Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as espécies do componente arbóreo com... more Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as espécies do componente arbóreo comuns do bioma Mata Atlântica na região fitoecológica da Floresta Estacional Decidual em Santa Catarina. Para isso, analisaram-se os dados coletados pelo Inventário Florístico-Florestal de Santa Catarina (IFFSC) em 78 unidades amostrais (UA), os conglomerados com 0,40 ha cada um, totalizando 31,2 ha. Foram utilizados os dados do levantamento fitossociológico para o componente arbóreo, com DAP ≥ 10cm. Para a classificação das espécies quanto às formas de raridade utilizou-se a metodologia que permite segregar sete diferentes formas de raridades, além de uma categoria das espécies comuns. As formas de raridade, bem como as espécies ditas comuns, podem ser evidenciadas a partir de três variáveis: distribuição geográfica, especificidade por habitat e tamanho populacional. Foram analisadas 208 espécies arbóreas, sendo que 54,33% apresentaram alguma forma de raridade e 45,67% foram consideradas ...
This study aimed to determine the tree structure, floristic composition and species diversity in ... more This study aimed to determine the tree structure, floristic composition and species diversity in the Araucaria State Park, southern Brazil. We allocated 100 plots of 100 m2 (1 ha) each one, and we recorded all trees with diameters at breast height ≥ 5 cm. We sampled 1368 individuals of 106 species, 75 genera and 44 families. Fabaceae, Lauraceae and Myrtaceae showed the greatest richness of species. The diversity of tree species was high (H ‘= 3.96), although the observed richness was less than the estimated one. The basal area was 46.88 m2 ha-1. We observed an intrinsic association between Araucaria angustifolia and Nectandra megapotamica, and a predominance of secondary and zoochorous (> 70%) species. Endangered and vulnerable species in the Santa Catarina state, such as Araucaria angustifolia, Cedrela fissilis, Dicksonia sellowiana and Ocotea porosa were sampled in the Park, highlighting its importance for the conservation of the Mixed Ombrophylous Forest.
The Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil has been considered to have the highest number of tree... more The Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil has been considered to have the highest number of tree species per hectare in the world. Assessing the influence of climate on tropical tree species is a priority in the face of ongoing climate change, and for which dendrochronological studies have been important. We address the dendrochronological potential of Licaria bahiana Kurz (Lauraceae), an endemic species of the Atlantic forests. We studied growth ring anatomy of L. bahiana and applied dendrochronological methods to investigate how short-term variation in climate affect its radial growth. Distinct growth rings were observed in all individuals and demarcated by darker tangential fiber zones in latewood. Trees showed high climatic sensitivity (0.48) and growth synchrony (intercorrelation r = 0.69; rbar = 0.38). Radial growth was negatively influenced by high temperatures at the beginning of the current growing season (r =-0.46) and by excessive rainfall at the end of the current growing season (r =-0.29), which are periods that correspond to the phenological reproductive phases of the species. Climate anomalies during this period may alter the tradeoff between growth and reproduction, in favor of the latter.
As dendrochronology noticeably increased in tropical regions during the last three decades, some ... more As dendrochronology noticeably increased in tropical regions during the last three decades, some general patterns could emerge from comprehensive analyses of case studies. Here, we investigated the state of dendrochronology's contributions to the bioclimatology of wood species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (AF). We asked: Which species and sites had cross-datable growth-ring series suitable for bioclimatic inference? What were the sampling and analytical methods applied? What do these studies tell us about plant-growth sensitivity to climate conditions? Which knowledge gaps may be identified? For this, we searched for articles addressing climate-growth relationships by means of cross-dated growth-ring chronologies within the AF. We found 11 articles, covering 16 chronologies from 10 species. The average number of trees in chronologies was 16 individuals. 87% of chronologies suggested a positive precipitation signal, and some positive temperature signal was identified in all chronologies that were compared to monthly or seasonal temperature series. The findings are supported by the specialized literature, which points out the influence of precipitation in the tropics. However, making stronger conclusions about the role of climate on the growth of AF tree species will require greater efforts in surveying the diverse tree flora and developing rigorous cross-dated chronologies.
In this study, we present the first tree-ring chronology for the tropical tree species Copaifera ... more In this study, we present the first tree-ring chronology for the tropical tree species Copaifera lucens and its climatic signal in southeastern Brazil. Tree-ring width series were compared with local climate indices using a drought index (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index-SPEI), in monthly, bimonthly and fourmonthly scales. We also calculated negative pointer years over the time-span of the tree-ring width. The radial growth of C. lucens showed a positive correlation with the SPEI of the current summer and autumn in all the three analyzed time scales, while the negative pointer years matched with drier years. The species was highly sensitive to very low summer precipitation, which may lead to a 49% reduction in growth. We conclude that the long-living C. lucens has a great potential for dendrochronological studies as it shows a marked climatic signal. Our study also reinforces the importance of rainfall in regulating radial growth in tropical forests and sheds light on the local climate influence on tree growth in recent decades.
ABSTRACTThe wood anatomy of Copaifera lucens Dwyer was studied with an emphasis on its growth rin... more ABSTRACTThe wood anatomy of Copaifera lucens Dwyer was studied with an emphasis on its growth ring boundaries. Growth rings are visible to the naked eye and demarcated by marginal parenchyma bands and, sometimes, by thick-walled fibers in the latewood. Secretory canals are associated with marginal parenchyma bands, but not all marginal parenchyma bands are associated with canals. Paratracheal parenchyma is vasicentric to lozenge-aliform. Rays are 1–4-seriate, heterocellular and non-storied. Vessels are visible to the naked eye, diffuse, predominantly solitary, some in multiples, sometimes filled with gums. Crystals present. Wood anatomical characteristics of C. lucens are in agreement with those previously reported for other species of Copaifera. In addition to what had already been described for C. lucens, we observed gelatinous fibers, and some bifurcate fibers, and extremely rare clustered vessels. The growth ring boundaries are well-defined in mature wood but less distinctive ne...
We present the first wood anatomy description for the rare species Dinizia jueirana-facao G. P. L... more We present the first wood anatomy description for the rare species Dinizia jueirana-facao G. P. Lewis & G. S. Siqueira, which grows in a megadiverse tropical forest subjected to rainfall seasonality, in SE Brazil. Growth rings are visible to the naked eye and demarcated by thin marginal parenchyma bands and, sometimes, by thick-walled fibers in the latewood. Axial paratracheal parenchyma is vasicentric to lozenge aliform with short confluences. Rays are 2–6-seriate, homocellular (procumbent cells) and non-storied. Vessels are visible to the naked eye, some irregular clusters, with diffuse distribution, sometimes filled with gums. Crystals are absent. Intercellular canals of traumatic origin are present. In general, wood anatomical characteristics of D. jueirana-facao agree with those previously reported for other Mimosoid species. As other cooccurring Fabaceae, the studied species has visible growth rings, but more conspicuous than reported for its sister species. Growth rings in D. jueirana-facao are likely triggered by the marked rainfall seasonality.
Demandas conflitantes em relação à partição dos recursos afetam o fitness das plantas e podem ser... more Demandas conflitantes em relação à partição dos recursos afetam o fitness das plantas e podem ser divergentes entre fêmeas e machos. Neste estudo, utilizou-se Araucaria angustifolia para analisar se o investimento reprodutivo afeta de forma diferente o crescimento radial entre machos e fêmeas. Para isso, aplicaram-se técnicas usuais em dendrocronologia. Foram datadas 40 árvores, sendo 20 para cada grupo de estudo, totalizando 80 raios analisados. Os resultados preliminares apontam estrutura etária com árvores de 31 a 124 anos (média=64 anos) e estrutura horizontal com DAPs entre 11,8 a 76,4 cm (média=32,18 cm). Não há relação entre a idade e o DAP dentro dos grupos Macho e Fêmea. A datação-cruzada foi realizada para oito árvores, sendo metade para cada grupo. A correlação mínima entre todas as árvores datadas foi de r=0.2 e a máxima de r=0.7. Estes resultados demonstram um padrão de crescimento sincrônico entre as árvores e corroboram estudos que apontam o elevado potencial de A. angustifolia para dendrocronologia. Para testar a taxa de crescimento entre os grupos Macho e Fêmea, foi utilizado o período de crescimento comum para pelo menos quatro árvores nos grupos (>1940). Houve diferença significativa entre o crescimento de machos e fêmeas. Porém, ao contrário da hipótese apresentada, as fêmeas cresceram mais que os machos. Em média, os machos cresceram 1,79 mm/ano, enquanto as fêmeas 2,0 mm/ano. Outros estudos apontam essa mesma tendência no crescimento de A. angustifolia, especialmente para os últimos 20 anos. Estudos adicionais sobre fisiologia envolvendo a demanda conflitante entre crescimento e reprodução entre os sexos, bem como demais demandas fisiológicas, são importantes para compreender as complexas relações entre crescimento e reprodução em A. angustifolia.
A pressão antrópica sobre a Araucaria angustifolia levou ao declínio da espécie. Neste contexto, ... more A pressão antrópica sobre a Araucaria angustifolia levou ao declínio da espécie. Neste contexto, as unidades de conservação são fundamentais para sua conservação e onde é possível encontrar muitos indivíduos longevos. Árvores longevas, como a A. angustifolia, são importante para a dendrocronologia, ciência que subsidia outras áreas de pesquisa. Nosso objetivo foi investigar como se dá o crescimento radial de A. angustifolia em uma floresta preservada em Unidade de Conservação. Para isso, aplicamos técnicas usuais em estudos dendrocronológicos. Confirmamos o sincronismo dos anéis de crescimento de A. angustifolia para o sítio estudado e sua sensibilidade climática nesse ambiente. A estrutura etária apresenta árvores com idade média estimada de 66 anos (47-88 anos). A. angustifolia mostrou taxa anual de crescimento radial superior a outros estudos. Isto pode ser reflexo do bom estado de conservação da área e/ou da característica climática regional.
(The rarity of tree species of Lauraceae on the plateau of Santa Catarina State, Brazil). The rar... more (The rarity of tree species of Lauraceae on the plateau of Santa Catarina State, Brazil). The rare species are particularly important from the point of view of conservation ecology and evolutionary biology, and often become the focus for policy decisions. The objective was to evaluate the Lauraceae rarity sampled by the Floristic Forest Inventory of Santa Catarina in Deciduous Forest (DF) and Araucaria Forest (AF). Data were collected in 234 sampling units of 0.40 ha each, recording trees with diameter at breast height ≥ 10 cm. We used Rabinowitzʼs methodology to segregate rare and common species, considering three variables: geographic distribution, habitat specificity, and population size. Of the 37 species, 59.46% were rare and 40.54% were common. 56.76% of the species were eurytopic and 59.46% euryecious. 2.70% of the species were exclusive of DF, 67.57% exclusive of AF, and 29.73% occurred in both. This analysis contributed to the understanding of the rarity of the species in the studied region and it can also contribute to conservation actions for this family on Santa Catarina plateau, since most species are somewhat rare and intense forest fragmentation is the current scenario. RESUMO-(A raridade das espécies arbóreas de Lauraceae no planalto do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil). As espécies raras são particularmente importantes do ponto de vista da conservação, ecologia e biologia evolutiva, além de ser frequentemente o foco para decisões políticas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a raridade de Lauraceae amostradas pelo Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina na Floresta Estacional Decidual e na Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Coletaram-se dados em 234 unidades amostrais com 0,40 ha cada, registrando-se árvores com diâmetro na altura de 1,30m ≥ 10 cm. Foi utilizada a metodologia Rabinowitz para segregar as espécies em raras ou comuns, considerando três variáveis: distribuição geográfica, especificidade por habitat e tamanho populacional. Das 37 espécies, 59,46% apresentaram raridade e 40,54% foram comuns. Classificou-se 56,76% das espécies como euritópica e 59,46% eurioica. Das espécies, 2,70% foram exclusivas da Floresta Estacional Decidual, 67,57% exclusivas da Floresta Ombrófila Mista e 29,73% ocorreram em ambas. Esta análise colaborou para a compreensão da raridade das espécies da região estudada e pode contribuir para ações de conservação dessa família no planalto catarinense, uma vez que a maior parte das espécies é de alguma forma rara e o cenário atual é de intenso processo de fragmentação florestal. Palavras-chave: análise de raridade, Floresta Atlântica, canelas
Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as espécies do componente arbóreo com... more Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as espécies do componente arbóreo comuns do bioma Mata Atlântica na região fitoecológica da Floresta Estacional Decidual em Santa Catarina. Para isso, analisaram-se os dados coletados pelo Inventário Florístico-Florestal de Santa Catarina (IFFSC) em 78 unidades amostrais (UA), os conglomerados com 0,40 ha cada um, totalizando 31,2 ha. Foram utilizados os dados do levantamento fitossociológico para o componente arbóreo, com DAP ≥ 10cm. Para a classificação das espécies quanto às formas de raridade utilizou-se a metodologia que permite segregar sete diferentes formas de raridades, além de uma categoria das espécies comuns. As formas de raridade, bem como as espécies ditas comuns, podem ser evidenciadas a partir de três variáveis: distribuição geográfica, especificidade por habitat e tamanho populacional. Foram analisadas 208 espécies arbóreas, sendo que 54,33% apresentaram alguma forma de raridade e 45,67% foram consideradas ...
This study aimed to determine the tree structure, floristic composition and species diversity in ... more This study aimed to determine the tree structure, floristic composition and species diversity in the Araucaria State Park, southern Brazil. We allocated 100 plots of 100 m2 (1 ha) each one, and we recorded all trees with diameters at breast height ≥ 5 cm. We sampled 1368 individuals of 106 species, 75 genera and 44 families. Fabaceae, Lauraceae and Myrtaceae showed the greatest richness of species. The diversity of tree species was high (H ‘= 3.96), although the observed richness was less than the estimated one. The basal area was 46.88 m2 ha-1. We observed an intrinsic association between Araucaria angustifolia and Nectandra megapotamica, and a predominance of secondary and zoochorous (> 70%) species. Endangered and vulnerable species in the Santa Catarina state, such as Araucaria angustifolia, Cedrela fissilis, Dicksonia sellowiana and Ocotea porosa were sampled in the Park, highlighting its importance for the conservation of the Mixed Ombrophylous Forest.
The Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil has been considered to have the highest number of tree... more The Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil has been considered to have the highest number of tree species per hectare in the world. Assessing the influence of climate on tropical tree species is a priority in the face of ongoing climate change, and for which dendrochronological studies have been important. We address the dendrochronological potential of Licaria bahiana Kurz (Lauraceae), an endemic species of the Atlantic forests. We studied growth ring anatomy of L. bahiana and applied dendrochronological methods to investigate how short-term variation in climate affect its radial growth. Distinct growth rings were observed in all individuals and demarcated by darker tangential fiber zones in latewood. Trees showed high climatic sensitivity (0.48) and growth synchrony (intercorrelation r = 0.69; rbar = 0.38). Radial growth was negatively influenced by high temperatures at the beginning of the current growing season (r =-0.46) and by excessive rainfall at the end of the current growing season (r =-0.29), which are periods that correspond to the phenological reproductive phases of the species. Climate anomalies during this period may alter the tradeoff between growth and reproduction, in favor of the latter.
As dendrochronology noticeably increased in tropical regions during the last three decades, some ... more As dendrochronology noticeably increased in tropical regions during the last three decades, some general patterns could emerge from comprehensive analyses of case studies. Here, we investigated the state of dendrochronology's contributions to the bioclimatology of wood species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (AF). We asked: Which species and sites had cross-datable growth-ring series suitable for bioclimatic inference? What were the sampling and analytical methods applied? What do these studies tell us about plant-growth sensitivity to climate conditions? Which knowledge gaps may be identified? For this, we searched for articles addressing climate-growth relationships by means of cross-dated growth-ring chronologies within the AF. We found 11 articles, covering 16 chronologies from 10 species. The average number of trees in chronologies was 16 individuals. 87% of chronologies suggested a positive precipitation signal, and some positive temperature signal was identified in all chronologies that were compared to monthly or seasonal temperature series. The findings are supported by the specialized literature, which points out the influence of precipitation in the tropics. However, making stronger conclusions about the role of climate on the growth of AF tree species will require greater efforts in surveying the diverse tree flora and developing rigorous cross-dated chronologies.
In this study, we present the first tree-ring chronology for the tropical tree species Copaifera ... more In this study, we present the first tree-ring chronology for the tropical tree species Copaifera lucens and its climatic signal in southeastern Brazil. Tree-ring width series were compared with local climate indices using a drought index (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index-SPEI), in monthly, bimonthly and fourmonthly scales. We also calculated negative pointer years over the time-span of the tree-ring width. The radial growth of C. lucens showed a positive correlation with the SPEI of the current summer and autumn in all the three analyzed time scales, while the negative pointer years matched with drier years. The species was highly sensitive to very low summer precipitation, which may lead to a 49% reduction in growth. We conclude that the long-living C. lucens has a great potential for dendrochronological studies as it shows a marked climatic signal. Our study also reinforces the importance of rainfall in regulating radial growth in tropical forests and sheds light on the local climate influence on tree growth in recent decades.
ABSTRACTThe wood anatomy of Copaifera lucens Dwyer was studied with an emphasis on its growth rin... more ABSTRACTThe wood anatomy of Copaifera lucens Dwyer was studied with an emphasis on its growth ring boundaries. Growth rings are visible to the naked eye and demarcated by marginal parenchyma bands and, sometimes, by thick-walled fibers in the latewood. Secretory canals are associated with marginal parenchyma bands, but not all marginal parenchyma bands are associated with canals. Paratracheal parenchyma is vasicentric to lozenge-aliform. Rays are 1–4-seriate, heterocellular and non-storied. Vessels are visible to the naked eye, diffuse, predominantly solitary, some in multiples, sometimes filled with gums. Crystals present. Wood anatomical characteristics of C. lucens are in agreement with those previously reported for other species of Copaifera. In addition to what had already been described for C. lucens, we observed gelatinous fibers, and some bifurcate fibers, and extremely rare clustered vessels. The growth ring boundaries are well-defined in mature wood but less distinctive ne...
We present the first wood anatomy description for the rare species Dinizia jueirana-facao G. P. L... more We present the first wood anatomy description for the rare species Dinizia jueirana-facao G. P. Lewis & G. S. Siqueira, which grows in a megadiverse tropical forest subjected to rainfall seasonality, in SE Brazil. Growth rings are visible to the naked eye and demarcated by thin marginal parenchyma bands and, sometimes, by thick-walled fibers in the latewood. Axial paratracheal parenchyma is vasicentric to lozenge aliform with short confluences. Rays are 2–6-seriate, homocellular (procumbent cells) and non-storied. Vessels are visible to the naked eye, some irregular clusters, with diffuse distribution, sometimes filled with gums. Crystals are absent. Intercellular canals of traumatic origin are present. In general, wood anatomical characteristics of D. jueirana-facao agree with those previously reported for other Mimosoid species. As other cooccurring Fabaceae, the studied species has visible growth rings, but more conspicuous than reported for its sister species. Growth rings in D. jueirana-facao are likely triggered by the marked rainfall seasonality.
Demandas conflitantes em relação à partição dos recursos afetam o fitness das plantas e podem ser... more Demandas conflitantes em relação à partição dos recursos afetam o fitness das plantas e podem ser divergentes entre fêmeas e machos. Neste estudo, utilizou-se Araucaria angustifolia para analisar se o investimento reprodutivo afeta de forma diferente o crescimento radial entre machos e fêmeas. Para isso, aplicaram-se técnicas usuais em dendrocronologia. Foram datadas 40 árvores, sendo 20 para cada grupo de estudo, totalizando 80 raios analisados. Os resultados preliminares apontam estrutura etária com árvores de 31 a 124 anos (média=64 anos) e estrutura horizontal com DAPs entre 11,8 a 76,4 cm (média=32,18 cm). Não há relação entre a idade e o DAP dentro dos grupos Macho e Fêmea. A datação-cruzada foi realizada para oito árvores, sendo metade para cada grupo. A correlação mínima entre todas as árvores datadas foi de r=0.2 e a máxima de r=0.7. Estes resultados demonstram um padrão de crescimento sincrônico entre as árvores e corroboram estudos que apontam o elevado potencial de A. angustifolia para dendrocronologia. Para testar a taxa de crescimento entre os grupos Macho e Fêmea, foi utilizado o período de crescimento comum para pelo menos quatro árvores nos grupos (>1940). Houve diferença significativa entre o crescimento de machos e fêmeas. Porém, ao contrário da hipótese apresentada, as fêmeas cresceram mais que os machos. Em média, os machos cresceram 1,79 mm/ano, enquanto as fêmeas 2,0 mm/ano. Outros estudos apontam essa mesma tendência no crescimento de A. angustifolia, especialmente para os últimos 20 anos. Estudos adicionais sobre fisiologia envolvendo a demanda conflitante entre crescimento e reprodução entre os sexos, bem como demais demandas fisiológicas, são importantes para compreender as complexas relações entre crescimento e reprodução em A. angustifolia.
A pressão antrópica sobre a Araucaria angustifolia levou ao declínio da espécie. Neste contexto, ... more A pressão antrópica sobre a Araucaria angustifolia levou ao declínio da espécie. Neste contexto, as unidades de conservação são fundamentais para sua conservação e onde é possível encontrar muitos indivíduos longevos. Árvores longevas, como a A. angustifolia, são importante para a dendrocronologia, ciência que subsidia outras áreas de pesquisa. Nosso objetivo foi investigar como se dá o crescimento radial de A. angustifolia em uma floresta preservada em Unidade de Conservação. Para isso, aplicamos técnicas usuais em estudos dendrocronológicos. Confirmamos o sincronismo dos anéis de crescimento de A. angustifolia para o sítio estudado e sua sensibilidade climática nesse ambiente. A estrutura etária apresenta árvores com idade média estimada de 66 anos (47-88 anos). A. angustifolia mostrou taxa anual de crescimento radial superior a outros estudos. Isto pode ser reflexo do bom estado de conservação da área e/ou da característica climática regional.
(The rarity of tree species of Lauraceae on the plateau of Santa Catarina State, Brazil). The rar... more (The rarity of tree species of Lauraceae on the plateau of Santa Catarina State, Brazil). The rare species are particularly important from the point of view of conservation ecology and evolutionary biology, and often become the focus for policy decisions. The objective was to evaluate the Lauraceae rarity sampled by the Floristic Forest Inventory of Santa Catarina in Deciduous Forest (DF) and Araucaria Forest (AF). Data were collected in 234 sampling units of 0.40 ha each, recording trees with diameter at breast height ≥ 10 cm. We used Rabinowitzʼs methodology to segregate rare and common species, considering three variables: geographic distribution, habitat specificity, and population size. Of the 37 species, 59.46% were rare and 40.54% were common. 56.76% of the species were eurytopic and 59.46% euryecious. 2.70% of the species were exclusive of DF, 67.57% exclusive of AF, and 29.73% occurred in both. This analysis contributed to the understanding of the rarity of the species in the studied region and it can also contribute to conservation actions for this family on Santa Catarina plateau, since most species are somewhat rare and intense forest fragmentation is the current scenario. RESUMO-(A raridade das espécies arbóreas de Lauraceae no planalto do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil). As espécies raras são particularmente importantes do ponto de vista da conservação, ecologia e biologia evolutiva, além de ser frequentemente o foco para decisões políticas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a raridade de Lauraceae amostradas pelo Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina na Floresta Estacional Decidual e na Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Coletaram-se dados em 234 unidades amostrais com 0,40 ha cada, registrando-se árvores com diâmetro na altura de 1,30m ≥ 10 cm. Foi utilizada a metodologia Rabinowitz para segregar as espécies em raras ou comuns, considerando três variáveis: distribuição geográfica, especificidade por habitat e tamanho populacional. Das 37 espécies, 59,46% apresentaram raridade e 40,54% foram comuns. Classificou-se 56,76% das espécies como euritópica e 59,46% eurioica. Das espécies, 2,70% foram exclusivas da Floresta Estacional Decidual, 67,57% exclusivas da Floresta Ombrófila Mista e 29,73% ocorreram em ambas. Esta análise colaborou para a compreensão da raridade das espécies da região estudada e pode contribuir para ações de conservação dessa família no planalto catarinense, uma vez que a maior parte das espécies é de alguma forma rara e o cenário atual é de intenso processo de fragmentação florestal. Palavras-chave: análise de raridade, Floresta Atlântica, canelas
Por dendrocronologia, investigamos se o crescimento de Araucaria angustifolia está associado com ... more Por dendrocronologia, investigamos se o crescimento de Araucaria angustifolia está associado com o clima local. A. angustifolia mostrou crescimento sincrônico, influenciado por variáveis climáticas. Ela mostra bom desempenho de crescimento em verões com precipitação abundante e primaveras frescas.
Papers by Cláudia Fontana