Papers by Emanuela Muriana
Therapeutic communication in paranoid area, 2022
The effectiveness of psychotherapy is strongly influenced by the therapeutic relationship between... more The effectiveness of psychotherapy is strongly influenced by the therapeutic relationship between specialist and patient. Numerous meta-analysis studies have highlighted this aspect, which appears transversal to the different theoretical approaches. Paranoid area disorders (from an escalating paranoid orientation to personality disorder, up to psychotic disorder) have in common distrust and suspiciousness. For this reason the motivations of Others are interpreted as malevolent, and consequently support controlling and defensive attitudes. The problem therefore always arises in the systemic 'Self/ Others level. In this article we describe the clinical interview conducted with the Strategic Dialogue technique (2004) developed at the Strategic Therapy Centre Arezzo - Italy. It is a sophisticated operative tool in order to discriminate the Reactive Perceptive System3 underlying the problem presented by the patient. It allows to create compliance, to redefine together with the patient a new reading of the problem and to induce him/her to consider his/her situation from a different perspective. The change takes place as a joint discovery between patient and therapist.
Psychology, I volti della depressione, Apr 21, 2011
Psychology, Las caras de la depresión, Oct 22, 2012
En este libro , las autoras- terapeutas, docentes e investigadoras asociadas del Centro de Terapi... more En este libro , las autoras- terapeutas, docentes e investigadoras asociadas del Centro de Terapia Breve Estratégica de Arezzo que dirige Giorgio Nardone- procuran establecer sólidas bases de aproximación y tratamiento de la depresión, uno de los términos más usados y abusados de los últimos veinte años. Proponen un repaso histórico, desde la referencia hipocrática de bilis negra hasta la enfermedad del siglo de la que habla la psiquiatría moderna, llegando a establecer y proponer protocolos de tratamiento específicos para las diferentes variantes del trastorno depresivo.
It all starts here: The Mental Research Institute (MRI) was born in Palo Alto-CA, U.S.A.-in Septe... more It all starts here: The Mental Research Institute (MRI) was born in Palo Alto-CA, U.S.A.-in September 1958 thanks to the intuitions of Donald D. Jackson, a brilliant and inventive psychiatrist, who founded an institute dedicated to the study of systemic interactional processes, that is, studies on the mutual influence, action and reaction, in communication between people. A real novelty: from the study of the symptom to the study of the role of human communication in psychic distress and mental illness. D.D. Jackson collaborated with Gregory Bateson, an anthropologist, who shifted his studies from ethnology to the epistemology of communication. Cybernetics, a new multidisciplinary subject, brings new tools to study the interactive systems of which human communication is part. They are the two leading figures who saw communication phenomena as the key to and explanation of all human behaviour. In 1962 the journal 'Family process' was founded, of which D.D. Jackson and J Haley were the first editors. At the same time, the other important schools of thought in psychology, including psychiatry, maintained, then as now, the positivist orientation of seeking the primary cause of subsequent psychic distress. The Freudian unconscious psychic trauma was well combined with the medical model of aetiology, i.e. the study of the causes of illnesses according to a logic of cause-effect, a concept that indicates the relationship between two phenomena (or classes of phenomena), where the first phenomenon, called cause, is the reason for the existence of the second, called effect.
The ideation of an intervention protocol for the depression arises from the quest of whether the ... more The ideation of an intervention protocol for the depression arises from the quest of whether the perceptive-reactive system is unique or whether there exist diverse typologies and variants. Another hypothesis was to verify whether the hypothetical variants modulated and differentiated in significant ways, both the approach and the treatment of the problem. Starting off by identifying the attempted solutions, we came to recognise that in Depression the attempted solution is that of Renunciation, present in the role of the victim taken up by the patient. However we came to understand that there are three different typologies: Victim of oneself (with a variant), Victim of others, and Victim of the world. Renunciation has three submodalities: Delegation, Giving up, and Pretension. Each one of these corresponds to one of the three different typologies of the Victim identified. Through the Research-Intervention process a fundamental point has emerged, which we believe is crucial i.e. the ...
La sistematizzazione di un protocollo di intervento per la depressione è nato dal quesito se il S... more La sistematizzazione di un protocollo di intervento per la depressione è nato dal quesito se il Sistema Percettivo Reattivo (SPR), come modalità di costruzione e persistenza del problema, fosse unico o esistessero delle tipologie diverse e delle varianti delle stesse. Altra ipotesi di lavoro era verificare se le ipotetiche varianti modulassero e differenziassero in modo significativo sia l'approccio al problema sia il trattamento. Partendo dall'individuazione della Tentata Soluzione (TS), che nella Depressione è stata identificata nella Rinuncia, è emerso il ruolo di Vittima in 3 diverse tipologie: Vittima di Sé (con una variante), Vittima degli Altri, Vittima del Mondo. Nella Rinuncia si sono evidenziate tre sotto- modalità: la delega, l'arrendersi, la pretesa. A ognuna di queste corrispondono le tre tipologie di Vittima. Attraverso il processo di Ricerca-Intervento si è delineato un punto, secondo noi fondamentale, e cioè l'esistenza di un Mito. Un costrutto ra...
Books by Emanuela Muriana
Emanuela Muriana, 2022
It all starts here: The Mental Research Institute (MRI) was born in Palo Alto-CA, U.S.A.-in Septe... more It all starts here: The Mental Research Institute (MRI) was born in Palo Alto-CA, U.S.A.-in September 1958 thanks to the intuitions of Donald D. Jackson, a brilliant and inventive psychiatrist, who founded an institute dedicated to the study of systemic interactional processes, that is, studies on the mutual influence, action and reaction, in communication between people. A real novelty: from the study of the symptom to the study of the role of human communication in psychic distress and mental illness. D.D. Jackson collaborated with Gregory Bateson, an anthropologist, who shifted his studies from ethnology to the epistemology of communication. Cybernetics, a new multidisciplinary subject, brings new tools to study the interactive systems of which human communication is part. They are the two leading figures who saw communication phenomena as the key to and explanation of all human behaviour. In 1962 the journal 'Family process' was founded, of which D.D. Jackson and J Haley were the first editors. At the same time, the other important schools of thought in psychology, including psychiatry, maintained, then as now, the positivist orientation of seeking the primary cause of subsequent psychic distress. The Freudian unconscious psychic trauma was well combined with the medical model of aetiology, i.e. the study of the causes of illnesses according to a logic of cause-effect, a concept that indicates the relationship between two phenomena (or classes of phenomena), where the first phenomenon, called cause, is the reason for the existence of the second, called effect.
Teaching Documents by Emanuela Muriana
Therapeutic communication in paranoid area, 2022
The effectiveness of psychotherapy is strongly influenced by the therapeutic relationship between... more The effectiveness of psychotherapy is strongly influenced by the therapeutic relationship between specialist and patient. Numerous meta-analysis studies have highlighted this aspect, which appears transversal to the different theoretical approaches. Paranoid area disorders (from an escalating paranoid orientation to personality disorder, up to psychotic disorder) have in common distrust and suspiciousness. For this reason the motivations of Others are interpreted as malevolent, and consequently support controlling and defensive attitudes. The problem therefore always arises in the systemic 'Self/ Others level. In this article we describe the clinical interview conducted with the Strategic Dialogue technique (2004) developed at the Strategic Therapy Centre Arezzo - Italy. It is a sophisticated operative tool in order to discriminate the Reactive Perceptive System3 underlying the problem presented by the patient. It allows to create compliance, to redefine together with the patient a new reading of the problem and to induce him/her to consider his/her situation from a different perspective. The change takes place as a joint discovery between patient and therapist.
Conference Presentations by Emanuela Muriana
Oneself-Paranoia: definition, clinical profiles, differential diagnosis and therapeutic framework, 2023
Paranoia, by definition, is characterized by distrust within the relationship between Self and Ot... more Paranoia, by definition, is characterized by distrust within the relationship between Self and Others. In our clinical practice, however, we found the same mental mechanism operating within the Self/Self systemic level: an "emerging quality" that we highlighted during a study on relational problems and disorders in the paranoid area (E. Muriana, T. Vetbitz 2010; E. Muriana, T. Verbitz 2017). Investigating this systemic level allows us to clarify how the problem works and determines the outcome of therapy.
Papers by Emanuela Muriana
Books by Emanuela Muriana
Teaching Documents by Emanuela Muriana
Conference Presentations by Emanuela Muriana