Mathematical problem solving ability has a close relationship in developing literacy and numeracy... more Mathematical problem solving ability has a close relationship in developing literacy and numeracy in elementary schools. The purpose of this study was to describe mathematical problem solving abilities to develop literacy and describe mathematical problem solving abilities to develop numeracy in elementary schools. This research was carried out in class V SD Negeri Sibela Timur Surakarta City to students with a total of 3 students. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection was carried out with tests and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the ability of students to solve mathematical problems is different. Of the 3 students, 1 student has the ability to solve math problems in the good category, 1 student in the medium category, and 1 student in the low category. Mathematical problem solving ability is in line with the results of giving literacy and numeracy questions. Students in the good category get high literac...
City branding is a process or effort to make a brand out of a city to ease the introduction proce... more City branding is a process or effort to make a brand out of a city to ease the introduction process to prospective markets using sentence positioning, slogans, icons, exhibitions, and other medias. Yogyakarta is a province in Indonesia known for its touristic spots, and is the first province in Indonesia that has a regional brand. This study will elaborate on the protection of regional branding under the law, and its usages. The result of the study shows that positive laws in Indonesia does not specifically regulate on regional brand in market communication, and the regional brand “Jogja Istimewa” in tourism is used for tangible and intangible matters. Intisari City branding merupakan proses atau usaha membentuk merek dari suatu kota untuk mempermudah pemilik kota tersebut memperkenalkan atau mengkomunikasikan kotanya kepada target pasar dengan menggunakan kalimat positioning, slogan, icon, eksibisi, dan berbagai media lainnya. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) merupakan salah satu ...
Mathematical problem solving ability has a close relationship in developing literacy and numeracy... more Mathematical problem solving ability has a close relationship in developing literacy and numeracy in elementary schools. The purpose of this study was to describe mathematical problem solving abilities to develop literacy and describe mathematical problem solving abilities to develop numeracy in elementary schools. This research was carried out in class V SD Negeri Sibela Timur Surakarta City to students with a total of 3 students. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection was carried out with tests and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the ability of students to solve mathematical problems is different. Of the 3 students, 1 student has the ability to solve math problems in the good category, 1 student in the medium category, and 1 student in the low category. Mathematical problem solving ability is in line with the results of giving literacy and numeracy questions. Students in the good category get high literac...
City branding is a process or effort to make a brand out of a city to ease the introduction proce... more City branding is a process or effort to make a brand out of a city to ease the introduction process to prospective markets using sentence positioning, slogans, icons, exhibitions, and other medias. Yogyakarta is a province in Indonesia known for its touristic spots, and is the first province in Indonesia that has a regional brand. This study will elaborate on the protection of regional branding under the law, and its usages. The result of the study shows that positive laws in Indonesia does not specifically regulate on regional brand in market communication, and the regional brand “Jogja Istimewa” in tourism is used for tangible and intangible matters. Intisari City branding merupakan proses atau usaha membentuk merek dari suatu kota untuk mempermudah pemilik kota tersebut memperkenalkan atau mengkomunikasikan kotanya kepada target pasar dengan menggunakan kalimat positioning, slogan, icon, eksibisi, dan berbagai media lainnya. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) merupakan salah satu ...
Papers by Indra Rahman