Kemajuan dunia virtual telah membentuk generasi native digitallepas kontrol, tanpa hambatan dan s... more Kemajuan dunia virtual telah membentuk generasi native digitallepas kontrol, tanpa hambatan dan saling terkoneksi. Dunia tersajikan bebas, tanpa makna dan seperti tanpa Tuhan.Penggunaan teknologi media setiap hari selamatiga jam14 menit dapat memberikan dampak buruk seperti stress, depresi, dan pergeseran yang besar dalam dunia rohani. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana solusi masalah kerohanian native digital di saat gereja dengan segala bentuk praktek pelayanan mereka tidak lagi diminati? Bagaimanakah tindakan Influencer Kristen dalam penjangkauan native digital? Dan Misi dan Penginjilan seperti apa yang dapat dilakukan?Tujuan penelitianini; [1}influencer Kristen berperan maksimal sebagaiperpanjangan pelayanan rohani.[2]Penghubung Gereja membawa generasi ini terkoneksikedalam gereja lokal.[3] Generasidigitalini diselamatkan. Metode penelitian pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi literature. Argumen penelitian ini bahwa Influencer Kristen mempunyai peransangat pe...
Digital natives face self-image problems due to the development of social media. They consider th... more Digital natives face self-image problems due to the development of social media. They consider themselves spiritual but not spiritual and are not interested in the church. A foul value system, as well as “Godless”, immoral, unethical, violent, and disparaging content of religion, are spreading without a hitch. All of these things started at a young age. If not answered immediately, this generation can be lost from moral civilization and the correct self-image. So the question arises, what form of synergy is there between the church and spiritual influencers in restoring a native digital self-image? What concrete steps should be? And what is the form of a Biblical native digital self-image? The purpose of this study,[1] is to explain synergies between churches and Christian influencers in the recovery of digital natives. [2] to describe the steps to the restoration of the self-image of this digital generation. [3] Explaining the native digital self-image according to Bible. Church research arguments and spiritual influencers play a role in restoring the native digital self-image. It is by optimizing the synergistic character of the church and synergistic spiritual influencers based on the Bible. The construction of the approach used in maximizing the existing synergies, namely by [1] self-image restoration missions as the basis of spiritual service, [2] spiritual influencer acting as extensions of church services, and [3] methods that focus on transformation, actions to accommodate growth and evangelism. Descriptive qualitative research method with literature study. The practical contribution of expanding church services, stimulating the birth of spiritual influencers, and creating sustainable synergies.
Manifestasi karunia Roh Kudus pada gereja mula mula menunjukkan kapasitas kuasa dan pekerjaan sup... more Manifestasi karunia Roh Kudus pada gereja mula mula menunjukkan kapasitas kuasa dan pekerjaan supranatural di tengah-tengah komunitas umat percaya. Namun seturut waktu, khususnya dalam perkembangan teknologi, keilmuwan dan sosial media dalam gereja, maka kecenderungan pelayanan hari ini lebih kepada jumlah jemaat, pembangunan fisik dan finansial. Gereja cenderung melemah dalam pengembangan karunia Roh Kudus kepada kaum awam terlebih genarasi Z. Gereja bukan saja kehilangan momentum dalam menjangkau dan memuridkan, namun juga mengalami stagnasi dalam mengembangkan kapasitas karunia-karunia Roh Kudus untuk Generasi Z yang terhisap. Tujuan penelitian adalah menjelaskan strategi yang digunakan dalam pengembangan karunia Roh Kudus kepada generasi Z dalam gereja lokal di era digital. Apabila gereja tidak mempunyai strategi pengembangan karunia Roh Kudus yang jelas kepada mereka, maka gereja akan kehilangan spirit penginjilan, manifestasi kuasa Allah dan kedewasaan rohani ditengah disrupti...
Artikel ini melihat aspek spiritualitas biblika, komitmen pelayanan, dan pengembangan spiritual s... more Artikel ini melihat aspek spiritualitas biblika, komitmen pelayanan, dan pengembangan spiritual sebagai irisan untuk konteks pendekatan praksis dalam pengembangan spiritual generasi Z. Penulis melihat ruang sinergisitas antara gereja dengan tradisi pelayanan fisik dengan influencer Kristen dalam ruang media sosial. Tujuannya adalah merumuskan kembali postulat gereja dalam pengembangan spiritual generasi Z bersama Influencer Kristen. Bagian pertama memuat peran gereja dan influencer Kristen sebagai inisiator dalam pengembangan relasi dan komunitias generasi Z dalam ruang fisik dan virtual. Bagian kedua menjelaskan langkah influencer rohani bertindak sebagai opinion leader dalam media. Bagian ketiga menjelaskan dua kategori bentuk sinergisitas gereja dan influencer Kristen. Kategori awal ketika gereja bertanggung jawab dalam melatih dan melahirkan influencer Kristen dalam pesan pertobatan dan pengembangan rohani dengan pengurapan dan otoritas Ilahi, serta berkualitas tinggi dalam nor...
Data menunjukkan bahwa Generasi Z akan menjadi 27% dari tenaga kerja pada tahun 2025, hal ini mem... more Data menunjukkan bahwa Generasi Z akan menjadi 27% dari tenaga kerja pada tahun 2025, hal ini membuat pentingnya keragaman, kesetaraan, dan inklusi dalam dunia kerja. Hanya 10% dari mereka yang disebut sebagai “resilient disciples”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperlihatkan peran gereja dalam pendidikan profesional Generasi Z dan mencari strategi yang tepat. Metodenya adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan studi literatur. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 4D-R adalah model pemuridan generasi Z yang diterapkan melalui mentor antar generasi dan membuat generasi Z menjadi pusat vokasi dan pelayanan gereja lokal.
Generation Z has a low spiritual index of 3.50 compared to the national index of 3.79. It emphasi... more Generation Z has a low spiritual index of 3.50 compared to the national index of 3.79. It emphasizes the church doing faith deepening and mentoring because they feel alien to spirituality and begin leaving the church. The cause of the low index lies in private practice, namely personal and private loyalty. The index of devotional time and Bible meditation is only 3.0, and compassion-based discipleship evangelism for the lost is very low at 2.63. The question is, how is the church's mission in developing personal practice and evangelism - generation Z discipline? What strategies can take? Objectives [1] Describe the church mission developing personal's practice and evangelism - generation Z discipleship. [2] Describe strategies and methods of outreach to the digital generation. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Contribution of this research to [1] pastors of church missions in outreach to generation Z. [2] Christian teachers in school discipleship [3] For Colleg...
Theology in Giving greatly influences a person's helping, giving, and sowing wealth. However,... more Theology in Giving greatly influences a person's helping, giving, and sowing wealth. However, the redesign of the theology of giving needs to be emphasised to anticipate primordialism in giving as a catalyst for helping human needs in this pandemic era. The pandemic has taken away human happiness and peace, and increased death rates, poverty, and neglect are happening everywhere. The first question is, how does theology of giving according to the Bible? Second, how does applying the theology of giving become a catalyst in loving humans in the era of the pandemic? The purpose of this study was to find out the truth of the theology of giving based on the Bible and the steps in applying the theology of giving as a catalyst for aid in a pandemic. Qualitative research with a literature study and observation approach. The research results on the theology of giving according to biblical truth are 1. They are giving with love. 2. Give by faith. 3. Giving willingly, sincerely, and joyful...
Pekerja migran Indonesia di Malaysia menjadi sumber utama pemasukan devisa negara yang sangat bes... more Pekerja migran Indonesia di Malaysia menjadi sumber utama pemasukan devisa negara yang sangat besar. Dalam gereja, jumlah mereka sendiri terbilang relative besar yang tersebar di semenanjung. Gereja Tuhan melayani mereka sebagai jiwa yang perlu kekuatan dan pemuridan dalam iman. Kepemimpinan gereja menjadi penting dalam mengarahkan kehidupan iman dan juga management kehidupan masa depan. Selain menjadikan mereka umat yang taat dari keteladanan pemimpin yang melayani, gereja juga bertanggung jawab untuk membawa mereka dapat mengasihi sesama manusia dengan keuangan mereka dalam hal memberi. Pertanyaan nya dalah pertama, bagaiamana metode mengajarkan teologi memberi yang benar buat para pekerja migran? Dan strategi kepemimpinan pelayan seperti apa yang di harapkan? Metode penelitian dengan dekripsi kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian untuk menggambarkan kepemimpinan di gereja sangat berpengaruh memberikan andil dalam mendorong umat untuk memberi.
The advancement of the virtual world has shaped the millennial generation and beyond to become di... more The advancement of the virtual world has shaped the millennial generation and beyond to become digital natives who are out of control, without obstacles, and connected. The global world is presented freely with negative values of life, absurd, meaningless, and seemingly without God. The emphasis is on how to rebuild this fallen, weak, and chaotic native digital self-image. The goal is that through music and kerygma strategies, these Christian influencers can become a catalyst for the digital generation to return to God with the proper self-image. So it is an essential solution because the virtual space has a vast scope, without limits and high flexibility after church services have begun to be abandoned. A research method is a qualitative approach with data collection through literature study and observation. It is hoped that through this research: (1)New Christian influencers will emerge with spiritual content, (2)The millennial generation will repent and recover, (3)So that they w...
Kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala sangat mendesak dalam era digital. Model ini dibutuhkan untuk b... more Kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala sangat mendesak dalam era digital. Model ini dibutuhkan untuk bergerak dengan visi dan wawasan transformasi sosiokultural masyarakat awam menuju digital. Gembala mengalami permasalahan kesehatan mental dan emosi. Mereka memilih untuk mundur dari pelayanan gereja karena mengalami masalah kelelahan, kesepian dan mental psikologi terganggu. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah pengertian kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala yang dimaksud? Bagaimanakah bentuk kepemimpinan multidimensi yang dibutuhkan? Serta strategi seperti apakah yang dapat menumbuh-kembangkannya? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menjelaskan pengertian kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala, menggambarkan kecerdasan emosi sebagai bagian integral dari kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala yang seimbang, dan mendeskripsikan strategi strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala. Metode penelitan yang digunakan dengan deskrispsi kualitatif, menggali pengertian kepemimpinan ...
The task of shepherding has always faced growth challenges and obstacles to this day. The level o... more The task of shepherding has always faced growth challenges and obstacles to this day. The level of spiritual community and the arrival of souls is decreasing among the younger generation, and the emergence of the hybrid medium as a system born in the digital era is another challenge. Pastoral relationships and stewardship particularly with this digital native tend to widen and lose their essential value. How can shepherding be consistent and sustainable in this digital age? Such a strategy is the solution? The purposes of this study are to describe the steps of grazing consistency and resilience; redefine the duties and responsibilities of a shepherd according to biblical standards; provide practical steps in pastoral care in the digital age. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The result is a contribution to church pastors to continue to be motivated and persist in their calling for service; to spiritual practitioners to be able to work together with pastoral teams to serve...
The phenomenon of religious exclusivity does not only occur with other religions but in one relig... more The phenomenon of religious exclusivity does not only occur with other religions but in one religion. The phenomenon of religious exclusivity does not only occur between religious adherents but also between groups of people within the same religion. This phenomenon can be seen in the district of East Sumba, where there is still persecution of priests of different denominations, bullying related to the caste of the congregation, and pastors are higher than others, in local culture. This article provides an understanding of the spirituality of the church's egalitarianism in anticipating Sumba's socio-cultural institutions in placing equal values and rights of everyone in the eyes of God and others, according to Philippians 2:1-8. Research with a qualitative descriptive approach through a literature review found that churches in East Sumba Regency must be inclusive by opening themselves up to existing differences, not just doctrinal differences, but also ethnicity and caste ego...
Kemajuan dunia virtual telah membentuk generasi native digitallepas kontrol, tanpa hambatan dan s... more Kemajuan dunia virtual telah membentuk generasi native digitallepas kontrol, tanpa hambatan dan saling terkoneksi. Dunia tersajikan bebas, tanpa makna dan seperti tanpa Tuhan.Penggunaan teknologi media setiap hari selamatiga jam14 menit dapat memberikan dampak buruk seperti stress, depresi, dan pergeseran yang besar dalam dunia rohani. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana solusi masalah kerohanian native digital di saat gereja dengan segala bentuk praktek pelayanan mereka tidak lagi diminati? Bagaimanakah tindakan Influencer Kristen dalam penjangkauan native digital? Dan Misi dan Penginjilan seperti apa yang dapat dilakukan?Tujuan penelitianini; [1}influencer Kristen berperan maksimal sebagaiperpanjangan pelayanan rohani.[2]Penghubung Gereja membawa generasi ini terkoneksikedalam gereja lokal.[3] Generasidigitalini diselamatkan. Metode penelitian pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi literature. Argumen penelitian ini bahwa Influencer Kristen mempunyai peransangat pe...
Digital natives face self-image problems due to the development of social media. They consider th... more Digital natives face self-image problems due to the development of social media. They consider themselves spiritual but not spiritual and are not interested in the church. A foul value system, as well as “Godless”, immoral, unethical, violent, and disparaging content of religion, are spreading without a hitch. All of these things started at a young age. If not answered immediately, this generation can be lost from moral civilization and the correct self-image. So the question arises, what form of synergy is there between the church and spiritual influencers in restoring a native digital self-image? What concrete steps should be? And what is the form of a Biblical native digital self-image? The purpose of this study,[1] is to explain synergies between churches and Christian influencers in the recovery of digital natives. [2] to describe the steps to the restoration of the self-image of this digital generation. [3] Explaining the native digital self-image according to Bible. Church research arguments and spiritual influencers play a role in restoring the native digital self-image. It is by optimizing the synergistic character of the church and synergistic spiritual influencers based on the Bible. The construction of the approach used in maximizing the existing synergies, namely by [1] self-image restoration missions as the basis of spiritual service, [2] spiritual influencer acting as extensions of church services, and [3] methods that focus on transformation, actions to accommodate growth and evangelism. Descriptive qualitative research method with literature study. The practical contribution of expanding church services, stimulating the birth of spiritual influencers, and creating sustainable synergies.
Manifestasi karunia Roh Kudus pada gereja mula mula menunjukkan kapasitas kuasa dan pekerjaan sup... more Manifestasi karunia Roh Kudus pada gereja mula mula menunjukkan kapasitas kuasa dan pekerjaan supranatural di tengah-tengah komunitas umat percaya. Namun seturut waktu, khususnya dalam perkembangan teknologi, keilmuwan dan sosial media dalam gereja, maka kecenderungan pelayanan hari ini lebih kepada jumlah jemaat, pembangunan fisik dan finansial. Gereja cenderung melemah dalam pengembangan karunia Roh Kudus kepada kaum awam terlebih genarasi Z. Gereja bukan saja kehilangan momentum dalam menjangkau dan memuridkan, namun juga mengalami stagnasi dalam mengembangkan kapasitas karunia-karunia Roh Kudus untuk Generasi Z yang terhisap. Tujuan penelitian adalah menjelaskan strategi yang digunakan dalam pengembangan karunia Roh Kudus kepada generasi Z dalam gereja lokal di era digital. Apabila gereja tidak mempunyai strategi pengembangan karunia Roh Kudus yang jelas kepada mereka, maka gereja akan kehilangan spirit penginjilan, manifestasi kuasa Allah dan kedewasaan rohani ditengah disrupti...
Artikel ini melihat aspek spiritualitas biblika, komitmen pelayanan, dan pengembangan spiritual s... more Artikel ini melihat aspek spiritualitas biblika, komitmen pelayanan, dan pengembangan spiritual sebagai irisan untuk konteks pendekatan praksis dalam pengembangan spiritual generasi Z. Penulis melihat ruang sinergisitas antara gereja dengan tradisi pelayanan fisik dengan influencer Kristen dalam ruang media sosial. Tujuannya adalah merumuskan kembali postulat gereja dalam pengembangan spiritual generasi Z bersama Influencer Kristen. Bagian pertama memuat peran gereja dan influencer Kristen sebagai inisiator dalam pengembangan relasi dan komunitias generasi Z dalam ruang fisik dan virtual. Bagian kedua menjelaskan langkah influencer rohani bertindak sebagai opinion leader dalam media. Bagian ketiga menjelaskan dua kategori bentuk sinergisitas gereja dan influencer Kristen. Kategori awal ketika gereja bertanggung jawab dalam melatih dan melahirkan influencer Kristen dalam pesan pertobatan dan pengembangan rohani dengan pengurapan dan otoritas Ilahi, serta berkualitas tinggi dalam nor...
Data menunjukkan bahwa Generasi Z akan menjadi 27% dari tenaga kerja pada tahun 2025, hal ini mem... more Data menunjukkan bahwa Generasi Z akan menjadi 27% dari tenaga kerja pada tahun 2025, hal ini membuat pentingnya keragaman, kesetaraan, dan inklusi dalam dunia kerja. Hanya 10% dari mereka yang disebut sebagai “resilient disciples”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperlihatkan peran gereja dalam pendidikan profesional Generasi Z dan mencari strategi yang tepat. Metodenya adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan studi literatur. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 4D-R adalah model pemuridan generasi Z yang diterapkan melalui mentor antar generasi dan membuat generasi Z menjadi pusat vokasi dan pelayanan gereja lokal.
Generation Z has a low spiritual index of 3.50 compared to the national index of 3.79. It emphasi... more Generation Z has a low spiritual index of 3.50 compared to the national index of 3.79. It emphasizes the church doing faith deepening and mentoring because they feel alien to spirituality and begin leaving the church. The cause of the low index lies in private practice, namely personal and private loyalty. The index of devotional time and Bible meditation is only 3.0, and compassion-based discipleship evangelism for the lost is very low at 2.63. The question is, how is the church's mission in developing personal practice and evangelism - generation Z discipline? What strategies can take? Objectives [1] Describe the church mission developing personal's practice and evangelism - generation Z discipleship. [2] Describe strategies and methods of outreach to the digital generation. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Contribution of this research to [1] pastors of church missions in outreach to generation Z. [2] Christian teachers in school discipleship [3] For Colleg...
Theology in Giving greatly influences a person's helping, giving, and sowing wealth. However,... more Theology in Giving greatly influences a person's helping, giving, and sowing wealth. However, the redesign of the theology of giving needs to be emphasised to anticipate primordialism in giving as a catalyst for helping human needs in this pandemic era. The pandemic has taken away human happiness and peace, and increased death rates, poverty, and neglect are happening everywhere. The first question is, how does theology of giving according to the Bible? Second, how does applying the theology of giving become a catalyst in loving humans in the era of the pandemic? The purpose of this study was to find out the truth of the theology of giving based on the Bible and the steps in applying the theology of giving as a catalyst for aid in a pandemic. Qualitative research with a literature study and observation approach. The research results on the theology of giving according to biblical truth are 1. They are giving with love. 2. Give by faith. 3. Giving willingly, sincerely, and joyful...
Pekerja migran Indonesia di Malaysia menjadi sumber utama pemasukan devisa negara yang sangat bes... more Pekerja migran Indonesia di Malaysia menjadi sumber utama pemasukan devisa negara yang sangat besar. Dalam gereja, jumlah mereka sendiri terbilang relative besar yang tersebar di semenanjung. Gereja Tuhan melayani mereka sebagai jiwa yang perlu kekuatan dan pemuridan dalam iman. Kepemimpinan gereja menjadi penting dalam mengarahkan kehidupan iman dan juga management kehidupan masa depan. Selain menjadikan mereka umat yang taat dari keteladanan pemimpin yang melayani, gereja juga bertanggung jawab untuk membawa mereka dapat mengasihi sesama manusia dengan keuangan mereka dalam hal memberi. Pertanyaan nya dalah pertama, bagaiamana metode mengajarkan teologi memberi yang benar buat para pekerja migran? Dan strategi kepemimpinan pelayan seperti apa yang di harapkan? Metode penelitian dengan dekripsi kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian untuk menggambarkan kepemimpinan di gereja sangat berpengaruh memberikan andil dalam mendorong umat untuk memberi.
The advancement of the virtual world has shaped the millennial generation and beyond to become di... more The advancement of the virtual world has shaped the millennial generation and beyond to become digital natives who are out of control, without obstacles, and connected. The global world is presented freely with negative values of life, absurd, meaningless, and seemingly without God. The emphasis is on how to rebuild this fallen, weak, and chaotic native digital self-image. The goal is that through music and kerygma strategies, these Christian influencers can become a catalyst for the digital generation to return to God with the proper self-image. So it is an essential solution because the virtual space has a vast scope, without limits and high flexibility after church services have begun to be abandoned. A research method is a qualitative approach with data collection through literature study and observation. It is hoped that through this research: (1)New Christian influencers will emerge with spiritual content, (2)The millennial generation will repent and recover, (3)So that they w...
Kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala sangat mendesak dalam era digital. Model ini dibutuhkan untuk b... more Kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala sangat mendesak dalam era digital. Model ini dibutuhkan untuk bergerak dengan visi dan wawasan transformasi sosiokultural masyarakat awam menuju digital. Gembala mengalami permasalahan kesehatan mental dan emosi. Mereka memilih untuk mundur dari pelayanan gereja karena mengalami masalah kelelahan, kesepian dan mental psikologi terganggu. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah pengertian kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala yang dimaksud? Bagaimanakah bentuk kepemimpinan multidimensi yang dibutuhkan? Serta strategi seperti apakah yang dapat menumbuh-kembangkannya? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menjelaskan pengertian kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala, menggambarkan kecerdasan emosi sebagai bagian integral dari kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala yang seimbang, dan mendeskripsikan strategi strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala. Metode penelitan yang digunakan dengan deskrispsi kualitatif, menggali pengertian kepemimpinan ...
The task of shepherding has always faced growth challenges and obstacles to this day. The level o... more The task of shepherding has always faced growth challenges and obstacles to this day. The level of spiritual community and the arrival of souls is decreasing among the younger generation, and the emergence of the hybrid medium as a system born in the digital era is another challenge. Pastoral relationships and stewardship particularly with this digital native tend to widen and lose their essential value. How can shepherding be consistent and sustainable in this digital age? Such a strategy is the solution? The purposes of this study are to describe the steps of grazing consistency and resilience; redefine the duties and responsibilities of a shepherd according to biblical standards; provide practical steps in pastoral care in the digital age. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The result is a contribution to church pastors to continue to be motivated and persist in their calling for service; to spiritual practitioners to be able to work together with pastoral teams to serve...
The phenomenon of religious exclusivity does not only occur with other religions but in one relig... more The phenomenon of religious exclusivity does not only occur with other religions but in one religion. The phenomenon of religious exclusivity does not only occur between religious adherents but also between groups of people within the same religion. This phenomenon can be seen in the district of East Sumba, where there is still persecution of priests of different denominations, bullying related to the caste of the congregation, and pastors are higher than others, in local culture. This article provides an understanding of the spirituality of the church's egalitarianism in anticipating Sumba's socio-cultural institutions in placing equal values and rights of everyone in the eyes of God and others, according to Philippians 2:1-8. Research with a qualitative descriptive approach through a literature review found that churches in East Sumba Regency must be inclusive by opening themselves up to existing differences, not just doctrinal differences, but also ethnicity and caste ego...
Papers by Joni Gultom