Articles by Elisa Virgili
WHATEVER. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies, 2018
This analysis starts with an ethnographic research (participant observation as a data collection ... more This analysis starts with an ethnographic research (participant observation as a data collection method) that aims to compare two types of boxing gyms: a " commercial " gym (a gym that does not prepare a competitive level athletes but offers a fee based courses) and a " community " gym (usually in occupied spaces, often for free and it is based on shared values among athletes such as anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-ableism). The purpose of this part of the research is to investigate the construction of masculinity and femininity through the exercise of this discipline that is traditionally considered a masculine one in the two different contexts. The second part of the research will focus on the specificity of the " community " boxing gyms that are spreading more and more in recent years in Italy and that are forming a national network redefining the lines of this sport. In particular, the aspect on which we will focus is the discussion on the categories of masculine and feminine in the matches. The proposal is to form the sports categories according to different parameters from those of biological sex and gender, in this particular case based on weight and height. This because biological sex does not necessarily match the gender and these are not binary. Unhinging these binaries would allow on the one side to avoid the medicalization practices still provided by IALF and by the CIO to bring certain bodies through the exercise of this discipline that is traditionally considered a masculine one the two categories (we refer here to the cases of intersex people undergo mandatory to hormonal treatments to confirm their competition category) and on the other to untie the sports categories from those gender. Can " community " gyms change the rules of the sport? What is the relationship between sports categories and gender categories in the broadest sense? Does deconstructing the first have an effect on the latter?
Cinergie, 2016
Drawing on an interdisciplinary approach, this article aims to outline some theoretical issues co... more Drawing on an interdisciplinary approach, this article aims to outline some theoretical issues concerning the archival structure of videos developed during the Eighties and the Nineties in Bologna's alternative scene. More specifically, we will focus on two archives, Cassero CDOC Centre's video archive and Home Movies — the Italian National Amateur Film Archive, which host two different video repositories that stemmed from a common background: Bologna's countercultural environment, in which we can find the " 1990 Student Movement " (the so-called Pantera) and the gay and lesbian scene that belonged to Arcigay and Il Cassero. These materials shared not only some production/frui-tion modalities, but, very often, the same people took part in them: we can see members of the gay community who were, in the meantime, students who participated in the university occupations. Therefore, the main questions we have to answer are: which kind of archival framework is the most appropriate for such materials? Are the current archival practices correct in order to abide by the original context and motivations that fostered their production? Our reply refers to the notion of transarchive.
AboutGender, 2015
The paper aims at providing an analysis of the heteronormative construction through language. Sta... more The paper aims at providing an analysis of the heteronormative construction through language. Starting from Judith Butler's performativity theory of language, I will try to show how the words build gender identity and sexual identity and how they are connected. This becomes clearer in the word " slut " : in fact, through this term, the normal heterosexual woman is outlined in opposition by the dominant discourse. Then I'll focus on hate speech to understand how this leads to the construction of the Other and how the subjects are vulnerable to these words of hate. Can you escape from these offenses? Is a re-signification of these terms really possible? In order to make a critical analysis of this latter chance, I will take in exam the SlutWalk movement trying to figure out the limits of a massive effort of re-signification.
Metabasis, 2014
'Doing gender' with words. The term escort in mediatic Italian context. Abstract The scope of thi... more 'Doing gender' with words. The term escort in mediatic Italian context. Abstract The scope of this article is to understand the relationship between reality and representation in the field of gender. Starting from a post-structuralist perspective, according to which gender is a result of a construction, I will show how this construction actualizes through language. To do this I will refer to Judith Butler's per-formativity theory and to empirical data from transcriptions of interviews which contain the word escort, to show how, when used in a different context, it performs the construction of different gender identities.
Itinerari filosofici, 2014
Book Chapters by Elisa Virgili
Books by Elisa Virgili
Book Reviews by Elisa Virgili
Others by Elisa Virgili
Just Another Gender Theory, 2017
Papers by Elisa Virgili
Articles by Elisa Virgili
Book Chapters by Elisa Virgili
Books by Elisa Virgili
Book Reviews by Elisa Virgili
Others by Elisa Virgili
Papers by Elisa Virgili