Background: Hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-infected patients should recover within a few weeks. However,... more Background: Hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-infected patients should recover within a few weeks. However, even those with mild versions can have signs and symptoms lasting four weeks or longer. These post-COVID conditions (PCC) comprise various new, returning, or ongoing conditions and symptoms that can last months, years, or cause disability. There have been no studies of PCC using self-reporting by discharged SARS-CoV-2-infected patients to complement clinical and biomarker studies. Objective: Investigate self-reported, persistent PCC among SARS-CoV-2-infected patients discharged during the pandemic's second and third waves. Methods: Following a literature review, an ad hoc paper questionnaire on PCC was designed, pretested, and posted to all eligible inpatients discharged between October 2020 and April 2021. At four months after discharge, we collected data on PCC and scores for the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI), the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4), a Brief Memory Screening Scale (Q3PC), and a post-traumatic stress disorder scale (PCL-5). Descriptive, inferential, and multivariate linear regression statistics were computed to assess PCC symptomatology, associations, and differences regarding sociodemographic characteristics and hospital length of stay (LOS). We computed whether our variables of interest could significantly predict patients' MFI scores. Results: Of the 1993 valid questionnaires returned, 245 were from discharged SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. That subsample's median age was 71. Only 28.2% of SARS-CoV-2 infected respondents were symptom-free after four months. Significant differences were found between men's and women's numbers of PCC symptoms (P = .003) and LOS (P > .001): men had more symptoms and longer LOS. No significant differences were found between age groups (P = .500) and hospitalization units (P = .092). Significant differences were found between self-reported PHQ-4 scores during hospitalization and four months after (P < .001), with higher scores among hospitalized patients. Three-quarters (76.4%) of the respondents affected by COVID-19 reported memory loss and concentration disorders (Q3PC). No significant differences regarding the median MFI score of 56 were found in the sociodemographic variables. Significant differences were found between the median PCL-5 score and LOS, with higher scores among respondents with longer stays (P = .009). Multivariate linear regression allowed us to calculate that the combination of PHQ-4, Q3PC, and PCL-5 scores, adjusted for age, sex, and LOS, did not significantly predict MFI scores (R2 = 0.093 (F (3/197) = 1.500; P = .216 adjusted R2 = 0.061.). Conclusions: The majority of SARS-CoV-2-infected inpatients presented with PCCs at four months after discharge, with
Explore-the Journal of Science and Healing, Sep 1, 2016
Objective: To assess the attitudes of physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and midwives towar... more Objective: To assess the attitudes of physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and midwives towards complementary medicine (CM) at a Swiss academic hospital and towards its use for treating chronic pain. Design: The cross-sectional survey took place from October to December 2013. Setting: An email sent to 4,925 healthcare professionals (1,969 physicians, 2,372 nurses, 145 physical therapists, and 111 midwives) working at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, invited them to answer a web-based questionnaire. Results: The questionnaire was answered by 1,247 healthcare professionals (response rate: 25.3%). Of these, 96.1% strongly agreed or agreed that CM could be useful for the treatment of chronic pain, with more nurses (96.7%) and midwives (100%) than physicians (93.8%) agreeing that CM could be useful (p<0.001 for both comparisons). Women had a more positive attitude towards CM than men (97.8% versus 91.2%; p <0.001). Of the respondents, 96.9% were strongly in favor or in favor of offering CM, especially hypnosis (89.8%), osteopathy (85.5%), and acupuncture (83.4%), at the hospital for treating chronic pain. Respondents listed migraine (74.7%), tension headaches (70.6%), and low back pain (70.1%) as three main conditions for which they would refer patients for acupuncture. The three therapies with which respondents were the most unfamiliar were neuraltherapy (57.2%), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) (54.1%), and biofeedback (51.9%). Over half of 3 respondents, 58.3%, had never referred a patient to a CM practitioner. A total of 84.3% of the respondents felt that they lacked the knowledge to inform their patients about CM.
Usant du pretexte de l'hypnose, cet ouvrage vise a explorer le contexte complexe des relation... more Usant du pretexte de l'hypnose, cet ouvrage vise a explorer le contexte complexe des relations qui se tissent entre les humains, en particulier lorsqu'ils en font usage pour se soigner. Dans ce premier volume de la collection HypnoseS, anthropologues, philosophes, ecrivains, pretres, medecins, psychologues laissent tout simplement place aux humains qu'ils sont et a ceux qu'ils rencontrent quotidiennement dans leur vie. Il ne s'agit de rien d'autre que de laisser l'hypnose nous endormir sur ce que l'on dit d'elle et sur ses pretendues techniques, pour nous eveiller intensement a la relation humaine « ordinaire » faite de reconnaissance reciproque, de conversations, de recits, de reveries et d'imagination... Sommaire : Plaidoyer pour l'inaccessibilite de l'Autre (Christophe Gallaz) ; Ce «corps» dont la medecine est censee «prendre soin» (Jean-Francois Malherbe) ; Relation therapeutique et machines communicationnelles (Eric Bonvin) ; Reconnaissance et anthropologie generale(Francois Flahault) ; Hommage a Edouard Zarifian (Edward Storms) ; Lorsque resonne la poesie du monde (Entretien avec Edgar Morin) ; Danser au rythme de la musique de la vie du monde (Entretien avec Francois Roustang) ; Le baiser du Prince (Gerard Salem) ; Les conversations hypnotiques (Bernard Forthomme)
BACKGROUND Hospitalized patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 should recover within a few weeks. Howe... more BACKGROUND Hospitalized patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 should recover within a few weeks. However, even those with mild versions can have signs and symptoms that last four weeks or longer. These post-COVID conditions (PCCs) comprise various new, returning, or ongoing conditions and symptoms that can last months, years, or cause disability. OBJECTIVE Investigate self-reported, persistent PCCs among patients discharged during the pandemic’s second and third waves. METHODS Following a literature review, an ad hoc questionnaire on PCCs was designed, pretested on four discharged patients, and sent to all eligible inpatients discharged between October 2020 and April 2021. At 4–6 months after discharge, we collected data on PCCs and scores for the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI), the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4), a Brief Memory Screening Scale (Q3PC), and a post-traumatic stress disorder scale (PCL-5). Descriptive, inferential, and multivariate linear regression statistics were computed to assess PCC symptomatology, associations, and differences regarding sociodemographic characteristics and hospital length of stay (LOS). RESULTS Of 1994 valid questionnaires, 1749 were returned by non-infected patients and 245 were returned by SARS-CoV-2-positive patients. The overall sample’s median age was 64 (62 and 71 for the non-infected and infected, respectively). Only 28.2% of SARS-CoV-2 infected respondents were symptom-free after 4–6 months. Significant differences were found between men’s and women’s numbers of PCC symptoms (p=.003) and LOS (p&gt;.001). No significant differences were found between age groups (p=.500) and hospitalization units (p=.092). Significant differences were found between the self-reported PHQ-4 scores during the hospitalization and four months after (p&lt;.001), with higher scores among hospitalized patients. Three-quarters (76.4%) of the respondents affected by COVID-19 reported memory loss and concentration disorders (Q3PC). No significant differences regarding the median MFI score of 56 were found in the sociodemographic variables. Significant differences were found between the median PCL-5 score and LOS, with higher scores among respondents with longer stays (p = .009). Multivariate linear regression allowed us to calculate that the combination of PHQ-4, Q3PC, and PCL-5 scores, adjusted for age, sex, and LOS, did not significantly predict MFI scores (R2 = 0.093 (F (3/197) = 1.500; p = .216 adjusted R2 = .061.). CONCLUSIONS The majority of inpatients infected with SARS-CoV-2 presented with PCCs at 4–6 months after discharge, with complex clinical pictures. Only one-third of those infected were symptom-free during that time. More research is needed to explore PCCs based on the self-reported health experiences of discharged inpatients who have been infected by SARS-CoV-2. CLINICALTRIAL not applicable
L'evolution du systeme sanitaire suisse est largement determinee par le long processus de mis... more L'evolution du systeme sanitaire suisse est largement determinee par le long processus de mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur l'assurance maladie (LAMal). Parmi les exigences instaurees par cette loi figure celle de l'obligation des cantons de concevoir une planification hospitaliere continue et basee sur des criteres et parametres verifiables qui contingente les ressources par une « liste hospitaliere » de reference qui determine les lits dont le financement peut etre assure selon les modalites de la LAMal. Face a cette exigence, la conference suisse des ministres cantonaux de la sante (CDS) a defini des lignes directrices en la matiere et, en l'occurrence, s'est clairement prononcee pour une planification distincte de la psychiatrie qui, en raison de ses specificites, appelle a une planification non pas uniquement hospitaliere mais globale qui va de la promotion de la sante mentale a l'activite psychiatrique hospitaliere. C'est precisement a cette ambition que repond le rapport de planification presente dans ce document. Une autre exigence posee par la LAMal en matiere de planification formule la necessite d'organiser les ressources sanitaires en reponse aux besoins de la population identifies selon des normes verifiables. Il s'agit en d'autres termes de faire en sorte que tous les citoyens necessitant des soins aient acces de facon libre et equitable a des services sanitaires de qualite dans un contexte economique hautement competitif. La planification, l'organisation et l'integration des soins est aujourd'hui, la facon par laquelle les societes developpees, partout dans le monde, esperent maitriser les tensions et les contradictions qui sont a l'origine des dysfonctionnements de leur systeme de sante. Elles tentent ainsi remedier a la fragmentation des soins, a l'utilisation inadequate des competences, a l'acces inequitable a certains services, aux attentes de la population a l'egard du systeme de soins (a la fois considerables et contradictoires), aux tensions grandissantes qui existent entre la dynamique de croissance du systeme de soins et les pressions economiques qui resultent de la necessite pour l'Etat d'equilibrer son budget. Apres la presentation du contexte socioeconomique dans lequel prend place la planification de la sante mentale en Valais, le present ouvrage propose une estimation minutieuse des besoins de la population valaisanne en proie a la souffrance psychique puis des ressources disponibles et necessaires pour y repondre adequatement. Il propose egalement une analyse des besoins exprimes par les institutions publiques lorsqu'elles deleguent des tâches a la psychiatrie (activites etatiques deleguees). Sur la base de ces analyses, ce document pose ensuite les bases d'un processus d'accompagnement de la mise en oeuvre de la planification fonde sur la dynamique de la gouvernance clinique. Gouvernance qui se definit comme l'aptitude des acteurs du terrain a integrer et cordonner les flux informationnels qui organisent et rendent compte de leurs activites. C'est ainsi que sont definis les indicateurs permettant de suivre autant le processus de planification que celui de l'activite institutionnelle ainsi que les outils et moyens de recueillir, traiter et analyser les informations qu'ils produisent en matiere de gestion institutionnelle, de qualite, de securite, de gestion des ressources humaines, de formation et de recherche. Autant d'aspects qui sont evalues et analyses dans le processus de planification presente. Accompagne d'un tableau de bord synoptique, d'un manuel des indicateurs et d'un programme d'evaluation et de recherche scientifiques, cet ouvrage propose les fondements d'un veritable processus de planification sanitaire de la sante mentale et de la psychiatrie.
To cite: Bonvin E, Tacchini-Jacquier N, Monnay S, et al. Protocol for a patientreported experienc... more To cite: Bonvin E, Tacchini-Jacquier N, Monnay S, et al. Protocol for a patientreported experience measures (PREMs) survey of patients discharged during the COVID-19 pandemic and their family caregivers. BMJ Open 2021;11:e047033.
Background: Hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-infected patients should recover within a few weeks. However,... more Background: Hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-infected patients should recover within a few weeks. However, even those with mild versions can have signs and symptoms lasting four weeks or longer. These post-COVID conditions (PCC) comprise various new, returning, or ongoing conditions and symptoms that can last months, years, or cause disability. There have been no studies of PCC using self-reporting by discharged SARS-CoV-2-infected patients to complement clinical and biomarker studies. Objective: Investigate self-reported, persistent PCC among SARS-CoV-2-infected patients discharged during the pandemic's second and third waves. Methods: Following a literature review, an ad hoc paper questionnaire on PCC was designed, pretested, and posted to all eligible inpatients discharged between October 2020 and April 2021. At four months after discharge, we collected data on PCC and scores for the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI), the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4), a Brief Memory Screening Scale (Q3PC), and a post-traumatic stress disorder scale (PCL-5). Descriptive, inferential, and multivariate linear regression statistics were computed to assess PCC symptomatology, associations, and differences regarding sociodemographic characteristics and hospital length of stay (LOS). We computed whether our variables of interest could significantly predict patients' MFI scores. Results: Of the 1993 valid questionnaires returned, 245 were from discharged SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. That subsample's median age was 71. Only 28.2% of SARS-CoV-2 infected respondents were symptom-free after four months. Significant differences were found between men's and women's numbers of PCC symptoms (P = .003) and LOS (P > .001): men had more symptoms and longer LOS. No significant differences were found between age groups (P = .500) and hospitalization units (P = .092). Significant differences were found between self-reported PHQ-4 scores during hospitalization and four months after (P < .001), with higher scores among hospitalized patients. Three-quarters (76.4%) of the respondents affected by COVID-19 reported memory loss and concentration disorders (Q3PC). No significant differences regarding the median MFI score of 56 were found in the sociodemographic variables. Significant differences were found between the median PCL-5 score and LOS, with higher scores among respondents with longer stays (P = .009). Multivariate linear regression allowed us to calculate that the combination of PHQ-4, Q3PC, and PCL-5 scores, adjusted for age, sex, and LOS, did not significantly predict MFI scores (R2 = 0.093 (F (3/197) = 1.500; P = .216 adjusted R2 = 0.061.). Conclusions: The majority of SARS-CoV-2-infected inpatients presented with PCCs at four months after discharge, with
Explore-the Journal of Science and Healing, Sep 1, 2016
Objective: To assess the attitudes of physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and midwives towar... more Objective: To assess the attitudes of physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and midwives towards complementary medicine (CM) at a Swiss academic hospital and towards its use for treating chronic pain. Design: The cross-sectional survey took place from October to December 2013. Setting: An email sent to 4,925 healthcare professionals (1,969 physicians, 2,372 nurses, 145 physical therapists, and 111 midwives) working at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, invited them to answer a web-based questionnaire. Results: The questionnaire was answered by 1,247 healthcare professionals (response rate: 25.3%). Of these, 96.1% strongly agreed or agreed that CM could be useful for the treatment of chronic pain, with more nurses (96.7%) and midwives (100%) than physicians (93.8%) agreeing that CM could be useful (p<0.001 for both comparisons). Women had a more positive attitude towards CM than men (97.8% versus 91.2%; p <0.001). Of the respondents, 96.9% were strongly in favor or in favor of offering CM, especially hypnosis (89.8%), osteopathy (85.5%), and acupuncture (83.4%), at the hospital for treating chronic pain. Respondents listed migraine (74.7%), tension headaches (70.6%), and low back pain (70.1%) as three main conditions for which they would refer patients for acupuncture. The three therapies with which respondents were the most unfamiliar were neuraltherapy (57.2%), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) (54.1%), and biofeedback (51.9%). Over half of 3 respondents, 58.3%, had never referred a patient to a CM practitioner. A total of 84.3% of the respondents felt that they lacked the knowledge to inform their patients about CM.
Usant du pretexte de l'hypnose, cet ouvrage vise a explorer le contexte complexe des relation... more Usant du pretexte de l'hypnose, cet ouvrage vise a explorer le contexte complexe des relations qui se tissent entre les humains, en particulier lorsqu'ils en font usage pour se soigner. Dans ce premier volume de la collection HypnoseS, anthropologues, philosophes, ecrivains, pretres, medecins, psychologues laissent tout simplement place aux humains qu'ils sont et a ceux qu'ils rencontrent quotidiennement dans leur vie. Il ne s'agit de rien d'autre que de laisser l'hypnose nous endormir sur ce que l'on dit d'elle et sur ses pretendues techniques, pour nous eveiller intensement a la relation humaine « ordinaire » faite de reconnaissance reciproque, de conversations, de recits, de reveries et d'imagination... Sommaire : Plaidoyer pour l'inaccessibilite de l'Autre (Christophe Gallaz) ; Ce «corps» dont la medecine est censee «prendre soin» (Jean-Francois Malherbe) ; Relation therapeutique et machines communicationnelles (Eric Bonvin) ; Reconnaissance et anthropologie generale(Francois Flahault) ; Hommage a Edouard Zarifian (Edward Storms) ; Lorsque resonne la poesie du monde (Entretien avec Edgar Morin) ; Danser au rythme de la musique de la vie du monde (Entretien avec Francois Roustang) ; Le baiser du Prince (Gerard Salem) ; Les conversations hypnotiques (Bernard Forthomme)
BACKGROUND Hospitalized patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 should recover within a few weeks. Howe... more BACKGROUND Hospitalized patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 should recover within a few weeks. However, even those with mild versions can have signs and symptoms that last four weeks or longer. These post-COVID conditions (PCCs) comprise various new, returning, or ongoing conditions and symptoms that can last months, years, or cause disability. OBJECTIVE Investigate self-reported, persistent PCCs among patients discharged during the pandemic’s second and third waves. METHODS Following a literature review, an ad hoc questionnaire on PCCs was designed, pretested on four discharged patients, and sent to all eligible inpatients discharged between October 2020 and April 2021. At 4–6 months after discharge, we collected data on PCCs and scores for the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI), the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4), a Brief Memory Screening Scale (Q3PC), and a post-traumatic stress disorder scale (PCL-5). Descriptive, inferential, and multivariate linear regression statistics were computed to assess PCC symptomatology, associations, and differences regarding sociodemographic characteristics and hospital length of stay (LOS). RESULTS Of 1994 valid questionnaires, 1749 were returned by non-infected patients and 245 were returned by SARS-CoV-2-positive patients. The overall sample’s median age was 64 (62 and 71 for the non-infected and infected, respectively). Only 28.2% of SARS-CoV-2 infected respondents were symptom-free after 4–6 months. Significant differences were found between men’s and women’s numbers of PCC symptoms (p=.003) and LOS (p&gt;.001). No significant differences were found between age groups (p=.500) and hospitalization units (p=.092). Significant differences were found between the self-reported PHQ-4 scores during the hospitalization and four months after (p&lt;.001), with higher scores among hospitalized patients. Three-quarters (76.4%) of the respondents affected by COVID-19 reported memory loss and concentration disorders (Q3PC). No significant differences regarding the median MFI score of 56 were found in the sociodemographic variables. Significant differences were found between the median PCL-5 score and LOS, with higher scores among respondents with longer stays (p = .009). Multivariate linear regression allowed us to calculate that the combination of PHQ-4, Q3PC, and PCL-5 scores, adjusted for age, sex, and LOS, did not significantly predict MFI scores (R2 = 0.093 (F (3/197) = 1.500; p = .216 adjusted R2 = .061.). CONCLUSIONS The majority of inpatients infected with SARS-CoV-2 presented with PCCs at 4–6 months after discharge, with complex clinical pictures. Only one-third of those infected were symptom-free during that time. More research is needed to explore PCCs based on the self-reported health experiences of discharged inpatients who have been infected by SARS-CoV-2. CLINICALTRIAL not applicable
L'evolution du systeme sanitaire suisse est largement determinee par le long processus de mis... more L'evolution du systeme sanitaire suisse est largement determinee par le long processus de mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur l'assurance maladie (LAMal). Parmi les exigences instaurees par cette loi figure celle de l'obligation des cantons de concevoir une planification hospitaliere continue et basee sur des criteres et parametres verifiables qui contingente les ressources par une « liste hospitaliere » de reference qui determine les lits dont le financement peut etre assure selon les modalites de la LAMal. Face a cette exigence, la conference suisse des ministres cantonaux de la sante (CDS) a defini des lignes directrices en la matiere et, en l'occurrence, s'est clairement prononcee pour une planification distincte de la psychiatrie qui, en raison de ses specificites, appelle a une planification non pas uniquement hospitaliere mais globale qui va de la promotion de la sante mentale a l'activite psychiatrique hospitaliere. C'est precisement a cette ambition que repond le rapport de planification presente dans ce document. Une autre exigence posee par la LAMal en matiere de planification formule la necessite d'organiser les ressources sanitaires en reponse aux besoins de la population identifies selon des normes verifiables. Il s'agit en d'autres termes de faire en sorte que tous les citoyens necessitant des soins aient acces de facon libre et equitable a des services sanitaires de qualite dans un contexte economique hautement competitif. La planification, l'organisation et l'integration des soins est aujourd'hui, la facon par laquelle les societes developpees, partout dans le monde, esperent maitriser les tensions et les contradictions qui sont a l'origine des dysfonctionnements de leur systeme de sante. Elles tentent ainsi remedier a la fragmentation des soins, a l'utilisation inadequate des competences, a l'acces inequitable a certains services, aux attentes de la population a l'egard du systeme de soins (a la fois considerables et contradictoires), aux tensions grandissantes qui existent entre la dynamique de croissance du systeme de soins et les pressions economiques qui resultent de la necessite pour l'Etat d'equilibrer son budget. Apres la presentation du contexte socioeconomique dans lequel prend place la planification de la sante mentale en Valais, le present ouvrage propose une estimation minutieuse des besoins de la population valaisanne en proie a la souffrance psychique puis des ressources disponibles et necessaires pour y repondre adequatement. Il propose egalement une analyse des besoins exprimes par les institutions publiques lorsqu'elles deleguent des tâches a la psychiatrie (activites etatiques deleguees). Sur la base de ces analyses, ce document pose ensuite les bases d'un processus d'accompagnement de la mise en oeuvre de la planification fonde sur la dynamique de la gouvernance clinique. Gouvernance qui se definit comme l'aptitude des acteurs du terrain a integrer et cordonner les flux informationnels qui organisent et rendent compte de leurs activites. C'est ainsi que sont definis les indicateurs permettant de suivre autant le processus de planification que celui de l'activite institutionnelle ainsi que les outils et moyens de recueillir, traiter et analyser les informations qu'ils produisent en matiere de gestion institutionnelle, de qualite, de securite, de gestion des ressources humaines, de formation et de recherche. Autant d'aspects qui sont evalues et analyses dans le processus de planification presente. Accompagne d'un tableau de bord synoptique, d'un manuel des indicateurs et d'un programme d'evaluation et de recherche scientifiques, cet ouvrage propose les fondements d'un veritable processus de planification sanitaire de la sante mentale et de la psychiatrie.
To cite: Bonvin E, Tacchini-Jacquier N, Monnay S, et al. Protocol for a patientreported experienc... more To cite: Bonvin E, Tacchini-Jacquier N, Monnay S, et al. Protocol for a patientreported experience measures (PREMs) survey of patients discharged during the COVID-19 pandemic and their family caregivers. BMJ Open 2021;11:e047033.
Papers by Eric Bonvin