International journal of progressive education, Jun 5, 2020
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between teacher candidates' critica... more The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between teacher candidates' critical thinking standards and reflective thinking skills. The study investigated the level of critical thinking standard and reflective thinking skills of teacher candidates, as well. Also, another sub-problem of the study was whether reflective thinking skills significantly differentiated according to critical thinking standards divided into three sub-levels. When the findings were examined, it can be stated that students had a high level of critical thinking standards, “depth, width, and competence”, “precision and accuracy”, and “importance, relevance, and clarity” sub-dimensions, and reflective thinking skills. Also, there was a significant and positive correlation between teacher candidates’ reflective thinking skills with critical thinking standards, “depth, width, and competence”, “precision and accuracy”, and “importance, relevance, and clarity” sub-dimensions. When the data were examined, it can be said that teacher candidates’ reflective thinking skills differed significantly according to critical thinking standard level. Besides, it can be stated that the mean ranks determined in all scale were high in favor of teacher candidates with high critical thinking standard level. However, compound effect of the level of critical thinking standards with gender and grade was not significant on reflective thinking skills; compound effect of critical thinking standards with department on reflective thinking skills was significant.
Bu calismanin amaci biyoloji ogretim metotlarinin kullanim sirasinin ogrencilerin akademik basari... more Bu calismanin amaci biyoloji ogretim metotlarinin kullanim sirasinin ogrencilerin akademik basarisinda ve hatirlama seviyelerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Bu amacla birinci sinif Ataturk universitesi biyoloji ogrencilerinden 20 kisi iceren 3 grup uzerinde 3 ogretme metodunun kullanim sirasi degistirilerek enzim konusunun genel karakteristigi anlatilmistir. Ogretim metotlari laboratuar uygulamasi, gosteri (slayt, demonstrasyon) ve duz anlatimdir. Birinci grup derse laboratuar da deney ile basladi, sonra enzim konusu ile ilgili teorik bilgi duz anlatim ile verildi ve sonra slayt gosterildi (Grup I). Birinci grupta kullanilan bu uc ogretim metodunun sirasi ikici grupta degistirildi. Ikinci grupta ders duz anlatim ile baslatildi, sonra slayt gosterisi kullanildi ve en son ogrenciler tarafindan deney yapildi (Grup II). Ucuncu grupta yine bu uc ogretim metodunun sirasi degistirildi ve ders slayt gosterisi ile baslatildi, sonra deney yapildi ve en son duz anlatim yapildi (Grup III). Labor...
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Yıl:2003 (2) Sayı:14 ... GENEL BİYOLOJİ UYGULAMAL... more Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Yıl:2003 (2) Sayı:14 ... GENEL BİYOLOJİ UYGULAMALARINDA AKADEMİK BAŞARI VE KALICILIĞA CİNSİYETİN ETKİSİ ... Arş.Gör.Esra ÖZAY* Arş.Gör.Dr.İjlal OCAK* Gürbüz OCAK** ÖZET Çalışmamızın sonuçlarını rapor eden bu makale genel ...
Bu araştırmada, okulda performans yönetimine farklı illerdeki fen bilimleri öğret-menlerinin bakı... more Bu araştırmada, okulda performans yönetimine farklı illerdeki fen bilimleri öğret-menlerinin bakış açıları belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada veriler 4 seçenekli likert tipi anketle toplanmaya çalışılmış ve toplanan verilerin frekans, yüzdelik ve ortalamaları istatistiki işlemlerle ...
The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between teachers’ self-efficacy and their t... more The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between teachers’ self-efficacy and their teaching-learning conceptions. The study was designed as relational survey model. The sampling of the study consists of 357 primary and secondary teachers in 2015-2016 academic year in Afyonkarahisar. The “Teacher Efficacy Scale” and “Teaching-Learning Conceptions Scale” were used for data collection. . In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients and multiple regression were employed. Pearson’s moments correlation analysis indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between teachers’ individual factors self-efficacy and their constructivist teaching-learning conception. Also, it was found that there wasn’t correlation between teachers’ individual factors self-efficacy and their traditional teaching-learning conception. And, it was found out that there was a significant negative correlation between teachers’ external factors self-efficacy and their constructivist teaching-learning conception. Also, it was found that there was a significant negative correlation between teachers’ external factors self-efficacy and their traditional teaching-learning conception. Regression analysis showed that teachers’ teaching-learning conceptions predicted their self-efficacy significantly.
Bir kavrami baska bir kavrama benzeterek anlatmak olarak tanimlanan metafor teknigi bir cok alanl... more Bir kavrami baska bir kavrama benzeterek anlatmak olarak tanimlanan metafor teknigi bir cok alanla birlikte egitim alaninin da uzerinde durulan yaklasimlardan biridir. Bireylere ozgur anlatim ve dusunme gucu veren bu teknik sayesinde yasam hikâyeleri ve bunlarin biraktiklari etkiler daha derin ve etkili bicimde ele alinmaktadir. Bilim insanlarinin akademik yasamlarindaki metaforlarin belirlenmesi ise akademisyen ve akademisyen adaylarinin bu surecleri anlamlandirmasinda onemli rol bir oynayacagi dusunulmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle bu calismanin temel amaci yasayan bilim insanlarinin akademik hayat hikâyelerine yonelik goruslerini metaforlar sayesinde ortaya cikarmaktir Bu amac dogrultusunda bu arastirma nitel arastirma yontemlerinden olgubilim (Fenomenoloji) desenine dayali olarak tasarlanmistir. Arastirmanin katilimcilari Afyonkarahisar iline yakin mesafe olarak secilen yedi ildeki universitelerde gorev yapan 28 ogretim uyesinden olusmaktadir. Veri toplama araci olarak gorusme formu gelistirilmis, verilerin cozumlenmesinde betimsel ve icerik analizi kullanilmis ve OSR Nvivo 9 programindan yararlanilmistir. Calismadan elde edilen bulgular, akademik basari kavraminin anlami, akademik yasam metaforu, akademik yasam metaforu ve gerekcesi, yasanan sorunlar, cozum onerileri ve akademik yasam-ozel yasam iliskisi temalari altinda sunulmustur
International journal of progressive education, Jun 5, 2020
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between teacher candidates' critica... more The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between teacher candidates' critical thinking standards and reflective thinking skills. The study investigated the level of critical thinking standard and reflective thinking skills of teacher candidates, as well. Also, another sub-problem of the study was whether reflective thinking skills significantly differentiated according to critical thinking standards divided into three sub-levels. When the findings were examined, it can be stated that students had a high level of critical thinking standards, “depth, width, and competence”, “precision and accuracy”, and “importance, relevance, and clarity” sub-dimensions, and reflective thinking skills. Also, there was a significant and positive correlation between teacher candidates’ reflective thinking skills with critical thinking standards, “depth, width, and competence”, “precision and accuracy”, and “importance, relevance, and clarity” sub-dimensions. When the data were examined, it can be said that teacher candidates’ reflective thinking skills differed significantly according to critical thinking standard level. Besides, it can be stated that the mean ranks determined in all scale were high in favor of teacher candidates with high critical thinking standard level. However, compound effect of the level of critical thinking standards with gender and grade was not significant on reflective thinking skills; compound effect of critical thinking standards with department on reflective thinking skills was significant.
Bu calismanin amaci biyoloji ogretim metotlarinin kullanim sirasinin ogrencilerin akademik basari... more Bu calismanin amaci biyoloji ogretim metotlarinin kullanim sirasinin ogrencilerin akademik basarisinda ve hatirlama seviyelerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Bu amacla birinci sinif Ataturk universitesi biyoloji ogrencilerinden 20 kisi iceren 3 grup uzerinde 3 ogretme metodunun kullanim sirasi degistirilerek enzim konusunun genel karakteristigi anlatilmistir. Ogretim metotlari laboratuar uygulamasi, gosteri (slayt, demonstrasyon) ve duz anlatimdir. Birinci grup derse laboratuar da deney ile basladi, sonra enzim konusu ile ilgili teorik bilgi duz anlatim ile verildi ve sonra slayt gosterildi (Grup I). Birinci grupta kullanilan bu uc ogretim metodunun sirasi ikici grupta degistirildi. Ikinci grupta ders duz anlatim ile baslatildi, sonra slayt gosterisi kullanildi ve en son ogrenciler tarafindan deney yapildi (Grup II). Ucuncu grupta yine bu uc ogretim metodunun sirasi degistirildi ve ders slayt gosterisi ile baslatildi, sonra deney yapildi ve en son duz anlatim yapildi (Grup III). Labor...
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Yıl:2003 (2) Sayı:14 ... GENEL BİYOLOJİ UYGULAMAL... more Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Yıl:2003 (2) Sayı:14 ... GENEL BİYOLOJİ UYGULAMALARINDA AKADEMİK BAŞARI VE KALICILIĞA CİNSİYETİN ETKİSİ ... Arş.Gör.Esra ÖZAY* Arş.Gör.Dr.İjlal OCAK* Gürbüz OCAK** ÖZET Çalışmamızın sonuçlarını rapor eden bu makale genel ...
Bu araştırmada, okulda performans yönetimine farklı illerdeki fen bilimleri öğret-menlerinin bakı... more Bu araştırmada, okulda performans yönetimine farklı illerdeki fen bilimleri öğret-menlerinin bakış açıları belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada veriler 4 seçenekli likert tipi anketle toplanmaya çalışılmış ve toplanan verilerin frekans, yüzdelik ve ortalamaları istatistiki işlemlerle ...
The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between teachers’ self-efficacy and their t... more The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between teachers’ self-efficacy and their teaching-learning conceptions. The study was designed as relational survey model. The sampling of the study consists of 357 primary and secondary teachers in 2015-2016 academic year in Afyonkarahisar. The “Teacher Efficacy Scale” and “Teaching-Learning Conceptions Scale” were used for data collection. . In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients and multiple regression were employed. Pearson’s moments correlation analysis indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between teachers’ individual factors self-efficacy and their constructivist teaching-learning conception. Also, it was found that there wasn’t correlation between teachers’ individual factors self-efficacy and their traditional teaching-learning conception. And, it was found out that there was a significant negative correlation between teachers’ external factors self-efficacy and their constructivist teaching-learning conception. Also, it was found that there was a significant negative correlation between teachers’ external factors self-efficacy and their traditional teaching-learning conception. Regression analysis showed that teachers’ teaching-learning conceptions predicted their self-efficacy significantly.
Bir kavrami baska bir kavrama benzeterek anlatmak olarak tanimlanan metafor teknigi bir cok alanl... more Bir kavrami baska bir kavrama benzeterek anlatmak olarak tanimlanan metafor teknigi bir cok alanla birlikte egitim alaninin da uzerinde durulan yaklasimlardan biridir. Bireylere ozgur anlatim ve dusunme gucu veren bu teknik sayesinde yasam hikâyeleri ve bunlarin biraktiklari etkiler daha derin ve etkili bicimde ele alinmaktadir. Bilim insanlarinin akademik yasamlarindaki metaforlarin belirlenmesi ise akademisyen ve akademisyen adaylarinin bu surecleri anlamlandirmasinda onemli rol bir oynayacagi dusunulmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle bu calismanin temel amaci yasayan bilim insanlarinin akademik hayat hikâyelerine yonelik goruslerini metaforlar sayesinde ortaya cikarmaktir Bu amac dogrultusunda bu arastirma nitel arastirma yontemlerinden olgubilim (Fenomenoloji) desenine dayali olarak tasarlanmistir. Arastirmanin katilimcilari Afyonkarahisar iline yakin mesafe olarak secilen yedi ildeki universitelerde gorev yapan 28 ogretim uyesinden olusmaktadir. Veri toplama araci olarak gorusme formu gelistirilmis, verilerin cozumlenmesinde betimsel ve icerik analizi kullanilmis ve OSR Nvivo 9 programindan yararlanilmistir. Calismadan elde edilen bulgular, akademik basari kavraminin anlami, akademik yasam metaforu, akademik yasam metaforu ve gerekcesi, yasanan sorunlar, cozum onerileri ve akademik yasam-ozel yasam iliskisi temalari altinda sunulmustur
Papers by Ijlal Ocak