Kun Suomi liittyi Euroopan unioniin kymmenen vuotta sitten, elintarvikkeiden hinnat putosivat kes... more Kun Suomi liittyi Euroopan unioniin kymmenen vuotta sitten, elintarvikkeiden hinnat putosivat keskimäärin 11 prosenttia, vaikka arvonlisäveroa korotettiin väliaikaisesti 12:sta 17:ään prosenttiin. Hinnanalennuksen aiheutti se, että maatalouden tuottajahinnat laskivat muiden jäsenmaiden tasolle ja elintarvikkeiden tuonti muista EU-maista vapautui. Etenkin vilja- ja lihatuotteiden hinnat laskivat rajusti.vo
Maailman kauppajärjestö WTO:n käynnissä olevalla Dohan neuvottelukierroksella maataloustuotteiden... more Maailman kauppajärjestö WTO:n käynnissä olevalla Dohan neuvottelukierroksella maataloustuotteiden kauppasäännöistä sopiminen on yksi kierroksen pääkysymyksiä. Tavoitteeksi on asetettu maataloustuotteiden vientitukien lopettaminen sekä teollisuusmaissa maksettavien maataloustukien merkittävä vähentäminen ja maataloustuotteiden tullien alentaminen. Vientitukien poistaminen koskee Euroopan unionissa (EU) ja sitä kautta myös Suomessa erityisesti maitoa, sokeria ja rehuviljaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on arvioida käynnissä olevan Dohan neuvottelukierroksen aiheuttamia muutospaineita EU:n maatalous- ja elintarvikemarkkinoihin ja sitä kautta syntyviä heijastusvaikutuksia Suomen maatalous- ja elintarviketaloudelle. Keskeiset selvitettävät kysymykset ovat: 1) Mitä vaikutuksia vientituen poistamisella olisi EU-alueella ja Suomessa? 2) Miten tullien merkittävä alentaminen vaikuttaisi maataloustuotteiden markkinoihin EU:ssa ja Suomessa? Tärkeä kysymys on myös se, onko vuonna 2003 sovittu y...
EU:n laajeneminen vyöryttää sisämarkkinoille uusia kuluttajia, uusia kilpailijoita ja uusia tuota... more EU:n laajeneminen vyöryttää sisämarkkinoille uusia kuluttajia, uusia kilpailijoita ja uusia tuotanto-oloja. Unionin maatalouspolitiikka on muutoksen edessä. Suomen maa- ja elintarviketalous tarvitsee hyvät eväät säilyttääkseen kotimarkkinansa ja kasvaakseen kilpailukykyiseksi kansainvälisillä markkinoilla.vo
In this paper, indirect costs of Finnish Salmonella Control Program (FSCP) due to its trade effec... more In this paper, indirect costs of Finnish Salmonella Control Program (FSCP) due to its trade effects are evaluated. FSCP is a part of Finnish biosecurity policies intended to shield Finnish food supply and consumption chain from salmonella outbreaks. The program directly increases costs of importing by e.g. requiring costly certificates for imports. Additionally, it may cause anxiety to suppliers of imports as there are added uncertainties in the import process. As similar requirements apply to domestic suppliers, the program should not be thought of as a technical trade barrier (TBT), however, it may affect trade flows indirectly and effects may be assessed in a similar manner as those of TBT's. The evaluation of the trade effects is performed using a combined price wedge-gravity approach and they are quantified as tariff-equivalents. After determining the tariff equivalent, sensitivity results are provided as some of the parameter values used in the calculation are difficult to...
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU does not currently meet the different needs of div... more The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU does not currently meet the different needs of diverse agricultural conditions of different member countries in a just and equal way. To meet this challenge has become inevitably more difficult as new and diverse Central and Eastern European countries have entered the Community. Several commentators and economists have thus suggested that a renationalization of the CAP would be an applicable way to proceed in an attempt to pursue a policy sensitive enough to national and regional or local needs and priorities. Renationalization mainly deals with two issues: (i) should member states have more power and freedom on decisions of agricultural policy, and (ii) should there be a shift from common financing back to national funds? This paper discusses these issues from a political-economy perspective.
The objective of this paper is to assess empirically the impacts of further reform of the Common ... more The objective of this paper is to assess empirically the impacts of further reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the agri-food sector in Finland. To meet the objective, an econometric model for Finnish agriculture - built as a part of the AGMEMOD project - was utilised. The projection and policy simulations presented in the paper demonstrate that the model provides the basis for relatively straightforward baseline projection, and an initial framework for agricultural policy analysis. Yet, there remains substantial scope for further work on the model. In particular, the effects of big policy shocks are clearly not adequately captured by the model. The linear equations of supply together with low elasticities estimated from historical data generate simulation results, which do not in our opinion fully capture farmers' reactions to these changes.
This paper provides new evidence on income and price elasticities of demand for agricultural expo... more This paper provides new evidence on income and price elasticities of demand for agricultural exports from Mercosur countries to the EU. Econometric models are constructed for eight agricultural commodities - beef, cocoa, coffee, orange juice, poultry, sugar, soya and wheat - exported from Mercosur to the EU. A modelling approach based on the error correction mechanism is used in order to emphasise the importance of the dynamics of trade functions. The results indicate that there is a relatively weak demand response to income and price changes in the EU. However, the results also suggest that relative-price variations affect significantly the demand for Mercosur commodity exports, implying that the exporter's market share is influenced by price competitiveness.
The EU is a major participant in the world sugar market, being one of the top producers, importer... more The EU is a major participant in the world sugar market, being one of the top producers, importers and exporters in the world. The reform of the EU sugar regime will affect not only the EU member states and candidates, but also countries that are associated with the EU through the preferential, regional and multilateral trade agreements. For several decades, the EU has supported and protected the EU sugar sector. Sugar from developing countries will not be able to enter the EU sugar market without preferential trade agreements. In the EU sugar regime, the unique features of the trade concessions are that sugar under preferential import quotas can enter the EU market duty-free and the price paid for sugar equals to the high EU price for sugar. This paper attempts to analyse the complex hierarchy of trade arrangements between the EU and specific groups of countries. It compares the different trade agreements - including those achieved under the WTO - and explores the impact of these u...
Kun Suomi liittyi Euroopan unioniin kymmenen vuotta sitten, elintarvikkeiden hinnat putosivat kes... more Kun Suomi liittyi Euroopan unioniin kymmenen vuotta sitten, elintarvikkeiden hinnat putosivat keskimäärin 11 prosenttia, vaikka arvonlisäveroa korotettiin väliaikaisesti 12:sta 17:ään prosenttiin. Hinnanalennuksen aiheutti se, että maatalouden tuottajahinnat laskivat muiden jäsenmaiden tasolle ja elintarvikkeiden tuonti muista EU-maista vapautui. Etenkin vilja- ja lihatuotteiden hinnat laskivat rajusti.vo
Maailman kauppajärjestö WTO:n käynnissä olevalla Dohan neuvottelukierroksella maataloustuotteiden... more Maailman kauppajärjestö WTO:n käynnissä olevalla Dohan neuvottelukierroksella maataloustuotteiden kauppasäännöistä sopiminen on yksi kierroksen pääkysymyksiä. Tavoitteeksi on asetettu maataloustuotteiden vientitukien lopettaminen sekä teollisuusmaissa maksettavien maataloustukien merkittävä vähentäminen ja maataloustuotteiden tullien alentaminen. Vientitukien poistaminen koskee Euroopan unionissa (EU) ja sitä kautta myös Suomessa erityisesti maitoa, sokeria ja rehuviljaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on arvioida käynnissä olevan Dohan neuvottelukierroksen aiheuttamia muutospaineita EU:n maatalous- ja elintarvikemarkkinoihin ja sitä kautta syntyviä heijastusvaikutuksia Suomen maatalous- ja elintarviketaloudelle. Keskeiset selvitettävät kysymykset ovat: 1) Mitä vaikutuksia vientituen poistamisella olisi EU-alueella ja Suomessa? 2) Miten tullien merkittävä alentaminen vaikuttaisi maataloustuotteiden markkinoihin EU:ssa ja Suomessa? Tärkeä kysymys on myös se, onko vuonna 2003 sovittu y...
EU:n laajeneminen vyöryttää sisämarkkinoille uusia kuluttajia, uusia kilpailijoita ja uusia tuota... more EU:n laajeneminen vyöryttää sisämarkkinoille uusia kuluttajia, uusia kilpailijoita ja uusia tuotanto-oloja. Unionin maatalouspolitiikka on muutoksen edessä. Suomen maa- ja elintarviketalous tarvitsee hyvät eväät säilyttääkseen kotimarkkinansa ja kasvaakseen kilpailukykyiseksi kansainvälisillä markkinoilla.vo
In this paper, indirect costs of Finnish Salmonella Control Program (FSCP) due to its trade effec... more In this paper, indirect costs of Finnish Salmonella Control Program (FSCP) due to its trade effects are evaluated. FSCP is a part of Finnish biosecurity policies intended to shield Finnish food supply and consumption chain from salmonella outbreaks. The program directly increases costs of importing by e.g. requiring costly certificates for imports. Additionally, it may cause anxiety to suppliers of imports as there are added uncertainties in the import process. As similar requirements apply to domestic suppliers, the program should not be thought of as a technical trade barrier (TBT), however, it may affect trade flows indirectly and effects may be assessed in a similar manner as those of TBT's. The evaluation of the trade effects is performed using a combined price wedge-gravity approach and they are quantified as tariff-equivalents. After determining the tariff equivalent, sensitivity results are provided as some of the parameter values used in the calculation are difficult to...
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU does not currently meet the different needs of div... more The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU does not currently meet the different needs of diverse agricultural conditions of different member countries in a just and equal way. To meet this challenge has become inevitably more difficult as new and diverse Central and Eastern European countries have entered the Community. Several commentators and economists have thus suggested that a renationalization of the CAP would be an applicable way to proceed in an attempt to pursue a policy sensitive enough to national and regional or local needs and priorities. Renationalization mainly deals with two issues: (i) should member states have more power and freedom on decisions of agricultural policy, and (ii) should there be a shift from common financing back to national funds? This paper discusses these issues from a political-economy perspective.
The objective of this paper is to assess empirically the impacts of further reform of the Common ... more The objective of this paper is to assess empirically the impacts of further reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the agri-food sector in Finland. To meet the objective, an econometric model for Finnish agriculture - built as a part of the AGMEMOD project - was utilised. The projection and policy simulations presented in the paper demonstrate that the model provides the basis for relatively straightforward baseline projection, and an initial framework for agricultural policy analysis. Yet, there remains substantial scope for further work on the model. In particular, the effects of big policy shocks are clearly not adequately captured by the model. The linear equations of supply together with low elasticities estimated from historical data generate simulation results, which do not in our opinion fully capture farmers' reactions to these changes.
This paper provides new evidence on income and price elasticities of demand for agricultural expo... more This paper provides new evidence on income and price elasticities of demand for agricultural exports from Mercosur countries to the EU. Econometric models are constructed for eight agricultural commodities - beef, cocoa, coffee, orange juice, poultry, sugar, soya and wheat - exported from Mercosur to the EU. A modelling approach based on the error correction mechanism is used in order to emphasise the importance of the dynamics of trade functions. The results indicate that there is a relatively weak demand response to income and price changes in the EU. However, the results also suggest that relative-price variations affect significantly the demand for Mercosur commodity exports, implying that the exporter's market share is influenced by price competitiveness.
The EU is a major participant in the world sugar market, being one of the top producers, importer... more The EU is a major participant in the world sugar market, being one of the top producers, importers and exporters in the world. The reform of the EU sugar regime will affect not only the EU member states and candidates, but also countries that are associated with the EU through the preferential, regional and multilateral trade agreements. For several decades, the EU has supported and protected the EU sugar sector. Sugar from developing countries will not be able to enter the EU sugar market without preferential trade agreements. In the EU sugar regime, the unique features of the trade concessions are that sugar under preferential import quotas can enter the EU market duty-free and the price paid for sugar equals to the high EU price for sugar. This paper attempts to analyse the complex hierarchy of trade arrangements between the EU and specific groups of countries. It compares the different trade agreements - including those achieved under the WTO - and explores the impact of these u...
Papers by Jyrki Niemi