To explore the experiences of patients with metastatic prostate cancer and their partners/caregiv... more To explore the experiences of patients with metastatic prostate cancer and their partners/caregivers, as well as an interprofessional team, with a nurse-led multimodality supportive care intervention. . Qualitative study. . National Health Service (NHS), Tayside, Scotland. . 19 patients, 7 partners/caregivers, and 7 interprofessional members from four hospitals in NHS, Tayside, Scotland. . 33 semistructured interviews were conducted to explore patients' and partners/caregivers' experiences of supportive care, and a framework approach was used to analyze the data. . Men and their partners/caregivers experienced a range of unmet physical, psychological, and informational supportive care needs. The participants in the intervention group reported overall high satisfaction with the use of holistic needs assessments and self-management plans, with a decrease in unmet needs compared to the standard of care over time. The prostate cancer specialist nurse was perceived as the hub ...
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are lin... more Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are linked to prostate cancer, but their effect on biochemical recurrence (BR) remains unknown. Our aims were to investigate the incidence and risk of BR in men on ACEIs/ARBs after radical radiotherapy with adjuvant∖neoadjuvant hormone treatment. A propensity score analysis of 558 men was conducted. Men were stratified into 3 groups: hypertensive men on ACEIs/ARBs (as a study group), non-hypertensive men not on ACEIs/ARBs, and hypertensive men not on ACEIs/ARBs (both as a control group). The multivariate analysis of variance, chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis, analysis of variance, risk ratio, confidence interval, Kaplan-Meier plots, and log-rank tests were used. The mean age and follow-up were 68.51 and 3.33 years, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of BR among the treatment groups (P < .001). The incidence of BR was significantly lower in hypertensive...
To test the propositions of social support theory (see figure ) and to detail the actual selfmana... more To test the propositions of social support theory (see figure ) and to detail the actual selfmanagement behaviours of men affected by prostate cancer over time.
Patients with carcinoma urinary bladder with metastasis to the lymph nodes have been believed to ... more Patients with carcinoma urinary bladder with metastasis to the lymph nodes have been believed to have a poor prognosis. The various factors affecting survival in this subset of patients are not well understood. To analyze, these factors, we retrospectively analyzed patients who had undergone radical cystectomy at our center in the last 10 years. From Jan. 1991 to May 2001, 158 patients underwent radical cystectomy at our center. 38 of these were found to have metastasis in the regional lymph nodes (i.e. stage D). A multivariate regression analysis was done to look for factors, which predict a better survival in this group of patients. Patients were studied for age, sex, morphology of tumour (papillary or nodular), grade of tumour, local extent of the disease (T1 T3A OR T3B), lymph nodal involvement, chemotherapy (whether received or not) and no. of TUR resection before radical cystectomy. SPSS software was used and the actuarial disease specific survival calculated for each variable...
Analysis 12.1. Comparison 12 Anti reflux versus reflux for bladder replacement, Outcome 1 Number ... more Analysis 12.1. Comparison 12 Anti reflux versus reflux for bladder replacement, Outcome 1 Number of patients with upper urinary tract infection.
Objective To investigate the potential beneficial and adverse effects of routine ureteric stent p... more Objective To investigate the potential beneficial and adverse effects of routine ureteric stent placement after ureteroscopy. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Data sources Cochrane controlled trials register (2006 issue 2), Embase, and Medline (1966 to 31 March 2006), without language restrictions. We included all randomised controlled trials that reported various outcomes with or without stenting after ureteroscopy. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed quality. Meta-analyses used both fixed and random effects models with dichotomous data reported as relative risk and continuous data as a weighted mean difference with 95% confidence intervals. Results Nine randomised controlled trials (reporting 831 participants) were identified. The incidence of lower urinary tract symptoms was significantly higher in participants who had a stent inserted (relative risk 2.25, 95% confidence interval 1.14 to 4.43, for dysuria; 2.00, 1.11 to 3.62, for frequency or urgency) after ureteroscopy. There was no significant difference in postoperative requirement for analgesia, urinary tract infections, stone free rate, and ureteric strictures in the two groups. Because of marked heterogeneity, formal pooling of data was not possible for some outcomes such as flank pain. A pooled analysis showed a reduced likelihood of unplanned medical visits or admission to hospital in the group with stents (0.53, 0.17 to 1.60), although this difference was not significant. None of the trials reported on health related quality of life. Cost reported in three randomised controlled trials favoured the group without stents. The overall quality of trials was poor and reporting of outcomes inconsistent. Conclusions Patients with stents after ureteroscopy have significantly higher morbidity in the form of irritative lower urinary symptoms with no influence on stone free rate, rate of urinary tract infection, requirement for analgesia, or long term ureteric stricture formation. Because of the marked heterogeneity and poor quality of reporting of the included trials, the place of stenting in the management of patients after uncomplicated ureteroscopy remains unclear.
Objective To determine which surgical treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of be... more Objective To determine which surgical treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostate enlargement is cost effective. Design Care pathways describing credible treatment strategies were decided by consensus. Cost-utility analysis used Markov modelling and Monte Carlo simulation. Data sources Clinical effectiveness data came from a systematic review and an individual level dataset. Utility values came from previous economic evaluations. Costs were calculated from National Health Service (NHS) and commercial sources. Methods The Markov model included parameters with associated measures of uncertainty describing health states between which individuals might move at three monthly intervals over 10 years. Successive annual cohorts of 25 000 men were entered into the model and the probability that treatment strategies were cost effective was assessed with Monte Carlo simulation with 10 000 iterations. Results A treatment strategy of initial diathermy vaporisation of the prostate followed by endoscopic holmium laser enucleation of the prostate in case of failure to benefit or subsequent relapse had an 85% probability of being cost effective at a willingness to pay value of £20 000 (€21 595, $28 686)/quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained. Other strategies with diathermy vaporisation as the initial treatment were generally cheaper and more effective than the current standard of transurethral resection repeated once if necessary. The use of potassium titanyl phosphate laser vaporisation incurred higher costs and was less effective than transurethral resection, and strategies involving initial minimally invasive treatment with microwave thermotherapy were not cost effective. Findings were unchanged by wide ranging sensitivity analyses. Conclusion The outcome of this economic model should be interpreted cautiously because of the limitations of the data used. The finding that initial vaporisation followed by holmium laser enucleation for failure or relapse might be advantageous both to men with lower urinary tract symptoms and to healthcare providers requires confirmation in a good quality prospective clinical trial before any change in current practice. Potassium titanyl phosphate laser vaporisation was unlikely to be cost effective in our model, which argues against its unrestricted use until further evidence of effectiveness and cost reduction is obtained.
ABSTRACT To assess the feasibility and intermediate-term outcome of laparoscopic radical cystecto... more ABSTRACT To assess the feasibility and intermediate-term outcome of laparoscopic radical cystectomy (LRC) with ileal conduit urinary diversion in patients with organ-confined muscle-invasive carcinoma of the urinary bladder, the entire procedure undertaken intracorporeally only using laparoscopic techniques. Five patients (four men and one woman) underwent LRC with intracorporeal ileal conduit diversion in February 2000, using a six-port transperitoneal technique. LRC, ileal conduit exclusion, restoration of ileo-ileal continuity, and bilateral stented uretero-ileal anastomoses were completed intracorporeally in all patients. The follow-up data up to 2 years are reported. All procedures were completed laparoscopically with no open conversion or intraoperative complications. The mean duration of surgery was 7.5 h; the blood loss was 360 mL and no patient required perioperative blood transfusion. The mean (range) hospital stay was 7 (6-22) days; the specimen weight was 225-400 g. The surgical margins of the bladder specimen were negative in each patient. One patient developed intestinal obstruction after surgery, requiring a diverting ileostomy for 12 weeks. At a follow-up of 2 years, two patients died, both from unrelated causes (myocardial infarction and septicaemia from pulmonary infection in one each). The three surviving patients are asymptomatic with normal upper tracts and no evidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease. LRC with ileal conduit diversion undertaken completely intracorporeally is a feasible option for muscle-invasive organ-confined carcinoma of the urinary bladder, with good outcomes over a 2-year follow-up.
The BAUS Section of Academic Urology, under the Chairmanship of Professor Kilian Mellon, joined t... more The BAUS Section of Academic Urology, under the Chairmanship of Professor Kilian Mellon, joined the Society of Academic and Research Surgery for their Annual Meeting on 7 January 2010 at the Royal Free Hospital.
The quality of initial transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) is paramount in the mana... more The quality of initial transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) is paramount in the management of bladder cancer. The presence of muscularis propria (MP) in the first resection directly influences recurrence and progression rates and its absence can have significant effect on patient care. With the changing face of surgical training, urological experience prior to entry into specialty training is progressively limited. Our aim was to ensure ST3 trainee performed resections, under senior supervision, were adequate. Methods: A retrospective review was performed of all trainee (ST3) resections over a ten-month period in our institution. The presence of MP need and time for re-resection, recurrence and complications were assessed. New diagnosis and recurrent tumours were included with a minimum 3-month follow-up period. Results: 52 TURBTs were performed. 47 (90.4%) resections contained MP. This compares favourably with the recent national STUKA audit figure of 79%. Of the 5 patients without MP present; 2 had re-resections with subsequent histological grading unchanged, 2 did not have re-resection as both were low grade superficial disease, 1 failed to attend follow. Conclusion: With appropriate supervision, TURBT can be performed as an index entry level (ST3) procedure without compromising oncological outcomes.
Background Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potentially life-threatening but preventable complic... more Background Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potentially life-threatening but preventable complication after urological surgery. Physicians are faced with the challenges of weighing the risks and benefits of thromboprophylaxis given scanty evidence for or against and practice variation worldwide. Objective The primary objective of the study was to explore the possibility of a risk-stratified approach for thromboembolism prophylaxis following radical prostatectomy. Design, setting, and participants A prospective database was accessed to cross-link venous thromboembolism events in 522 men who underwent minimally invasive prostatectomy between February 2010 and October 2021. A deterministic data linkage method was used to record events through electronic systems. Community Health Index (CHI) numbers were used to identify patients via electronic health records. Patient demographics and clinical characteristics such as age, comorbidities, Gleason staging, and readmission details accrued. Outcomes VTE within 90 days and development of a risk-stratified scoring system. All statistical analysis was performed using R-Statistical Software and the risk of VTE within 90 days of surgery was estimated via gradient-boosting decision trees (BRT) model. Results and limitations 1.1% (6/522) of patients developed deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism within 3 months post-minimally invasive prostatectomy. Statistical analysis demonstrated a significant difference in the body mass index (p = 0.016), duration of hospital stay (p < 0.001), and number of readmissions (p = 0.036) between patients who developed VTE versus patients who did not develop VTE. BRT analysis found 8 variables that demonstrated relative importance in predicting VTE. The receiver operating curves (ROC) were constructed to assess the discrimination power of a new model. The model showed an AUC of 0.97 (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 0.945,0.999). For predicting VTE, a single-center study is a limitation.
Objectives: To perform multiscale correlation analysis between quantitative texture feature pheno... more Objectives: To perform multiscale correlation analysis between quantitative texture feature phenotypes of pre-biopsy biparametric MRI (bpMRI) and targeted sequence-based RNA expression for hypoxia-related genes. Materials and Methods: Images from pre-biopsy 3T bpMRI scans in clinically localised PCa patients of various risk categories (n = 15) were used to extract textural features. The genomic landscape of hypoxia-related gene expression was obtained using post-radical prostatectomy tissue for targeted RNA expression profiling using the TempO-sequence method. The nonparametric Games Howell test was used to correlate the differential expression of the important hypoxia-related genes with 28 radiomic texture features. Then, cBioportal was accessed, and a gene-specific query was executed to extract the Oncoprint genomic output graph of the selected hypoxia-related genes from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Based on each selected gene profile, correlation analysis using Pearson’s coeff...
Objective To correlate quantitative tissue stiffness measurements obtained by transrectal ultraso... more Objective To correlate quantitative tissue stiffness measurements obtained by transrectal ultrasound shear wave elastography (USWE) with PI-RADS scoring of multiparametric magnetic imaging resonance (mpMRI) using Gleason scores of radical prostatectomy as a reference standard. Patients and methods 196 men with localised prostate cancer were prospectively recruited into the study and had quantitative prostate tissue stiffness measurements in kilopascals (kPa) using transrectal USWE prior to radical prostatectomy. PI-RADS scores of mpMRI were also obtained in all the men. Imaging and histopathology of radical prostatectomy specimen were oriented to each other using patient specific customised 3D moulds to guide histopathology grossing of radical prostatectomy specimens. All included patients had confirmed PCa on TRUS-guided biopsies, had both USWE and mpMRI imaging data, and underwent radical prostatectomy. Chi-square test with 95% confidence interval was used to assess the difference...
To determine the safety and diagnostic accuracy of renal tumour biopsies in a defined population ... more To determine the safety and diagnostic accuracy of renal tumour biopsies in a defined population of small renal masses (SRMs) only <4 cm using 3 × 2 table, intention to diagnose approach. 3 × 2 table approach examines indeterminate results as a separate category rather than pushing these through traditional 2 × 2 table (four-cell matrix) approach. A highly sensitive search was performed in the Cochrane Library, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects; MEDLINE and MEDLINE in Process, EMBASE and conference proceedings (1966-2016) for the acquisition of data on the diagnostic accuracy and complications of RTB in patients with SRM <4 cm. Methodological quality and risk of bias was assessed using QUADAS-2. Test characteristics were calculated using conventional 2 × 2 contingency table analysis excluding non-diagnostic biopsies, and an intention-to-diagnose approach with a 3 × 2 table for pooled estimates of the sensitivity and specificity. A total of 20 studies were included wi...
A pilot randomised controlled trial of a multimodal supportive care (ThriverCare) intervention fo... more A pilot randomised controlled trial of a multimodal supportive care (ThriverCare) intervention for managing unmet supportive care needs in men with metastatic prostate cancer on hormonal treatment and their partner/caregivers. 2018 PATERSON, C., PRIMEAU, C. and NABI, G. 2018. A pilot randomised controlled trial of a multimodal supportive care (ThriverCare) intervention for managing unmet supportive care needs in men with metastatic prostate cancer on hormonal treatment and their partner/caregivers. European journal of oncology nursing [online], 37, pages 65-73.
To investigate relationship between periprostatic adipose tissue (PPAT) adipokines expression and... more To investigate relationship between periprostatic adipose tissue (PPAT) adipokines expression and PCa aggressiveness using both pathological features of radical prostatectomy (RP) and multiparametric MRI parameters. Sixty-nine men were recruited to assess immunohistochemical expression of TNFα- and VEGF of periprostatic fat of radical prostate specimens. Percent immunopositivity was quantified on scanned slides using Aperio Positive Pixel Count algorithm for PPAT TNFα, VEGF and androgen receptors. Periprostatic fat volume (PFV) was segmented on contiguous T -weighted axial MRI slices from the level of the prostate base to apex. PFV was normalised to prostate volume (PV) to account for variations in PV (NPFV=PFV/PV). MRI quantitative values (K , K and ADC) were measured from PCa primary lesion using OleaSphere software. Patients were stratified into three groups according to RP GS: ≤6, 7(3+4) and 7(4+3) or more. The mean rank of VEGF and TNFα were significantly different between the ...
Prediction of growth, in particular knowing the possibility of aggressive cancer in small renal m... more Prediction of growth, in particular knowing the possibility of aggressive cancer in small renal masses on active surveillance, remains poorly understood. The study was designed to determine whether serial nephrometry score measurements could predict possibility of aggressive malignancy (grade of cancer) in patients with small renal masses opting for active surveillance initially. One hundred sixteen patients between January 2000 and December 2016 undergoing partial nephrectomy were recruited. Out of these, 97 were analyzed using different nephrometry scoring systems. Measurement of nephrometry scores (Radius of tumors, Exo/Endophytic; Nearness of tumors to the collecting system or sinus; Anterior/posterior; Location in relation to polar lines, Preoperative Aspects and Dimensions Used for Anatomical, Centrality Index) was performed by two researchers. Among the patients opting for partial nephrectomy, 40 were on active surveillance for at least 12 months (mean 32; 12-60 months) befor...
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology, Jan 18, 2017
Photonics, especially optical coherence elastography (OCE) and second harmonic generation (SHG) i... more Photonics, especially optical coherence elastography (OCE) and second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging are novel high-resolution imaging modalities for characterization of biological tissues. Following our preliminary experience, we hypothesized that OCE and SHG imaging would delineate the microstructure of prostate tissue and aid in distinguishing cancer from the normal benign prostatic tissue. Furthermore, these approaches may assist in characterization of the grade of cancer, as well. In this study, we confirmed a high diagnostic accuracy of OCE and SHG imaging in the detection and characterization of prostate cancer for a large set of biopsy tissues obtained from men suspected to have prostate cancer using transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). The two techniques and methods described here are complementary, one depicts the stiffness of tissues and the other illustrates the orientation of collagen structure around the cancerous lesions. The results showed that stiffness of cancer tissu...
Genetic alterations on chromosome 9p, including inactivation of the tumour suppressor gene, CDKN2... more Genetic alterations on chromosome 9p, including inactivation of the tumour suppressor gene, CDKN2A, result in cellular proliferation and growth of tumours. Our aim was to use microsatellite analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to characterise the architecture of this region. Seventy-five out of 77 clear cell renal cell cancers (tumour/normal pairs) were interpretable for LOH analysis on chromosome 9p (two tumours were excluded, as all five primers were uninformative). Twenty out of 75 (26.6%) tumours showed LOH in at least one of the five primers employed. Most allelic deletions were detected, telomeric to the CDKN2A region at D9S916, with 11 out of 52 informative tumours (21%) displaying LOH. The LOH in the coding region of CDKN2A, at D9S974 and D9S942, was associated with a higher pT-stage (p = 0.004) and metastasis (p = 0.006, both markers). The rate of chromosome 9p deletion in ccRCC was 44% (35/80 cases) according to FISH. Somatic copy number loss of chromosom...
To explore the experiences of patients with metastatic prostate cancer and their partners/caregiv... more To explore the experiences of patients with metastatic prostate cancer and their partners/caregivers, as well as an interprofessional team, with a nurse-led multimodality supportive care intervention. . Qualitative study. . National Health Service (NHS), Tayside, Scotland. . 19 patients, 7 partners/caregivers, and 7 interprofessional members from four hospitals in NHS, Tayside, Scotland. . 33 semistructured interviews were conducted to explore patients' and partners/caregivers' experiences of supportive care, and a framework approach was used to analyze the data. . Men and their partners/caregivers experienced a range of unmet physical, psychological, and informational supportive care needs. The participants in the intervention group reported overall high satisfaction with the use of holistic needs assessments and self-management plans, with a decrease in unmet needs compared to the standard of care over time. The prostate cancer specialist nurse was perceived as the hub ...
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are lin... more Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are linked to prostate cancer, but their effect on biochemical recurrence (BR) remains unknown. Our aims were to investigate the incidence and risk of BR in men on ACEIs/ARBs after radical radiotherapy with adjuvant∖neoadjuvant hormone treatment. A propensity score analysis of 558 men was conducted. Men were stratified into 3 groups: hypertensive men on ACEIs/ARBs (as a study group), non-hypertensive men not on ACEIs/ARBs, and hypertensive men not on ACEIs/ARBs (both as a control group). The multivariate analysis of variance, chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis, analysis of variance, risk ratio, confidence interval, Kaplan-Meier plots, and log-rank tests were used. The mean age and follow-up were 68.51 and 3.33 years, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of BR among the treatment groups (P < .001). The incidence of BR was significantly lower in hypertensive...
To test the propositions of social support theory (see figure ) and to detail the actual selfmana... more To test the propositions of social support theory (see figure ) and to detail the actual selfmanagement behaviours of men affected by prostate cancer over time.
Patients with carcinoma urinary bladder with metastasis to the lymph nodes have been believed to ... more Patients with carcinoma urinary bladder with metastasis to the lymph nodes have been believed to have a poor prognosis. The various factors affecting survival in this subset of patients are not well understood. To analyze, these factors, we retrospectively analyzed patients who had undergone radical cystectomy at our center in the last 10 years. From Jan. 1991 to May 2001, 158 patients underwent radical cystectomy at our center. 38 of these were found to have metastasis in the regional lymph nodes (i.e. stage D). A multivariate regression analysis was done to look for factors, which predict a better survival in this group of patients. Patients were studied for age, sex, morphology of tumour (papillary or nodular), grade of tumour, local extent of the disease (T1 T3A OR T3B), lymph nodal involvement, chemotherapy (whether received or not) and no. of TUR resection before radical cystectomy. SPSS software was used and the actuarial disease specific survival calculated for each variable...
Analysis 12.1. Comparison 12 Anti reflux versus reflux for bladder replacement, Outcome 1 Number ... more Analysis 12.1. Comparison 12 Anti reflux versus reflux for bladder replacement, Outcome 1 Number of patients with upper urinary tract infection.
Objective To investigate the potential beneficial and adverse effects of routine ureteric stent p... more Objective To investigate the potential beneficial and adverse effects of routine ureteric stent placement after ureteroscopy. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Data sources Cochrane controlled trials register (2006 issue 2), Embase, and Medline (1966 to 31 March 2006), without language restrictions. We included all randomised controlled trials that reported various outcomes with or without stenting after ureteroscopy. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed quality. Meta-analyses used both fixed and random effects models with dichotomous data reported as relative risk and continuous data as a weighted mean difference with 95% confidence intervals. Results Nine randomised controlled trials (reporting 831 participants) were identified. The incidence of lower urinary tract symptoms was significantly higher in participants who had a stent inserted (relative risk 2.25, 95% confidence interval 1.14 to 4.43, for dysuria; 2.00, 1.11 to 3.62, for frequency or urgency) after ureteroscopy. There was no significant difference in postoperative requirement for analgesia, urinary tract infections, stone free rate, and ureteric strictures in the two groups. Because of marked heterogeneity, formal pooling of data was not possible for some outcomes such as flank pain. A pooled analysis showed a reduced likelihood of unplanned medical visits or admission to hospital in the group with stents (0.53, 0.17 to 1.60), although this difference was not significant. None of the trials reported on health related quality of life. Cost reported in three randomised controlled trials favoured the group without stents. The overall quality of trials was poor and reporting of outcomes inconsistent. Conclusions Patients with stents after ureteroscopy have significantly higher morbidity in the form of irritative lower urinary symptoms with no influence on stone free rate, rate of urinary tract infection, requirement for analgesia, or long term ureteric stricture formation. Because of the marked heterogeneity and poor quality of reporting of the included trials, the place of stenting in the management of patients after uncomplicated ureteroscopy remains unclear.
Objective To determine which surgical treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of be... more Objective To determine which surgical treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostate enlargement is cost effective. Design Care pathways describing credible treatment strategies were decided by consensus. Cost-utility analysis used Markov modelling and Monte Carlo simulation. Data sources Clinical effectiveness data came from a systematic review and an individual level dataset. Utility values came from previous economic evaluations. Costs were calculated from National Health Service (NHS) and commercial sources. Methods The Markov model included parameters with associated measures of uncertainty describing health states between which individuals might move at three monthly intervals over 10 years. Successive annual cohorts of 25 000 men were entered into the model and the probability that treatment strategies were cost effective was assessed with Monte Carlo simulation with 10 000 iterations. Results A treatment strategy of initial diathermy vaporisation of the prostate followed by endoscopic holmium laser enucleation of the prostate in case of failure to benefit or subsequent relapse had an 85% probability of being cost effective at a willingness to pay value of £20 000 (€21 595, $28 686)/quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained. Other strategies with diathermy vaporisation as the initial treatment were generally cheaper and more effective than the current standard of transurethral resection repeated once if necessary. The use of potassium titanyl phosphate laser vaporisation incurred higher costs and was less effective than transurethral resection, and strategies involving initial minimally invasive treatment with microwave thermotherapy were not cost effective. Findings were unchanged by wide ranging sensitivity analyses. Conclusion The outcome of this economic model should be interpreted cautiously because of the limitations of the data used. The finding that initial vaporisation followed by holmium laser enucleation for failure or relapse might be advantageous both to men with lower urinary tract symptoms and to healthcare providers requires confirmation in a good quality prospective clinical trial before any change in current practice. Potassium titanyl phosphate laser vaporisation was unlikely to be cost effective in our model, which argues against its unrestricted use until further evidence of effectiveness and cost reduction is obtained.
ABSTRACT To assess the feasibility and intermediate-term outcome of laparoscopic radical cystecto... more ABSTRACT To assess the feasibility and intermediate-term outcome of laparoscopic radical cystectomy (LRC) with ileal conduit urinary diversion in patients with organ-confined muscle-invasive carcinoma of the urinary bladder, the entire procedure undertaken intracorporeally only using laparoscopic techniques. Five patients (four men and one woman) underwent LRC with intracorporeal ileal conduit diversion in February 2000, using a six-port transperitoneal technique. LRC, ileal conduit exclusion, restoration of ileo-ileal continuity, and bilateral stented uretero-ileal anastomoses were completed intracorporeally in all patients. The follow-up data up to 2 years are reported. All procedures were completed laparoscopically with no open conversion or intraoperative complications. The mean duration of surgery was 7.5 h; the blood loss was 360 mL and no patient required perioperative blood transfusion. The mean (range) hospital stay was 7 (6-22) days; the specimen weight was 225-400 g. The surgical margins of the bladder specimen were negative in each patient. One patient developed intestinal obstruction after surgery, requiring a diverting ileostomy for 12 weeks. At a follow-up of 2 years, two patients died, both from unrelated causes (myocardial infarction and septicaemia from pulmonary infection in one each). The three surviving patients are asymptomatic with normal upper tracts and no evidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease. LRC with ileal conduit diversion undertaken completely intracorporeally is a feasible option for muscle-invasive organ-confined carcinoma of the urinary bladder, with good outcomes over a 2-year follow-up.
The BAUS Section of Academic Urology, under the Chairmanship of Professor Kilian Mellon, joined t... more The BAUS Section of Academic Urology, under the Chairmanship of Professor Kilian Mellon, joined the Society of Academic and Research Surgery for their Annual Meeting on 7 January 2010 at the Royal Free Hospital.
The quality of initial transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) is paramount in the mana... more The quality of initial transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) is paramount in the management of bladder cancer. The presence of muscularis propria (MP) in the first resection directly influences recurrence and progression rates and its absence can have significant effect on patient care. With the changing face of surgical training, urological experience prior to entry into specialty training is progressively limited. Our aim was to ensure ST3 trainee performed resections, under senior supervision, were adequate. Methods: A retrospective review was performed of all trainee (ST3) resections over a ten-month period in our institution. The presence of MP need and time for re-resection, recurrence and complications were assessed. New diagnosis and recurrent tumours were included with a minimum 3-month follow-up period. Results: 52 TURBTs were performed. 47 (90.4%) resections contained MP. This compares favourably with the recent national STUKA audit figure of 79%. Of the 5 patients without MP present; 2 had re-resections with subsequent histological grading unchanged, 2 did not have re-resection as both were low grade superficial disease, 1 failed to attend follow. Conclusion: With appropriate supervision, TURBT can be performed as an index entry level (ST3) procedure without compromising oncological outcomes.
Background Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potentially life-threatening but preventable complic... more Background Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potentially life-threatening but preventable complication after urological surgery. Physicians are faced with the challenges of weighing the risks and benefits of thromboprophylaxis given scanty evidence for or against and practice variation worldwide. Objective The primary objective of the study was to explore the possibility of a risk-stratified approach for thromboembolism prophylaxis following radical prostatectomy. Design, setting, and participants A prospective database was accessed to cross-link venous thromboembolism events in 522 men who underwent minimally invasive prostatectomy between February 2010 and October 2021. A deterministic data linkage method was used to record events through electronic systems. Community Health Index (CHI) numbers were used to identify patients via electronic health records. Patient demographics and clinical characteristics such as age, comorbidities, Gleason staging, and readmission details accrued. Outcomes VTE within 90 days and development of a risk-stratified scoring system. All statistical analysis was performed using R-Statistical Software and the risk of VTE within 90 days of surgery was estimated via gradient-boosting decision trees (BRT) model. Results and limitations 1.1% (6/522) of patients developed deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism within 3 months post-minimally invasive prostatectomy. Statistical analysis demonstrated a significant difference in the body mass index (p = 0.016), duration of hospital stay (p < 0.001), and number of readmissions (p = 0.036) between patients who developed VTE versus patients who did not develop VTE. BRT analysis found 8 variables that demonstrated relative importance in predicting VTE. The receiver operating curves (ROC) were constructed to assess the discrimination power of a new model. The model showed an AUC of 0.97 (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 0.945,0.999). For predicting VTE, a single-center study is a limitation.
Objectives: To perform multiscale correlation analysis between quantitative texture feature pheno... more Objectives: To perform multiscale correlation analysis between quantitative texture feature phenotypes of pre-biopsy biparametric MRI (bpMRI) and targeted sequence-based RNA expression for hypoxia-related genes. Materials and Methods: Images from pre-biopsy 3T bpMRI scans in clinically localised PCa patients of various risk categories (n = 15) were used to extract textural features. The genomic landscape of hypoxia-related gene expression was obtained using post-radical prostatectomy tissue for targeted RNA expression profiling using the TempO-sequence method. The nonparametric Games Howell test was used to correlate the differential expression of the important hypoxia-related genes with 28 radiomic texture features. Then, cBioportal was accessed, and a gene-specific query was executed to extract the Oncoprint genomic output graph of the selected hypoxia-related genes from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Based on each selected gene profile, correlation analysis using Pearson’s coeff...
Objective To correlate quantitative tissue stiffness measurements obtained by transrectal ultraso... more Objective To correlate quantitative tissue stiffness measurements obtained by transrectal ultrasound shear wave elastography (USWE) with PI-RADS scoring of multiparametric magnetic imaging resonance (mpMRI) using Gleason scores of radical prostatectomy as a reference standard. Patients and methods 196 men with localised prostate cancer were prospectively recruited into the study and had quantitative prostate tissue stiffness measurements in kilopascals (kPa) using transrectal USWE prior to radical prostatectomy. PI-RADS scores of mpMRI were also obtained in all the men. Imaging and histopathology of radical prostatectomy specimen were oriented to each other using patient specific customised 3D moulds to guide histopathology grossing of radical prostatectomy specimens. All included patients had confirmed PCa on TRUS-guided biopsies, had both USWE and mpMRI imaging data, and underwent radical prostatectomy. Chi-square test with 95% confidence interval was used to assess the difference...
To determine the safety and diagnostic accuracy of renal tumour biopsies in a defined population ... more To determine the safety and diagnostic accuracy of renal tumour biopsies in a defined population of small renal masses (SRMs) only <4 cm using 3 × 2 table, intention to diagnose approach. 3 × 2 table approach examines indeterminate results as a separate category rather than pushing these through traditional 2 × 2 table (four-cell matrix) approach. A highly sensitive search was performed in the Cochrane Library, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects; MEDLINE and MEDLINE in Process, EMBASE and conference proceedings (1966-2016) for the acquisition of data on the diagnostic accuracy and complications of RTB in patients with SRM <4 cm. Methodological quality and risk of bias was assessed using QUADAS-2. Test characteristics were calculated using conventional 2 × 2 contingency table analysis excluding non-diagnostic biopsies, and an intention-to-diagnose approach with a 3 × 2 table for pooled estimates of the sensitivity and specificity. A total of 20 studies were included wi...
A pilot randomised controlled trial of a multimodal supportive care (ThriverCare) intervention fo... more A pilot randomised controlled trial of a multimodal supportive care (ThriverCare) intervention for managing unmet supportive care needs in men with metastatic prostate cancer on hormonal treatment and their partner/caregivers. 2018 PATERSON, C., PRIMEAU, C. and NABI, G. 2018. A pilot randomised controlled trial of a multimodal supportive care (ThriverCare) intervention for managing unmet supportive care needs in men with metastatic prostate cancer on hormonal treatment and their partner/caregivers. European journal of oncology nursing [online], 37, pages 65-73.
To investigate relationship between periprostatic adipose tissue (PPAT) adipokines expression and... more To investigate relationship between periprostatic adipose tissue (PPAT) adipokines expression and PCa aggressiveness using both pathological features of radical prostatectomy (RP) and multiparametric MRI parameters. Sixty-nine men were recruited to assess immunohistochemical expression of TNFα- and VEGF of periprostatic fat of radical prostate specimens. Percent immunopositivity was quantified on scanned slides using Aperio Positive Pixel Count algorithm for PPAT TNFα, VEGF and androgen receptors. Periprostatic fat volume (PFV) was segmented on contiguous T -weighted axial MRI slices from the level of the prostate base to apex. PFV was normalised to prostate volume (PV) to account for variations in PV (NPFV=PFV/PV). MRI quantitative values (K , K and ADC) were measured from PCa primary lesion using OleaSphere software. Patients were stratified into three groups according to RP GS: ≤6, 7(3+4) and 7(4+3) or more. The mean rank of VEGF and TNFα were significantly different between the ...
Prediction of growth, in particular knowing the possibility of aggressive cancer in small renal m... more Prediction of growth, in particular knowing the possibility of aggressive cancer in small renal masses on active surveillance, remains poorly understood. The study was designed to determine whether serial nephrometry score measurements could predict possibility of aggressive malignancy (grade of cancer) in patients with small renal masses opting for active surveillance initially. One hundred sixteen patients between January 2000 and December 2016 undergoing partial nephrectomy were recruited. Out of these, 97 were analyzed using different nephrometry scoring systems. Measurement of nephrometry scores (Radius of tumors, Exo/Endophytic; Nearness of tumors to the collecting system or sinus; Anterior/posterior; Location in relation to polar lines, Preoperative Aspects and Dimensions Used for Anatomical, Centrality Index) was performed by two researchers. Among the patients opting for partial nephrectomy, 40 were on active surveillance for at least 12 months (mean 32; 12-60 months) befor...
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology, Jan 18, 2017
Photonics, especially optical coherence elastography (OCE) and second harmonic generation (SHG) i... more Photonics, especially optical coherence elastography (OCE) and second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging are novel high-resolution imaging modalities for characterization of biological tissues. Following our preliminary experience, we hypothesized that OCE and SHG imaging would delineate the microstructure of prostate tissue and aid in distinguishing cancer from the normal benign prostatic tissue. Furthermore, these approaches may assist in characterization of the grade of cancer, as well. In this study, we confirmed a high diagnostic accuracy of OCE and SHG imaging in the detection and characterization of prostate cancer for a large set of biopsy tissues obtained from men suspected to have prostate cancer using transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). The two techniques and methods described here are complementary, one depicts the stiffness of tissues and the other illustrates the orientation of collagen structure around the cancerous lesions. The results showed that stiffness of cancer tissu...
Genetic alterations on chromosome 9p, including inactivation of the tumour suppressor gene, CDKN2... more Genetic alterations on chromosome 9p, including inactivation of the tumour suppressor gene, CDKN2A, result in cellular proliferation and growth of tumours. Our aim was to use microsatellite analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to characterise the architecture of this region. Seventy-five out of 77 clear cell renal cell cancers (tumour/normal pairs) were interpretable for LOH analysis on chromosome 9p (two tumours were excluded, as all five primers were uninformative). Twenty out of 75 (26.6%) tumours showed LOH in at least one of the five primers employed. Most allelic deletions were detected, telomeric to the CDKN2A region at D9S916, with 11 out of 52 informative tumours (21%) displaying LOH. The LOH in the coding region of CDKN2A, at D9S974 and D9S942, was associated with a higher pT-stage (p = 0.004) and metastasis (p = 0.006, both markers). The rate of chromosome 9p deletion in ccRCC was 44% (35/80 cases) according to FISH. Somatic copy number loss of chromosom...
Papers by Ghulam Nabi