Dentigerous cysts arise from the dental follicle of unerupted teeth and are cysts of the epitheli... more Dentigerous cysts arise from the dental follicle of unerupted teeth and are cysts of the epithelial lining of the jaws. These cysts and unerupted teeth are frequently discovered during routine radiography examinations. Dentigerous cysts are usually asymptomatic unless the cyst grows large enough to cause swelling. Most dentigerous cysts are common in association with third molars and maxillary canines. Clinical, radiological, and histopathologic findings are used to make a diagnosis. We report a case of a dentigerous cyst associated with two impacted anterior maxillary teeth. The care of a dentigerous cyst in the upper left canine region with lateral incisor and canine impaction is described in this case report. The patient was treated surgically by enucleation of the cyst under general anaesthesia. The healing was good two weeks after surgery, according to the examination.
ABSTRACTIntroduction: FOXE1 rs4460498 and GSTP-1 I105V gene polymorphisms are suspected of having... more ABSTRACTIntroduction: FOXE1 rs4460498 and GSTP-1 I105V gene polymorphisms are suspected of having a role in some of the non-syndromic cleft lip and palate (NS CLP) populations worldwide. This study aims to analyze FOXE1 rs4460498 and GSTP-1 I105V polymorphisms associated with NS CLP as the risk factor among Deutero Malay Subrace in Indonesia. Methods: This study was a case-control design, using samples from the venous blood of 102 NS CLP subjects and 102 healthy control subjects. After DNA was extracted, the PCR-RFLPs method was performed using TasI restriction enzyme on 100 blood samples of FOXE1 rs4460498 group and Alw26I restriction enzyme on 105 blood samples of the GSTP-1 I105V group. The Chi-Square test was used with the Kolmogorov Smirnov and Exact Fisher alternatives. Results: T mutant allele (OR= 0.926, p>0.05) and CT genotype (OR= 0.0, p>0.05) of FOXE1 rs4460498 and the G mutant allele (OR= 0.988,p>0.05) and AG genotype (OR= 0.675,p>0.05) of the GSTP-1 I105V ar...
Porphyromonas gingivalis merupakan bakteri patogen dalam penyakit periodontitis kronis. Kandungan... more Porphyromonas gingivalis merupakan bakteri patogen dalam penyakit periodontitis kronis. Kandungan senyawa organik daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum) memiliki efek antibakteri. Ekstrak Piper crocatum diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai terapi penunjang penyakit periodontitis kronis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antibakteri ekstrak Piper crocatum melalui uji daya hambat terhadap Porphyromonas gingivalis. Prosedur kerja dengan membuat sampel ekstrak etanol 80% daun sirih merah dengan konsentrasi 2,5%; 5%; dan 10% dalam 10 mL DMSO 10%. Kultur biakan bakteri P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 di media Lempeng Agar Darah (LAD). Uji daya hambat dengan metode Kirby Bower pada konsentrasi ekstrak 2.5%, 5%, 10% pengulangan sebanyak tiga kali pada LAD berisi bakteri. Hasil uji daya hambat yaitu tidak didapat zona bening pada konsentrasi ekstrak 2.5%, 5%, 10%. Kontrol positif tidak ada dan kemungkinan bakteri terkontaminasi dapat menjadi penyebab zona bening tidak terbentuk. Ekstrak Piper...
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) become one of the most common muscles and jaw problems in... more Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) become one of the most common muscles and jaw problems in the population aged 20-40. TMD has a higher prevalence in women than men with a ratio between 3-4: 1 because gender is the most related risk factor in TMD. This study aims to determine the symptoms of TMD based on gender in students of the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, batch 2020. The research used an analytical study using the cross-sectional method. The data were analyzed using a chi-square test with 152 research subjects. The results found that 50.7% of students experienced symptoms of TMD, whereas male students experienced TMD more often (53.2%) than females (49.5%), with a value of p = 0.727. In this study, there was no relationship between the symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder and gender.
Denture adhesive is indicated for conditions of poor retention and stabilization. Commercially av... more Denture adhesive is indicated for conditions of poor retention and stabilization. Commercially available denture adhesives have side effects, thus requiring a safer alternative adhesive, one of which is rambutan honey adhesive cream. Rambutan honey is safe and does not cause toxic effects on test animals. This study aimed to observe the impact of acute toxicity of the orally administered rambutan honey adhesive cream on mice. The research method is an experimental laboratory method and was carried out using 24 male and female Swiss Webster mice. The subject was divided into four groups, one being the negative control group. Rambutan honey adhesive cream was given in three dose groups, namely 1250, 2500, and 5000mg/kg BW. Observations made were death, body weight, behavioural changes, and relative organ weight in mice for fourteen days. The analysis test was carried out using the one-way ANOVA (p < 0.05). The results showed that rambutan honey adhesive cream did not cause death an...
Abstrak— Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dap... more Abstrak— Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dapat dicetuskan oleh berbagai insult klinis yang berat. Respon ini ditandai dengan dua atau lebih dari gejala-gejala berikut : demam (suhu tubuh > 38 oC) atau hipotermia (<36 oC), takikardia (denyut nadi > 90 X/menit), takipneu (respirasi > 20 X/menit) atau PaCO2 < 32 torr (4,3kPa), leukositosis (jumlah lekosit >12000/mm3 atau leukopenia (jumlah lekosit <4000/mm3) atau adanya bentuk lekosit yang imatur > 10%. Sepsis adalah suatu SIRS yang disertai oleh suatu proses infeksi. Sepsis yang berat dapat berkembang menjadi syok septik yang berlanjut pada kegagalan fungsi organ. Infeksi odontogenik merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya sepsis di regio leher dan kepala. Infeksi seringkali menyebar melalui spasia fasialis di leher dan menyebabkan masalah pernafasan. Kondisi ini seringkali menyebabkan morbiditas yang signifikan dan memerlukan perawatan rawat inap yang cukup...
Saliva can be used as an alternative in establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan... more Saliva can be used as an alternative in establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Variations in salivary concentrations can be used as biomarkers of oxidative stress. Free radicals are molecules or compounds which have unpaired electrons. Furthermore, unbalanced levels of free radicals and antioxidants can cause oxidative stress. In order to reduce free radicals, antioxidants are needed. Rambutan honey gel is a natural ingredient that has been widely used since it has many benefits and ingredients. Flavonoid is one of rambutan honey contents. Flavonoids have function as donors of hydrogen groups. The aim of this study is to see the effect of application of rambutan honey gel against malondialdehyde (MDA) saliva levels. The method used was a quasi-experimental prepost design with 30 respondents. In addition, the sampling technique used consecutive sampling. Respondents would be asked to collect saliva before and after the application of rambutan honey gel in the infe...
A wound is a cut through the anatomical structure of tissue due to an incision of a sharp-edged o... more A wound is a cut through the anatomical structure of tissue due to an incision of a sharp-edged object. Ambon banana peel contains tannins, flavonoids, and saponins which act as an anti-inflammatory antioxidant and antibacterial properties that facilitate the wound healing process. This research attempted to know the effect of ambon banana peel gel extract (Musa paradisiaca var. Sapientum (L.) Kunt) on wound length healing of gingiva mucosa cuts in Wistar rats. The was a pure experimental study with a sample size of 30 Wistar rats divided into three groups; the treatment group was given 10% ambon banana peel gel extract. The positive control group was assigned 10% povidone-iodine, and the negative control group was given aquades. The research was conducted by making an incision on maxillary gingival mucosa 3 mm wide in the horizontal direction with a depth of 0.25 mm using blade number 11. Observations were performed on days 0, 3, 7, and 14 after treatment using a digital calliper. ...
Odontektomi gigi molar rahang bawah yang tumbuh tidak normal merupakan operasi yang paling sering... more Odontektomi gigi molar rahang bawah yang tumbuh tidak normal merupakan operasi yang paling sering dilakukan pada bagian bedah mulut. Tujuan sterilisasi adalah membunuh semua bentuk mikroorganisme hidup termasuk sporanya pada alat-alat yang disterilkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menilai efisiensi proses sterilisasi dengan pemanasan kering, oven dengan ozon dan infrared sebagai pengendalian infeksi. Penelitian eksperimen laboratoris ini dilakukan di bagian Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor. Sterilisasi dilakukan dengan tiga metode, pemanasan kering dengan oven+ozon, pemanasan kering dengan oven+infra merah pada suhu 125°C selama 15 menit, keduanya dipantau dengan Bacillus atrophaeus sebagai indikator biologis, dan autoklafisasi pada 121°C selama 15 menit dengan Geobacillus stearothermophilus sebagai pemantauan biologis, dengan 17 kali pengulangan. Setelah sterilisa...
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dapat dicetu... more Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dapat dicetuskan oleh berbagai insult klinis yang berat. Respon ini ditandai dengan dua atau lebih dari gejala-gejala berikut : demam (suhu tubuh > 38 oC) atau hipotermia ( 90 X/menit), takipneu (respirasi > 20 X/menit) atau PaCO2 12000/mm3 atau leukopenia (jumlah lekosit 10%. Sepsis adalah suatu SIRS yang disertai oleh suatu proses infeksi. Sepsis yang berat dapat berkembang menjadi syok septik yang berlanjut pada kegagalan fungsi organ. Infeksi odontogenik merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya sepsis di regio leher dan kepala. Infeksi seringkali menyebar melalui spasia fasialis di leher dan menyebabkan masalah pernafasan. Kondisi ini seringkali menyebabkan morbiditas yang signifikan dan memerlukan perawatan rawat inap yang cukup lama. Sebagaimana diketahui, tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) dapat menyebabkan respon inflamasi dan merupakan sitokin yang dilepaskan oleh makrofag mononuklear....
Dental extraction can cause anxiety in children, observed in vital signs changes. If occursexcess... more Dental extraction can cause anxiety in children, observed in vital signs changes. If occursexcessively, it can be regarded as an obstacle and may affect a child's behavior that can furtherdetermine the success of dental treatment. Anxiety that occurs in children can usually be influencedby various factors, including the level of parental education. This study aimed to observe maternaleducation level and anxiety in children receiving dental extraction treatments. This is a descriptivestudy, involving 60 subjects aged 7-12 that went for dental extraction at Rumah Sakit Gigi MulutPendidikan Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani (RSGMP UNJANI) Cimahi Juli-Desember 2016. Theparameters examined for measuring anxiety are body temperature, respiration frequency, and pulsebefore and after the procedure. This study found that 63.3% of mother of the subject had high schooleducation, 16.7% of junior high school, 8.3% S1, 6.7% D1/D3, and 5% SD. Increased bodytemperature was obtained in 36 subject...
Stevens Johnson Syndrome adalah satu bentuk reaksi obat pada kulit yang parah, yang ditandai deng... more Stevens Johnson Syndrome adalah satu bentuk reaksi obat pada kulit yang parah, yang ditandai dengan demam dan luka mukokutan yang berlanjut menjadi nekrosis dan epidermis terkelupas. Laporan kasus ini merupakan tipe observasi di ruangan perawatan rumah sakit, yang disebabkan penggunaan asam mefenamat setelah ekstraksi gigi. Reaksi obat yang parah seperti Stevens Johnson Syndrome dapat berpotensi mengancam jiwa yang memerlukan perawatan ekstra.
Odontectomy should be performed aseptically. The goal of sterilization is the complete killing of... more Odontectomy should be performed aseptically. The goal of sterilization is the complete killing of all forms of microbial life including bacterial spores on the items being processed. Biologic monitoring provides the main guarantee of sterilization. The aim of this study was to find the interrelation of the temperature and the holding time of instrument sterilization as an infection control for the successful of lower molars odontectomy. This experimental laboratory study was conducted at the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Department in the Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung and at the Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. The Protocol was performed in three methods of sterilization: dry heat with oven and ozone, dry heat with oven and infrared (125)C for 15 minutes), both were monitored by Bacillus atrophaeus as the biologic indicators, and autoclavization (121" C for 15 minutes) with Geobaciflus stearothermophilus as the biological ...
Dentigerous cysts arise from the dental follicle of unerupted teeth and are cysts of the epitheli... more Dentigerous cysts arise from the dental follicle of unerupted teeth and are cysts of the epithelial lining of the jaws. These cysts and unerupted teeth are frequently discovered during routine radiography examinations. Dentigerous cysts are usually asymptomatic unless the cyst grows large enough to cause swelling. Most dentigerous cysts are common in association with third molars and maxillary canines. Clinical, radiological, and histopathologic findings are used to make a diagnosis. We report a case of a dentigerous cyst associated with two impacted anterior maxillary teeth. The care of a dentigerous cyst in the upper left canine region with lateral incisor and canine impaction is described in this case report. The patient was treated surgically by enucleation of the cyst under general anaesthesia. The healing was good two weeks after surgery, according to the examination.
ABSTRACTIntroduction: FOXE1 rs4460498 and GSTP-1 I105V gene polymorphisms are suspected of having... more ABSTRACTIntroduction: FOXE1 rs4460498 and GSTP-1 I105V gene polymorphisms are suspected of having a role in some of the non-syndromic cleft lip and palate (NS CLP) populations worldwide. This study aims to analyze FOXE1 rs4460498 and GSTP-1 I105V polymorphisms associated with NS CLP as the risk factor among Deutero Malay Subrace in Indonesia. Methods: This study was a case-control design, using samples from the venous blood of 102 NS CLP subjects and 102 healthy control subjects. After DNA was extracted, the PCR-RFLPs method was performed using TasI restriction enzyme on 100 blood samples of FOXE1 rs4460498 group and Alw26I restriction enzyme on 105 blood samples of the GSTP-1 I105V group. The Chi-Square test was used with the Kolmogorov Smirnov and Exact Fisher alternatives. Results: T mutant allele (OR= 0.926, p>0.05) and CT genotype (OR= 0.0, p>0.05) of FOXE1 rs4460498 and the G mutant allele (OR= 0.988,p>0.05) and AG genotype (OR= 0.675,p>0.05) of the GSTP-1 I105V ar...
Porphyromonas gingivalis merupakan bakteri patogen dalam penyakit periodontitis kronis. Kandungan... more Porphyromonas gingivalis merupakan bakteri patogen dalam penyakit periodontitis kronis. Kandungan senyawa organik daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum) memiliki efek antibakteri. Ekstrak Piper crocatum diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai terapi penunjang penyakit periodontitis kronis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antibakteri ekstrak Piper crocatum melalui uji daya hambat terhadap Porphyromonas gingivalis. Prosedur kerja dengan membuat sampel ekstrak etanol 80% daun sirih merah dengan konsentrasi 2,5%; 5%; dan 10% dalam 10 mL DMSO 10%. Kultur biakan bakteri P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 di media Lempeng Agar Darah (LAD). Uji daya hambat dengan metode Kirby Bower pada konsentrasi ekstrak 2.5%, 5%, 10% pengulangan sebanyak tiga kali pada LAD berisi bakteri. Hasil uji daya hambat yaitu tidak didapat zona bening pada konsentrasi ekstrak 2.5%, 5%, 10%. Kontrol positif tidak ada dan kemungkinan bakteri terkontaminasi dapat menjadi penyebab zona bening tidak terbentuk. Ekstrak Piper...
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) become one of the most common muscles and jaw problems in... more Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) become one of the most common muscles and jaw problems in the population aged 20-40. TMD has a higher prevalence in women than men with a ratio between 3-4: 1 because gender is the most related risk factor in TMD. This study aims to determine the symptoms of TMD based on gender in students of the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, batch 2020. The research used an analytical study using the cross-sectional method. The data were analyzed using a chi-square test with 152 research subjects. The results found that 50.7% of students experienced symptoms of TMD, whereas male students experienced TMD more often (53.2%) than females (49.5%), with a value of p = 0.727. In this study, there was no relationship between the symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder and gender.
Denture adhesive is indicated for conditions of poor retention and stabilization. Commercially av... more Denture adhesive is indicated for conditions of poor retention and stabilization. Commercially available denture adhesives have side effects, thus requiring a safer alternative adhesive, one of which is rambutan honey adhesive cream. Rambutan honey is safe and does not cause toxic effects on test animals. This study aimed to observe the impact of acute toxicity of the orally administered rambutan honey adhesive cream on mice. The research method is an experimental laboratory method and was carried out using 24 male and female Swiss Webster mice. The subject was divided into four groups, one being the negative control group. Rambutan honey adhesive cream was given in three dose groups, namely 1250, 2500, and 5000mg/kg BW. Observations made were death, body weight, behavioural changes, and relative organ weight in mice for fourteen days. The analysis test was carried out using the one-way ANOVA (p < 0.05). The results showed that rambutan honey adhesive cream did not cause death an...
Abstrak— Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dap... more Abstrak— Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dapat dicetuskan oleh berbagai insult klinis yang berat. Respon ini ditandai dengan dua atau lebih dari gejala-gejala berikut : demam (suhu tubuh > 38 oC) atau hipotermia (<36 oC), takikardia (denyut nadi > 90 X/menit), takipneu (respirasi > 20 X/menit) atau PaCO2 < 32 torr (4,3kPa), leukositosis (jumlah lekosit >12000/mm3 atau leukopenia (jumlah lekosit <4000/mm3) atau adanya bentuk lekosit yang imatur > 10%. Sepsis adalah suatu SIRS yang disertai oleh suatu proses infeksi. Sepsis yang berat dapat berkembang menjadi syok septik yang berlanjut pada kegagalan fungsi organ. Infeksi odontogenik merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya sepsis di regio leher dan kepala. Infeksi seringkali menyebar melalui spasia fasialis di leher dan menyebabkan masalah pernafasan. Kondisi ini seringkali menyebabkan morbiditas yang signifikan dan memerlukan perawatan rawat inap yang cukup...
Saliva can be used as an alternative in establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan... more Saliva can be used as an alternative in establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. Variations in salivary concentrations can be used as biomarkers of oxidative stress. Free radicals are molecules or compounds which have unpaired electrons. Furthermore, unbalanced levels of free radicals and antioxidants can cause oxidative stress. In order to reduce free radicals, antioxidants are needed. Rambutan honey gel is a natural ingredient that has been widely used since it has many benefits and ingredients. Flavonoid is one of rambutan honey contents. Flavonoids have function as donors of hydrogen groups. The aim of this study is to see the effect of application of rambutan honey gel against malondialdehyde (MDA) saliva levels. The method used was a quasi-experimental prepost design with 30 respondents. In addition, the sampling technique used consecutive sampling. Respondents would be asked to collect saliva before and after the application of rambutan honey gel in the infe...
A wound is a cut through the anatomical structure of tissue due to an incision of a sharp-edged o... more A wound is a cut through the anatomical structure of tissue due to an incision of a sharp-edged object. Ambon banana peel contains tannins, flavonoids, and saponins which act as an anti-inflammatory antioxidant and antibacterial properties that facilitate the wound healing process. This research attempted to know the effect of ambon banana peel gel extract (Musa paradisiaca var. Sapientum (L.) Kunt) on wound length healing of gingiva mucosa cuts in Wistar rats. The was a pure experimental study with a sample size of 30 Wistar rats divided into three groups; the treatment group was given 10% ambon banana peel gel extract. The positive control group was assigned 10% povidone-iodine, and the negative control group was given aquades. The research was conducted by making an incision on maxillary gingival mucosa 3 mm wide in the horizontal direction with a depth of 0.25 mm using blade number 11. Observations were performed on days 0, 3, 7, and 14 after treatment using a digital calliper. ...
Odontektomi gigi molar rahang bawah yang tumbuh tidak normal merupakan operasi yang paling sering... more Odontektomi gigi molar rahang bawah yang tumbuh tidak normal merupakan operasi yang paling sering dilakukan pada bagian bedah mulut. Tujuan sterilisasi adalah membunuh semua bentuk mikroorganisme hidup termasuk sporanya pada alat-alat yang disterilkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menilai efisiensi proses sterilisasi dengan pemanasan kering, oven dengan ozon dan infrared sebagai pengendalian infeksi. Penelitian eksperimen laboratoris ini dilakukan di bagian Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor. Sterilisasi dilakukan dengan tiga metode, pemanasan kering dengan oven+ozon, pemanasan kering dengan oven+infra merah pada suhu 125°C selama 15 menit, keduanya dipantau dengan Bacillus atrophaeus sebagai indikator biologis, dan autoklafisasi pada 121°C selama 15 menit dengan Geobacillus stearothermophilus sebagai pemantauan biologis, dengan 17 kali pengulangan. Setelah sterilisa...
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dapat dicetu... more Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) adalah respon inflamasi sistemik yang dapat dicetuskan oleh berbagai insult klinis yang berat. Respon ini ditandai dengan dua atau lebih dari gejala-gejala berikut : demam (suhu tubuh > 38 oC) atau hipotermia ( 90 X/menit), takipneu (respirasi > 20 X/menit) atau PaCO2 12000/mm3 atau leukopenia (jumlah lekosit 10%. Sepsis adalah suatu SIRS yang disertai oleh suatu proses infeksi. Sepsis yang berat dapat berkembang menjadi syok septik yang berlanjut pada kegagalan fungsi organ. Infeksi odontogenik merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya sepsis di regio leher dan kepala. Infeksi seringkali menyebar melalui spasia fasialis di leher dan menyebabkan masalah pernafasan. Kondisi ini seringkali menyebabkan morbiditas yang signifikan dan memerlukan perawatan rawat inap yang cukup lama. Sebagaimana diketahui, tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) dapat menyebabkan respon inflamasi dan merupakan sitokin yang dilepaskan oleh makrofag mononuklear....
Dental extraction can cause anxiety in children, observed in vital signs changes. If occursexcess... more Dental extraction can cause anxiety in children, observed in vital signs changes. If occursexcessively, it can be regarded as an obstacle and may affect a child's behavior that can furtherdetermine the success of dental treatment. Anxiety that occurs in children can usually be influencedby various factors, including the level of parental education. This study aimed to observe maternaleducation level and anxiety in children receiving dental extraction treatments. This is a descriptivestudy, involving 60 subjects aged 7-12 that went for dental extraction at Rumah Sakit Gigi MulutPendidikan Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani (RSGMP UNJANI) Cimahi Juli-Desember 2016. Theparameters examined for measuring anxiety are body temperature, respiration frequency, and pulsebefore and after the procedure. This study found that 63.3% of mother of the subject had high schooleducation, 16.7% of junior high school, 8.3% S1, 6.7% D1/D3, and 5% SD. Increased bodytemperature was obtained in 36 subject...
Stevens Johnson Syndrome adalah satu bentuk reaksi obat pada kulit yang parah, yang ditandai deng... more Stevens Johnson Syndrome adalah satu bentuk reaksi obat pada kulit yang parah, yang ditandai dengan demam dan luka mukokutan yang berlanjut menjadi nekrosis dan epidermis terkelupas. Laporan kasus ini merupakan tipe observasi di ruangan perawatan rumah sakit, yang disebabkan penggunaan asam mefenamat setelah ekstraksi gigi. Reaksi obat yang parah seperti Stevens Johnson Syndrome dapat berpotensi mengancam jiwa yang memerlukan perawatan ekstra.
Odontectomy should be performed aseptically. The goal of sterilization is the complete killing of... more Odontectomy should be performed aseptically. The goal of sterilization is the complete killing of all forms of microbial life including bacterial spores on the items being processed. Biologic monitoring provides the main guarantee of sterilization. The aim of this study was to find the interrelation of the temperature and the holding time of instrument sterilization as an infection control for the successful of lower molars odontectomy. This experimental laboratory study was conducted at the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Department in the Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung and at the Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. The Protocol was performed in three methods of sterilization: dry heat with oven and ozone, dry heat with oven and infrared (125)C for 15 minutes), both were monitored by Bacillus atrophaeus as the biologic indicators, and autoclavization (121" C for 15 minutes) with Geobaciflus stearothermophilus as the biological ...
Papers by Florence Meliawaty