Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Mar 4, 2014
ABSTRACT With the increasing use of tropical peatland for agricultural development, docu- mentati... more ABSTRACT With the increasing use of tropical peatland for agricultural development, docu- mentation of the rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is becoming important for national greenhouse gas inventories. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil-surface CO2 fluxes from drained peat under different land-use systems in Riau and Jambi Provinces, Sumatra, Indonesia. Increase of CO2 concentration was tracked in measurement chambers using an Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA, LI-COR 820 model). The results showed that CO2 flux under oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations ranged from 34±16 and 45±25 Mg CO2 ha–1 year–1 in two locations in Jambi province to 66±25 Mg CO2 ha–1 year–1 for a site in Riau. For adjacent plots within 3.2 km in the Kampar Peninsula, Riau, CO2 fluxes from an oil palm plantation, an Acacia plantation, a secondary forest and a rubber plantation were 66±25, 59±19, 61±25, 52 ±17 Mg ha–1 year–1, respectively, while on bare land sites it was between 56±30 and 67± 24 Mg CO2 ha–1 year–1, indicating no significant differences among the different land-use systems in the same landscape. Unexplained site variation seems to dominate over land use in influencing CO2 flux. CO2 fluxes varied with time of day (p<0.001) with the noon flux as the highest, suggesting an overestimate of the mean flux values with the absence of night-time
Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science, May 19, 2021
The negative Impact of climate change and food security are crucial issues for Indonesia with a l... more The negative Impact of climate change and food security are crucial issues for Indonesia with a large population. Agricultural sector as a contributor about 5-7 percent to CO 2 emissions, is a victim of climate change as this sector is very sensitive to the change of climate such as rise of temperature, drought, El Nino and La Nina and rise sea level. The decline in production due to climate change and extreme climate is very risky for Indonesia's food security. Various studies and studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of climate change. However, since 2009, voluntary commitment of Indonesian Government to reduce 26 percent of CO 2 emissions set up the strong effort in many sectors to adapt with climate change. In agriculture, improving soil quality is key in maintaining food production. Soil conservation using vegetative or engineering technique is one of the most important technology. Nutrient management by applying balance fertilization, the use of organic material and ameliorant such as biochar, zeolite and other natural mineral are beneficial for plant production. All these ameliorants will be very useful in maintain soil organic matter (SOM) and soil carbon which very important in increasing water holding capacity. Water harvesting is one option to capture high precipitation and important to irrigate agricultural area. Besides, the use of cropping calendars, high yielding varieties which adapt to biophysical stress will be very useful. Other effort is also needed to control the peat fire, peat drainage and deforestation.
Abstrak. Sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan salah satu program diversitas usaha tani. Dengan t... more Abstrak. Sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan salah satu program diversitas usaha tani. Dengan total luas lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit mencapai 10,46 juta ha, sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan alternatif terbaik untuk mencapai target swasembaga pangan terutama daging sapi melalui optimalisasi penggunaan lahan dengan memanfaatkan limbah tanaman sawit dan industri sebagai sumber pakan ternak. Sumber pakan ternak untuk usaha penggemukan, pembibitan dan sapi potong dapat berasal dari cover crop bila tersedia, sekitar 30-65% dari pelepah sawit, 10-70% bungkil inti sawit, dan 20-35% bahan non sawit. Sementara itu limbah ternak sapi, biogas, limbah tanaman kelapa sawit (pelepah, daun sawit, dan sisa pohon) dan limbah industri kelapa sawit (tandan buah kosong, dried decanted sludge, palm oil mill effluent dan fly ash) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan organik yang dapat meningkatkan kesuburan dan kualitas tanah. Bahan organik sangat diperlukan dalam memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. Disamping itu sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan teknologi adaptif dan mitigatif terhadap perubahan iklim dengan aplikasi sistem biogas maka diperoleh energi gas untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan industri sekaligus mampu menurunkan emisi gas methane. Paper ini merupakan review hasil-hasil penelitian integrasi tanaman-ternak berbasis kelapa sawit terutama informasi potensi sumber bahan organik yang bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah. Abstract. Integrated crop-livestock based oil palm is an example of diversity in agricultural system. With a total area of oil palm plantations reached 10.46 million ha, very potential to support integrated crop-livestock farming systems. The main target in developing this systems is to achieved food i.e beef self sufficiency through land optimalization and by using plant residue and oil palm industry waste for cattle feed. The cattle feed sources for beef meat production and breeding could be from cover crop if available, 30-65% fronds, 10-70% palm kernel cake and 20-35% non palm sources. In other side, various waste material such as manure, biogas sludge, plant residue (fronds, palm leaves and trunk) and industrial waste (empty fruit bunches, solid waste, dried decanted sludge, palm oil mill effluent and fly ash) are potential source of organic matter. Organic matter is important in improving soil fertility and quality. Besides, integrated crop-livestock based oil palm farming system is also found as an adaptive technology to cope climate change. Biogas installation as a component in this systems able to reduce methane emission. The energy produce through biogas installation in this system can be used for household and industry and able to reduce methane emissions. This paper reviews the results of research of integration crop-livestock based oil palm aims to provide information focused on potential sources of organic matter produced which useful to improve the biological, physical and chemical properties of soil.
Abstrak . Terobosan program Jarwo Super yang merupakan integrasi berbagai Teknologi Badan Litbang... more Abstrak . Terobosan program Jarwo Super yang merupakan integrasi berbagai Teknologi Badan Litbang Pertanian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas komoditas padi. Adapun komponen teknologi Jarwo Super terdiri dari budidaya jajar legowo, pemanfaatan alat mesin pertanian, benih unggul, pemupukan dengan dosis optimal menggunakan PUTS, pemanfaatan dekomposer M-Dec dalam pengelolaan limbah jerami, pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dalam seed treatment (Agrimeth) dan biopestisida untuk pengendalian organisme pengganggu tanaman. Teknologi pemupukan baik anorganik, organik serta hayati memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam paket teknologi Jarwo Super. Pemupukan secara umum memberikan kontribusi minimal 20% dalam sistem produksi pertanian. Dengan demikian, rekomendasi pemupukan yang sesuai dengan status hara tanah, optimal untuk varietas hasil tinggi dengan target hasil optimal sangat dibutuhkan. Penggunaan bahan organik seperti jerami padi yang berlimpah di lahan sawah perlu digalakkan kembali mengingat kompos jerami mengandung berbagai unsur hara terutama K dan Si serta memiliki fungsi meningkatkan kondisi fisik dan biologi tanah. Untuk mempercepat proses pembusukan jerami maka diperlukan dekomposer yang dapat memperpendek proses dekomposisi. Berbagai mikroba unggul dalam tanah dapat berfungsi dalam proses dekomposisi bahan organik, menghancurkan komponen toksik, transformasi inorganik, fiksasi N, Rhizobacteria, dan proteksi tanaman. Isolasi mikroba unggul dengan fungsi diatas menjadi cikal bakal formulasi pupuk hayati. Pupuk hayati dapat digunakan sebagai seed treatment, diberikan ke tanah dan tanaman sesuai dengan fungsinya. Berbagai jenis pupuk (anorganik, organik, hayati) yang diproduksi perlu diatur agar tidak merugikan konsumen yang sebagian besar adalah petani. Abstract. Breakthrough program called Jarwo Super is an integration of various technologies of IAARD is expected to increase rice productivity. The program includes in Jarwo Super are Jajar Legowo (skip row), mechanization, high yield variety, balance fertilization with optimal dose (using paddy soil test kits PUTS), rice straw management (using decomposer M-Dec), the use of biofertilizers (Agrimeth) and biopesticides. Proper fertilizer management of inorganic, organic and biofertilizer will contributed significantly in the Jarwo Super Technology. In general, fertilizer contribute at least 20% in agricultural production systems. Thus, the fertilizer recommendation must consider soil nutrient status and high nutrient uptake by new variety. The use of organic materials such as rice straw which is abundant in rice fields should be encouraged recall straw compost contains variety of nutrients, especially K and Si as well as having the function of improving the physical and biological soil. Decomposer is required to speed up the decomposition process. Various microbes in the soil play important function in the soil such as decomposition of organic matter, destroying the toxic components, inorganic transformation, N fixation, Rhizobacteria, and plant protection. Isolation of microbes which having improtant function as mention above became the key in formulation of biofertilizer. Biofertilizer can be used as a seed treatment, soil and plants according to their function. Various types of fertilizers (inorganic, organic, biofertilizer) that is produced and commercially used should be regulated to protect farmer as the most user.
Peta tanah merupakan informasi spasial dasar untuk perencanaan dan praktek pengelolaan lahan dan ... more Peta tanah merupakan informasi spasial dasar untuk perencanaan dan praktek pengelolaan lahan dan lingkungan. Informasi spasial tanah yang detil, terkini, dan kontekstual diperlukan dalam waktu yang tepat yang dapat disediakan melalui penerapan pendekatan digital soil mapping ( DSM) berdasarkan data tanah warisan. Pemanfaatan teknologi DSM perlu disesaikan dengan kondisi infrastruktur data setempat. Tulisan ini membahas tentang teknik disagregasi spasial untuk membuat peta tanah dan mengevaluasi tantangan penerapannya di Indonesia. DSM merupakan subdisiplin ilmu tanah yang paling aktif menghasilkan produk riset. Salahsatu teknik DSM yang diterapkan diberbagai tempat adalah teknik Disagregasi Spasial. Teknik ini bekerja di wilayah yang mempunyai peta tanah baik meliputi seluruh wilayah atau sebagiannya dan memisahkan sub-sub poligon suatu satuan peta tanah menjadi bagian-bagian yang lebih detil. Aneka algoritma disagregasi spasial sudah banyak dikembangkan dan bemanfaat digunakan di wilayah Indonesia khususnya untuk pendetilan peta, penyelerasan batas peta, dan pembuatan peta di wilayah baru menggunakan hubungan tanah-lanskap dari wilayah lain. Aneka alat bantu dikembangkan yang dapat mempercepat dan mempermudah implementasi disagregasi spasial di lapangan. Kasus-kasus terpilih juga disajikan dan didiskusikan. Dengan meningkatkan kapasitas dan penelitian, implementasi teknik akan menyediakan algotiruma yang lebih jitu yang pada saat bersamaan menambah informasi spasial tanah.
Abstrak : Pupuk organik berperan dalam meningkatkan kesuburan fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah sert... more Abstrak : Pupuk organik berperan dalam meningkatkan kesuburan fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta mengefisienkan penggunaan pupuk anorganik. Kualitas dan komposisi pupuk organik bervariasi tergantung dari bahan dasar kompos dan proses pembuatannya. Penggunaan tanaman legum baik berupa tanaman lorong (alley cropping) maupun tanaman penutup tanah (cover crop) serta bahan organik insitu, perlu diintensifkan untuk mendukung pemanfaatan pupuk organik non komersial dan pemulihan kesuburan tanah.Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kelompok tani dalam pengadaan pupuk organik dapat dilakukan melalui: a) melatih petani membuat pupuk organik insitu yang berasal dari kotoran ternak dan sisa tanaman yang dikomposkan;b) mendorong petani melakukan diversifikasi usaha pertanian berbasis ternak; dan c) mendorong petani melakukan pengelolaan bahan organik insitu terutama pada lahan kering. Pemanfaatan pupuk organik telah diterapkan dalam sistem budidaya pertanian organik (organic farming) dan System rice of...
There has been rapid growth in research activities on the potential of graphene oxide/Au (GO:Au) ... more There has been rapid growth in research activities on the potential of graphene oxide/Au (GO:Au) composite for different applications. The GO:Au composite has been widely explored in applications such as biomedicine, electrochemical biosensors, optical limiters, and organic dye degradation. The increased interest in GO:Au for these applications is the consequence of harvesting the electronic bonding structure that is due to the formation of sp3 CC clusters from defected sp2 C═C and attachment of Au atoms onto the C═C carbon matrix. The defection of the sp2 cluster of GO can be achieved by the method of improved synthesis and functionalization with Au surfactants. The current review explores an overview of the different synthesis techniques for producing GO:Au composites, which is an important factor in controlling the particle and size distribution of the composites. The electronic, electrical, and magnetic properties of GO:Au composites are covered as it relates to photochemical, ...
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Mar 4, 2014
ABSTRACT With the increasing use of tropical peatland for agricultural development, docu- mentati... more ABSTRACT With the increasing use of tropical peatland for agricultural development, docu- mentation of the rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is becoming important for national greenhouse gas inventories. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil-surface CO2 fluxes from drained peat under different land-use systems in Riau and Jambi Provinces, Sumatra, Indonesia. Increase of CO2 concentration was tracked in measurement chambers using an Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA, LI-COR 820 model). The results showed that CO2 flux under oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations ranged from 34±16 and 45±25 Mg CO2 ha–1 year–1 in two locations in Jambi province to 66±25 Mg CO2 ha–1 year–1 for a site in Riau. For adjacent plots within 3.2 km in the Kampar Peninsula, Riau, CO2 fluxes from an oil palm plantation, an Acacia plantation, a secondary forest and a rubber plantation were 66±25, 59±19, 61±25, 52 ±17 Mg ha–1 year–1, respectively, while on bare land sites it was between 56±30 and 67± 24 Mg CO2 ha–1 year–1, indicating no significant differences among the different land-use systems in the same landscape. Unexplained site variation seems to dominate over land use in influencing CO2 flux. CO2 fluxes varied with time of day (p<0.001) with the noon flux as the highest, suggesting an overestimate of the mean flux values with the absence of night-time
Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science, May 19, 2021
The negative Impact of climate change and food security are crucial issues for Indonesia with a l... more The negative Impact of climate change and food security are crucial issues for Indonesia with a large population. Agricultural sector as a contributor about 5-7 percent to CO 2 emissions, is a victim of climate change as this sector is very sensitive to the change of climate such as rise of temperature, drought, El Nino and La Nina and rise sea level. The decline in production due to climate change and extreme climate is very risky for Indonesia's food security. Various studies and studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of climate change. However, since 2009, voluntary commitment of Indonesian Government to reduce 26 percent of CO 2 emissions set up the strong effort in many sectors to adapt with climate change. In agriculture, improving soil quality is key in maintaining food production. Soil conservation using vegetative or engineering technique is one of the most important technology. Nutrient management by applying balance fertilization, the use of organic material and ameliorant such as biochar, zeolite and other natural mineral are beneficial for plant production. All these ameliorants will be very useful in maintain soil organic matter (SOM) and soil carbon which very important in increasing water holding capacity. Water harvesting is one option to capture high precipitation and important to irrigate agricultural area. Besides, the use of cropping calendars, high yielding varieties which adapt to biophysical stress will be very useful. Other effort is also needed to control the peat fire, peat drainage and deforestation.
Abstrak. Sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan salah satu program diversitas usaha tani. Dengan t... more Abstrak. Sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan salah satu program diversitas usaha tani. Dengan total luas lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit mencapai 10,46 juta ha, sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan alternatif terbaik untuk mencapai target swasembaga pangan terutama daging sapi melalui optimalisasi penggunaan lahan dengan memanfaatkan limbah tanaman sawit dan industri sebagai sumber pakan ternak. Sumber pakan ternak untuk usaha penggemukan, pembibitan dan sapi potong dapat berasal dari cover crop bila tersedia, sekitar 30-65% dari pelepah sawit, 10-70% bungkil inti sawit, dan 20-35% bahan non sawit. Sementara itu limbah ternak sapi, biogas, limbah tanaman kelapa sawit (pelepah, daun sawit, dan sisa pohon) dan limbah industri kelapa sawit (tandan buah kosong, dried decanted sludge, palm oil mill effluent dan fly ash) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan organik yang dapat meningkatkan kesuburan dan kualitas tanah. Bahan organik sangat diperlukan dalam memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. Disamping itu sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan teknologi adaptif dan mitigatif terhadap perubahan iklim dengan aplikasi sistem biogas maka diperoleh energi gas untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan industri sekaligus mampu menurunkan emisi gas methane. Paper ini merupakan review hasil-hasil penelitian integrasi tanaman-ternak berbasis kelapa sawit terutama informasi potensi sumber bahan organik yang bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah. Abstract. Integrated crop-livestock based oil palm is an example of diversity in agricultural system. With a total area of oil palm plantations reached 10.46 million ha, very potential to support integrated crop-livestock farming systems. The main target in developing this systems is to achieved food i.e beef self sufficiency through land optimalization and by using plant residue and oil palm industry waste for cattle feed. The cattle feed sources for beef meat production and breeding could be from cover crop if available, 30-65% fronds, 10-70% palm kernel cake and 20-35% non palm sources. In other side, various waste material such as manure, biogas sludge, plant residue (fronds, palm leaves and trunk) and industrial waste (empty fruit bunches, solid waste, dried decanted sludge, palm oil mill effluent and fly ash) are potential source of organic matter. Organic matter is important in improving soil fertility and quality. Besides, integrated crop-livestock based oil palm farming system is also found as an adaptive technology to cope climate change. Biogas installation as a component in this systems able to reduce methane emission. The energy produce through biogas installation in this system can be used for household and industry and able to reduce methane emissions. This paper reviews the results of research of integration crop-livestock based oil palm aims to provide information focused on potential sources of organic matter produced which useful to improve the biological, physical and chemical properties of soil.
Abstrak . Terobosan program Jarwo Super yang merupakan integrasi berbagai Teknologi Badan Litbang... more Abstrak . Terobosan program Jarwo Super yang merupakan integrasi berbagai Teknologi Badan Litbang Pertanian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas komoditas padi. Adapun komponen teknologi Jarwo Super terdiri dari budidaya jajar legowo, pemanfaatan alat mesin pertanian, benih unggul, pemupukan dengan dosis optimal menggunakan PUTS, pemanfaatan dekomposer M-Dec dalam pengelolaan limbah jerami, pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dalam seed treatment (Agrimeth) dan biopestisida untuk pengendalian organisme pengganggu tanaman. Teknologi pemupukan baik anorganik, organik serta hayati memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam paket teknologi Jarwo Super. Pemupukan secara umum memberikan kontribusi minimal 20% dalam sistem produksi pertanian. Dengan demikian, rekomendasi pemupukan yang sesuai dengan status hara tanah, optimal untuk varietas hasil tinggi dengan target hasil optimal sangat dibutuhkan. Penggunaan bahan organik seperti jerami padi yang berlimpah di lahan sawah perlu digalakkan kembali mengingat kompos jerami mengandung berbagai unsur hara terutama K dan Si serta memiliki fungsi meningkatkan kondisi fisik dan biologi tanah. Untuk mempercepat proses pembusukan jerami maka diperlukan dekomposer yang dapat memperpendek proses dekomposisi. Berbagai mikroba unggul dalam tanah dapat berfungsi dalam proses dekomposisi bahan organik, menghancurkan komponen toksik, transformasi inorganik, fiksasi N, Rhizobacteria, dan proteksi tanaman. Isolasi mikroba unggul dengan fungsi diatas menjadi cikal bakal formulasi pupuk hayati. Pupuk hayati dapat digunakan sebagai seed treatment, diberikan ke tanah dan tanaman sesuai dengan fungsinya. Berbagai jenis pupuk (anorganik, organik, hayati) yang diproduksi perlu diatur agar tidak merugikan konsumen yang sebagian besar adalah petani. Abstract. Breakthrough program called Jarwo Super is an integration of various technologies of IAARD is expected to increase rice productivity. The program includes in Jarwo Super are Jajar Legowo (skip row), mechanization, high yield variety, balance fertilization with optimal dose (using paddy soil test kits PUTS), rice straw management (using decomposer M-Dec), the use of biofertilizers (Agrimeth) and biopesticides. Proper fertilizer management of inorganic, organic and biofertilizer will contributed significantly in the Jarwo Super Technology. In general, fertilizer contribute at least 20% in agricultural production systems. Thus, the fertilizer recommendation must consider soil nutrient status and high nutrient uptake by new variety. The use of organic materials such as rice straw which is abundant in rice fields should be encouraged recall straw compost contains variety of nutrients, especially K and Si as well as having the function of improving the physical and biological soil. Decomposer is required to speed up the decomposition process. Various microbes in the soil play important function in the soil such as decomposition of organic matter, destroying the toxic components, inorganic transformation, N fixation, Rhizobacteria, and plant protection. Isolation of microbes which having improtant function as mention above became the key in formulation of biofertilizer. Biofertilizer can be used as a seed treatment, soil and plants according to their function. Various types of fertilizers (inorganic, organic, biofertilizer) that is produced and commercially used should be regulated to protect farmer as the most user.
Peta tanah merupakan informasi spasial dasar untuk perencanaan dan praktek pengelolaan lahan dan ... more Peta tanah merupakan informasi spasial dasar untuk perencanaan dan praktek pengelolaan lahan dan lingkungan. Informasi spasial tanah yang detil, terkini, dan kontekstual diperlukan dalam waktu yang tepat yang dapat disediakan melalui penerapan pendekatan digital soil mapping ( DSM) berdasarkan data tanah warisan. Pemanfaatan teknologi DSM perlu disesaikan dengan kondisi infrastruktur data setempat. Tulisan ini membahas tentang teknik disagregasi spasial untuk membuat peta tanah dan mengevaluasi tantangan penerapannya di Indonesia. DSM merupakan subdisiplin ilmu tanah yang paling aktif menghasilkan produk riset. Salahsatu teknik DSM yang diterapkan diberbagai tempat adalah teknik Disagregasi Spasial. Teknik ini bekerja di wilayah yang mempunyai peta tanah baik meliputi seluruh wilayah atau sebagiannya dan memisahkan sub-sub poligon suatu satuan peta tanah menjadi bagian-bagian yang lebih detil. Aneka algoritma disagregasi spasial sudah banyak dikembangkan dan bemanfaat digunakan di wilayah Indonesia khususnya untuk pendetilan peta, penyelerasan batas peta, dan pembuatan peta di wilayah baru menggunakan hubungan tanah-lanskap dari wilayah lain. Aneka alat bantu dikembangkan yang dapat mempercepat dan mempermudah implementasi disagregasi spasial di lapangan. Kasus-kasus terpilih juga disajikan dan didiskusikan. Dengan meningkatkan kapasitas dan penelitian, implementasi teknik akan menyediakan algotiruma yang lebih jitu yang pada saat bersamaan menambah informasi spasial tanah.
Abstrak : Pupuk organik berperan dalam meningkatkan kesuburan fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah sert... more Abstrak : Pupuk organik berperan dalam meningkatkan kesuburan fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta mengefisienkan penggunaan pupuk anorganik. Kualitas dan komposisi pupuk organik bervariasi tergantung dari bahan dasar kompos dan proses pembuatannya. Penggunaan tanaman legum baik berupa tanaman lorong (alley cropping) maupun tanaman penutup tanah (cover crop) serta bahan organik insitu, perlu diintensifkan untuk mendukung pemanfaatan pupuk organik non komersial dan pemulihan kesuburan tanah.Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kelompok tani dalam pengadaan pupuk organik dapat dilakukan melalui: a) melatih petani membuat pupuk organik insitu yang berasal dari kotoran ternak dan sisa tanaman yang dikomposkan;b) mendorong petani melakukan diversifikasi usaha pertanian berbasis ternak; dan c) mendorong petani melakukan pengelolaan bahan organik insitu terutama pada lahan kering. Pemanfaatan pupuk organik telah diterapkan dalam sistem budidaya pertanian organik (organic farming) dan System rice of...
There has been rapid growth in research activities on the potential of graphene oxide/Au (GO:Au) ... more There has been rapid growth in research activities on the potential of graphene oxide/Au (GO:Au) composite for different applications. The GO:Au composite has been widely explored in applications such as biomedicine, electrochemical biosensors, optical limiters, and organic dye degradation. The increased interest in GO:Au for these applications is the consequence of harvesting the electronic bonding structure that is due to the formation of sp3 CC clusters from defected sp2 C═C and attachment of Au atoms onto the C═C carbon matrix. The defection of the sp2 cluster of GO can be achieved by the method of improved synthesis and functionalization with Au surfactants. The current review explores an overview of the different synthesis techniques for producing GO:Au composites, which is an important factor in controlling the particle and size distribution of the composites. The electronic, electrical, and magnetic properties of GO:Au composites are covered as it relates to photochemical, ...
Papers by Husnain Husnain