gruppe B) zeigten durchschnittlich signifikant niedrigere Vitamin-A-Konzentrationen als diejenigen mit einer Verbes-serung (Gruppe A). Die Ergebnisse bestatigen den bekann-ten Einfluss von Vitamin A auf die Wundheilung. Der unter-schiedliche Verlauf der zur Diagnose von Parenchymscha-den der Leber verwendeten Enzyme GLDH, ALT, AP, γ -GT und LDH weist darauf hin, dass eine subklinische Ein-schrankung der Leberfunktion bei Kuhen zu einer Beein-trachtigung der Heilung von Sohlengeschwuren beitragen kann.
Sole ulcers are the most frequently encountered lesion in lame cattle. They are of growing concer... more Sole ulcers are the most frequently encountered lesion in lame cattle. They are of growing concern to the dairy industry since the incidence of ulcers is increasing. Ulcers cause financial losses, the animal's wellbeing is disturbed to a high degree and they harm the image of the industry in general. Biomechanic factors and laminitis are of particular significance in the pathogenesis of the sole ulcer. The development of sole contusions and ulcers is assumed to occur in 3 phases (Sinking theory). In the first phase there is a general disturbance in the vascular system of the corium. The second phase follows when the structures that suspend the claw bone within the horn shoe give way. The locus minoris resistentiae has yet to be identified. The claw bone sinks and causes various lesions when it pinches the underlying sole or heel corium. The third phase begins when haemorrhages become visible on the horn surface of the sole or when the sole ulcerates; socalled third phase lesions. The relationship between the development of sole ulcers and anatomical structures such as the claw bone's tuberculum flexorium or the fat bodies under the bone are unclear. Epidemiological studies have shown that sole ulcers have a high rate of recurrence. The healing processes and the factors that influence them have hitherto not been studied.
The mural suspensory apparatus of third phalanx and its supportive heel cushion were examined in ... more The mural suspensory apparatus of third phalanx and its supportive heel cushion were examined in 19 cows with an ulcer at the 'typical' site (Rusterholz ulcer) to gain information on the pathogenesis of sole and heel ulcers. The claws of 17 healthy controls were used for comparison. The left hind claws, frozen at -20 degrees C, were sectioned in one longitudinal and four transverse planes with a band saw. The thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, the corium and the extent of displacement of the third phalanx were measured at defined sites on these sections. In addition, the suspensory apparatus, the tissue layer connecting the third phalanx to the dorsal wall of the horn capsule, was examined histologically. There was a direct relationship between the displacement of the third phalanx and ulceration of the sole or heel; in all the ulcerated claws the third phalanx had dropped and the corium and the subcutis under the bone were thinner than in the controls. The supportive cushions of the cows with ulcers contained less fat tissue. There was no histological evidence of damage to the epidermis or the corioepidermal junction in the ulcerated claws nor were the lamellae elongated. Similarly, there were no morphological changes in the connective tissue layer, the submural dermis.
A four months pregnant, four‐year‐old Brown Swiss cow with mandibular fractures of the right hori... more A four months pregnant, four‐year‐old Brown Swiss cow with mandibular fractures of the right horizontal ramus and the symphysis was treated surgically with a new pinless external fixator. Healing was complicated by the sequestration of bone at the fracture site. After the sequestrum had been removed a radiographic examination revealed that the fracture had healed completely.
Papers by Christoph Lischer