L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de dev... more L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de devotion. Le reliquaire est un petit pendentif qui contient parfois des reliques des saints: os, dents, pieces de vetements. En Amerique Latine, les reliquaires sont avant tout des peintures miniatures ou la sculpture d'un saint. Souvent, le reliquaire est compose de deux faces egalement decorees. Cette bijouterie devotionnelle est arboree par les fideles comme gage de protection pour la famille ou les soldats qui partent au combat. Les religieuses d'Amerique Latine portaient ces badges de leurs saints preferes
espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Amer... more espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Americas el mestizaje entre aspectos de la cultura material europea y la de los indigenas evoluciono hacia estilos de arte que ya no son ni europeos ni indigenas sino algo nuevo. En las Americas, los relicarios son estuches de doble cara con la imagen de la Virgen, Cristo o un santo favorito en su interior �un grabado, una pinturita, una talla de alto o bajorrelieve� protegida con un vidrio o cristal de roca que permite ver la imagen. Rara vez contienen reliquias de los santos. Los relicarios que se encuentran en las Americas con reliquias son mas bien importados de Europa, sobre todo de Roma. Los relicarios de Copacabana (Bolivia) son un ejemplo, entre muchos de joyeria, que tiene sus origenes en Europa, pero que refleja una estetica indigena, ya que al fin y al cabo es una produccion netamente americana. EnglishGeorge Kubler and other historians of Latin America, has suggested that in the Americas, the miscegenation between aspects of the material European culture and that of the aborigens evolved towards artistic styles that already are neither European nor indigenous, but slightly new. In the Americas, reliquaries are lockets of double face with the image of the Virgin, Christ or a favorite saint in his interior �an engraving, a painting, an image� protected under glass or rock crystal. Few times contain relics of the saints. In the Americas the reliquaries with relics are European imports, especially of Rome. Copacabana�s reliquaries (Bolivia) are an example between many of jewellery that has his origins in Europe, but that reflects an indigenous aesthetics, since in the end, it is a net American production.
Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affi... more Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affiliation and to serve wearers as amulets and talismans. Only elites could obtain relics for their relicarios. Gradually, the term was symbolic, the two sided pendants containing religious prints, miniature paintings or sculptures in a variety of materials rather than saints' relics. Egan's book, her second on the topic, includes chapters on escudos de monjas (nuns' badges), escudos Betlemitas (hospital monks' badges), Agnus Dei, silversmithing, miniature painting, relicarios from Copacabana, Bolivia, and contemporary relicarios. The limited edition, printed and bound in Italy, contains two hundred illustrations, most not previously published.
espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Amer... more espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Americas el mestizaje entre aspectos de la cultura material europea y la de los indigenas evoluciono hacia estilos de arte que ya no son ni europeos ni indigenas sino algo nuevo. En las Americas, los relicarios son estuches de doble cara con la imagen de la Virgen, Cristo o un santo favorito en su interior �un grabado, una pinturita, una talla de alto o bajorrelieve� protegida con un vidrio o cristal de roca que permite ver la imagen. Rara vez contienen reliquias de los santos. Los relicarios que se encuentran en las Americas con reliquias son mas bien importados de Europa, sobre todo de Roma. Los relicarios de Copacabana (Bolivia) son un ejemplo, entre muchos de joyeria, que tiene sus origenes en Europa, pero que refleja una estetica indigena, ya que al fin y al cabo es una produccion netamente americana. EnglishGeorge Kubler and other historians of Latin America, has suggested that in the ...
Early in the 16th century a large and mysterious wooden cross appeared on the hills overlooking t... more Early in the 16th century a large and mysterious wooden cross appeared on the hills overlooking the seven bays of Huatulco, New Spain's first port on the Pacific coast. Although rumors attributed the cross's erection to Saint Thomas or Saint Andrew, in all likelihood it was raised by Fray Martín de Valencia, one of the "Twelve Franciscan Apostles" greeted by Hernán Cortés in Veracruz in 1524. Word of the miraculous cross spread as far away as Peru. Believers cut splinters from the cross, reducing it to the extent where the Bishop of Antequera (Oaxaca), Juan de Cervantes, ordained 1608, ordered the cross removed to Oaxaca's Metropolitan Cathedral, where it remains in the Capilla a la Santa Cruz de Huatulco. A rare few reliquaries, especially in Puebla, contain splinters of the cross.
L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de dev... more L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de devotion. Le reliquaire est un petit pendentif qui contient parfois des reliques des saints: os, dents, pieces de vetements. En Amerique Latine, les reliquaires sont avant tout des peintures miniatures ou la sculpture d'un saint. Souvent, le reliquaire est compose de deux faces egalement decorees. Cette bijouterie devotionnelle est arboree par les fideles comme gage de protection pour la famille ou les soldats qui partent au combat. Les religieuses d'Amerique Latine portaient ces badges de leurs saints preferes
Relicarios: The Forgotten Jewels from Latin America, 2020
Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affi... more Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affiliation and to serve wearers as amulets and talismans. Only elites could obtain relics for their relicarios. Gradually, the term was symbolic, the two sided pendants containing religious prints, miniature paintings or sculptures in a variety of materials rather than saints' relics. Egan's book, her second on the topic, includes chapters on escudos de monjas (nuns' badges), escudos Betlemitas (hospital monks' badges), Agnus Dei, silversmithing, miniature painting, relicarios from Copacabana, Bolivia, and contemporary relicarios. The limited edition, printed and bound in Italy, contains two hundred illustrations, most not previously published.
L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de dev... more L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de devotion. Le reliquaire est un petit pendentif qui contient parfois des reliques des saints: os, dents, pieces de vetements. En Amerique Latine, les reliquaires sont avant tout des peintures miniatures ou la sculpture d'un saint. Souvent, le reliquaire est compose de deux faces egalement decorees. Cette bijouterie devotionnelle est arboree par les fideles comme gage de protection pour la famille ou les soldats qui partent au combat. Les religieuses d'Amerique Latine portaient ces badges de leurs saints preferes
espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Amer... more espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Americas el mestizaje entre aspectos de la cultura material europea y la de los indigenas evoluciono hacia estilos de arte que ya no son ni europeos ni indigenas sino algo nuevo. En las Americas, los relicarios son estuches de doble cara con la imagen de la Virgen, Cristo o un santo favorito en su interior �un grabado, una pinturita, una talla de alto o bajorrelieve� protegida con un vidrio o cristal de roca que permite ver la imagen. Rara vez contienen reliquias de los santos. Los relicarios que se encuentran en las Americas con reliquias son mas bien importados de Europa, sobre todo de Roma. Los relicarios de Copacabana (Bolivia) son un ejemplo, entre muchos de joyeria, que tiene sus origenes en Europa, pero que refleja una estetica indigena, ya que al fin y al cabo es una produccion netamente americana. EnglishGeorge Kubler and other historians of Latin America, has suggested that in the Americas, the miscegenation between aspects of the material European culture and that of the aborigens evolved towards artistic styles that already are neither European nor indigenous, but slightly new. In the Americas, reliquaries are lockets of double face with the image of the Virgin, Christ or a favorite saint in his interior �an engraving, a painting, an image� protected under glass or rock crystal. Few times contain relics of the saints. In the Americas the reliquaries with relics are European imports, especially of Rome. Copacabana�s reliquaries (Bolivia) are an example between many of jewellery that has his origins in Europe, but that reflects an indigenous aesthetics, since in the end, it is a net American production.
Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affi... more Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affiliation and to serve wearers as amulets and talismans. Only elites could obtain relics for their relicarios. Gradually, the term was symbolic, the two sided pendants containing religious prints, miniature paintings or sculptures in a variety of materials rather than saints' relics. Egan's book, her second on the topic, includes chapters on escudos de monjas (nuns' badges), escudos Betlemitas (hospital monks' badges), Agnus Dei, silversmithing, miniature painting, relicarios from Copacabana, Bolivia, and contemporary relicarios. The limited edition, printed and bound in Italy, contains two hundred illustrations, most not previously published.
espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Amer... more espanolGeorge Kubler, igual que otros historiadores de Latinoamerica, ha sugerido que en las Americas el mestizaje entre aspectos de la cultura material europea y la de los indigenas evoluciono hacia estilos de arte que ya no son ni europeos ni indigenas sino algo nuevo. En las Americas, los relicarios son estuches de doble cara con la imagen de la Virgen, Cristo o un santo favorito en su interior �un grabado, una pinturita, una talla de alto o bajorrelieve� protegida con un vidrio o cristal de roca que permite ver la imagen. Rara vez contienen reliquias de los santos. Los relicarios que se encuentran en las Americas con reliquias son mas bien importados de Europa, sobre todo de Roma. Los relicarios de Copacabana (Bolivia) son un ejemplo, entre muchos de joyeria, que tiene sus origenes en Europa, pero que refleja una estetica indigena, ya que al fin y al cabo es una produccion netamente americana. EnglishGeorge Kubler and other historians of Latin America, has suggested that in the ...
Early in the 16th century a large and mysterious wooden cross appeared on the hills overlooking t... more Early in the 16th century a large and mysterious wooden cross appeared on the hills overlooking the seven bays of Huatulco, New Spain's first port on the Pacific coast. Although rumors attributed the cross's erection to Saint Thomas or Saint Andrew, in all likelihood it was raised by Fray Martín de Valencia, one of the "Twelve Franciscan Apostles" greeted by Hernán Cortés in Veracruz in 1524. Word of the miraculous cross spread as far away as Peru. Believers cut splinters from the cross, reducing it to the extent where the Bishop of Antequera (Oaxaca), Juan de Cervantes, ordained 1608, ordered the cross removed to Oaxaca's Metropolitan Cathedral, where it remains in the Capilla a la Santa Cruz de Huatulco. A rare few reliquaries, especially in Puebla, contain splinters of the cross.
L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de dev... more L'A. presente son travail sur les miniatures americaines en rapport avec les pratiques de devotion. Le reliquaire est un petit pendentif qui contient parfois des reliques des saints: os, dents, pieces de vetements. En Amerique Latine, les reliquaires sont avant tout des peintures miniatures ou la sculpture d'un saint. Souvent, le reliquaire est compose de deux faces egalement decorees. Cette bijouterie devotionnelle est arboree par les fideles comme gage de protection pour la famille ou les soldats qui partent au combat. Les religieuses d'Amerique Latine portaient ces badges de leurs saints preferes
Relicarios: The Forgotten Jewels from Latin America, 2020
Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affi... more Relicarios were a popular type of jewelry in the colonial Americas, to demonstrate religious affiliation and to serve wearers as amulets and talismans. Only elites could obtain relics for their relicarios. Gradually, the term was symbolic, the two sided pendants containing religious prints, miniature paintings or sculptures in a variety of materials rather than saints' relics. Egan's book, her second on the topic, includes chapters on escudos de monjas (nuns' badges), escudos Betlemitas (hospital monks' badges), Agnus Dei, silversmithing, miniature painting, relicarios from Copacabana, Bolivia, and contemporary relicarios. The limited edition, printed and bound in Italy, contains two hundred illustrations, most not previously published.
Papers by Martha Egan
Books by Martha Egan