Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the rates of secondary intervention followi... more Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the rates of secondary intervention following uterine artery embolization (UAE) versus myomectomy for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids. Material and Methods: This is a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Eight hundred and sixty-three patients are included in this analysis, 451 patients who underwent UAE and 412 patients who underwent myomectomy between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2012. The UAE group was significantly older than the myomectomy group with a median age of 46 versus 38 (P < 0.0001). Patient data were collected from electronic medical records between the time of their initial procedure and December 31, 2017. The primary endpoint was secondary intervention rate. Secondary endpoints included time to secondary intervention, post-procedural complications, differences in mean hemoglobin levels following the procedures, symptomatic improvement, and subsequent pregnancy outcomes. All statistical ana...
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
RATIONALE: Determining how often asthma can be confirmed as a proximal cause of death in a large ... more RATIONALE: Determining how often asthma can be confirmed as a proximal cause of death in a large well-defined population with active health plan membership and no acute barriers to medical care may aid in prevention efforts and help improve overall asthma care. METHODS: All deaths occurring in active Kaiser Permanente Southern California health plan members between 2007 and 2015 were identified. Asthma-coded deaths were manually audited for cause. Healthcare and asthma medication use in the 6 months prior to death were determined. RESULTS: There were 248 [0.80 per 100,000 patient/years] un-audited asthma-coded deaths. There were only 63 (26.5%) [0.20 per 100,000 patient years] asthma-confirmed deaths. Asthma-confirmed cases were younger, less likely to have ever smoked, and had fewer emergency visits in the 6 months prior to death compared to those with asthma excluded. Asthma-confirmed cases used preventative inhalers at very low rates. We unexpectedly found that ever inclusion in the 2016 National Committee for Quality Assurance health effectiveness data and information set (HEDIS) for persistent asthma was associated with a higher risk of all cause early death. Patients with asthma-confirmed deaths were also unlikely to be in the HEDIS asthma dataset in the year they died. CONCLUSIONS: Audit-confirmed fatal asthma is more likely to occur in younger, non-smoking, individuals, using very low rates of preventive inhalers. This will be a very difficult group to prospectively identify and manage effectively. Further research into the reasons for early death after HEDIS asthma dataset inclusion is warranted.
Data Revues 01909622 V44i2sp1 S0190962201070906, Sep 5, 2012
Port-wine stains are vascular ectasias that can develop thickening or nodules over time. Thickeni... more Port-wine stains are vascular ectasias that can develop thickening or nodules over time. Thickening is a further dilation of the ectatic vessels, and nodules are vascular neoplasms or hyperplasias. The records of 173 subjects with port-wine stains were reviewed for thickening, nodules, and associated characteristics. The incidence of nodules increased with age. Thickening often began in early adulthood, but its intensity and association with nodules continued to increase into older age. Thickening and nodules were most common in the area of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve innervating the face and were associated with deepening color. The incidence of thickening alone was greater in male than in female patients.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia seen in clinical practice. It af... more Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia seen in clinical practice. It affects approximately 6% of persons over 65 years of age and is independently associated with a 4- to 5-fold higher risk of ischaemic stroke and a 2-fold higher risk of death. Randomized controlled trials have shown that treatment with adjusted-dose oral vitamin K antagonists (primarily warfarin with a target international normalized ratio [INR] of 2.0-3.0) reduces the relative risk of ischaemic stroke by two-thirds (an approximately 3% reduction in annual absolute risk), but is associated with a 0.2% excess annual absolute risk of intracranial haemorrhage (ICH). However, in &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;real world&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; studies, the risk reductions in ischaemic stroke with warfarin have been significantly lower (25-50% relative risk reduction) than in selected trial samples. Moreover, more than 90% of patients enrolled in the sentinel trials were White/European. This raises the question of whether the beneficial results of warfarin can be extrapolated to persons of colour. Important differences in stroke risk profile and responsiveness to warfarin exist across racial/ethnic groups, such that one cannot assume a priori that there is a net benefit of warfarin therapy for AF patients of all racial/ethnic groups.Among patients with ischaemic stroke, AF is more likely to be implicated as the cause of stroke in the White population than in other racial/ethnic groups. Furthermore, AF may be a stronger predictor of ischaemic stroke among the White population than in Black or Hispanic/Latino populations. Approximately one-third of strokes in AF patients are noncardioembolic. Warfarin has been shown to be ineffective in preventing recurrent noncardioembolic strokes. Many persons of colour with AF have other risk factors that predispose them to noncardioembolic stroke, which may partially explain why warfarin has been reported to be less efficacious in preventing strokes in non-White patients with AF, even after adjustment for co-morbidities and anticoagulation monitoring. Notably, the background incidence of ICH is higher in Black, Hispanic and Asian patients than in White patients. Any greater than expected increases in bleeding secondary to anticoagulation may potentially offset any benefit gained from cardioembolic stroke reduction, although this has not been fully resolved.Finally, there are racial/ethnic differences in the prevalence of certain polymorphisms in genes that influence warfarin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (e.g. cytochrome P450 2C9 and vitamin K epoxide reductase). The Asian population generally appear to require the lowest daily dose of warfarin to maintain a given INR target, with the White population requiring an intermediate daily dose and the Black population requiring the highest daily dose. These differences must be taken into account when administering warfarin in order to minimize the risk of under- or over-anticoagulation.In summary, warfarin is highly effective in preventing ischaemic strokes in White patients with AF at a modestly higher risk of ICH. Whether the same net clinical benefit extends to persons of colour is unproven. Given the rapidly changing demographic nationally and internationally, additional research is needed to resolve this important question.
Mathematics of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, and Encryption with Applications IX, 2006
The aim of this work is to model the apparent motion in image sequences depicting natural dynamic... more The aim of this work is to model the apparent motion in image sequences depicting natural dynamic scenes (rivers, sea-waves, smoke, fire, grass etc) where some sort of stationarity and homogeneity of motion is present. We adopt the mixed-state Markov Random Fields models recently introduced to represent so-called motion textures. The approach consists in describing the distribution of some motion measurements which exhibit a mixed nature: a discrete component related to absence of motion and a continuous part for measurements different from zero. We propose several extensions on the spatial schemes. In this context, Gibbs distributions are analyzed, and a deep study of the associated partition functions is addressed. Our approach is valid for general Gibbs distributions. Some particular cases of interest for motion texture modeling are analyzed. This is crucial for problems of segmentation, detection and classification. Then, we propose an original approach for image motion segmentation based on these models, where normalization factors are properly handled. Results for motion textures on real natural sequences demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our method.
In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse... more In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse dye laser, we have sometimes compressed the lesion with a glass slide to enable the laser beam to penetrate more deeply. In order to evaluate the patients&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; perception of this modality, 54 subjects were treated with glass compression using ice applications to cool the skin surface and without glass compression using a cryospray to cool the surface. The subjects were asked to rate the difference in 2 questionnaires after the first and second treatments as to effectiveness, pain of procedure, and overall preference. Of those subjects who perceived a difference between modalities, a significant number perceived treatments with glass compression to be more effective than without (p=0.0002 and p=0.0006), but more painful (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.0001). There was no significant difference in overall preference. Blistering occurred in 5 subjects when the glass slide was left on the skin more than 1 minute between ice applications.
ABSTRACT The American Journal of Gastroenterology (2003) 98, S265; doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2003.0... more ABSTRACT The American Journal of Gastroenterology (2003) 98, S265; doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2003.08751.x
To assess the impact of using the combined measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine (MMRV) ... more To assess the impact of using the combined measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine (MMRV) instead of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the varicella vaccine separately (MMR+V) on uptake of vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) in young children. Retrospective cohort study. Electronic immunization records of children 12 to 15 months of age who received either MMR+V (n = 29,716) or MMRV (n = 29,711) between November 2003 and June 2007 while enrolled in Kaiser Permanente Southern California were evaluated. Proportions of children who received either MMRV or MMR+V and other ACIP-recommended vaccines either simultaneously or during recommended age intervals were compared. Concomitant administration of DTaP (76.3 vs 75.6%), PCV7 (89.1 vs 78.6%), Hib (92.3 vs 91.3%), and hepatitis A vaccine (HAV) (44.2 vs 0.1%) and on-time administration of PCV7 (91.7 vs 78.7%), Hib (93.9 vs 93.2%), and HAV (86.8 vs 24.3%) were greater with MMRV t...
To determine whether sex- and ethnicity-based mortality differences in patients dependent on hemo... more To determine whether sex- and ethnicity-based mortality differences in patients dependent on hemodialysis (hemodialysis patients) are because of prevalence of vascular access type. Southern California Permanente Medical Group Renal Database, which contained 5821 chronic hemodialysis patients between 2000 and 2008, was studied. Mean age of the patients was 62 years, and 59% were male. Of the population, 33% were white; 32%, Hispanic; 23%, African American; 9%, Asian/Pacific Islander; and 3%, other race or ethnicity. Predominant access type over the course of the study was arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in 73%, arteriovenous graft (AVG) in 12%, and tunneled catheter in 14%. There was a higher percentage of AVF in whites (71%) than in African Americans (63%). Risk of death was independently increased by age (hazard ratio [HR], 1.04; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04-1.05), male sex (HR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.22-1.45), diabetes (HR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.12-1.33), use of an AVG (HR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.3...
Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 2006
Current staging schemes for malignant mesothelioma are inadequate. The most accurate staging may ... more Current staging schemes for malignant mesothelioma are inadequate. The most accurate staging may require pneumonectomy - a procedure associated with many complications. The pH of pleural fluid (ppH) predicts survival in non-mesotheliomatous malignant pleural effusions, suggesting that this noninvasive test might be useful for prognostication in malignant mesothelioma. It was the aim of this study to determine whether baseline ppH correlates with survival in malignant epithelial pleural mesothelioma. We reviewed survival data in patients treated with thoracoscopic talc pleurodesis whose final diagnosis was epithelial malignant pleural mesothelioma and whose chart recorded a ppH determination performed just before thoracoscopy. We monitored 26 patients until April 2002 (25 of these patients died), identifying cutoff ppH values that discriminate best for survival; Cox proportional hazards models were recursively run by increasing the ppH cutoff value by 0.02 each time. The mean follow-...
Mortality related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection occurs predominantly in patient... more Mortality related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection occurs predominantly in patients with CD4+ lymphocyte counts of less than 50 cells/mm3. We followed 133 HIV-infected patients with enrollment CD4 counts of less than 50 cells/mm3 to determine if the risk of death during a 1-year period could be predicted by a single enrollment CD8+ lymphocyte count. Enrollment data including age, sex, T-cell subset counts, p24 antigen status, antiretroviral use, and preexisting HIV-related illnesses were collected on a cohort of 133 consecutive patients with enrollment CD4 counts of less than 50 cells/mm3. The cohort was followed for 1 year, and survival data were analyzed in relation to enrollment variables. The mean enrollment CD8 count of those patients alive at 1 year was 600 cells/mm3, compared with a mean enrollment CD8 count of only 370 cells/mm3 in patients who had died prior to 1 year (P < .001). For every 100-cell decline in the enrollment CD8 count, the risk of death inc...
In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse... more In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse dye laser, we have sometimes compressed the lesion with a glass slide to enable the laser beam to penetrate more deeply. In order to evaluate the patients' perception of this modality, 54 subjects were treated with glass compression using ice applications to cool the skin surface and without glass compression using a cryospray to cool the surface. The subjects were asked to rate the difference in 2 questionnaires after the first and second treatments as to effectiveness, pain of procedure, and overall preference. Of those subjects who perceived a difference between modalities, a significant number perceived treatments with glass compression to be more effective than without (p=0.0002 and p=0.0006), but more painful (p<0.0001). There was no significant difference in overall preference. Blistering occurred in 5 subjects when the glass slide was left on the skin more than 1 minute b...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Jan 21, 2014
Randomized studies of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) have excluded sudden cardiac ... more Randomized studies of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) have excluded sudden cardiac death survivors who had revascularization before or after an arrhythmic event. To evaluate the role of ICD and the effects of clinical variables including degree of revascularization, we studied cardiac surgery patients who had an ICD implanted for sustained perioperative ventricular arrhythmias. The electronic database for Southern California Kaiser Foundation hospitals was searched for patients who had cardiac surgery between 1999 and 2005 and an ICD implanted within 3 months of surgery. One hundred sixty-four patients were identified; 93/164 had an ICD for sustained pre- or postoperative ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation requiring resuscitation. Records were reviewed for the following: presenting arrhythmia, ejection fraction, and degree of revascularization. The primary end point was total mortality (TM) and/or appropriate ICD therapy (ICD-T), and secondary end points are TM an...
Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the rates of secondary intervention followi... more Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the rates of secondary intervention following uterine artery embolization (UAE) versus myomectomy for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids. Material and Methods: This is a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Eight hundred and sixty-three patients are included in this analysis, 451 patients who underwent UAE and 412 patients who underwent myomectomy between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2012. The UAE group was significantly older than the myomectomy group with a median age of 46 versus 38 (P < 0.0001). Patient data were collected from electronic medical records between the time of their initial procedure and December 31, 2017. The primary endpoint was secondary intervention rate. Secondary endpoints included time to secondary intervention, post-procedural complications, differences in mean hemoglobin levels following the procedures, symptomatic improvement, and subsequent pregnancy outcomes. All statistical ana...
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
RATIONALE: Determining how often asthma can be confirmed as a proximal cause of death in a large ... more RATIONALE: Determining how often asthma can be confirmed as a proximal cause of death in a large well-defined population with active health plan membership and no acute barriers to medical care may aid in prevention efforts and help improve overall asthma care. METHODS: All deaths occurring in active Kaiser Permanente Southern California health plan members between 2007 and 2015 were identified. Asthma-coded deaths were manually audited for cause. Healthcare and asthma medication use in the 6 months prior to death were determined. RESULTS: There were 248 [0.80 per 100,000 patient/years] un-audited asthma-coded deaths. There were only 63 (26.5%) [0.20 per 100,000 patient years] asthma-confirmed deaths. Asthma-confirmed cases were younger, less likely to have ever smoked, and had fewer emergency visits in the 6 months prior to death compared to those with asthma excluded. Asthma-confirmed cases used preventative inhalers at very low rates. We unexpectedly found that ever inclusion in the 2016 National Committee for Quality Assurance health effectiveness data and information set (HEDIS) for persistent asthma was associated with a higher risk of all cause early death. Patients with asthma-confirmed deaths were also unlikely to be in the HEDIS asthma dataset in the year they died. CONCLUSIONS: Audit-confirmed fatal asthma is more likely to occur in younger, non-smoking, individuals, using very low rates of preventive inhalers. This will be a very difficult group to prospectively identify and manage effectively. Further research into the reasons for early death after HEDIS asthma dataset inclusion is warranted.
Data Revues 01909622 V44i2sp1 S0190962201070906, Sep 5, 2012
Port-wine stains are vascular ectasias that can develop thickening or nodules over time. Thickeni... more Port-wine stains are vascular ectasias that can develop thickening or nodules over time. Thickening is a further dilation of the ectatic vessels, and nodules are vascular neoplasms or hyperplasias. The records of 173 subjects with port-wine stains were reviewed for thickening, nodules, and associated characteristics. The incidence of nodules increased with age. Thickening often began in early adulthood, but its intensity and association with nodules continued to increase into older age. Thickening and nodules were most common in the area of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve innervating the face and were associated with deepening color. The incidence of thickening alone was greater in male than in female patients.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia seen in clinical practice. It af... more Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia seen in clinical practice. It affects approximately 6% of persons over 65 years of age and is independently associated with a 4- to 5-fold higher risk of ischaemic stroke and a 2-fold higher risk of death. Randomized controlled trials have shown that treatment with adjusted-dose oral vitamin K antagonists (primarily warfarin with a target international normalized ratio [INR] of 2.0-3.0) reduces the relative risk of ischaemic stroke by two-thirds (an approximately 3% reduction in annual absolute risk), but is associated with a 0.2% excess annual absolute risk of intracranial haemorrhage (ICH). However, in &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;real world&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; studies, the risk reductions in ischaemic stroke with warfarin have been significantly lower (25-50% relative risk reduction) than in selected trial samples. Moreover, more than 90% of patients enrolled in the sentinel trials were White/European. This raises the question of whether the beneficial results of warfarin can be extrapolated to persons of colour. Important differences in stroke risk profile and responsiveness to warfarin exist across racial/ethnic groups, such that one cannot assume a priori that there is a net benefit of warfarin therapy for AF patients of all racial/ethnic groups.Among patients with ischaemic stroke, AF is more likely to be implicated as the cause of stroke in the White population than in other racial/ethnic groups. Furthermore, AF may be a stronger predictor of ischaemic stroke among the White population than in Black or Hispanic/Latino populations. Approximately one-third of strokes in AF patients are noncardioembolic. Warfarin has been shown to be ineffective in preventing recurrent noncardioembolic strokes. Many persons of colour with AF have other risk factors that predispose them to noncardioembolic stroke, which may partially explain why warfarin has been reported to be less efficacious in preventing strokes in non-White patients with AF, even after adjustment for co-morbidities and anticoagulation monitoring. Notably, the background incidence of ICH is higher in Black, Hispanic and Asian patients than in White patients. Any greater than expected increases in bleeding secondary to anticoagulation may potentially offset any benefit gained from cardioembolic stroke reduction, although this has not been fully resolved.Finally, there are racial/ethnic differences in the prevalence of certain polymorphisms in genes that influence warfarin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (e.g. cytochrome P450 2C9 and vitamin K epoxide reductase). The Asian population generally appear to require the lowest daily dose of warfarin to maintain a given INR target, with the White population requiring an intermediate daily dose and the Black population requiring the highest daily dose. These differences must be taken into account when administering warfarin in order to minimize the risk of under- or over-anticoagulation.In summary, warfarin is highly effective in preventing ischaemic strokes in White patients with AF at a modestly higher risk of ICH. Whether the same net clinical benefit extends to persons of colour is unproven. Given the rapidly changing demographic nationally and internationally, additional research is needed to resolve this important question.
Mathematics of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, and Encryption with Applications IX, 2006
The aim of this work is to model the apparent motion in image sequences depicting natural dynamic... more The aim of this work is to model the apparent motion in image sequences depicting natural dynamic scenes (rivers, sea-waves, smoke, fire, grass etc) where some sort of stationarity and homogeneity of motion is present. We adopt the mixed-state Markov Random Fields models recently introduced to represent so-called motion textures. The approach consists in describing the distribution of some motion measurements which exhibit a mixed nature: a discrete component related to absence of motion and a continuous part for measurements different from zero. We propose several extensions on the spatial schemes. In this context, Gibbs distributions are analyzed, and a deep study of the associated partition functions is addressed. Our approach is valid for general Gibbs distributions. Some particular cases of interest for motion texture modeling are analyzed. This is crucial for problems of segmentation, detection and classification. Then, we propose an original approach for image motion segmentation based on these models, where normalization factors are properly handled. Results for motion textures on real natural sequences demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our method.
In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse... more In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse dye laser, we have sometimes compressed the lesion with a glass slide to enable the laser beam to penetrate more deeply. In order to evaluate the patients&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; perception of this modality, 54 subjects were treated with glass compression using ice applications to cool the skin surface and without glass compression using a cryospray to cool the surface. The subjects were asked to rate the difference in 2 questionnaires after the first and second treatments as to effectiveness, pain of procedure, and overall preference. Of those subjects who perceived a difference between modalities, a significant number perceived treatments with glass compression to be more effective than without (p=0.0002 and p=0.0006), but more painful (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.0001). There was no significant difference in overall preference. Blistering occurred in 5 subjects when the glass slide was left on the skin more than 1 minute between ice applications.
ABSTRACT The American Journal of Gastroenterology (2003) 98, S265; doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2003.0... more ABSTRACT The American Journal of Gastroenterology (2003) 98, S265; doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2003.08751.x
To assess the impact of using the combined measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine (MMRV) ... more To assess the impact of using the combined measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine (MMRV) instead of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the varicella vaccine separately (MMR+V) on uptake of vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) in young children. Retrospective cohort study. Electronic immunization records of children 12 to 15 months of age who received either MMR+V (n = 29,716) or MMRV (n = 29,711) between November 2003 and June 2007 while enrolled in Kaiser Permanente Southern California were evaluated. Proportions of children who received either MMRV or MMR+V and other ACIP-recommended vaccines either simultaneously or during recommended age intervals were compared. Concomitant administration of DTaP (76.3 vs 75.6%), PCV7 (89.1 vs 78.6%), Hib (92.3 vs 91.3%), and hepatitis A vaccine (HAV) (44.2 vs 0.1%) and on-time administration of PCV7 (91.7 vs 78.7%), Hib (93.9 vs 93.2%), and HAV (86.8 vs 24.3%) were greater with MMRV t...
To determine whether sex- and ethnicity-based mortality differences in patients dependent on hemo... more To determine whether sex- and ethnicity-based mortality differences in patients dependent on hemodialysis (hemodialysis patients) are because of prevalence of vascular access type. Southern California Permanente Medical Group Renal Database, which contained 5821 chronic hemodialysis patients between 2000 and 2008, was studied. Mean age of the patients was 62 years, and 59% were male. Of the population, 33% were white; 32%, Hispanic; 23%, African American; 9%, Asian/Pacific Islander; and 3%, other race or ethnicity. Predominant access type over the course of the study was arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in 73%, arteriovenous graft (AVG) in 12%, and tunneled catheter in 14%. There was a higher percentage of AVF in whites (71%) than in African Americans (63%). Risk of death was independently increased by age (hazard ratio [HR], 1.04; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04-1.05), male sex (HR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.22-1.45), diabetes (HR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.12-1.33), use of an AVG (HR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.3...
Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 2006
Current staging schemes for malignant mesothelioma are inadequate. The most accurate staging may ... more Current staging schemes for malignant mesothelioma are inadequate. The most accurate staging may require pneumonectomy - a procedure associated with many complications. The pH of pleural fluid (ppH) predicts survival in non-mesotheliomatous malignant pleural effusions, suggesting that this noninvasive test might be useful for prognostication in malignant mesothelioma. It was the aim of this study to determine whether baseline ppH correlates with survival in malignant epithelial pleural mesothelioma. We reviewed survival data in patients treated with thoracoscopic talc pleurodesis whose final diagnosis was epithelial malignant pleural mesothelioma and whose chart recorded a ppH determination performed just before thoracoscopy. We monitored 26 patients until April 2002 (25 of these patients died), identifying cutoff ppH values that discriminate best for survival; Cox proportional hazards models were recursively run by increasing the ppH cutoff value by 0.02 each time. The mean follow-...
Mortality related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection occurs predominantly in patient... more Mortality related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection occurs predominantly in patients with CD4+ lymphocyte counts of less than 50 cells/mm3. We followed 133 HIV-infected patients with enrollment CD4 counts of less than 50 cells/mm3 to determine if the risk of death during a 1-year period could be predicted by a single enrollment CD8+ lymphocyte count. Enrollment data including age, sex, T-cell subset counts, p24 antigen status, antiretroviral use, and preexisting HIV-related illnesses were collected on a cohort of 133 consecutive patients with enrollment CD4 counts of less than 50 cells/mm3. The cohort was followed for 1 year, and survival data were analyzed in relation to enrollment variables. The mean enrollment CD8 count of those patients alive at 1 year was 600 cells/mm3, compared with a mean enrollment CD8 count of only 370 cells/mm3 in patients who had died prior to 1 year (P < .001). For every 100-cell decline in the enrollment CD8 count, the risk of death inc...
In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse... more In treating thickened port wine stains and superficial venous malformations with the 595 nm pulse dye laser, we have sometimes compressed the lesion with a glass slide to enable the laser beam to penetrate more deeply. In order to evaluate the patients' perception of this modality, 54 subjects were treated with glass compression using ice applications to cool the skin surface and without glass compression using a cryospray to cool the surface. The subjects were asked to rate the difference in 2 questionnaires after the first and second treatments as to effectiveness, pain of procedure, and overall preference. Of those subjects who perceived a difference between modalities, a significant number perceived treatments with glass compression to be more effective than without (p=0.0002 and p=0.0006), but more painful (p<0.0001). There was no significant difference in overall preference. Blistering occurred in 5 subjects when the glass slide was left on the skin more than 1 minute b...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Jan 21, 2014
Randomized studies of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) have excluded sudden cardiac ... more Randomized studies of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) have excluded sudden cardiac death survivors who had revascularization before or after an arrhythmic event. To evaluate the role of ICD and the effects of clinical variables including degree of revascularization, we studied cardiac surgery patients who had an ICD implanted for sustained perioperative ventricular arrhythmias. The electronic database for Southern California Kaiser Foundation hospitals was searched for patients who had cardiac surgery between 1999 and 2005 and an ICD implanted within 3 months of surgery. One hundred sixty-four patients were identified; 93/164 had an ICD for sustained pre- or postoperative ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation requiring resuscitation. Records were reviewed for the following: presenting arrhythmia, ejection fraction, and degree of revascularization. The primary end point was total mortality (TM) and/or appropriate ICD therapy (ICD-T), and secondary end points are TM an...
Papers by Janis Yao