The maintenance in residence of handicapped or old people is an alternative to the hospitalizatio... more The maintenance in residence of handicapped or old people is an alternative to the hospitalization which answers the current tendency of reduction of the number of hospital beds. It poses two major problems: the safety of the people and their autonomy. To answer it, the AMaDom project combines two approaches: Remote monitoring, for safety and functional substitution for autonomy. A system of remote monitoring of patient in residence makes it possible to the people to remain at home while profiting from a medical supervision remotely and thus of a good reactivity in the event of urgency. In this project functional substitution is ensured by a robotized assistant of handling of objects. The assistant contributes to the integration of a person with reduced mobility in a usual environment.
Many researches have been done in the field of assistive robotics in the last few years. The firs... more Many researches have been done in the field of assistive robotics in the last few years. The first application field was helping with the disabled people's assistance. Different works have been performed on robotic arms in three kinds of situations. In the first case, static arm, the arm was principally dedicated to office tasks like telephone, fax… Several autonomous modes exist which need to know the precise position of objects. In the second configuration, the arm is mounted on a wheelchair. It follows the person who can employ it in more use cases. But if the person must stay in her/his bed, the arm is no more useful. In a third configuration, the arm is mounted on a separate platform. This configuration allows the largest number of use cases but also poses more difficulties for piloting the robot.
In this paper, we address the problem of coordinated motion control of a manipulator arm embarked... more In this paper, we address the problem of coordinated motion control of a manipulator arm embarked on a mobile platform. The mobile manipulator is used in providing assistance for disabled people. In order to perform a given task by using mobile manipulator redundancy, we propose a new manipulability measure that incorporates both arm manipulation capacities and the end-effector imposed task. This proposed measure is used in a numerical algorithm to solve system redundancy and then compared with other existing measures. Simulation and real results show the benefit and efficiency of this measure in the field of motion coordination.
The primary objective of rehabilitation robotics is to fully or partly restore the disabled user'... more The primary objective of rehabilitation robotics is to fully or partly restore the disabled user's manipulative function by placing a robot arm between the user and the environment. Our assistance system is composed of a control-command station for the disabled person and a manipulator arm mounted on a mobile robot. The main constraints of such peculiar systems are flexibility to be adapted to each user's capabilities, modularity to make the system versatile, reliability and cost to be affordable. A good compromise between those constraints is reached by a semiautonomous system in which robotics give the system as autonomy as possible and man-machine co-operation palliates both the deficiencies of the person due to the handicap and the limits of the machine. The approach consists to determine the autonomy level reachable with an affordable machine using robotic solutions. Taking into account both the capabilities of the person and the robot, the man-machine co-operation defines the best task sharing to do the person a service such as "go and see" or " fetch and bring an object back". The man machine interface for the perception and the control of the semiautonomous robotic system is based on new remote control approaches: virtual reality or enhanced reality. Enhanced and virtual reality techniques aims at immersing the user into the site where the mission is in progress. The increasing interest of video game firms for the immersion idea contributes to reduce the cost of such technology. An important feature of the MMI is the use of virtual fixtures as perceptual overlays to enhance human operator performances during teleoperating a robot. Virtual fixtures improve accuracy and time for performing a task and may reduce both human operator mental processing and stress.
ETFA 2001. 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Proceedings (Cat. No.01TH8597), 2001
This study investigates the processing of sonar signal using statistical methods (quadratic and l... more This study investigates the processing of sonar signal using statistical methods (quadratic and linear) for differentiation of commonly encountered features in indoor robot environments. Statistical method can differentiate two targets (Plane and Corner) with higher accuracy, improving on previously reported methods. It achieves this by exploiting identifying echo features: the differential frequency, length, amplitude and time-of-flight (TOF) characteristics of these targets. The features extraction is also studied and the reduction of parameters is obtained with a SBS (Sequential Backward Selection) approach. The results indicate that the amplitude information is more crucial than other features. The study suggests a wider use of statistical methods and amplitude information in sonar-based mobile robotics
ETFA 2001. 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Proceedings (Cat. No.01TH8597), 2001
The use of mobile robots, still limited to specific applications, can be applied to service robot... more The use of mobile robots, still limited to specific applications, can be applied to service robotics such as assistance for the disabled, if efficient yet low-cost perception systems are available. A multiaural and multimodal ultrasonic device seems to be an appropriate means for achieving such a difficult compromise. In a multimodal perception system, each operating mode is suited to a
The system's functions are the following: building graphics aids for the perception; building a g... more The system's functions are the following: building graphics aids for the perception; building a geometric model of the environment; collecting data from the robot site to animate the computer picture of the environment model; matching computer-generated and video images; controlling the robot via the video display terminal.
Youcef CHEKHAR, Etienne COLLE, Abdelhamid LOUKIL, Florent CHAVAND Calibration 3D d'un système mul... more Youcef CHEKHAR, Etienne COLLE, Abdelhamid LOUKIL, Florent CHAVAND Calibration 3D d'un système multicapteur. Multi-sensor calibration of a telerobotics aid system Simon COLLART DUTILLEUL, Jean-Paul DENAT, Wael KHANSA Commande robuste d'un atelier à flot sans stock et sans attente. Robust control of a waitingless and bufferless flow-shop
Nous présentons dans ce papier une application de la technique de localisation caméra/objet à par... more Nous présentons dans ce papier une application de la technique de localisation caméra/objet à partir de correspondances entre des points 3D et leur projection sur l'image au calcul de la position d'un robot mobile autonome.
Robotics can provide technological solutions for improving the quality of life of motor disabled ... more Robotics can provide technological solutions for improving the quality of life of motor disabled or elderly people. The main objective is to give person hours of independence by using a mobile base mounted arm. Because of particular constraints of this field of application the machine is semiautonomous and requires a close human machine co-operation for its control. In order to develop a user oriented machine control it is significant to determine the limits of autonomy of an affordable robot. After a description of the whole assistance system the paper focuses on the localisation problem of the mobile robot in a partly known environment.
ARPH project deals with restoring object manipulating and grasping function for upper limb handic... more ARPH project deals with restoring object manipulating and grasping function for upper limb handicapped people. The system is a semi autonomous mobile arm manipulator designed keeping in mind specificities due to a close cooperation between human and machine. In order to take into account the diversity of situation three kinds of control modes are proposed to the user. The paper focuses on the evaluation of ARPH system by disabled people in situation close to daily living. Several types of information were obtained concerning use, interface, ergonomics, safety and training. It should be noted that the phase of familiarisation during which the people were free to use the robot with their own way was particularly interesting for the usage foreseen by the designers of the product and the need for physical exchanges with others that the robot by its capacities of displacement and contact makes it possible to recreate...
Les solutions retenues en robotique d'assistance se démarquent souvent très fortement de cell... more Les solutions retenues en robotique d'assistance se démarquent souvent très fortement de celles employées en robotique industrielle. Du point de vue de la conception, il est pertinent de considérer la personne et le robot d'assistance comme deux éléments appartenant à un système complexe global. La coopération interne entre ces deux entités devient indispensable et permet de mettre en place des solutions innovantes. Ce papier tente de montrer sur l'exemple de la commande d'un bras mobile qu'il est possible de proposer de nouveaux algorithmes en s'appuyant sur les capacités de la personne. Nous avons montré qu'une méthode de résolution de problèmes utilisée en IAD offre une alternative aux modèles mathématiques généralement mis en oeuvre pour commander un robot. Cette approche offre des avantages. Cependant le caractère local de la résolution nécessite la présence d'un niveau supérieur possédant une vision globale du processus et capable de décision. E...
The research in autonomous mobile robot is enlarging upon low cost mobile robotics. This low cost... more The research in autonomous mobile robot is enlarging upon low cost mobile robotics. This low cost constraint implies the use of a poor perception system and a low computing power. In such a context, algorithms have to be simple in order to be executed in real time and proof against the weaknesses of the sensing system. The solutions proposed for the localisation are based on the fact that the higher the localisation algorithm speed is the lower the error on the position and on the orientation due to the odometry is.
The work presented in this paper is focused on the design and the implementation of an adaptive f... more The work presented in this paper is focused on the design and the implementation of an adaptive framework for ambient assisted living applications. The challenge is to provide an approach to deal with a dynamic environment in order to provide an adequate service to the person. It’s necessary to take into account constraints, the degree of urgency of the service and the degree of intrusion. The evolution of the degree of intrusion of the system based on the degree of urgency the availability of the different communication devices that constitute the environment are particularly targeted. Through an adaptive approach coalitions adaptations, our multi-agents system ensures answers to various or unforeseen situations. Our coalition protocol was implemented in a real scenario on ambient intelligence context. Objective: A mobile robot is based on the existence of communicating objects networks to decline a set of services and teleservices designed to facilitate the daily life of the person and his entourage at home. Result: The proposed solutions have been implemented on a real system and evaluated in real situations.
The maintenance in residence of handicapped or old people is an alternative to the hospitalizatio... more The maintenance in residence of handicapped or old people is an alternative to the hospitalization which answers the current tendency of reduction of the number of hospital beds. It poses two major problems: the safety of the people and their autonomy. To answer it, the AMaDom project combines two approaches: Remote monitoring, for safety and functional substitution for autonomy. A system of remote monitoring of patient in residence makes it possible to the people to remain at home while profiting from a medical supervision remotely and thus of a good reactivity in the event of urgency. In this project functional substitution is ensured by a robotized assistant of handling of objects. The assistant contributes to the integration of a person with reduced mobility in a usual environment.
Many researches have been done in the field of assistive robotics in the last few years. The firs... more Many researches have been done in the field of assistive robotics in the last few years. The first application field was helping with the disabled people's assistance. Different works have been performed on robotic arms in three kinds of situations. In the first case, static arm, the arm was principally dedicated to office tasks like telephone, fax… Several autonomous modes exist which need to know the precise position of objects. In the second configuration, the arm is mounted on a wheelchair. It follows the person who can employ it in more use cases. But if the person must stay in her/his bed, the arm is no more useful. In a third configuration, the arm is mounted on a separate platform. This configuration allows the largest number of use cases but also poses more difficulties for piloting the robot.
In this paper, we address the problem of coordinated motion control of a manipulator arm embarked... more In this paper, we address the problem of coordinated motion control of a manipulator arm embarked on a mobile platform. The mobile manipulator is used in providing assistance for disabled people. In order to perform a given task by using mobile manipulator redundancy, we propose a new manipulability measure that incorporates both arm manipulation capacities and the end-effector imposed task. This proposed measure is used in a numerical algorithm to solve system redundancy and then compared with other existing measures. Simulation and real results show the benefit and efficiency of this measure in the field of motion coordination.
The primary objective of rehabilitation robotics is to fully or partly restore the disabled user'... more The primary objective of rehabilitation robotics is to fully or partly restore the disabled user's manipulative function by placing a robot arm between the user and the environment. Our assistance system is composed of a control-command station for the disabled person and a manipulator arm mounted on a mobile robot. The main constraints of such peculiar systems are flexibility to be adapted to each user's capabilities, modularity to make the system versatile, reliability and cost to be affordable. A good compromise between those constraints is reached by a semiautonomous system in which robotics give the system as autonomy as possible and man-machine co-operation palliates both the deficiencies of the person due to the handicap and the limits of the machine. The approach consists to determine the autonomy level reachable with an affordable machine using robotic solutions. Taking into account both the capabilities of the person and the robot, the man-machine co-operation defines the best task sharing to do the person a service such as "go and see" or " fetch and bring an object back". The man machine interface for the perception and the control of the semiautonomous robotic system is based on new remote control approaches: virtual reality or enhanced reality. Enhanced and virtual reality techniques aims at immersing the user into the site where the mission is in progress. The increasing interest of video game firms for the immersion idea contributes to reduce the cost of such technology. An important feature of the MMI is the use of virtual fixtures as perceptual overlays to enhance human operator performances during teleoperating a robot. Virtual fixtures improve accuracy and time for performing a task and may reduce both human operator mental processing and stress.
ETFA 2001. 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Proceedings (Cat. No.01TH8597), 2001
This study investigates the processing of sonar signal using statistical methods (quadratic and l... more This study investigates the processing of sonar signal using statistical methods (quadratic and linear) for differentiation of commonly encountered features in indoor robot environments. Statistical method can differentiate two targets (Plane and Corner) with higher accuracy, improving on previously reported methods. It achieves this by exploiting identifying echo features: the differential frequency, length, amplitude and time-of-flight (TOF) characteristics of these targets. The features extraction is also studied and the reduction of parameters is obtained with a SBS (Sequential Backward Selection) approach. The results indicate that the amplitude information is more crucial than other features. The study suggests a wider use of statistical methods and amplitude information in sonar-based mobile robotics
ETFA 2001. 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Proceedings (Cat. No.01TH8597), 2001
The use of mobile robots, still limited to specific applications, can be applied to service robot... more The use of mobile robots, still limited to specific applications, can be applied to service robotics such as assistance for the disabled, if efficient yet low-cost perception systems are available. A multiaural and multimodal ultrasonic device seems to be an appropriate means for achieving such a difficult compromise. In a multimodal perception system, each operating mode is suited to a
The system's functions are the following: building graphics aids for the perception; building a g... more The system's functions are the following: building graphics aids for the perception; building a geometric model of the environment; collecting data from the robot site to animate the computer picture of the environment model; matching computer-generated and video images; controlling the robot via the video display terminal.
Youcef CHEKHAR, Etienne COLLE, Abdelhamid LOUKIL, Florent CHAVAND Calibration 3D d'un système mul... more Youcef CHEKHAR, Etienne COLLE, Abdelhamid LOUKIL, Florent CHAVAND Calibration 3D d'un système multicapteur. Multi-sensor calibration of a telerobotics aid system Simon COLLART DUTILLEUL, Jean-Paul DENAT, Wael KHANSA Commande robuste d'un atelier à flot sans stock et sans attente. Robust control of a waitingless and bufferless flow-shop
Nous présentons dans ce papier une application de la technique de localisation caméra/objet à par... more Nous présentons dans ce papier une application de la technique de localisation caméra/objet à partir de correspondances entre des points 3D et leur projection sur l'image au calcul de la position d'un robot mobile autonome.
Robotics can provide technological solutions for improving the quality of life of motor disabled ... more Robotics can provide technological solutions for improving the quality of life of motor disabled or elderly people. The main objective is to give person hours of independence by using a mobile base mounted arm. Because of particular constraints of this field of application the machine is semiautonomous and requires a close human machine co-operation for its control. In order to develop a user oriented machine control it is significant to determine the limits of autonomy of an affordable robot. After a description of the whole assistance system the paper focuses on the localisation problem of the mobile robot in a partly known environment.
ARPH project deals with restoring object manipulating and grasping function for upper limb handic... more ARPH project deals with restoring object manipulating and grasping function for upper limb handicapped people. The system is a semi autonomous mobile arm manipulator designed keeping in mind specificities due to a close cooperation between human and machine. In order to take into account the diversity of situation three kinds of control modes are proposed to the user. The paper focuses on the evaluation of ARPH system by disabled people in situation close to daily living. Several types of information were obtained concerning use, interface, ergonomics, safety and training. It should be noted that the phase of familiarisation during which the people were free to use the robot with their own way was particularly interesting for the usage foreseen by the designers of the product and the need for physical exchanges with others that the robot by its capacities of displacement and contact makes it possible to recreate...
Les solutions retenues en robotique d'assistance se démarquent souvent très fortement de cell... more Les solutions retenues en robotique d'assistance se démarquent souvent très fortement de celles employées en robotique industrielle. Du point de vue de la conception, il est pertinent de considérer la personne et le robot d'assistance comme deux éléments appartenant à un système complexe global. La coopération interne entre ces deux entités devient indispensable et permet de mettre en place des solutions innovantes. Ce papier tente de montrer sur l'exemple de la commande d'un bras mobile qu'il est possible de proposer de nouveaux algorithmes en s'appuyant sur les capacités de la personne. Nous avons montré qu'une méthode de résolution de problèmes utilisée en IAD offre une alternative aux modèles mathématiques généralement mis en oeuvre pour commander un robot. Cette approche offre des avantages. Cependant le caractère local de la résolution nécessite la présence d'un niveau supérieur possédant une vision globale du processus et capable de décision. E...
The research in autonomous mobile robot is enlarging upon low cost mobile robotics. This low cost... more The research in autonomous mobile robot is enlarging upon low cost mobile robotics. This low cost constraint implies the use of a poor perception system and a low computing power. In such a context, algorithms have to be simple in order to be executed in real time and proof against the weaknesses of the sensing system. The solutions proposed for the localisation are based on the fact that the higher the localisation algorithm speed is the lower the error on the position and on the orientation due to the odometry is.
The work presented in this paper is focused on the design and the implementation of an adaptive f... more The work presented in this paper is focused on the design and the implementation of an adaptive framework for ambient assisted living applications. The challenge is to provide an approach to deal with a dynamic environment in order to provide an adequate service to the person. It’s necessary to take into account constraints, the degree of urgency of the service and the degree of intrusion. The evolution of the degree of intrusion of the system based on the degree of urgency the availability of the different communication devices that constitute the environment are particularly targeted. Through an adaptive approach coalitions adaptations, our multi-agents system ensures answers to various or unforeseen situations. Our coalition protocol was implemented in a real scenario on ambient intelligence context. Objective: A mobile robot is based on the existence of communicating objects networks to decline a set of services and teleservices designed to facilitate the daily life of the person and his entourage at home. Result: The proposed solutions have been implemented on a real system and evaluated in real situations.
Papers by Etienne Colle