Zusammenfassung Gegenstand und Ziel: Diagnostik und therapeutisches Vorgehen bei einer Milchkuh m... more Zusammenfassung Gegenstand und Ziel: Diagnostik und therapeutisches Vorgehen bei einer Milchkuh mit einem Granulosazelltumor. Material und Methoden: Bei einer Kuh (Deutsche Holstein, schwarzbunt; 3 Jahre, 630 kg KM) wurde nach einer klinischen und sonographischen Untersuchung der inneren Geschlechtsorgane eine Laparotomie mit Ovarektomie über die rechte Flanke durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Aufgrund der klinischen Befunde ergab sich die Verdachtsdiagnose eines Ovartumors. Mithilfe der histologischen Untersuchung des entnommenen Gewebes konnte der Verdacht bestätigt und ein multizystischer Granulosazelltumor diagnostiziert werden. Das Tier überstand den operativen Eingriff komplikationslos. Nach der Tumorentfernung zeigte die Kuh eine regelrechte Zyklusaktivität. Da zwei Besamungen erfolglos blieben und eine Mastitis auftrat, wurde das Tier geschlachtet. Schlussfolgerung und klinische Relevanz: Klinische und sonographische Befunde liefern zwar wichtige Hinweise auf pathologische Veränderungen am Ovar, doch ist zur Bestätigung der Verdachtsdiagnose eine Ovarektomie mit anschließender histologischer Untersuchung zwingend erforderlich. Eine weitere züchterische und/oder wirtschaftliche Nutzung des Tieres nach Entfernung eines Eierstocks ist grundsätzlich möglich.
Resumption of ovulatory activity and the timely lysis of the first CL postpartum (pp) are importa... more Resumption of ovulatory activity and the timely lysis of the first CL postpartum (pp) are important determinants for the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Cystic ovarian follicles (COFs) and persistent CLs preclude normal ovarian cyclicity and increase the calving interval. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of GnRH on the incidence of COFs and the effect of PGF2α on the incidence of a prolonged luteal phase (PLP) and on fertility parameters in dairy cows. A total of 476 cows were examined ultrasonographically for the presence of a dominant follicle (12-25 mm, without CL >10 mm; n = 237) or a functional CL (≥20 mm; n = 239) between 28 and 35 days pp and were allocated to one of four groups. Cows with a dominant follicle received 10-μg GnRH (buserelin; group F-T; n = 118) or saline (group F-C; n = 119), and cows with a functional CL received 0.5 mg of a PGF2α analogue (cloprostenol; group CL-T; n = 119) or saline (group CL-C; n = 120) on the day of initial examination, defined as Day 0. Cows were reexamined 7 and 21 days (F-T and F-C) and 3 and 24 days (CL-T and CL-C) later, and COFs were treated immediately after diagnosis in all cows. On the basis of the ovarian findings on Days 21 and 24, cows were treated according to a protocol aimed at timely breeding. The incidence of COFs by Days 7 (F-T vs. F-C; 7.6% vs. 16.8%) and 21 (11.0% vs. 21.8%) decreased (P ≤ 0.03) with GnRH; however, this did not lead to a substantial improvement of calving-to-conception interval (means ± standard error of the mean; 107.91 ± 5.70 vs. 117.94 ± 6.63 days), first-service conception rate (42.3% vs. 41.3%), and number of services per conception (2.06 ± 0.12 vs. 2.31 ± 0.15). Treatment with PGF2α decreased (P < 0.0001) the incidence of PLP by Day 24 (CL-T vs. CL-C; 1.7% vs. 17.5%), decreased calving-to-conception interval(91.28 ± 4.77 vs. 101.75 ± 5.03 days), increased first-service conception rate (63.3% vs. 38.7%), and reduced the number of services per conception (1.65 ± 0.10 vs. 2.08 ± 0.12; each P ≤ 0.01). The results indicate that strategic treatment with GnRH or PGF2α in week 5 pp to induce early ovulation and luteolysis reduces the incidence of COFs and PLP, respectively. Initial treatment with PGF2α also enhanced reproductive performance when used in conjunction with a standardized treatment protocol for all cows in week 8 pp (aimed at timely breeding). In contrast, GnRH did not improve fertility parameters of cystic cows in herds where all cows with COFs were treated as expeditiously as possible.
The aim of this study was to examine effects of sodium pyruvate on viability as well as on synthe... more The aim of this study was to examine effects of sodium pyruvate on viability as well as on synthesis of reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation and DNA integrity of cryopreserved bovine sperm. In each of 23 Simmental AI bulls three ejaculates were collected. In a split sample design ejaculates were diluted by using Triladyl® extender without and with the addition of 5mM sodium pyruvate. Both aliquots were equilibrated for 24h before freezing. Frozen sperm samples were thawed, and examined immediately after thawing (0h) as well as after 3, 6, 12, and 24h incubation at 37°C. The percentages of rapidly motile sperm (RMS), plasma membrane and acrosome intact sperm (PMAI), sperm with a high mitochondrial membrane potential (HMMP), amounts of ROS synthesis (dichlorofluorescein-diacetate (DCFH), CellROX Deep Red Reagent® probe (CellROX)) and lipid peroxidation of sperm (LPO) and percentage of sperm with a high degree of DNA fragmentation (%DFI) were determined. Overall, sperm diluted with the extender containing sodium pyruvate showed higher levels of RMS, PMAI and HMMP, CellROX and lower %DFI values (P<0.001) compared to sperm frozen in the extender without sodium pyruvate. However, there was no effect (P>0.05) of sodium pyruvate on LPO and DCFH. The results of this study show that the addition of sodium pyruvate to the semen extender improved the viability as well as DNA integrity of cryopreserved sperm and did not affect their lipid peroxidation, although it increased the synthesis of some ROS.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of PGF2α and oxytocin in vitro on myometrial... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of PGF2α and oxytocin in vitro on myometrial contractility in puerperal uteri. Thirteen puerperal uteri were removed and perfused after euthanasia of cows with (n=7) and without metritis (n=6). Measurement of uterine contractility was done using four piezoelectric crystals, which were implanted into the myometrium along the greater curvature of the uterine horn where fetal implantation occurred during the previous pregnancy. After 30min of equilibration, oxytocin (5 IU) or PGF2α (2.5mg Dinoprost) was administered randomly into both uterine arteries, and 30min later, the second administration of either oxytocin or PGF2α occurred. Treatment with oxytocin induced contractions in uteri with metritis and uteri without metritis (P<0.05). In uteri with metritis, greater uterine contractions occurred after stimulation with oxytocin than in uteri without metritis (P<0.05). Treatment with PGF2α did not (P>0.05) result in increased contractions in the uteri without metrtitis, however, induced an initial decrease in contractions followed by an increase (P<0.05) in contractions in uteri with metritis. Myometrial and endometrial gene expression of PGF2α (FPR) and oxytocin receptor (OTR) was greater (P<0.05) in uteri with metritis than in uteri without metritis. The results suggest that oxytocin, but not PGF2α, is an effective uterotonic drug in puerperal cows. Uteri in which metritis was diagnosed contracted more strongly after treatment with oxytocin than uteri in which metritis was not diagnosed. This effect was paralleled by greater gene expression of OTR as well as FPR in uteri with metritis compared with uteri in which metritis was not diagnosed.
Zusammenfassung: Ziel der Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob bei der Stute Zusammenhänge zwischen Alte... more Zusammenfassung: Ziel der Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob bei der Stute Zusammenhänge zwischen Alter, Parität, endometrialer Fibrosierung bzw. Frühgraviditätsrate und dem uterinen Blutfluss bestehen. Material und Methoden: Insgesamt 22 Stuten wurden täglich zwischen den Tagen –2 und 12 (0 = Ovulation) untersucht. Nach dem Alter und der Parität erfolgte eine Einteilung in je zwei Kategorien. Stuten, die zwischen 3 und 9 Jahre alt waren, wurden als „jung“ (n = 11) bezeichnet, Tiere im Alter von 10 bis 19 Jahren als „alt“ (n = 11). Zehn der Stuten waren nullipar und 12 uni- bzw. pluripar. Die Beurteilung der endometrialen Fibrosierung fand nach dem von Kenney und Doig (1986) beschriebenen Verfahren statt. Ergebnisse: Dreizehn von 22 Tieren wiesen endometriale Fibrosierungen (Kartegorie IIa, IIb bzw. III) auf. Eine einmalige Besamung 12 Stunden vor der Ovulation mit flüssigkonserviertem Sperma führte bei 8 der 22 Stuten zu einer Trächtigkeit. Die Untersuchungen wurden mit dem Farbdopplers...
Zusammenfassung Gegenstand und Ziel: Diagnostik und therapeutisches Vorgehen bei einer Milchkuh m... more Zusammenfassung Gegenstand und Ziel: Diagnostik und therapeutisches Vorgehen bei einer Milchkuh mit einem Granulosazelltumor. Material und Methoden: Bei einer Kuh (Deutsche Holstein, schwarzbunt; 3 Jahre, 630 kg KM) wurde nach einer klinischen und sonographischen Untersuchung der inneren Geschlechtsorgane eine Laparotomie mit Ovarektomie über die rechte Flanke durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Aufgrund der klinischen Befunde ergab sich die Verdachtsdiagnose eines Ovartumors. Mithilfe der histologischen Untersuchung des entnommenen Gewebes konnte der Verdacht bestätigt und ein multizystischer Granulosazelltumor diagnostiziert werden. Das Tier überstand den operativen Eingriff komplikationslos. Nach der Tumorentfernung zeigte die Kuh eine regelrechte Zyklusaktivität. Da zwei Besamungen erfolglos blieben und eine Mastitis auftrat, wurde das Tier geschlachtet. Schlussfolgerung und klinische Relevanz: Klinische und sonographische Befunde liefern zwar wichtige Hinweise auf pathologische Veränderungen am Ovar, doch ist zur Bestätigung der Verdachtsdiagnose eine Ovarektomie mit anschließender histologischer Untersuchung zwingend erforderlich. Eine weitere züchterische und/oder wirtschaftliche Nutzung des Tieres nach Entfernung eines Eierstocks ist grundsätzlich möglich.
Resumption of ovulatory activity and the timely lysis of the first CL postpartum (pp) are importa... more Resumption of ovulatory activity and the timely lysis of the first CL postpartum (pp) are important determinants for the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Cystic ovarian follicles (COFs) and persistent CLs preclude normal ovarian cyclicity and increase the calving interval. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of GnRH on the incidence of COFs and the effect of PGF2α on the incidence of a prolonged luteal phase (PLP) and on fertility parameters in dairy cows. A total of 476 cows were examined ultrasonographically for the presence of a dominant follicle (12-25 mm, without CL >10 mm; n = 237) or a functional CL (≥20 mm; n = 239) between 28 and 35 days pp and were allocated to one of four groups. Cows with a dominant follicle received 10-μg GnRH (buserelin; group F-T; n = 118) or saline (group F-C; n = 119), and cows with a functional CL received 0.5 mg of a PGF2α analogue (cloprostenol; group CL-T; n = 119) or saline (group CL-C; n = 120) on the day of initial examination, defined as Day 0. Cows were reexamined 7 and 21 days (F-T and F-C) and 3 and 24 days (CL-T and CL-C) later, and COFs were treated immediately after diagnosis in all cows. On the basis of the ovarian findings on Days 21 and 24, cows were treated according to a protocol aimed at timely breeding. The incidence of COFs by Days 7 (F-T vs. F-C; 7.6% vs. 16.8%) and 21 (11.0% vs. 21.8%) decreased (P ≤ 0.03) with GnRH; however, this did not lead to a substantial improvement of calving-to-conception interval (means ± standard error of the mean; 107.91 ± 5.70 vs. 117.94 ± 6.63 days), first-service conception rate (42.3% vs. 41.3%), and number of services per conception (2.06 ± 0.12 vs. 2.31 ± 0.15). Treatment with PGF2α decreased (P < 0.0001) the incidence of PLP by Day 24 (CL-T vs. CL-C; 1.7% vs. 17.5%), decreased calving-to-conception interval(91.28 ± 4.77 vs. 101.75 ± 5.03 days), increased first-service conception rate (63.3% vs. 38.7%), and reduced the number of services per conception (1.65 ± 0.10 vs. 2.08 ± 0.12; each P ≤ 0.01). The results indicate that strategic treatment with GnRH or PGF2α in week 5 pp to induce early ovulation and luteolysis reduces the incidence of COFs and PLP, respectively. Initial treatment with PGF2α also enhanced reproductive performance when used in conjunction with a standardized treatment protocol for all cows in week 8 pp (aimed at timely breeding). In contrast, GnRH did not improve fertility parameters of cystic cows in herds where all cows with COFs were treated as expeditiously as possible.
The aim of this study was to examine effects of sodium pyruvate on viability as well as on synthe... more The aim of this study was to examine effects of sodium pyruvate on viability as well as on synthesis of reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation and DNA integrity of cryopreserved bovine sperm. In each of 23 Simmental AI bulls three ejaculates were collected. In a split sample design ejaculates were diluted by using Triladyl® extender without and with the addition of 5mM sodium pyruvate. Both aliquots were equilibrated for 24h before freezing. Frozen sperm samples were thawed, and examined immediately after thawing (0h) as well as after 3, 6, 12, and 24h incubation at 37°C. The percentages of rapidly motile sperm (RMS), plasma membrane and acrosome intact sperm (PMAI), sperm with a high mitochondrial membrane potential (HMMP), amounts of ROS synthesis (dichlorofluorescein-diacetate (DCFH), CellROX Deep Red Reagent® probe (CellROX)) and lipid peroxidation of sperm (LPO) and percentage of sperm with a high degree of DNA fragmentation (%DFI) were determined. Overall, sperm diluted with the extender containing sodium pyruvate showed higher levels of RMS, PMAI and HMMP, CellROX and lower %DFI values (P<0.001) compared to sperm frozen in the extender without sodium pyruvate. However, there was no effect (P>0.05) of sodium pyruvate on LPO and DCFH. The results of this study show that the addition of sodium pyruvate to the semen extender improved the viability as well as DNA integrity of cryopreserved sperm and did not affect their lipid peroxidation, although it increased the synthesis of some ROS.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of PGF2α and oxytocin in vitro on myometrial... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of PGF2α and oxytocin in vitro on myometrial contractility in puerperal uteri. Thirteen puerperal uteri were removed and perfused after euthanasia of cows with (n=7) and without metritis (n=6). Measurement of uterine contractility was done using four piezoelectric crystals, which were implanted into the myometrium along the greater curvature of the uterine horn where fetal implantation occurred during the previous pregnancy. After 30min of equilibration, oxytocin (5 IU) or PGF2α (2.5mg Dinoprost) was administered randomly into both uterine arteries, and 30min later, the second administration of either oxytocin or PGF2α occurred. Treatment with oxytocin induced contractions in uteri with metritis and uteri without metritis (P<0.05). In uteri with metritis, greater uterine contractions occurred after stimulation with oxytocin than in uteri without metritis (P<0.05). Treatment with PGF2α did not (P>0.05) result in increased contractions in the uteri without metrtitis, however, induced an initial decrease in contractions followed by an increase (P<0.05) in contractions in uteri with metritis. Myometrial and endometrial gene expression of PGF2α (FPR) and oxytocin receptor (OTR) was greater (P<0.05) in uteri with metritis than in uteri without metritis. The results suggest that oxytocin, but not PGF2α, is an effective uterotonic drug in puerperal cows. Uteri in which metritis was diagnosed contracted more strongly after treatment with oxytocin than uteri in which metritis was not diagnosed. This effect was paralleled by greater gene expression of OTR as well as FPR in uteri with metritis compared with uteri in which metritis was not diagnosed.
Zusammenfassung: Ziel der Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob bei der Stute Zusammenhänge zwischen Alte... more Zusammenfassung: Ziel der Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob bei der Stute Zusammenhänge zwischen Alter, Parität, endometrialer Fibrosierung bzw. Frühgraviditätsrate und dem uterinen Blutfluss bestehen. Material und Methoden: Insgesamt 22 Stuten wurden täglich zwischen den Tagen –2 und 12 (0 = Ovulation) untersucht. Nach dem Alter und der Parität erfolgte eine Einteilung in je zwei Kategorien. Stuten, die zwischen 3 und 9 Jahre alt waren, wurden als „jung“ (n = 11) bezeichnet, Tiere im Alter von 10 bis 19 Jahren als „alt“ (n = 11). Zehn der Stuten waren nullipar und 12 uni- bzw. pluripar. Die Beurteilung der endometrialen Fibrosierung fand nach dem von Kenney und Doig (1986) beschriebenen Verfahren statt. Ergebnisse: Dreizehn von 22 Tieren wiesen endometriale Fibrosierungen (Kartegorie IIa, IIb bzw. III) auf. Eine einmalige Besamung 12 Stunden vor der Ovulation mit flüssigkonserviertem Sperma führte bei 8 der 22 Stuten zu einer Trächtigkeit. Die Untersuchungen wurden mit dem Farbdopplers...
Papers by H. Bollwein