Papers by Joel Almeida Filho
Curso de Formação Política da Negritude Socialista Brasileir, 2018
Published in three volumes, the book “Political Education Course for Brazilian Socialist Negritud... more Published in three volumes, the book “Political Education Course for Brazilian Socialist Negritude Movement” (original title: Curso de Formação Política da Negritude Socialista Brasileira) presents historical, political, philosophical and economic features, heroic struggles and sacrifices, accomplishments and development which involves the black population. Volume II presents identity positions of the black people, their capacity to occupy spaces in society in all its areas, being faithful to their origins, customs and traditions, through innovative associations and postures to face all kinds of violence, in particular the racial
Curso de Formação Política da Negritude Socialista Brasileira, 2018
Published in three volumes, the book “Political Education Course for Brazilian Socialist Negritud... more Published in three volumes, the book “Political Education Course for Brazilian Socialist Negritude Movement” (original title: Curso de Formação Política da Negritude Socialista Brasileira) presents historical, political, philosophical and economic features, heroic struggles and sacrifices, accomplishments and development which involves the black population. Volume II presents identity positions of the black people, their capacity to occupy spaces in society in all its areas, being faithful to their origins, customs and traditions, through innovative associations and postures to face all kinds of violence, in particular the racial
Curso de Formação Política da Negritude Socialista Brasileira, 2018
Published in three volumes, the book “Political Education Course for Brazilian Socialist Negritud... more Published in three volumes, the book “Political Education Course for Brazilian Socialist Negritude Movement” (original title: Curso de Formação Política da Negritude Socialista Brasileira) presents historical, political, philosophical and economic features, heroic struggles and sacrifices, accomplishments and development which involves the black population. The Volume I presents the historical reality of the black people, their political and social construction to gain ground in aggressive environments, achievements such as the racial quota and the proposing public and private policies of equality and commitment to the approval of which can guarantee the continuity of the achievements.
Pricing method is an applied mathematical formula on company´s cost structure intended to support... more Pricing method is an applied mathematical formula on company´s cost structure intended to support marketing strategies on the retail trade. The objective of the paper is to present this methodology, under Angolan legislation, not dissuading its interfaces with competition and consumer perception. The content was absolutelly written in the year of 2015, subjects that I taught at that time on Economic and Commercial Law´s classes at University Lueji A 'Nkonde. It considers the study of cost theories on pricing processes, and observations from professional consulting in supermarket chains, beverage distributors, department stores and small and independent business in various sectors of the retail trade.
What means pricing? It is a method adopted by a firm to set its selling price. Pricing methods ar... more What means pricing? It is a method adopted by a firm to set its selling price. Pricing methods are the combination of different marketing decision variables being used by the firm to market its goods. Good's price is an important factor in determining its market demand. Pricing should be aimed toward a goal. Pricing methods is a greatest strategy for attaining competitive advantage for any firm. Price is one of the most important variables in the marketing mix. Its importance has increased substantially over the years because of environmental factors like recession, intensity of inter firm rivalry, and the customer becoming aware of alternatives. In order to arrive at the mot acceptable price level, the marketer needs the information on customers, competition, and the firm's cost structure. This is only possible by an accurate blend of all the elements pricing strategy as it helps in achieving organizational goals of profit maximization by high sales volume, attaining higher market share and satisfied customers. O que significa precificação? É um procedimento adotado pelas empresas para determinação dos seus preços de venda. A precificação é uma a combinação de diferentes variáveis de decisão de marketing a ser usado pela usado pela empresa para comercializar suas mercadorias. O preço das mercadorias é um fator importante para determinar a demanda do mercado. O preço deve ser direcionado para uma meta. A precificação é a maior estratégia para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva para qualquer empresa. O preço é uma das variáveis mais importantes no marketing mix. Sua importância aumentou substancialmente ao longo dos anos por causa de fatores ambientais como recessão, intensidade de rivalidade entre empresas e a própria consciência do cliente em tomar alternativas. Para chegar ao nível de preço aceitável, a empresa precisa das informações sobre os clientes, da concorrência e da estrutura de custos da empresa. Isso só é possível através de um " mix " preciso de todos os elementos estratégia de preços, uma vez que ajuda na realização de objetivos organizacionais de maximização do lucro por volume de vendas, atingindo maior quota de mercado e clientes satisfeitos.
The existence of price control on competitive markets harms society by reducing the amount of tra... more The existence of price control on competitive markets harms society by reducing the amount of trade in the economy. Many economists have written that price controls reduce entry and investment in the long run. The controls can also reduce quality, create black markets, and stimulate rationing.
Governments impose rules of prices for essential consumer goods, to keep cost of living within a manageable range. Price controls are governmental restrictions on the prices that can be charged in a market. There are two primary forms of price control, a price ceiling, the maximum price that can be charged, and a price floor, the minimum price that can be charged.
However, in Angola the main method used was through the creation of rules for setting the profit margin, not of final prices paid. This is the main objective of this article: to list the set of rules that provide the basis of the governmental system of prices and its most significant implications on the pricing methodology.
Drafts by Joel Almeida Filho
The Angolan Financial System takes steps to modernize it, with an evident increase in the number ... more The Angolan Financial System takes steps to modernize it, with an evident increase in the number of institutions operating in the country, the branch network and the sophistication of products, services and operations. One of the main activities of banks is to carry out credit operations with the amount of deposits. There is a direct relationship between the volume of credit, investments and consumption, with strong reflections on GDP. This paper aimed to demonstrate the structure of the Angolan Financial System and the impacts on the economy
This article provides an outline of applicable legal principles for the local community about lan... more This article provides an outline of applicable legal principles for the local community about land rights and to show some different forms of tenure, with emphasis on the social function of property. The Land Law is the Angolan legal diploma that establishes the general basis of the property regime included in the originating property of the State, as well as the land rights that may exist, the general transmission regime, among other aspects. The Land Law is applicable to all rural and urban properties upon which the State exercises any of its land rights towards individuals or legal entities.
Introdução O termo precificação, significa fixação, atribuição ou, ainda, determinação do preço e... more Introdução O termo precificação, significa fixação, atribuição ou, ainda, determinação do preço em um bem ou serviço, normalmente com a finalidade de venda. A precificação, no jargão comercial é conhecido pelo termo em inglês " pricing " (precificar; colocar preço). Precificar além de ser de extrema importância estratégica, pois determina quanto a empresa irá receber em troca dos produtos que comercializa é uma tática, pois, precificar certo, ou errado, pode estabelecer não apenas uma imagem, seja ela positiva, ou negativa, tanto para a marca, para o negócio, mas pode ser o resultado do sucesso ou fracasso de uma empresa. Preço, para (COELHO, 2009), " é a expressão monetária do valor de um produto ou serviço, podendo ser amplamente definido como o elemento mais flexível do composto de marketing. Dessa forma o preço pode ser definido como a expressão do valor de troca que se oferece por alguma coisa que satisfaça uma necessidade ou desejo (PIRES, 2012). A partir desse conceito pode-se dizer que o preço é um componente de uma troca ou transação que ocorre entre duas partes e refere-se ao que deve ser dado por uma das partes (isto é, comprador) para obter algo oferecido por outra parte (isto é, vendedor). No entanto, essa visão do preço fornece uma explicação um pouco limitada do que significa preço para os participantes da transação. Na verdade, preço significa coisas diferentes para os diferentes participantes em uma troca. Para aqueles que fazem uma compra, como clientes finais, e aqui vamos nos ater especificamente ao comércio varejista, o preço refere-se ao que deve ser dado para se obter o benefício desejado. Na maioria dos casos, o que é dado é uma contraprestação financeira (por exemplo, dinheiro) em troca de adquirir propriedade de uma mercadoria.
The existence of price control on competitive markets harms society by reducing the amount of tra... more The existence of price control on competitive markets harms society by reducing the amount of trade in the economy. Many economists have written that price controls reduce entry and investment in the long run. The controls can also reduce quality, create black markets, and stimulate rationing.
Governments impose rules of prices for essential consumer goods, to keep cost of living within a manageable range. Price controls are governmental restrictions on the prices that can be charged in a market. There are two primary forms of price control, a price ceiling, the maximum price that can be charged, and a price floor, the minimum price that can be charged.
However, in Angola the main method used was through the creation of rules for setting the profit margin, not of final prices paid. This is the main objective of this article: to list the set of rules that provide the basis of the governmental system of prices and its most significant implications on the pricing methodology.
Conference Presentations by Joel Almeida Filho
Price is a component of an exchange or transaction that takes place between two parties and refer... more Price is a component of an exchange or transaction that takes place between two parties and refers to what must be given up by buyer in order to obtain something offered by seller. Pricing is the process whereby a business sets the price at which it will sell its products and services, In setting prices, the retailer will take into account the price at which it could acquire the goods, own structure costs, the market place, competition, market condition, brand, and quality of product.
Papers by Joel Almeida Filho
Governments impose rules of prices for essential consumer goods, to keep cost of living within a manageable range. Price controls are governmental restrictions on the prices that can be charged in a market. There are two primary forms of price control, a price ceiling, the maximum price that can be charged, and a price floor, the minimum price that can be charged.
However, in Angola the main method used was through the creation of rules for setting the profit margin, not of final prices paid. This is the main objective of this article: to list the set of rules that provide the basis of the governmental system of prices and its most significant implications on the pricing methodology.
Drafts by Joel Almeida Filho
Governments impose rules of prices for essential consumer goods, to keep cost of living within a manageable range. Price controls are governmental restrictions on the prices that can be charged in a market. There are two primary forms of price control, a price ceiling, the maximum price that can be charged, and a price floor, the minimum price that can be charged.
However, in Angola the main method used was through the creation of rules for setting the profit margin, not of final prices paid. This is the main objective of this article: to list the set of rules that provide the basis of the governmental system of prices and its most significant implications on the pricing methodology.
Conference Presentations by Joel Almeida Filho
Governments impose rules of prices for essential consumer goods, to keep cost of living within a manageable range. Price controls are governmental restrictions on the prices that can be charged in a market. There are two primary forms of price control, a price ceiling, the maximum price that can be charged, and a price floor, the minimum price that can be charged.
However, in Angola the main method used was through the creation of rules for setting the profit margin, not of final prices paid. This is the main objective of this article: to list the set of rules that provide the basis of the governmental system of prices and its most significant implications on the pricing methodology.
Governments impose rules of prices for essential consumer goods, to keep cost of living within a manageable range. Price controls are governmental restrictions on the prices that can be charged in a market. There are two primary forms of price control, a price ceiling, the maximum price that can be charged, and a price floor, the minimum price that can be charged.
However, in Angola the main method used was through the creation of rules for setting the profit margin, not of final prices paid. This is the main objective of this article: to list the set of rules that provide the basis of the governmental system of prices and its most significant implications on the pricing methodology.