A key objective of the National Water Initiative is to establish a comprehensive system of water ... more A key objective of the National Water Initiative is to establish a comprehensive system of water accounting to ensure that the overarching objective to establish a nationally compatible market, regulatory and planning based system of managing surface and ...
... CORDERY I. (1) ; MCCALL M. (2) ; NAZEMOSADAT MJ (3) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Auth... more ... CORDERY I. (1) ; MCCALL M. (2) ; NAZEMOSADAT MJ (3) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). (1) School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, AUSTRALIE (2) Bureau of Meteorology ...
The principles set for the design of the irrigation water delivery system (i.e., warabandi a ) of... more The principles set for the design of the irrigation water delivery system (i.e., warabandi a ) of Pakistan does not effectively meet the needs of the existing situation. The farmers with the assistance of irrigation official have prevented the ongoing implementation of irrigation water delivery system rules. They have set their own rules that meet their crop-water demand . Thus there is need to develop a decision support systems that can incorporate the needs of farmers regarding canal water supplies. Thus in this study a novel concept of water allocation based on multiple criteria has been employed. Given this, it is essential to know what factors or criteria influence water demand so that a decision support system can be developed to improve the productivity of scarce water resources.
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1986: River Basin Management; Preprints of Papers, 1986
Operation of streamgauging networks is expensive. However it is often stated that the benefits of... more Operation of streamgauging networks is expensive. However it is often stated that the benefits of data collection far exceed the costs. A case study was undertaken to assess the benefit-cost ratio of the long-term continuation of data collection at one station, assuming this data collection had only a single purpose, provision of information for the design of a flood mitigation scheme. The benefit of the data was the reduction in uncertainty of the value of damages to be averted by the scheme or the reduction in uncertainty in the cost of the ...
Attempts have been made to relate drought in Australia and other countries to large scale phenome... more Attempts have been made to relate drought in Australia and other countries to large scale phenomena such as sea surface temperatures (SST) and southern oscillation indices (SOI). In some places qualitative seasonal rainfall forecasts are made based on these relations. It is quite usual for such relations to have correlation coefficients as high as 0.7. However it is shown here
The rainfalls used in the practical estimation of design floods are generally based on frequency-... more The rainfalls used in the practical estimation of design floods are generally based on frequency-duration relationships derived from recorded intense burst of rainfall of various durations rather than from complete storms. These recorded intense bursts are therefore used in the ...
The US SCS method has been tested as a design flood pro cedure in two regions in eastern Austral... more The US SCS method has been tested as a design flood pro cedure in two regions in eastern Australia. Runoff curve numbers have been derived from observed data on a probabilistic rather than an event basis, fitting the design case. Derived values depended on the method for determining time of concentration and the average re currence interval of the design
An intensive network of hydrological instruments has been installed at Fowlers Gap in arid wester... more An intensive network of hydrological instruments has been installed at Fowlers Gap in arid western New South Wales, Australia, where the average annual rainfall is 195 mm and the average annual potential evaporation is 3.5 m. The network has been designed to use simple, reliable procedures to overcome the problems usually experienced in collecting data in arid environments. Since data
This study investigated the potential of subsurface ocean temperatures as predictors of Australia... more This study investigated the potential of subsurface ocean temperatures as predictors of Australian rainfall. The idea was built on the theory that changes in the warm water volume (WWV) in the upper layer of the ocean are related to the timing of the warm and cold events of the El Niño Southern Oscillation. The 20 o C isotherm was used as an estimate of the ocean's thermocline and hence of the available WWV. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis on the covariance matrix of the 20 o C isotherm anomalies revealed two modes that represented a west-east tilting and a north-south tilting of the thermocline. Correlation analysis revealed a strong concurrent association between the first EOF mode and Niño 3. The second mode, which leads the first mode by nine months on average, is significantly correlated with Niño 3 even when the lead-time is over 15 months. Regression models, that use the two EOF modes either separately or in combination, were derived for predicting Niño 3. The model that used both EOF modes predicted Niño 3 values that were good estimates of the observed Niño 3 series even up to a lag of two years. Results from the correlation analysis between these two EOF modes and Australian rainfall had demonstrated the potential of using the EOF modes for long-range rainfall forecasting. This is particularly true for the second EOF mode that is strongly associated with Australian rainfall even for lags beyond fifteen months.
A method of estimating large floods using a linear storage-routing approach is presented. The dif... more A method of estimating large floods using a linear storage-routing approach is presented. The differences between the proposed approach and those traditionally used are (1) that the flood producing properties of basins are represented by a linear system,(2) the storage ...
The rotational irrigation water delivery (warabandi) system practiced in the Indus river basin of... more The rotational irrigation water delivery (warabandi) system practiced in the Indus river basin of Pakistan has continued for 100 years. Irrigation water allocated to the farmers under the warabandi system is proportional to farm size and is fixed. This rigid allocation system has been partly justified by its contribution to social equity though this may have been at the cost of economic gains. In order to assess the operation of warabandi's basic rules, a farmers' survey was completed from 124 farmers located on five watercourses. A questionnaire was administered to each farmer and farm management data were gathered. As fresh water resources are under stress and becoming scarce their efficient use in all applications should be assured in water allocations. It is shown from the survey results that water allocation based on very limited criteria does not maximize the socio-economic benefits gained from the use of scarce water. Thus, it is suggested that the existence or nonexistence of fresh groundwater resources along with other critical variables should be taken into consideration when making canal water allocation decisions. Missed water deliveries due to failure of the canal system appear to be the largest cause of losses. Water charges need to be increased to fund large improvements in canal maintenance programs. It is pointed out that a framework should be developed as a tool to improve water productivity for Pakistan. This should include: consideration of the gross area of a tertiary canal, sensitivity of crop growth stage to water shortage, crop value, bias of allocation towards most water use efficient areas and water use efficient crops, the potential losses from water deficiency.
Two similar, non-linear, network models have been applied to three basins in coastal NSW to exami... more Two similar, non-linear, network models have been applied to three basins in coastal NSW to examine their potential for use in operational flood forecasting. Network models have the potential to make direct allowance for non-uniform spatial distribution of rainfall, as well as to provide for non-linear basin response to the input rainfall. The two models were applied under operational flood forecasting conditions to data for 7 or 8 observed floods on each basin and their ability to reproduce the observed hydrographs was examined. These results were compared with those obtained from the unit hydrograph approach which is currently used for flood forecasting on these basins. The results indicate that the determination of excess rainfall is probably more critical than the type of model used to calculate the direct runoff hydrograph. There appears to be little difference between the abilities of the unit hydrograph and the network models to reproduce the observed hydrographs on these thr...
Stream gauging data play a vital role in the planning of Rood mitigation strategies. A study of t... more Stream gauging data play a vital role in the planning of Rood mitigation strategies. A study of the value of dream Row data for the design of levee systems shows that the availability of a reasunable sample of pertinent data can he worth many times the cost of collecting that data.
... Full Text PDF (122kb). To cite this article: Ruiz, Jose Eric; Cordery, Ian and Sharma, Ashish... more ... Full Text PDF (122kb). To cite this article: Ruiz, Jose Eric; Cordery, Ian and Sharma, Ashish. Australia's Rainfall and Pacific Ocean Heat Storage [online]. ... Affiliation: (1) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (2) School of ...
A key objective of the National Water Initiative is to establish a comprehensive system of water ... more A key objective of the National Water Initiative is to establish a comprehensive system of water accounting to ensure that the overarching objective to establish a nationally compatible market, regulatory and planning based system of managing surface and ...
... CORDERY I. (1) ; MCCALL M. (2) ; NAZEMOSADAT MJ (3) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Auth... more ... CORDERY I. (1) ; MCCALL M. (2) ; NAZEMOSADAT MJ (3) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). (1) School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, AUSTRALIE (2) Bureau of Meteorology ...
The principles set for the design of the irrigation water delivery system (i.e., warabandi a ) of... more The principles set for the design of the irrigation water delivery system (i.e., warabandi a ) of Pakistan does not effectively meet the needs of the existing situation. The farmers with the assistance of irrigation official have prevented the ongoing implementation of irrigation water delivery system rules. They have set their own rules that meet their crop-water demand . Thus there is need to develop a decision support systems that can incorporate the needs of farmers regarding canal water supplies. Thus in this study a novel concept of water allocation based on multiple criteria has been employed. Given this, it is essential to know what factors or criteria influence water demand so that a decision support system can be developed to improve the productivity of scarce water resources.
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1986: River Basin Management; Preprints of Papers, 1986
Operation of streamgauging networks is expensive. However it is often stated that the benefits of... more Operation of streamgauging networks is expensive. However it is often stated that the benefits of data collection far exceed the costs. A case study was undertaken to assess the benefit-cost ratio of the long-term continuation of data collection at one station, assuming this data collection had only a single purpose, provision of information for the design of a flood mitigation scheme. The benefit of the data was the reduction in uncertainty of the value of damages to be averted by the scheme or the reduction in uncertainty in the cost of the ...
Attempts have been made to relate drought in Australia and other countries to large scale phenome... more Attempts have been made to relate drought in Australia and other countries to large scale phenomena such as sea surface temperatures (SST) and southern oscillation indices (SOI). In some places qualitative seasonal rainfall forecasts are made based on these relations. It is quite usual for such relations to have correlation coefficients as high as 0.7. However it is shown here
The rainfalls used in the practical estimation of design floods are generally based on frequency-... more The rainfalls used in the practical estimation of design floods are generally based on frequency-duration relationships derived from recorded intense burst of rainfall of various durations rather than from complete storms. These recorded intense bursts are therefore used in the ...
The US SCS method has been tested as a design flood pro cedure in two regions in eastern Austral... more The US SCS method has been tested as a design flood pro cedure in two regions in eastern Australia. Runoff curve numbers have been derived from observed data on a probabilistic rather than an event basis, fitting the design case. Derived values depended on the method for determining time of concentration and the average re currence interval of the design
An intensive network of hydrological instruments has been installed at Fowlers Gap in arid wester... more An intensive network of hydrological instruments has been installed at Fowlers Gap in arid western New South Wales, Australia, where the average annual rainfall is 195 mm and the average annual potential evaporation is 3.5 m. The network has been designed to use simple, reliable procedures to overcome the problems usually experienced in collecting data in arid environments. Since data
This study investigated the potential of subsurface ocean temperatures as predictors of Australia... more This study investigated the potential of subsurface ocean temperatures as predictors of Australian rainfall. The idea was built on the theory that changes in the warm water volume (WWV) in the upper layer of the ocean are related to the timing of the warm and cold events of the El Niño Southern Oscillation. The 20 o C isotherm was used as an estimate of the ocean's thermocline and hence of the available WWV. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis on the covariance matrix of the 20 o C isotherm anomalies revealed two modes that represented a west-east tilting and a north-south tilting of the thermocline. Correlation analysis revealed a strong concurrent association between the first EOF mode and Niño 3. The second mode, which leads the first mode by nine months on average, is significantly correlated with Niño 3 even when the lead-time is over 15 months. Regression models, that use the two EOF modes either separately or in combination, were derived for predicting Niño 3. The model that used both EOF modes predicted Niño 3 values that were good estimates of the observed Niño 3 series even up to a lag of two years. Results from the correlation analysis between these two EOF modes and Australian rainfall had demonstrated the potential of using the EOF modes for long-range rainfall forecasting. This is particularly true for the second EOF mode that is strongly associated with Australian rainfall even for lags beyond fifteen months.
A method of estimating large floods using a linear storage-routing approach is presented. The dif... more A method of estimating large floods using a linear storage-routing approach is presented. The differences between the proposed approach and those traditionally used are (1) that the flood producing properties of basins are represented by a linear system,(2) the storage ...
The rotational irrigation water delivery (warabandi) system practiced in the Indus river basin of... more The rotational irrigation water delivery (warabandi) system practiced in the Indus river basin of Pakistan has continued for 100 years. Irrigation water allocated to the farmers under the warabandi system is proportional to farm size and is fixed. This rigid allocation system has been partly justified by its contribution to social equity though this may have been at the cost of economic gains. In order to assess the operation of warabandi's basic rules, a farmers' survey was completed from 124 farmers located on five watercourses. A questionnaire was administered to each farmer and farm management data were gathered. As fresh water resources are under stress and becoming scarce their efficient use in all applications should be assured in water allocations. It is shown from the survey results that water allocation based on very limited criteria does not maximize the socio-economic benefits gained from the use of scarce water. Thus, it is suggested that the existence or nonexistence of fresh groundwater resources along with other critical variables should be taken into consideration when making canal water allocation decisions. Missed water deliveries due to failure of the canal system appear to be the largest cause of losses. Water charges need to be increased to fund large improvements in canal maintenance programs. It is pointed out that a framework should be developed as a tool to improve water productivity for Pakistan. This should include: consideration of the gross area of a tertiary canal, sensitivity of crop growth stage to water shortage, crop value, bias of allocation towards most water use efficient areas and water use efficient crops, the potential losses from water deficiency.
Two similar, non-linear, network models have been applied to three basins in coastal NSW to exami... more Two similar, non-linear, network models have been applied to three basins in coastal NSW to examine their potential for use in operational flood forecasting. Network models have the potential to make direct allowance for non-uniform spatial distribution of rainfall, as well as to provide for non-linear basin response to the input rainfall. The two models were applied under operational flood forecasting conditions to data for 7 or 8 observed floods on each basin and their ability to reproduce the observed hydrographs was examined. These results were compared with those obtained from the unit hydrograph approach which is currently used for flood forecasting on these basins. The results indicate that the determination of excess rainfall is probably more critical than the type of model used to calculate the direct runoff hydrograph. There appears to be little difference between the abilities of the unit hydrograph and the network models to reproduce the observed hydrographs on these thr...
Stream gauging data play a vital role in the planning of Rood mitigation strategies. A study of t... more Stream gauging data play a vital role in the planning of Rood mitigation strategies. A study of the value of dream Row data for the design of levee systems shows that the availability of a reasunable sample of pertinent data can he worth many times the cost of collecting that data.
... Full Text PDF (122kb). To cite this article: Ruiz, Jose Eric; Cordery, Ian and Sharma, Ashish... more ... Full Text PDF (122kb). To cite this article: Ruiz, Jose Eric; Cordery, Ian and Sharma, Ashish. Australia's Rainfall and Pacific Ocean Heat Storage [online]. ... Affiliation: (1) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (2) School of ...
Papers by I. Cordery