EDA, 1970’li yillara kadar, retikuler sistemin kontrolu altinda bulunan, yaygin ve spesifik olmay... more EDA, 1970’li yillara kadar, retikuler sistemin kontrolu altinda bulunan, yaygin ve spesifik olmayan bir aktivite olarak de erlendirildi inden simetrik oldu u du unulmu ve bu nedenle de tek yanli gozlemler yapilmi tir. Gunumuzde, retikuler duzeyin uzerinde, ipsilateral limbik-hipotalamik kaynak (EDA-1) ile kontralateral premotor-bazal gangliyon kayna inin (EDA2) da EDA’nin ortaya ciki inda rol aldi i ifade edilmektedir (1).
ABSTRACT In order to evaluate the bilateral asymmetries in evoked electrodermal activity (EDA) an... more ABSTRACT In order to evaluate the bilateral asymmetries in evoked electrodermal activity (EDA) and the use of EDA parameters as indices of relative hemispheric activation, skin resistance level (SRL), skin resistance response (SRR), and the SRR latency (L) were examined in 25 right-handed male subjects. We used bilateral recording with a unilateral stimulation (auditory click/patellar tendon tap) to assess the asymmetries of EDA variables related to the side of stimulation and to handedness. Although no significant asymmetry in C = SRRmax/SRL ratio was found, significant differences in latency were observed. Ipsilateral responses were 100 ms faster than contralateral responses for auditory stimulus, a result that can be explained in terms of contralateral delay of neuronal communication on EDA-l pathway. Response latency to reflex-motor activation was 60-100 ms shorter in the dominant hand, regardless of the stimulation site used. This result indicates that the reaction time of the EDA-2 pathway of the left hemisphere was shorter than the right for right-handed subjects. It is concluded that there is hemispheric asymmetry on EDA-2 pathway and that this asymmetry appears to be dependent on the preferred dexterity. These results have implications for the influence of both central and peripheral factors on EDA laterality and principally on laterality of response amplitude. Further, there is no single cortical mechanism modulating the asymmetries in the latency of this response.
The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological ef... more The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological effects, especially on the central nervous system (CNS). Therefore, the authors examined the effect of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular phones (CPEMFs) on the evoked neuronal activity of CNS relating to generation and representation of electrodermal activity (EDA), an index of sympathetic nervous system activity. EDA (skin resistance response; SRR) latency was lengthened approximately 200 ms with CPEMFs exposure irrespective of the head site next to mobile phone used. Hemispheric asymmetry of EDA-2 pathway, which is represented by shorter SRR latency in the right hand of the right hand responders, was also distorted with CPEMFs. Because the CNS regions including EDA-2 are also involved in tasks of motor timing and time estimation, delayed response in this neuronal network due to CPEMFs exposure may increase the response time of mobile phone users. Therefore, the findings point to the potential risks of mobile phones on the function of CNS and consequently, possible increase in the risk of phone-related driving hazards.
Dünya Tıp Eğitimi Federasyonu tıp eğitiminin amacını, tüm insanların sağlıklı yaşamalarını sağlam... more Dünya Tıp Eğitimi Federasyonu tıp eğitiminin amacını, tüm insanların sağlıklı yaşamalarını sağlamak için iyi hekim yetiştirmek olarak tanımlar. Tıp eğitimi, insan sağlığına yönelik bilgi, beceri ve tutumların kazandırıldığı, teorik ile pratik derslerin verildiği ve hasta başı stajların yapıldığı bir eğitimdir. Aynı zamanda tıp dünyasında ortaya çıkan yeni gelişmelerin izlenmesinin gerekliliği nedeniyle dinamik bir yapıya sahiptir. Toplumun gereksinimleri, öncelikleri, sağlık sorunları değiştikçe tıp eğitimi de buna ayak uydurmak zorundadır. Bu nedenle tıp eğitimi sürekli değişim ve gelişim içerisindedir. Bu değişim sürecinin devam etmesi, tıp fakültelerinin sürekli gelişim ve yeniliklere açık olması, problem çözebilen, sorgulayan, araştıran, yaşam boyu öğrenmeyi öğrenen, gelişime açık, ekip paylaşımını ve iletişim becerileri kazanmış, toplumun gereksinimlerine yanıt verebilen hekimlerin yetiştirilmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bu derleme makalesinin amacı tıp eğitiminin gelişimi ...
EDA, 1970’li yıllara kadar, retiküler sistemin kontrolü altında bulunan, yaygın ve spesifik olmay... more EDA, 1970’li yıllara kadar, retiküler sistemin kontrolü altında bulunan, yaygın ve spesifik olmayan bir aktivite olarak de erlendirildi inden simetrik oldu u dü ünülmü ve bu nedenle de tek yanlı gözlemler yapılmı tır. Günümüzde, retiküler düzeyin üzerinde, ipsilateral limbik-hipotalamik kaynak (EDA-1) ile kontralateral premotor-bazal gangliyon kayna ının (EDA2) da EDA’nın ortaya çıkı ında rol aldı ı ifade edilmektedir (1).
The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological ef... more The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological effects, especially on the central nervous system (CNS). Therefore, the authors examined the effect of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular phones (CPEMFs) on the evoked neuronal activity of CNS relating to generation and representation of electrodermal activity (EDA), an index of sympathetic nervous system activity. EDA (skin resistance response; SRR) latency was lengthened approximately 200 ms with CPEMFs exposure irrespective of the head site next to mobile phone used. Hemispheric asymmetry of EDA-2 pathway, which is represented by shorter SRR latency in the right hand of the right hand responders, was also distorted with CPEMFs. Because the CNS regions including EDA-2 are also involved in tasks of motor timing and time estimation, delayed response in this neuronal network due to CPEMFs exposure may increase the response time of mobile phone users. Therefore, the findings point to the potential risks of mobile phones on the function of CNS and consequently, possible increase in the risk of phone-related driving hazards.
Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) time series from volar skin... more Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) time series from volar skin reveals three scaling regions: cardiac, cardio-respiratory and local. Scaling exponents, slopes (αC, αCR and αL) of the straight lines, in these regions indicate correlation properties of LDF signal. Transitions from uncorrelated to positive in cardiac (αC) and positive to negative correlations in the cardio-respiratory (αCR) exponent have been observed for vasodilatation signals in response to local heating. However, positive correlation in local region (αL) did not change with vasodilatation. We studied whether the transitions in scaling exponents are correlated with the increase in peak to peak fluctuation amplitude (AF) of LDF signal. LDF signals were normalized to unity using average values of their pulsatile parts: baseline and saturation signals. If AF of normalized LDF signal is ≥0.5, we observed transitions in αC and in αCR but not in αL, in healthy subjects. It is suggested th...
EDA, 1970’li yillara kadar, retikuler sistemin kontrolu altinda bulunan, yaygin ve spesifik olmay... more EDA, 1970’li yillara kadar, retikuler sistemin kontrolu altinda bulunan, yaygin ve spesifik olmayan bir aktivite olarak de erlendirildi inden simetrik oldu u du unulmu ve bu nedenle de tek yanli gozlemler yapilmi tir. Gunumuzde, retikuler duzeyin uzerinde, ipsilateral limbik-hipotalamik kaynak (EDA-1) ile kontralateral premotor-bazal gangliyon kayna inin (EDA2) da EDA’nin ortaya ciki inda rol aldi i ifade edilmektedir (1).
ABSTRACT In order to evaluate the bilateral asymmetries in evoked electrodermal activity (EDA) an... more ABSTRACT In order to evaluate the bilateral asymmetries in evoked electrodermal activity (EDA) and the use of EDA parameters as indices of relative hemispheric activation, skin resistance level (SRL), skin resistance response (SRR), and the SRR latency (L) were examined in 25 right-handed male subjects. We used bilateral recording with a unilateral stimulation (auditory click/patellar tendon tap) to assess the asymmetries of EDA variables related to the side of stimulation and to handedness. Although no significant asymmetry in C = SRRmax/SRL ratio was found, significant differences in latency were observed. Ipsilateral responses were 100 ms faster than contralateral responses for auditory stimulus, a result that can be explained in terms of contralateral delay of neuronal communication on EDA-l pathway. Response latency to reflex-motor activation was 60-100 ms shorter in the dominant hand, regardless of the stimulation site used. This result indicates that the reaction time of the EDA-2 pathway of the left hemisphere was shorter than the right for right-handed subjects. It is concluded that there is hemispheric asymmetry on EDA-2 pathway and that this asymmetry appears to be dependent on the preferred dexterity. These results have implications for the influence of both central and peripheral factors on EDA laterality and principally on laterality of response amplitude. Further, there is no single cortical mechanism modulating the asymmetries in the latency of this response.
The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological ef... more The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological effects, especially on the central nervous system (CNS). Therefore, the authors examined the effect of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular phones (CPEMFs) on the evoked neuronal activity of CNS relating to generation and representation of electrodermal activity (EDA), an index of sympathetic nervous system activity. EDA (skin resistance response; SRR) latency was lengthened approximately 200 ms with CPEMFs exposure irrespective of the head site next to mobile phone used. Hemispheric asymmetry of EDA-2 pathway, which is represented by shorter SRR latency in the right hand of the right hand responders, was also distorted with CPEMFs. Because the CNS regions including EDA-2 are also involved in tasks of motor timing and time estimation, delayed response in this neuronal network due to CPEMFs exposure may increase the response time of mobile phone users. Therefore, the findings point to the potential risks of mobile phones on the function of CNS and consequently, possible increase in the risk of phone-related driving hazards.
Dünya Tıp Eğitimi Federasyonu tıp eğitiminin amacını, tüm insanların sağlıklı yaşamalarını sağlam... more Dünya Tıp Eğitimi Federasyonu tıp eğitiminin amacını, tüm insanların sağlıklı yaşamalarını sağlamak için iyi hekim yetiştirmek olarak tanımlar. Tıp eğitimi, insan sağlığına yönelik bilgi, beceri ve tutumların kazandırıldığı, teorik ile pratik derslerin verildiği ve hasta başı stajların yapıldığı bir eğitimdir. Aynı zamanda tıp dünyasında ortaya çıkan yeni gelişmelerin izlenmesinin gerekliliği nedeniyle dinamik bir yapıya sahiptir. Toplumun gereksinimleri, öncelikleri, sağlık sorunları değiştikçe tıp eğitimi de buna ayak uydurmak zorundadır. Bu nedenle tıp eğitimi sürekli değişim ve gelişim içerisindedir. Bu değişim sürecinin devam etmesi, tıp fakültelerinin sürekli gelişim ve yeniliklere açık olması, problem çözebilen, sorgulayan, araştıran, yaşam boyu öğrenmeyi öğrenen, gelişime açık, ekip paylaşımını ve iletişim becerileri kazanmış, toplumun gereksinimlerine yanıt verebilen hekimlerin yetiştirilmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bu derleme makalesinin amacı tıp eğitiminin gelişimi ...
EDA, 1970’li yıllara kadar, retiküler sistemin kontrolü altında bulunan, yaygın ve spesifik olmay... more EDA, 1970’li yıllara kadar, retiküler sistemin kontrolü altında bulunan, yaygın ve spesifik olmayan bir aktivite olarak de erlendirildi inden simetrik oldu u dü ünülmü ve bu nedenle de tek yanlı gözlemler yapılmı tır. Günümüzde, retiküler düzeyin üzerinde, ipsilateral limbik-hipotalamik kaynak (EDA-1) ile kontralateral premotor-bazal gangliyon kayna ının (EDA2) da EDA’nın ortaya çıkı ında rol aldı ı ifade edilmektedir (1).
The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological ef... more The widespread use of cellular phones raises the question of their possible adverse biological effects, especially on the central nervous system (CNS). Therefore, the authors examined the effect of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular phones (CPEMFs) on the evoked neuronal activity of CNS relating to generation and representation of electrodermal activity (EDA), an index of sympathetic nervous system activity. EDA (skin resistance response; SRR) latency was lengthened approximately 200 ms with CPEMFs exposure irrespective of the head site next to mobile phone used. Hemispheric asymmetry of EDA-2 pathway, which is represented by shorter SRR latency in the right hand of the right hand responders, was also distorted with CPEMFs. Because the CNS regions including EDA-2 are also involved in tasks of motor timing and time estimation, delayed response in this neuronal network due to CPEMFs exposure may increase the response time of mobile phone users. Therefore, the findings point to the potential risks of mobile phones on the function of CNS and consequently, possible increase in the risk of phone-related driving hazards.
Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) time series from volar skin... more Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) time series from volar skin reveals three scaling regions: cardiac, cardio-respiratory and local. Scaling exponents, slopes (αC, αCR and αL) of the straight lines, in these regions indicate correlation properties of LDF signal. Transitions from uncorrelated to positive in cardiac (αC) and positive to negative correlations in the cardio-respiratory (αCR) exponent have been observed for vasodilatation signals in response to local heating. However, positive correlation in local region (αL) did not change with vasodilatation. We studied whether the transitions in scaling exponents are correlated with the increase in peak to peak fluctuation amplitude (AF) of LDF signal. LDF signals were normalized to unity using average values of their pulsatile parts: baseline and saturation signals. If AF of normalized LDF signal is ≥0.5, we observed transitions in αC and in αCR but not in αL, in healthy subjects. It is suggested th...
Papers by Ferhan Esen