This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Modelling of the rock structure stress field near the cavities and estimation of the cavity effec... more Modelling of the rock structure stress field near the cavities and estimation of the cavity effect influence on the tidal measurements. Mathematics and Computer and Simulation, 50, 205-214.
Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Mar 1, 2015
Objectives: Urinary urgency, in the absence of infection and incontinence, is a common and distre... more Objectives: Urinary urgency, in the absence of infection and incontinence, is a common and distressing symptom; however, the pathogenesis of urgency remains unknown. The aim of this study was to determine if urinary urgency is associated with clinical and biochemical markers of neurogenic inflammation. We hypothesized that worse urinary urgency is associated with greater severity of neuropathic pain and higher levels of urinary inflammatory neuropeptides NGF and BDNF. Materials and Methods: We conducted a prospective cross sectional study of women presenting with urinary urgency. Exclusion criteria were urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection. All women completed validated questionnaires to measure urinary urgency and other urinary symptoms. The severity of neuropathic pain and neuropathic pain characteristics (eg. burning pain, hypersensitivity to touch) were measured using a validated questionnaire (PainDETECT). Urinary NGF, BDNF, and creatinine were measured in first morning clean catch urine specimen, collected within one week of completing the questionnaires, using commercially available ELISA kits. Women were dichotomized into two groups based on the severity of urinary urgency, mild versus moderate/severe urgency. Neuropathic pain was defined as the presence of pain score R19 on the PainDETECT. We compared the proportion of women with neuropathic pain as well as neuropathic pain characteristics between women with mild and moderate/severe urgency using chi-squared test. Univariable and multivariable linear regression were used to examine the relationship between urgency, pain scores, and urinary neuropeptides. Results: We recruited a total of 103 women. Of these, 41 had mild urinary urgency and 62 had moderate/severe urgency. Mean age, BMI, and parity was not significantly different between the two groups. Women with moderate/severe urgency were more likely to report neuropathic pain than women with mild urgency (27 vs 9%, p = 0.04). Women with moderate/
We report high-resolution photoemission results for the 4f levels in YbCu2Si2 and CeSi2. The data... more We report high-resolution photoemission results for the 4f levels in YbCu2Si2 and CeSi2. The data are compared to the predictions of the Anderson impurity model for valence band photoemission. These predicted spectra are obtained both in an approximate fashion by broadening crystal field (CF) states whose parameters are determined from existing neutron scattering data, as well as from a Gunnarson-Schonhammer calculation. Inclusion of crystal fields does not affect our two fundamental conclusions: that there is a natural linewidth in the problem (~-130meV) which is much greater than predicted by the Anderson model, and that the expected temperature dependence of the Kondo resonance is absent. Due to the large natural linewidth, experimental resolution (60-95meV) is not a limiting factor.
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), 2010
The electronic structure of PuCoGa5, Pu metal, and PU0 2 is explored using photoelectron spectros... more The electronic structure of PuCoGa5, Pu metal, and PU0 2 is explored using photoelectron spectroscopy. Ground state electronic properties are inferred from temperature dependent photoemission near the Fermi energy for Pu metal. Angle-resolved photoemission details the energy vs. crystaJ momentum landscape near the Fermi energy for PuCoGa5which shows significant dispersion in the quasiparticle peak near the Fermi energy. For the Mott insulators An02(An = U, Pu) the photoemission results are compared against hybrid functional calculations and the model prediction of a cross over from ionic to covalent bonding is found to be reasonable.
We present a re-examination of the electronic structure and Fermi Surface (FS) of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (... more We present a re-examination of the electronic structure and Fermi Surface (FS) of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) as obtained from angle-resolved photoemission experiments. By applying a stricter set of FS crossing criteria as well as by varying the incident photon energy outside the usual range, we have found very different behavior from that previously observed. In particular we have found an electron-like FS centered around the Γ point, and the flat bands at EF near theM point of the zone are absent. These results are robust over a large range of dopings and from single to double layer samples.
variant consistent with a diagnosis of COL4A1-related disorder. Genetic testing of the parents sh... more variant consistent with a diagnosis of COL4A1-related disorder. Genetic testing of the parents showed that mum had low level mosaicsm, approximately 27% in leukocyte DNA for the COL4A1 Missense variant. Conclusion This is the first case of COL4A1 related disorder due to mosacism. Prevalence of COL4A1-related disorder are difficult to establish as fewer than 100 families have been described in the literature. It is likely they are underestimated because of their multisystem and variable phenotype. The significance of the mosaic variant is unknown and mum will be followed up in the adult neurology services to assess for both clinical and radiological features suggestive of subclinical disease.
We present a theoretical model of the electronic structure of δ-Pu that is consistent with many o... more We present a theoretical model of the electronic structure of δ-Pu that is consistent with many of the electronic structure related properties of this complex metal. In particular we show that the theory is capable of reproducing the valence band photoelectron spectrum of δ-Pu. We report new experimental photoelectron spectra at several photon energies and present evidence that the electronic structure of δ-Pu is unique among the elements, involving a 5f shell with four 5f electrons in a localized multiplet, hybridizing with valence states, and approximately one 5f electron forming a completely delocalized band state.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Mar 21, 2005
, ETH-Magnetic properties of 5f systems as seen by characteristic features in the valence band ph... more , ETH-Magnetic properties of 5f systems as seen by characteristic features in the valence band photoemission are discussed, with particular focus on ferromagnetic uranium compounds. As shown by the authors, electron photoemission experiments demonstrate that the magnetization of the ferromagnetic state of UTe is proportional to the binding energy of the hybridized band centered around 50meV below the Fermi Energy (EF). This proportionality is direct evidence that the ferromagnetism of UTe is itinerant, i.e., the 5f electrons are not fully localized close to the atomic core. A simple model for the observed proportionality between the temperature dependence of the magnetization and the binding energy of the hybridized band near EF is proposed. This model allows an estimate of the effective magnetic interaction and the possibility to identify signatures of itinerant ferromagetism in other materials.
The electronic structure of both Ce and U heavy fermions appears to consist of extremely narrow, ... more The electronic structure of both Ce and U heavy fermions appears to consist of extremely narrow, nearly temperature-independent bands (i.e., no spectral weight loss or transfer with temperature). A small dispersion of the f-bands above the Kondo temperature is easily measurable so that a Kondo resonance, as defined by NCA, is not evident. Preliminary results, however, indicate that the Periodic Anderson Model (PAM) captures some of the essential physics. Angle-integrated resonant photoemission results on d-Pu indicate a narrow 5f feature at E , similar in width to f-states in Ce and U compounds, but differing in that PES cross-section as a function of hn F suggests substantial 6d admixture.
Introduction: Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been proposed as a tool ideally suited f... more Introduction: Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been proposed as a tool ideally suited for imaging patients during cardiac arrest (CA) resuscitation, allowing for the evaluation of the area of maximal compression (AMC) during CPR. Previous work has shown that compression of the left-ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) or the aortic root during CPR (AMC-LVOT/Ao) occurs in over 50% of patients; animal trials and small single-center retrospective clinical study have linked this finding to lower rates of ROSC. We aimed to prospectively investigate the AMC and its association with ROSC. We hypothesized that patients who have AMC-LVOT/Ao have lower likelihood of ROSC. Methods: A prospective, observational, multicenter cohort study involving patients with out-of-hospital CA (OHCA) in whom TEE was performed during CPR. The study aimed to compare patients with AMC over the LV (AMC-LV) vs AMC-LVOT/Ao and was conducted through a collaborative research network involving 16 hospitals (NCT0...
Alcohol-impaired driving continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. Duri... more Alcohol-impaired driving continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. During 2000, alcohol was involved in 40% of all traffic fatalities (1). One promising countermeasure to alcohol-impaired driving is the ignition interlock license restriction program. Ignition interlock devices are designed to prevent an alcohol-impaired driver from starting and operating a motor vehicle. License restriction means that drivers are approved for license reinstatement on the condition that they agree to a license restriction prohibiting them from operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device. The conditional interlock license restriction is prominently displayed on the driver's license of each program participant. Ignition interlock license restrictions have shown potential for reducing recidivism among drivers with multiple alcohol-related traffic offenses (2). Later analyses of this same cohort examined recidivism rates 3 and 4 years after study entry (3, 4). I...
In the 50 United States and the District of Columbia law enforcement medical referrals are accept... more In the 50 United States and the District of Columbia law enforcement medical referrals are accepted by licensing agencies. This study assessed driving actions, medical concerns, and medical conditions in 486 police referrals to the Medical Advisory Board of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration during a 25-month period. Driving actions, medical concerns, and medical conditions were grouped into categories and entered into a database. These elements were analyzed relative to driver age and sex. In addition, the issuance of citations for driving violations was studied relative to age and sex. A greater percentage of drivers 60 years of age or greater (senior adults) were referred compared to the general population of licensed drivers that age, being 71.4% vs 20.6% (p <0.01). Crashing, the most common driving action, was not associated with age or sex. Among driving actions frequently mentioned relative to older drivers, only confusion of pedals was associated with senior adults...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Modelling of the rock structure stress field near the cavities and estimation of the cavity effec... more Modelling of the rock structure stress field near the cavities and estimation of the cavity effect influence on the tidal measurements. Mathematics and Computer and Simulation, 50, 205-214.
Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Mar 1, 2015
Objectives: Urinary urgency, in the absence of infection and incontinence, is a common and distre... more Objectives: Urinary urgency, in the absence of infection and incontinence, is a common and distressing symptom; however, the pathogenesis of urgency remains unknown. The aim of this study was to determine if urinary urgency is associated with clinical and biochemical markers of neurogenic inflammation. We hypothesized that worse urinary urgency is associated with greater severity of neuropathic pain and higher levels of urinary inflammatory neuropeptides NGF and BDNF. Materials and Methods: We conducted a prospective cross sectional study of women presenting with urinary urgency. Exclusion criteria were urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection. All women completed validated questionnaires to measure urinary urgency and other urinary symptoms. The severity of neuropathic pain and neuropathic pain characteristics (eg. burning pain, hypersensitivity to touch) were measured using a validated questionnaire (PainDETECT). Urinary NGF, BDNF, and creatinine were measured in first morning clean catch urine specimen, collected within one week of completing the questionnaires, using commercially available ELISA kits. Women were dichotomized into two groups based on the severity of urinary urgency, mild versus moderate/severe urgency. Neuropathic pain was defined as the presence of pain score R19 on the PainDETECT. We compared the proportion of women with neuropathic pain as well as neuropathic pain characteristics between women with mild and moderate/severe urgency using chi-squared test. Univariable and multivariable linear regression were used to examine the relationship between urgency, pain scores, and urinary neuropeptides. Results: We recruited a total of 103 women. Of these, 41 had mild urinary urgency and 62 had moderate/severe urgency. Mean age, BMI, and parity was not significantly different between the two groups. Women with moderate/severe urgency were more likely to report neuropathic pain than women with mild urgency (27 vs 9%, p = 0.04). Women with moderate/
We report high-resolution photoemission results for the 4f levels in YbCu2Si2 and CeSi2. The data... more We report high-resolution photoemission results for the 4f levels in YbCu2Si2 and CeSi2. The data are compared to the predictions of the Anderson impurity model for valence band photoemission. These predicted spectra are obtained both in an approximate fashion by broadening crystal field (CF) states whose parameters are determined from existing neutron scattering data, as well as from a Gunnarson-Schonhammer calculation. Inclusion of crystal fields does not affect our two fundamental conclusions: that there is a natural linewidth in the problem (~-130meV) which is much greater than predicted by the Anderson model, and that the expected temperature dependence of the Kondo resonance is absent. Due to the large natural linewidth, experimental resolution (60-95meV) is not a limiting factor.
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), 2010
The electronic structure of PuCoGa5, Pu metal, and PU0 2 is explored using photoelectron spectros... more The electronic structure of PuCoGa5, Pu metal, and PU0 2 is explored using photoelectron spectroscopy. Ground state electronic properties are inferred from temperature dependent photoemission near the Fermi energy for Pu metal. Angle-resolved photoemission details the energy vs. crystaJ momentum landscape near the Fermi energy for PuCoGa5which shows significant dispersion in the quasiparticle peak near the Fermi energy. For the Mott insulators An02(An = U, Pu) the photoemission results are compared against hybrid functional calculations and the model prediction of a cross over from ionic to covalent bonding is found to be reasonable.
We present a re-examination of the electronic structure and Fermi Surface (FS) of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (... more We present a re-examination of the electronic structure and Fermi Surface (FS) of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) as obtained from angle-resolved photoemission experiments. By applying a stricter set of FS crossing criteria as well as by varying the incident photon energy outside the usual range, we have found very different behavior from that previously observed. In particular we have found an electron-like FS centered around the Γ point, and the flat bands at EF near theM point of the zone are absent. These results are robust over a large range of dopings and from single to double layer samples.
variant consistent with a diagnosis of COL4A1-related disorder. Genetic testing of the parents sh... more variant consistent with a diagnosis of COL4A1-related disorder. Genetic testing of the parents showed that mum had low level mosaicsm, approximately 27% in leukocyte DNA for the COL4A1 Missense variant. Conclusion This is the first case of COL4A1 related disorder due to mosacism. Prevalence of COL4A1-related disorder are difficult to establish as fewer than 100 families have been described in the literature. It is likely they are underestimated because of their multisystem and variable phenotype. The significance of the mosaic variant is unknown and mum will be followed up in the adult neurology services to assess for both clinical and radiological features suggestive of subclinical disease.
We present a theoretical model of the electronic structure of δ-Pu that is consistent with many o... more We present a theoretical model of the electronic structure of δ-Pu that is consistent with many of the electronic structure related properties of this complex metal. In particular we show that the theory is capable of reproducing the valence band photoelectron spectrum of δ-Pu. We report new experimental photoelectron spectra at several photon energies and present evidence that the electronic structure of δ-Pu is unique among the elements, involving a 5f shell with four 5f electrons in a localized multiplet, hybridizing with valence states, and approximately one 5f electron forming a completely delocalized band state.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Mar 21, 2005
, ETH-Magnetic properties of 5f systems as seen by characteristic features in the valence band ph... more , ETH-Magnetic properties of 5f systems as seen by characteristic features in the valence band photoemission are discussed, with particular focus on ferromagnetic uranium compounds. As shown by the authors, electron photoemission experiments demonstrate that the magnetization of the ferromagnetic state of UTe is proportional to the binding energy of the hybridized band centered around 50meV below the Fermi Energy (EF). This proportionality is direct evidence that the ferromagnetism of UTe is itinerant, i.e., the 5f electrons are not fully localized close to the atomic core. A simple model for the observed proportionality between the temperature dependence of the magnetization and the binding energy of the hybridized band near EF is proposed. This model allows an estimate of the effective magnetic interaction and the possibility to identify signatures of itinerant ferromagetism in other materials.
The electronic structure of both Ce and U heavy fermions appears to consist of extremely narrow, ... more The electronic structure of both Ce and U heavy fermions appears to consist of extremely narrow, nearly temperature-independent bands (i.e., no spectral weight loss or transfer with temperature). A small dispersion of the f-bands above the Kondo temperature is easily measurable so that a Kondo resonance, as defined by NCA, is not evident. Preliminary results, however, indicate that the Periodic Anderson Model (PAM) captures some of the essential physics. Angle-integrated resonant photoemission results on d-Pu indicate a narrow 5f feature at E , similar in width to f-states in Ce and U compounds, but differing in that PES cross-section as a function of hn F suggests substantial 6d admixture.
Introduction: Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been proposed as a tool ideally suited f... more Introduction: Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been proposed as a tool ideally suited for imaging patients during cardiac arrest (CA) resuscitation, allowing for the evaluation of the area of maximal compression (AMC) during CPR. Previous work has shown that compression of the left-ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) or the aortic root during CPR (AMC-LVOT/Ao) occurs in over 50% of patients; animal trials and small single-center retrospective clinical study have linked this finding to lower rates of ROSC. We aimed to prospectively investigate the AMC and its association with ROSC. We hypothesized that patients who have AMC-LVOT/Ao have lower likelihood of ROSC. Methods: A prospective, observational, multicenter cohort study involving patients with out-of-hospital CA (OHCA) in whom TEE was performed during CPR. The study aimed to compare patients with AMC over the LV (AMC-LV) vs AMC-LVOT/Ao and was conducted through a collaborative research network involving 16 hospitals (NCT0...
Alcohol-impaired driving continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. Duri... more Alcohol-impaired driving continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. During 2000, alcohol was involved in 40% of all traffic fatalities (1). One promising countermeasure to alcohol-impaired driving is the ignition interlock license restriction program. Ignition interlock devices are designed to prevent an alcohol-impaired driver from starting and operating a motor vehicle. License restriction means that drivers are approved for license reinstatement on the condition that they agree to a license restriction prohibiting them from operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device. The conditional interlock license restriction is prominently displayed on the driver's license of each program participant. Ignition interlock license restrictions have shown potential for reducing recidivism among drivers with multiple alcohol-related traffic offenses (2). Later analyses of this same cohort examined recidivism rates 3 and 4 years after study entry (3, 4). I...
In the 50 United States and the District of Columbia law enforcement medical referrals are accept... more In the 50 United States and the District of Columbia law enforcement medical referrals are accepted by licensing agencies. This study assessed driving actions, medical concerns, and medical conditions in 486 police referrals to the Medical Advisory Board of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration during a 25-month period. Driving actions, medical concerns, and medical conditions were grouped into categories and entered into a database. These elements were analyzed relative to driver age and sex. In addition, the issuance of citations for driving violations was studied relative to age and sex. A greater percentage of drivers 60 years of age or greater (senior adults) were referred compared to the general population of licensed drivers that age, being 71.4% vs 20.6% (p <0.01). Crashing, the most common driving action, was not associated with age or sex. Among driving actions frequently mentioned relative to older drivers, only confusion of pedals was associated with senior adults...
Papers by John Joyce