An important means for people to understand objective things is to classify things into human cat... more An important means for people to understand objective things is to classify things into human categories, that is, classification. The development of classification ability is an important sign of the development of logical thinking. To carry out classification education for children is not only conducive to children's understanding of things, but also conducive to the development of children's cognitive ability. To this end, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics of children's classification, correct the guiding ideology of children's classification education, and implement optimized classification education measures. In recent years, researchers have tried to improve children's cognitive ability through computerized cognitive training to help some specific groups. Executive function is the area that has received the most attention in training research. Regarding the effect of executive function training on children's cognitive development, there is no unified conclusion from previous studies, but a lot of evidence supports the positive effect of executive function training on children's cognitive development (Bl7air). In this context, this study aims to investigate whether executive function training can be used as an effective supplement to school education to improve cognitive and academic performance of children in disadvantaged situations (including low socioeconomic status and academically backward situations). achievement and close the gap between them and normal children.
This paper aimed to explore strategies through which generational Nigerian firms could turn into ... more This paper aimed to explore strategies through which generational Nigerian firms could turn into serious domestic and international market competitors. Content analysis of existing literatures was applied in the study. The usefulness of transformational management model framework, e.g. Grosse (2003), Corsum (2012), and Method Frameworks (2012) to the objective of the study was examined and thus suggested. The local competitive advantages which the firms can exploits were outlined. The environmental business challenges and personal characteristics of the business owners that impact on the growth of the businesses were highlighted. The study posited that applying the requirements of the framework given positive reversal of the impacting factors could help to build the capabilities needed by these firms to grow and be able to compete both locally and international. Hence, commitment of company leadership successful identification of firm's core competencies were among the vital bases for successful transformation of a firm.
This study investigated the influence of spouses" socioeconomic characteristics-age, years of mar... more This study investigated the influence of spouses" socioeconomic characteristics-age, years of marriage, number of children, education, occupation, income, and tradition-on their dominance in family purchase decision of household products including children schooling, sitting room sofa, Television, refrigerator, family/motor-cycle and land property in Igbo households of Anambra State of Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design that used a 7-points scale questionnaire was administered to 400 Igbo husbands and wives. The data was analyzed in frequency tables, percentages, mean, and t-tests (at 5% significance level) statistics. The results showed that age and income have significant effect in information search and final decision stages of family purchase decision-making process but no significant effect in need identification stage; occupation has significant effect on all three stages; tradition does not have significant effect in the three decision-making stages and; while education only has significant effect at need identification but no significant effect at information search and final decision stages. The study therefore concludes that spouses" dominance in household purchase decision-making in Anambra State is a cosmopolite husband dominant society where occupation, personal income and age of the spouses largely influence the family purchase decision-making. Details:
Pakistan is facing severe load shedding problem due to a demand-supply gap of about 5-8 GW. Fortu... more Pakistan is facing severe load shedding problem due to a demand-supply gap of about 5-8 GW. Fortunately, the country receives 5-7 kWh/m2/day of solar insolation. The potential of grid-connected PV plants in terms of installed capacity is about 1600 GW. This paper presents the forecasts foran installed capacity of solar PV systems for grid-connected electricity generation in Pakistan. The logistic model and analogous approach are used for forecasting the diffusion of PV systems. The paper concludes that about 920-3060 MW of grid-connected solar PV systems could be added to the power supply in Pakistan up to 2030. These projected installations of grid-connected solar PV systems are only 1.2-4% of the maximum assumed the technical potential of solar PV systems for grid-connected electricity generation in Pakistan. The use of grid-connected solar PV plants would help to overcome power shortage and reduce the over dependence on hydropower, the adverse environmental effects of fossil power plants and the dangers of nuclear power plants in Pakistan. More Details:
In recent years, serious games have become more and more important in the educational sphere. Man... more In recent years, serious games have become more and more important in the educational sphere. Many projects or tools are presented by teachers trying to teach specific knowledge through the use of educational games. What do we mean by educational serious games? How does one build an educational serious game? What learning can we expect from an educational serious game?In this presentation, we address all these issues through an experience we had at Laval University, Canada as part of our doctoral thesis on the design, programming and evaluation of a mobile educational serious game, the case of skills development in geospatial representation skills for children aged 11 to 12 years.Having defined the characteristics of an educational serious game that we have called Geospatial Discovery, we present the problematic that led us to develop a serious game for the acquisition of geospatial representation skills among children aged from 11 to 12 years, then the answers to the questions related to its development. Finally, we try to determine under which conditions our experience could serve as a basis for the development of future educational serious games.
This research article presents an elementary survey on cloud computing facts center architecture,... more This research article presents an elementary survey on cloud computing facts center architecture, discover key parameters and simulate the scalability of the cloud by means of varying variety of nodes and users to measure the put-offs amongst legacy two and three tier records centers. Furthermore, this research puts forward a detail in depth survey on cloud adoption in social networks. There are few research work done in existing literatures on exceptional dimensions of social networks; however, they are more targeted on users security problems therefore, leaving open the scalability troubles for researchers to explore and analyze. This article discusses the cloud architectures in terms with their important traits in social networks; the social community architecture is categorized as: (a) decentralized, (b) centralized, and (c) hybrid. In the end, to illustrate the effectiveness of cloud data middle architecture, a simulation conducted using OMNET + + simulator by varying no. of customers and computing nodes in the cloud structure. More Details at:
Globalization and the consequent opening of markets abroad imposed the modernization and developm... more Globalization and the consequent opening of markets abroad imposed the modernization and development of infrastructure. Investments for the respective implementation require the execution of highly complex contracts and the need to sub contract partners in accordance with the required expertise. A simple delay in the fulfillment of one of these instruments is reflected in terms of the smooth progress of work. We intend to demonstrate that the Dispute Boards are a means of resolving disputes, avoiding either arbitrators or the courts. This figure rises concurrently with the contract, in order to assist the parties to overcome the resolution of any conflicts during the contractual iter. A literature review will be carried out, contextualizing the figure in the analysis of large projects environment. Use shall be a deductive reasoning, based on reality and existing regulatory mechanisms, stressing the importance of Disputes Boards for the maintenance and success of contractual relations. The Disputes Boards provide for the settlement of disputes during the execution of the contract, quickly and adapted to the specificities of the contract, avoiding either the use of contentious means (arbitration and state justice) or damages caused by delays in performing the work. The Disputes Boards thus provide a means of facilitating conflicts, enhancing the good relations between the parties, allowing the technicians of their confidence to handle all the contractual instruments. It will be demonstrated through real examples, infrastructure projects, namely the Eisenhower Tunnel and Eurotunnel.
The further development of our strongly industrialized world indisputable have to be accompanied ... more The further development of our strongly industrialized world indisputable have to be accompanied with a new sensible and flexible approach with high priority to protect and respect the nature. On one hand our thinking as academic lecturers and researchers, students, designers, engineers in the practice, authorities’ persons and whole society is influenced from the rapidly changing world and climate. On other hand we would like to be very successful in our work, to have welfare and prosperity. How we to achieve the balance in our times? The paper sketch some possible actions as a combination of legally regulated procedures concerning the prevention and mitigation of the impact on the environment, application of best technological practices, assurance of operational safety of the plants and protection of the employees, public and environment, using of renewable sources and improving energy efficiency, so that we move towards a better for life world.
Sewage sludge is treated by various technologies before disposal to avoid environmental risks tha... more Sewage sludge is treated by various technologies before disposal to avoid environmental risks that are caused by pathogens, hazardous chemicals and heavy metals. However, many of conventional treatment methods are costly, using significant levels of energy. To solve this problem, a subcritical water treatment (SCWT) technology was developed. The characteristics of the SCWT technology is that it can process any kinds of wastes with a wide range of water content by a liquid mixed reaction using steam at a high temperature and pressure. In this study, demonstration experiments with sewage sludge and livestock manure were undertaken using the SCWT reactor by varying temperature, pressure, and time. As for the results, the appropriate conditions regarding treating sewage sludge were found to be at a temperature of 100 °C - 200 °C and a pressure of 1.0 MPa - 2.0 MPa. In addition, the content analysis of the treated samples gave the excellent results relevant for a fertilizer. For example, the content of the treated sewage sludge were: water content 60.97 %, pH 4.16, organic content 87.33 %, T-N 0.69 %, P2O5 0.705 %, K 3,150 mg/kg , Ca 70,500 mg/kg , Mg 3,090 mg/kg , and Na 1,150 mg/kg . These results show good elements for a general organic fertilizer, and it was verified to be pathogen free, as well as hazardous chemicals with heavy metals low enough to satisfy standards for continuous applications on agricultural lands.
The European community has repeatedly outlined that people’s way of life was deeply destructive. ... more The European community has repeatedly outlined that people’s way of life was deeply destructive. As a consequence, they have carried out policies in order to improve people’s health. Those policies do work with some people, however younger generations have never been so much in danger of being overweight than they are today. Healthy life style problems are for all generations but especially for younger people they have been important topics in many societies for quite a while. We can blame bad habits, lack of information, too much usage of new technology and lack of knowledge about human’s negative influence on themselves as well as bad influence from the social and physical environment. The article deals with the problem of unhealthy students and presents the results of the students as well as their parents’ health issues and social, emotional and psychological well-being.
In the era of globalization and internationalization, it is irrefutably evident that the command ... more In the era of globalization and internationalization, it is irrefutably evident that the command of foreign languages – English is at the forefront of education agendas across the world. In the Kazakhstani context, a cultural project "Trinity of languages" suggested by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan set a challenging task before the Language teacher training institutions that are responsible for training future language teachers. The ultimate goal of Foreign Language Teaching training in the Kazakhstani context is to develop fundamental knowledge, skills and competencies that are required for English language trainees in their future professional life. In this regard, meta-communicative competency is very essential for foreign language teachers working in the content-based classrooms. The level of pre-service teacher’s competency development defines their capability to form learners' foreign language communicative competence that enables them to use the target language to speak about the content or specific information. This paper,based on an ongoing research, discusses the conceptual framework of the term ‘meta-communicative competence’ and its components; it also discusses competency-based approach as a theoretical framework of the development of meta-communicative competence of trainees.
In this paper, through theoretical analysis and Multisim 12 simulation experiment, the influence ... more In this paper, through theoretical analysis and Multisim 12 simulation experiment, the influence of circuit voltage amplification on the stable voltage output amplitude of the RC bridge sine wave oscillator circuit is analyzed. By observing and analyzing multiple different starting and stable whole processes, it is concluded that the change of voltage amplification directly affects the amplitude of the circuit when the circuit is stable. In the linear working range of the circuit, the stable voltage output amplitude is amplified with the voltage that is increased during the start-up. And the larger the start-up voltage amplification factor, the shorter the start-up time. The research results will facilitate the setting of circuit component parameters and systematically study the composition of the circuit. View Details at:
The need to ensure that biodiesel have comparative advantage over the conventional diesel is prob... more The need to ensure that biodiesel have comparative advantage over the conventional diesel is probably responsible for the quest to reduce the cost of feedstock by investigating lipids from waste biological source like activated sludge. Usually, lipids are analysed using instruments such as gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Unfortunately, these instruments are very expensive and are scarcely available in the developing countries. Thus, the current investigation was geared towards developing a method for the use of thin layer chromatography in determining the lipid composition in activated sludge. Upon optimization of the operating parameters, the results show that chloroform/methanol were good lipid carrier solvents, lipids were most visible using a destructive method with 5 % sulphuric acid in ethanol at 180 o C for 10 min. Petroleum ether/diethyl ether/acetic acid (80/20/1, v/v/v) and chloroform/methanol/28 % ammonia (65/25/5, v/v/v) impacted appreciably on the separation of neutral and phospholipids, respectively and plates activation was necessary for effective lipid separation. The neutral lipid classes identified were sterol, wax ester, acylglycerol, fatty acid, and the phospholipids were phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol and lysophosphatidylcholine. With this method, the lipid in activated sludge can easily be profiled, indicating a great potential for biodiesel, renewable diesel and oleochemical production. View Details at:
In order to solve the problem of uncertainty and stability in the operation of multi machine powe... more In order to solve the problem of uncertainty and stability in the operation of multi machine power system, the controller is designed by using the theory of state space model and linear matrix inequality (LMI), which improves the control performance of the multi machine power system. View Details at:
In this paper, the common voltage series negative feedback amplifier circuit is analyzed theoreti... more In this paper, the common voltage series negative feedback amplifier circuit is analyzed theoretically. Firstly, the related concepts of negative feedback amplifier circuit are given. Then, using Multisim 12 as simulation software, the relationship between the gain obtained by open-loop and closed-loop simulation and the pass-band is shown by comparing the actual experimental data with the circuit simulation results. The relationship is basically consistent with the measured data, which is in good agreement with the theoretical analysis. View Details at:
With the strong prominence on ecological awareness, much concentration has been brought in the d... more With the strong prominence on ecological awareness, much concentration has been brought in the development of recyclable and environmentally sustainable composite materials since the last decade. Environmental legislation as well as consumer demand in many countries is imposing higher pressure on manufacturers of materials to consider the environmental impact of their products at all stages of their life cycle, including recycling and ultimate disposal. These environmental issues have recently generated considerable interest in the development of recyclable and biodegradable composite materials. Therefore the use of natural fibers for technical composite applications has recently been the subject of intensive research in the World. Though the strength of natural fibers is not as great as glass, the specific properties are comparable. The following preliminary research has investigated the use of rice husk and saw dust (wood rust), as a possible glass replacement in fiber reinforced composites. The natural fiber epoxy composite has been made as per the ASTM standards by using hand lay-up method, and its mechanical properties are experimentally investigated by conducting tensile and impact tests. View Details at:
Thayet downtown area has eight quarters and now only six quarters are available municipal water s... more Thayet downtown area has eight quarters and now only six quarters are available municipal water supply. By comparing six quarters that available municipal water supply with two quarter that have no municipal water supply, the remaining two quarter is as wide as the six quarter. So, about half of thayet downtown area is not available municipal water supply. This paper represents to design the required water supply system to distribute to the whole of Thayet downtown area. In this paper source of supply is Ayeyarwady river because Thayet downtown area is located on the right bank of Ayeyarwady river. The water is pumped from the source to the treatment plant and pumped from the treatment plant to the elevated tank and then is delivered to the consumers. The gravity system is used for the supply. The methods of layout of distribution system used in this paper are Dead-End system and GridIron system. Distribution system is designed by using EPANET 2.0 software and the results are checked by Hardy Cross method. The distribution pressure is controlled between seven to twenty-two meters range. Details at:
This paper presents comparative analysis of fifteen-storeyed steel frame building with and withou... more This paper presents comparative analysis of fifteen-storeyed steel frame building with and without damper. In this study, the proposed building is located in seismic zone 3. It is a rectangular shape building and its occupancy is residential. All steel structural members are designed according to AISC 360-05 and reinforced concrete is designed according to ACI 318-08. Dampers are designed by FEMA-356. Load consideration is based on UBC-97 and ASCE 7-05. The structural frame type of proposed building is special steel moment resisting frame (SMRF). The analysis and design of structure is carried out by using STAAD-Pro software. Dynamic behavior of the structure for wind and earthquake loading with respect to response spectrum analysis is carried out. Dampers help in reducing the vibrations caused by wind and earthquake. By using dampers we can improve the resistance of building. In this study, fluid viscous dampers are studied in details. Base on damper force, the numbers of required dampers are 64. Fluid viscous dampers are provided at the X and Z-direction bracing in model M-I. The other models M-II is provided at the Z-direction and M-III is provided at the Z-direction. The results of the maximum storey displacement of the structures due to the added dampers can be reduced. But the results of base shear are increased. Changes in response of storey drift, displacement and base shear for the damped structure are demonstrated illustrating the efficiency of dampers. Details at:
This study presents stabilization of two different studied soils treated with cement-natural pozz... more This study presents stabilization of two different studied soils treated with cement-natural pozzolan. Soil samples are taken at about 3 ft depth from Yenangyaung Industrial Zone in Yenangyaung Township and Chaung Woong village in Patheingyi Township which are denoted by Soil A and soil B respectively. Laboratory tests are conducted to determine the engineering properties and strength characteristics of studied soils with and without cement and natural pozzolan. Specific gravity test, grain-size analysis, atterberg limit test and free swell test are performed to identify and classify the studied soils. Compaction test is used to obtain the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density. Studied soils are then tested for strength parameters such as triaxial shear test and california bearing ratio (CBR) test. According to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), the studied soils are found as clayey sand in SC group and fat clay with sand in CH group. In order to determine optimum content of cement on the basic of MDD value, soils are mixed with cement. Cement contents are selected as 2%, 4% and 6% by weight of natural soil. Optimum contents of cement are 2% for SC soil and 4% for CH soil. Then, studied soils are stabilized with various percentages (4%, 8%,12%) of natural pozzolan on the basic of optimum content of cement. Atterberg limit test , compaction test, triaxial shear test, and CBR test are performed for these modified mixture. Details at:
The survey was carried out in two districts (Saythani and Nasaythong), Vientiane Capital Lao PDR.... more The survey was carried out in two districts (Saythani and Nasaythong), Vientiane Capital Lao PDR. The aim of the study was to understand existing currently integrated pig-fish farming systems. The method of the survey were collected a primary second data from DLF/PAFO and was selected list collaboration focus on the integrating of pig-fish farming system. A totally of fourty pig-fish farms were participated with interviews individually by using questionnaire structure, expressing mainly on the pig production and waste management, fish culture model and economic benefits. The results of the survey found that characteristic of fish culture model in Monoculture 30% and polycultures 70% of areas on surveyed farms almost households 99% owned land mean income from pig-fish. The pig was rearing intensive system; fish culture in mono-polyculture, number of pig in monoculture averages 725 head/farm and polyculture 759 head/farm estimate feces produced in monoculture averages 206 kg/day or nitrogen 2.47 kg/day and polyculture was averages 190 kg/day or nitrogen 2.28 kg/day, the both of culture model were fertilized 1.5 times per week of nitrogen to fish pond between 11.6-12.6, Ng/m 2. Fish culture 6-8 months were stocking rate mono and poly-culture was significant difference (P<0.05). The yield production in monoculture were 2.90 tones/ha and was high than the polyculture 2.64 tones/ha respectively. The type of feed for fish are provides as rice barn, duckweed and vegetable. The profit monoculture was high income than polyculture Keywords: pig-fish farming, in lowland Lao PDR, survey. Details at:
An important means for people to understand objective things is to classify things into human cat... more An important means for people to understand objective things is to classify things into human categories, that is, classification. The development of classification ability is an important sign of the development of logical thinking. To carry out classification education for children is not only conducive to children's understanding of things, but also conducive to the development of children's cognitive ability. To this end, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics of children's classification, correct the guiding ideology of children's classification education, and implement optimized classification education measures. In recent years, researchers have tried to improve children's cognitive ability through computerized cognitive training to help some specific groups. Executive function is the area that has received the most attention in training research. Regarding the effect of executive function training on children's cognitive development, there is no unified conclusion from previous studies, but a lot of evidence supports the positive effect of executive function training on children's cognitive development (Bl7air). In this context, this study aims to investigate whether executive function training can be used as an effective supplement to school education to improve cognitive and academic performance of children in disadvantaged situations (including low socioeconomic status and academically backward situations). achievement and close the gap between them and normal children.
This paper aimed to explore strategies through which generational Nigerian firms could turn into ... more This paper aimed to explore strategies through which generational Nigerian firms could turn into serious domestic and international market competitors. Content analysis of existing literatures was applied in the study. The usefulness of transformational management model framework, e.g. Grosse (2003), Corsum (2012), and Method Frameworks (2012) to the objective of the study was examined and thus suggested. The local competitive advantages which the firms can exploits were outlined. The environmental business challenges and personal characteristics of the business owners that impact on the growth of the businesses were highlighted. The study posited that applying the requirements of the framework given positive reversal of the impacting factors could help to build the capabilities needed by these firms to grow and be able to compete both locally and international. Hence, commitment of company leadership successful identification of firm's core competencies were among the vital bases for successful transformation of a firm.
This study investigated the influence of spouses" socioeconomic characteristics-age, years of mar... more This study investigated the influence of spouses" socioeconomic characteristics-age, years of marriage, number of children, education, occupation, income, and tradition-on their dominance in family purchase decision of household products including children schooling, sitting room sofa, Television, refrigerator, family/motor-cycle and land property in Igbo households of Anambra State of Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design that used a 7-points scale questionnaire was administered to 400 Igbo husbands and wives. The data was analyzed in frequency tables, percentages, mean, and t-tests (at 5% significance level) statistics. The results showed that age and income have significant effect in information search and final decision stages of family purchase decision-making process but no significant effect in need identification stage; occupation has significant effect on all three stages; tradition does not have significant effect in the three decision-making stages and; while education only has significant effect at need identification but no significant effect at information search and final decision stages. The study therefore concludes that spouses" dominance in household purchase decision-making in Anambra State is a cosmopolite husband dominant society where occupation, personal income and age of the spouses largely influence the family purchase decision-making. Details:
Pakistan is facing severe load shedding problem due to a demand-supply gap of about 5-8 GW. Fortu... more Pakistan is facing severe load shedding problem due to a demand-supply gap of about 5-8 GW. Fortunately, the country receives 5-7 kWh/m2/day of solar insolation. The potential of grid-connected PV plants in terms of installed capacity is about 1600 GW. This paper presents the forecasts foran installed capacity of solar PV systems for grid-connected electricity generation in Pakistan. The logistic model and analogous approach are used for forecasting the diffusion of PV systems. The paper concludes that about 920-3060 MW of grid-connected solar PV systems could be added to the power supply in Pakistan up to 2030. These projected installations of grid-connected solar PV systems are only 1.2-4% of the maximum assumed the technical potential of solar PV systems for grid-connected electricity generation in Pakistan. The use of grid-connected solar PV plants would help to overcome power shortage and reduce the over dependence on hydropower, the adverse environmental effects of fossil power plants and the dangers of nuclear power plants in Pakistan. More Details:
In recent years, serious games have become more and more important in the educational sphere. Man... more In recent years, serious games have become more and more important in the educational sphere. Many projects or tools are presented by teachers trying to teach specific knowledge through the use of educational games. What do we mean by educational serious games? How does one build an educational serious game? What learning can we expect from an educational serious game?In this presentation, we address all these issues through an experience we had at Laval University, Canada as part of our doctoral thesis on the design, programming and evaluation of a mobile educational serious game, the case of skills development in geospatial representation skills for children aged 11 to 12 years.Having defined the characteristics of an educational serious game that we have called Geospatial Discovery, we present the problematic that led us to develop a serious game for the acquisition of geospatial representation skills among children aged from 11 to 12 years, then the answers to the questions related to its development. Finally, we try to determine under which conditions our experience could serve as a basis for the development of future educational serious games.
This research article presents an elementary survey on cloud computing facts center architecture,... more This research article presents an elementary survey on cloud computing facts center architecture, discover key parameters and simulate the scalability of the cloud by means of varying variety of nodes and users to measure the put-offs amongst legacy two and three tier records centers. Furthermore, this research puts forward a detail in depth survey on cloud adoption in social networks. There are few research work done in existing literatures on exceptional dimensions of social networks; however, they are more targeted on users security problems therefore, leaving open the scalability troubles for researchers to explore and analyze. This article discusses the cloud architectures in terms with their important traits in social networks; the social community architecture is categorized as: (a) decentralized, (b) centralized, and (c) hybrid. In the end, to illustrate the effectiveness of cloud data middle architecture, a simulation conducted using OMNET + + simulator by varying no. of customers and computing nodes in the cloud structure. More Details at:
Globalization and the consequent opening of markets abroad imposed the modernization and developm... more Globalization and the consequent opening of markets abroad imposed the modernization and development of infrastructure. Investments for the respective implementation require the execution of highly complex contracts and the need to sub contract partners in accordance with the required expertise. A simple delay in the fulfillment of one of these instruments is reflected in terms of the smooth progress of work. We intend to demonstrate that the Dispute Boards are a means of resolving disputes, avoiding either arbitrators or the courts. This figure rises concurrently with the contract, in order to assist the parties to overcome the resolution of any conflicts during the contractual iter. A literature review will be carried out, contextualizing the figure in the analysis of large projects environment. Use shall be a deductive reasoning, based on reality and existing regulatory mechanisms, stressing the importance of Disputes Boards for the maintenance and success of contractual relations. The Disputes Boards provide for the settlement of disputes during the execution of the contract, quickly and adapted to the specificities of the contract, avoiding either the use of contentious means (arbitration and state justice) or damages caused by delays in performing the work. The Disputes Boards thus provide a means of facilitating conflicts, enhancing the good relations between the parties, allowing the technicians of their confidence to handle all the contractual instruments. It will be demonstrated through real examples, infrastructure projects, namely the Eisenhower Tunnel and Eurotunnel.
The further development of our strongly industrialized world indisputable have to be accompanied ... more The further development of our strongly industrialized world indisputable have to be accompanied with a new sensible and flexible approach with high priority to protect and respect the nature. On one hand our thinking as academic lecturers and researchers, students, designers, engineers in the practice, authorities’ persons and whole society is influenced from the rapidly changing world and climate. On other hand we would like to be very successful in our work, to have welfare and prosperity. How we to achieve the balance in our times? The paper sketch some possible actions as a combination of legally regulated procedures concerning the prevention and mitigation of the impact on the environment, application of best technological practices, assurance of operational safety of the plants and protection of the employees, public and environment, using of renewable sources and improving energy efficiency, so that we move towards a better for life world.
Sewage sludge is treated by various technologies before disposal to avoid environmental risks tha... more Sewage sludge is treated by various technologies before disposal to avoid environmental risks that are caused by pathogens, hazardous chemicals and heavy metals. However, many of conventional treatment methods are costly, using significant levels of energy. To solve this problem, a subcritical water treatment (SCWT) technology was developed. The characteristics of the SCWT technology is that it can process any kinds of wastes with a wide range of water content by a liquid mixed reaction using steam at a high temperature and pressure. In this study, demonstration experiments with sewage sludge and livestock manure were undertaken using the SCWT reactor by varying temperature, pressure, and time. As for the results, the appropriate conditions regarding treating sewage sludge were found to be at a temperature of 100 °C - 200 °C and a pressure of 1.0 MPa - 2.0 MPa. In addition, the content analysis of the treated samples gave the excellent results relevant for a fertilizer. For example, the content of the treated sewage sludge were: water content 60.97 %, pH 4.16, organic content 87.33 %, T-N 0.69 %, P2O5 0.705 %, K 3,150 mg/kg , Ca 70,500 mg/kg , Mg 3,090 mg/kg , and Na 1,150 mg/kg . These results show good elements for a general organic fertilizer, and it was verified to be pathogen free, as well as hazardous chemicals with heavy metals low enough to satisfy standards for continuous applications on agricultural lands.
The European community has repeatedly outlined that people’s way of life was deeply destructive. ... more The European community has repeatedly outlined that people’s way of life was deeply destructive. As a consequence, they have carried out policies in order to improve people’s health. Those policies do work with some people, however younger generations have never been so much in danger of being overweight than they are today. Healthy life style problems are for all generations but especially for younger people they have been important topics in many societies for quite a while. We can blame bad habits, lack of information, too much usage of new technology and lack of knowledge about human’s negative influence on themselves as well as bad influence from the social and physical environment. The article deals with the problem of unhealthy students and presents the results of the students as well as their parents’ health issues and social, emotional and psychological well-being.
In the era of globalization and internationalization, it is irrefutably evident that the command ... more In the era of globalization and internationalization, it is irrefutably evident that the command of foreign languages – English is at the forefront of education agendas across the world. In the Kazakhstani context, a cultural project "Trinity of languages" suggested by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan set a challenging task before the Language teacher training institutions that are responsible for training future language teachers. The ultimate goal of Foreign Language Teaching training in the Kazakhstani context is to develop fundamental knowledge, skills and competencies that are required for English language trainees in their future professional life. In this regard, meta-communicative competency is very essential for foreign language teachers working in the content-based classrooms. The level of pre-service teacher’s competency development defines their capability to form learners' foreign language communicative competence that enables them to use the target language to speak about the content or specific information. This paper,based on an ongoing research, discusses the conceptual framework of the term ‘meta-communicative competence’ and its components; it also discusses competency-based approach as a theoretical framework of the development of meta-communicative competence of trainees.
In this paper, through theoretical analysis and Multisim 12 simulation experiment, the influence ... more In this paper, through theoretical analysis and Multisim 12 simulation experiment, the influence of circuit voltage amplification on the stable voltage output amplitude of the RC bridge sine wave oscillator circuit is analyzed. By observing and analyzing multiple different starting and stable whole processes, it is concluded that the change of voltage amplification directly affects the amplitude of the circuit when the circuit is stable. In the linear working range of the circuit, the stable voltage output amplitude is amplified with the voltage that is increased during the start-up. And the larger the start-up voltage amplification factor, the shorter the start-up time. The research results will facilitate the setting of circuit component parameters and systematically study the composition of the circuit. View Details at:
The need to ensure that biodiesel have comparative advantage over the conventional diesel is prob... more The need to ensure that biodiesel have comparative advantage over the conventional diesel is probably responsible for the quest to reduce the cost of feedstock by investigating lipids from waste biological source like activated sludge. Usually, lipids are analysed using instruments such as gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Unfortunately, these instruments are very expensive and are scarcely available in the developing countries. Thus, the current investigation was geared towards developing a method for the use of thin layer chromatography in determining the lipid composition in activated sludge. Upon optimization of the operating parameters, the results show that chloroform/methanol were good lipid carrier solvents, lipids were most visible using a destructive method with 5 % sulphuric acid in ethanol at 180 o C for 10 min. Petroleum ether/diethyl ether/acetic acid (80/20/1, v/v/v) and chloroform/methanol/28 % ammonia (65/25/5, v/v/v) impacted appreciably on the separation of neutral and phospholipids, respectively and plates activation was necessary for effective lipid separation. The neutral lipid classes identified were sterol, wax ester, acylglycerol, fatty acid, and the phospholipids were phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol and lysophosphatidylcholine. With this method, the lipid in activated sludge can easily be profiled, indicating a great potential for biodiesel, renewable diesel and oleochemical production. View Details at:
In order to solve the problem of uncertainty and stability in the operation of multi machine powe... more In order to solve the problem of uncertainty and stability in the operation of multi machine power system, the controller is designed by using the theory of state space model and linear matrix inequality (LMI), which improves the control performance of the multi machine power system. View Details at:
In this paper, the common voltage series negative feedback amplifier circuit is analyzed theoreti... more In this paper, the common voltage series negative feedback amplifier circuit is analyzed theoretically. Firstly, the related concepts of negative feedback amplifier circuit are given. Then, using Multisim 12 as simulation software, the relationship between the gain obtained by open-loop and closed-loop simulation and the pass-band is shown by comparing the actual experimental data with the circuit simulation results. The relationship is basically consistent with the measured data, which is in good agreement with the theoretical analysis. View Details at:
With the strong prominence on ecological awareness, much concentration has been brought in the d... more With the strong prominence on ecological awareness, much concentration has been brought in the development of recyclable and environmentally sustainable composite materials since the last decade. Environmental legislation as well as consumer demand in many countries is imposing higher pressure on manufacturers of materials to consider the environmental impact of their products at all stages of their life cycle, including recycling and ultimate disposal. These environmental issues have recently generated considerable interest in the development of recyclable and biodegradable composite materials. Therefore the use of natural fibers for technical composite applications has recently been the subject of intensive research in the World. Though the strength of natural fibers is not as great as glass, the specific properties are comparable. The following preliminary research has investigated the use of rice husk and saw dust (wood rust), as a possible glass replacement in fiber reinforced composites. The natural fiber epoxy composite has been made as per the ASTM standards by using hand lay-up method, and its mechanical properties are experimentally investigated by conducting tensile and impact tests. View Details at:
Thayet downtown area has eight quarters and now only six quarters are available municipal water s... more Thayet downtown area has eight quarters and now only six quarters are available municipal water supply. By comparing six quarters that available municipal water supply with two quarter that have no municipal water supply, the remaining two quarter is as wide as the six quarter. So, about half of thayet downtown area is not available municipal water supply. This paper represents to design the required water supply system to distribute to the whole of Thayet downtown area. In this paper source of supply is Ayeyarwady river because Thayet downtown area is located on the right bank of Ayeyarwady river. The water is pumped from the source to the treatment plant and pumped from the treatment plant to the elevated tank and then is delivered to the consumers. The gravity system is used for the supply. The methods of layout of distribution system used in this paper are Dead-End system and GridIron system. Distribution system is designed by using EPANET 2.0 software and the results are checked by Hardy Cross method. The distribution pressure is controlled between seven to twenty-two meters range. Details at:
This paper presents comparative analysis of fifteen-storeyed steel frame building with and withou... more This paper presents comparative analysis of fifteen-storeyed steel frame building with and without damper. In this study, the proposed building is located in seismic zone 3. It is a rectangular shape building and its occupancy is residential. All steel structural members are designed according to AISC 360-05 and reinforced concrete is designed according to ACI 318-08. Dampers are designed by FEMA-356. Load consideration is based on UBC-97 and ASCE 7-05. The structural frame type of proposed building is special steel moment resisting frame (SMRF). The analysis and design of structure is carried out by using STAAD-Pro software. Dynamic behavior of the structure for wind and earthquake loading with respect to response spectrum analysis is carried out. Dampers help in reducing the vibrations caused by wind and earthquake. By using dampers we can improve the resistance of building. In this study, fluid viscous dampers are studied in details. Base on damper force, the numbers of required dampers are 64. Fluid viscous dampers are provided at the X and Z-direction bracing in model M-I. The other models M-II is provided at the Z-direction and M-III is provided at the Z-direction. The results of the maximum storey displacement of the structures due to the added dampers can be reduced. But the results of base shear are increased. Changes in response of storey drift, displacement and base shear for the damped structure are demonstrated illustrating the efficiency of dampers. Details at:
This study presents stabilization of two different studied soils treated with cement-natural pozz... more This study presents stabilization of two different studied soils treated with cement-natural pozzolan. Soil samples are taken at about 3 ft depth from Yenangyaung Industrial Zone in Yenangyaung Township and Chaung Woong village in Patheingyi Township which are denoted by Soil A and soil B respectively. Laboratory tests are conducted to determine the engineering properties and strength characteristics of studied soils with and without cement and natural pozzolan. Specific gravity test, grain-size analysis, atterberg limit test and free swell test are performed to identify and classify the studied soils. Compaction test is used to obtain the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density. Studied soils are then tested for strength parameters such as triaxial shear test and california bearing ratio (CBR) test. According to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), the studied soils are found as clayey sand in SC group and fat clay with sand in CH group. In order to determine optimum content of cement on the basic of MDD value, soils are mixed with cement. Cement contents are selected as 2%, 4% and 6% by weight of natural soil. Optimum contents of cement are 2% for SC soil and 4% for CH soil. Then, studied soils are stabilized with various percentages (4%, 8%,12%) of natural pozzolan on the basic of optimum content of cement. Atterberg limit test , compaction test, triaxial shear test, and CBR test are performed for these modified mixture. Details at:
The survey was carried out in two districts (Saythani and Nasaythong), Vientiane Capital Lao PDR.... more The survey was carried out in two districts (Saythani and Nasaythong), Vientiane Capital Lao PDR. The aim of the study was to understand existing currently integrated pig-fish farming systems. The method of the survey were collected a primary second data from DLF/PAFO and was selected list collaboration focus on the integrating of pig-fish farming system. A totally of fourty pig-fish farms were participated with interviews individually by using questionnaire structure, expressing mainly on the pig production and waste management, fish culture model and economic benefits. The results of the survey found that characteristic of fish culture model in Monoculture 30% and polycultures 70% of areas on surveyed farms almost households 99% owned land mean income from pig-fish. The pig was rearing intensive system; fish culture in mono-polyculture, number of pig in monoculture averages 725 head/farm and polyculture 759 head/farm estimate feces produced in monoculture averages 206 kg/day or nitrogen 2.47 kg/day and polyculture was averages 190 kg/day or nitrogen 2.28 kg/day, the both of culture model were fertilized 1.5 times per week of nitrogen to fish pond between 11.6-12.6, Ng/m 2. Fish culture 6-8 months were stocking rate mono and poly-culture was significant difference (P<0.05). The yield production in monoculture were 2.90 tones/ha and was high than the polyculture 2.64 tones/ha respectively. The type of feed for fish are provides as rice barn, duckweed and vegetable. The profit monoculture was high income than polyculture Keywords: pig-fish farming, in lowland Lao PDR, survey. Details at:
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