Fibromiyalji (FM) yorgunluk, kognitif bozukluk, psikiyatrik semptomlar ve çoklu somatik semptomla... more Fibromiyalji (FM) yorgunluk, kognitif bozukluk, psikiyatrik semptomlar ve çoklu somatik semptomların eşlik ettiği kronik yaygın kas-iskelet ağrısının başlıca nedenlerinden biridir. FM yaygın olarak romatizmal hastalıklara eşlik edebilmekle birlikte, bazen de romatizmal hastalıkları taklit ederek yanlış tanılara yol açabilmektedir. FM’nin tanısı için dikkatli alınmış bir öykü ve detaylı fizik muayene gerekmektedir, hastalığın tanısı için özgül bir laboratuvar testi veya radyolojik görüntüleme yöntemi yoktur. Bu yazıda diffüz idiopatik skeletal hiperostozis (DISH) ve belirlenemeyen bağ doku hastalığına (BDH) eşlik eden, tanı ve tedavi sürecinde güçlük yaşanan bir FM olgusunu sunarak, romatizmal hastalıklara sıklıkla eşlik edebilen FM hastalığına dikkat çekmek istedik
Primer Sjögren sendromu, sıklıkla ağız ve göz kuruluğu ile seyreden bir kronik otoimmun ekzokrino... more Primer Sjögren sendromu, sıklıkla ağız ve göz kuruluğu ile seyreden bir kronik otoimmun ekzokrinopatidir. Ağız içi bezleri ve göz yası bezleri dışında, nadir de olsa diğer ekzokrin bezler de etkilenebilir. En sık kas-iskelet sistem tutulusu ile karsımıza çıkmaktadır. Artralji, sabah tutukluğu ve romatoid artrite benzer kronik inflamatuvar poliartrit, eklem bulgularını oluşturmaktadır. Romatoid artrit'ten farklı olarak, Sjögren sendromunda sabah tutukluğu ve hareket kısıtlığı daha hafif olup, el ve el bilek deformasyonları görülmektedir. Romatoid artrit'ten ayıran en önemli özellik ise, direk grafi ve/veya magnetik rezonans görüntülerde, eklemlerde eroziv değişikliklerin olmamasıdır. Bu bildiride, primer Sjögren sendromu tanısı almış hastada, eroziv artrit rapor edilmiştir.Primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune exocrinopathy characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth. Exocrine glands other than salivary and lacrimal glands may be affected less frequently. The most ...
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a disease of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent at... more Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a disease of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent attacks of polyserositis and fever. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is known to contribute inflammatory conditions by regulating leukocyte localization at inflammatory sites. The aim of this study was to evaluate the probable association of ICAM-1 G/R 241 and ICAM-1 E/K 469 polymorphisms according to susceptibility with FMF. Sixty-seven FMF patients and 83 healthy volunteers were included in the study. Genomic DNA was extracted from EDTA-preserved whole blood of whole series of patients and controls, and genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and allele-specific oligonucleotide techniques for ICAM-1 polymorphisms G/R at codon 241 and E/K at codon 469. The ICAM-1 241 genotype and allele frequencies of FMF patients and healthy volunteers were similar. The frequency of ICAM-1 K469 homozygosity was significantly lower in FMF patients than in the controls (32.8% vs 50.7% subseq...
To determine the ratio of renal disease necessitating immunosuppressive treatment in lupus patien... more To determine the ratio of renal disease necessitating immunosuppressive treatment in lupus patients who are clinically asymptomatic by means of renal disease. It was also examined whether silent lupus nephritis is associated with any of the non-renal clinical findings. All kidney biopsies performed in lupus patients between 1990 and 2009 at the Rheumatology Department of Ege University Faculty of Medicine were retrospectively screened. Among the 258 kidney biopsies screened, 54 had no clinical renal findings but had active disease together with anti-dsDNA positivity and/or hypocomplementemia. Patients were classified into two groups who require and do not require immunosuppressive therapy according to their final pathological results at biopsy. The frequency of serious renal involvement in the sample was calculated. Then subgroups were compared with each other in terms of the clinical and laboratory features using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 13 software. Thirteen of the 54 patients (24%) had severe renal involvement requiring immunosuppressant therapy. When the groups were compared to each other, it was found that serositis and hematologic involvement were significantly more frequent in patients who needed immunosuppressive treatment (42.9% versus 10.0%; p = 0.003 and 64.3% versus 37.5; p = 0.039). Even in the absence of clinical renal manifestations, active patients at high risk of renal disease such as hypocomplementemia, anti-ds DNA positivity may have severe renal disease requiring immunosuppressive treatment. Thus, renal biopsy indications in lupus patients should better be revaluated.
Polimiyozit, proksimal kas gucsuzlugu, kas enzimlerinde yukseklik, elektromiyografide ve kas biyo... more Polimiyozit, proksimal kas gucsuzlugu, kas enzimlerinde yukseklik, elektromiyografide ve kas biyopsisinde miyopatik degisiklikler ile karakterize, inflamatuvar bir miyopatidir. Epidermolizis bulloza (EB) ise, bul olusumuyla karakterize nadir bir hastaliktir. Burada, polimiyozit ile EB'nin birlikte goruldugu bir olgu sunulmustur.
SUMMARY Primer Sjgren sendromu, siklikla a"iz ve gz kurulu"u ile seyreden bir kronik ot... more SUMMARY Primer Sjgren sendromu, siklikla a"iz ve gz kurulu"u ile seyreden bir kronik otoimmun ekzokrinopatidir. A"iz iAi bezleri ve gz ya#i bezleri di#inda, nadir de olsa di"er ekzokrin bezler de etkilenebilir. En sik kas-iskelet sistem tutulu#u ile kar#imiza Aikmaktadir. Artralji, sabah tutuklu"u ve romatoid artrite benzer kronik inflamatuvar poliartrit, eklem bulgularini olu#turmaktadir. Romatoid artrit'ten farkli olarak, Sjgren sendromunda sabah tutuklu"u ve hareket kisitli"i daha hafif olup, el ve el bilek deformasyonlari grlmektedir. Romatoid artrit'ten ayiran ennemlizellik ise, direk grafi ve/veya magnetik rezonans grntlerde, eklemlerde eroziv de"i#ikliklerin olmamasidir. Bu bildiride, primer Sjgren sendromu tanisi almi# hastada, eroziv artrit rapor edilmi#tir. : Primer Sjgren sendromu, eroziv artrit, magnetik rezonans grntleme Primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune exocrinopathy characterized by dry eyes and dry mo...
Granülomatöz polianjiit birçok sistemi tutan, hayatı tehdit eden bir hastalıktır. Tedavi strateji... more Granülomatöz polianjiit birçok sistemi tutan, hayatı tehdit eden bir hastalıktır. Tedavi stratejileri hastalığı iyileştirdiği gibi enfeksiyonlara yatkınlığı da arttırmaktadır. Enfeksiyonlar tanının ilk yılındaki en önemli ölüm nedenidir. Hastalığın seyrinde görülebilen enfeksiyonlar hastalık aktivasyonu ile ayırıcı tanıda her zaman düşünülmelidir. Ayırıcı tanıda klinik seyir, laboratuvar tetkikleri, patolojik incelemeler ve radyolojik görüntülemeler yardımcı olmaktadır. Granülomatöz polianjiit tanısı ile izlediğimiz olgumuzda hastalık aktivasyonu ile karışabilecek enfeksiyonlara dikkat çekmeye çalıştık.
Screening strategies for latent tuberculosis (TB) before starting tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α i... more Screening strategies for latent tuberculosis (TB) before starting tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α inhibitors have decreased the prevalence of TB among patients who are treated with these agents. However, despite vigilant screening, TB continues to be an important problem, especially in parts of the world with a high background TB prevalence. The aim of this study was to determine the factors related to TB among a large multicenter cohort of patients who were treated with anti-TNF. Fifteen rheumatology centers participated in this study. Among the 10,434 patients who were treated with anti-TNF between September 2002 and September 2012, 73 (0.69%) had developed TB. We described the demographic features and disease characteristics of these 73 patients and compared them to 7695 patients who were treated with anti-TNF, did not develop TB, and had complete data available. Among the 73 patients diagnosed with TB (39 men, 34 women, mean age 43.6 ± 13 yrs), the most frequent diagnoses were ank...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered as a connective tissue disease while ankylosing spondylit... more Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered as a connective tissue disease while ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a prototype of spondyloarthritis. These diseases are seen concomitantly only very rarely. Also, rituximab has proven efficacy in the treatment of RA while its role in the treatment of AS is unclear. In this presentation, the concomitant presence of RA and AS in a 43-year-old male patient as well as the efficacy and safety of rituximab is discussed. Rituximab was given due to lack of response to treatment with anti-TNF-alpha. Evaluations made at the 6th and 12th months of treatment showed complete response for RA and partial response for AS.
Using Doppler echocardiography (DE), we measured pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP) in r... more Using Doppler echocardiography (DE), we measured pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients without coexisting cardiopulmonary diseases. Accepting the normal upper limit of PASP as 30 mmHg, we found elevated PASP in 11 out of 40 (27.5%) RA patients, values being mostly 30-40 mmHg, indicating mild pulmonary hypertension (PHT). Although estimation of PASP by DE is not as reliable as cardiac catheterisation, it is possible that mild elevations in PASP may contribute to the high incidence of cardiovascular events not explained by traditional cardiac risk factors in patients with RA. Long-term follow-up will be obviously necessary to ascertain the impact of mild PHT on the prognosis and mortality rate of RA patients.
The aim of this study was to compare plasma Platelet-activating factor (PAF) and P-selectin (CD62... more The aim of this study was to compare plasma Platelet-activating factor (PAF) and P-selectin (CD62P) activities in Behçet's disease patients with and without thrombosis. In this cross-sectional and descriptive study, 30 consecutive Behçet's patients were included, 15 of them with venous thrombosis. All patients were also divided into two subgroups according to the presence or absence of clinical activity. Plasma PAF levels, basal and Ca++ ionophore (A23187)-induced leukocyte (cellular) PAF activities, and platelet-rich plasma DeltaCD62P activity (the mean fluorescent density difference between CD62P phycoerythrin-positive and -negative stains) were evaluated. In the thrombotic group, plasma PAF (P=0.001), basal leukocyte PAF (P=0.017), induced leukocyte PAF (P=0.024), and DeltaCD62P (P=0.023) levels were significantly higher than in the nonthrombotic group. In the whole group of Behçet's patients, there was a positive correlation between plasma PAF and DeltaCD62P levels (r=0.533, P=0.002). When we compared clinically active and inactive patients with respect to the above parameters, there was no significant difference, irrespective of thrombosis. Plasma PAF (P=0.001), basal leukocyte PAF (P=0.004), and DeltaCD62P (P=0.038) levels were significantly higher in the presence of both clinical activity and thrombosis than of clinical activity alone. Platelet-activating factor and CD62P may contribute to endothelial injury and thrombosis development in Behçet's disease. These two parameters seem related to the presence of thrombosis rather than clinical activity.
ObjectiveThe objectives are to detect the frequency of sicca symptoms and Sjögren's syndrome ... more ObjectiveThe objectives are to detect the frequency of sicca symptoms and Sjögren's syndrome (SS) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) based on the diagnostic criteria of the American–European Consensus Group (AECG) and to evaluate demographic, clinical and serologic characteristics.Patients and methodOne hundred and eighteen SSc patients referred to our hospital were included in this study. All SSc patients were questioned with respect to sicca symptoms. Levels of rheumatoid factor (RF), anti‐nuclear antibodies (ANA), anti‐Ro and anti‐La antibodies were measured; non‐stimulated saliva amounts were recorded and Schirmer test and break‐up time were applied to all patients. Minor salivary gland biopsy samples were obtained from those patients giving ≥ 3 positive answers to sicca symptom questions, patients with positive xerostomia/xerophthalmia test results, and patients with at least one antibody being positive. Patients presenting with grade 3 and/or grade 4 sialoadenitis b...
... Reprints: Dr. Sinan Emre, Department of Ophthalmology, Celal Bayar University, School of Medi... more ... Reprints: Dr. Sinan Emre, Department of Ophthalmology, Celal Bayar University, School of Medicine, TR-45010 Manisa, Turkey (e-mail: Collapse Box Abstract. ...Canturk S, et al. Bilateral acquired Brown syndrome in systemic scleroderma. J AAPOS. ...
Cyclosporine A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent used for the prevention of graft rejection dur... more Cyclosporine A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent used for the prevention of graft rejection during organ and bone marrow transplantation. CsA is also used for the treatment of various inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Although different side effect profiles have been reported, nephrotoxicity, renal vascular damage, hypertension, and gingival hypertrophy are among the most commonly encountered side effects. The development of massive fibrosis in the neck associated with CsA in a 30-year-old male patient with Still's disease is presented herein. Significant regression was observed after the discontinuation of CsA.
Fibromiyalji (FM) yorgunluk, kognitif bozukluk, psikiyatrik semptomlar ve çoklu somatik semptomla... more Fibromiyalji (FM) yorgunluk, kognitif bozukluk, psikiyatrik semptomlar ve çoklu somatik semptomların eşlik ettiği kronik yaygın kas-iskelet ağrısının başlıca nedenlerinden biridir. FM yaygın olarak romatizmal hastalıklara eşlik edebilmekle birlikte, bazen de romatizmal hastalıkları taklit ederek yanlış tanılara yol açabilmektedir. FM’nin tanısı için dikkatli alınmış bir öykü ve detaylı fizik muayene gerekmektedir, hastalığın tanısı için özgül bir laboratuvar testi veya radyolojik görüntüleme yöntemi yoktur. Bu yazıda diffüz idiopatik skeletal hiperostozis (DISH) ve belirlenemeyen bağ doku hastalığına (BDH) eşlik eden, tanı ve tedavi sürecinde güçlük yaşanan bir FM olgusunu sunarak, romatizmal hastalıklara sıklıkla eşlik edebilen FM hastalığına dikkat çekmek istedik
Primer Sjögren sendromu, sıklıkla ağız ve göz kuruluğu ile seyreden bir kronik otoimmun ekzokrino... more Primer Sjögren sendromu, sıklıkla ağız ve göz kuruluğu ile seyreden bir kronik otoimmun ekzokrinopatidir. Ağız içi bezleri ve göz yası bezleri dışında, nadir de olsa diğer ekzokrin bezler de etkilenebilir. En sık kas-iskelet sistem tutulusu ile karsımıza çıkmaktadır. Artralji, sabah tutukluğu ve romatoid artrite benzer kronik inflamatuvar poliartrit, eklem bulgularını oluşturmaktadır. Romatoid artrit'ten farklı olarak, Sjögren sendromunda sabah tutukluğu ve hareket kısıtlığı daha hafif olup, el ve el bilek deformasyonları görülmektedir. Romatoid artrit'ten ayıran en önemli özellik ise, direk grafi ve/veya magnetik rezonans görüntülerde, eklemlerde eroziv değişikliklerin olmamasıdır. Bu bildiride, primer Sjögren sendromu tanısı almış hastada, eroziv artrit rapor edilmiştir.Primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune exocrinopathy characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth. Exocrine glands other than salivary and lacrimal glands may be affected less frequently. The most ...
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a disease of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent at... more Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a disease of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent attacks of polyserositis and fever. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is known to contribute inflammatory conditions by regulating leukocyte localization at inflammatory sites. The aim of this study was to evaluate the probable association of ICAM-1 G/R 241 and ICAM-1 E/K 469 polymorphisms according to susceptibility with FMF. Sixty-seven FMF patients and 83 healthy volunteers were included in the study. Genomic DNA was extracted from EDTA-preserved whole blood of whole series of patients and controls, and genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and allele-specific oligonucleotide techniques for ICAM-1 polymorphisms G/R at codon 241 and E/K at codon 469. The ICAM-1 241 genotype and allele frequencies of FMF patients and healthy volunteers were similar. The frequency of ICAM-1 K469 homozygosity was significantly lower in FMF patients than in the controls (32.8% vs 50.7% subseq...
To determine the ratio of renal disease necessitating immunosuppressive treatment in lupus patien... more To determine the ratio of renal disease necessitating immunosuppressive treatment in lupus patients who are clinically asymptomatic by means of renal disease. It was also examined whether silent lupus nephritis is associated with any of the non-renal clinical findings. All kidney biopsies performed in lupus patients between 1990 and 2009 at the Rheumatology Department of Ege University Faculty of Medicine were retrospectively screened. Among the 258 kidney biopsies screened, 54 had no clinical renal findings but had active disease together with anti-dsDNA positivity and/or hypocomplementemia. Patients were classified into two groups who require and do not require immunosuppressive therapy according to their final pathological results at biopsy. The frequency of serious renal involvement in the sample was calculated. Then subgroups were compared with each other in terms of the clinical and laboratory features using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 13 software. Thirteen of the 54 patients (24%) had severe renal involvement requiring immunosuppressant therapy. When the groups were compared to each other, it was found that serositis and hematologic involvement were significantly more frequent in patients who needed immunosuppressive treatment (42.9% versus 10.0%; p = 0.003 and 64.3% versus 37.5; p = 0.039). Even in the absence of clinical renal manifestations, active patients at high risk of renal disease such as hypocomplementemia, anti-ds DNA positivity may have severe renal disease requiring immunosuppressive treatment. Thus, renal biopsy indications in lupus patients should better be revaluated.
Polimiyozit, proksimal kas gucsuzlugu, kas enzimlerinde yukseklik, elektromiyografide ve kas biyo... more Polimiyozit, proksimal kas gucsuzlugu, kas enzimlerinde yukseklik, elektromiyografide ve kas biyopsisinde miyopatik degisiklikler ile karakterize, inflamatuvar bir miyopatidir. Epidermolizis bulloza (EB) ise, bul olusumuyla karakterize nadir bir hastaliktir. Burada, polimiyozit ile EB'nin birlikte goruldugu bir olgu sunulmustur.
SUMMARY Primer Sjgren sendromu, siklikla a"iz ve gz kurulu"u ile seyreden bir kronik ot... more SUMMARY Primer Sjgren sendromu, siklikla a"iz ve gz kurulu"u ile seyreden bir kronik otoimmun ekzokrinopatidir. A"iz iAi bezleri ve gz ya#i bezleri di#inda, nadir de olsa di"er ekzokrin bezler de etkilenebilir. En sik kas-iskelet sistem tutulu#u ile kar#imiza Aikmaktadir. Artralji, sabah tutuklu"u ve romatoid artrite benzer kronik inflamatuvar poliartrit, eklem bulgularini olu#turmaktadir. Romatoid artrit'ten farkli olarak, Sjgren sendromunda sabah tutuklu"u ve hareket kisitli"i daha hafif olup, el ve el bilek deformasyonlari grlmektedir. Romatoid artrit'ten ayiran ennemlizellik ise, direk grafi ve/veya magnetik rezonans grntlerde, eklemlerde eroziv de"i#ikliklerin olmamasidir. Bu bildiride, primer Sjgren sendromu tanisi almi# hastada, eroziv artrit rapor edilmi#tir. : Primer Sjgren sendromu, eroziv artrit, magnetik rezonans grntleme Primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune exocrinopathy characterized by dry eyes and dry mo...
Granülomatöz polianjiit birçok sistemi tutan, hayatı tehdit eden bir hastalıktır. Tedavi strateji... more Granülomatöz polianjiit birçok sistemi tutan, hayatı tehdit eden bir hastalıktır. Tedavi stratejileri hastalığı iyileştirdiği gibi enfeksiyonlara yatkınlığı da arttırmaktadır. Enfeksiyonlar tanının ilk yılındaki en önemli ölüm nedenidir. Hastalığın seyrinde görülebilen enfeksiyonlar hastalık aktivasyonu ile ayırıcı tanıda her zaman düşünülmelidir. Ayırıcı tanıda klinik seyir, laboratuvar tetkikleri, patolojik incelemeler ve radyolojik görüntülemeler yardımcı olmaktadır. Granülomatöz polianjiit tanısı ile izlediğimiz olgumuzda hastalık aktivasyonu ile karışabilecek enfeksiyonlara dikkat çekmeye çalıştık.
Screening strategies for latent tuberculosis (TB) before starting tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α i... more Screening strategies for latent tuberculosis (TB) before starting tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α inhibitors have decreased the prevalence of TB among patients who are treated with these agents. However, despite vigilant screening, TB continues to be an important problem, especially in parts of the world with a high background TB prevalence. The aim of this study was to determine the factors related to TB among a large multicenter cohort of patients who were treated with anti-TNF. Fifteen rheumatology centers participated in this study. Among the 10,434 patients who were treated with anti-TNF between September 2002 and September 2012, 73 (0.69%) had developed TB. We described the demographic features and disease characteristics of these 73 patients and compared them to 7695 patients who were treated with anti-TNF, did not develop TB, and had complete data available. Among the 73 patients diagnosed with TB (39 men, 34 women, mean age 43.6 ± 13 yrs), the most frequent diagnoses were ank...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered as a connective tissue disease while ankylosing spondylit... more Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered as a connective tissue disease while ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a prototype of spondyloarthritis. These diseases are seen concomitantly only very rarely. Also, rituximab has proven efficacy in the treatment of RA while its role in the treatment of AS is unclear. In this presentation, the concomitant presence of RA and AS in a 43-year-old male patient as well as the efficacy and safety of rituximab is discussed. Rituximab was given due to lack of response to treatment with anti-TNF-alpha. Evaluations made at the 6th and 12th months of treatment showed complete response for RA and partial response for AS.
Using Doppler echocardiography (DE), we measured pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP) in r... more Using Doppler echocardiography (DE), we measured pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients without coexisting cardiopulmonary diseases. Accepting the normal upper limit of PASP as 30 mmHg, we found elevated PASP in 11 out of 40 (27.5%) RA patients, values being mostly 30-40 mmHg, indicating mild pulmonary hypertension (PHT). Although estimation of PASP by DE is not as reliable as cardiac catheterisation, it is possible that mild elevations in PASP may contribute to the high incidence of cardiovascular events not explained by traditional cardiac risk factors in patients with RA. Long-term follow-up will be obviously necessary to ascertain the impact of mild PHT on the prognosis and mortality rate of RA patients.
The aim of this study was to compare plasma Platelet-activating factor (PAF) and P-selectin (CD62... more The aim of this study was to compare plasma Platelet-activating factor (PAF) and P-selectin (CD62P) activities in Behçet's disease patients with and without thrombosis. In this cross-sectional and descriptive study, 30 consecutive Behçet's patients were included, 15 of them with venous thrombosis. All patients were also divided into two subgroups according to the presence or absence of clinical activity. Plasma PAF levels, basal and Ca++ ionophore (A23187)-induced leukocyte (cellular) PAF activities, and platelet-rich plasma DeltaCD62P activity (the mean fluorescent density difference between CD62P phycoerythrin-positive and -negative stains) were evaluated. In the thrombotic group, plasma PAF (P=0.001), basal leukocyte PAF (P=0.017), induced leukocyte PAF (P=0.024), and DeltaCD62P (P=0.023) levels were significantly higher than in the nonthrombotic group. In the whole group of Behçet's patients, there was a positive correlation between plasma PAF and DeltaCD62P levels (r=0.533, P=0.002). When we compared clinically active and inactive patients with respect to the above parameters, there was no significant difference, irrespective of thrombosis. Plasma PAF (P=0.001), basal leukocyte PAF (P=0.004), and DeltaCD62P (P=0.038) levels were significantly higher in the presence of both clinical activity and thrombosis than of clinical activity alone. Platelet-activating factor and CD62P may contribute to endothelial injury and thrombosis development in Behçet's disease. These two parameters seem related to the presence of thrombosis rather than clinical activity.
ObjectiveThe objectives are to detect the frequency of sicca symptoms and Sjögren's syndrome ... more ObjectiveThe objectives are to detect the frequency of sicca symptoms and Sjögren's syndrome (SS) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) based on the diagnostic criteria of the American–European Consensus Group (AECG) and to evaluate demographic, clinical and serologic characteristics.Patients and methodOne hundred and eighteen SSc patients referred to our hospital were included in this study. All SSc patients were questioned with respect to sicca symptoms. Levels of rheumatoid factor (RF), anti‐nuclear antibodies (ANA), anti‐Ro and anti‐La antibodies were measured; non‐stimulated saliva amounts were recorded and Schirmer test and break‐up time were applied to all patients. Minor salivary gland biopsy samples were obtained from those patients giving ≥ 3 positive answers to sicca symptom questions, patients with positive xerostomia/xerophthalmia test results, and patients with at least one antibody being positive. Patients presenting with grade 3 and/or grade 4 sialoadenitis b...
... Reprints: Dr. Sinan Emre, Department of Ophthalmology, Celal Bayar University, School of Medi... more ... Reprints: Dr. Sinan Emre, Department of Ophthalmology, Celal Bayar University, School of Medicine, TR-45010 Manisa, Turkey (e-mail: Collapse Box Abstract. ...Canturk S, et al. Bilateral acquired Brown syndrome in systemic scleroderma. J AAPOS. ...
Cyclosporine A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent used for the prevention of graft rejection dur... more Cyclosporine A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent used for the prevention of graft rejection during organ and bone marrow transplantation. CsA is also used for the treatment of various inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Although different side effect profiles have been reported, nephrotoxicity, renal vascular damage, hypertension, and gingival hypertrophy are among the most commonly encountered side effects. The development of massive fibrosis in the neck associated with CsA in a 30-year-old male patient with Still's disease is presented herein. Significant regression was observed after the discontinuation of CsA.
Papers by Fahrettin Oksel