Hasta hace aproximadamente una decada, las nanoparticulas y nanominerales eran unos autenticos de... more Hasta hace aproximadamente una decada, las nanoparticulas y nanominerales eran unos autenticos desconocidos en el ambito de los yacimientos minerales. Sin embargo, el progresivo desarrollo de tecnicas analiticas mas potentes ha permitido caracterizar particulas cada vez de menor tamano, lo cual ha llevado aparejado una verdadera explosion de la nanociencia y sus posibles aplicaciones directas en los procesos tecnologicos o nanotecnologia. Hay una demanda cada vez mas creciente de nanomateriales y nanoestructuras que son usados en campos tan diversos como las ciencias de la salud, el medioambiente, la industria aeroespacial o la electronica. Entre los mas demandados y caros estan aquellos formados por, o que contienen, elementos del grupo del platino (EGP: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd). Metales que, en conjunto con el Au, Ag, Co, Sc, In, Sb y las Tierras Raras (REE, por sus siglas en ingles) tienen un alto valor desde el punto de vista tecnologico (high-Tech por sus siglas en ingles) debid...
Rocks affected by pressure–temperature conditions in the transitional field between diagenesis an... more Rocks affected by pressure–temperature conditions in the transitional field between diagenesis and low-grade metamorphism make up large domains of the Earth’s upper continental and oceanic crust [...]
Clay-rich sediments injected into clastic dykes during earthquakes in the Galera fault zone (Guad... more Clay-rich sediments injected into clastic dykes during earthquakes in the Galera fault zone (Guadix-Baza basin, Central Betic Cordillera) CATALINA SANCHEZ-ROA1, JUAN JIMENEZ-MILLAN1*, FERNANDO NIETO2, FRANCISCO J. GARCIA-TORTOSA1, ISABEL ABAD1 AND ROSARIO JIMENEZ-ESPINOSA1 1Department of Geology and CEACTierra, Associated Unit IACT (CSIC-UGR), Faculty of Experimental Science, University of Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas s/n, 23071 Jaén, Spain (catasroa@ujaen.es; *correspondence: jmillan@ujaen.es; gtortosa@ujaen.es; miabad@ujaen.es, respino@ujaen.es) 2Department of Mineralogy and Petrology and IACT (CSICUGR), Faculty of Science, University of Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n 18002, Granada, Spain (nieto@ugr.es)
In this investigation, we showed that high salinity promoted by hydrothermal inputs, reducing con... more In this investigation, we showed that high salinity promoted by hydrothermal inputs, reducing conditions of sediments with high content in organic matter, and the occurrence of an appropriate clay mineral precursor provide a suitable framework for low-temperature illitization processes. We studied the sedimentary illitization process that occurs in carbonaceous sediments from a lake with saline waters (Sochagota Lake, Colombia) located at a tropical latitude. Water isotopic composition suggests that high salinity was produced by hydrothermal contribution. Materials accumulated in the Sochagota Lake’s southern entrance are organic matter-poor sediments that contain detrital kaolinite and quartz. On the other hand, materials formed at the central segment and near the lake exit (north portion) are enriched in organic matter and characterized by the crystallization of Fe-sulfides. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high resolution transmission ...
22 paginas, 13 figuras, 5 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralog... more 22 paginas, 13 figuras, 5 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology".
Workshop Alboran domain and Gibraltar Arc: geological research and natural hazards, en Granada (E... more Workshop Alboran domain and Gibraltar Arc: geological research and natural hazards, en Granada (Espana), del 16 al 18 de octubre, 2019
2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en 2010 SEA-CCJ-CMS Trilateral Meeting on Clays ... more 2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en 2010 SEA-CCJ-CMS Trilateral Meeting on Clays (Sevilla, Espana, 8-10 junio 2010)
La composicion mineral y quimica de los sedimentos lacustres es el resultado del balance entre un... more La composicion mineral y quimica de los sedimentos lacustres es el resultado del balance entre un conjunto de materiales detriticos y autigenicos que coexisten en la cuenca de deposito. Las condiciones extremas del medio (salinidad, Eh, pH, actividad microbiologica) pueden actuar como catalizadores de los procesos de neoformacion y transformacion de minerales en los sedimentos (Deocampo et al., 2017). Dichos procesos pueden condicionar la interpretacion de la asociacion mineral como indicadora de condiciones climaticas o ambientales. El presente trabajo aborda el efecto de las condiciones quimicas y fisicas extremas de los ambientes lacustres hipersalinos ricos en materia organica en el desarrollo de transformaciones minerales en sedimentos de la parte oriental de la Cuenca de Guadix Baza
2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en el Congreso de Mineralogia y Petrologia SEM98... more 2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en el Congreso de Mineralogia y Petrologia SEM98 y XVIII Reunion de la SEM (Bilbao, 3-6 octubre 1998)
18 paginas, 11 figuras, 4 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralog... more 18 paginas, 11 figuras, 4 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology".
1 pagina. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en European Geosciences Union (Niza, Francia, 25-... more 1 pagina. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en European Geosciences Union (Niza, Francia, 25-30 abril 2004)
ABSTRACT Clay mineralogy and B isotope data of mud volcano sediments of the Gulf of Cádiz: eviden... more ABSTRACT Clay mineralogy and B isotope data of mud volcano sediments of the Gulf of Cádiz: evidence of interactions of hydrocarbon- rich fluids with clays at depth
The metamorphic P-T conditions of low-grade units from the Famatina belt, Central Andes of Ar¬gen... more The metamorphic P-T conditions of low-grade units from the Famatina belt, Central Andes of Ar¬gentina, were estimated through petrography, X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy. For the Middle-Upper Cambrian Negro Peinado Formation a tectono-metamorphic event associated with intense intrafoliar folding, with estimated temperatures between 290 and 400°C (KICIS: 0.16-0.27Δº2θ, biotite blastesis and compositional homo¬geneity in dioctahedral micas) and intermediate pressure conditions (white mica b parameter: 9.010Å-9.035Å), was recognized. The Achavil Formation (Middle-Upper Cambrian) presents a main metamorphic event associated with temperatures between 200 and 290°C (KICIS: 0.26-0.41Δº2θ) and intermediate- to low-pressure conditions (white mica b parameter values: 8.972Å-9.017Å). Some illitic substitution in dioctahedral micas also indicates lower metamorphic grade than the Negro Peinado Formation. For Upper Cambrian to Middle Ordovician sequences a burial metamorphic pattern, ...
A multi-methodical characterization of a sauconite (Zn-bearing trioctahedral smectite) specimen f... more A multi-methodical characterization of a sauconite (Zn-bearing trioctahedral smectite) specimen from the Skorpion ore deposit (Namibia) was performed by combining X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), cation exchange capacity (CEC) analysis, differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermo-gravimetry (TG), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM-HRTEM-AEM). The X-ray diffraction pattern exhibits the typical features of turbostratic stacking disorder with symmetrical basal 00l reflections and long-tailed hk bands, as confirmed by TEM observations. Besides sauconite, the sample contains minor amounts of kaolinite, dioctahedral smectite, and quartz. CEC analysis provides a total of Ca (~69%), Mg (~26%), Na (~4%), and K (0.7%) exchangeable cations. Therefore, Zn is located exclusively within the octahedral site of sauconite. TG analysis of the sample yields a total mass loss of about 17%. Three endothermic peaks can be observed in the DTA curve, a...
Clay dehydration at great depth generates fluids and overpressures in organic-rich sediments that... more Clay dehydration at great depth generates fluids and overpressures in organic-rich sediments that can release isotopically light boron from mature organic matter, producing 10B-rich fluids. The B can be incorporated into the tetrahedral sites of authigenic illite during the illitization of smectite. Therefore, the crystal-chemical and geochemical characterization of illite, smectite or interlayered illite–smectite clay minerals can be an indicator of depth (temperature) and reactions with the basin fluids. The aim of this study was to determine the detailed clay mineralogy, B-content and isotopic composition in illite–smectite rich samples of mud volcanoes from the Gulf of Cádiz, in order to evaluate interactions of hydrocarbon-rich fluids with clays. Molecular modeling of the illite structure was performed, using electron density functional theory (DFT) methods to examine the phenomenon of B incorporation into illite at the atomic level. We found that it is energetically preferable...
Hasta hace aproximadamente una decada, las nanoparticulas y nanominerales eran unos autenticos de... more Hasta hace aproximadamente una decada, las nanoparticulas y nanominerales eran unos autenticos desconocidos en el ambito de los yacimientos minerales. Sin embargo, el progresivo desarrollo de tecnicas analiticas mas potentes ha permitido caracterizar particulas cada vez de menor tamano, lo cual ha llevado aparejado una verdadera explosion de la nanociencia y sus posibles aplicaciones directas en los procesos tecnologicos o nanotecnologia. Hay una demanda cada vez mas creciente de nanomateriales y nanoestructuras que son usados en campos tan diversos como las ciencias de la salud, el medioambiente, la industria aeroespacial o la electronica. Entre los mas demandados y caros estan aquellos formados por, o que contienen, elementos del grupo del platino (EGP: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd). Metales que, en conjunto con el Au, Ag, Co, Sc, In, Sb y las Tierras Raras (REE, por sus siglas en ingles) tienen un alto valor desde el punto de vista tecnologico (high-Tech por sus siglas en ingles) debid...
Rocks affected by pressure–temperature conditions in the transitional field between diagenesis an... more Rocks affected by pressure–temperature conditions in the transitional field between diagenesis and low-grade metamorphism make up large domains of the Earth’s upper continental and oceanic crust [...]
Clay-rich sediments injected into clastic dykes during earthquakes in the Galera fault zone (Guad... more Clay-rich sediments injected into clastic dykes during earthquakes in the Galera fault zone (Guadix-Baza basin, Central Betic Cordillera) CATALINA SANCHEZ-ROA1, JUAN JIMENEZ-MILLAN1*, FERNANDO NIETO2, FRANCISCO J. GARCIA-TORTOSA1, ISABEL ABAD1 AND ROSARIO JIMENEZ-ESPINOSA1 1Department of Geology and CEACTierra, Associated Unit IACT (CSIC-UGR), Faculty of Experimental Science, University of Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas s/n, 23071 Jaén, Spain (catasroa@ujaen.es; *correspondence: jmillan@ujaen.es; gtortosa@ujaen.es; miabad@ujaen.es, respino@ujaen.es) 2Department of Mineralogy and Petrology and IACT (CSICUGR), Faculty of Science, University of Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n 18002, Granada, Spain (nieto@ugr.es)
In this investigation, we showed that high salinity promoted by hydrothermal inputs, reducing con... more In this investigation, we showed that high salinity promoted by hydrothermal inputs, reducing conditions of sediments with high content in organic matter, and the occurrence of an appropriate clay mineral precursor provide a suitable framework for low-temperature illitization processes. We studied the sedimentary illitization process that occurs in carbonaceous sediments from a lake with saline waters (Sochagota Lake, Colombia) located at a tropical latitude. Water isotopic composition suggests that high salinity was produced by hydrothermal contribution. Materials accumulated in the Sochagota Lake’s southern entrance are organic matter-poor sediments that contain detrital kaolinite and quartz. On the other hand, materials formed at the central segment and near the lake exit (north portion) are enriched in organic matter and characterized by the crystallization of Fe-sulfides. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high resolution transmission ...
22 paginas, 13 figuras, 5 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralog... more 22 paginas, 13 figuras, 5 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology".
Workshop Alboran domain and Gibraltar Arc: geological research and natural hazards, en Granada (E... more Workshop Alboran domain and Gibraltar Arc: geological research and natural hazards, en Granada (Espana), del 16 al 18 de octubre, 2019
2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en 2010 SEA-CCJ-CMS Trilateral Meeting on Clays ... more 2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en 2010 SEA-CCJ-CMS Trilateral Meeting on Clays (Sevilla, Espana, 8-10 junio 2010)
La composicion mineral y quimica de los sedimentos lacustres es el resultado del balance entre un... more La composicion mineral y quimica de los sedimentos lacustres es el resultado del balance entre un conjunto de materiales detriticos y autigenicos que coexisten en la cuenca de deposito. Las condiciones extremas del medio (salinidad, Eh, pH, actividad microbiologica) pueden actuar como catalizadores de los procesos de neoformacion y transformacion de minerales en los sedimentos (Deocampo et al., 2017). Dichos procesos pueden condicionar la interpretacion de la asociacion mineral como indicadora de condiciones climaticas o ambientales. El presente trabajo aborda el efecto de las condiciones quimicas y fisicas extremas de los ambientes lacustres hipersalinos ricos en materia organica en el desarrollo de transformaciones minerales en sedimentos de la parte oriental de la Cuenca de Guadix Baza
2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en el Congreso de Mineralogia y Petrologia SEM98... more 2 paginas. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en el Congreso de Mineralogia y Petrologia SEM98 y XVIII Reunion de la SEM (Bilbao, 3-6 octubre 1998)
18 paginas, 11 figuras, 4 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralog... more 18 paginas, 11 figuras, 4 tablas.-- Nombre actual de la revista "Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology".
1 pagina. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en European Geosciences Union (Niza, Francia, 25-... more 1 pagina. Resumen de la comunicacion presentada en European Geosciences Union (Niza, Francia, 25-30 abril 2004)
ABSTRACT Clay mineralogy and B isotope data of mud volcano sediments of the Gulf of Cádiz: eviden... more ABSTRACT Clay mineralogy and B isotope data of mud volcano sediments of the Gulf of Cádiz: evidence of interactions of hydrocarbon- rich fluids with clays at depth
The metamorphic P-T conditions of low-grade units from the Famatina belt, Central Andes of Ar¬gen... more The metamorphic P-T conditions of low-grade units from the Famatina belt, Central Andes of Ar¬gentina, were estimated through petrography, X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy. For the Middle-Upper Cambrian Negro Peinado Formation a tectono-metamorphic event associated with intense intrafoliar folding, with estimated temperatures between 290 and 400°C (KICIS: 0.16-0.27Δº2θ, biotite blastesis and compositional homo¬geneity in dioctahedral micas) and intermediate pressure conditions (white mica b parameter: 9.010Å-9.035Å), was recognized. The Achavil Formation (Middle-Upper Cambrian) presents a main metamorphic event associated with temperatures between 200 and 290°C (KICIS: 0.26-0.41Δº2θ) and intermediate- to low-pressure conditions (white mica b parameter values: 8.972Å-9.017Å). Some illitic substitution in dioctahedral micas also indicates lower metamorphic grade than the Negro Peinado Formation. For Upper Cambrian to Middle Ordovician sequences a burial metamorphic pattern, ...
A multi-methodical characterization of a sauconite (Zn-bearing trioctahedral smectite) specimen f... more A multi-methodical characterization of a sauconite (Zn-bearing trioctahedral smectite) specimen from the Skorpion ore deposit (Namibia) was performed by combining X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), cation exchange capacity (CEC) analysis, differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermo-gravimetry (TG), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM-HRTEM-AEM). The X-ray diffraction pattern exhibits the typical features of turbostratic stacking disorder with symmetrical basal 00l reflections and long-tailed hk bands, as confirmed by TEM observations. Besides sauconite, the sample contains minor amounts of kaolinite, dioctahedral smectite, and quartz. CEC analysis provides a total of Ca (~69%), Mg (~26%), Na (~4%), and K (0.7%) exchangeable cations. Therefore, Zn is located exclusively within the octahedral site of sauconite. TG analysis of the sample yields a total mass loss of about 17%. Three endothermic peaks can be observed in the DTA curve, a...
Clay dehydration at great depth generates fluids and overpressures in organic-rich sediments that... more Clay dehydration at great depth generates fluids and overpressures in organic-rich sediments that can release isotopically light boron from mature organic matter, producing 10B-rich fluids. The B can be incorporated into the tetrahedral sites of authigenic illite during the illitization of smectite. Therefore, the crystal-chemical and geochemical characterization of illite, smectite or interlayered illite–smectite clay minerals can be an indicator of depth (temperature) and reactions with the basin fluids. The aim of this study was to determine the detailed clay mineralogy, B-content and isotopic composition in illite–smectite rich samples of mud volcanoes from the Gulf of Cádiz, in order to evaluate interactions of hydrocarbon-rich fluids with clays. Molecular modeling of the illite structure was performed, using electron density functional theory (DFT) methods to examine the phenomenon of B incorporation into illite at the atomic level. We found that it is energetically preferable...
Papers by Fernando Nieto