Dennis Heinemann
Dennis Heinemann is the Senior Advisor for Fisheries and Ecosystems at the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, where he has worked since 2011. Dr. Heinemann holds master’s degrees in avian ecology and applied statistics, and a Ph.D. in marine ecology. His research experience includes community dynamics, oil spill impacts, population dynamics, fisheries bycatch of protected species, fish stock-assessment modeling, fisheries management and policy, and marine protected area policy and design. During the 2000's, Dennis was a senior scientist with Ocean Conservancy, where supported science based advocacy in the areas of fisheries management, marine protected areas and climate change. For much of the 1990s, Dr. Heinemann was a senior research scientist in the Division of Marine Research of Australia’s Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organization, where he worked on interactions between longline fisheries and seabirds, marine reserve design and performance, and human impacts on nearshore marine ecosystems. Prior to that, he held a variety of academic and research positions in the United States, during which time he undertook scientific studies of the pelagic community dynamics of seabirds in Alaska and Antarctica.
Papers by Dennis Heinemann