Penggunaan antibiotika saat ini sangat luas, hampir semua pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit sela... more Penggunaan antibiotika saat ini sangat luas, hampir semua pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit selalu mendapatkan antibiotika. Antibiotika merupakan golongan obat yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia, hasil studi di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 70% pasien diresepkan antibiotika ( Perception communities in physicians , 2011). Salah satu hal yang harus diwaspadai dari penggunaan antibiotika adalah kejadian efek samping pada pasien yang dapat meningkatkan lama rawat, dan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kejadian efek samping penggunaan antibiotika serta korelasinya terhadap jenis kelamin, umur, dan antibiotika yang digunakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara prospektif dengan teknik purposive sampling di ruang rawat rumah sakit “X” Jakarta dari bulan Januari sampai Maret 2016, dan hasilnya dianalisa dengan uji spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 34 pasien mengalami kejadian efek samping obat, terdiri dari laki-la...
Synchronous noncollinear upconversion detection is reported for the first time with a Nd:YAG lase... more Synchronous noncollinear upconversion detection is reported for the first time with a Nd:YAG laser in AgGaSâ. Q-switched pump laser pulses with a repetition rate up to 50 Hz were synchronized with intracavity chopped continuous wave COâ laser pulses. Results were obtained both by tuning the COâ laser and by varying the angle between the laser beams.
REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering
Agarwood is one of the forest products that can be utilized and has a high selling value. Agarwoo... more Agarwood is one of the forest products that can be utilized and has a high selling value. Agarwood contains essential oils which have many active compounds and contains a specific aromatic resin that is naturally formed as a form of defense against physical damage or microbial infection. Agarwood essential oil with good quality has a high economic value. This study aims to extract agarwood essential oil using ethanol as a solvent. The optimal yield of agarwood essential oil can be obtained by varying the particle size, the ratio of the weight of the agarwood biomass (kg) to the volume of the solvent (L), and the length of maceration (h). The results showed that the particle size of agarwood did notaffect the yield of agarwood essential oil. The results of the comparison of agarwood biomass with the volume of the solvent showed that the ratio of 1:9 (w/v) obtained the highest yield of 4.02% and the longest maceration time with the highest yield of 4.12% for 72 hours. However, 48 hour...
Penggunaan antibiotika saat ini sangat luas, hampir semua pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit sela... more Penggunaan antibiotika saat ini sangat luas, hampir semua pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit selalu mendapatkan antibiotika. Antibiotika merupakan golongan obat yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia, hasil studi di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 70% pasien diresepkan antibiotika ( Perception communities in physicians , 2011). Salah satu hal yang harus diwaspadai dari penggunaan antibiotika adalah kejadian efek samping pada pasien yang dapat meningkatkan lama rawat, dan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kejadian efek samping penggunaan antibiotika serta korelasinya terhadap jenis kelamin, umur, dan antibiotika yang digunakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara prospektif dengan teknik purposive sampling di ruang rawat rumah sakit “X” Jakarta dari bulan Januari sampai Maret 2016, dan hasilnya dianalisa dengan uji spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 34 pasien mengalami kejadian efek samping obat, terdiri dari laki-la...
Synchronous noncollinear upconversion detection is reported for the first time with a Nd:YAG lase... more Synchronous noncollinear upconversion detection is reported for the first time with a Nd:YAG laser in AgGaSâ. Q-switched pump laser pulses with a repetition rate up to 50 Hz were synchronized with intracavity chopped continuous wave COâ laser pulses. Results were obtained both by tuning the COâ laser and by varying the angle between the laser beams.
REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering
Agarwood is one of the forest products that can be utilized and has a high selling value. Agarwoo... more Agarwood is one of the forest products that can be utilized and has a high selling value. Agarwood contains essential oils which have many active compounds and contains a specific aromatic resin that is naturally formed as a form of defense against physical damage or microbial infection. Agarwood essential oil with good quality has a high economic value. This study aims to extract agarwood essential oil using ethanol as a solvent. The optimal yield of agarwood essential oil can be obtained by varying the particle size, the ratio of the weight of the agarwood biomass (kg) to the volume of the solvent (L), and the length of maceration (h). The results showed that the particle size of agarwood did notaffect the yield of agarwood essential oil. The results of the comparison of agarwood biomass with the volume of the solvent showed that the ratio of 1:9 (w/v) obtained the highest yield of 4.02% and the longest maceration time with the highest yield of 4.12% for 72 hours. However, 48 hour...
Papers by Jerry Jerry