The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poo... more The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poorly understood. In this study we hypothesized that hyperbaric O2 (HBO2) would stimulate superoxide dismutase (SOD) transcription in the oxidative stress-sensitive rat hippocampus and measured the time course and extent of the changes in hippocampal mRNA for all three SOD isoforms and total SOD enzyme activity. Comparisons were made between exposures to 2 hours of 1 atmosphere pressure normobaric oxygen (NBO); 2 hours of 3 atmospheres HBO2; and room air. Hyperoxia (HBO2 > NBO) was associated with statistically significant increases in transcript levels of the antioxidant enzymes SOD2 (MnSOD) and SOD3 (EC-SOD) at 6 and 18 hours but not SOD1 (Cu, Zn SOD) respectively. Hyperoxia, however, did not affect total hippocampal SOD activity measured at 6 and 24 hours, indicating that the mRNA responses were necessary to maintain the anti-oxidant enzyme activity after oxidative stress.
Inappetence, apathy and neurological signs were seen in a flock of sheep at an out-station of Kha... more Inappetence, apathy and neurological signs were seen in a flock of sheep at an out-station of Khartoum, that were fed on groundnut cake meal contaminated with aflatoxins (750 ppb). The gross and microscopic lesions were confined to the liver. The biochemical analysis of the serum was consistent with the presence of liver damage. The presence of aflatoxins in the feeds and tissues of the dead sheep supports that the condition was due to aflatoxin poisoning.
Recent evidence links the pathogenesis of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in sepsis to... more Recent evidence links the pathogenesis of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in sepsis to mitochondrial damage. Our hypothesis is that cellular mechanisms maintaining mitochondrial function must be protected in order to prevent MODS. Recent animal experiments indicate that host defences which target and kill microbes, in part via reactive oxygen and nitrogen production, also injure mitochondria, thus activating mitochondrial cell death pathways. To limit such collateral damage, the cell up-regulates and imports into mitochondria several nuclear-encoded proteins for antioxidant defence and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication. Fully integrated responses lead to mitochondrial biogenesis, which may alter cellular phenotype to avoid mitochondrial permeability transition, apoptosis, or energy failure. Key to the cell's vulnerability to oxidant generation by the innate immune response is the mtDNA content. MtDNA depletion is opposed by oxidation reduction (redox) signals that...
Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 2004
The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poorly ... more The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poorly understood. In this study we hypothesized that hyperbaric O2 (HBO2) would stimulate superoxide dismutase (SOD) transcription in the oxidative stress-sensitive rat hippocampus and measured the time course and extent of the changes in hippocampal mRNA for all three SOD isoforms and total SOD enzyme activity. Comparisons were made between exposures to 2 hours of 1 atmosphere pressure normobaric oxygen (NBO); 2 hours of 3 atmospheres HBO2; and room air. Hyperoxia (HBO2 > NBO) was associated with statistically significant increases in transcript levels of the antioxidant enzymes SOD2 (MnSOD) and SOD3 (EC-SOD) at 6 and 18 hours but not SOD1 (Cu, Zn SOD) respectively. Hyperoxia, however, did not affect total hippocampal SOD activity measured at 6 and 24 hours, indicating that the mRNA responses were necessary to maintain the anti-oxidant enzyme activity after oxidative stress.
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, 2002
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), which scavenges extracellular superoxide (O.), is hi... more Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), which scavenges extracellular superoxide (O.), is highly regulated in the developing lung. In the prenatal rabbit, EC-SOD is predominantly intracellular and inactive, and postnatally, active EC-SOD is secreted. We hypothesized that prenatal hypoxia would delay the normal postnatal secretion of active EC-SOD in the lung. Pregnant New Zealand White rabbits were exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (15,000 ft x 36 h) to alter fetal O(2) tension or were maintained in room air. Lungs were harvested from preterm (28 days), term (30 +/- 1 day), and 1-wk-old kits. After prenatal hypobaric hypoxia, EC-SOD mRNA expression was significantly decreased in lungs of full-term kits, whereas EC-SOD protein decreased at all ages. Immunohistochemical staining for EC-SOD showed that hypoxia delayed secretion of the isoenzyme in the airways and pulmonary vasculature. Furthermore, pulmonary EC-SOD enzyme activity was significantly decreased in the 1-wk-old kits expose...
The objective of this study was to examine the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TG... more The objective of this study was to examine the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha), a mitogen for many cell types, and its receptor in basic subtypes of meningiomas as well as in meningiomas of varying grade. Formalin-fixed tissues from 26 meningiomas including 15 benign (5 meningothelial, 5 transitional, and 5 fibrous variants), 6 atypical, and 5 malignant examples were immunohistochemically examined for both TGFalpha protein and EGF/TGFalpha receptor protein. In addition, in situ hybridization (ISH) was used to detect TGFalpha mRNA expression. Immunostaining for TGFalpha was strongest in fibrous and atypical meningiomas, followed closely by transitional and malignant tumors. Only weak reactivity was observed in the meningothelial variant. In all but 4 tumors (2 fibrous, 2 atypical), ISH showed TGFalpha mRNA to be present, the signal being stronger in malignant than in conventional or atypical tumors. Lastly, immunostaining for EGF/TGFalpha receptor was positi...
The toxic effects of oral administration of Cassia occidentalis to goats was evaluated. The promi... more The toxic effects of oral administration of Cassia occidentalis to goats was evaluated. The prominent signs of Cassia poisoning were diarrhea, inappetence, dyspnea, staggering, ataxia and recumbency. Lesions consisted of hemorrhages and congestion in the heart, lungs, abomasum and spleen, catarrhal enteritis, hepatic fatty change and necrosis, splenic hemosiderosis, pulmonary emphysema, necrosis and/or degeneration of the epithelial cells of the renal convoluted tubule, and packing of the glomeruli with endothelial and small round cells. These changes were accompanied by increases in GOT activity and in the serum concentrations of ammonia and urea, as well as by decreases in the total protein and calcium in serum. There were decreases in Hb, PCV and RCB, and increased leucocyte counts. Total lipids were higher in the liver, kidneys and heart of the Cassia-poisoned goats.
suggests that TGFα serves to promote tumor growth, its possible role in tumorigenesis or malignan... more suggests that TGFα serves to promote tumor growth, its possible role in tumorigenesis or malignant progression is uncertain. In summary, demonstration of these substances is of no utility in the classification or grading of this common tumor because the differences in their expression among the various meningioma subtypes were not statistically significant.
Zinc deficiency was diagnosed in a sheep farm in Khartoum Province; the young sheep and lambs wer... more Zinc deficiency was diagnosed in a sheep farm in Khartoum Province; the young sheep and lambs were mostly affected. Skin lesions, depression, wool eating, flexed knees and a markedly stiff gait were observed. Histopathology of the skin revealed mainly hyperkeratosis accompanied sometimes by parakeratosis. The animals responded rapidly to oral administration of zinc oxide.
The hypothesis that damage to mitochondrial DNA by reactive oxygen species increases the activity... more The hypothesis that damage to mitochondrial DNA by reactive oxygen species increases the activity of nuclear and mitochondrial transcription factors for mitochondrial DNA replication was tested in the in vivo rat brain. Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation was stimulated using pre-convulsive doses of hyperbaric oxygen and hippocampal mitochondrial DNA content and neuronal and mitochondrial morphology and cell proliferation were evaluated at 1, 5 and 10 days. Gene expression was subsequently evaluated to assess nuclear and mitochondrial-encoded respiratory genes, mitochondrial transcription factor A, and nuclear respiratory transcription factors-1 and-2. After 1 day, a mitochondrial DNA deletion emerged involving Complex I and IV subunit-encoding regions that was independent of overt neurological or cytological O 2 toxicity, and resolved before the onset of cell proliferation. This damage was attenuated by blockade of neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Compensatory responses were found in nuclear gene expression for manganese superoxide dismutase, mitochondrial transcription factor A, and nuclear respiratory transcription factor-2. Enhanced nuclear respiratory transcription factor-2 binding activity in hippocampus was accompanied by a nearly threefold boost in mitochondrial DNA content over 5 days. The finding that O 2 activates regional mitochondrial DNA transcription, replication, and mitochondrial biogenesis in the hippocampus may have important implications for maintaining neuronal viability after brain injury.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2003
This study reports and characterizes the testicular apoptosis following daily exposure of male Sp... more This study reports and characterizes the testicular apoptosis following daily exposure of male Sprague-Dawley rats to subchronic combined doses of pyridostigmine bromide (PB, 1.3 mg/kg/d in water, oral), a drug used for treatment of myasthenia gravis and prophylactic treatment against nerve agents during the Persian Gulf War; the insect repellent N,N-diethyl m-toluamide (DEET, 40 mg/kg/d in ethanol, dermal); and the insecticide permethrin (0.13 mg/kg in ethanol, dermal), with and without stress for 28 d. Combined exposure to these chemicals was implicated in the development of illnesses including genitourinary disorders among many veterans of the Persian Gulf War. Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that exposure to combination of these chemicals produced greater toxicity compared to single components. Exposure to stress alone did not cause any significant histopathological alterations in the testes. Administration of combination of these chemicals induced apoptosis in rat testicular germ cells, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells, as well as in the endothelial lining of the blood vessels. Testicular damage was significantly augmented when the animals were further exposed to a combination of chemicals and stress. Histopathological examination of testicular tissue sections showed that apoptosis was confined to the basal germ cells and spermatocytes, indicating suppression of spermatogenesis. Increased apoptosis of testicular cells coincided, in timing and localization, with increased expression of the apoptosis-promoting proteins Bax and p53. Furthermore, significant increase of 3-nitrotyrosine immunostaining in the testis revealed oxidative and/or nitrosation induction of cell death. In conclusion, combined exposure to real-life doses of test compounds caused germ-cell apoptosis that was significantly enhanced by stress.
To investigate a possible new physiological role of carbon monoxide (CO), an endogenous gas invol... more To investigate a possible new physiological role of carbon monoxide (CO), an endogenous gas involved in cell signaling and cytotoxicity, we tested the hypothesis that the mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen species by CO activates mitochondrial biogenesis in the heart. In mice, transient elevations of cellular CO by five- to 20-fold increased the copy number of cardiac mitochondrial DNA, the content of respiratory complex I-V and interfibrillar mitochondrial density within 24 hours. Mitochondrial biogenesis is activated by gene and protein expression of the nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1) and NRF2, of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator-1α, and of mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM), which augmented the copy number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This is independent of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), as demonstrated by the identical responses in wild-type and endothelial NOS (eNOS)-deficient mice, and by the inhibition of inducible NOS (iNOS)...
Exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in vivo damages mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and inte... more Exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in vivo damages mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and interferes with mitochondrial transcription and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Because this damage accompanies oxidative stress and is reversible, we postulated that LPS stimulates mtDNA replication and mitochondrial biogenesis via expression of factors responsive to reactive oxygen species, i.e. nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) and mitochondrial transcription factor-A. In testing this hypothesis in rat liver, we found that LPS induces NRF-1 protein expression and activity accompanied by mRNA expression for mitochondrial transcription factor-A, mtDNA polymerase ␥, NRF-2, and single-stranded DNA-binding protein. These events restored the loss in mtDNA copy number and OXPHOS gene expression caused by LPS and increased hepatocyte mitotic index, nuclear cyclin D1 translocation, and phosphorylation of pro-survival kinase, Akt. Thus, NRF-1 was implicated in oxidant-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis to provide OXPHOS for proliferation. This implication was tested in novel mtDNA-deficient cells generated from rat hepatoma cells that overexpress NRF-1. Depletion of mtDNA (o clones) diminished oxidant production and caused loss of NRF-1 expression and growth delay. NRF-1 expression and growth were restored by exogenous oxidant exposure indicating that oxidative stress stimulates biogenesis in part via NRF-1 activation and corresponding to recovery events after LPS-induced liver damage.
The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poo... more The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poorly understood. In this study we hypothesized that hyperbaric O2 (HBO2) would stimulate superoxide dismutase (SOD) transcription in the oxidative stress-sensitive rat hippocampus and measured the time course and extent of the changes in hippocampal mRNA for all three SOD isoforms and total SOD enzyme activity. Comparisons were made between exposures to 2 hours of 1 atmosphere pressure normobaric oxygen (NBO); 2 hours of 3 atmospheres HBO2; and room air. Hyperoxia (HBO2 > NBO) was associated with statistically significant increases in transcript levels of the antioxidant enzymes SOD2 (MnSOD) and SOD3 (EC-SOD) at 6 and 18 hours but not SOD1 (Cu, Zn SOD) respectively. Hyperoxia, however, did not affect total hippocampal SOD activity measured at 6 and 24 hours, indicating that the mRNA responses were necessary to maintain the anti-oxidant enzyme activity after oxidative stress.
Inappetence, apathy and neurological signs were seen in a flock of sheep at an out-station of Kha... more Inappetence, apathy and neurological signs were seen in a flock of sheep at an out-station of Khartoum, that were fed on groundnut cake meal contaminated with aflatoxins (750 ppb). The gross and microscopic lesions were confined to the liver. The biochemical analysis of the serum was consistent with the presence of liver damage. The presence of aflatoxins in the feeds and tissues of the dead sheep supports that the condition was due to aflatoxin poisoning.
Recent evidence links the pathogenesis of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in sepsis to... more Recent evidence links the pathogenesis of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in sepsis to mitochondrial damage. Our hypothesis is that cellular mechanisms maintaining mitochondrial function must be protected in order to prevent MODS. Recent animal experiments indicate that host defences which target and kill microbes, in part via reactive oxygen and nitrogen production, also injure mitochondria, thus activating mitochondrial cell death pathways. To limit such collateral damage, the cell up-regulates and imports into mitochondria several nuclear-encoded proteins for antioxidant defence and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication. Fully integrated responses lead to mitochondrial biogenesis, which may alter cellular phenotype to avoid mitochondrial permeability transition, apoptosis, or energy failure. Key to the cell's vulnerability to oxidant generation by the innate immune response is the mtDNA content. MtDNA depletion is opposed by oxidation reduction (redox) signals that...
Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 2004
The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poorly ... more The brain's anti-oxidant response to highly elevated oxygen (O2) partial pressures is poorly understood. In this study we hypothesized that hyperbaric O2 (HBO2) would stimulate superoxide dismutase (SOD) transcription in the oxidative stress-sensitive rat hippocampus and measured the time course and extent of the changes in hippocampal mRNA for all three SOD isoforms and total SOD enzyme activity. Comparisons were made between exposures to 2 hours of 1 atmosphere pressure normobaric oxygen (NBO); 2 hours of 3 atmospheres HBO2; and room air. Hyperoxia (HBO2 > NBO) was associated with statistically significant increases in transcript levels of the antioxidant enzymes SOD2 (MnSOD) and SOD3 (EC-SOD) at 6 and 18 hours but not SOD1 (Cu, Zn SOD) respectively. Hyperoxia, however, did not affect total hippocampal SOD activity measured at 6 and 24 hours, indicating that the mRNA responses were necessary to maintain the anti-oxidant enzyme activity after oxidative stress.
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, 2002
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), which scavenges extracellular superoxide (O.), is hi... more Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), which scavenges extracellular superoxide (O.), is highly regulated in the developing lung. In the prenatal rabbit, EC-SOD is predominantly intracellular and inactive, and postnatally, active EC-SOD is secreted. We hypothesized that prenatal hypoxia would delay the normal postnatal secretion of active EC-SOD in the lung. Pregnant New Zealand White rabbits were exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (15,000 ft x 36 h) to alter fetal O(2) tension or were maintained in room air. Lungs were harvested from preterm (28 days), term (30 +/- 1 day), and 1-wk-old kits. After prenatal hypobaric hypoxia, EC-SOD mRNA expression was significantly decreased in lungs of full-term kits, whereas EC-SOD protein decreased at all ages. Immunohistochemical staining for EC-SOD showed that hypoxia delayed secretion of the isoenzyme in the airways and pulmonary vasculature. Furthermore, pulmonary EC-SOD enzyme activity was significantly decreased in the 1-wk-old kits expose...
The objective of this study was to examine the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TG... more The objective of this study was to examine the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha), a mitogen for many cell types, and its receptor in basic subtypes of meningiomas as well as in meningiomas of varying grade. Formalin-fixed tissues from 26 meningiomas including 15 benign (5 meningothelial, 5 transitional, and 5 fibrous variants), 6 atypical, and 5 malignant examples were immunohistochemically examined for both TGFalpha protein and EGF/TGFalpha receptor protein. In addition, in situ hybridization (ISH) was used to detect TGFalpha mRNA expression. Immunostaining for TGFalpha was strongest in fibrous and atypical meningiomas, followed closely by transitional and malignant tumors. Only weak reactivity was observed in the meningothelial variant. In all but 4 tumors (2 fibrous, 2 atypical), ISH showed TGFalpha mRNA to be present, the signal being stronger in malignant than in conventional or atypical tumors. Lastly, immunostaining for EGF/TGFalpha receptor was positi...
The toxic effects of oral administration of Cassia occidentalis to goats was evaluated. The promi... more The toxic effects of oral administration of Cassia occidentalis to goats was evaluated. The prominent signs of Cassia poisoning were diarrhea, inappetence, dyspnea, staggering, ataxia and recumbency. Lesions consisted of hemorrhages and congestion in the heart, lungs, abomasum and spleen, catarrhal enteritis, hepatic fatty change and necrosis, splenic hemosiderosis, pulmonary emphysema, necrosis and/or degeneration of the epithelial cells of the renal convoluted tubule, and packing of the glomeruli with endothelial and small round cells. These changes were accompanied by increases in GOT activity and in the serum concentrations of ammonia and urea, as well as by decreases in the total protein and calcium in serum. There were decreases in Hb, PCV and RCB, and increased leucocyte counts. Total lipids were higher in the liver, kidneys and heart of the Cassia-poisoned goats.
suggests that TGFα serves to promote tumor growth, its possible role in tumorigenesis or malignan... more suggests that TGFα serves to promote tumor growth, its possible role in tumorigenesis or malignant progression is uncertain. In summary, demonstration of these substances is of no utility in the classification or grading of this common tumor because the differences in their expression among the various meningioma subtypes were not statistically significant.
Zinc deficiency was diagnosed in a sheep farm in Khartoum Province; the young sheep and lambs wer... more Zinc deficiency was diagnosed in a sheep farm in Khartoum Province; the young sheep and lambs were mostly affected. Skin lesions, depression, wool eating, flexed knees and a markedly stiff gait were observed. Histopathology of the skin revealed mainly hyperkeratosis accompanied sometimes by parakeratosis. The animals responded rapidly to oral administration of zinc oxide.
The hypothesis that damage to mitochondrial DNA by reactive oxygen species increases the activity... more The hypothesis that damage to mitochondrial DNA by reactive oxygen species increases the activity of nuclear and mitochondrial transcription factors for mitochondrial DNA replication was tested in the in vivo rat brain. Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation was stimulated using pre-convulsive doses of hyperbaric oxygen and hippocampal mitochondrial DNA content and neuronal and mitochondrial morphology and cell proliferation were evaluated at 1, 5 and 10 days. Gene expression was subsequently evaluated to assess nuclear and mitochondrial-encoded respiratory genes, mitochondrial transcription factor A, and nuclear respiratory transcription factors-1 and-2. After 1 day, a mitochondrial DNA deletion emerged involving Complex I and IV subunit-encoding regions that was independent of overt neurological or cytological O 2 toxicity, and resolved before the onset of cell proliferation. This damage was attenuated by blockade of neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Compensatory responses were found in nuclear gene expression for manganese superoxide dismutase, mitochondrial transcription factor A, and nuclear respiratory transcription factor-2. Enhanced nuclear respiratory transcription factor-2 binding activity in hippocampus was accompanied by a nearly threefold boost in mitochondrial DNA content over 5 days. The finding that O 2 activates regional mitochondrial DNA transcription, replication, and mitochondrial biogenesis in the hippocampus may have important implications for maintaining neuronal viability after brain injury.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2003
This study reports and characterizes the testicular apoptosis following daily exposure of male Sp... more This study reports and characterizes the testicular apoptosis following daily exposure of male Sprague-Dawley rats to subchronic combined doses of pyridostigmine bromide (PB, 1.3 mg/kg/d in water, oral), a drug used for treatment of myasthenia gravis and prophylactic treatment against nerve agents during the Persian Gulf War; the insect repellent N,N-diethyl m-toluamide (DEET, 40 mg/kg/d in ethanol, dermal); and the insecticide permethrin (0.13 mg/kg in ethanol, dermal), with and without stress for 28 d. Combined exposure to these chemicals was implicated in the development of illnesses including genitourinary disorders among many veterans of the Persian Gulf War. Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that exposure to combination of these chemicals produced greater toxicity compared to single components. Exposure to stress alone did not cause any significant histopathological alterations in the testes. Administration of combination of these chemicals induced apoptosis in rat testicular germ cells, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells, as well as in the endothelial lining of the blood vessels. Testicular damage was significantly augmented when the animals were further exposed to a combination of chemicals and stress. Histopathological examination of testicular tissue sections showed that apoptosis was confined to the basal germ cells and spermatocytes, indicating suppression of spermatogenesis. Increased apoptosis of testicular cells coincided, in timing and localization, with increased expression of the apoptosis-promoting proteins Bax and p53. Furthermore, significant increase of 3-nitrotyrosine immunostaining in the testis revealed oxidative and/or nitrosation induction of cell death. In conclusion, combined exposure to real-life doses of test compounds caused germ-cell apoptosis that was significantly enhanced by stress.
To investigate a possible new physiological role of carbon monoxide (CO), an endogenous gas invol... more To investigate a possible new physiological role of carbon monoxide (CO), an endogenous gas involved in cell signaling and cytotoxicity, we tested the hypothesis that the mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen species by CO activates mitochondrial biogenesis in the heart. In mice, transient elevations of cellular CO by five- to 20-fold increased the copy number of cardiac mitochondrial DNA, the content of respiratory complex I-V and interfibrillar mitochondrial density within 24 hours. Mitochondrial biogenesis is activated by gene and protein expression of the nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1) and NRF2, of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator-1α, and of mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM), which augmented the copy number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This is independent of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), as demonstrated by the identical responses in wild-type and endothelial NOS (eNOS)-deficient mice, and by the inhibition of inducible NOS (iNOS)...
Exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in vivo damages mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and inte... more Exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in vivo damages mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and interferes with mitochondrial transcription and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Because this damage accompanies oxidative stress and is reversible, we postulated that LPS stimulates mtDNA replication and mitochondrial biogenesis via expression of factors responsive to reactive oxygen species, i.e. nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) and mitochondrial transcription factor-A. In testing this hypothesis in rat liver, we found that LPS induces NRF-1 protein expression and activity accompanied by mRNA expression for mitochondrial transcription factor-A, mtDNA polymerase ␥, NRF-2, and single-stranded DNA-binding protein. These events restored the loss in mtDNA copy number and OXPHOS gene expression caused by LPS and increased hepatocyte mitotic index, nuclear cyclin D1 translocation, and phosphorylation of pro-survival kinase, Akt. Thus, NRF-1 was implicated in oxidant-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis to provide OXPHOS for proliferation. This implication was tested in novel mtDNA-deficient cells generated from rat hepatoma cells that overexpress NRF-1. Depletion of mtDNA (o clones) diminished oxidant production and caused loss of NRF-1 expression and growth delay. NRF-1 expression and growth were restored by exogenous oxidant exposure indicating that oxidative stress stimulates biogenesis in part via NRF-1 activation and corresponding to recovery events after LPS-induced liver damage.
Papers by H Suliman