O objetivo deste relato foi analisar uma nova proposta de cirurgia assistida por computador, util... more O objetivo deste relato foi analisar uma nova proposta de cirurgia assistida por computador, utilizando o planejamento virtual realizado atraves de imagens tomograficas computadorizadas e de um dispositivo posicionador de tubos (DPT). Uma paciente de 31 anos de idade apresentou-se com fratura do incisivo central superior esquerdo (21). Apos o exame por tomografia computadorizada feixe conico, no modelo de trabalho foi confeccionado um guia de poliuretano e acoplado um suporte tomografico com tres referencias metalicas; em seguida, foi certificada a estabilidade deste guia tomografico (GT) na arcada do paciente. Atraves do GT, imagens tomograficas foram captadas em ambiente tridimensional virtual computadorizado. O planejamento foi realizado no programa KEA-tech. Um implante cone-morse e um sistema especifico de cirurgia guiada, ProssGuide (Dabi Atlante, Ribeirao Preto/SP, Brasil), foram usados, um biomaterial foi colocado na regiao vestibular, e a paciente recebeu uma coroa provisor...
The objective of this research was to analyze the distribution process and spread of knowledge ab... more The objective of this research was to analyze the distribution process and spread of knowledge about biomaterials in the social media. It was collected 3159 Facebook and Twitter posts. In Brazil and Egypt the number of shares about clinic cases is greater than in the United States and the number of articles published is smaller. Most of the messages or tweets shared are positive and in 661 tweets posted by companies, only one had a retweet, suggesting that the communication with the public must be improved to increase the number of shares. There is a necessity in research to identify the terms that translate the dentists and public perception about health.
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of self-drilling thread and compa... more The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of self-drilling thread and compaction tread on primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants (MI). Forty mini-implants with dual-thread design (compaction and self-drilling) were initially observed using a scanning electron microscopy. After, the mini-implants were inserted in artificial bone to measure the insertion and removal torques. The results shows that the contact area amongst the compact tread and bone is higher than the normal thread, due to the smaller thread pitch. The compact thread showed a slight increase of insertion and removal torque in contrast to the self-drilling shape. The highest value of insertion and removal torque obtained by compact thread translate better primary stability, however it may cause micro damages in the bone, which should be considered regarding osseointegration.
O objetivo deste relato foi analisar uma nova proposta de cirurgia assistida por computador, util... more O objetivo deste relato foi analisar uma nova proposta de cirurgia assistida por computador, utilizando o planejamento virtual realizado atraves de imagens tomograficas computadorizadas e de um dispositivo posicionador de tubos (DPT). Uma paciente de 31 anos de idade apresentou-se com fratura do incisivo central superior esquerdo (21). Apos o exame por tomografia computadorizada feixe conico, no modelo de trabalho foi confeccionado um guia de poliuretano e acoplado um suporte tomografico com tres referencias metalicas; em seguida, foi certificada a estabilidade deste guia tomografico (GT) na arcada do paciente. Atraves do GT, imagens tomograficas foram captadas em ambiente tridimensional virtual computadorizado. O planejamento foi realizado no programa KEA-tech. Um implante cone-morse e um sistema especifico de cirurgia guiada, ProssGuide (Dabi Atlante, Ribeirao Preto/SP, Brasil), foram usados, um biomaterial foi colocado na regiao vestibular, e a paciente recebeu uma coroa provisor...
The objective of this research was to analyze the distribution process and spread of knowledge ab... more The objective of this research was to analyze the distribution process and spread of knowledge about biomaterials in the social media. It was collected 3159 Facebook and Twitter posts. In Brazil and Egypt the number of shares about clinic cases is greater than in the United States and the number of articles published is smaller. Most of the messages or tweets shared are positive and in 661 tweets posted by companies, only one had a retweet, suggesting that the communication with the public must be improved to increase the number of shares. There is a necessity in research to identify the terms that translate the dentists and public perception about health.
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of self-drilling thread and compa... more The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of self-drilling thread and compaction tread on primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants (MI). Forty mini-implants with dual-thread design (compaction and self-drilling) were initially observed using a scanning electron microscopy. After, the mini-implants were inserted in artificial bone to measure the insertion and removal torques. The results shows that the contact area amongst the compact tread and bone is higher than the normal thread, due to the smaller thread pitch. The compact thread showed a slight increase of insertion and removal torque in contrast to the self-drilling shape. The highest value of insertion and removal torque obtained by compact thread translate better primary stability, however it may cause micro damages in the bone, which should be considered regarding osseointegration.
Papers by Eliana Pesqueira