The 21st Century is known as the digital age of the Internet that made it possible forlong distan... more The 21st Century is known as the digital age of the Internet that made it possible forlong distance, almost-instantaneous file-sharing and end-user communication andconnection (Ausman, 2010). Along came with it the precursor of huge databases ofinformation that together with time, can now be accessed by just lifting a finger anddigital devices such as smartphones, laptop computers, desktop computers and etc. aregetting more significant in doing day-to-day activities. As the dependence of digitaldevices are getting more and more severe, so are the dishonest and/or impulsiveactivities associated with the prolonged use of digital devices. Activities such as the (1) procrastination and (2) plagiarism. These activities are at all-time high during thisDigital Age (Ausman, 2010). This research intends to measure the two (2) adverseeffects of instant access to digital information using quantitative approach. With aninitial participant population of 30 students of the 12th grade of Sunbeam ChristianSchool of Mali, Inc. The research is quasi-experimental in nature using a mixed within- between subject Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to measure the two (2) effects: plagiarism and procrastination and their effects towards the academic performance(grades) in the two phases of the experiment (control phase and experiment phase) andthe interaction of the variables on two different conditions /treatments.
The 21st Century is known as the digital age of the Internet that made it possible forlong distan... more The 21st Century is known as the digital age of the Internet that made it possible forlong distance, almost-instantaneous file-sharing and end-user communication andconnection (Ausman, 2010). Along came with it the precursor of huge databases ofinformation that together with time, can now be accessed by just lifting a finger anddigital devices such as smartphones, laptop computers, desktop computers and etc. aregetting more significant in doing day-to-day activities. As the dependence of digitaldevices are getting more and more severe, so are the dishonest and/or impulsiveactivities associated with the prolonged use of digital devices. Activities such as the (1) procrastination and (2) plagiarism. These activities are at all-time high during thisDigital Age (Ausman, 2010). This research intends to measure the two (2) adverseeffects of instant access to digital information using quantitative approach. With aninitial participant population of 30 students of the 12th grade of Sunbeam ChristianSchool of Mali, Inc. The research is quasi-experimental in nature using a mixed within- between subject Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to measure the two (2) effects: plagiarism and procrastination and their effects towards the academic performance(grades) in the two phases of the experiment (control phase and experiment phase) andthe interaction of the variables on two different conditions /treatments.
Papers by Jay Abordo
Teaching Documents by Jay Abordo